HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 11-01-05 I 'i G) o CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT REPORT November 1, 2005 7. Docket No. 05050003 Z: Fortune Rezone The applicant seeks to rezone 43.6 acres from SI to PUD for the purpose of developing a site with single family homes, townhomes, and limited commercial uses. The site is located at 2555 W 131 st Street and is zoned S 1. Filed by Charlie Frankenberger This item will be continued to the January 3, 2006, meeting per the petitioner's request. r\ \.. ) 0; cD o CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One CMc Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax ~\~ fYlAnkmbar~((From: laLlYa.. 'Rouse-1:eVore.. Fax: (~ 1 i)<8q~.. g~<6r J Pages: ~ Phone: Date: \0,2 -=t - 05 ~iG.\~\{S ~+ CC: o Urgent )1 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle \V\c\Ulkd. \1'\ -\WS ~ is 0. CJ>P'f or ~ 'DeptAY.J.tl\errl- R~or+ -Pov ~ NOlI. I, 2005 Mebl-i~ of +\.te. 'P\an COYY\MiseioY\ SpedlL\ S\ud\~ COMrYli-\t-ee..... ShouJd 'IOU na.ve 0J'l'{ ~()YlS ~\"'5 4Ws ~l.va\ f-t-~e. -to ~ \ ~ 0..-\- \de,\foY"~ Cdn"r\e.l.iYl . ~O" or ea.11 me. at (~lt)'511- zt.ll'.}. ThUlks( . M/U.Vta. 'R0U,aL- DtV~ ~. - Dock~+ 1F[FJ:)5(xx)3 c: f"oy.\-une-- 1<eevn~ ) ,....,j " ----_._~~ ----- -- ---- - --- - - - -- -.- - ~