HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommitments RECORDED u u i NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW June 24,2002 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 ~r(Cl,i/lN8.IANAl 'OLlS, INDIANA 46280 ~ ::.~'-J-J._C:,,</~ 317-844-0106 '. ~ A.. ''Z.47~, FAX: 317-846-8782 '1 '):il\ ['~ ot.CtNfU '\~ --j '" 1\'- 1~~1 \:::'\ 1.--, J\j~ 1-\1 L-l \:[) ~ b- I t\QC.J i/;.il v /~u ,~<.,< <-.,"''.: JAMES l NELSON CIIARLES D. FRANKENBEIWER JAMES E. SIIlNA VER LARRY J KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDERIC LAWRENCE OF COUNSEL JANE B. MERRILL VIA FACSIMILE/571-2426 Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Hilton Garden Inn Dear Jon: Please find enclosed for your records, Commitments Concerning the Use and Development of Real Estate, executed by Meridian Hotel Partners, LLC (Docket # 97-01 DP/ ADLS) and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, November 28, 2001, as Instrument Number 200100077214. If you should have any questions, please call. Thank you! Kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson JJN/kat cc: Tim Dora/578-9999 H:\KELL YIJlM NIHILTON GARDENlLTR2.l0N 062402.DOC ~EP 21, '01 10: 42At1 ~~ELSON&FRANKENEERGER ~ P.3/4 Q n6 CO COMM ITMENTS CONCERNING THE rt USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE rj) / The undersigned, Meridian Hotel Partners, LLC (hereinafter "Owner), the Conttad (\.JJ Purchaser o~ the following desc~bed real e~tate located in ~amilton County, In~~~1~:rjiq~~r . 01) "Real Estate '), makes the followmg CommItments Concernmg the Use and Dev.~loprnent of'R~'\, \ Estate to the Carmel Plan Commission (hereinafter "Commission''). /f?/!- "(~:)\ I D., f'D al E S Exh"b' "A" h ("Real El:l ") RFCEIVEO \-\ . escnptlon 0 J'.e state. ee 1 It ereta. ~~te Jm\ 25 2002 f:) 2. Doc;ket No. 97-01 DP/ADLS ("Application") ;j~ DOCS l:::) 3. Statement of Commitments. ~~~ /.<<17' ~m}f;Y O\vners commit that the real estate particularly described as "Area A Real Estate", and "Area B Real Estate" on Exhibit B hereto, shall for a period beginning on the Effective Date and ending on the 6th anniversary date thercofbe reserved for acquisition by the State of Indiana for roadway improvements to U.S. 31. Instrument 200100077214 A. This commitment 3.A shall sooner terminate upon determination by the State of Indiana that the Area A Real Estate and Area B Real Estate are no longer part of any planned improvements to U. S. 31. B. Owner further commits to dedicate to the City for right-()f-way purposes the real estate particularly described as "Area B Real Estate" on Exhibit B hereto on the written request of the office of the City Engineer, Carmel, Indiana ("City Engineer") and the representation of the City Engineer that such right-of-way is needed to implement the City's plan for roadway improvements to E. 131 ~ Street, and/or Pennsylvania Street. The Commitment 3.B shall terminate upon acquisition of the Area B. Real Estate by the State of Indiana. C. Owner commits to dedicate to the City of Carmel, Indiana ("City') for right-of-way purposes the real estate particularly described as "Area CReal Estate" cn Exhibit B l:creto. This commitment 3. C shall terminate upon acceptance by the City of a Deed of Dedication of Right-of-Way. 4, Binding on successors and Assigns. These commitments are binding on the Owner of the Real Estate, each subsequent Owner of the Real Estlte and each other person acquiring an interest in the Real Estate, unless modified or terminated by the Commission. These commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the rules of the Commission, except as specially provided in paragraphs 3.A, 3.B, and 3.C above. 290100077214 FlIed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK 11-28-2001 11:12 am. MISC 25.00 SEP 21 '01 10:42AM NELSON&FRANKENBERGER ~ P.4/4 o 5. Effective Date. These commitments contained herein shall be effective upon the last to occur of the following: A. Approval by the Commission of the Applica.tion; B. Acquisition of the Real Estate by the Owner; and C. Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Application. 