HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertification '" U CC-/O.C:;la()l-tJ1 ~ CERTIFICATION OF CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE ADOP~I N OF THE U.S. 31 INTERIM REPORT THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMEND~NS> CC ",'O-OI-OI--D8 ~-17-01~~~ o q 5..0/ CfJ;+ To: The Honorable Common Council of the City of Carmel Hamilton County, Indiana Dear Members: The Carmel/Clay Plan Commission offers you the following recommendation upon the adoption of a resolution to accept the US 31 Interim Report and Thoroughfare clean-up language, with the inclusion of a small, connecting street off 99th Street from West . Shelbome. The Carmel/Clay Plan Commission's recoIIlI!lendation on the adoption of the US 31 Interim Report and Thoroughfare clean-up language, is "FAVORABLE." At its regularly scheduled meeting of August 21,2001, the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission voted 13 in favor, none opposed. BY: DATED: August 30, 2001 RECEIVED rAUG -\ 0 20m CARMEL CLERK TREASURER A <..) o CERTIFICATION OF CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE ELECTRONIC FORMAT OF ZONING MAP AS THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP PURSUANT TO SECTION 4.4 OF THE C~~~~~ -' CC .. V' 11 O~_ --'__"h__~.., " To: The Honorable Common Council of the City of Carmel Hamilton County, Indiana Dear Members: The Carmel/Clay Plan Commission offers you the following recommendation upon the adoption of a resolution to accept the Electronic Format of Zoning Map as the Official Zoning Map pursuant to Section 4.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Carmel/Clay Plan Commission's recommendation on the adoption of the Electronic Format of Zoning Map as the Official Zoning Map is "FAVORABLE." At its regularly scheduled meeting of August 21, 2001, the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission voted 13 in favor, none opposed. BY: DATED: August 30, 2001 RECEIVED ,AUG .' 0 20m CARMEL CLERK TREASURER .. u Q Hancock, Ramona B From: Sent: To: Lillig, Laurence M Wednesday, August 22, 2001 3:40 PM Hancock, Ramona B Ramona, the action on the Zoning Map should read: Action Taken: By a vote of 13-0, the Commission voted to forward the Electronic Format of Zoning Map to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation that they adopt it as the Official Zoning Map pursuant to Section 4.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 llillig@ci.carme1.in.us 1 o o RESOLUTION 01-1 CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION APPROVING A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE INTERIM REPORT OF THE US 31 TASK FORCE WHEREAS, the US 31 Task Force has worked over five years to study US 31 and the Meridian Corporate Corridor to ensure its vitality and viability into the future; and WHEREAS, the US 31 Task Force intends to continue to communicate its expectations with INDOT regarding the US 31 Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the long-term viability of the Meridian Corporate Corridor is essential to the City of Carmel, the Indianapolis region, and the State of Indiana; and WHEREAS, the City of Carmel and Clay Township have maintained a high level of development in the Meridian Corporate Corridor through various long-range planning efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Indiana, fully supports and endorses the US 31 Task Force Interim Report. PASSED by the Plan Commission of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Indiana, this 21st day of August, 2001, by a vote of ,3. ayes and () nays. 9 5_ 0'/ (:/-;4 ~ Sponsor: Councilor Wilson Resolution No. CC-IO-OI-OI-07 f3 .- _ 0 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AND ENDORSING THE INTERIM REPORT OF THE U.S. 31 TASK FORCE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE STATE OF INDIANA IN REGARD TO THE STATE'S PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO U.S. HIGHWAY 31 WHEREAS, the U.S. 31 Task Force has worked over five years to study U.S. 31 and the Meridian Corporate Corridor to ensure its vitality and viability into the future; and WHEREAS, the U.S. 31 Task Force intends to continue to communicate its expectations with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) regarding the U.S. 31 Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the long-term viability of the Meridian Corporate Corridor is essential to the City of Carmel, the Indianapolis region, and the State ofIndiana; and WHEREAS, the City