HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket . !'E~'!E~'~ND ~~D~~~P~~~LA~:CAP~ ~~C:S TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 d2:,i i !.~ '" \~_J--L....~ / "- l-/ '" / ~ W'>) ~ "~~? ,\ .../ ~ ,/---\ ~f Nt.U v_\ f!::!.7 Rt.c't.X 1\1\0\ ~~A =r n\\ 9 'L~\I\. \--- i ?i1 "\.r~ A r--i ~:\ - UOC,S /2:/ \~~" :;1." '\"'2" /''- -/'-.. < V. ",j 'r~ ----< \ - ~8J. ['9. \ 'y> '-.,_ l~__ ENCLOSED ARE SUPPORTING REPORTS AND DATA PER THE CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS FOR THE PRIMARY PLAT OF: PAPAY SUBDIVISION LOCATION: 2030 W. 136TH STREET, CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY INDIANA ALLAN H. WEIHE, P.E., L.S. - PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 846-6611 (BOO) 452-6408 FAX: (317) 843-0546 r11m WEIHE lL:JIJJ ENGINEERS, INC. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PAPAY SUBDIVISION The proposed "PAPAY SUBDIVISION" is designed to meet the spirit and intent of the Comprehensive Plan of the Cannel-Clay District. "PAPAY SUBDIVISION" is intended to be developed within the existing zoning restrictions (S 1) and designed to maintain a standard consistent with the development in the area. Existing 136th Street will be used for access to this tract along with all utilities now located within its right-of-way. Located in an area with large lots and upscale housing, this 4.37 acre site will be an welcomed and pleasant addition to the residents of this community. mm WEIHE ll:5llJ ENGINEERS. INC. UTILITY SERVICE REPORT PAPAY SUBDIVISION The proposed PAPAY SUBDIVISION is located outside service areas for sanitary sewer and water line utilities (Clay Regional & Indianapolis Water). A proposed septic field and well wiIl be utilized for this single family residence. There wiIl be no significant change of drainage patterns for this tract with fact being only one home wiIl be constructed on the site. (Nearest legal drain is the Stultz/Almond Drain located approximately 960' North and East of tract). Hamilton County Highway Department will require a driveway permit for access onto 136th Street. . Police protection wiIl be served by the Hamilton County Sheriffs Department. ~ ,.."^,, 1~ 0 0 oSi\" ;"-",^,, ,1~D ,1~ I - I ~ W ,,1j1fi3 j ~ 'J ;);i':>A.~ 0 I II\< I . {-,,, ^~ B '.j""", ,:) I CJ I I 2iIJ Ie, ~A.' I o ~1'!~:5 I I---" I I I 0.0" I ..",-,.,., ^.~ I I I o,4~" I I .-. 0'. A.<-. I I I I 0.03 00.3 I ., "'^~ ,.,'....., I I 2~qq I fJ ~.. "'" I I I I - 1- ------------ tI ------ ---..,..------------ - I 0 I I ------------------ I I ! I [] I "",.." J~ ~ I 06:j5~3 [? I u."'" I I I I a ; [J [) I ; I I I I :;b~J8, o~€L ;\ .,~^.. "tf'ill'5 I - I I I t I I - I I '34" 1"'1 01,~d"D II WEIHE !ENGINEERS INC~ , ..""--_."-,,,,. '" ... .....-...-......,--..".... ...".... -.........-.' ..-........--,. ..-."..."....---.-...-..,'...--"'." .....-.---.-,,--.. CIVIL ENGINEERS. LAND SURVEYORS. LAND PLANNERS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS September 21, 2001 u /" .'. "it C;;; '.' \~.- t'.I\ t': Il>1l "l m" "':"'~'~' \,.1 ~~~,j/ ." ~.!oi.. City of Carmel Community Services ATfN: Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 RE: Papay Subdivision (\3(,lh Street -.. Section 2\, Township \8 North, Range 3 East) Dear Jon: Enclosed are copies of the Primary and Secondary Plat applications with copies of each plat for submittal to your office. These items will also be submitted to the various TAC members for review prior to the meeting at which this application will be heard. Please call should you need any additional items or have any concerns pertaining to this project. Thank you. Sincerely, ~ Dave IJames Weihe Engineers, Inc. ALLAN H. WEIHE, P.E.. L.S. "PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA 46280 (317) 846-6611 (800) 452,,6408 FAX: (317) 843.0546 APPLICATION FOI{ .. ~..--.", PRIMARY PLAT OR REPLAT Fee: $500.00 plus $25.00 per lot DATE: September 20, 2001 DOCKET NO. The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the us~ of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980", adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1, et seq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: Anthony L. & Alice L. Papay Phone No. 575-9637 Address of Applicant: 1285 'rhistlewood Court, Carmel, IN 46032 Name of Owner: Anthony L & Alice L. Papay Phone No. 575-9637 Name of Subdivision: Papay Subdivision Legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached) Area (In acres): 4. 37 Number of Lots: 1 to be dedicated to public use: N / A (e xis tin 9 ) Surveyor certifying plat: Allan H. Weihe Length (in miles) of new streets Address: 10505 N. Colleqe Avenue Phone No. R4h_hh11 Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 ._..._.._.......t:t'...._.~.........".............."...-...............ST ATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF 91 t2-nt ~ .rr-~ ' 5S: The undersigned having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he or Sh~eIS' formed and believes. SIGNATUREOFAPPUCANT:_ fJPr}- Print: Ah~I1'1'L.Q~f;l Subscribed and sworn to before me thi &'0 day of ' I fl02~ I 1'1~~:ill~1 ., ,,~,,\'I\(i~~.t:'(;- .. . · ~"';.~"'A'}:'-:,. _, .,'\ tl,:'l"t~...:rVt'f~ ry Public ': ,: "o';i\;'~: ~f-l;~<~~~."......,\::;" My C I I Ex I / I ("'" 'It., ..1,01.' .~' ,,' .'" :H;l-..e --, omm sson pres: 10 - . l' " ~l~!:!.*~'ib,,;I~:'\:.J)I.r..il~~~: ................................................................................ ".....:' t1l"'t -\ ~~, t;""f. .. . l!'ll....,~~:: 5.1.10 Aoollcation for Primarv Plat. Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, pi~~.~,ilQ~~~;~'''- of the construction plans together with supporting docu":,ents shall be submitted to ttu;iDt~~n~~!t.~I,}~~* .. Planning with this application. These plans to be dlstnbuted to all Technical AdVISO~.~itim~.!a~1-~......;:,., authorities by applicant. ".~:'<'..f~.';..:.\II/I\~' '. FEE: Received by: .:fOl111llprimplaLapp re\iaed 01/07/97 AI'I'LICATION FOR SECONIJARY I'LAT OR (ItEl'LAT) Fcc: $700.00 or ($560.00) DATE: 9/20/2001 DOCKET # The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change In the use of land or structUles requested by this tlppllcallon will comply with, and con fOil II to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, tlnd the Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public law 178, Sec. I, el. seq. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. NarneofAppllcant: Anthony L. & Alice L. Papay Phone # 57 5 - cH11 7 Address or Applicant: 1285 Thistlewood Court, Carmel, Indiana 46017- Name or Owner: Anthony L. & Alice L. Papay Name or Subdivision: Papay subdivision legal Description (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached). Area (In acres): 4 . 37 Number of Lots: Length In miles of new slteets to be dedicated to public use:. Surveyor certifying plat: Allan H. Weihe Surveyor's address and phone # 10505 N. College Signature of Applicant: mLE: N/A (existing) Avenue, Indpls, IN 46280 PH: 846-6611 (Print) Anthony L.& Alice L. Papay *********************************************************************************** STATE OF INDIANA .-...'-J L SS: County of ~I AI ~ ~"j-~ Before me, the undersIgned, a Notary Public for /t((J.A~ County, the execution of the foregoing Instrument this 40 day of te of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge ,20 d/ . My Commission expires: /0 - / - Y 5.1.10 Application for Secondary Plat, Two (2) copies, or more If necessary, of the secondary plat and the construction plans, together with supporting documents, shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner with this application and the application fee as Indicated In Section 29.