HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Replat 12-21-22I {NORTHWEST CORNER OF' THf NORTHWFST QUARTER SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANG[ 3 £AST HARRISON MONUMENT FOUND POINT OF COMMENCEMENT __......500·17'03"W 659 61' � N89.31'14"E 47607' I I I l c,;.,., '° N '? g N03 °59'44"W 50.03' 'ii',� .....-�" 0--. "<I" ,r, 7, N89'29'33''E 2682.31' 1\; POINT OF BEGINNING NORTHEAST CORNER OF TH[ NORTHW£ST QUARTER S[CnON 11, TOY.NSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST HARRISON MONUMENT FOUND ] 85.36' 116.00' -----t---EX. 20' G.B. ANO D.U.&S.E. - -<.O �t.O 80 71 � • O> 17099 S.F. N -$ 0.39 >C 14133 S.F.0.32 /,C ll1 � z MfPG = 84,17 � .2-------- REPLAT OF THE RESER VE AT SPRING MILL, SECTION 2 LOTS 68, 69C, 70C, AND 71 PART OF SEC. 11, T17N, RJE HAMILTON COUNTY, CARMEL, INDIANA N89°31'14"E 474Jl' 110.Q(}' ------- 79 14490 S.f. 0.33 .N:, M�.o - br 1,.�9.__' -�­ c7 ----1 --- SANNER COURT ' R=250.00' N89.31'14"E ... _INGRESS -EGRESS, BMP ACCESS, t1'lGRESS -EGRESS,.f:\RC==22.96 l!l!I _ --�·-_..-. C1 93.43'& 0.U.&S.E. U1 BMP A�.1---0 -·- & D .\J.&S.£..(PRIYA TE STREET) 26.33' t. 2022059797 PLAT $30.00 12/21/2022 04:32:51P 2 PGS Jennl(er Hayden HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded•• Preaenled llll�llllllllllllllllll�llllllllllllllllll ll�IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 78 :23323 S.f. ;();5,4 N:, l62.95' '>CIDMAXIMUM COVERAGE: 28% MFPC· • a.u.1 V.W. A.&M.E. 0.47' DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION Subject lo final accepla':!or transfer � day of Pe!L11tt�I' ,20 .Z? .q� '1?I � Auditor of Hamilton County Parcel# ________ _ N w E s SCALf;: ... 1 •• ==30' W.. l ·. i0 15 30 80 PLAN COMMISSION PRIMARY PLAT DOCKET NUMBER: PZ-2021-00197 Pr> AM6NO SECONDARY PLAT DOCKET NUMBERS: PZ-2022--00005 SP AMEND PZ-2021-00227 V PZ-2020,00226 V PZ-ro20-00249 SW LEGEND B.S.L. D.&U:E. D.U . .&S.E.IEft/o�( 160()0 J BUILDING SETBACK UNE DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT DRAINAGB,UTlLITY .$t SEWER EASEMENT 4!'X4''X30" CONCRETE MONUMEN'I' 5/8" REBARl"WETIIB ENGR. 0012" SET/FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/ALUMlNUM CAP STAMPED "WEIHE ENGR. 0012" TO BE.SET ADDRESS NG1'.55'14"E 84.oo'+fl-N89.31'14"E 85.50'I I_ S.F. A.C.ESMT.MFPGv.w.G.B. A.&M.E. MONl.fWi.NT SQUAJclE.:l'EET ACRES EASMENT .MJNIMl:JM FLOOD PROT.ECTION d.RADE VARJABLE WIDTH GREENBELT BUFFER I 2·.a1' I.II ! .·��,SETBACKS (S-2 ZONING WITH VARIANCE REQUESTS*) ·1 I j �--FRONT YARD: 22' MINIMUM* ACCESS & MAtl'qENANCE EASEMENT , REAR YARD: 20' MINiMUM � g V'l· 94.44' I ,.,., S/0£ YA�D: 5' MINIMUM* . bH t MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 35% (SEE: LOT$ 71; i8 FOR j�I I 00 _____________ 1N_o _1V1_D_uA_t_; R_E_ou_,_RE_·'M_t_N _rs_) __ I SOUTHWESt CO.'?N£R OF THE NORrrlWEST QUARTER SECTION 11. TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANG£ 3 EAST HARRISON MONtfM[NT FOUND 15' D�5-� ---;,-�----- 68 13926 S.f. 0.32 >C MFPG�.5 ----- � 11.77' __. i:.' c,.u•---\·J ! -- 0 &,SX-· ----- 75 16334 $;f. 0.37 IC GD MFPG • 843.5 l I I I I I I I I I � ,...-;lO ·ww v ::::, "oo N � b ci � � � w <( Cl.. ;,r, I I I I I t..J I::5 � :, (/\ �l < ID if) C4 76 14525 S.F. 0.33 � MFPG •· 844.1 --l�I : N01'14:23"E 182.64'Jj_ I. . . . . . I f 7 77 11 I1:�� ;!