6. Recording. The undersigned hereby authorizes the Director of the Department of Community Services or the Secretary of the Commission to record these commitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, following the effective date. 7. Enforcement. These commitments may be enforced by the Commission and the City of Cannel, Indiana. Executed this ~day of September, 2001. Meridian Hotel Partners, LLC By:~ l..~ Robert Dora, Managing Member . '" '~I"', .... V N ..". l<l .......... t//O 0....~ '. ....... "'1 r. ..... ''';- '.".--- Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County ~l-$ta",J~;' \ - '~ appeared Robert Dora, the managing member of owner, and acknowledged the executioilf{lh~., ..(.(~':' ~ .~ foregoing Commitments Concerning The Use and Development ofRca! Estate. / ~~"'" ......... ......::,... .,( '7 ".......... C WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal thisJ..tf- day of eptember, 200 1. ~ tJ \:;j ~ STATE OF INDIANA ) )5S: ) COUNlY OF HAMILTON My Com.-nission Expires: I o,h Cf /(j (p Residing inl1l.... ~$~County This Document Prepared By: James 1. Nelson NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 3021 E. 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 H:\.I<!LL )'\nM NIHIl. TON GARDEN\COMMITMENI'DOC v u :',..;.:.._-_....:...-:.,.:-;,.:..:~:...-_~...:........'''-'.;: ..:-_..:;..-_.-,';:"'-~'~_'':'''-'~'''',-,-,,--_:'-.....;..-_....__... - . -.---- .--- ,- . Hisloric Fort Harrison 8901 OUs Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 317-826-7JJO FAX Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture GIS' US Geology , Land Description Port of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 03 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described os follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Quarter Section; thence South 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds West along the north line of said Quorter Section o distance of 301.06 feet to 0 point 300 feet North 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds East from the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 31 (line "K" for LS.H.C. Project ST-F-222(9) DTD 1973); thence South 01 degrees 17 minutes 13 seconds East 0 distonce of 16.50 feet to the approach right-of-way line for the intersection of 131st Street and said U.S. Highway No. 31(the following two courses ore olang soid right-of-way line); (1) thence South 70 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds West 0 distance of 141.91 feet to the Point of Beginning; (2) thence continuing South 70 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds West along said right-of-way line 0 distance of 38.19 feet to 0 point on the easterly right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway No. 31 said point being on 0 non-tangent curve, having 0 radius of 2146.83 feet, the radius point of which bears South 71 degrees 52 minutes 15 seconds East; thence southwesterly along said curve on ore distance of 380.58 feet to 0 point which bears North 82 degrees 01 minutes 41 seconds West from said radius point; thence North 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds East 0 distance of 0.62 feet to 0 point on 0 non-tangent curve hoving 0 radius of 426.00 feet, the radius point of which bears South 82 degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds East; thence northeasterly along said curve on ore distance of 565.44 feet to 0 point which bears North 06 degrees 36 minutes 19 seconds West from said radius point; thence North 88 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds Eost 0 distonce of 69.22 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve having a radius of 120.00 feet, the radius point of which bears North 47 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds East; thence northwesterly along said curve on arc distance of 24.23 feet to a point which bears South 58 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds West from said radius point; thence South 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds West 0 distance of 306.88 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.66 acres, more or less. Exhibit A-I Area A Real Estate S:\JK\J781\OOI\OWGS\J781001E.OWC 10/14/01 CMC PAGE 2 OF 2 w w Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OUs Avenue Indianapolls, Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 317-826-7110 FAX Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture GIS' US Geology , I I 300' 50"7'1 J"E 16.50' NE CORNER SW 1/4 E 131ST STREET SEC 26-18N-J( '\ S88'42'47"W ;!Q.1.0[.. . --.:e:. NORTH LiNE SWI/4 SEC 26-18N-JE ,.0:'\\..;/ L c 24.23' ~~'\.