of Carmel and Clay Township have maintained a high level of development in the Meridian Corporate Corridor through various long-range planning efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, that it hereby adopts this Resolution to fully support and endorse the U.S. Task Force Interim Report (attached hereto and incorporated herein). PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana this _ day of , 2001, by a vote of _ ayes and _ nays. COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL Presiding Officer Kevin Kirby, President N.L. Rundle John R. Koven Robert Battreall Luci Snyder Ronald E. Carter Wayne A. Wilson ATTEST: Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me to the Mayor ofthe City of Carmel, Indiana the _ day of ,2001. Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this _ day of ,2001. James Brainard, Mayor ATTEST: Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer Prepared By: John Molitor, MOLITOR, GRISHAM & HESTER, P.A., 11711 North Meridian Street, Suite 200, Carmel, Indiana 46032; (317) 843-5511 Q:) Q Comprehensive Plan Amendments Summary ... Filed by the Department of Community Services Throughout the past 5 years, the US 31 Task Force has been working diligently to ensure that the US 31 improvements constructed by INDOT are beneficial to the Carmel/Clay community and fit the high quality of development currently present in the Meridian Corporate Corridor. The Comprehensive Plan amendments presented are aimed to add more detail to the Thoroughfare Plan sections and specific policies that can guide the community's and INDOT's efforts in this area and in future work to SR 431. . These amendments also present an updated 20-Year Thoroughfare Plan map and Alternative Transportation Plan map. These maps were created using the City's GIS and can therefore be updated by the Department, rather than an outside consultant, when needed. The new maps reflect the suggestions of the US 31 Task Force as well as the Carmel/Clay Alternative Transportation Committee. At the August 21, 2001 Plan Commission meeting a resolution will be presented to the Plan Commission as well. This resolution will be to support the US 31 Task Force Interim Report to INDOT. These amendments support the materials presented within that report. The Comprehensive Plan amendments will be presented along with the Interim Report to IN DOT. Summary of Proposed Amendments A. Changes to Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 6 (Thoroughfare Plan), Section 6.4 (Thoroughfare Plan Amendments): 1. Specified intersections where interchanges are desired on US 31. 2. Specified intersections where grade separated crossings are desired on US 31. 3. Added design features that should be incorporated into the US 31 upgrade. 4. Added section describing the need for a traffic maintenance strategy. 5. Added and specified intersections along SR 431 where pedestrian facilities should be incorporated into any future road projects. 6. Added design features that should be incorporated into any SR 431 road projects. 7. Clarified local road projects that will be critical to the success of the US 31 improvement project. 8. Specified pedestrian facilities that should be incorporated into interchanges and overpasses on US 31. B. Changes to 20-Year Thoroughfare Plan Map: 1. Includes all existing and proposed round-a-bout locations. 2. Shows interchange and overpass locations on US 31. 3. Changes Special Study Corridor to specific roadway classifications Docket Number 95-01 CPA 1 CD Q 4. "Lanes/Pavement Width" category changed to "Maximum Lanes/Maximum Pavement Width" for clarity. 5. "Sidewalks & Paths" category changed to refer to Alternative Transportation Plan for clarity. 6. At all interchange locations, the roadway segment between Illinois Street and Pennsylvania Street is upgraded to a Primary Arterial. 7. Color scheme changed to more clearly delineate the hierarchy of roadways. 8. SR 431 and SR 421 changed from Freeway/Interstate classification to State Highway classification. 9. State Highway classification added to chart. C. Changes to Alternative Transportation Plan: 1. Includes all existing and proposed round-a-bout locations. 2. Shows interchange and overpass locations on US 31. 3. Shows separated grade pedestrian crossings to be located on SR 431, US 31 and the Monon Trail. 4. Dedicated Trail added north of 136th Street from the Monon Trail to 146th Street. 5. Sidewalks added to chart and indicated on all residential streets. 