· I I ICm:J .. I I . �CT>_ .• ·. MAXIMUM COVERAGE: 32% I� MFPG • 845 .. 3 1 , 1�· I t}w · I ('I� . 't · 1 i°'1;. --:-::-r -.-N86'_2_0•5g•_E_9 _5.2± -==--1-=-..---L S88 '02'12'E 97.7±-____ ._·... ·.·· rs8�46'rn"E 96.8_1·-, __ -Y I EX. �D-�.E._ - . 15' G.8. -�, , ---+ .. -in-� .G.8. fL15_!LU.&:S£ -15 G.8. EX. 15 D.U.&S.E. V.W. A.&M.E.t-: 8.21' V.W. A&M.E.9_4 .. J,:!·9'7.47' . ... N89°44'29"W 300.27' V.W. (&M.E..' ,,. J \':) �- . !l� �1t'\�>\"�b13�,.. __ kw f Pfttmao,Farrii,lylteal Estate Investors, LLC f I P.O:Box 554 ..I � Carmel, IN 46082 · CURVE# C1 C.2 C3 C4 cs CB C7 CB C9 CURVETABLE ARC CHORD CHORD LENGTH RADIUS DELTA BltARING DISTANCE 22.96' 250.00' 5 °15'43" 20.S6;225:00' s·t5''43" 36.14' 50.00' 41°24'35" 59.14' 50.00' 67°46'18" 55.53' 50.00' 63�.38'16." 72.19' 50.00' s2 °43'19" 42-49'50.00' 48 °41'.15" 36.14' 50.00' 41 °24'35" 25.26' 275.00' 5°15'43" S86"53'23"W 22.95' 886�53'.23"W 20.66' N69°46'28"W 35.36' N&2°57'20"W 55.75' S31°20•23•w 52.72' S41 °50'25"E 66.08' Nj2�27'H�"5 41.22' N68°48'5rE 35.36' N86°5'3'23"E 25.25' JUNE 10, . 2022 SHEET 1 of 2 WEIHE JOE NO. W:210497 This instrument prepared by: Norman E L Hiselman, PS · ■WEIH.:. E·· 10.SOSN.CollegcAvenue· ··• · · · · · .· • . Indianapolis, lhilitu\a. 46280 . · we1he.nel ENGINEERS I m .. Jn.s90-so14 t. s} · · ·· r...,, · ··· · ·Land Suiveying I CMI Engineering I :t. G0i1T ACT: St�ve.Pittman Landscape Architecture 3171846-661] 800 ·1 452 -6408 317 I 843 · 0546.fax!iii ........................... -------------------------------------------------------------.------................. -----------.---�-----------------------AL .. LA_N_J,l_.W_'El-HE, .. · P_.B._, r._.s._-F_"Q\/-N-DE:-·ll-- ' ' i : I 0 ttru 3 a�LAN C.OMM1$SION PRIMARY PLAT i:JOCKET NUMBER. PZ-202 1-00197 PP AMEND $EC:ONDARY F'LAf DOCKET NUMBERS:PZ"2622-0iJ005 SP . AMENDPZ-2021 -00227 V PZ02020-00226 V flz:2020coo249.sw jsbuRcE OFTITLE: tNSTRuMEN'r NUMBER 2021 os91s2 I LAND DESC.fUP!ION . A f'ART OF THE NQRTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSH IP 17 NORTH. RANGE 3 EAST HAM ILTON COUNTY, INDiANA, BEING THAT 3.495 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SHOWN ON THE PL'ti' OFAN ORIGINAL BOUNDARY SURVEY OF SAID TRACT CERTIFIED BY AARON FATE.LEY, PS L$20700097 ON JAN I.JARY 12,.2022, AS WE I HE'S PROJECT NUMBER W210497 (ALL REFERENCES TO M.ON.UMENtS .ANDCOURSES HEREIN · SHOWN ON SAI D PLAT OF SURVEY) AND BEING MORE FU LLY DES.ORI BED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAiO $ECTIOM 11; THENCE SOUTH O DEGREES 17 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST 659.67 FEET ALONG THE WES:f UNE OF SA ID·NORTHWE$T QHARTER TO THE PROLONGED NORTH LINE OF THE RESERVE AT SPRINGMtt;I,, SECTION 2 PLAT RECORDED AS INSTR UMENT NUMBER 9601852 IN TH E OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAM IL TON COUNTY; TH ENCE NORTH 89 DEGRE ES 31 MINUTES 14 SECOND$ EAST 476.07 FEIIT ALONG SAJD.PROLQNGED NORTH LINE ANO THE NORTH .LINE OF SAID RESERVE A� SPRINGrvllLL PLAT TO Tl-I EN:ORTMWEST CORt-JER OF LOT 71 IN SAID PLAT AND TH E POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE C.ONTINUING NORTH 89 DEGRE ES 31 MI NUTES 14 SECONDS EAST 474.31 FEET ALQNG $AID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 70G OF THE REPLAT OF LOT 69B AND ?OB IN THE Rl;1-PLAT OF 69A AND 70A OF THE RESERVE AT SPRIMGMILL, SECTION 2 RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021051 50S IN SAID OFFlCE OF THE RECORDER OF HAMILTON COUNTY; TH ENCE SOUTH 23 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST 122.88 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 70C; THENCE S01JFH O DEGREES 15 MINU'FE.S 31 SECONDS WEST 257 70 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 70G �ND bOT $9C TO fHE SO UTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 69C; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 29 SEC0NDS WEST 306.27 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 69C TO A SOUTH CORNER OF LOT .68 IN THE SA:ID PLAT OF THE RES!t.RVE AT SPRING MILL Sl::CTlON 2; THENCE SOUTH 72 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WE:ST 67.39 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SA ID LOT 68 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNE'R OF SAID LOT 68;THENCE NORTH 11 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 169.90 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE. OF SAID LOT 68 TO TH E NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 68; THENCE NORTH 3 DEGR:E'.ES 59 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 50 .. 03 FEET TO 1HE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAiD LOT 71; THENCE NORTH 5 DEGREES .44 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST 170.19 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID l:.OT 71 TO THE POINT OF Be:GINNING CONTAINING 3.495 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. RE.GISTE.REO LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Norman H. HisEllman, hereby certify that I am a Registered Land Surveyor, licensed in compliance with the laws of the State of Indiana: That this ptat correctly represents a survey completed under my direct supervision on June 9, 2{122 Job No. W2 10497, that all the menuments shown thereon actually exist or bond has been posted to cover .the"laterrnsta.llation of these monu ments, and that all other req uirements specified herein, do.ne by ma. have been met. This subdivision consists of 8 lots, numbered $8, 71 and 75-80 inclusive, all as delineated on the withtn plat. The size of lots and easements are shown In ;;:;es denoting fe :�fJKhereof . . ,. .. , ;J. /1,: .. f4.e-... tr-.�:NlSt.�Z\ !!�:,n2��tlselman ,��r sb�G 1 ��,REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. S0461 '· .. STAT£. Of' .. · · .. · .. •' < �.· ... "ti .. �.··<;)�. su�'4�. �­,..."""' ... Vi fCtNlTY MAP 1"=2000' R.EPLAT OF THE RE SERVE AT SPRING MILL, SECTI O·N LOTS 68, 69C, 70C, AND 71 DEED CF. DEOLCATIO:N PAR.I OF SEC. 11, Tl 7N, R3E HAMILTON COUNTY, CARMEL, INDIANA 20220!9797 PLAT $30 .00 12/21 /2022 04 :32:!1P 2 PGS Jenn ifer-Hayden HANILTON County Recorder IN Recorded •• Presented 111111 111111 11111 11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 We the undersigned owners of the reai estate shown .and described herein, do hereby certify tha and subdivided; arid do hereby lay off, plat and subdivide, said real esta:te It) acooidancre with Th is subdivision sl:lall oe km>wn