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. f::;;;/.,J.-J~:fW(l~ Not Public I Additional plans to be distributed to necessary authorities by applicant. FEE: Received By: s :\car m elanduse\checklis t\secplala pp LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the South Half of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the South Half of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West (assumed bearing) on the South line of said South Half a distance of 1337.65 feet to the Southeast corner of the West half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 21; thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 480.00 feet to a PK nail; thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 1476.84 feet to a point on the prolongation of the East line of the real estate described in Deed Book 343, page 273 in the Office of the Recorder of HamiltQn County, Indiana, said point being marked by a PK nail; thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line of said section a distance of 92.00 feet, said point also being the Southeast corner of the real estate described in Instrument #9625246; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds WEst along the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 333.45 feet, said point, also being the point of beginning to the herein described real estate; thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 292.86 feet to the Southwest corner of the East half of the SOuthwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being marked by a PK naili thence North 00 degrees 15 minutes 38 seconds East on the West line of said East Half a distance of 653.26 feet to the Northwest corner of said Instrument #9625246; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East on said North line of Instrument #9625246 a distance of 289.889 feet to a point bearing North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East from said point of beginning; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West parallel with the East line of said Instrument #9625246 a distance of 653.25 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.370 acres, more or less. Br. t ":'i ~, r .. WEIHE ENGINEERSt_I~C- CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, LAND PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Scplcl1lhcr 2fi, 200 I CARMEL TAC MEMBERS RE: PAPAY SUBDIVISION (CARMEL, INDIANA) - WEST 136..11 STREET; SECTION 21, TOWNSIIIP I R NORTII, I{AN( iE 1 EAST Dear Carmel TAC member: A preliminary and sccondary pial is bcing scnllo you li)r rcvicw or thc ahove project To obtain a building pcrmit pcr Carmel Onlimincc lill.this 4.37 acrc tract, a sccondary plat must bc prcpared. This trael will hc thc sitc li.lr one single 1~"llily residcncc, scrviced with septic field and wcll. No signilicant changc of drainage pallern other than construction ofthe housc will occur upon sitc. A Hcr review of this plat please addrcss any conccrns or cOlllmcnts to thc undersigned ami Mr. .lOll Dobosiewicz with the City of Carmcl. Thank you. Sincerely, (' ~-, \ / . c".. \M" ~J1~~ Dave Barnes Weihc Engincers, Inc. ALLAN H. WEIHE, P.E., L,S. . PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 846-6611 (800) 452-6408 FAX: (317) 843-0546 nl Carmel Communications A TTN: Mr. Bill Aleers 3rd Avenue N.E. Carmel. IIIdlana 46032 Carmel Department of Comm. Services A TTN: Mr. Jon Doboslewlcl One Carmel Civic Square Carmel. IIIdlana 46032 Carn,el Engineers ornce A TTN: Mr. Dlcle 11111 aile Camlel Civic Square Cal/llel. Indlalla 46032 Carmel Fire Departmen' A TTN: Mr. Gary lIoy' 2 Cormel Civic Squmo CO/mel. 1111110110 4/i032 Carmel Paries & Recreation A TTN: Mr. JoI", Les'er One Cormel Civic Square Cmmel, IIIdlollo 46032 Carmel Parmlt Services A TTN: Mr. Je" Kendall One Cermel Civic Square Carmel, Indialla 46032 Camlel Urban Fores'er omce A TTN: Mr. Scalf Brewer Ono Carmel Civic Square Carmel, Indialla 4603;! Clnergy Corp. A TTN: Mr. Rick McClain 1441 Soul" Guilford Carmel, Indiana 46032 Hamltlon Coun,y IIlgllway Dep'. A TTN: Mr. S'even Broermann 1717 E. Pleasant Street Nobl,svllffl, I"d/,", 46060 lIamll'on Counly Soli and Wa/er A TTN: Mr. Jolm Soul" 1108 SOUltl 91" Slreel Noblflsvll/fI, It,d/OIlB 46060 IIsmll'on Coun'y Surveyor's Office A TTN: Mr. S'even CssI, Sulle 188 One Hamil/on Counly Square Noblflsvll/e. Indiana 46060 Indl."a GIS A TTN: Chuck Shupperd 16000 A/fIsonvllle Road Noblesv/l/e, Indiana 46060-38 I 7 Indl.n"polls Wa'er Company A TTN: Ms. Pam Waggoner 1220 Walerway Blvd. P.O. Box 1220 IlIdlOllopolls. IlIdialla 46032 Inslgl,' Communlc"tlons A TTN: Tony 1I0lmes 15229 Slony Creek Way Noblesville. Indiana 46060 " 1l'I1 r; Inl :' 11"1,11,,:11 :"<70 i'I I <: F';>l I'" P:'1~:1 1.11"""1<; i. ADJOINER SURROUNDING PROPERTY ORDER FORIVI DATE TAKEN, crf2 ~ TIME TAKEN:: J 00 '30 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: : P N-t-UOWY Lo 11:0' ~ J N~vfE OF PETITIONER: W EO, U f ~ ~ 's . LEGAL DESCRIPTION OR PARCEL NUMBER OF PROPERTY: I / -" 0 '1 - "2 J..- () 0 .... .[) b -- 0 oC). I 0.3 ZONING AUTHORITY APPLYING TO: c.~ (. ta'\ f:: }.. ~..-. ! I 1"--( l~~)/'. -/ \;:-\ -. ,/" '. I I /' <. - ..-~ .' {Y \. ~ ,', \, ':-:::,.:;:; \:.....:. ( \ OTHER VARIANCE LAi'\JD USE V ARlAt'-ICE 0 REQUIREMENT VARIANCE 0 SPECIAL USE 0 DJ.Q~o .0 1...61,', ,J 0+1(.( .2 ~ w ...,€~> ve.eej TYPE OF VARIANCE APPLYING FOR: o~ bb~ / SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE:JI.) {.. PHONE NtJNlBER OF PERSON TO CONTACT: 1JAV'E eA"I-':(.~ @ W~odJ ~ g- 4-~ .- ~ " J I D~ ..JvJ..J tJ ~Aja5 q~S:--4-:1.- ORDER TAKEN BY: '," ,..;'~~,,:"~' -'-,'~" ;", ','" ':,'; :.-,,>".;-:..~:-~;,.~..~~. .:"..:_:~~~:_;.:., :.' HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR .1, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: I CJ--~?- "tJ / Tue.day, October 02, 2001 Page 1 of 1 L,_ '_ ..., -. ." .,-.---'--.. -.... -~ ....... . . HAMILTON COUNTY NOTlACATlON UST rREPARED BY 111 HAMlTON COUNTY AIDTORS DfFICE.IlVlION OF TAX MAPPING USTED BElOW ARE SUBJECT PROPERlIS [ SIIIJECT MARKED IN YRlOWl SUBJECT 17 09-21-00-00-009-103 ANTHONY L & ALICE L PAPAY 1285 THISTLEWOOD CT CARMEL IN 46033 1- . -::.:..:2.::::i~'::-:";~~::: ~~~;';-"::;:-.~'~::;~:~: :~-~. :'::';'::::::';::;:':':':~'~.::':':-'':::'~'-~,:.:;. '.:<~ HAMlToN COUNTY NoDACADoN UST PREPARED BY 1II11AR.TDN coum AIDTDRS DfRCE. DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING PLEASE NoDFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17 09-21-00-00-007-000 SURWILL LLC 1303 116TH ST W CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-21-00-00-009-000 ROBERTA B FOSTER 2020 136TH ST W CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-21-00-00-009-003 JOHN 0 & STEPHANIE J REEDER 1429 STONEMILL CIR N CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-21-00-00-010-000 ROBERTA B FOSTER 2020 136TH ST W CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-21-00-00-011-000 TERRY E & TINA A HUFF 2300 136TH ST W CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-21-00-00-011-002 ANDREW W & RHONNA L CROOK 2288 136TH ST W CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-21-00-00-011-004 THORNE,TODD & DIANE TRUSTEE 9860 CHESTERTON DR N INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 09-21-00-00-011-005 DAVID J & TAMMY G SOLLENBERGER 13689 TOWNE RD WESTFIELD IN 46074 ...._loI...._.__...:......_....".;,;,:.<Ol-.....~<"!:.._~",.~~..._.,~. ;.,';o,~~''''~'';'"";';:.l\J.--,:..,__....._....