HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket The Marketplace for Leisure --~~ /\ \ 1tL~ Ii '.:"'." " /'1',\ ;, .>:'--". ',.! / /,,,,O)/' , ..... / / ):: ~ '\1' ~ RECEIVED ~ 8EP 18 2001 f$J DOCS ~ RCI@ Members of the Cannel Special Studies Committee One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 Dear Special Studies Committee, Our company is seeking the approval of an Application for an Amendment to the Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage for signage located on the exterior of the facility located at 9998 North Michigan Road. RCl's corporate logo has recently taken a new look and we would like for this new logo to be represented on the front of our facility. The new logo will be placed in the same location as the current logo. This proposal will be a topic to be discussed as part of the October 2,2001 Special Studies Committee agenda. I would appreciate it if you would take an opportunity to review the material in preparation for the meeting. If you have any questions regarding the information included, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (317) 805-9535. Sincerely, ~ ~;JJ Robin Bellefuil Resort Condominium International, LLC North American, Facility Manager 9998 North Michigan Road. Carmel, IN 46032 USA. Tel: (317) 805-9000 A Cendant Company 317'7339:3S ( A-S IGN-BY-DESIa-l 2'78 pel A.JG 'Z7 '1111 lS: 18 Date DOCKET NO. AJ1gJicatioa for Architectural D~jp" IJIJu;D2 and Sipaee ADLS ~\~~ ~ ()o \ ("-'\\\~ t" () Fee ~O.e& \\' ,'J ~ro ~ Name of . Q J- Project:~R C-I. S'fjf\ . Y '~P\QC..e. me..V' \ Address:.$:! <6' N. ~n ~ ~~ ~irtf' ~11?4-W\U\t AppJicant:_~ c. I Pbone No. Conract Perscm:~\r\ ~ej \_ ~~ '\. \ Phone No. 8oS-QSo5 ~~% 1\1. \'Y\~c1.~o t\!?acL Legal Description: To be typcwritteu on a se{*ate sheet Area (111 acres) ~ ZQnittG' !J3~0~_ Owner of Real Esmra: ~C-\: \ C--f V\dlA..~ T Carmel: V Clay TOWDSbip:' J..""--"~ Y or N Other Approvals Needed: PMotdno No. oiSpaa:s Pravided:_ '--.~ I No. Spaces Requin:cl: : _ I .. Delli.. lDfonation Type of'RniJ,*,,~ -,~._. No. OfBltiJdiT. Square FOQap:~)' . i}~' R.. No. ofSt:ories_ ExteriarMaterials:_ . ;..-..".~ :~_ Colors: ",,- Mmnn'"1 No.-ofT<l!ItJlnfCP r~ of Uses: Waur ~ Sewer ~ .~ 3177339337 A-SIGN-BY-DESIGN 278 P02 AlE Z7 'ell 15: 19 YGHTING Type of Fixture: Height of r1XtUre: No. of F1XItu~: Additional T .igJrring- .. PIam 10 be submitted showing Foorcandl, spreod.s at p1'Ope7'ly --"'ii;';;per the ordinance. No. of Signs: ~ . TypeofSjgus: 9~ ~toff PorJd. &.k.iJ lOt iJ Fa cdifJ I LacatioD(s): 999l. N. mIen '~ Il Dimensions of ead1 sip: Square Footage of each sign: Total Height of each sign: ~ · Plt:rn8 to be submitted showing p/ont typeS. ma. and locatitms ...............*.**..*...................... I the 1lDdersiped, to the best of my laIowledge and. belie( submit the above iDmrmAriQll as l1'1Je and caaect Sipn-.of~~ A- .~ Applicanc .. Tttle: ~I Far;..}" ~ ..:fubi Y) &:.J.J !f.ul . Dare: 8 / ~a ~~I \ (Prim) I ......................