HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ~ o BRENWICK October 18, 2001 RE: The Village of WestClay Docket No. 99-01 OA '3 '!Q;)." ~ ~ RECEIVED ~ per 18 2001 DOCS Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Carmel Carmel, Indiana 46032 Dear Jon: Following up on our conversation this morning, enclosed please find the following items: };>- A copy of the "MODIFICATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED UNDER THE WESTCLA Y VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE", as amended by us to reflect the adjustment in commercial space discussed with the Subdivision Committee. We would consider the attached document the text approved by the Plan Commission. };>- A copy of ORDINANCE Z-330, depicting the revisions made through the incorporation of the above document. The purpose of this document is to facilitate the practical application of the development requirements modified by the Plan Commission's action. Enclosed please also find electronic copies of both documents, as well as of the "pre- amendment" ordinance Z-330. We trust that you will advise Permit Services of the amendments. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convemence. Sincerely, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. c: Enclosures cc: Tom C. Huston George P. Sweet 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 200 · Carmel, Indiana 46032 · 317.574.3400 · 317.574.3919 Fax brenwick@brenwick.com h Up:/ /www.brenwick.com OJ o CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Seevices One Civic Square Carmel, IN 40032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax C~~~ ~IJ EUi"2- . S7Lj-~~\9 Fax: From: A, 'l...L~ ~ IN..- 1 Pages: ~ To: Phone: Datef \a-\6:)".-O\ Ref 00:\. ?~ ~~~ ~~1>t)A."t CC: o Urgent 0 For" Review 0 P.Jease Comment a Please Reply o Please Recycle \..._J l.D u J ole; / " , , I w~..,.. ~"t I I ~ .>v IE"'"' . l . . . , ' -' ~"C>Hp MY~ . . . . ~€..\I\ 'E-w o1=- ItJ~~Q 'FPt.. -Dt>.....tlll ~ . 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' I-------,---=- ~_tl-nQ~ Q.~ ~~S . -~ -_'_--"--~- _._------- ~_._. _--.........-.--~-_....._._. ._~---,---._.'- 8 . _~_t) O~~t:l.6'-L~>-~---'Fe.~-I.tS-~~-~~---- 1; I ::bH ~ - >"-?J- ... , ~E- ----- - -.-------- I ---- I [. .:iittO- U) o '00 YEARS@ Parsons 47 South Pennsylvania Street Brinckerhott Suite 600 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 317-972-1706 Fax: 317-972-1708 Toll Free: 1-888-722-1706 - October 9,2001 Mr. Michael Hollibaugh, Director Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Review of Modified Traffic Analysis Village of West Clay Dear Mr. Holibaugh: Per your request, we have reviewed the Modified Traffic Analysis submitted by Brenwick Development Company, Inc. in support of a requested change in allowable commercial development within the Village of West Clay. The results are summarized in outline form below: A. Summary of Modified Traffic Analysis 1. Scenarios Considered. a) 1997 Traffic Impact Study (TIS), including study amendments. b) 2001 Permitted Uses (lower intensity; not subjected to full TIS). c) 2001 Requested Amendment (increase in office & retail over permitted). 2. Current Conditions. Traffic counts taken September 27,2001 are lower than predicted for existing land use based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates used in the original Traffic Impact Study. 3. Adjustments to original Traffic Impact Study. a) Retail description refined with new trip generation coding for retail. b) Internal trip estimates refined per current ITE Guidelines. c) Only trip generation estimates are adjusted (full assignment not developed). 4. Conclusion of the Modified Traffic Analysis. Traffic generated from the site will be less than identified in the original Traffic Impact Study if the increases in commercial use are approved. Roadway impacts will be less due to refinements in retail use categories and a higher proportion of internal trips. Compared to currently permitted uses, the proposed change will generate an increase of about 174 trips during the evening peak hour (about 8%). B. Review Process 1. Review assumptions (land use types and codes; internal and pass-by trip estimating procedures). Over a Century of Engineering Excellence '" ." .... -- - '00 YEARS@ Q o October 9,2001 Mr. Michael Hollibaugh Page 2. 2. Check procedures, equations, inputs and mathematics. 3. Compare trip estimation for existing development with existing count data. 4. Conduct a literature review regarding traffic studies for new urbanist developments. 5. Review overall conclusions. C. Review of Modified Traffic Analysis 1. Assumptions The ITE Trip Generation Report provides relatively few options for mixed use retail areas. The shopping center category used in the original TIS assumes. a mix of shops and services. Besides retail, it includes "non-residential" uses such as theaters, skating rinks and post offices. Shopping centers surveyed by ITE also include out-parcel developments such as drive-in banks, fast food restaurants and auto service centers. Shopping centers provide on-site parking to service their own needs. They tend to be stand-alone destination facilities and/or are located adjacent to other commercial areas in order to benefit from combined non-residential trips. The shopping center description in the ITE Trip Generation Report is not consistent with retail areas of new urbanist developments such as Village of West Clay. The developer's traffic engineer provides examples of retail uses in other new urbanist developments and suggests that retail uses within the Village of West Clay be evaluated as "specialty retail" (ITE Land Use Code 814) rather than shopping center (ITE Land Use Code 820). Clearly, shopping centers (as defined by ITE) are inconsistent with the fundamental tenets of new urbanism. Development to date, experience with similar developments elsewhere, and existing retail uses in the Village of West Clay all support this change from the original "worst-case" assumption of shopping center to one of specialty retail. 2. Traffic Count Review. lTE trip generation rates and ordinary TIS procedures provide the best information for analysis of build-out conditions. Some comfort may be gained by the fact that existing traffic is lower than that predicted by applying ITE trip generation rates to existing development in place, but the information is generally inconclusive at this stage due to the small sample size. Over a Century of Engineering Excellence ,;: "p' o o '00 YEARS@\ October 9,2001 Mr. Michael Hollibaugh Page 3. 3. Checking of Procedures, Inputs and Mathematics. All calculations supporting this request were checked in detail. A minor error was found in the last step (pass-by trip reduction for retail) and this was shared with the developer's traffic engineer. In addition to being minor (involving 50 vehicles), the error had the effect of overstating rather than understating the effect of the proposed change. In other words, the impact of the proposed amendment is actually slightly less than indicated by the Modified Traffic Analysis. 4. Literature Review. A brief literature review focusing on ITE documents and presentations did not yield specialized procedures for estimating traffic from new urbanist developments. It is reasonable in this case to apply standard procedures consistent with the Carmel-Clay Applicant's Guide to Transportation Impact Studies for Proposed Development and ITE recommended practices for traffic impact studies. 