HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Q) w City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2600 Jerry L. Thompson, P.E. Magtech Services Inc. 1715 Magnavox Way Fort Wayne, IN 46804 RE: Nextel Communications Cell Site LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Nextel Communications Cell Site and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. We are requesting that a Knox box be installed fire department emergency access. The box needs to be mounted outside the fence and contain keys to get into the fence and one that access the building in the event of an emergency. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: Julv 5. 2001 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property ~ u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4ED32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 'Fax Pages: d0~ L,~.~ :L 9 - '~-c, To: ~ (Y\ \lG>A.u E"YJ..,i::\ Fax: ~l~\ I ;)'"l-ltso3 From: Phone: Date: Re'':;;;'~= '8 =-or ~rP""''I ceo o Urgent o For Review 0 P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle '-~ V1.... e .O....~ 3~~~ .., 1 ..... ~~ .:::::. or--..", <>,. ~ lA.---) C>~ \.::) L- ~ = '- ~ ~..?')(,€:'- ~'fY'~~' ~......,' ON~ ,(1',\ '<. -:1 C" -, .' ~ u Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:54 PM Johnson, Sue E Lillig, Laurence M; Hahn, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - ADLS; Woodland Shoppes - Nextel Communications Sue Ellen, Please issue the necessary Docket Number for the Woodland Shoppes - Nextel Communications ADLS. It will be the following: 98-01 ADLS $700 Total Fee: $700 <lee Docket No. Nj-Ol ADLS - Woodland Shoppes - Nextel Communications Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage for a 95-foot monopole wireless telecommunications facility. The site is located northeast of East 1 16th Street and South Range Line Road. The site is zoned B-8/business. Filed by Matt Mugavero of CIS Communications for Nextel West. This petition was on the July 18th T AC agenda. The petition will be placed on the September 18, 2001, Plan Commission agenda under New Business. Packets for the commission members need to be in our office by September 7th for mailing. Please contact Matt Mugavero of CIS Communications with this information. Once the docket number is assigned please return the file to my office. Thanks, ~ A ~\ ")'6 - ~~c7 Jon 1 1_ .~ Fax (.D CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One CMc Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To,- ffi ~~ \ (Y( II <l> A. 0--, U Fax:91f- l) d5,) - ~S o:?;J Phone: From: Pages: Date: w d"-f'llr Lit ~ Q. Re: tS -3 -~ \ S'b-O ) ~LS cc: o Urgent o For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle g;-.... :t .,..-~ ! ~ \ ('\ J 07!26/2001 08: 4~ 317-776-11131 .'. . '...., '. -:,'. ;',.. l'Y:; """'"'' ~ ::'..'. HAMIL~()N COirNty':. . '!":::_'.">'~"'" '01' &";1'.1',,::' ,,' . >,' . .,~r . . :/.:-\'~ ~~"17' '~~.' ,'. ,'~, ""-','. "-.,' "!!"",,,"" . '," COJ\~rRV/\TJO\" DISTRIC f '. ',' , ,,! " .... '",' ',':. ':'." ':.' >u1~:i6):~OO(: ",' '. ". '1'Mr, 'Scott H_ . . , .'. Magtech Services .' ')715~vox.Way" , .' ,'FonWayne,.'tN 46804' ,\' ' , . '.. :"\1,' .".... . :. , , " HAMIL TON CO USDA ._' U PAGE 133/133 . " , .,' . , ., ". 3rj.773.~2.1$1. ',' . Fu.' 317~'T76.-uoi., : ,", , . ,; ,":,,:. :l:': · Noblesvllle. IN .'