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Srritr J 8<~
Onr .Hamilton Calmly Sqlltlre
"'oh/esrJillr, IlIdiantl 46cI6('-.l~-'(1
07/05/2006 17:52
July 5, 2006
The Schneider Corporation
ATrN: Bob Doster
8901 Otis Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037
RE: REI Medical Omce Building
Dear Mr. Doster:
We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's
Office on June 7, 2006 for this project and have the folJowing comments:
1. The proposed project falls in the incorporated area and MS4 jurisdiction of the
City of Carmel.
2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone.
3. Th,e proposed project falls in the W.R. Fertig Regulated Drain Watershed. This
watershed has an allowable release rate of 0.25 cfs per acre.
4. Please submit an outlet (indirect) pennit to the W.R. Fertig Regulated Drain. The
application is available on our website at http://www.co.hamilton.in.us. go to
Departments, Surveyor, and Fonns.
S. Please provide additional proof that the existing detention pond is sized large
enough to accommodate the additional nmofffrom the development of this site.
The HCSO has dealt with drainage complains from the next detention pond
downstream from this site and ifth:is additional runoff is not accOlmted for. then
the problems downstream will only be made worse. A copy of the original and
modified drainage calculations, since this pond was reshaped between 2001 and
2003 with the development of the parcels south of this project. would help to
resolve the detention volume question.
07/05/2006 17:52
PAGE 02/82
6. Please note that :further comments may be necessary at a later date.
Should you have any questioDS, I can be reached at 3176776-8495.
Greg Hoyes. AC
Plan Reviewer
cc: Matt Griffin - Carmel DOCD
Amanda Foley - Carmel Engineering
Mike McBride - HCHD
Dick Hill- Carmel Engineering
Amanda Foley - Carmel Engineering
Greg Dko - Crossroad EngineeI$
Jeremy Stephenson - RBI Investments - 573-6055
,:::,:!:-,:' ".i~;',~, -_
OiJJ 030003 J>f' A,rYuuJ /
June 15,2006
Mr. Bob Doster
The Schneider Corporation
890 1 Otis Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037
RE: REI Medical Omee BuUdlng, 11900 North Pennsylvania Street-ProJed Review ##2
Dear Mr. Doster:
We have reviewed the construction drawings submitted for this project for the June 21, 2006 Technical
Advisory Committee meeting. We otTer the following comments:
This general information is being repeated from our comment letter # 1, which was submitted for the March
15,2006 TAC meeting.
1. The project site is currently within current City of Cannel Corporate Limits.
2. Jurisdictions:
. Street and Right of Way - Pennsylvania Street
. Water-Please contact John DutTy, Cannel Utilities, for details.
. Sanitary Sewer-The project is within Clay Township Regional Waste District service area.
. Storm SewerlDrainage - City of Cannel. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has
jurisdiction over legal drains and discharge to legal drains.
3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements:
. Water Availability approval assuming this area will become a part of the City of Cannel
service area:
Water Availability Approval request to the Board is based upon EDU requirements
as determined by the proposed use of the building. Water Connection Fees will be
based upon EDU calculations.
If entryway or other irrigation systems are planned, additional Water Availability
Approval from the Board will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will
be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system.
. Commercial Curb Cut-Please provide 8~ x 11 exhibits to accompany the request for
commercial curb cut approval. Include all pertinent data including radii, drive width at throat
and street, opposing drives etc. It appears that the development will be using existing curb
cuts. Please confirm. Any modification to existing curb cuts within the right of way of
Pennsylvania Street will require Board approval.
. Temporary Construction Entrance-Board approval is required if the temporary entrance is
located at a site other than the existing approved curb cuts. Please provide exhibits as detailed
above, if applicable.
. Open Pavement Cuts in dedicated streets.
. Secondary Plat approval if applicable.
. Dedication of right of way if applicable.
ONE CMC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439
EMAiL engineering@carmel.in.gov
. Consent to Encroach Agreements for any permanent improvement to be installed within
dedicated right of way and/or dedicated easements.
