HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence r~ (j) u II /?. 7/6 I _ f-~'~ .~cAh"tSI~ - -- :\. ~ge~.~ - ~ Q.\t1.~~ "TO (!e. ~""~~"Eb ~ i - ., I~ ?vIL, c.. '=i~~b: i! ....- ~O~'E. - , ,. f)o.~f: L .. 3. (!. ~ ltC- ltffL.li:. I "fq Jl&e -m l-c..o pEr Tl>~~~ "iiji '34 ~~...: ~~J.~___J3-~ 11r/~ . Vb 1"JE... i i' " .~ i ~ : ' I -! _. . . . U WEIHE ENGINEERS1 INC. LAND SURVEYORS ALL~lr~ E., L.S. CIVIL ENGINEERS /~\j>/ ~R DENT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS !. 'y' ~ ""::s LAND PLANNERS '-r RECf/Vi 110/1 9 'tlJ . 11 ,POOl \::. . OCS lei(. \/ \, /.^--- '\" /", /~'y ~,/,-,.,> . ~/\1~/ "-!'2ZII;~~~ / '.)' t. ~'.:;&-- ~ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: City of Carmel Community Services PI1IjKt Papay Subdivision One Civic Square Job #: W12D-01 PP/121-G1 SP Carmel, Indiana 46032 Date: November 7, 2001 Phone: Attn: Jon Dobosiewicz Fax: We are sending you 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop Drawings 0 Prints o Product Data 0 Specifications o Samples 0 Change Order( s) the following items: o Copy of Letter o Meeting Minutes o Inspection Report 0 o Sketches/Drawin~s o Application(s) for Payment o Sets Document Document Description o Copies Date Number Domestic Return Receipts These are transmitted as indicated below: o Approved o Approved as Noted o Not Approved, Revise and Resubmit o Action Not Required o Action Indicated on Item Transmitted o For Signature. Return _ Copies to Us o For Your Review or Use o For Your Review & Comment o As Requested o For Your Records o For Your Approval o Remarks: Jon: Enclosed are receipts for the above subdivision to be placed with your files. Thanks. - Dave I Barnes cc: By: [Click here and type name] 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280. 317/846-6611 800/452-6408 FAX: 317/843-0546 'ocument3 u u City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/S71~2600 RE: Papay Subdivision _.--,-\~::--- \ j__ll"?j /~ ~(: " ' --<~r<~ '",' ~ \/ ~~'l ')0' ,~ ~. \:":':J , ~~... \-- ~~ ~~ ~ ~ i.,:=- ~!(. ~ c:... :r'"l ~ " $:;"";) (:...:. ' \;cf) ~ <\)~ /.) / ,. '\. 'I /; , I ~~ -. u._" , 7/ :..! r r ' ... / -i~ I I~/-' -----" Dave Barnes Weihe Engineers, Inc. 10505 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46280 LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Papay Subdivision and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. After review of this project, I have no additional requirements to be met at this time. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date: October 1. 2001 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property Johnson. Sue E 'i.) u '-1' 1 Cc: Jay Alley [Jay@ctrwd.org] Monday, October 15,200110:51 AM rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; DHiII@cLcarmel.in.us; DJenkins@cLcarmel.in.us; Ghoyt@ci.carmel.in.us; JKendall@ci.carmel.in.us; JLester@cLcarmel.in.us; JPFoster@ci.carmel.in.us; MFogarty@ci.carmel.in.us; ParksPrograms@ci.carmel.in.us; PPace@ci.carmel.in.us; PWilliams@ci.carmel.in.us; RAuler@ci.carmel.in.us; SJohnson@ci.carmel.in.us; WAkers@ci.carmel.in.us; rmcclain@cinergy.com; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co.hamilton.in.us; john- south@iaswcd.org; rahendricks@in-hc-Iepc.org; pamela. waggoner@iwcr.com; jeff.s.rice@msg.ameritech.com; cshupperd@vectren.com JSmeltzer@boselaw.com; Candy Feltner; rdoster@schneidercorp.com; rlauritsen@slmaco.com Re: Technical Advisory Committee From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the October 17 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this em ail or attach it to your meeting minutes. CMC & CH Land Properties To follow on our comments from last month's TAC meeting, the District has reviewed the plans and notes that the sewer connection is proposed through core drilling a manhole. District specifications need to be added to the plans and special permit conditions will apply for the core drill. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued its connection permit. Claybourne Estates The District has reviewed the plans and has been in discussions with the developer about sanitary sewer service. An offsite sewer extension, the location of which is being negotiated with the Hamilton County Highway Department, will be needed to serve this property. construction plans would still need to be reviewed by the District's consulting engineers. Once that review is complete, the plans will be ready to be submitted by the District to IDEM for State approval along with the District's plans for the offsite sewer extension. Papay Subdivision (136th Street East of Towne Road) The District has not received any plans for this proposed subdivision. Please advise the applicant to contact the District and provide plans for our review. The Sanctuary (106th & Crooked Stick Lane) The District has not received any plans for this proposed subdivision. Please advise the applicant to contact the District and provide plans for our review. Carpenter GMAC (790 West 122nd Street) The District has not received any plans for this proposed development plan amendment. Please advise the applicant to contact the District and provide plans for our review. UST A PUD (96th & Monon Greenway) Since corresponding with the applicant's attorneys in April and May 2001, the District has received no additional information on this project. The District has not received any construction plans for this proposed development. Please advise the applicant to contact the District and provide plans for our review. J. C. Sipe Jewelers (3000 East 96th Street) Please have the applicant contact the District to discuss the proposed sanitary sewer connection. The plans we received 1 L__ .~ show a connection directly to the if)r main along 96th Street which will not bQowed since this is a large interceptor and is under the pavement of 96tri!rreet. Connection via core drill to a manhole along Day Drive to the east is the preferred route for servicing this property. Special permit conditions will apply for the core drill and for work in the road right-of-way. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued its connection permit. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you digl Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Please check our website for construction specification and permit information and let us know if there is other information we can provide which would be useful. Thanksl Jay W. Alley, Utility Manager Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 317-844-9200 (phone) 317-844-9203 (fax) >>> "Johnson, Sue E" <SJohnson@cLcarmel.in.us> 10/05/01 11 :26AM >>> Please see attached September TAC minutes and October TAC agenda. <<TAC2001sep.doc>> <<TAC2001-1017.rtf>> 2 u u Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Friday, October 12,2001 12:21 PM Johnson, Sue E Lillig, Laurence M; Hahn, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - Primary & Secondary Plats: Papay Subdivision Sue Ellen, Please issue the necessary Docket Numbers for the Papay Subdivision, Primary Plat & Secondary Plat. They will be the following: t~b IW-Ol PP $700 + 35 ($700 + $35 per lot with 1 lot) '~OI SP $700 Total Fee: $1,435 \~~ Docket No.4IW-OI PP; Papay Subdivision Primary Plat The applicant seeks approval to plat a one lot residential subdivision on 4.37 acres. The site is located on the north side of West 136th Street, 'l4 mile east of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-l/Residence. Filed by Dave Barnes of Weihe Engineers, Inc. for Anthony and Alice Papay. 