and designated as .R:EPLA T 0F THE RESERVE AT LOTS 68, 71, 69C,A:ND 70C, an addition to City af Carmel, lrrdiana. Frerit building . as shown on this plat, between which lines and the property lines of the street rig maintained no tc)u llding or structure: The foregoi rrg covenants. or restrictions are to run all parties and all persons claiming under \bem until January 1, .2044, at which lime saotorriatit:aliy exten�d for successive peiiod s af ten years unless changed by V building ,sites covered by tl'les& covenants or restricti ons; in whole Or ih part lnvallaaiiori ot a or resbictions by judgment or court .order shall in no way affect any of tbe other covenant$ remain in full force an.a effect. Th.e right to enforce. these provisions by injunction, fog¢ti'J�t removal, by due J:)rocess of law, of any structure or part thereof eteot!ild,. ot niairitained ifl · dedicated to tile public and reserved to the several owners qf the several lots. in.this subdfassign1:;. · , · · · There are sfrips of grour:id as shown on .this plat and marked "easement\ reser:yed .fur die use.installation of. water and sewer mains, poles, d1:19ts, lines and wires, sub)ebt at !lil times t easement herein reserved .. No permanel'lt or other structures are to be erected o owners ef 1 . ·. is sgbpivision. shall take the.fr titles subject t0 the rig · of the as "A&MIE" ( · .& Maintenance Eolsenients ).that are for fbe use of n landsCll4)ing and !awn areas between their tear .property lines,and an existing or . 76, 77 arid. 78 are respon!,ible for mi;iintaitiing the orriamental ttmee, stone cdtufirst.class manner and,are required . to make sure that.the light fixtures· are operational arid iA wo electricity fOf the ·lignts are cennected ihto their homes. · · · This RESERVE AT SPRING MILL, SECTION 2 Secoodary Re-Plat and all of tfle rea subjecUn alt respects .to the Dedar:ation of Cevenants and Reslrl<::tions for tHE, II recorded with the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana as lnstrumentfllumber 9 re corded with the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. This RESERVE AT SP�ING MIL.L, SECT10N 2 SeGondary Re•Plat al'ld all c;f ti:le subject In .at! respei;:ts to the Commitments Cot:tceming Use and Devefopm'e nt of, Number' 2022034'944 witli the .Hamilton Co1,:m ty, Indiana Recorder's Office. "Ow"" :ii, -Uy Re,d By : . . ··• . Steve Pfttman � .· M1;1ril:!ging Member STATE OF 1NDIANA ) COUNTY OF /lt a,fl'tefiil j SS: Before me, a Notary blic, in and fo>t said County and State, p�l'$onal Steve Pittman .and · acknowl�� !.hf' exf/fcution of this secondary plat, forand on be!] · n Fa . ·1y Real Estate Investors,UC this · of . 2022.·. Nota� �u ·. Printed·ft.J,,'/:-'* £,,l/a f6J J STATE OF INDIAN COUNTY OF ·'" Resident ot l/1--• County, Indiana My Comlliissfo n (=xpiresfm&, ·.:ti ii#� ·Residemt of Z/J,al:JMy Commission Expires: Street Comrnort Area -"Owner'' Reserve at Spring Mill Section ii 'Ho.meowners Associat100,.lnc . .,c:��'"-'-. -�--'-- STATE OF INOIANA ) . ,I , ) SS: COUNTY OF #tzilt;{/,b,,./ )Before me, a Notary Pt1blic, in and for said County and Stare, perscinally 'appeared Carol W ackn_owtedged the executioP of this second:,ary pla!, for a.nd on beha):µ>f ttie. Reserve at SpringSec�Homeowners Assoc1at10 . , . tf.ns /� day of . ..:.) sd'1 , 2022. Notary . ·-� .. � f.;(b� Resident ;&:e. . County, .Indiana My Commission Expires: __ ,/Jf 3/-_2,_j ,.