I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda
deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the
Any submission to the Board requires prior jlnfllqproVIII by the CtI1IIIeI Clay PI/I1I
CollllllLulon atl/or the Board of Zoning Appeflls ad completion of review by the Technlcfll
AdvLrory Committee. AU written requests to be plllce on the Board's agenda """t Include the
qproprlllte Dockel NIIIIIbers and the date (or dates) of qproVtll by the PI/I1I CollllllLulon
anti/or BZA.
4. T AC Review/Drawings submitted for approval:
We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing
and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be
approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all
drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of four-sets of
approved drawings after all issues have been resolved and the construction drawings have been
approved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and signed by the City Engineer and by the
Director of Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained
on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive one set. The Engineering
Department Construction Manager will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the
Department of Engineering. Ifmore than the minimum of four-sets are requested to be approved,
the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be submitted with the four required
5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, inigation systems, etc. within dedicated
right of way and/or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between
the OwnerlDeveloper and the City of Carmel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works
and Safety approval.
6. Carmel Utilities should be provided drawings for review of water systems and issues. They
will provide a separate review regarding these issues.
7. Carmel Utilities subscn'bes to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted for water main locations.
8. The following items were previously provided in our initial review and will not be resubmitted
with this review:
. Equivalent Water User Contribution Multiplier.
. Current Water Connection and Availability Fees.
. Commercial Project Approval Procedures.
. Performance Release Procedure.
. Permit Data, Contacts, etc.
. Commercial Permitting Procedures.
9. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project:
PerformancelMalntenanee Guarantees
This project may be required to provide Certified Engineer's Estimates and
PerformancelMaintenance Guarantees for the following improvements:
. Perimeter monumentation if the monuments ifplatted.
. Perimeter concrete sidewalks/asphalt paths if applicable.
. Perimeter road improvements if requested.
Provide detailed/itemized Certified Engineer's Estimates in the amount of IOOOA! of the cost of
labor and materials for the requested improvements. Provide individual Performance Guarantees
in the amount of the Engineer's Estimates. When the improvements have been constructed and
accepted and the Performance Guarantee is released by our BPWS, 3- Year Maintenance
Guarantees will be required in the amount of 15% of the Performance amount for streets and curbs
and l00A! of the Performance amount for all other improvements.
Street CutlRigbt of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements
Any work in the dedicated right of way of Pennsylvania Street will require a Right of Way Pennit.
If the work is included in the scope of work of a required Performance Guarantee, a separate
License and Pennit Bond will not be required. If the work is not included in a Performance
Guarantee, a License and Pennit bond will be required. The bond amount will be detennined by
the number of instances of work in the right of way @ $2,000.00 per instance. 0Den DtIW!IIIeIIt
cuts In dedicated streets rellulre IIDDI'OWIlIw our BOliN of Public Works IIIId SlIfm. Please
contact Fred Glaser, Department of Engineering Right of Way InspectorlManager for details
regarding this issue.
10. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations
submitted to this office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received.
When construction plans are submitted for review for this development, please provide a set of
drawings and drainage calculations directly to Crossroad.
Contact Amanda Foley, City of Carmel Storm Water Administrator, regarding bonding
requirements for erosion control.
11. Water Availability (acreage) Fees, if applicable, must be paid after Engineering approval of the
project and prior to obtaining a Building Pennit. Availability Fees are based upon total platted
acreage or legal description acreage at the current rate of $1 ,0 I 0.00 per acre, subject to future
12. Water Connection Fees, if applicable, are based upon the EDU calculation of the proposed usage
of the building at the current rate of$I,310.00 per EDU, also subject to future revisions.
If 11II Irrlgtltlon system Is pltumed for this development, IIdd1t1onlll Wilier Connection Fees wUJ
be IISsessed bllSed upon the recommendtltlons of the Director of CtuneI Utilities.
A seven-page Plan Certification Form is enclosed with this letter. This form was created with the desire
and intent to streamline the plan review process. We request that you please complete this form and return
the original of this form along with complete 24" x 36" civil drawings to the Department of Engineering as
soon as possible. Comments will be generated after the Plan Certification form is returned.
Please treat each item on the form as a requirement of the Department of Engineering. Providing a "no" or
"N/A" response to any of the items does not relieve the Developer of the responsibility of meeting the
requirements of the Department of Engineering. The Department of Engineering will make the final
determination as to the acceptability of any ''no'' or "N/ A" responses.