5. Overall Conclusions. · The underlying assumptions and calculations of the revised traffic impact review are valid and accurate. · The requested increase in commercial use within the Village of West Clay will not result in a greater number oftrips than those identified in the original Traffic Impact Study. · There will be an increase over currently permitted uses, but even that will be relatively small. Ofthe total increase (approximately 120 trips) the "worst-case" directional impact on any road would be less than 30 vehicles during the evening peak hour. · It is unlikely that the proposed change would affect level of service at any network intersection. We appreciate this opportunity to be of assistance to the Department of Community Services. If you have any questions regarding our review, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, S BRINCKERHOFF QUADE & DOUGLAS, INC. Job w. MY~P istant Vice President Indiana Registered Engineer No. 17809 Over a Century of Engineering Excellence OCT-09-01 TUE 01 :48 PM PE I~)NAPOLIS ~II~ --- ;;;;;gj =--== FAX:317 972 170~ PAGE 1 'IV FAX 100 Y8"ARS e Parsons 4., South Pennsylvania Street ."nokerllolf Suite 600 Indianapoll$, IN 4(J204 (377) 972-' 706 FAX (317)972-1708 fax no. 5., - ~4 Ql (0 -J~", ~J ~a,.: (0/0,(0/ JOb no no. of ptlgss A (InclUding this page). I .. Jof\ ~S\(4,)~Q. ~ telephone nO. ......... T f"",;:.~ 0- Cop i * ~ ..k, d~^~~ f{cy ~ p\ct? (~~ \'~" ~~), P(~M~~~7r~ ~VC-~' \~ ~ ~~:s: ~-{":J ~ ~ Co~= f'rri ~ '": Over.. COIItruy "t E",,'nllllrlllfl ~cel"'noe ~ CD o '- J.~.ff ill BRENWICK October 5,2001 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Carmel Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: The Village of WestClay Modifications of Development Requirements - Docket No. 99-01 OA Dear Jon: This letter serves to follow-up on Tuesday's Subdivision Committee discussions on the above noted item. In response to the issues raised by the Committee regarding the additional commercial space sought, we propose amending our request as follows: . 3. Commercial Units. Without the approval of the Commission, the aggregate square footage of commercial space in the District shall not exceed 200 square feet of commercial floor area for each Permitted Dwelling, retail uses in the District shall not exceed i9& 90 square feet for each Permitted Dwelling and office and service uses in the District shall not exceed 156 125 square feet for each Permitted Dwelling (8.2, 8.3, 8.4). This amendment results in the following calculations: Use Maximum Retail Maximum Office Current Space Permitted 102,150 sq.ft 170.250 sa.ft. ProDosed SDace Permitted 122,580 sq.ft. 170.250 sq.ft Maximum Aggregate Commercial 204,300 sq.ft 272,400 sq.ft. The purpose of limiting the amount of new retail is to permit the construction of a 20,000 sq. ft. grocery or three or four restaurants, which are uses that will be built at ground level, while still allowing the concentration of the majority of the commercial on two and three story buildings. We are proposing leaving the amount of office space unchanged from the current limit. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. ident of Operations 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 200 . Carmel. Indiana 46032 · 317.574.3400 · 317.574.3919 Fax brenwick@brenwick.com http://www.brenwick.com ./ 1 I . Q) o ~_~'~' :0;. CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION DEPARTMENT REPORT October 16,2001 6i. Docket No. 99-01 OA; Village of West Clay Text Amendments I Modifications of Development Requirements The petitioner seeks approval to amend several provisions of their existing PUD Ordinance. The site is generally located at the southeast comer of West 131 st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz of Brenwick TND Communities, LLC. The applicant is proposing modifications to the Development Requirements for the existing WestClay Village Planned Unit Development District. Please refer to the informational folder provided by the applicant prior to last months meeting. Section one ofthe folder outlines the proposed new language for specific sections of the ordinance, section two provides the rational for the change, and section three contains the existing Ordinance (Z-330). As previously stated, most of the requested changes to the ordinance are housekeeping issues and modifications that the Department views as tweaking the language to clarify meaning and establish definitive standards. There are two areas, however, which dis not fit into the above mentioned categories. One was a modification to the "Commercial Units" and the other was related to lot width. The Subdivision Committee met twice to address these issues. The applicant provided the Department and Subdivision Committee with a traffic report as requested by the Plan Commission. The traffic report addresses the changes requested by the petitioner and how they relate to the original traffic study used to determine the impact of the overall development. John Myers, P.E. of Parsons, Brinckerhoff, reviewed this report and found its conclusions accurate in that the proposed changes would not generate additional traffic impact. The only amendment to the information provided to the Plan Commission is a reduction in the overall permitted square footage for retail uses as requested by the Subdivision Committee. The request for retail was reduced from 100 square feet to 90 square feet for each Permitted Dwelling (please see attached letter from petitioner addressing this issue). The Subdivision Committee voted 5-0 in favor of the proposed modifications as amended. The Department recommends that the Plan Commission approve the modifications as amended. . CD ~ u , ~'::,...,- THE VILLAGE OF WESTCLA Y . SUMMARY OF PERMITTED UNITS ~ RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS: DENSITY: OVERALL PERMITTED DENSITY: 2.0 DWELLING UNITS! ACRE SECONDARY/ESTATEAREA: 1.3 DWELLINGUNITS!ACRE DESIGN ELEMENTS: NUMBER OF DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY REsIDENCES: 958 NUMBER OF ATTACHED TOWNHOMES: 113 NUMBER OF ATTACHED TwO-FAMILY VILLAS: 28 NUMBER OF APARTMENTS IN APARTMENT BUILDINGS: 225 ADDmONAL TOWNHOMES PERMITTED NOT SHOWN ON PLAT: 38 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PERMITTED DWELLING UNITS: 1362 ~ CURRENT COMMERCIAL SPACE: TOTAL OFFICE AND RETAil.. 204.300 SQ. Fr. 102,150 sq. ft. 170,250 SQ. Fr. MAxIMuM RETAil.. MAxIMuM OFFICE AND SERVICES ~ AMENDED COMMERCIAL SPACE SOUGHT: TOTAL OFFICE AND RETAil.. 272.400 SO. Fr. MAxIMuM RETAil.. MAxIMuM OFFICE AND SERVICES 122,580 sQ. Fr. 170,250 SQ. Fr. OCTOBER 5, 2001 ." v Q Dobbsiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Myers, John [MyersJ@pbworld.com] Wednesday, October 03,2001 8:09 AM 'Hollibaugh, Mike P' Jon Dobosiewicz (E-mail) RE: Traffic at the Village From a contract/cost standpoint, there is plenty of money left in the existing contract for these services. I will do a more detailed review today, but I think we have expended most or all of the dollars set for the task force report, but that still leaves almost half the contract authorization in place. You have about a $5K invoice coming--mostly for work at the end of August. There has been little activity since the draft was complete. (Monday night is "free" since you got me out in less than an hour and all I did was smile...I found that meeting enjoyable.) Anyhow, our past practice in Carmel has been to get the contract approved to a specific "not to exceed" dollar amount by the BPW, then individual tasks within that dollar amount have been identified by memorandum from the DOCS Director. That works for us and it's a lot simpler for everyone. If city policies now require approval of individual tasks we can do that too. I haven't checked PKG details, but I understand their approach. On the surface, this looks like it should require little effort. There will be a lot more to review on the A&F study at 146th/US31. I suggest including both in the same authorization as "traffic study reviews". My guess is that together these will be in the ballpark of what was struck from the contract for 106th/College. I will send a more detailed cost review and a memo with scope for the traffic reviews this week. I will also contact Jon for the latest scoop. -----Original Message----- From: Hollibaugh, Mike P [mailto:MHollibaugh@ci.carmel.in.us] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 12:49 AM To: Myers, John Cc: Dobosiewicz, Jon Cj Hancock, Ramona B Subject: RE: Traffic at the Village John: the commission last night was inclined to move the entire brenwick amendment back to the Commission, and voted so, subject to your review