6. Dedicated trail width reduced from 15 feet to 12 feet. 7. Shared Roadway Path & Sidewalks increased from 5 feet to 6 feet. 8. Some paths upgraded from Shared Roadway Path & Sidewalk classification to Separated, Parallel Multi-Use Paths. 9. Sidewalks classification used throughout Old Town due to limited right-of- way in that area and proximity to the Monon Trail. 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',""; :;~~;:;;::: ),:/ .' .'. :~;:).;":""': " "'" . :.(,,:.. ;:..r:'::' ~ ,'. , " u' "~ , .... ,',. . 6:"',./' :'" ....~ :/, >:'i. .;:< :.'.... " ;"',( . ...... "" f::':>" ',. ; " :. ..' Q) Q 6.4 THOROUGHFARE PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS Each of the issues presented above was considered in the development of transportation recommendations in this section. A. East-West Continuity across U.S. 31 Consistent with the objectives voiced in the various citizen meetings, further solidified by the U.S. 31 Corridor Task Force Special Area Study and timely with the 1997 US 31 Major Investment Study conducted by the state of Indiana study of U.S. 31, the following recommendations are made. 1. Work with the State to locate and develop interchanges at key points along e#-ef U.S. 31 to serve the Community/Regional Employment Areas and provide improved East-West access across Clay Township at 106th Street, 116th Street, 131st Street C3rmel Drive, 136tR-Street and 146th Street. 2. Work with the State to develop grade separated crossings overpasses or underp3sses of U.S. 31 to provide enhanced additional Residential Community Afea cross community e3st v.lest mobility at 103rd, 111th, Carmel Drive, 136th Street and 434st Streets, 3S '.\'ell as Range Line Road. 3. The proposed interchange at 131st 439tR Street and U.S. 31 must be designed to integrate with complement the City's thoroughfare plan, and, especially to allow Illinois Street and Pennsylvania Parkway to logically terminate in an intersection with Oak Ridge Road, as well as ensure connectivity of U.S. 31 with St. Vincent Carmel Hospital. 4. Transportation improvements in the U.S. 31 Corridor must also include multi-modal transportation elements consistent with HC/\ T and tho Carmel CI3Y the Alternative Transportation Plan Component to the Thoroughf3ro Plan. 5. Work with the State of Indiana to ensure that east-west mobility improvements (to the streets below) include upgraded and expanded links to amenities and services in old downtown Carmel, the Old Meridian District, and Carmel City Center. 116th Street Carmel Drive City Center Drive Main Street Old Meridian Street 6. Improvements must include design features and general appearance details that enhance and are consistent with the high quality effiGe Meridian Corporate Corridor image that currently exists, such as: - Appearance and materials upgrades to all briqgeloverpass structures, highway barriers, safety lighting, landscaping & buffering, and directional signage; 08/10/2001 w o North (146th Street) and south (103rd Street) gateway enhancements announcing you have arrived in Carmel; Use of new pavement materials and technologies to reduce the noise impacts to adjacent office and commercial buildings and nearby residential neighborhoods; Use of Round-A-Bout intersections at interchanges and local streets wherever possible; Provisions for quality maintenance practices, to ensure the long-term viability of the U.S. 31 proposed improvements. 7. Work with the State to develop a traffic maintenance strategy. Improvements should not interrupt or negatively affect the businesses within the US 31 Corridor. Maintenance of traffic during construction should be addressed prior to the commencement of construction. This should include the construction of the interchanges at 131st Street and 106th Street prior to the balance of construction so that traffic may be easily diverted to nearby parallel roadways. B. East-West Continuity across S.R. 431 (Kevstone Avenue) The City should work with presont to the State of Indiana to ensure that any improvements to SR 431 ::1 propos::11 for reoommended actions that will improve local traffic movement in an east-west fashion, including pedestrian and bicycle traffic as part of the widening project. 