--..."" ,> ...".....~.w...... ~.. --.......- "'-.... ...-. '...... - 17 09-28-00-00-001-003 GREGORY L & ROBIN L PEMBERTON 13525 TOWNE RD WESTFIELD IN 46074 17 09-28-00-00-001-005 COMPTON,CHARLES CARR & SHIRLEY 2290 136TH ST W CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-28-00-00-001-104 RAY N & LOUANN CASH 2273 136TH ST W CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-28-00-00-003-000 BRENWICK TND COMMUNITIES LLC 12821 NEW MARKET ST E CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-28-00-00-006-000 STUMM,CURTIS MARION & WILLIAM 2019136TH STW CARMEL IN 46032 17 09-28-00-00-007-000 JAMES H & VERA R SMITH 1969136TH STW CARMEL IN 46032 ....:':.::-::::.:~~2.i.::.....:;::.:...:5~:;,::.:.:~~~~~.;.~:~zi5~_":;E.?t!~:u,Ii-=';.,..:..;.:' ~':";';': ';..;..r_~~i..~~.r~':,.,.:i:::;:,,".i'_"':...:";=:':'~.y,,~...:L.:";;';:o..:';'~-..~~i,.~:.:;;;,:.;::.;..',",~......~-:':',_...:':_IM, ;_~''':-;''':...''-:t..",,~,-~-:,~_:~,,":~-..',:h:''''''';''' .~--. " I: J: II I: lD a: - I' . .j -: I: G) I: I / ____0 @ ~ / CD \ Q @ a; 1.0:; I Ii CD Cl]) ) ~ ----- Ii Ii I Ii @ @ @ CiD It i. I;' I; i; i: ________________________.__r-------- - -------------------------- - ----------------------------------- -------- ~ ; i. II ai Ii ~ ~ ; ~ ~ :2 c.. o ..- (<) ..- ..- o ..- o N o - o ..- c OJ -C ci I ..- ii5 Q) ~ >- co :9 Q) ~ co a. -: 317-773-2181 Fax: 317-776-1101 CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1108 South 9th Street · Noblesville · IN · 46060-3745 October 11, 2001 Mr. Dave Barnes Weihe Engineers 10505 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 Re: Papay Subdivision Dear Dave: I have reviewed the preliminary and secondary plat and have the following comment: . A tile outlet for the septic field drain has been an issue for several years. Has this been resolved? <e Should you have questions concerning these comments, please contact me. Sincerely, /J ..lu Q)..iJ.~ ~-hn B. South P .E. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Specialist Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz,Carmel DOCS Steve Cash, Surveyor ./ Steve Broermann, County Highway ,/ File .. CONSERVATlON.~ DEVELOPMENT ~ SELF-'-GOVERNMENT "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" '. <.i;,..J: +t.t;:~..' .... .~t~~~i;~~' . ." ;> WEIHE ENGINEERS, INC_ CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, LAND PLANNERS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS October 15, 2001 Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District A1TN: Mr. John South, P.E. 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 RE: Papay Subdivision Dear John: Regarding the tile outlet in reference to your letter of 10/11, discussion with the applicant indicated that approval from the Hamilton County Board of Health was obtained earlier, with said approval including a positive outlet from the proposed septic field to an existing pipe located at 136th Street. The applicant and builder are to bring this information to the T AC meeting tomorrow. Thank you for your input into this project. Should you have any other concerns please notify me any time. Sincerely, Dave Barnes Weihe Engineers, Inc. ALLAN Ho WEIHE. PoEo, LoSo - PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 846-6611 (800) 452-6408 FAX: (317) ~546 "4, ~~4:;'! 'i.r~ . ", ., .. . .'..> " I,' :.~~;:.' c. "j~':'" . .:~{:~i'~~e.:' ' John.on. Sue E From: Sent. To: ee: Subject: Doboslewicz. Jon C Fnday. October 12, 200112:21 PM Johnson, Sue E Ullig, Laurence M: Hahn, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment ~ Primary & Secondary Plats: Papay Subdivision Sue Ellen. Please issue the necessary Docket Numbers for the Papay Subdivision, Primary Plat .t Secondary Plat. They will be the following: l~t) -.OIPP '~lSP 5700 + 3S ($700 + S3S per lot with 1 lot) 5700 Total Fee: $1.435 \~~ Docket No.1IW-Ol PI'; Papay Subdivision Primary Plat The applicant seeks approval to plat a ,one lot residential subdivision on 4.37 acres. The site is located on the north side of West 136tb Street, % mile east of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-llRcsidence. Filed by Dave Bames of Weihe Engineers, Inc. for Anthony and Alice Papay. Docket No.';Lol SP; Papay Subdivision Secondary Plat The petition has been placed on the October 17th T AC agenda. The petition will also be placed on the November 20.2001 Plan Commission agenda. Packets for the commission memben need to bem our office by November 9th for mailing. I wiU make every effort to get comments' out in writing by the T AC meeting. Please contact Dave Bams at 846--6611 with this information. Once the docket is assigned please return the file ~ to my office. Thanks. Ion 1 .~ . · .... WEIHE ENGINEERS~ INC. ~ . .. CIVIL ENGINEERS. LAND SURVEVORS. LAND PLANNERS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS F8K 0Mr Page To: Nancy Dotson From: Dave Barnes Fax: 598-6315 Date: October 24, 2001 Phone: 598-6397 S9~-(;.310 Project: Public Notice . Company: Topics Newspaper .lob #: Pages including cover sheet: 3 Re: o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 F. Y.I. . Comments: Nancy: Please place in next public notice section of paper for public notice in Carmel. Invoice and "Proof of Publication" to be sent to Weihe Engineers. Inc. Please call should you have any questions. Thank you. - Dave Barnes If you are experiencing difficulties in receiving, please call us @ 317/846-6611 or 800/452-6408. Thank you. ALLAN H. WEIHE. P.E.. L.S. . PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA 46280 (317) 84&6611 (800) 452-6408 FAX: (317)843-0!546 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. 120-01 PP, 121-01 SP Notice Is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on November 27, 2001 7 . 00 P M (Date) at . .. In the City Hall Counctll Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, (TIme) Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Primary & Secondarv Plaeppllcatlon fur PAPAY SUBDIVISION (Part of South 1/2, Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East) - Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. The applicallon Is Idenllfied as Docket No. 1 20 - 01 PP & 1 21 - 01 SP The real estate affected. by said applicallon Is described as follows: (Insert. Legal Description) All Interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either In writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. .. I . '.F.~. . .1..,. .,.:,......_........~........,.....'.t't...,oI........,,~...'... .::.' .,'..;.'...:.;t.-.."':.;;,,;,;,;-"~~,,:,'';;''~~.='':''''"l...9l..>-'_'''''''..,,:.,;~''''::'';,.. ~,......; '_~"'. '.., ;'_.,':_,., .. ,~. ~: ~',_;'.;~_ _'"'-'-'___ ~~._-";..o..:.;.'~._~_ _~,",-,"-,,,,,,,,-,,-,,,,,_,~,,--,,-_,,,,,,,,,.'_'_~'_ ,-,. -- .'