of traffic and some additional, more specific language clarifying the mix of office to retail. the committee has scheduled a special meeting for next Tuesday, Oct 9 at 6:00 pm to review language related to Illinois Street issues, and would like to have your review comments to them that same night. I know this is way premature given we don't have a contract addendum in place for this issue...if you do have a letter of scope/fee to us by Oct. 10, it will be placed on the next BPW agenda, Oct. 17. Can't do any better than that. i will be out of the office until Monday Oct. 8, and while I will be checking my messages while out, would ask that you try to work out details with Jon. I appreciate your ongoing help on this and all you do for us. Jon would 1 also h1ve some background on~e Committee Street. This is not boring work. do II' , regar lng I lnOlS discussion thanks Mike > -----Original Message----- > From: Myers, John [SMTP:MyersJ@pbworld.com] > Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 12:25 PM > To: 'Hollibaugh, Mike P' > Subject: RE: Traffic at the Village > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I've had the chance between other meetings to read the letter. Regarding the "offsetting" assumptions leading to a reduction in trips, how convenient. Guess that makes the independent technical review particularly important. Better to get this, digest it, review it, discuss it with PKG if necessary, then report to committee/subcommittee rather than reacting on the spot at tonight's presentation. Based on how they handled themselves in the previous work, PKG should be easy to work with on this. No travel cost, either. -----Original Message----- From: Hollibaugh, Mike P [mailto:MHollibaugh@ci.carmel.in.us] Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 10:12 AM To: Myers, John Subject: FW: Traffic at the Village John: hot off the press -----Original Message----- From: Jose Kreutz [SMTP:josek@brenwick.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 7:44 AM To: 'Hollibaugh, Mike P'; Jon Dobosiewicz Subject: Traffic at the Village > > > > > > > Hi Jon and Mike. > > Attached please find Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum's letter summarizing > their > conclusions on the update of the traffic study for WestClay. Jennifer will > bring originals of the signed letter to the meeting tonite; I also had her > run a copy of the letter to John Myers. > > As you can see, we will argue that the impact of adding two more buildings > like ours falls within the range of traffic volumes originally > contemplated > as the impact of the Village. I am not sure what more there is to discuss, > but will count on some of the members to bring up! ! > > > > > > Thanks! (E-mail ) Let me know if we need to chat before the meeting, I'll be in the office all day. 2 (U u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Myers, John [MyersJ@pbworld.com] Wednesday, October 03,2001 12:52 PM Mike Hollibaugh (E-mail) Jon Dobosiewicz (E-mail) budget Here's where our contract stands: Total contract approved by BPW $59,807 Original task estimates: US 31 Report/Presentations: SR 431 Report/Presentations 106th/College Reviews $30,387 $12,857 $16,563 (task deleted by BPW) Spent to date (per invoice sent today) $31,856 The $1500 over the US 31 estimate is easily explained by "spillage" onto other activities like Illinois Street meetings/discussions, preliminary meeting with Steve Fehribach, and the fact that it was intended to be an estimate for hourly work (not a lump sum with rigid scope) . Overall, I think things are pretty well on target. The work we are talking about now does not involve the staff and production time of the US 31 Report. I doubt whether we are talking about more than $5,000 or so unless we get into unseen complications, which as you know, are always possible with this work. I'll put together a memo and estimate. Meanwhile, what else can we do? We are at your service. John W. Myers, P.E., AICP Director of Operations Parsons Brinckerhoff 47 S. Pennsylvania, Suite 600 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 972-1706 (317) 972-1708 (Fax) 1 ~ I I r- ~ l- I I ! ,I u w ~ c..~Y' \). B2.\~ B\6So~ - c,.....M4..r&o\ ~~..s: ... b. I ~""-I'&..<d~_MM - N~TV~ \)~.sv~ C> fi~f) S a"7">>LI n Co_,.. ~~ II II :1 I) ~~lc....._J~ ~ .... ,..,~ OF- 1-'01 nf:_/ J::7l:. . O~>( - O~ Go&":) c:.. D~$fTY ~\...~':B JfIit:S J~.svi:.) ji . ! [I I' :1 I ! . j) '- I. .~.~.~~:.-:~~- - '.,C<=-,'= 7,"~'" '" _'.~'r"./~r;. Z_. '~:.~:: ~I'J _:~::-.~"~_~ ~::=-_~..- ~. .;,!; Ii ....' ,~~ :::' :'11111 . Jt ~{:..:,-~' '~:-';~~','; *"'~i! il:. ~ "'I..~ ::;::,: .'---..- :,;..~J!.~'i"Il~ ~f;~.2;~-{~~~:'€;'=~:;; fJ ~~.'~~~~;.,;,,;: !,+- WHl"r'r ~S_7JIh<,~"1Z>. /!'t1171~ [. ',. u JOf.-fo, ~ :~ w o Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hollibaugh, Mike P Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11 :49 PM 'Myers, John' Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Hancock, Ramona B RE: Traffic at the Village John: the commission last night was inclined to move the entire brenwick amendment back to the Commission, and voted so, subject to your review of traffic and some additional, more specific language clarifying the mix of office to retail. the committee has scheduled a special meeting for next Tuesday, Oct 9 at 6:00 pm to review language related to Illinois Street issues, and would like to have your review comments to them that same night. I know this is way premature given we don't have a contract addendum in place for this issue...if you do have a letter of scope/fee to us by Oct. 10, it will be placed on the next BPW agenda, Oct. 17. Can't do any better than that. i will be out of the office until Monday Oct. 8, and while I will be checking my messages while out, would ask that you try to work out details with Jon. I appreciate your ongoing help on this and all you do for us. Jon would also have some background on the Committee discussion regarding Illinois Street. This is not boring work. thanks Mike -Original Message- From: Myers, John [SMTP:MyersJ@pbwortd.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 02,2001 12:25 PM To: 'Hollibaugh, Mike P' Subject: RE: Traffic at the Village I've had the chance between other meetings to read the letter. Regarding the "offsetting" assumptions leading to a reduction in trips, how convenient. Guess that makes the independent technical review particularly important. Better to get this, digest it, review it, discuss it with PKG if necessary, then report to committee/subcommittee rather than reacting on the spot at tonight's presentation. Based on how they handled themselves in the previous work, PKG should be easy to work with on this. No travel cost, either. -----Original Message----- From: Hollibaugh, Mike P [mailto:MHollibaugh@cLcarmel.in.us] Sent: Tuesday, October 02,2001 10:12 AM To: Myers, John Subject: FW: Traffic at the Village John: hot off the press > -----Original Message----- > From: Jose Kreutz [SMTP:josek@brenwick.com] > Sent: Tuesday, October 02,2001 7:44 AM > To: 'Hollibaugh, Mike P'; Jon Dobosiewicz (E-mail) 1 OJ > Subject: Traffic at the Village > > Hi Jon and Mike. > > Attached please find Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum's letter summarizing > their > conclusions on the update of the traffic study for WestClay. Jennifer will > bring originals of the signed letter to the meeting tonite; I also had her > run a copy of the letter to John Myers. > > As you can see, we will argue that the impact of adding two more buildings > like ours falls within the range of traffic volumes originally > contemplated > as the impact of the Village. I am not sure what more there is to discuss, > but will count on some of the members to bring up!! > > Let me know if we need to chat before the meeting, I'll be in the office > all > day. > > Thanks! > > Jose > > <<PKG letter to DOCS 10_01_01.doc>> ~ 2 Q CD o m- pflum, Klausmeier & Gehrum Consultants, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 1, 2001 Mr. Mike Hollibaugh 1 Civic Square, Third Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Village