1. To improve east-west connectivity for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, pedestrian treatments such as bridges, striped walks, and elongated stops should be developed at the following key intersections in accordance with the Alternative Transportation Plan: A. 106th Street B. 116th Street C. Carmel Drive D. 126th Street E. Main Street F. 136th Street 2. Carmel should work with the State of Indiana to determine the feasibility of urban interchanges at selected locations to reduce noise and light impacts to nearby residential areas. 3. The City's proposal should also recommends Measures should be taken to mitigate the impacts of a six-lane Keystone to adjoining property, to ensure that 08/10/2001 CD o the improvements are attractively designed, of quality materials, and include extensive landscaping, lighting and signage consistent with that currently found in Carmel. Cooperative action between Carmel, Hamilton County, Indianapolis/Marion County, and INDOT, is currently under way to study land use and transportation issues in the 96th Street Corridor from Keystone Avenue, west to the Hamilton County line. ^ draft The report, with recommendations for improvements, has been submitted by the study committee, and is anticipated to begin the final public comment phase. It is hoped that the report recommendations will be adopted by all municipal/government agencies, and citizen organizations who participated in the study. C. Adequate Road Capacity to Serve Community and Reaional Emplovment Growth Areas Again it must be noted that in the 2020 Visioning process, citizens were cautiously encouraging of the continued need to expand the commercial/industrial tax base through business growth if the negative impacts of that growth could be mitigated and contained. The following actions are recommended to deal with this objective: 1. The 1991 Land Use and Thoroughfare Plan recognized the controlled growth potential of the community/regional employment area along the Meridian Corporate Corridor/U.S. 31 corridor. In order to accommodate anticipated growth and yet mitigate traffic impacts on the adjacent residential community areas, a network of three (3) support roadways parallel to U.S. 31 are recommended to be developed as Secondary Parkways as follows: A) On the east, this roadway involves the extension of Pennsylvania Street from 103rd Street to terminate logically at Illinois Street north of 131st Street ta Old Meridian Street B) the impro'Jement of Old Meridian, between Pennsylvania and 136th Street. C) Similarly, Illinois Street from 96th Street to 136th Street. This construction would include widening the Spring Mill Road bridge. , on the 'Nest s:ide of US 31 , needs to be developed to pro\'ide business access and preserve the integrity of Spring Mill as a Residential Parkway community area collector road. D) Range Line Road from Smokey Row Road to 146th Street. 2. To enhance east-west mobility in the US 31 Corridor as well as help rejuvenate the Old Town area, the City should work with the State of Indiana to immediately connect Main Street, either with an interchange above or below grade crossing. 08/10/2001 Q) o 3. To enhance mobility within the Carmel Drive communitylregional employment area, Carmel Drive should be upgraded to secondary arterial status, to include a multi- use paths-eR at least one side, as indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan and Alternative Transportation Plan. Accordingly, a plan to minimize and consolidate commercial access cuts onto Carmel Drive should be devised and approved by the Board of Works. 4. As urbanization continues in the northern areas of Carmel/Clay Township and southern Washington Township, east-west access shall s going to continue to be a omerge as being critical issue. For this reason, improvements to 146th Street and 1315t Street should be constructed in the soonest possible time frame, as per the thoroughfare plan recommendations: 146th as a Primary Arterial with a 150-foot right-of-way, a center turn-lane, landscape buffering and separated multi-use pathways along each side; Main Street (1315t Street) as a landscaped boulevard (noighborhood residential parkway), with a 100-foot wide right-of-way, landscaped median and including separated multi-use pathways 31tern3tivo tmnsportation elements. D. Overall Community Mobilitv Recommendations As Carmel Clay Township approaches its build-out over the next twenty-years period, and high growth rates continue to be exhibited in adjacent Westfield- Washington Township, Fishers-Fall Creek Township and Noblesville, planning to ensure adequate roadway capacity within Carmel and Clay Township must take place to accommodate projected levels of regional growth. Based on the proposed land use plan and the associated commensurate traffic in Carmel/Clay Township as well as the adjacent communities townships, the following recommendations are made: 1. Carmel and Clay Township should make every effort to implement the recommendations in this chapter, as well as those recommendations illustrated on both the Thoroughfare Plan map, and Alternative Transportation Plan Component map. 2. In order to discourage the further geographic bifurcation of Clay Township by U.S. 31 the City should work proactively with the Indiana Department of Transportation to include enhanced east-west, multi-modal access, as part of their proposed U.S. 31 Freeway upgrade. 