~'/ <4>"- /~~ ...T...... ~~. . ~ >xJ 0:: e- en ...: Z ....~ ;..:J..... >- en z z >xJ ~ S)/,r" . '. .~~ !.~"{ HILTON GAROENS TRACT .. I \~ ~ :"'. !E SOUTH UNE Of HILTON GAROENS TRACT .----.... "N..~".,,~~?,J9'19"E N82'OI'4/"W .,'"""""",. '~~':'~"::':;:::::'" ~'::::::~:::::~::.~; I . -N- I ......... ASSUMED NORTH SCALE 1" = 100' ~~oo Exhibit A-2 Area A Real Estate S:\JK\J781\001\OWGS\J781001E.OWG 10/14/01 CMC PAGE 1 OF 2 .. ,_.,.--":;~~,-'... ~ u .._.". .~. '._~..__"::":c'::">.;d..:.. _ __ ._._ _ _...__._._ _... ____~_._..._ __. __ :___u_._.. Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OUs Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216-1037 317-626-7100 317-826-7110 FAX Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture GIS'L1S Geology r Land Description Port of the Southwest Quarter of Seelion 26, Township 18 North, Ronge 03 Eost in Ha")i1tan County, Indiana, more particularly described os follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Quarter Section; thence South 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds West along the north line of said Quarter Section o distance of 301.06 feet to 0 point 300 feet North 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds East from the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 31 (line "K" for I.S.H.C. Project ST-F-222(9) DTD 1973); thence South 01 degrees 17 minutes 13 seconds East 0 distance of 16.50 feet to the appraoch right-of-way line for the intersection of 131st Street and said U.S. Highway No. 31(the following two courses ore along said right-of-way line); (1) thence South 70 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds West 0 distance of 77.16 feet to the south line right-of-way line of 131st Street per Deed Record 344, poge 988 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County. Indiano soid point being the Point of Beginning; (2) thence continuing South 70 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds West 0 distance of 64.74 feet; thence North 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds East 0 distance of 306.88 feet to 0 point on 0 non-tangent curve having 0 radius of 120.00 feet, the radius point of which bears North 58 degrees 42 minutes 46 seconds East; thence southeasterly along soid curve on ore distance of 93.44 feet to the west line of 0 trael of land described in Easement Record 4, page 697, said point bearing South 14 degrees 05 minutes 44 seconds West from said radius point; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West along said west line 0 distance of 75.43 feet to the aforesaid south right-of-'way line of 131st Street; thence South 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds West along said south right-of-way line 0 distance of 318.77 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 0.22 acres, more or less. Exhibit A-3 Area B.Real Estate S:\3K\3761\OOl\OWCS\3781001E.OWG 10/14/01 cue PAGE 2 or 2 w u Hlsloric Forl Harrison 6901 OUs Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216-1037 317-626-7100 317-626-7110 FAX , E 131ST STREET , rn- .::; I~ 1/ P .. I I I I I I I . -~- I ASSUMED NORTH SCALE 1" = 100' ~oo ~ lJ'J ::::, HILTON GARDENS TRACT SOUTH UNE OF HILTON GARDENS TRACT Exhibit A-4 Area B Real Estate 5: \3K\3781\DD1\DWCS\3761DD1E.DWC 10/14/01 CIotC PAGE 1 OF 2 Engineering Surveying Landscape Archlleclure GIS . US Geology ~ ~ 0:: ~ -< z -< ~ ~ :z; :z; ~ 0- WEST UNE EASEUENT RECC 4, PAGE 697 w ~ Land Description Q Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 48216-1037 317-826-7100 317-826-7110 FAX , Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture GIS' LIS Geology Port of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 03 