of West Clay, Technical Amendment Dear Mr. Hollibaugh: As you know, Brenwick TND Communities will be requesting several amendments to the development requirements for the Village of West Clay at the October 2nd Subdivision Committee meeting. Our firm has been asked to review our Transportation Impact Study (TIS)! for this development and provide our opinion as to how the proposed change in commercial square footage will affect traffic in the vicinity. Brenwick is proposing that the current ordinance be amended to allow a maximum of 272,400 square feet of commercial, up from the 204,300 square feet that is currently permitted. We have studied the impact of this change by looking at four aspects of the TIS: land use assumptions, internal capture rate, estimated trip generation, and current trip generation. We will present our findings at the subcommittee meeting. Following is a summary of that work. Work on the original TIS began in August 1997. At that time, the specific nature of retail development on this site was unknown. The Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation manual provides multiple categories of retail land use for estimating trip generation, from very general to the most specific. The land use titled Shopping Center was used to simulate the Village's commercial trip generation potential because it covered centers of all sizes and results in the highest volumes compared to other commercial categories. It therefore seemed most appropriate for the study based on the information available. As the Village of WestClay begins to develop, we have a better understanding of the type of commercial businesses that will succeed there. With this new information, we find that the land use category of Specialty Retail is more appropriate, as it is defined as a small shopping center containing various retail shops of high quality. We have conducted some surveys of similar neo- traditional neighborhood commercial areas and will present those comparisons at the committee meeting. We believe that the commercial area of WestClay better fits this land use description and that large scale shopping centers are unlikely to materialize. The effect is that trip estimates for the commercial portion of the site will likely be significantly lower than what was estimated in the original TIS. Additionally, new information has become available that provides us with a tool to estimate the internal capture rate at multi-use developments. The Institute of Transportation Engineers has compiled data from studies of existing multi-use developments similar to WestClay and developed a procedure for using that data to make estimates at new developments of this type. This procedure was published in the October 1998 Trip Generation Handbook, after the 1 The Village of West Clav Transportation Impact Study, February 1998, Thomas E. Ford, P.E. 47 S. Pennsylvania St. 9th Floor Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Tel: 317.636.1552 Fax: 317.636.1345 Web: http://www. pkgconsult.com Engineering Planning Landscape Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . Offices: Cincinnati, OH Indianapolis, IN Hudson, OH Glasgow, Scotland Charleston, WV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . w u 'lI Pflum. Klausmeier & Gehrum Consultants, Inc. completion of the original WestClay TIS. In the original TIS, an internal capture rate of 10% was used based on assumptions regarding land use mix and density. Using the new ITE procedure, we calculate an internal capture rate of 18% for the Village of WestClay. Therefore, based on the best information available at this time, we find that more site-generated trips are expected to remain internal to the Village of WestClay than were originally estimated. This in turn means that fewer trips will travel along the surrounding roadway system and through adjacent intersections. The difference between the number of estimated trips generated by the permitted development intensity versus the amended intensity, is 6% in the AM peak hour and 8% in the PM peak hour. The volume of added trips is 91 vehicles in the AM hour and 174 vehicles in the PM hour. These are distributed between inbound and outbound trips and among eighteen different site drives. However, the size and number of units for each land use type have changed since the original TIS was started. Since that time, the project has undergone months of review by the Plan Commission, subcommittees, and the public. The final ordinance permits fewer apartments, fewer square feet of commercial, and fewer single-family homes than were assumed in the TIS. The effect is that, with the additional commercial that is being requested at this time, and without changing the internal capture rate or retail land use assumptions, the number of trips generated by original TIS is higher than the number of trips generated by the Village as currently planned. Village of WestClay Trip Generation Estimates Scenario AM Peak PM Peak In Out Total In Out Total 1997 Original TIS 792 905 1,697 1,206 1,175 2,381 2001 Permitted Uses 623 855 1,478 1,128 1,026 2,154 2001 Requested Uses 696 873 1,569 1,198 1,130 2,328 In addition to relying on ITE standard practices, traffic volumes were recorded at each of the Village site drives between 4:00pm and 6:00pm on September 27, 2001. Based on existing occupancy, trip generation estimates were made using methodology prescribed by the 6th Edition Trip Generation as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (1997). Comparison ofthese numbers showed that existing site traffic as counted on September 27th is 39% less than would be estimated for that level of development during the peak hour using ITE methodology. The analyses of trip generation and land use assumptions presented herein lead us to find that the original TIS conclusions likely overstate site generated traffic volumes. However, we find that the recommendations developed for the TIS and additional analyses performed through the course of Plan Commission Hearings are still valid. Of primary importance is that the total volume of site generated trips under the proposed amendment is lower (2-8%) than the volumes calculated in the original TIS with all other assumptions remaining the same. CD u .. pflum, Klausmeier & Gehrum Consultants,lnc. Beyond that, it is worth noting that many assumptions go into the development of a TIS of this magnitude. In the past four years, since the TIS assumptions were originally developed, more multi-use developments have been constructed and tested, and better tools have been created to improve reliability of estimates for such unique locations. Although traffic volumes will be 6 to 8% higher during the peak periods under the proposed amendment versus the permitted density, we believe that this difference will be compensated for by more trips remaining internal to the site and fewer retail trips overall. These conclusions are further supported by the existing traffic situation at the Village of West Clay. We would be happy to go over this information in more detail with you or your staff. Please call me directly with any questions or requests for supporting materials. I would be happy to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, PFLUM, KLAUSMEIER & GEHRUM CONSULTANTS, INC. 0-/P~ Jennifer A. Pyrz, P.E. Cc: John Myers, Parsons Brinkerhoff #3488 u ~o-'" P laC7\.?J(" c..~ \ \ ~. CAt- S&\ \?--~:L. J:) t:Altt e ~ cAoJ ~ ~ J~ J. h".s-~~ C 0-..--.. ...-.- ~ ~ r-- ~ ~ \ '" ~ 0 ^ l~rJ.~ \..v~~ \,",.t~,...