~'60'6.0~i7'4~" . . '.' ,,"~I ',' \ '," ~ ".' ,,"" J...... ': ,'. .:" t " , . ,",' . '. ::" Re:'Nextei T~werat Woodl8nd,Site ..' '. '. . . ,,' I' " . '.. ~ .: . . . " ,~. . . , :DeatMr~'H~~:: ',:,"7 . ,'" ,. '. :. l' , " . , '" :" " iba~e +ewed tl)~ plans for this construction project and have the following commenrs: . ',,'. . ";. , ....... " ;',:. ".: . ,: this c~~iJ. p~oject is diSturbing less than five acres. A notiCe of intent f~r .'i .' ',:: Rule~ is not r~uired. " .' . '. . "," "',' .,' , ,'. , , '.' 'I'" . . . nie topo indicates tl:rls project may block drainage from the north. The tQwer site. . tUid gfpund aroUnd: tbe bwlding should not be elevateQ. ' ,.," ""', , " . ,:,' .Silt fence is,.riot:'m:ee~d on the north side. Si,lt fence along the south side along .' with blietpiotection..maybe useful. A construction entran~ needs to be installed' '..:. prior'to ant-work. , '." , ~ .. , '.', . .~ . " , ',' ".. ,"" ", ',' , " , ',; ,', "',' , ':' '" ;:.. ,i..:' H' . ',:, ,:ShoUld'y~li ~ve questio~conceming these comments, please contact me. " ',", t " '" :' '. .." , :', ',",' ',' ..",;:,,,,.,,~. :"Sincerel1:'. IYZ&)' :"',. .:" '.,' , "",: ,',," '. ' ..: .:; . ~.".' ,'. .' .'. ..... ." ',' '" "':' - ....' "';:, .:.....~rohnB, South,P,E',.. .' .: J)iSl#ct Engirieer . ;'. .. ,'. ' .' ,; , ..... ' , ,'. , " I J "''''Cc~ ..' c~~i oQcn... "'. IS~eyor ..'.':, , File \ ," '. , :~. , '" ....' ," " '" ' :' :~ : ,.' '" : .,:. , ",' i:'.,," " '. :...~.: : : . ;, .' .' , , . ~' ... ~' " .,'. ,'. .1, ' . . " " " '; " '. , , \. .' .: ",' . ., . .', ~ , : C0ro1sf.RVATIO~ ~ PEVBLOPMENT ~ SBUl~OOVERNMENT , .....N l!QlMl. Ol'POa,.I,;NITY lMVI,O~" ,. .,'/ ,,: ~: I,:" "'" u .-i TELECOMMUNICATIONS SITE ACQUISITION & CONSTRUCTION Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 July 16,2001 Mr. Dobosiewicz: Please find two copies of the following for an ADLS submittal in regards to the recently approved 90' monopole telecommunication tower to be located at the Woodland Shoppes in Carmel, Indiana. -Two copies of ADLS Application -Two copies of legal description located on the plans provided -Two location maps located on the plans provided - Two drainage reports with applicable plans - Two copies of lighting plan located on the plans provided - Two copies of a landscape plan located on the plans provided -Two copies of signage plan located on the plans provided -Two copies of a site plan located on the plans provided - Two copies of building elevations located on the plans provided - Two copies of soil maps and floodplain information On behalf of Nextel Communications, I would like to request placement on the September 18, 2001 Plan Commission Agenda for ADLS. If there are any deficiencies or other material needed, please let me know ASAP so that the information may be provided before the August 3, 2001 submittal deadline. Thank You, Matt Mugavero Coordinator of Site Acquisition CIS Communications, LLC . . "'" :':~::;:" ""."1..,",: . 