*..................... Stare QfTn~lll'Ul . S5: CoUD1y--of Before me the l~8"fI!t\ a Notary Public for State of Tnm,",~. perscmall.y appeared execmion of the foregoiDg iDsr:rumtm this . oumy, and acknowledged the day of t 19 My Cmnnriqion Expires: Notaly Public 1014195 Date DOCKET NO. Application for Architectural Desip, Lighting and Signagg ADLS AMENDMENT Fee $350.00 Name of Project: RCI Building Sign Replacement Alddress: 9998 North Michi~an Road. Carmel. Indiana 46032 Type of Project: Office Building Sign Replacement Alpplicant: RCI Phone No. Contact Person: RnMn Rpllpfllil Phone No. 805-9535 Alddress: 9998 North Michigan Road, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet .Area (in acres) 22.375 Zoning I-I Owner of Real Estate: ReI / Cendant ' Carmel: No Clay Township: Yes Alnnexation: Y or ~ Other Alpprovals Needed: Parkin, No. of Spaces Provided: 1,100 No. Spaces Required: 800 Desip Information ~:......-. Type of Building: Commercial OfficNo. of Buildings: One Square Footage: 200.000 Height: 30 feet No. of Stories----2..- Exterior Materials: PTP(,J:I~t" Colors: White Type ofUses:r.nmm"'1"("i"" OfH"", Maximum No. of Tenants: Water by:Indianapolis WateSe~1' by: Clay Twp. Regional Waste !District 1 LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Existing Height of Fixture: Rx; ~f";ng No. of Fixtures: Existing Additional Lighting: Existing * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: One Type of Signs: Rear Illumination Location(s): East Elevation of Facility Dimensions of each sign: 26' 1" X 5' 5.5" Square Footage of each sign: 143 s. f_ Total Height of each sign: 26' 1" LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations , ******************.************************* I the undersigned, to the be~t of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature o~ ~ - Applicant: J , ~oh,'() &Jlf.-h>J J (Print) ******************************************** Title: ffJGt I, +y ffk:<Mef1 Date: 8/ 28/ '2.JX) I ' I J State of Indiana, "'=;::".-;;- SS: County of HAM 1 L. TO rJ Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for \4A/'Y'\\l.-rorJ County, State of Indiana, personally appeared K081N ibE.U.f:FlJ\L and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this 2& day of AU~()sT 200~ , Mj' Commission Expires: Se.~ber ao, :400~ ~O- W~ Notary Public TERBA A wn..scw NOTARY PUBUCSTATE OPINDW>1A ~COUNrr MY COMMJs61ON DP. SEPl'20.2008 , .,'~ \" , , t'" ", .' . , ': ) " . ~ , ,,, :~; I \ " ,\ ' , "12' '" : 1 . .,,) ; " , ,. I.' ~ ,I , ' '.\' - -~-~,-- i --.--------- " ,;:;.~-'-.-- .-..--_.____.:,.,.::['1r=_~ -~f: ! "4"" ! '!'...~: ~;:~~.i';"~ ~~.,:,,~ .';j'~~~,._':.,;,'.. ,"'" .j-:> . """,. ~, -~"j _ ..,.- '"!",, ,"'; () --- 'tJ ~. ~, ;:, ! '! , ; !i~. , '\ !\.~ ~. / (,I ! ~t I I .,+ ot.LJ:" .~~M ltATrO liB uuntm ~...., \, 13' ~..!?l ~ .@ ~ \ \ ;-- --.-- .,.-._...~-; @ ~ .-.(. .~Mm... U~OrA.NA ~-:. m PAno A~CHrtS"CrS. INC. r 1 $et11t;).lOQ-< t 191 ----'---------~- "----- , ',:'.' "".-.' ~..,' :(''''' ',' -.~.. , ',., 10 ~ <'.. . ... ~~ }" ' , ..--A :.__" C ( t<". - \, ( , " I \ ".,\. " ",!l."i.i'; , , , c..... "\..' :'I-",>k~ , ;.'1.~..,~ " ~~:!'(~r',t1'~~: ( (( c-\ I.... ! j '\.. ,J ':;- -j' :~, \ .. /: ~ ~ .-.J ii . >.B) .