--. '0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the South Half of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the South Half of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West (assumed bearing) on the South line of said South Half a distance of L337.65 feet to the Southeast corner of the West half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 21; thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line.of said Section 21 a distance of 480.00 feet to a PK nail; thenc~ continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 1476.84 feet to a point on the prolongation of the East line of the real estate described in Deed Book 343, page 273 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilt~ County, Indiana, said point being marked by a PK nail; thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line of said section a distance of 92.00 feet, said point also being the Southeast corner of the real estate described in Instrument #9625246; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds WEst along the South line of said Section 21 a d~stance of 333.45 feet, said point, also being the point of beginning to the herein described real estate; thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 292.86 feet to the Southwest corner of the East half of the SOuthwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being marked by a PK nail; thence North 00 degrees 15 minutes 38 seconds East on the West line of said East Half a distance of 653.26 feet to the Northwest corner of said Instrument #9625246; thence South 90 degrees OO.minutes 00 seconds East on said North line of Instrument #9625246 a distance of 289.889 feet to a point bearing North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East from said point of beginning; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West parallel with the East line of said Instrument #9625246 a distance of 653.25 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.370 acres, more or less. . _______1 _ ":'-f->-'~""","~:"""";"~'_";"':...":"':_""""\o'::__'~___'_.'.":"'"""_..,,;,,,(,::~_"':"--:-~..._.".ou".........,-..........-...-......._-----...._......-..,;,. ----...~.~:.~., *".,...--------.-..--...,.,------- -....-.-------- Public notice general description: Applicant required to plat said 4.37 acre tract located on the north side of 136th street, approximately 1/4 mile east of Towne Road to obtain building permit to construct one single famile residence house. Property is zoned S-1 (existing zoning). 1:1 ru 1Il 1:1,\ I:IS;i"tiii.ifi!: '&itrAlIA. .illii' 1:1 i~ii1jj;MiBiijijtiWmliliiiS(tiii'iIfi"'--'"'''''''--''''''''' "W g 'i;W'A;~~iW. 136'h Street------ 1:1 '--"W9JYJ-t-3~'~-Slrcct-.............-.--........-.--...........-...-..... :': I'- ~ City.. . ,.,,~I,'1}fI , C...t',.....t_ ;[, rr,~=":~~~~.:;; o o "fI'II!.Ir:IMI"""'...v'"'' "t..l,,,,~"''''''' ""'1,,.."'11 " l.Ji, g "th '__/ ~ ..... t;J~_~ ;;.,- o "-eli~ciii'f:& Siiirieycorii;ion~ - g~,w. I 36'h Street-------------..... I'- Tot" Po.t.~ . h.. (. U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Uutnl' ,'rc; M.lIl Dilly, No 'lI~flf""t (J COIl(" HJI' ProvlcfcrJ) .... o o '" o ru ru IT' Po1tllqtl S Cef1ined F.. ~ n:nd~=~ C RutrlctedOltlNeryr. c (ff1dortement R8rlI~'fldl o o .... o To'" POItllQ. & F... ('1~~ gs;H~i'dc''1WCommilnilies i..LC R .t'.IIlR~;'B. New Markel Street 1:1 00 1Il 1:1 ..... ..... ..... .., US Po',111 ServIce CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (DOIllC''i/IC f,l"tI Only No Insurance' Covcr,1ge provrdvd) C-'Ifted F.. . '3>'f __2--,-.112. _L5P._ PoII.~ . ~(E~~ g ~~:~ ,..,... Porn9t &,... $--:r~fZr U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Dome,;llc Mail Dilly, No Insurance Coverage Provided) Iff ~I I 0 ...._.._ L:.j ~ ""''''l"",'~, -...... [I .'~ '''''III ;"\" ". .':'I:Y :.~:.'., ' ',' ::\'~1.;'~'~.)i ~ !'" i.I.!\li :.10 ~ Tol" PMta,. & re.. ;}l" ~ ..D ~~i;;;;;";;;;(~j"~;;;(tIf, tfw1hi~ii- )r. c o \. ('" -,,".'" ((.1 g ~:~o~~~~ G. Soilenberger~l:~?./~ Ii:; g I'- ~: '1-' ~I o ru ru .-- I"MIIIQ" I C...h....of.... neturnn"'tetrl''''' :Y re..ftor:'!I!IftWIl1tR'''lU..",ll ru o o R"l,icl~ ,,*,IfV f.... lfrn;kwt-"ln.'..Ni....n f 'c" , I / " ru '0 o o o :.: ..D ", ;~ 0 10 ,.:,:;; CJ ::;,:' C l\:':~; I'- :':'j {1 ~tiryt~\t;Rf,bin i..: Pemberton .i;I~,:r.fjwlleRoiiil-- o o .... 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I~ '; ..D io ,0 ;1 C Xi ~ .',:,i" ;~',~ Tn".. PIIl.IAge a '..a Aec'fpIef;;i Nii~;n;;;;r,T,;;;:;;;';;:;;;;;~; ~;;;;;;:;;i;;h;'~,';'j,;;j- -..-- S~Yltili~W?~Rhoniiii L Crook .... ~8 W.,:;t36th-Street U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only No !nSlImllCO Covt:'lolgf' (llOvu!cd) 1 :l i l~ '1 nJ :: fT1 "I ~ ~ PosI. S ::1 ~ C~ltifld F.. ~ ,; I : ~ (en~~~~ I :! ~ Ir.~~~~~~,~~ ,:; t:J ',0 :..D ._,0 l~ ,.c:n;n' . Tolal Pnttlllll. & ,... $ s;'t&6J'iicUiilYit'thome, Trustee ''',9R60N! Cht!SteHon Drive ru .., 10 , '" , .'!~ iru .'.: Ir '" ru o '0 U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only, No Insurance Coverage Prov)(/cd) .!J-I .10 I. ~--V (~~" . . P"~m"'k ,- . { : , \, ~.~,~....:: . (,:11 POSI. S C"rtilledFM n"'lI,"Rnc~FflIl (endor<l"n.....llllOQulrlld! Rulflctl'ldOlolNeryF.. (e.ndorSl'lfTl8RI R8qulrfJdl ; g To'_ Po.I.Qa & ,..I sl__ , ~ ~:;~p;;j/c;;;;i;riin"''''(>t.."""....,h;t'lIII'''''1 '0 ';1:1 J~ S;~.wwti tte;iio" /;'n;f~t\:J'iW."[ 16th Slreef U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only, No Insurance Coverage PIO~rdcd) ;L """...',:::':: ~ :z2'__-'-,:-!q:-_ ~,'i ';"~'~";~'.~I'~I-I~I:1) [I';..dof<;r.111""''''''lUifpdl flMl,iCI"d l)"li...."v 11'11 !lndomp"'.."'"I'f1lI"....q ;,;:~~;.~~~~;,;. ~i7~,,! ,i,~ ~~,,;;;n b,;,:.i~~-:'- o s;iM;jlliTffi:~fr.~~era R. smitb ~t;ii",1969-W.136th Slteet I'- PETITiONER'S AffiOAVIT Of NOtiCE Of I'UBLlt HEARING CARMEL PLAN COMMissioN , ..1 V .1 I ! i.. ." -.j' I ~') Anthony L... Papay do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the . 120~01 PP & carmel Plan commission to consider Docket Number1 J 1 Q1 SP ,,,,us registered and mailed st least twenty-Rve (25) days prior to the date ot the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNERCs) NAME ADDRESS 1.~G' \.;~ set A""II"....."I""'A'......................................................................... STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF I SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above Infonnatlon Is true and correct as he Is Informed and believes. .x My Commission expires: /0 - 1- Y , . . . ,. .......~"""AA'.A...................................................... , .~. Signatures of adjacent property owners must be submitted on this arfldavil. '-'lVV' "". I __...._.--...._.W Slale of Indiana. f4t'p~( JLcdtl'- 'y-,s,c)/- County Ofrnlon. SS: Before J ~ol~il~IC_ In and for lhe Counly of Hamlllon and Slate of Indiana. personatly appeared... . .~/./~"" who being duly sworn upon oath. deposes and says. that he is the Publisher of the Dally Ledger. a Topics Newspaper. a newspaper of general circulation In Hamilton County. Stat~ndlana. Prl.nted In the EngUsh language and printed and publlshed~eek1y In the town of Fishers. Ham1lton County. State of Indiana. ana that said Topics Newspaper have been publlshed continuously for more' than three years last past. In said county and state: that the Notice of publlcatlort. a true copy of wJtlch Is hereto annexed was duly pubiIshed In said newspaper.... for.../... weekt/ (lnserUonr syeees8wely) which publlcaUons were made as follows: . ... ... ... ... ... ......... .O.c-.--b?.b~.... ..;:;?;.<e .". ...~!? .P... I............... .... ~ ' :~~~~~~~InUt8' I8C!OndI.w....OI'Ilhe South'lIne' of 'lId'. IpCtlciif f' . clJ,'a/lCll. . '; of 82.00 '...."t8Jd I10IrIt Il18o be . lhe SoulIMa";""...r'of ...",. .Illa I '1la1'1'~"." .T.. .... raa1' '88 . .i.io;.rit::! lr\J InltnJment. 25l!48:thanC'" North, 90. =~~~~=" ~2f' dI8tance,of 833.45,; :.....&~of,.. ".eIeo. .' be.fng!.lhe.11 .' . ;to~;liiIi8Int .~. '.. .' lllailll~""~! ~. . ,.:.!Iegrwi"oo: i_int ""NId~W881.llnlho; l_nOI( of'f-.,.... " ~1a: . ...c...... tel 0 Iha" ll6hiI,of.lh. Eial haJfi,' , . r'of'''Id~' ~Id', .t.lI,'na ;'; b~lnil . ~'fr:ait. . 18m1nutel:1l81 ("rd' EII6UHa.'CW!1l- We,tlln. ~ IS3.28rtet flilhe ~latand. !or~' Ii' '8IIld -"...l...i9!lhweet cot. '. SocIi. -""""" 18828248:/~ . " . oo~, b . '. ieu !lnf.'1IIId .I I '. "rn.lfllMent .' tet'I~..