13. Any off-site easements necessary for installation of utilities must be secured prior to the
Department of Engineering approving the drawings.
14. ADA ramps are required at all locations where the sidewalks or asphalt paths cross the streets.
15. Please delineate any curb cuts on the plan for sawcut, removal, and replacement.
16. A sidewalk or asphalt path is required along the entire Pennsylvania Street frontage, if not
currently existing, per the Alternative Transportation Plan.
17. Any new pavement placed in the Pennsylvania Street rights-of-way for each entrance up to the
mainline right-of-way limit shall meet the following section: 1.5 inches HMA #11 surface on 2
inches HMA #8 binder on 3 inches HMA #5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 in~hes #2 stone or
match existing, whichever is greater.
18. If existing curb cuts are being modified, please revise plans so that the curb return radius at each
of the entrance/city street intersections is 40 feet.
19. Please add an Asphalt Path Detail that requires 1 inch HMA # 11 surface on 2 inches HMA #8
binder on 5 inches #53 stone, if applicable.
20. Please specify the width of the sidewa1ks to be 5 feet. Please add the following notes to the
Based on additional review, the City provides additional comments:
1. Please remove the disclaimer in the lower right comer of the cover sheet. The Department of
Engineering cannot approve plans with this disclaimer.
titles from the index on the cover sheet.
3. Please replace the STRAIGHT CONCRETE CURB DETAIL (S/C803) with the City of
Carmel standard detail.
4. There are two pipe underdrain details with the same designation (9/C803). Please replace the
one for pipe underdrain beneath curb with the City of Carmel standard subsurface drain detail.
(2IC803) from the Indianapolis Deparbnent of Capital Asset Management standard to the City
of Carmel standard.
7. Please indicate dedication of the Right-of-Way prescribed by the City's 20-year Thoroughfare
Plan if the existing Right-of-Way is not ofsufficient width.
These comments represent the Department of Engineering's second review of the site plan for this project.
We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses
may result in the delay of the review process.
It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted,
particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please
provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any
changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings.
All bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of
construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency
approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval.
The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews and on the
grading and drainage system upon receipt of drainage calculations and more detailed constJUction drawings
that provide grading elevations, pipe sizing and invert elevations. These comments may affect the drainage
system layout and/or the development plan.
cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers
Jeremy Stephenson, REI Investments, Inc.
Project File
Engineering Department Review
Page 1 of2
Griffin, Matt L
From: Kilmer, Roger A. [Roger.Kilmer@bakerd.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 3:31 PM
To: Jeremy Stephenson; Bob Doster
Cc: Griffin, Matt L; Brewer, Scott I; Scimia, Joseph M.
Subject: REI Medical Office Building - 11911 N. Pennsylvania - Landscape Comments
I received a call from Scott Brewer, Carmel's Urban Forester, regarding the Landscape Plan
for the REI Medical Office Building. He had the following comments:
1. Scott recommended that the plantings provided for this new structure be dispersed over the
entire site. He is looking to balance the overall site with the new plantings rather than have the
new building be strikingly different in its landscaping treatment. He said that approximately 2/3
of the Pennsylvania Street frontage plantings should remain on that frontage with the
remaining 1/3 being moved to other areas of the site around the existing building. The
plantings on the other sides of the new structure should be thinned by relocating some of those
plantings to the portion of the site that includes the existing building.
2. Scott does not recommend using the TC Tilia Cordata "Greenspire." He suggested
selecting a Tomantosa (sp?) or another shade tree from the City of Carmel's landscaping list.
3. Scott does not recommend using the Cl Crataegus Crusgalli. He suggested selecting a
different ornamental tree from the City of Carmel's landscaping list.
Please revised the landscape plan accordingly as soon as possible. The project is to go
before the Special Studies Committee next Tuesday evening, June 6th, and we need to have
the landscaping resolved by that time. Thanks.
Roger A. Kilmer
Baker & Daniels
Land Use Consultant
600 East 96th, Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46240
317.569.4891 (Direct)
317.569.4800 (Fax)
Email: roger.kilmer@bakerd.com
Indiana I Washington, D.C. I China
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