1~\ Docket No. ~-OI SP; Papay Subdivision Secondary Plat The pet51.ti been placed on the October 17th TAC agenda. The petition will also be placed on the Novem r 20, 001 Plan Commission agenda. Packets for the commission members need to be in our office by Novemb for mailing. I will make every effort to get comments out in writing by the T AC meeting. Please contact Dave Barns at 846-6611 with this information. to my office. l' Thanks, \ "F-~'x ..;;- ~ I (::) - I S;~ \ Once the docket is assigned please return the file ~ is'. ,=>'5 ~_l\)-Ol Jon ~ 1 '.j .~ Fax To: Fax: Phone: u o CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4Ei032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 From: Pages: Date: ~-)' ~";-i~.~ . , " " ... c(2 to-/S'-Q\ -~..", b~~ b~~ g1b-a 5 '-/-0:> Re: -? ~~J ~ f:>. cc: \ o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle o .10/11/2001 .1~:25 317-776-1101 ...... ;..,~, .'.... ...... '. -/1 '\ ........,..1.. /..... ,..~ ,:.::.::::;:'~~;;~ ~Ti~~~N>" ;r.O~'~T~ . .:' ", .~~,~.u:~'~,,: :'~. Y;l~'~. I.:,' '..:." , .:).', "'Z}'. '..... '~..'." "',. ." ;. HAMILTON CO USDA ~ U PAGE 86 .1" ~ " . \' ~. .., .. " . " : ',' i:.~ ':. >." . 'I.' . .,.. . .. '. .3l7~.773~2'1~1:' . FaX.: J17.7~..il01'. '. .' ...~':;, .""" '. ' ~ . .,,', .I: " . ,': \: CO.\~FR\"\TI01\ l>IS I R1L"1 . . 11.0'8 South 9t~ Street . Noblnville · IN · ~'6()~o..3.7-:4.5,':, ':':'~ , ", ,'. ~; ';:' . . :. .. '." . , : .~\; " " ,.~ . '.. :.' ,,~", ''': .. . . . I " . ': .;'; .'~~', ' . . , . .. ..,'. ...;: i . .:()ct~er'1:1, 20.01 (. , '. I " ~ . ":.'. l . '... " ", ,r'.'! t. , ',\ :..\ :.,.", " . ..'.;.; ,'l~ . . . i':~', ',. : , ' . :', :,. ~ . ''',. .:'{ " , ,', . l" . ,"" .. . . t,' ~-"::. '",' ,'. . , ~ ' . ~ ,..',' .... .. ;,:,'1 .,'" .f I',: '. ~ .,:" ~ :~ :/.:'! " ..' "',. ., . ',f t, . :.~ ': ": . , ' " ". ".. ,. :'.. ':< ," . :., '.':" ': ,..' " . ~ ,. . . .. ' . . . , . ' I lia~ ~Yiew~ th~:p~l:jmi~Ary. and ~econdary plat and have the f~llowing comment: . '. ,', ':'.' ( '. ' . . .". iti1ei9ut1c~ifor~the septi~ field dr8in has been an issue for s.everal y~. Has thiS . . ',:. ...., been~sol'Ve~?' . . '. .'.~. .. Il .t.~: '.::;:' . ,....y , ' - " . ~ \', . , . '," . " ),' :: ::.1 :. . .>:,~:,r .' ~ ::.- . ' , . '. .' '. .:' ~ .' .'. . ; ;'.' . '.. '. 0 ~'. "'; .' ".': >'.,~, .. ,,' '; .'.~ . .' ,-' ",' .,' '1' '. '. '.:" t '.. , " :. .~~ . , . . . . . . ~b:ol11d y(iu have que~~ns ~nctmi1'1g these comments, please co~ tne. : :;/. . "',. .. .' ~. "', :, ' , . . '. ( ,,4' ' '.:;., - '. '" L, ....... .' '. . .' ",',': . . , . ;': ;. :'., ~:~.":/ .'../ . ".~ \.. ..~ .'. \\..~r .".' ::' '::~:, ",~iD~i~;~" .:' :. .: '. '.' itj.: t1.,. ' ,.. ....,' '. ~ 1 . :... .~ . .:""~.':. :.:. : ..' '.::." ohti...~. S~\1ltltP..i.:, .. . .1 .' .' .,CmulQd ~rOjion ~d' ~eDt Conlr91'SpeciaJist , , . . . ~ .' " . . . . , , . '.' \': .... . .... " . . \. '.:1::' . ~, ,'. .~ '.. .. ,:"':..: " '. ' :.~.. 1 ' : "'.' ~ "',"" .'Co: ..': . J,pR DQbOsi~z, C~e1 DOCS' , . ....' :; Sfeve.Cas~.SutVeY.9r'/' . "'/. . ..:: S~ve Broermaim, County Highway . ':.:. File. . .. ' . : '. . ~'1, 't. :.: .0, ." .:;.:. ':.1., '. . : , ',,',1', ., ''', ',," " ). o .,'..', '. ~ " . ': ',: ~:. :~~ . ,0" .. " "l: .'.. .' "; ';, '. . " . ' ~, \. '.j ....' " :~ -.,~ .: '. ' , " . . .'. .' ~ .:~~~! . . : ~:.,' ,~'''',': . : ,'. . ~.: ." .,' .. , '.:/ ~: ~ '; ;", .: ,I , .:, \ ~~. ~.:. ~':':,: <>::: . , ' ., '\,r ,., , '.' " .' . 'I, . .~' ~ . .' . '.~ : ::~ , ~.. ;':.,~ .' . ...... .~ ::,'..','. ~ ,'. .', : ,:'" 'i '. . : ~.:' :'J. ' ," '. ....J.. . "," ".:, .... :",'" . : . ~. ". ". I'" :.' .' .. , . '0:' CQJ:'ISBRVATIQN .~ Dawl.OPMBNT ~ SaF,:,oov~NM;ENT' . ",: '. . , . .,11/'1 eQIIAL Ol'I'OIlT\lNlTY BMPIoOYClR" . .. r:"t' , ". ,.