~k' ,,, c:r'''\ - 0\ G f\ -rL\ 0'-1' ~"l "'~ C, \, S-. '"' ~\ \d--""3~ , 'l.) Q Carmel/Clay Plan Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN.46033 October 1,2001 Dear Sir, The purpose of this letter is to formally express the Claridge Farm Homeowners' Association opposition to some of the modifications of the development requirements under the WestClay village planned unit ordinance requested by the Brenwick Development Company as presented in Docket No. 99-01 OA. We represent the interests of218 homeowners whose properties border the Village of West Clay. Specifically, we object to the following: 1. The expansion of commercial space, which although referred to by the petitioner as a "slightly more" increase, in fact proposes a 10,000 square foot increase for one business previously planned for 10,000 square feet, (double the size) and the addition of three 5000 square foot destination restaurants. By anyone's definition this hardly qualifies as a slight increase. The nature and type of other commercial expansion in the area previously planned for townhomes is unknown, but it appears it would also add to the 'slight' increase. This commercial expansion proposal sounds like a shopping center which is not what we were originally told would be in the Village of West Clay. Such a major expansion of the commercial center of the project will bring increased non-neighborhood traffic to the area (116th St., 131st St., Clay Center Rd.), contributing to an already growing problem with no near-term solution in sight. Such an expansion will significantly increase the volume of delivery and service trucks which bring the inherent noise of such activity at all times of the day. Restaurants, no doubt, will have alcohol licenses and accompanying bar traffic, which also adds a safety concern to our roads. As well, restaurants contribute obnoxious food and cooking odors to the neighboring atmosphere. Light pollution, which is already a problem to our residents, will also be exacerbated. 2. The expansion of the number of three story buildings, which are probably in the commercial category, may too affect the view of some of our homes, which currently offers primarily a residential and/or greenery view. In addition, we have reservations about the proposal for the parking ramp and the reduction in some lot sizes without knowing more detailed information such as where these proposed changes will be located in the development, number of increased lots and home values. #' ~ Q j' Although we originally opposed the development of the Village of West Clay for many reasons, we have been good neighbors and have worked with Brenwick as they pursued their development. However, we respectfully request the Commission to reject the modifications presented in Docket No. 99-01 OA. Bry n President, Claridge Farm Homeowners Association 1248 Helford Ln Carmel, IN 46032 u Village of WestClay Traffic Impacts of Changes to Commercial Development JIll...... ;J;I=,~~ October 2,2001 1. Land Use Assumptions What is the nature of commercial development at the Village ofWestOay? JIll...... ;J:R=,~~ Celebration, Florida JIll...... :J;R~=~~1wum o Traffic Impact of Brenwick's Request We will consider: 1. Land Use Assumptions 2. Internal Capture Rate 3. Estimated Trip Generation 4. Current Trip Generation JIll...... ~=..~~ Gateway Plaza, Columbia, MD ';-vi%iEiP:~%t:::~; u~' JIll...... :JJR=~~ Seaside, Florida (est. 1981) .''''''di!&~~~-; :: FIIt;~: 17 Art and Furnishings Stoml in<:luding Fwion Arl Glass and Paint rOUT Own Pottery Studio JIll....... :JJR=~~ 1 u Pennsylvania St. & 49th St. HB :::......... Glhnam ~CoNt.IIanb.lnc. Trip Estimation for Retail ;,:!>;lli'lr:t~"'_A:-~_'ili I Based on current interest in the site, a more fitting land use description would be "Specialty Retail center," ITE Land Use Code 814-- resulting in fewer trips BIl...... iJR=~~ 2. Internal Capture Rate What new procedures are available for calculating the internal capture rate? BIl...... ~~~~~ o Trip Estimation for Retail ""m<<",W_~$, "" " i "..$ I In 1997 TIS, PKG assumed that retail would develop as a "Shopping center," ITE Land Use Code 820 - resulting in high traffic volumes BIl...... ~=.~ Trip Generation Comparison ~-- PM Peak Hour In Out Total aiglnal71S: 910ppng Center (116,175 SF) 333 360 693 RequestEd Amendment: SpecIalty Retail Center (136,200 SF) 152 201 353 Dlfferenc:e -181 -159 -340 _ =--... e.tlrum """"""....In< Internal Capture I A new procedure for estimating internal capture from ITE I Internal Capture uSing new procedure= 18% I Estimated in original study = 10% BIl...... JJR=~~"' 2 u Internal Capture I With an internal capture rate of 18%... PM Peak hour traffic volumes (requested) are 11% less than those estimated and analyzed in original study -....... ~=~~ Trip Generation Comparisons ~,_'w . I There were changes between the time the TIS was started in August 1997 and the time it was approved by Oty Council: 11 fewer single family homes 39 additional townhomes (only one shown on plat) 4 fewer 2-famlly villas 43 fewer apartments 105,500 fewer sq. It of oommerdal (office & retail) -...... :J;R=~~ Trip Generation Comparisons .""~ I Brenwick is requesting 68,100 sq. ft. additional commercial - ...~ :J;R ~ua:=. ~~ o 3. Estimated Trip Generation "'_W"" r ~ ~ " What impact does Brenwick's request have on traffic volumes? -....... ~=~~ Original Study ys. Permitted ";;;,41=",,,(;: 1$" 1997 PKG Traffic Study lOTAL SITE GENERATED TRIPS I AM Peak Trips: 792 Inbound 905 outbound 1,697 Total I PM Peak Trips: 1,206 Inbound 1,175 outbound 2,381 Total 1IR~.GehNm ~ c-dtantl". lroc. 2001 Pennitted Uses lOTAL SITE GENERATED TRIPS I AM Peak Trips: 623 Inbound 855 outbound 1,478 Total I PM Peak Trips: 1,128 Inbound 1,026 outbound 2,154 TOOII Original Study ys. Requested "~~~':W$:1.' "'", ~~- -'-L1~9:lM 1997 PKG Traffic Study lOTAL SITE GENERATED lRIPS I AM Peak Trips: 792 Inbound 905 outbound 1,697 Total I PM Peak Trips: 1,206 Inbound 1,175 outbound 2,381 Total -....... ~=~~ 2001 Reauested Uses lOTAL SITE GENERATED TRIPS I AM Peak Trips: 696 Inbound 873 outbound 1,569 TOOII I PM Peak Trips: 1,198 Inbound 1,130 outbound 2,328 TOOII 3 u Permitted ys. Requested ~' AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Requested 696 873 1,569 1,198 1,130 2,328 Permitted 623 855 1,478 1,128 1,026 2,154 Increas:e in trips as 73 18 91 70 104 174 ReQuested Decrease in trips for Specialty Retail -181 -159 -340 Net change in trip genmllion -III -55 -166 m- =~~ Current Trip Generation . Occupied as of Sept. 27th: I 48 single family homes I 1,800 SF commercial I 23,200 SF office I 1 apartment I 19,000 SF meeting house PM Peak Hour In Out Total rTE Estimates 86 150 236 SIll! 0rl\Ie Counts 59 84 143 DIfference 27 66 93 % redUCtiOn 31% 44% 39% II =-----. Gehrum ConIuMnb, In;. Conclusion additional trips generated by the requested change will have a negligible impact on intersection levels of service. lIB ~. GehnIa> -l'R ConwItanb, Inc. u Current Trip Generation "4,#1;;$::;1$41 ',,)dt How do existing site driveway volumes compare to ITE estimates? .m~.e.hrum .;;;; CamutUlnb. Inc. Summary Based on new estimates, a greater percentage of the site trips will likely be "captured" Internally Based on new land use Information, the commercial portion of the site will likely produce significantly fewer trips Estimates of traffic from the requested change are 6-8% higher than OJrrently pennltted, yet lower than the original TIS Current driveway volumes are lower than would be antidpated by that level of development Bll....... ~=~~ Bll"'''''' ~=~~"" 4 o Review of 1997 TIS Scenarios Originally Studied: 1. ExIsting 2. ExIsting + westaay + Background Growth 3. ExIsting + Vacant Sltes + Background Growth 4. ExIsting + westaay + Vacant Sltes + Background Growth 5. ExIsting + As Za1ed + Vacant Sited + Background Growth m....... ;JJR=~~ Scenarios Studied at Plan Commission Request : (A) Scenario 2 with us 31 _ IrnprllIIEd (Western llIsbibution) (B) Scenario 4 western llIsbibution (q Scenario 4 western llIsbibution and ExtensIon of 126th Street (0) Scenario 5 western llIsbibutlon (E) Scenario 5 Western llIsbibution and ExtensiOn of 126th Street o Scheduled Improvements 'z,%~~_;t.- :0!~~~ ~ ll=.<,..;ml I Shelborne Road and 116th Street I Towne Road and I Springmill Road and I 96th Street I 96th Street I l06th Street I l06th Street I 116th Street I 116th Street I Ditch Road and I 131st Street I 96th Street I 136th Street I l06th Street I 146th Street I 116th Street lIB =--. Gefwurn ~ <onsu1tantJ. me. 5 v u J Oft/Ol ~- V lL.l- .....6E OF- w&cT" C. '- A"( 1. ~ J~t~ .6~~_~_~~_~,_-:#-S-_"_'_~_'___'_"~1 I I ___~'. -~bm~_-4~.