3. In order to enhance the ability of the Meridian Corporate Corridor area to attract and retain high-quality businesses, a network of support roads must be constructed, including Pennsylvania Parkway, Illinois Street, Old Meridian Street, and Range Line Road. These roads should be constructed in the form of 08/10/2001 w o parkways, including multi-use pathways, extensive landscape treatments, and round-a-bout intersections when possible as recommended by the US 31 Task Force and shown on the Thoroughfare Plan and Alternative Transportation Plan. 4. Continuous north-south access should be enhanced in the eastern edge of the township through the construction of Hazel Dell Parkway from 146th to 96th Streets. When completed this facility will function as the primary provido the only continuous north-south access throughout tRe Clay Township, east of Keystone Avenue. To maintain the emerging high residential quality of this area, the roadway should be developed as a parkway, with landscape treatment, parallel multi-use pathways, and round-a-bout intersections where possible. 5. Continuous north-south access should be enhanced in the western edge of the township through the construction of Towne Road Parkway from 146th to 96th Streets. When completed this facility will be an asset to the community's west side, functioning as the major north-south arterial between Michigan Road and U.S. 31. To maintain a high residential quality of this area, the roadway should be developed as a primary parkway, with a 140-foot wide right-of-way to accommodate extensive landscape treatment and separated parallel multi-use pathways. E. Pedestrian Facilities Locations and Standards Consistent with opinions expressed in the 2020 Visioning Process, an alternative transportation system of sidewalks and trails should be developed. 1. The first priority in the development of this pedestrian system should be the construction of the Monon Trail, including separated grade crossings at all major intersections except Main Street. This facility has been designated as the major north-south link of the Indianapolis Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian System Plan, approved in 1997 for the eight county region, and is a major link in both the Hamilton County Alternative Transportation Plan and the Carmel/Clay Township Alternative Transportation Component to the Thoroughfare Plan. 2. Similarly, 146th Street has been identified as the northern segment of the Indianapolis Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian System Plan's outer loop, and is a major link in both the Hamilton County Alternative Transportation Plan and the Carmel/Clay Township Alternative Transportation Component to the Thoroughfare Plan. 3. The Hamilton County Alternative Transportation Plan adopted in 1995 by the Hamilton County Commissioners recommends standards for the development of bicycling and pedestrian systems. These standards should be likewise adopted by 08/10/2001 CD o the Carmel-Clay Township Plan Commission and incorporated into the Thoroughfare Plan. 4. Route recommendations of the Hamilton County Alternative Transportation System Plan (HCAT) should be expanded through Carmel and Clay Township to create a comprehensive alternative transportation network. 