\. " .,1 ,.' \ :~,... ," .' I . <. ":) . ., . \ ~ -' , ~ .. , ". . i; ;.".: ,I,. .... u o CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: OCTOBER 17, 2001 i ~f!"Of(t Place:Department of Community Services Conference Room bO/l~ <lJ!;,~ r~'j 3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall "U' ~ .'--.j ,((;'~.. . .<,<<~,':S)/ g.oo a m. ~~~i: ca: t:~e:r:=:t~;V::~;7~ ~~~ and North Merid~~~~j-~-~~~:ites are 1c.. zoned B-5 and the CMC property is within the US 31 Overlay Zone. Filed by E. Davis Coots of Coots Henke & Wheeler for CH Land LLC and CMC. The Sanctuary (primary Plat) The site is generally located at the northeast comer of I06th Street and Crooked Stick Lane. The I '~ site is zoned S-1 (Residential). f\.J Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoep pel werth & Associates for Glenn E. Christian. 136th Street and Rohrer Road Planned Unit Development District I Hunters Creek Office Park, LLC (pUDRezone) The site is located at the southwest comer of Rohrer Road and Marana Drive. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson and Frankenberger for Hunters Creek Office Park, LLC. Q'10 a m Claybonrn Estates (primary Plat) The site is generally located at the northwest comer of Shelboum Road and 131 st Street and on the south side of 131st Street V4 mile west ofShelboum Road. The site is zoned S-1 (Residential). Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for Boomerang Development, LLC. 10'00 a m Fecitt Subdmsion (Primary Plat) The site is located at 14415 Cherry Tree Road. The site is zoned S-1 (Residential). Filed by Adam DeHart of Keeler-Webb Associates for Robert Fecitt. 10'20 am Papay Subdmsion (primary & SecondaZ Plats) The site is located on the north side of 136 Street, V4 mile east of Towne Road. The site is zoned 8-1 (Residential). Filed by Dave Barns of Weihe Engineers, Inc. for Anthony and Alice Papay. 10'40 am 11'00 a m 11 '10 a m Carpenter GMAC (Development Plan Amendment) The site is located at 790 West 122nd Street. The site is zoned M-3. Filed by David Caveness of Carpenter Co., Inc. NOON LUNCH, One Hour l'OOpm u.S. Highway 31 & 146* Street Planned Unit Development District (pUD Rezone) The site is located at the southwest comer of US Highway 31 and 146th Street. Filed by Paul G. Reis of The Reis Law Firm for the Lauth Property Group. Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. has no company Facilities inci~~n this project 'S:~~' .1ItO<J-pL ~ Date qc ~C A!F- 1c J.4c. 4~ u u Dobosiewicz, Jon C Akers, Willi . , ctober 05, 2001 2:05 PM Dobosiewicz, Jon C Lillig, Laurence M TAC MEETING 10-17 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jon, I will not be able to attend the T AC meeting on October 17th. I will be out of town attending a conference in Florida. I do have a few comments that I would like to have you mention if you would. CMC & CH LAND PROPERTIES These two projects each be addressed off of Meridian Corners Blvd. Assignment will come at a later Date. CLAYBOURNESTATES All the names on the primary plat will have to be approved by the county;layout looks ok as far as street cutoffs go: Only concern is name"Donavan Blvd";it needs to be cut off at 131 st st, will need additional name for either North or South entrance off of 131 st(to replace Donavan Blvd). FECITT SUBDIVISION Is this a totally seperate structure: if so it will get a different address then what is stated on the plans. PAPAY SUBDIVISION No comment at this time....will assign an address when applying for permits. SANCTUARY No comment at this time; not recieved plans as of this date HUNTERS CREEK OFFICE PARK Is entrance a private drive?Prefer it not to be; if private drive each building will be assigned off of Marana Drive. CARPENTER GMAC not recieved anything on this as of today CLAY TERRACE No comments at this time tillater on in development process; will each building come in as it is