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described os follows: Commencing at the' northeast corner of said Quarter Section; thence South 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds West along the north line of said Quarter Section o distance of 301.06 feet to 0 point 300 feet North 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds East from the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 31 (line "K" for I.S.H.C. Project ST-F-222(9) om 1973); thence South 01 degrees 17 minutes 13 seconds East 0 distance of 16.50 feet to the approach right-of-way line for the intersection of 131st Street and said U.S. Highway No. 31; thence South 70 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds West 0 distance of 77.16 feet along said right-of-way line to the south right-of-way line of 131st Street per Deed Record 344, page 988 in the Office of the Recorder in Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds East along said south right-of-way line o distance of 318.77 feet to the west line of 0 tract of land described in Easement Record 4, page 697 (the following four courses ore along said west line); (l)thence South 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds East 0 distance of 75.43 feet to the Point of Beginning; (2) thence continuing South 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds East 0 distance of 183.49 feet to the point of curvature of 0 curve having 0 radius of 858.95 feet, the radius point of which bears North 89 degrees 49 minutes 53 seconds East; (3) thence southeasterly along said curve on' arc distance of 83.33 feet to 0 point which bears South 84 degrees 16 minutes 22 seconds West from said radius point; (4) thence South 05 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds East 0 distance of 57.63 feet to the south line of Hilton Gorden Tract; thence South 88 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds West 0 distance of 6.02 feet; thence North 05 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds West 0 distance of 57.17 feet to the point of curvature of 0 curve having 0 radius of 864.95 feet to 0 point which bears North 84 degrees 16 minutes 22 seconds East; thence northwesterly along said curve on arc distance of 83.91 feet to 0 point which bears South 89 degrees 49 minutes 53 seconds West from said radius point; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 0 distance of 185.18 feet to 0 point on 0 non-tangent curve having 0 radius of 120.00 feet, the radius point of which bears North 17 degrees 04 minutes 21 seconds East; thence southeasterly along said curve on arc distance of 6.23 feet to 0 point which bears South 14 degrees 05 minutes 44 seconds West from said radius point, said point being the Point of Beginning, containing tl.04 acres, more or less. Exhibit A-5 Area C Real Estate S:\3K\3781\001\DWCS\3781001E.OWC 10/14/01 CMC PACE 2 Of 2 Q) F~-'- .:; l!g 'i P 300' c:; ~ ::::, I . -N.- I ASSUMED NORTH SCALE 1" = 100' ~ .. ~oo -- u Histonc Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 48218-1037 317-826-7100 317-826-7110 FAX Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture GIS' LIS Geology , E 131ST STREET NE CORNER SW 1/4, SEC 26-18N-3E S88'42'47"W ~1.0~ ~ NORTH LINE SW 1/4, SEC 26-18N-3E / Na8-42'47"E 318.77' .0'4'05'44'W SOUTH UNE DEED RECORD 344, PAGE 988 /" gj ....0 :/~~ ! "'l. ,., HIL TON GARDENS TRACT . \"-;; POINT OF BEGINNING ~. g ~ ~~o:: !:3"~ ~ E.' ~ -< z -< c;;e ::5 f-" '":.. >-- ~ f.Ct ~ :z: p.J p., N89'49'53'E (S89'49'S3"w) WEST UNE EASEMENT RECORD 4, PAGE 697 D.D4 ACRESt L = 83.91' R = 864.95' L = 8133' R = 858.95' S84i6'22~~" "lNB4i6'22'E) SOUTH UNE OF HILTON GARDENS TRACT Exhibit A-6 Area C Real Estate S:\3K\3781\D01\DWGS\3781oo1E.DWG 10/14/01 CMC PAGE 1 OF 2 .. /I .~ i~() '- .', ," " ~, i~'HE SCHNEIDER CORP Fax:317-826-7200 Sep 24 '01 ... ...( .... ------ 14: 13 P.02 -~ r -_______ --------- - -- ;D - r I I I I I : I I 1\: I .~. ~~. I ' r \ :. - : \J.~ ~.. 1._..QtHttOO .. lift :z: : :E ... -- . :~CI .0"",, ..... ;::~ =:. ."'-C - " - 1ft "'->< ..- _ ::J: - .. - .... .. .. ~~, r po ~ ~ . t:Q OIl L "'n ... 4- ,. .,.. \" "r=- ,.,.. 0 ft .. .... ~l 3? , , ... P. ~ ~l ~I ,., .. f