165 N. MERAMEC AVENUE, SUITE 120 ST:;I"~,~,l~,, MISSOURI 63105 PHONE: 314-727-8600 FAX: 314-727-6503 WWW.CISCOMM.COM (i j. u (,) MAGTECH SERVICES INC June 27, 2001 Kate Weese City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Proposed Nextel Communications Cell Site. in Carmel, IN 1776. E. 116th Street, Carmel, IN 46032 Site No: IN-2572 Dear Mrs. Weese: On May 30, 2001 Magtech Services, Inc. was. notified that additional information is required for Nextel's proposed cell tower site. located at 1n6 E. 116th Street, Carmel, IN. This. letter includes. run-off calculations for the site comparing conditions before and after construction of the Nextel cell tower. Our findings indicate that the addition of Nextel's lease area will not effect the storm. water discharge. The parent parcel is approximately 7.87 acres composed of the following surface types (runoff coefficients are shown in parentheses): 0.64 acres of roof surface (0.90),.2.46 acres. non-impervious soil with turf (0.45), and 4.77 acres of pavement (0.85). These numbers are. estimates based on the. survey provided by Rogina & Associates, L TO dated December 2000... Nextel's proposed lease area is. 21'x45' (0.02 acres;) and will displace existing grass (0.45) with gravel (0.85). The direction of flow for storm. water is from Southwest to Northeast. The west and south. boundaries of the property are. South Range. Line Road and East 116th Street, respectively.. Based on a 1o-year frequency storm the construction of the cell site. will not increase the peak discharge across the property. Hydrograph 6.02 software by Intelisolve was utilized to calculate peak discharge. Input data for this software is as discussed in this letter. The output data is attached and utilizes the rationat method. Additionally,. time-of concentration, rainfall intensity and peak discharge sample. calculations are enclosed with this. letter.. . A United States Geological Survey topographic map was also utilized to. estimate the watershed effecting the. site. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Harless at (219) 436-2668. Sincerely, ~"\11I1U"""'l' THO"I'*, ~ \.. 'A-I ~, ~<I$o..." ........:.,Pn~ ~ ,.... .' \srl:""," U,,","'\ . ~ ~ .' 1"..' .....b..~. ----;::~ . <",,9 "'C' -Y I...... ...~ ... \ '*f No. 13831 \*1 := . ----- :Q:-II: ~ '~~ STATE Of !L"!--t, 9 'i: --~. I . ~ ~ \, ~'...~OIAt'!:.~.;~ I ~ {<:'/\ ........~~~,.I$ ,~ uS/ON A\.. '" ..~~ ~"l .......\\\V' .",'11"1/1/11111\1\\.... 1715 1VjP'.Gi'i,,,,VOX W6...Y, :=or~T W,6..Yf\iE, iNDIAi\LA. 46804 (219) 436-2668 FAX (219) 436-2402 ALE<.,u,[\IDR!A, \./A CHICAGO, IL INDIANAPOLIS, ii'1 o o Time-of Concentration, Rainfall Intensity and Peak Discharge Sample Calculations 1. Time-of-Concentration (Tc). Length = 846 ft (from highest elevation on site to runoff location) Slope = (3/846)*100% = 0.35% Character of ground = paved From attached "Overland Flow Time" chart Tc = 14 minutes. Use Tc to detennine rainfall intensity in item 2 below. 2. Rainfall Intensity (I) and peak discharge (O). · Estimated site area = 7.87 acres. · Rainfall intensity (I) detennined from Tc found in item 1 above and Hydroflow software program Hydrographs is based on IOF curves for Indianapolis, Indiana · Rainfall intensity = 4.74 in/hr. (based on 14 minute duration) · Peak discharge (0) equals C x I x A. C equals runoff coefficient based on type of drainage area. C(composite) before construction is 0.73. C(composite) after construction is 0.73. o (before) = 0.73 x 4.74 x 7.87 = 27.21 cubic feet per second. o (after) = 0.73 x 4.74 x 7.87 = 27.21 cubic feet per second. o (;) vtJ ~ / -I--- J /rTI ~- ~:~.~ 11~)/ Ef, f./ v\Y ~ I I ~I.~l ( V\ '-J ~ ~ E 1.'~~'" ~ \-g I ") '-, 3A,,,r<:1, \ I . J ~ CD 1431 L J CD I~ \ TI ..-,~ ~ s ~ ,L ~ \ I ~ ~ '''<#' 31 N v---- , I ~ :1.''7';1 ~ I1l ft \ ,-/i=~ 5 / 3~ '~JbJ, ~ w: r r) (~JJ .<:11 I 1 /' W131'~/'~~, &:'"~'I f~ '-..~.