✓ �ld}JtJ L 8f firm, undi3r . e,p�palfies fo,r pe�qry, .lhat 1 .have Jaket1reasonable .... · .. ta red!'lct each sodal. security nurl'iber in thisdooumer:it, urileiils reqvired by law. Norrri�n H. Histil man, PS and; .. . . . .. .. ·•··. .. ·.· · ·. ·. . .· ... • .... •• ... .· .. · ... .This instrument was prepared by Non:nan H. Fliselman, PS of. i Weihe £::ngio�rs,•tnc,. Lot 68 • "Owner" Ruddell. James H & William A Co Trust&$ of Item IV Trust under Richarct A Ructdell Declaration .of Trust1'/2 int & Priscilla B Ruddell Trustee .of PriS(Zi lla B Rtiddell Trust 112,int TIC . ·. BY �'1¼ �M� .,,�.Ruddell -Co-Trustee STATE OF INDIAN-A COUNTY OF Mo.. ... : ON } ) SS: ) B"efor�.me, a. Pubtic, in ,and fQ naid C1'JUnty and $� ers appeared Jal'!)el:$ dell arid · ack .· execution of this and i;>h behalf of Rilddelf, James !'I Co Trustees of: Item IV Trust under Rl , ' Ruddell Declar;rtion of .l'rust 1/2 int &Priscilla B R1;1ddell Trustee �•�'M ,:,':'' r � �i;rn•. . ,m .£::� � Printed: WtMf "'<-61/s./aJ STATE OF INDIA:NA CO.UNTY Of d,."'4!-- ). ) SS: ) Bef9re mo; ?-Nstary aruHor saJd County and State,.persor\ally app A.Ruddell anda6krfowledg!ild the ex secon dary plat,Jor ·anq 01:i l:)ehalf of Ruddl'l l, &'William ACo T . . of lteni IV Trust under Richard A Ruddell tic.in of Trust 112 lnt & Pr1iseiila B·ROddell Trusteeof Prisc:llla .B Rud.cell Tr!ill!I 1i2 int T/C . this l:E """ . day of . ,.),s) �':t C • • ., , 2022. �rinted: Wo.yit._ fi'..1:/i..f.� . Residenf of /3o st>,,r,, f!.... .County ,Jndiana R�sid�nt of pe,,o -!I-' � . . C:ol'.lnty, lndiarr:d ·.. My Commi$Sion .J£x�ires :, M,� 1.·:t./-, u,o B y :��,��. Prisc;illa B. Ruddell -Co-Trustee · $TATE OF INOIANA ) . ) SS:. 'COUNTY oF L{..�: l:J,.....,, ) 6.efote tne;a 0 Notai:y P1.1birc, in \and tor said G01;1nly and State, personally appeared Pr.lscilla B. Ruddell and ae!<h(jwfe<i�(;t the eXe�ution of thl dary plat, for . and on behJilf df RuddeO, Ja((i m A Co Trustees of 1tern IV Trust t.l ar.d A Ruddell Declaration of Tr1:1st 1/2 int & Priscitla B Ru�dell Trustee �:,�:;:�w .2022 N� •. ·.·'•·.·•··., .. Printed: W<l\f �L Fo l h,17.tl} Resid.ent of � � L. · . County, !Adiana My-Commission f;xpires: M°""j <..Z-,. t.0 3 o COMMISSION'S C�RTIF{CATIE My;Commtssion Expires: 11,J,-t1t.:y 2. Z., z. O.')t:J N C(:)UNCIL OF THE CFiY UND!?R AtHHORllY PROVIDED 8\' INDIANA C©DE 36--1-4�71 0 ANO OR0 11'1ANCES ADOP:f'EO BY i1 . OF €:ARMEL,· 1NDIANA; THIS PlA'T WA$ GIVEN APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF CARr.i!EL, AS FOU,OV',/S: BY: ·MICHAEL P, HoGLDEPAATMENT OF C CARME:L, INDJANA TIVE APPROVAL. BY THE DEPAl'iTM T• SSION'S RULES OF PRO�EDURE ON TY CS�RVICES Pt!RSLIANT TO: ARTICLE XI OF THE . ,2022 . . B.OA RD OF PUBt.lC WORKS AND $AFETY CERTiFIC:ATE ,, ., s ate Investors, LLC ■.WEIHEENGINEERS Land Surveying I Civil E.ngitif.')erirtg Landscape Architecture .JUNE 10,. 211}22 SHEET 2 a/2 w; "/ roJ05 N. Cqllcgc Avenue lndia:nap<.rhs. fndiana 46280 �-eihe.net .317 I 8'4&-66i l 800 ! 452 • 6408 3 l7 l &43 -0546.fax ALl,8N )'l. WllllfF:, e .. E.,.! .. 3. -POtl1-!Dl\11.