~~'889" ~I Ji)" ""a..'V Noitl...oo,! 'E'ait......... !IIInute.oo a . , . .,...... !d:P.b/h(df" Inri .", ~.80~Oildeti~oo'l'!G fl.. "",,~':U . I:. "'.8lIliualle, .; lo...1o-"...::~:..\E .~cif.,'iil-.a.. .,. . ,,,"",",,",, ~dIat.. ~. .~.l~li 16i8.. it1~*" gr~J4.37 "ill Aft n_,,!,. lit"", ! '., Int. de . fI/1Il8I1I 1I1.'r, .WleWl' on~' r '~~'IrI'~~ ~i~ fieat:~. ~ ....llme and place, :~ NOL.' 0128 . t t., ~ ~, t ~ ,- i, t .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... And that aIt of said publications were made In full compliance with the laws. ~. .;......;...;................::"......~IIL..................................... subj\Cri d}lnd sworn to before me this ..~~....;.....; day of .(J)(... . D.ec::.... 20 l) I/J N~i" ~,,;;1~fi);;;;;: (Seal) My commlsslonJJP~s.lf,).r:.-deq,! Publisher's Fee...':f::'...:...'7.7 . / Resident of Lf{l;U.-/4 County PROOF OF PUBLICATIO UJe,Ae ~d;/lJeer~ State of Indiana, jJu.j>a y ~;!~......" J , ~~ County of~ton, S~S' Before ~otYfIF ie. in and for the County of Hamilton and State of Indiana, personally appeared.., . .~ZIJ. .... who being duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says, that he is , the Publisher of the Daily Ledger, a Topics Newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in Hamilton County, Sta~.. Indiana, printed in the English language and printed and published daily eekly in the town of Fishers, Hamilton County, State of Indiana, a that said Topics Newspaper have been published continuously for more than three years last past, in said county and state; that the Notice of publication, a true copy of which is hereto annexed was duly published in said newspaper.... for...!.... week_ (insertion;f. s11cceiisively) which publications were made as follows: ...................... O.~.~.e c.... .7-:..~. t... .~r? .i!./.. ~ 6........... .................................................................................................... /~(;;:(cT;;~C7.!': .................................................................................. '~::::~~:"""'" ~ And that all of said publications were ~ade in full c~Plia1{tC!HEO the laws. q;)-~/I. p . \;Y;~ \IW \ 2IlOl ...................................................... .~................ "(:.~+"""''''-DOCS ~rl::;;z~~;:6........~~~~t'y. .,~." (Seal) My commission f?fJ)iJI;s..I!.f!.:f:-::d~~/ Publisher's Fee/~.1t:f..77 / I ." I Resident of .f./da / ~...hCounty v o , _,:'';'i .;-......\ PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION I (\fJ~) Anthony L.. Papay do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the 120-01 PP & Carmel Plan Commission to consider Docket Number1 ~ 1 01 SI? ' was registered and mailed at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adJacent property owners: OWNER(s) NAME ADDRESS '-s"€>"€> AAAIAA""""""""'.""""""""""".""""'"'IAAAA'A'A"A'AAA""""'A'A'."""" STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above infonnation is true and correct as he is informed and believes. {31j.!,NU;, p" Y-~J"~i'- ~~~, ~l~t}~t" ,~;~')!.., ,~, , ~'" ,/.' / ~:"\~~~1;~~.,~, ~,,~"4~"r,il!-,'f) ~ ~. '~J.~"'!JoAcr.~:~"~~~)'l "c '~~~{~;~!f,::~:to~' .x (Signature ltioner) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ----L... day of /;1Yl~1..u....t ~J,u~~~~, Notary Pub My Commission Expires: /0- 1- Y , " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAA".......""'AA'. Signatures of adjacent property owners must be submitted on this affidavit. .JI .., ..... m (Oorrw'.tJC MdJI Only, No Insw.mcc Covcl~1ge p;ovlded) -. "'. -...-~ I:] J}~ 1 ..... CertlriedFee Postage S ;:; (E~~~i:) C ReatrlctedOeliYeryFee C (EocIorsemllll11 R&quireclJ I:] I:] .JI I:] ~ =!~~~i_~~~~~~~ "'" T...._.F_ $ .JI I:] I:] :>- u.s. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only. No InSUf,lnCC Cover"ge Provided) I:] I:] .JI I:] I:] ru ru ..... _.. S c.tJf1edF.. ~(E~~~ C RntrlctedDeIlvery F.. e (EndorsernenfRequl~ -..........- $ ";fe1 :5 -S~~(ij(''-''i6"coiiimii1iiiiesLLC -:-~- -oif!8i-lpJrN~wMifrKerStreet uH_~_=_~_~__ I:] .., UI I:] .-'l .-'l .-'l .., U S Postal ServIce CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only, No Insurance Coverage Provided) Poalage S Certlfled Fee Return Receipt Fee ~_""'''''l ~ ~c:=:; TotIII Poaa~ &,... $ u.S. Postal ServIce CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic M~HI Only, No Insurance Coverage Provided) '''':l ,};t~ ":~{ -<::~ ~ )n .:J" -"'lC ru ru ..... :>- :,:) ~ :"10 ":; CI ...j~ -II:] ::'10 ,':;.'::0 :'::l.~ . '~.' :':':.' ,W~" ~fl ;~fi'J ~tj m W-lf :>- ~~~ ~ t~\1 i T.g, ~~.' F_ $ ~;:l I:] --.. N...."".... 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Pemberton -t~/7f~W1Uj-RoliaU - .:'::: ", :!J ~ 'J~ ~ ;~': a- !:,; :>- 1- -: ru -:i C I", C Postage S CertiliedFee RetumRoceiplFee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Aequired' 1"::': g Total Poetage I Feea ;>~ m~) H~-:;~~~~~;;~:~~~~i~'~~~~~-~ . ..1 PS f , lJ~ Jill, ", \/\}> SOD q, '5" IUf In'ltnclO --~-~~~-~~- ,;:::~ -'d -'--'J :{~ ~ u.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic MellI Only, No Insurance Coverage ProVided) I ! i -, , ru . .., _'1:] .: ~ U,S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (DomestIc Mad Only, No Insurance Coverage ProvIded) Postage S ";0 .j ru \ru . '~ IT' Certified Fee 2 I ~ Return Receipt Fee ru (EndOfSllment Required) I:] I:] Return Receipt Fee (Endor~ltment Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) (DomestIc M.1If Only, No Insurance Coverage Provided) CertifledFee Postage S Return Receipt Fee (Endoreem811tRllIQulred) Restricted o.rivlll'y Fee fEndorsementRl!lQuired) Postage S CertlfledFee Postage S -~ ./0 /. ..;-0 (-r,;,: .' . .p~.'stmnrk Here ( . , , '- CertifiedFfIG Restricted DellvGl'y FEIG {Endorsement RIlQuired) Tot.1 Postage & FeeS $ ;;:. :'....0 :::.: C ~;) ~ $ ---' Totat Postage & Feell - I:] I I:] -.J1 I:] c ru ~ , 1:]S;;;t~if'&'TffiaA.Huff : I:]si;i~itre;iio : :e;~:=;iii\~~-~~~~~::~I~:~ "'''">'Nn..'.... : ."''9' s !1.i.,:.1 ~ .""g. S . 3'1 ~ ~":-:~;;~'I;;,) : P"",,, S ~ Cer1l1led Foo 2 r :::\ ~ Certified Fee I 0 ' Postma.:' : ' ~ Certifiod Fee Ir . ....~ ) ~ Return ReceIpt Fee ) Here \\"' Return Receipt Fee ;(; ~:=:"::: I :\:"',~> .ti ~ ~;;;;;~:;:~~; . , "t 'L f ~ ':::::,"~~::i: E: (Endor.<e",entR~GiredJ "j ,:", C .. /~~1.J!lo. C (Endor5ementRequiroo) C Tot.alPosteo-&F... $ 2.. i.l.!l,'t :::; ~ ToteIPostage&F..s ~ A'::.'/ .:; ToleIPosteg.&FtHtll "': ~_..::~'!>~<~,.i ~ R Ipleftt'l N (P/fIII~Fl Pr I elf! rly) fin bfll c"n~~IerJ '. .! c R.clplent'!! H"me (1'1....."e Prim C/e.1fIV) (In 1m rr;>mp',,'prfl'y mailer) -_.~.... ~ ReclpkJniiiiiRme {r'lpnse ~'ir(l tift ("am,'!"/p" 0; m!!iler) :~~i~w_:n:e:.:RUo:"jd~:~Ol~~~~r~~L':-',,:~~~'~ :/1 ~:~~~J;~~~~~;ShU ~::~~=~;~~~~~~I~mitiiU ~ ,<'lJ,"'''''lv a :_:;1 ~_ _. ,~ ~ ~"t" Heme IPIe.1$p P(ill/ CIeOlrly) (/0 be wm"let"rl by mai!fJr) u.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only, No fnsurance Coverage PrOVided) Certified Fee u.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only, No Insurance Coverage PrOVided) ~:-:-:-., PostlgG S , ;:~;~_:,:.'i~Yl) A _ '\ ~ '.-1 ': ,postmark , :: "1Iflni ~. .J,~ "'--.__....... . ..):.~?;:~_/ RlIlurnRec:elptFee (Endors..".nfRequlredl Rntl'1eted Delivery Fee (Endorsemer'lt Required) Total !PO.te;. & F... ~,.. Ne".. (Please Pn'nt Clearly) (to be COmpleted by mailm/ -Si~"&)~fti:BP8~i:er" -oiilVo1t);.W:-136,h.Stfeer-' '~'~"'-.... r:tJ:.!:I~~) POSllllil,". - He.e ':" i\!i\1 .' 11i!~> t. .