--.\,~ 'dJ/~~l/d I I ~ if h~'" ~ _/ r ~:qj U- ~ Idg8~ ~'- = ~ ~ i I..:: · :~ ---" ,0- fh-,.~ ~~ l1:1-l I- ~ ~ 0 1/ Eli tJ a.." ~ ~"::'--rc N.waft< Q k "tS r' ihi; ~ r ~!- V lIa~~ : ~ t:lsJ : '0 " QI (J) ~ ...t\._ 0 l: - ---; "0 _:\ ,) ,..~ ~ I-- I ~ -- 0 V ~ ~ ~ .1 I I d... r-; " ~ 'l:l I .". Nexlel Proposed Cell Tower Site # ~ '< \....- 0.. .. 1111. 1N-2572 ~- ~ ~ '''''''' 1776 E. 116111 Street - ( ':. .J. ) :J,L 'r:AJel'IN 46032 1............ ~ 'W ) - ,,/ I ., \ I } E 11 ,,, ~, .<:1,\ ~ "-'''' ~~V. d~l f ~J j rfB)aJ PI : ~ A 'l:l~ ., ~r- r~ ~ r; ; 1= 1 .'" ~: Echo Crest. \ \ l1:~ tl-Y n ~'0"1 I = ~"~ bi ([) I ~ Z"::-r I~T -:\- j '5;=- ~ ~ 18 1 ~ f-< \:' ,,)C '/0- ~r ~~ I&f-~ ~bJ-,/~, I d- 1,. r ~ 'fIIAI" ., ~ i ~;L s,' ~ ~ <>{ Qi\ !fly- ~ ~~. ~ EO' I, ~ V -.( lJ:f.o~ ark ~;, ~ ~ ~ I ..l ''/ ~) ~..J:~dE!YHiIIS II~ _ ~ An Dales _:..Jo ~ ~Ollege ITl U.....'\::=-c ~ ! . eadows III Cr I 1(;18~ o I f- ,-. .-J ~ ~~ .OestErton IT ~~..., "' I b ~ -- ---~- - ---- 1: QjIl'" N T:~ ~. Oni 0.5 1.5 "Icao.o. Streets Plus Woodland. Proposed Nextel Cell Tower Site CapyrIghIO 1_1Bll8, MIc:rosaft CCrpcntIon _Ila suppIJenL All rtghI8...... Page 1 TopoZone -J'he Web's Topographic Map o wysiwyg:/127/http://www.topozone.c...&n=4423793&e=574544&s=25&symshow=n o Map center is ....11: .................-- . 1of2 500 I 0.5 I 1000 I 2000 . I 5/31/019:36 AM o Hydrograph Summary Report o Page 1 Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Volume Return Inflow Maximum Maximum Hydrograph No. type flow interval peak period hyd(s) elevation storage description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (yrs ) (ft) (cuft) 1 Rational 27.21 1 14 22,854 10 - - - Runoff from existi 2 Rational 27.21 1 14 22,854 10 - - - Runoff after addlt Proj. file: woodland.GPW IOF file: Indy./DF Run date: 05-31-2001 . Hydrograph Plot 0 o English Hyd. No. 1 Runoff from existing site conditions Hydrograph type = Rational Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 7.9 ac Intensity = 4.74 in I-D-F Curve = Indy.lDF Peak discharge = 27.21 cfs Time interval = 1 min Runoff coeff. = 0.73 Time of conc. (T c) = 14 min Reced. limb factor = 1 Total Volume = 22,854 cuft 1 - Rational - 10 Yr - Qp = 27.21 cfs 30 25 J! 20 Co) a 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (min) I Hyd. 1 o Hydrograph Plot o English Hyd. No. 2 Runoff after addition of Nextel lease area Hydrograph type Storm frequency Drainage area Intensity I-D-F Curve = Rational = 10 yrs = 7.9 ac = 4.74 in = Indy.lDF Peak discharge = 27.21 cfs Time interval = 1 min Runoff coeff. = 0.73 Time of conc. (T c) = 14 min Reced. limb factor = 1 Total Volume = 22,854 cuft 2 - Rational - 10 Yr - Qp = 27.21 cfs 30 25 .! 20 CJ a 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (min) . Hyd.2 . u o I-D-F Curve - Indy 15 A l-Yr . 2- Yr 10 ~ 3-Yr InIhr . 5-Yr 5 6. 10-Yr o 25- Yr v 50-Yr 10 15 o 100-Yr T c (Min) ~, c c ~ L:J ...~--- ,- ----= / / S89.:53'04-r .........-495.15. - - ~------ - ,/ /1 ~ ----:..::::' " "" > --- I;-~ J \ / ~ I r I I I I 1111 ~ 1111 a~ ,1IP~R ~ ,Ii&. - - -8t8-..J '---~ _----- I I - - -;; - - 3~jj-8\.-J. J/ ~7'22"E _ - - - I 185.22' _ - - - ---I 589"53'04"E ~_;;;;;J - 202.42' EAST 116th STREET N69'53'04"W 479.7ff .- -- 'r...: '-: .~ o II: W ~w ~~. j~ i5 ~ .=l.. II ~ 0>-' fitfl GBAPIIIC BC.WI k."~. (--I 1 .... - II .. .........,. ....&11 ...... EASEMENT PROVISIONS UTILITY COMPANY INFORMATION ......