^~ .,. ; t .". " "', ~::,"" (~ '. '. . . . ,'~"" ~. -"';." . . -.,J..' .f 0' '/ ..j' .' "' ,.'.... ~, . :9. . .,+.-;::' 0) .Y. 9. -.: .;f; 0\ .,( :.: ,. o .J A .' ~r . < >.:'.J', 1'7:\ ~) I r.'~,H ',' .. 1::'~~~~f.ffii~l;:, .r . \: ." , ''': .',..r :~i :~. ; j i "'-~RCI.' ! I I ;11 : ! ; j '.J I .1 1- EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = "-0" J~ i '.. (7.) T . ,.j. (W) 'r I y .~ y j i '.'..j ... " '.. cp 1 y ,y. . i (~ I. i I 0) r i .;. j I rn 1 ;, i r;1 i1 ;~'I I ;, I :1 I 'i. I I IHl I I .'ll ';;1., r:~'pilt:~r-~.~ . " 1_ WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = "-0" "y : i . r-'\ '1)" {.;\, 'y' I " (?\ 'Y" :.9. ':1, o I i .cp. o '!.' .-1 fa" \ ' T i ,'7\ ~' i Ii . mJ,' : . I I'; ,.- '-. i. I f' : J: , . ~ .,,'1 : ,..r ~ I SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" ..0: (i) (0 ,cp ! ':1". r I:.. .-;. " i. .. i (~) '-.,.... '! I (;'j >r...f........-;:.r..--:'l ,. -, i.. ..,,' . i"'';: .~.; ." .; '.' . , , . NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = "-0" .-''-.-.--- ---- . -. --_______u__.__ ______,_____ ..__ RATIO 111 Re! FAC!UTY CARMEL, INDIANA ~ - :-""'II ""'-- "', Rei ARCHITfCIS RATIO ARCHITECTS, II\JC. 6 NOVEMBER 1997 .... ('\:t" 2' . f~U?'.. . :,~~.c\:.?:". :'~. <. . .l:>,\\~{~"'c.~ t'\"Y\'< . ' . ;''' ~ ~ 'y' Y\ \. I ) I I I \ \ \ \ \ f ! I L,:: . ..1 ',.1; .' ~.,Ji; : \,il~ll; 6'1 +'& :.~-! f" :.+~.f(.I' '. <f :;'i ifJI", f:DI .l $,1 l ilt J' !~: I'r ,{": ~f;.~ .t:........,l..';...f';: ;.'~' ., .0: l;~;:~ ~.J:;-~ I ;~:i _:if;:' -,::.; I ;;: ','1 ;WI ~~" 4~1~ ./ / / I' I I I ..;., . .;. '~.' .\ .~ ~ . "'r \ r u -.;- , z I <( I'-- ~ OJ I z (f) OJ I / :"!; f- 1/ cd 0 U a::: Z w II U f- w m ~ .3 I :2 U w W 0::: > :2 <( 0 U 0::: Z <( 0 ~ 0 (!) f- r <( I 0::: I i I / i ( \ \. ,.j;,; :", . .i';... ......~....... , \, \. -- \ " ....". \ I \ i I f I ! 1 i \ ~. ~ o. :J" , ~ ..- ":', , 0 r2'~ ~I ~ = ~ ..., ~rn~ "'r.,"'~~" '~:l '~,~,~ "'<'('I:~l 'I ~ t)' ~"l .......""1\. rr ,I ~~,~;] ~~!'\'r! ~~~1H~j f~_./I.U:;,;,.._;,e..~_,"~~~ ;..00... J. .)~)l~ rf.'~:'\I~mSIGN~:rYP.El11:.;~IU ';; o GROUND 0 SfF o POLE 0 DfF o WAll 0 V-SHAPED o BOARD 0 IllUMINATED o DOORIWINDOW 0 INTERIOR o VEHICLE 0 EXTERIOR GENERAL DIM. H_ L_ Deplh_ OAH OTHER: 17'-11 " "~ MATERIAliBI,COUGHS'" MATERIALS- SUBSTRATE COpy o ROUTED o SANDBLAST COLORS- FACE COpy o VINYL o PAINTED o ACRYLIC o TRIM.CAP INSTALL 0 YON METHOD I ';;":ELEGTRIGJ\L.C ,I o WIRED Ul 0 YON o NEON 0 DB 0 PK TYPE: OTHER: TSPECIAU NOTES; FONT: ARTWORK CLEAN(ED) 0 YON OTHER: 26'.1" c-:-- SPECS: 1. TO FABRICATE AND INSTALL ONE SET OF ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS & LOGO. 2. SIZES AND STYLES AS SHOWN. 3. "RCI" AND LOGO TO BE RED PLEX WI RED NEON TUBING. 14. "R-BALL" TO BE RED PLEX, WI WHITE VINYL GRAPHICS (NON-ILLUMINATED). 5. ALL CANS TO BE 5" DEPTH, PAINTED WHITE. 6. ALL TRIM-CAP TO BE WHITE. 7 WE WILL CONNECT TO ELECTRICAL IF WITHIN 10'. Sales Rep: ERIC W. DATE hisDfaWinij'jsProoerkofSIGNSBY;OESIGNrMvdmoolnruillawfoc Revision # f f OPTION # DISK# Z29 A i~'.___.'_...fl--."'"""" SlgnJk- _JD~Sign Client f Job Name RCI Location (ST RD 421) N. MICHIGAN RD Landlord SCALE: CU~ ,Y\~JJtJd