~.:"J."u:b~I'__~~.s.s_'1lf~_Q..~~~~-_~_~__1 ~ - \ ~1!> "v - - >~,P:l~-Gtff__.. ---.-- It. l~ 4J~.------""".~- M~,(~ 6&~~..1'~~ . S" ~~~_kt>-~..s - ~.. ~()K. ,41:>""~~ 5"f~ - ~~S~~~ 1"b ~ l..~ C"O~""~_ ~~ - p.o~ -rt> ~~ TelL- ~ use: -~~~n' 1'b ~"'PbAA~ HI--nc.CfI 'Flit""" - ~'SPIIFHE. - Hb"'" ~1141":":'~' on=t~ - L~~ o~ "'~ *~~~ .,,~- 1 I 0/.4'ul>~ ,jr IHbJ__~- ~"T70P - ~tJPr fi~ ~_~~_~_~.s_p:_~(v~ 6-0 -~ , v Q C~-=~~-:D \- ,....",.,., ~ ~-"'.. ..... Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Subject: Hollibaugh, Mike P Wednesday, September 26, 2001 11 :25 AM Dobosiewicz, Jon C RE: Village of WestClay Traffic would you call John Myers to get his feedback, and, perhaps retain his firm to review PKG's work. ok? ~ John W. Myers AICP, PE --Original Message---- From: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Sent: Wednesday, September 26,200110:45 AM To: 'Jose Kreutz' Cc: Hollibaugh, Mike P Subject: RE: Village of WestClay Traffic Jose, Your approach sounds adequate. Yes it is difficult to determine what Ron or others may want to see. However, I think what they want to hear and what the facts are may be different. I would like to see the net impact as you suggest (difference not between today and what you propose but the net difference between what is currently approved and the proposed change). Ideas: X being the total projected trips under today's ordinance at build out Y being the projected trips under proposed ordinance at full build out Z being the net impact and display that at key intersections Reason: Are we talking about a couple of cars more an hour at key intersections, a car a minute, what is it. I can only assume that the impact will be marginal. People don't go to destination restaurants when they work, what will be offset by pass-by and internal trips, etc. I will not be in the office on Thursday, Friday, or Monday, at least not officially. We are moving over the weekend into our new house. However, if you need to sit down and discuss things prior to the committee meeting Tuesday give me a call at home at 774-9638, installed Friday AM. I could try to make time Monday to meet with you, AM best. Thanks, Jon -----Original Message----- From: Jose Kreutz [mailto:josek@brenwick.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 26,2001 8:56 AM To: Jon Dobosiewicz (E-mail) Subject: Village of WestClay Traffic Hi Jon. In preparation for next week's Subcommittee appearance Tom Ford (of Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum) is working on a traffic review to address hopefully some of the points to be raised. Specifically, we are thinking that taking a look at the scenario that assumes (1) full build-out of the Village and (2) full build-out of the vacant parcels in our 10 sq.mi. study area may be the 1 .. W;y to go. We would ignore the iQ.;lsections currently under design or Q construction by the County, and we would gage the impact of the additional commercial on the rest of the intersections. I know it's hard for you to anticipate what Ron will want to discuss, but does the concept sound okay to you? Would you object, or perhaps even facilitate a call to Ron and other members of the committee to see what they are thinking on the traffic issue? We are researching the issue of "captured" traffic as part of smart-growth neighborhoods, and we intend to take traffic counts at some locations to update the base numbers. Any thoughts you may have would be greatly appreciated. Jose www.Brenwick.com Jose Kreutz, VP of Operations Brenwick Development Company, Inc. 12821 East New Market Street, Suite 200 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Tel. 317.574.3400 Fax. 317.574.3919 2 .p Q.) (j ;- Dobosiewicz, Jon C Full Name: Last Name: First Name: Job Title: Company: Mr. John W. Myers AICP PE Myers John Assistant Vice President Parsons Brinkerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. Business Address: 47 South Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 Business: Home: Mobile: Business Fax: (317) 972-1706 (317) 259-1705 (317) 407-1201 (317) 972-1708 E-mail: E-mail 2: myersj@pbworld.com sreymj@aol.com 1 Q ./' u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571.2426 Fax ~~ s~4~~9 \ ~ To: From: ~~~ :3 ~. ;L ". 0 '\ Fax: Pages: Phane: Date: Re: C~ "\ ~. c... Wllii~"" ~t po kf"' cc= o Urgent 0 For Review 0 P,lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ~\...'b..A..~ ~. Iii. : ~ l'-~ 0; ----- ~ '~~"~L..~~ \ ~~ ~ ~~r::.'f'r..~~ " ~'l-a\ ~P\ (J YL.~ Go~--' s",o~ u f1/.sJ 0, r- ... ::bo.~.~C):.-~~-S~-'O\:- '.\J\l....\...AG:.. Or wr;str c'-PtY i \. V\b~_~~6"~ 1__ ! i 1 ?;'. S6~~ ~~~ n-s .o_.'"-\. '-\ . \"7 \ ,.-r;;..,.s . ~ 5" """ . s n!'&l......~ "2... ~6L~ -~~~EA.Gt1lk- S_<K_._-E:L.- Q) \....d'T 5J'l..rr.s___ 5. 3 .s~'1: d."'L.."t)l~'=S_MO"~ fV\S:Q"\~\i: tiD"'~ ~~$' 6b ~ I ! f . . t .' j' ~\)auC. _H..~l~ ~ nL ~ ~ o. /Rc)~i:.-"----'--- ~~s.1:" ~ C) [ I ~ t) ~rrrn.. -- ---- I _ ... _:STAg=l....~fH6- ~JJtJn;,tlLUL~~.i!~y;a.-~,i\-- L-. . d:;2""A-vL'" \~h\"'~UfWL- ~~_~U#I~ ~::~__~y\.....t.)b_~.~~_- L._ _ J -z..~M:€u~E-F.'" .Q!_~CoI~ _~_~~ii_eMgS_______________ 3 ._"'friO L~ - L4'r ~l~ ~_~~llIli."'- -----.----- :~ ~ S~'1_b"C.~_~~~_~&.-.--€L.. ----~-------._---------~--- I I_~.___~_.___. . i --.--..----------- _._-~-,~-------_._- ---------"'"~,_..~_._-~- ~_..._- -- ----------------' :~----_..-----'------"'~-- _._____.____ _____$'\JS:b\\llSJ o~_~o~~.J._JJ_ e:.E_- ~---- ----_............._--._~---~.....- ------------~--~.._-- -------_._-'~~---_.--_.- -------~--~--~--- ~ u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4aJ32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax )D~ ~~ t..~, "2- .:s74 - --:;/1 \ '1 To: From: du~ L,~.~ ~ 9 ~ '~-c)' Fax: Pages: Phone: Reo~~= ~__,- ~'-f'">"-T Date: CCI o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment [J Please Reply o Please Recycle '-~ V~~..~~ a,.... e;;- , ~ , L L-~ c;:- ~..- D,-~CL~ \ ~'\ ~"('r\~'i::::. . Q (;) BRENWICK August 22, 2001 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Modification of the WestClay Development Requirements Dear Jon: Pursuant our conversations on this matter, enclosed please find one copy each of the following documents: · Modification of the Development Requirements Established Under the WestClay Village Planned Unit Development Ordinance · Petitioner's Statement in Support of Modification of the Development Requirements The enclosed documents reflect our final thoughts on what it is we will be presenting before the Plan Commission at the September 18th meeting, and thus we would request that the enclosed be considered part of our official filing. We will deliver to you, for distribution, packets that will include the enclosed two documents, as well as other materials in support of our request. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Sincerely, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. Jr::~~ Vice President of Operations Enclosure 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 200 · Carmel, Indiana 46032 . 