-- - INDIANA UNDERGROUND CALL 1-800-382-5544 48 HmJRS BEF1lRE YOU DIG <EXCLUDING SAT., SUN., .. HDU ..!~f~"'~:':'~;"'.'''''':'''''~' .. (I "'~,,:: '.'. ,.:.......,,~ ," """ ~ .._. '.., """"-":",."",,,,,~';.">':'.c" .':.,'.,\,,,,,,~~\,~ 'x" ~\: \'.h~l.:.i.l.:'..\>.~~.." ,.."",";'..",..,..,,~,. ,\~ ;:'.l.:.','\.\,W.::..'.'. ';:;.'\:"-'I.:.~i~\;.;::i~\~\;.~~'.',!.:.',~'~'1.l).,,~'::'* -,.-:,\.: :'.t".~: \;.'.,:'. .,h'.' 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IN-2572 1776 E. 116th STREET CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 AT R P " III!DH COMMUNICATUlNS, INC. 300 PARK BOULEVARD, SUITE 500 ITASCA, IL 60143 TELEPHCNE'630/875-6600 FACSIMILE' 630/875-2699 DRAWN BY' D. KIlDNTZ CHECKED BY' J. I<ELLA A.L.T.A. 1 A.C.S.M. LAND TITLE SURVEY LEASE SITE, ACCESS So UTILITY EASEMENT ,~ .'-'.'l~'...'..;,-".>, I I ~1Or' : ~~A I Cf....oidP "..-- I W~\~~ ! till ~ : -ii I llUr I ",~ - - ~_ ~ ~ ~'Q4"E .," =--- .--'495.15'- tl&-=":::::" -:---- 1 BUILDING ~ . ----.. /1.>- ---_- c ~r? tll~~ \...~... UlIUT'I EASIIT / / / . /' ' }&'/ / .~. ....d.~r? / / ':- . "'~~(llY.cP' , '$"l i ;.,It.-~v~ / \~- / , , .' / , I . N89"53'04"\lI. I 50.00' , , / ... ..' ~.... fi il !ij OlW'lllC sc.w: stalNIlS FEEn SECONDS FEEn SECONDS war 470.00 FEr SEC1lON; _ SllUTH 81 479.70 FUr TO TIlE PUCE _ TO' All rASEMENr 2lIJlO Fm III _ Ill' PAM.LEL LINE aIF THE EIlIIRE rASr SIDE OF TIlE _ llESaI8III PRIlPIRlY RESEIMD FCR A 00\$ l.IIlI: rASIIIINT. AND flIRIHER _ TO All _ 24.ao Fm' IN -.. 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UTILITY COMPANY INFORMATION ~ \ . i I i: il \1 U [ ~ '--- " '1Iltl_ " --- --- --- ", ----- ',- -- -- eiI -- -8--- ./ oM .I _ _ _ _ - - _ _ .!i...891l24....L45.~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =-.... _ _ _ Ir;r----------~--~l ~I- ~ /,&1-~~--- 11~1€ r / ~.j-~ ~- -,.i _ -!!...1lUIUlIIO_SE1IIAaC~ /~ s....~ ~ ~ r . / 20.0' · llI'3II'1T ~,2.00' ~ UlIUTY EASIlT l:I . ~""OPOI.E\ / Lll1IIl-8I'07'38ll" -' ell .__- . r ,/' ~ PIlOPOSlD IIUILDINO _N8n3'04....+!lO'/ __x ~- :.. 1':~'\.EMJ.l\IlU':' ~s.... / PllOPosmFINCI: San.s'04.E45.... ~.~~~::.: ..[7:-::.... :.ts..T~:'" b ~~ ~.. .....~.....~.... ..... '-'! . r..-osm 5' ~ lNIDSCAPE EASIIT No.' '(i..:,.;.. :::. ::. d: . 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E8 TIILIlPIIllIlII CANIlm!Il C In'OIMMANBOI.B l:l UDIIJ'POLB tJ PlBBBYDIIANI' = INtBrl...lL.. SIIJIiI C SAND'AIlYMANBOI.B o c.uar1lASlN f> IIJ..4O POLB -0- l'OWIlIlPOLB II IlUlCDllCMANBOUI IS! TIILIlPIIllIlII EI WA11l&VALVB dli. OASVALVB - In'OIMlIIlWIIII.LINIl )- SAND'AIlYlIIlWIIII.LlNB -w- WA'IBlUfAIN -8- lIMIIIIIIQIIOUM IIUICDIIC ~ T - tlNDIlIIllIIOUIT.BUlPJIONB ~ GB - OVBIIIIIIAD IlUICIIIIC lJ IIOOP VBIi'Ill o IIOOPII1lAINS' A BlDSIDIOAN11lIlNA e SIIIWII PltBPAlll!DBY: ~ ROGINA USSOCIA TB8,L Tn. ENCIIlIIIIS S1JIl9IYOIlS PWlNIIlS IlClloqilllrIldlo___Ml_ SlTBNO: IN-2S72 (WOODLAND) 1716 B. 116th STRBBT CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DATE DBSCRIPTION .. ..,..U&A8lAIB4AMD11ZA11111111ft' _ 1IMSB1lWIB__IlIIII1IIOUl.._........ .-. IlIMIIIUlAIBAUA,_IlIIII1IIOUl.._........ _ ADD_ " T!Y - -.!!!!!! .. COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 300 PARK-BOULEVARD, SUITE SOO lTASCA, n. 60143 TBLBPHONB:630187S-6600 FACSIMILB: 6301875-2699 DRAWNBY:D.KOON1Z aD!CKBDBY: I. KIlLLA DATB:12I1IOO PllOJBCTNO.: 188.122 ALT.A.I A.c.8.M. LAND TlTLB SURVEY LBASB SITE, ACCESS &: um.rrYEASBMENT