~ RECEIVED .t- IDY 1 2001 ~ DOCS Complet(iter.ls-1, d 3. Also complete item 4 if ltestricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, x_ or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: , Curtis Marion & William Stumm 2019 W. 136th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 i ,1 J 3. I \ 2. Article Number (Copy from service !J!Qel) ! 7fJ(y) Os2() CD/ 7 I \P.S[For~ 381[1\, Juh~ 19~9 ; i \ i \ \Dom~stip Return Receipt c o Regis Al o Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes ~III OSSD 102595-00-M-0952 -L Complet~ items 1; d 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ToM & Diane Thome, Trustee 9860 N. Chesterton Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 3. Se~ Type lB"'Certifled Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes \ PS Fbrm 3811 i jOly 1'9991 \ \ .1t bOm.estlc Return Receipt , 02595-00-M-0952 \ . -,. Complet'ti items 1, d 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Charles Carr & Shirley Compton 2290 W. 136th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 3. ServjP6'Type or6ertified Mall 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes \Domestlc Return Receipt ,.;~ 'i 1 02595.00.M.0952 ' . ,'1 . Complett., ite~s 1, nd 3, Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D Agent D Addressee DYes D No terry E. & Tina A. Huff 2300 W. 136th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 l I 3. Servi ype ertified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4, Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes ,2..A~icle.Numb~7DfX5seOGaDl9 002L/ 9'2-2-0 '-I D7S ; PS Fortn: 38j t ~July 1999 \ \ \ \ [ i i D6me~tidReturn Receipt 102595.00.M-0952 Complete' items 1, , nd 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the baCK of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: o Agent o Addressee D,Yes o No Andrew W. & Rhonna L. Crook 2288 W. 136th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 3. Servi9S'Type J:1I..6ertified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 102595-00-M-0952 Complete Items 1 . 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece. or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ~ Gregory L. & Robin L. Pemberton 13525 Towne Road W~tfield, Indiana 46074 lL 12. AI 1\ PS F . , . ,- . t it 1 ( '[ , { '\~. .((- ~..!: -1,', ," t i. . !~ t. i delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: ) 3. Se e Type Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.O,D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes \1tHtttr H1H, . , ii. . : ~) ,102595-00-M-0952 Complete items 1, d 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: David J. & Tammy G. Sollenberger 13689 Towne Road Westfield, Indiana 46074 2. Article NljiDger Wrom service label) \{Q ohm PS Form 381 ~ !JiJry:1999 !! ; !!! t. ~ i i~'~:\~ t i~! ti~ D. Is delivery ad ss different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type D Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.D.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) eJ02 Lj . 9 2LIJ !Doni~tic Return Receipt \ ~ t t t DYes L/Oh)? 102595-00-M-0952 Complete items 1, d 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ~ Agent D Addressee D. Is delivery address different from item 1? DYes If YES, enter deliyery address below: D No .',1." -;--. --.. Surwil LLC 1303 W. 116th Street Cannel, Indiana 46032 " 3. Servi ype Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service fabeO^" "7 I P 9 /) "70 J 10.' <J 7 . 7 t9n() 0(000 LAJ.,..c...., ~ ., ~~ 1\ p,s 'forq, 3~1 it JU!y' 19$9 H [ lit 1 ~orTtest(c Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 Complete Items 1, 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the' reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Brenwick TND Communities LLC 12821 E. New Market Street Cannel, Indiana 46032 D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: ) 3. Se . e Type Certified Mall D Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) i ~ :. t 'doirie'stI6 Return Receipt D Agent D Addressee DYes D No DYes 102595-00-M-0952 \ Complete items 1" 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: o Agent o Addressee DYes o No ( ~ James H. & Vera R. Smith 1969 W. 136th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 3. Se . e Type Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. ~!trjfted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article Numb7Dr/;;m stJ~fi)b "'60 di;' " '''C; 22JJ '-10 tiLl [ ips torm 381 ~ ~ Juiyi 19Q9 ! j 1 [i i i i tQqm~ti9 Return Receipt DYes ,102595-00-M-0952 iT . Complete items 1, 2, a 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Ray N. & Louann Cash 2273 W. 136th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 2. t ~ t.! ~ q il!.! \,. , il! \ l; i iPS . Is very address different from item 1? If.YES, enter delivery address below: o Agent o Addressee DYes o No , i I I 4. DYes [ :lilil~ ; 102595.00-M-0952 I "\ i l t j; !H. H �Od>i13S 98VA ?V3a ,St 1N3W3SV3 1d3I2i133_13 Ot 1n 3dd 0I1N313Q 1 -IA (8) 1 -I1 (b) 1 -IA (£) 3-WV (8) },.'bs 0009 (£) 33I330 .OE = .T alvDS Ma!A WO 18 3 39VNIVaQ ,0£ d -10 (8) 'q. f'bs 0009 d -d3 (8) V . 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PAPAY 1285. THISTLEWOOD COURT CAR M EL, INDIANA 46032 PHONE: 317- 575 -9637 PREPARED BY: WEIHE ENGINEERS, INC. 10505 N. COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 PHONE: 846-6611 FAX: 843 -0546 b I c I d I e I f 1 9 h A PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST (ASSUMED BEARING) ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF A DISTANCE OF 1337.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 480.00 FEET TO A PK NAIL; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 1476.84 FEET TO. A POINT ON THE PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 343, PAGE 273 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, SAID POINT BEING MARKED BY A PK NAIL; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 92.00 FEET, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT #9625246; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 333.45 FEET, SAID POINT, ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING TO THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 292.86 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, SAID POINT BEING MARKED BY A PK NAIL; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 38 SECONDS EAST ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SAID EAST HALF A DISTANCE OF 653.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID INSTRUMENT #9625246; THENCE SOUTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ON SAID NORTH LINE OF INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 289.89 FEET TO A POINT BEARING NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS `NEST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LIP.` OF SAID INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 653.25 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 4.370 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SOILS LEGEND Br — Wookston, silty day loom ZONING — S , CrA — Cro ! sift loam. OX— 0 s l pss tleF — Henrnpin loom, 18X -507L slopes MmA — Mlami sift loam. OX-2X slopes Mm62 —Miami silt loom. 2X-6X dopes. eroded MmD2 — Miami silt loornn, 12X —18X abyss, eroded MOC3 — Miorni clay loam, 6X12% -byes, ssverly eroded Sh — Shoals silt loom Sx — Sloan silty loam, sandy substrotom AREA LOCATION MAP SOILS MAP (NOT TO SCALE) (NOT TO SCALE) SEUM NO. I PREPARED FOR: 4.370 ACRE TRACT 1 ANTHONY L. & ALICE L. PAPA PROJECT N PRELIMINARY PLAT ���� 1 -0769 PART OF SOUTH 112 OF SECTION 21, T18N, R3E IN HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA o I b I c ALLAN H. WEM P.B. 8827 d e PROJECT NO.: W01 -0769 DWG NAME: 010769PRE.d FIELD BY: DRAWN BY: TJS CHECKED BY. DB DATE: 09/18/01 11 WEIHE ENGINEERS, INC. ALLAN H. WEIHE REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 846 -6611 FAX: (317) 843 -0546 TOLL -FREE (800) 452 -6408 CIVIL ENGINEERS * LAND. SURVEYORS * LAND PLANNERS * LANDSCAPE ARCI iTECTSC 9 h z L01 N a I b I_ c PREPARED FOR: ANTHONY L. & ALICE L. PAPAY 1285. THISTLEWOOD COURT CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PHONE: 317 - 575 -9637 PREPARED BY: WEIHE ENGINEERS, INC. 10505 N. COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 PHONE: 846 -6611 FAX: 843 -0546 A PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST (ASSUMED BEARING) ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF A DISTANCE OF 1337.