individually constructed?; addresses will be assigned as each building as they come in; they will probably be assigned off of North Range Line Rd; make sure they are aware Range Line is 2 words not 1. HEARTHVIEW require 3 street names for development; 2 EJW names and 1 N/S name. no further comment tillater time. USTA address seems alright, but will have to make sure it fits with what is across street; will make it official at a later date; Make sure they put assigned address on monument sign or on the building. J.C. SIPE JEWELERS no comment Thanks alot for doing this Jon... Bill BILL AKERS Operations Supervisor Carmel Communications Center (317)571-2586 Fax 317-571-2585 cell # 847-8301 1 1- u Q CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Seavices One Clvlc Square Carmel, IN 40032 (317) 571.2417 Fax: (317) 571.2426 Fax To: ~A.~ ~~"N.S;"" ~4E>- D5L\(P From: ~"\A. 8 Q. ~ . .- Pages: .0 Fax: Phone: Date: lo--S-O\ Re: ~ \ ~L ~~~~ cc: o Urgent 0 Far Review 0 P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ~ ........ "" "So. "" ~ 1D. IC: '. \O'.;}..u - \)~~~1 ~\,)&O".~\~,~~ () 10/02/01 13:50 FAX u HAMILTON CO RWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD U ~ 0011001 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT October 2. 2001 Dear Dave: Mr. Dave Barnes Weihe Engineers. Inc. 10505 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 RE: PaplIY S~bdivision N of 136 Street I E of Towne Road Secondary Plat Clay Township This letter serves to acknOWledge receipt of a trensmlttal containing the plans for the above- mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. Pleue revise the Board of Commissioners signllture block to show that Steven C. Ollinger Is the current president of the Board. 2. A driveway permit will be needed for the InstallaUon of the drive. Please contact Mr. Dave Lucas, Permit Inspector. for the necessary forms and Information. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, ~/g--- Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer 00: Laurence Lilllg Steve Cesh 1700 Soutb 10lb Street Noblesvllle, In. 46060 www.cO-hamllton.ln.Ds Office (317) 773-7710 Fax (3J7) 776-9814 ~, ->":i. o WEIHE ENGIN W ERS~ INC~ CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, LAND PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS RE: PAPAY SUBDIVISION 6 ~ ~ ~EetNEn B oct \ 2001 ~ noes i;;: 7 ~~ ~' IOll--r\ ~/ October 1, 2001 Carmel Community Services ATTN: Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Dear Jon: Enclosed is the Subdivider Agreement Form per City of Carmel requirements. Please add this item to your files pertaining to this project. Thank you. Sincerely, (\ \. : t \ " " Dave Barnes Weihe Engineers, Inc. ALLAN Ho WEIHE, PoEo, LoS. - PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 846-6611 (BOO) :452-6408 FAX: (317) 843-0546 i'! -- w u 9.6 Subdivider Agreement Forms t 9.6.1 The following agreement shall be included as a submittal with the p al p'dKfCEIVED approval application: \.- _ 1 2001 ~ DOCS AGREEtvlENT r . ~ Th d I hall b 'bl fi d - . bl' I d' d.~0Jr,t:~J.~ \ e eve oper s e responSl e or any ram age pro ems, mc u 109 stan 109 water, llU~ and erosion control, which arise or become evident at any time during the 3 year maintenance period after the release of the subdivision bond, and which is attributable to a deficiency in subdivision drainage design or construction of drainage improvements. This shall include all pipes, structures, swales, ditches and ponds which are pertinent features to the proper drainage of the subdivision. This responsibility of the developer shall not, however, include problems which are created subsequent to the completion of the subdivision improvements by the improper grading by individual ':>uilders or structures and improper