317.574.3400 · 317.574.3919 Fax brenwick@brenwick.com h Up:/ /www.brenwick.com o u BRENWICK August 3, 2001 Ms. Sue Ellen Johnson Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Docket No. 99-01-0A Modifications of Development Requirements The Village of WestClay Dear Sue Ellen: Thank you for forwarding the information regarding the above docket number. Attached kindly find a check in the amount of $700.00 payable in connection with our application for the above item. I will forward the proof of publication and packets for distribution under separate cover. Again, thanks for all the help! Your smile and kindness is always appreciated! Sincerely, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. se Kreutz Vice President of Operations Enclosure (check #13144) 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 200 · Carmel, Indiana 46032 · 317.574.3400 · 317.574.3919 Fax brenwick@brenwick.com http://www.brenwick.com '" " W) u Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Friday, August 03, 2001 10:01 AM Johnson, Sue E Lillig, Laurence M; Hahn, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - OA; Village of West Clay - Modifications of Development Requirements Sue Ellen, Please issue the necessary Docket Number for Village of West Clay - Modifications of Development Requirements Text Amendment application. It will be the following: q~ . ## - 01 OA $700 Total Fee: $700.00 Village of West Clay - Modifications of Development Requirements The petitioner seeks approval to amend several provisions of their existing PUD Ordinance. The site is generally located at the southeast comer of West 131 st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz ofBrenwick TND Communities, LLC. The petition will be placed on the September 18, 2001, Plan Commission agenda under Public Hearings. Notice for the meeting needs to be made by August 24 in the newspaper only (no certified notice required). Packets for the commission members need to be in our office by September 7th for mailing. Once the docket is assigned please return the file to my office. Please contact Jose Kreutz with this information. ~ \~ 'x~ D Thanks, Jon ~ e~~ n ~ 3~ ~ '(v'\... "ro ~ ~\ .~ t, ~ 1 ", ~:' [) U " CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax To: From: ~~ t "f:;...~ Fax: Pages: cQ.., 8 ~ 3--C) \ Phone: Date: Re: ~q -0 I c:DA , cc: o Urgent o For Review 0 P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ./ \ ~L.~ -St~~~ ). .-',n -- .~,... ~ u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Subject: Jose Kreutz Uosek@brenwick.com] Tuesday, July 31,2001 1 :20 PM 'Dobosiewicz, Jon C' RE: WestClay Ordinance Thanks so much, Jon. You have made my life so much easier. Sad day today, isn't it? -----Original Message----- From: Dobosiewicz, Jon C [mailto:JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 1:02 PM To: 'Jose Kreutz' Cc: Hollibaugh, Mike P Subject: RE: WestClay Ordinance Jose, Sorry I could not meet with you last Thursday. The process outlined below sounds fine. I will place this item (the Modifications of the Development Requirements) on the Plan Commission agenda for September 18. Do you want the copies of information you supplied before distributed? Or do you want to separate the issues and submit a separate narrative and documentation for each? Let me know. The fee for the Modifications will be $700. The fee for the other will be $700 + $35 per acre impacted. Thanks, Jon -----Original Message----- From: Jose Kreutz [mailto:josek@brenwick.com] Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 10:51 AM To: Jon Dobosiewicz (E-mail) Subject: WestClay Ordinance Jon, I am sure you find yourself pretty covered up coming back from vacation today, so I thought I'd try to drop a note rather than bug you with a more intrusive call. This regards our petition to amend the ordinance for WestClay, and the procedure that's outlined in the 31.6.2 you were kind enough to fax over before you left. The way we would like to handle this whole thing, if we could chose, would be to do it in two steps. Of all the amendments we propose, only one such change requires an amendment to the ordinance, with the rest falling under the classification of "Modifications of the Development Requirements". The one change that will need, eventually, to end up before the Council is the request to change the approved land uses permitted in the Primary Area (creating sub areas MU and SF). The proposed modifications of the development requirements, in accordance with the procedure outlined in Z-330, requires the Plan Commission to have a public hearing (no individual notifications) before taking action, and all the items that I foresee being 1 fconti6versial could be addr~d there. We would attempt to ~ those modifications done first, then corne back later and tackle the MU/SF deal, which would be a zoning request and would require the typical certified notifications and actions by both Plan Commission and Council. If you concur with our plan, we would then like to be on the September Plan Commission agenda listed under "Modifications of the Development Requirements". I am not sure what application form and filing fee most closely corresponds to that request, but am sure you'll figure it out! Let me know what other information you need when thinking this over. Thanks for all the help! 2 .P o BRENWICK July 16,2001 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Carmel Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Amendment to Ordinance Z-330 Dear Jon: Pursuant our conversations on the matter, and our letter of June 8, 2001, it is our intent to pursue an amendment to the Village of WestClay's PUD ordinance. Enclosed, for your review and distribution to the Plan Commission members, please find the following two documents: 1. Modification of the Development Requirements Established Under the WestClay Village Planned Unit Development Ordinance 2. Petitioner's Statement in Support of Modification of the Development Requirements We are hopeful to be heard at the September 18th, 2001, Plan Commission meeting. Please advise us what additional information is required for issuance of the docket number. Sincerely, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. se Kreutz Vice President of Operations Enclosure 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 200 · Carmel, Indiana 46032 · 317.574.3400 · 317.574.3919 Fax brenwick@brenwick.com http://www.brenwick.com v u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Subject: Jose Kreutz Uosek@brenwick.com] Wednesday, June 27, 2001 12:05 PM Jon Dobosiewicz (E-mail) WestClay Hiya Jon, Just following up on our meeting of last week. Two questions: did you and Mike have a chance to talk about the procedure by which the ordinance amendment will be discussed, and do you need anything else from me to begin your evaluation of the traffic improvements issue? You and I briefly chatted about Ryland doing 41 town homes, akin to what they are doing in the City Center, on one of our village center blocks. That looks like is going to happen, so I expect that you'll see something from Keith in the next few days. Just a heads-up. Thanks, buddy. Jose 1 ;.. I" Q) (,) BRENWICK June 8, 2001 Michael P. Hollibaugh Director, Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Center Carmel, Indiana 46032 Dear Mr. Hollibaugh: I am taking the liberty of forwarding to you for your preliminary review and approval a proposed form of Amended and Restated Ordinance for the WestClay Village Planned Unit Development which incorporates a number of changes which we believe, based on experience, will improve the quality of the development. Many of the changes are technical: deleting references no longer relevant, correcting definitions or making explicit what is implicit. The substantive changes are as follows: 1. Primary Area Desionation. We propose to divide the Primary Area into two subareas: Primary Area (MU) and Primary Area (SF). The uses presently permitted in the Primary Area would continue to be permitted uses in Primary Area (MU). Uses in Primary Area (SF) would be limited to single-family dwellings and accessory uses as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in its regulations implementing the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act ("I LSFDA"). Under existing ILSFDA regulations, lots in the Primary Area as presently constituted do not qualify for the exemption from registration established by U.S.C. Section 1403(b)(5) for single-family residences, which means that we may not sell lots directly to consumers but must sell only to builders. This has frustrated individuals who desire to purchase a lot, design a home and then select a builder, as has been the practice in all our other subdivisions in Carmel. From a planning perspective, this change would restrict the areas in which we may construct commercial or multiuse structures. 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 200 . Carmel, Indiana 46032 . 