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; Tuc c f nAIT1All IIRir NQPT g0 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUK LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A uio -omior- OF 480.00 FEET TO A PK NAIL; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 1476.84 FEET TO . A POINT ON THE PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 343, PAGE 273 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, SAID POINT BEING MARKED BY A PK NAIL; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 92.00 FEET, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT #9625246; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 333.45 FEET, SAID POINT, ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING TO THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH C4 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 292.86 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, SAID POINT BEING MARKED BY A PK NAIL; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 38 SECONDS EAST ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SAID EAST HALF A DISTANCE OF 653.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID INSTRUMENT #9625246; THENCE SOUTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ON SAID NORTH LINE OF INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 289.89 FEET TO A POINT BEARING NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 653.25 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 4.370 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SOILS LEGEND Br — Brookaton, silty day loam ZONING - S He — Crosby sift loom. OX -0 slopes HeF — Henmpin loam, 18% —SOX slopes MmA — Miami silt loam. OX -2X slopes Mm82 — Miami silt loom, 2X-6X slopes, eroded MmD2 — Miami silt loam, 12X -18X slopes, eroded N MoC3 — Miami clay loam, 6X12X slopes, Beverly eroded Sh — Shoals silt loom Sx — Sloan silty loam, sandy substrotom d I e f 1 9 1_ _ h AREA LOCATION MAP SOILS MAP (NOT TO SCALE) (NOT TO SCALE) LPROJECTNO. PREPARED FOR: REVISIONS AND ISSUES DATE BY PROJECT NO.: W01 ME: WFuHF. ENGINEERS, INC. DWG NAME: 4.3 7 0 ACRE TRACT 010769PRE.dwg FIELD BY: ALLAN H. WEIfIIE 105 05 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE ANTHONY L. &ALICE L. PAPAY DRAWN BY: REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR (317) 846 -6611 FAX: (317) 843 -0546 CHEC DB BY: PRESIDENT TOLL -FREE (800) 452 -6408 PRELIMINARY PLAT DATE: PART OF SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 21, T18N, ME IN HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA ALLAN AWEEM pIL 9927 09/18/01 CIVIL ENGINEERS * LAND.SURVEYORS * LANDPLANNERS * LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS a b c d e f 9 h w N JAN 18 "52 DOGS N. W. CORNER INSTR. 19625246 S 90'00'00" E 289.89' f -20' D.&U.E. --- I i i i i LOT #1 4.370± ACRES I cV N LJQ 40' B.S. L. PAPA Y SUBDIVISION SECONDARY PLA T PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 .NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST IN HAMILTON COUNTY. SUBMISSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2001 1, the undersigned, a registered land surveyor in the State of Indiana, hereby certify that the within plat represents a subdnvWon prepared under my supervision of the following described red estate located In pat of the Stith Half of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Goy Township. Hamilton County. Indiana and being man particularly described as follows COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST (ASSUMED BEARING) ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF A DISTANCE OF I 1337.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21: THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE sounH LIFE OF SAID I SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 480.00 FEET TO A PK NAIL; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE I SOUTH LIE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 1476.84 FEET TO A POINT ON THE PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 343. PAGE 273 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF I HAMILTON COUINTY, INDIANN, SAID POINT BEING MARKED BY A PK NAT.; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINJTS 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 92.00 FEET, SAID IPOINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT #9625246; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 WNUTS 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 333.45 FEET, SAID POINT. ALSO BEING THE POINT OF I BEGINNING TO THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LIE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 292.86 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST I CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21. SAID POINT BEM MARKED BY A PK NIL; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 15 WRITES 38 SECONDS EAST ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SAID EAST HALF A DISTANCE OF 653.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID INSTRUMENT # 9625246; THENCE SOUTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 I SECONDS EAST ON SAID NORTH LINE OF INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 289.89 FEET TO A POINT BEARING NORTH OO DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 I L , SECONDS EAST FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 653.25 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 4.370 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. [I JI OI O' L - - ; I �, - — � -15 D.drU.E. 292.66' 3 N 90'00"00" W 292.86 s w. GOR., E 1/z s w. 114 WEST 136TH STREET SEC. 21- Tf8N -R3E ANTHONY L & ALICE L PAPAY SOURCE OF TITLE: This subdirision consists of one lest. numbered 1. as shown on the within plat 7W size of the lot is shown in figures destiny 0 feet and decimal pats thereof. ' 0 WA ness my re this /! day of Iq6 2001. O (0 ALLAN H. WOHE, REG. L.S. — INDIANA #10398 see � a�;• r a� 'Jc J - m - p, .1 —STAY, Y y" S. E. COh INST. #9 P.O.B. N 90'00'00" W 1285 THISTLEWOOD COURT INST. 09625246 CARMEL, IN. 46032 SCALE 1"=60' 317- 575 -9637 0 30 60 120 CARMEL /CLAY PLAN COMMISSION DOCKET NUMBERS: 120 -01 PP /121 -01 SP F??2201j115E 75 Filed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK 01 -17 -2002 02 :59 PM. PLAT 18.00 PG ;z 51; cl e � 3q The undersigned, Anthony L de Alice L Papay, owners of the shown and described hereirL do hereby certify that they have laid off . plotted and subdivided and do hereby lay off, plot and subdivide. said real estate in accordance, with the within plat. The foNowing rsstrictians, Imitations and convernants are hereby imposed upon and shah run with the land conrko -ad in such plot. This sub&vWm shall be known and designated as Papay Subdivision in Hamilton County. Indiana AN streets shown and not heretofore dedicated are hereby dedicated to the public. -11. _ State of Indiana ) County of Hamilton as: Bef"* rive, the undersigned, a Notary PuW_.in and for Stria. Personally appeared Anthony L 4r Alice L acknowledged the execution of the foregoing vd1u ntary act and deed, for the purposes therein MRtrross my hand and Notarial Seal this ,tom ➢ �' `Q' r Notary Public Mr won Expires / County of Residence UNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY INDIANA CODE 36- 7- 4-710, AND ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF TT# MY OF CARREL, INDIANA. THIS PLAT WAS GIVEN APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF CARMEL AS FOLLOWS: a1 1 1 T, • • 7 7 • • 7 DEPARTMENT W COMMUNITY SERVICES CARREL.. INDIANA KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE SE. COR, W. 112, SE 114 SEC. 21- T18N -R3E­, N 90100100' W N 90'00'0(' W N 90'00'00° W �'00,W UNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 47, ACTS OF 1951. ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THERETO. THIS PLAT WAS GMEN APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY PLAT APPROVED: f • I q • o z- BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HAMILTON COUNTY. INDWNA i4io.og suti 133765' SE COR. S 1/2 •S. LINE OF S01/1N id4LF SEC. 21- T18N -R.E SEC. 21- T18N -R3E SURMOR: LEGEND ❑ = 4ax 4 "x 36e CONC. ION, R.D. & U.E. = REGULATED DRAIN & UTILITY ESM'T B.S.L. = BUILDING SETBACK LINE STEVEN C. DILLINGEIt, MEMBER (AnM ROBIN RILLS, AUTNTOR subject to final acce mance for trans =o,' P day of"G�. 20 02, Auditor of Hamilton Couri�c,r .9 I�.- 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 846 =6611 FAX: 317 -843 -0546 TOLL —FREE 800 - 452 -6408 SHEET 1 OF 1 1 OF 9 7,001, S W Ls O O 'O � I�s I 40' B.S. L. PAPA Y SUBDIVISION SECONDARY PLA T PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 .NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST IN HAMILTON COUNTY. SUBMISSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2001 1, the undersigned, a registered land surveyor in the State of Indiana, hereby certify that the within plat represents a subdnvWon prepared under my supervision of the following described red estate located In pat of the Stith Half of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Goy Township. Hamilton County. Indiana and being man particularly described as follows COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST (ASSUMED BEARING) ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF A DISTANCE OF I 1337.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21: THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE sounH LIFE OF SAID I SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 480.00 FEET TO A PK NAIL; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE I SOUTH LIE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 1476.84 FEET TO A POINT ON THE PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 343. PAGE 273 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF I HAMILTON COUINTY, INDIANN, SAID POINT BEING MARKED BY A PK NAT.; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINJTS 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 92.00 FEET, SAID IPOINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT #9625246; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 WNUTS 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 333.45 FEET, SAID POINT. ALSO BEING THE POINT OF I BEGINNING TO THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ON THE SOUTH LIE OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 292.86 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST I CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21. SAID POINT BEM MARKED BY A PK NIL; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 15 WRITES 38 SECONDS EAST ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SAID EAST HALF A DISTANCE OF 653.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID INSTRUMENT # 9625246; THENCE SOUTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 I SECONDS EAST ON SAID NORTH LINE OF INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 289.89 FEET TO A POINT BEARING NORTH OO DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 I L , SECONDS EAST FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID INSTRUMENT #9625246 A DISTANCE OF 653.25 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 4.370 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. [I JI OI O' L - - ; I �, - — � -15 D.drU.E. 292.66' 3 N 90'00"00" W 292.86 s w. GOR., E 1/z s w. 114 WEST 136TH STREET SEC. 21- Tf8N -R3E ANTHONY L & ALICE L PAPAY SOURCE OF TITLE: This subdirision consists of one lest. numbered 1. as shown on the within plat 7W size of the lot is shown in figures destiny 0 feet and decimal pats thereof. ' 0 WA ness my re this /! day of Iq6 2001. O (0 ALLAN H. WOHE, REG. L.S. — INDIANA #10398 see � a�;• r a� 'Jc J - m - p, .1 —STAY, Y y" S. E. COh INST. #9 P.O.B. N 90'00'00" W 1285 THISTLEWOOD COURT INST. 09625246 CARMEL, IN. 46032 SCALE 1"=60' 317- 575 -9637 0 30 60 120 CARMEL /CLAY PLAN COMMISSION DOCKET NUMBERS: 120 -01 PP /121 -01 SP F??2201j115E 75 Filed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK 01 -17 -2002 02 :59 PM. PLAT 18.00 PG ;z 51; cl e � 3q The undersigned, Anthony L de Alice L Papay, owners of the shown and described hereirL do hereby certify that they have laid off . plotted and subdivided and do hereby lay off, plot and subdivide. said real estate in accordance, with the within plat. The foNowing rsstrictians, Imitations and convernants are hereby imposed upon and shah run with the land conrko -ad in such plot. This sub&vWm shall be known and designated as Papay Subdivision in Hamilton County. Indiana AN streets shown and not heretofore dedicated are hereby dedicated to the public. -11. _ State of Indiana ) County of Hamilton as: Bef"* rive, the undersigned, a Notary PuW_.in and for Stria. Personally appeared Anthony L 4r Alice L acknowledged the execution of the foregoing vd1u ntary act and deed, for the purposes therein MRtrross my hand and Notarial Seal this ,tom ➢ �' `Q' r Notary Public Mr won Expires / County of Residence UNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY INDIANA CODE 36- 7- 4-710, AND ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF TT# MY OF CARREL, INDIANA. THIS PLAT WAS GIVEN APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF CARMEL AS FOLLOWS: a1 1 1 T, • • 7 7 • • 7 DEPARTMENT W COMMUNITY SERVICES CARREL.. INDIANA KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE SE. COR, W. 112, SE 114 SEC. 21- T18N -R3E­, N 90100100' W N 90'00'0(' W N 90'00'00° W �'00,W UNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 47, ACTS OF 1951. ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THERETO. THIS PLAT WAS GMEN APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY PLAT APPROVED: f • I q • o z- BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HAMILTON COUNTY. INDWNA i4io.og suti 133765' SE COR. S 1/2 •S. LINE OF S01/1N id4LF SEC. 21- T18N -R.E SEC. 21- T18N -R3E SURMOR: LEGEND ❑ = 4ax 4 "x 36e CONC. ION, R.D. & U.E. = REGULATED DRAIN & UTILITY ESM'T B.S.L. = BUILDING SETBACK LINE STEVEN C. DILLINGEIt, MEMBER (AnM ROBIN RILLS, AUTNTOR subject to final acce mance for trans =o,' P day of"G�. 20 02, Auditor of Hamilton Couri�c,r .9 I�.- 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 846 =6611 FAX: 317 -843 -0546 TOLL —FREE 800 - 452 -6408 SHEET 1 OF 1 1 OF 9 7,001, S