grading installed or accomplished by individual homeowners. . It is the intent of this agreement that the developer shall specifically provide such sub-surface drains, or storm sewers or ditches, as are required to properly rectify any drainage problem or sub-surface water problem which was not contemplated in the original approved subdivision design. including, but not restricted to, disposal of sub-surface water from footing drains of individual lots. ROAD IMPROVElvlENTS: The typical agreement for existing contiguous Hamilton County Roads which are substandard, with Hamilton County is: The developer will put in 12 inch stone base to the required width of the road, and grade the s to a minimum of 6 feet width and construct proper side-ditches, or, provide stonn sewer and curbs. This will be the black top grade during construction of subdivision. Then the county will come in and cut our 3 inches and put in 3 inches binder asphalt after which the developer will be responsible for 1 inch of asphalt topping. This is being done as joint projects between county and developer. An agreement shall be executed, in writing, between the developer and Hamilton county specifically detailh1g the exact work to be accomplished by the developer and that to be accomplished by the County, and shall also state the road or roads or portions thereof which are included. If the subdivision is contemplated to be annexed to the City of Carmel, then the agreement shall include the City of Carmel Board of Public Works as a signatory, which shall be for the purpose of the City of Carmel agreeing to accept the maintenance and operation, the improved road facility upon completion of said improvements and completion of annexation. ~. Date .__ _ __..1 _ _ _._ [[]IE Q.) u WEIHE ENGINEERS~ INC~ September 26, 2001 Nt, ~ 1;;( Ill'r ~t;~to \<:"'-\ OOes VOl \6~ ~I B CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, LAND PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE CARMEL T AC MEMBERS RE: PAPAY SUBDIVISION (CARMEL, INDIANA) - WEST 136TH STREET; SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST Dear Carmel TAC member: A preliminary and secondary plat is being sent to you for review of the above project. To obtain a building permit per Carmel Ordinance for this 4.37 acre tract, a secondary plat must be prepared. This tract will be the s(te for one single family residence, serviced with septic field and well. No significant change of drainage pattern other than construction of the house will occur upon site. After review of this plat please address any concerns or comments to the undersigned and Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz with the City of Carmel. Thank you. Sincerely, Dave Barnes Weihe Engineers, Inc. ALLAN H. WEIHE, P.E., L.S. - PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 846-6611 (800) 452-6408 FAX: (317) 843-0546 U WEIHE (,) NGINE RS~ INC~ CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, LAND PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS September 21,2001 City of Carmel Community Services ATfN: Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Papay Subdivision (136th Street- Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East) Dear Jon: Enclosed are copies of the Primary and Secondary Plat applications with copies of each plat for submittal to your office. These items will also be submitted to the various T AC members for review prior to the meeting at which this application will be heard. Please call should you need any additional items or have any concerns pertaining to this project. Thank you. Sincerely, Dave Barnes Weihe Engineers, Inc. ALLAN H. WEIHE, P.E., L.S. - PRESIDENT 10505 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 846-6611 (BOO) 452-6408 FAX: (317) 843-0546