317.574.3400 · 317.574.3919 Fax brenwick@brenwick.com http://www.brenwick.com Q) u 2. Delineation of Primary and Secondary Areas. Enclosed is a copy of a portion of the development area marked to indicate a proposed revision of the delineation of the Primary and Secondary Areas reflected on the approved Development Plan (we will, of course, prior to filing, prepare a modified Development Plan consistent with the enclosure). The modified plan divides the Primary Area between Primary Area (SF) in which only single-family homes may be constructed and Primary Area (MU) in which commercial and multiuse structures may be constructed. We also propose to extend the Primary Area west of Towne Road to include the southerly portion of the land we own there. This change would permit us to expand the area of the Village Homes within walking distance of the Village Center, incorporate MacArthur Field into the heart of the Village component, and satisfy the extraordinary demand we have found for Village Homes. This alteration in the Primary Area would not affect density: we propose no chanae in the residential density limitations established bv the Ordinance. 3. Home Based Offices. We propose to restrict the Home-Based Office Area to the new Primary Area (MU). 4. Automobile Service Station. We propose to delete the restriction in Section 5.1 (0)(6) that precludes automobile repair in connection with the operation of the single automobile service station that is permitted by the Ordinance. We have found that it is not economically feasible for an operator to function as a vendor of gasoline only. The present restriction has the practical effect of precluding the development of a service station at WestClay that would serve the residents living between U.S. 31 and Michigan Road. 5. Accessory Dwellinas. All accessory dwellings constructed to date are above the garage. Because of the predominance of 3-car garages, the second level space available for an accessory dwelling tends to approximate 1,000 square feet. Section 7.7 presently limits accessory dwellings to 850 square feet. We propose to increase this to 1,000 square feet. We don't believe that this change would have any adverse practical effect since it is the size of the garage structure and not the build-out of the second level that impacts the streetscape. 6. Model Homes. We propose to add a new Section 7.11 that authorizes staffed model homes in the project area, subject to compliance with the sign regulations. 7. Commercial Space. We propose to modify Section 8 to permit slightly more commercial space in the Primary Area (MU). This is motivated by several BRENWICK ~ o factors: first, the original Development Plan contemplated more two-story buildings than we presently believe desirable to establish the sense of enclosure in the Village Center that creates the environment we believe necessary and appropriate. The existing limitation does not afford us sufficient square footage to build the number of three-story buildings we believe desirable. Second, we originally contemplated building townhomes on several of the Village Center Blocks. We have concluded that while some such construction may be feasible, it is unlikely that the market will support the number of units originally contemplated and, without the ability to construct commercial buildings where the townhomes were originally proposed, we will end up with gaps in the streetscape that we believe most people would find objectionable and contrary to the original vision for the project. Third, the level of commercial amenities desired by our residents and prospective residents is greater than we anticipated. High on their priority list is a first-class, specialty grocer. To provide a facility consistent with these expectations will require approximately a 20,000 square foot facility, which is larger than the more modest facility we originally contemplated. Finally, we have been approached by a number of prospective operators of destination, full-service restaurants who are interested in relocating to the Village. They are interested in freestanding facilities up to 5,000 square feet; again, larger than we anticipated. In sum, we seek the flexibility to respond to these opportunities which, if realized, would greatly enhance the ambiance of the Village Center. 8. Lot Size. We have found that there is an extraordinary demand in Carmel for quality single-family homes on small lots. When we first proposed this project, perhaps the greatest skepticism arose in connection with our contention that there was a great void in the marketplace for custom homes on small lots which afford the owner the opportunity to downsize without giving up the quality of life they have previously experienced in larger, traditional homes. The market acceptance of Village Homes has exceeded our expectation. Whether young or old, single or married, with or without children, there are numerous people who like the idea of alley-fed, custom homes on small, limited maintenance lots. In fact, many prefer smaller homes (at less cost) than we are presently able to offer because of the provision in Section 15.3 of the Ordinance which provides that detached single- family homes can only be constructed on lots having a width of 45 feet or greater. The key to the aesthetic appeal of homes on small lots is the proportion of the width of the house to the width of the lot. If the proportion is less than 75% to 80%, then the home stands naked on the lot and offends the eye. The rhythm of the streetscape is established by this proportion, not by the width of the lot. In order to get smaller, more affordable homes (1700 to 2200 square feet) appropriately on the BRENWICK /1'\ ~ u lot, we need to reduce the lot width, which is what we propose in the suggested change to Section 15.3. 9. Structured Parking. A new Section 16.4 would permit structured parking on the interior of Village Center Blocks to serve commercial structures located on those blocks. 10. Sianaae. When I drafted the Ordinance, I was concerned about the relationship of signage to the style, height and design of the contemplated commercial structures, and I made some arbitrary decisions with respect to size of signboards and lettering. In each instance, I imposed standards that were materially more restrictive than what the Carmel Sign Ordinance requires. As we have developed signage for the existing and proposed buildings, we have found that those restrictions were too rigorous and have resulted in signage which does not bear the desirable historical proportion to the buildings to which they are affixed. We propose to correct that failure by minor changes to Section 18 of the Ordinance, which would have the effect of establishing a visually pleasing proportion between building area and signage area. 11. Fences and Walls. The Ordinance establishes different standards for fences and walls between the Primary and Secondary Areas. This has worked against our objective of having the entire project read as a single community with compatible architectural styles. We propose to amend Section 22 to provide that the present standards applicable in the Primary Area will also be applicable in the Secondary Area. Additionally, we propose to delete the prohibition against front yard fences less than three feet high since historically many homes had lower fences to demarcate the private from the public space at the sidewalk. While I believe the foregoing consists of all the material changes proposed, what we regard as immaterial may, to others, be material. If so, I am happy to provide an explanation for each of the other changes. In any event, all changes from the existing Ordinance have been marked on the enclosure. After you have had an opportunity to review the enclosure, I would appreciate it if you would afford me the opportunity to meet with you to get your thoughts on our BRENWICK Q) o suggestions. We do not want to stir up a public fuss, but we do want to take every reasonable measure to assure that The Village of WestClay will be the crown jewel of Carmel that has always been our objective. Sincerely yours, Tom Charles Huston Chairman cc: George P. Sweet (w/o enc) David R. Warshauer (w/enc) Jose Kreutz (w/o enc) TCH/mu BRENWICK