HomeMy WebLinkAboutHighpointe Landscape Plans approved-not stamped (4)WWWG GGGGG G G G G G G G G G G GT(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)T(U)E(U)E(U)E(U)E(U)E(U)E(U)E(U)E(U)W6-car garage6-car garagewww.olssonassociates.com TEL 602.748.1000 FAX 602.748.1001 7250 North 16th Street, Suite 210 Phoenix, AZ 85020-5282LS1.01ALLEESEE PERIMETER LANDSCAPEPLAN FROM HEMP DESIGN FORPLANT MATERIAL IN THIS AREAPROPERTY LINELANDSCAPE DATA:STREETSCAPE: 400' LF REQ. PROVIDED4 TREES PER 100' - 16 1810 SHRUBS PER 100' - 40 52NOTES:- All plant material installed per City of Carmel Standard Details.- All areas will be irrigated with an automatic system with theexception of those areas that are seededSHRUBS/ACCENTSSYMBOLTREESBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEINERTSMalus 'Prariefire'Prairiefire Flowering CrabappleGleditsia triancanthos inermisMoraine Honey LocustPLANT MATERIALS LEGENDSod2 12" B & BCornus alternifolia Pagoda DogwoodLiriodendron tulipiferaTulip Tree1 Gallon36,661 S.F.2 12" B & BCersis canadensisEastern RedbudSyringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk'Ivory Silk Tree LilacQuercus rubraNorthern Red Oak8' B & BPicea abiesNorway Spruce 2 12" B & B2 12" B & BMulch to be determined2" Depth25,639 S .F.SIZE AT TIME OFINSTALLATIONGROUNDCOVER/VINESOVERALLTOTAL QUANTITY17614421256420Annual Bed Areas1,985 S.F.Native prarie, tree and shrubper JFNEWNative wetland plugs alongshoreline per JFNEWViburnum opulus compactumHemerocallisDwarf daylilyCompact Cranberry BushSpirea nipponikaSnowmound SpireaTaxus x media 'Wardii'Ward's YewBuxus x 'Green Gem''Green Gem' BoxwoodEuonymus alatusBurning BushViburnumKorean SpicePhlox stoloniferaCreeping PhloxAnemone canadensisCanada anemoneWaldsteinia fragaroedesBarren StrawberryPennesetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain GrassMiscanthus sinensisMaiden GrassORNAMENTAL GRASSES38,444 S.F.5,300 S.F.Calamagrostis acutifloraKarl Foerster Feather Reed GrassQuercus robur 'Fastigiata'Northern Red Oak17PERENNIALS1 Gallon3Hydrangeas'Endless Summer'6230325344281 Gallon1 Gallon1 Gallon381801 Gallon1 Gallon1 Gallon45483736" B & B36" B & B36" B & BPlant material per perimeterlandscape plan by HempDesign2 12" B & B2 12" B & B36" B & B36" B & B36" B & B1 12" B & B1 12" B & BSEE SEEDING PLAN PERJFNEW