5. A network of multi-use pathways should be constructed within the U.S. 31 Corridor to promote and facilitate north-south and east-west travel. North-south pathways should be constructed as part of the planned improvements for Illinois Street, SR 431, Pennsylvania Parkway, Range Line Road and Old. Meridian Street. East west path"v3Ys in the area of U.S. 31 and SR 431 should be integrated into tho state's overall proposal to upgrade US 31, and integrated to the overall oommunity path~Nay nen":ork, per the /\Itornative Transportation Plan map. s. East-West pathways should be integrated into the state's overall proposal to upgrade US 31, and integrated to the overall community pathway network, according to the Alternative Transportation Plan map. These pathways should include: A. Separated parallel paths designed for the interchanges at 10Sth Street, 11Sth Street, 131st Street, and 14Sth Street, if possible. B. Separated parallel paths designed for overpasses at 103rd Street, 111th Street, Carmel Drive, 136th Street. C. Pedestrian crossings at Range Line Road and College Drive/126th Street. 7. East-West pathways should be integrated into the state's overall proposal to upgrade SR 431, and integrated to the overall community pathway network, according to the Alternative Transportation Plan map. These should include pedestrian crossing facilities at 10Sth Street, 11Sth Street, Carmel Drive, 126th Street, Main Street, and 13Sth Street. 8. Carmel and Clay Township should make every effort to develop existing utility corridors into connecting trail linkages. 08/10/2001 lrl, "".: :;:;,Z '. ' , ", ~;' ,.' ' . ,;. .U ',: ,; ,~.;. .' <::~:.' '",,} .:;i:" ",' . I' ',;.:/';' ~"".').":;' . ":;', . . .,' '::.: :.; ......,....':f ." ',",: '<'.:', ",>;'.;, ,','., '... ;.1. :i;.' ,..:.;;/' ,',,: ..~7;'~ . ....:.~;::~ :~J::'\ .' \.. '",:,., .,";" :}:<.,,':;,::/~.,;,:~:" .",':./J,'ii" ...... " '. ,. " "',... },,';. " ,:::.. '.' . .~ . /') ; : ;i:>:l:;';':7>~'::', \~ ~,:~. (\.:;~:~ ': ' , ;:;..' ,; : '::'0::: . ".):<~.~: ; . ,'; : f'.... . fer:" '. .; ,.<:,. :.::", ,v \::~~ ," . ~:';;;::'. F,~,:::f:s.~>\::,<. :".' ~ ,.,:,..'.::. " '.J :;.;'t' .... ,j i;~' ." ,." 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Overpass Location o Round-A-Bout intersection o Proposed Round-A-Bout intersection , ;:., 1 ~ ) "'0 <1l o II: ~ (5 ~ Q j'" J 20 Year Thoroughfare Plan City of Carmel & Clay Township "- ~ August 2001 . , ,<,.,',' "", \.',.:'" .",;.: i:: , "::;:t:~ Y?0 '~~~! .. :,z~ ':, : /<;~;, :':' '.,: .<, :1:': .' .....:;:i if:: ,'.... " 0 , ',,', ;;;:::;,~~",~,:;<;'t~~' .. ,.. ,.;;, " "'~ . . . . '. , ;':. .' '. .' . . ' : "" , ':~i:';: ' ':'3(- ,,~:';'.. ,,'- .",,' ',' ' >:/',"";,' ":, . ~:,,:.' ; ; , .. " ::.' ' \ . ,." .' , ":,,,,::,.!,;,:\:,"." ';',' ':',::;, ;.:, ,," " '.'. ':',:"'. ':' ':": ",', , . ':,,:>'::: ;"" , ' ,'" .,";" .:",;:,<:,,-:;"','J;';<:::::::;; :,'t":, :;,:"', ,..: ,:-~,:; .', '::'~'~' ,-"".:~ ,;(,,,.,': '" ;;::~<,'::;'t .,> :',:.':> "; ':,,"":' .."', :" " , 'i:: : ,.', Y. ,', .",.:.,' '. ' ,.' ;,;,,,:.:,, " "', ,': '.:",' '-'.,' ';;." " ," ,-'i;. ',"i'",:t.,.:,\.. :' .1.'~"')~':"U'.' ,,' , ,:< .',' ::/:; ,,{,:':, ,~:/"'" . " ,", :/ "::. 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I' '. 10 !I; J: ~ Recommended Minimum Geometric Design Standards Proposec Existing Classification ROW Lanes / Pavement Curbs Side Paths On-5treet Width Walks Parkinq 40' 1/12' - .. - None 40' 2J11' - - - None 40' 2/13' X X .. 50' 2/15' X X .. 80' 2J24' X X X 90' 2J24' X - X 150' 2/36' X - X 120' 2J24' X .. X 140' 2/24' X - X 100' 2/24' X .. X @ @ @ @ @ : 146th Street I I 1 I I I . I 1 . I I I i 1415t Street o o - 1315 .... . , I 126th ~tn~J~t__u___. N Alley Residential Street - LaneQ) Residential Street - Mino(%) Residential Street - MajoQ) Collector Street Secondary Arterial Primary Arterial Secondary parkway Primary Parkway Residential Parkway FreewayJlnterstate o Y4 Y2 ~_I Graphic Scale 1 mile I ('0 a ~ ::: -; g..:- -:. '._.'-" .-.:. ...._._...._;~;;. ''''._:'<=''~~'''''''.. .~.-=u'-."':";:'l ..... ~ l/ff;/'J'1 . t? 'fJL'8 B One side only One side only Optional, both None None None None Optional, both N.a. , = street Trees X X X X X X Buffer Plantings 20 YEAR THOROUGHFARE PLAN x X X X X X @ - tJ!~..~<!.!._..~~~.~ ~~u"~ :~ ...,\ I . Ii ~\ · : .1 . . ~~~ ..:..~~ ~o",j"'cOJ City of Carmel & Clay Township X X X @ NOTES: Q) Services fourteen (14) residential lots or iess. Q) Services more than forty(40) residentiallots.O Denotes ...... @ Services forty (40) residential lots or less. @ Federal and State standards apply. Round-A.-Bout Denotes Specia IntersectIon Study Corridor - "", ) ~~nrT~ ~_rVl kj,( '\. ~\ -4 d~ I ~ )-Lu -/ t'- ~ f L-J ~ V ,~\ 0--C- 2JJ"t .1;' iJ ~ ,-, N~ rV:\b / ~ ~iJ. J' [ {J l _~ :fj ICJ=~ ~ ~ ,~~ ,,(; I -:y -=-~ ~ ~ <;:, G Jl~ ( 'k;;ffh~ty~,... ~~\~( ~\~~--< y~ ~ ~q ~ t- ,-(: -:1 ~;'~ .r ,) L \' ~ ~ ~ -0--r r\\r-I' ':1 . \.... ~ ~ ~;c?a -q ,I ~ )I~ ,-) 1m ClM,"n~bI ~~~lt1~^-J :;[\'1 t - I ~I~(OO 7 ~, ["I I :.0 -I. 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