HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication
Name of Owner:
Address of Owner:
William F. Price
121 Second Ave. NE
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Date: September 21. 2001
Docket No.:
Record of Ownership : Instrument No. 9809819202; Purchase Date: 1998
Legal Description (Use additional page[s] if necessary):
Please see attached Exhibit "A".
Common Address of Property Involved (or General Description ifno Address Exists):
4927 East 146th Street. Carmel. Indiana 46033 (Southeast corner of 146th Street and North
Gray Road)
Proposed Zoning Change: From the S-l/Residence District to a Planned Unit Development District,
for the property described in the attached legal description, which is made a part of this petition.
Statement of compliance with the Carmel/Clay Comprehensive Plan
(use additional pages ifnecessary):
The proposed rezone complies with Section 1.6. "High-Intensity Residential Area Policies" of the
Growth Policies Plan. Chapter 5. ofthe 20120 City of Carmel/Clay Township Comprehensive Plan.
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Page 2
Rezone Application
The undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that the foregoing signatures, statements, and
answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
The applicant, correspondent, or agent (if different from owner or owners)
Attorney for Hearthview, LLC
12 ancoc treet
Carmel, Indiana 46032
(317) 848-4885
September 21, 2001
State of Indiana )
) SS:
County of Hamilton )
My commission expires: Cf !-) .., Jof1
(Yf t!.u- : U""'
County of Residence
j.- '1
Exhibit" A"
Legal Description
Beginning 127 3/11 rods west of the northeast comer of the northwest quarter of Section 21,
Township 18 North, Range 4 East, thence south 80 rods, thence west to the west line of said Section
21, thence north to the north line of Section 21, thence east to place of beginning.
A part ofthe northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, more particularly
described as follows:
Begin 1158.68 feet south of the northwest comer of said Section 21 and run thence south 161.32
feet, thence east 556.50 feet, thence north 161.32 feet, thence west 556.50 feet to the place of
Beginning at a point 107 rods and 4 Y2 feet west of the northeast comer of the northwest quarter of
Section 21, Township and Range aforesaid and running thence west 20 rods, thence south 40 rods,
thence east 20 rods, thence north 40 rods to the place of beginning, in Clay Township, Hamilton
County, Indiana.
1 ~ -,-
draft 09/21/01
NO. z-
.' \"'
Droji 9-.21-01
Ordinance No. Z-
WHEREAS, Section 31.6.4 of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance Z-289, (the "Carmel/Clay
Zoning Ordinance"), provides for the establishment of a Planned Unit Development District in
accordance with the requirements ofI.C. ~ 36-7-4-1500 et seq.;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel,
Indiana, pursuant to I.C. ~ 36-7-4-1500 et seq., it adopts this ordinance, (the "Ordinance"), as an
amendment to the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance.
Section 1
Applicahility of Ordinance'
Section 1 1 The Official Zoning Map of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, a part
of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance, is hereby changed to designate the land described
in Exhibit 'A', (the "Real Estate"), as a Planned Unit Development District.
Section 1 2 Development in the Planned Unit Development District shall be governed
entirely by the provisions of this Ordinance, with the exception that provisions of the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance specifically referenced within this Ordinance and in effect
on September 21,2001, shall also apply.
Section 1 1 Any capitalized term not defined herein shall have the meaning as set forth
in the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance in effect on September 21, 2001.
Section 1 4 If conflict occurs between the approved Development Plan and this
Ordinance, the approved Development Plan shall control.
Section 2
Pennittedl Jses'
The Permitted Uses shall be the following:
Home Occupation
Multiple-Family Dwelling
Private Recreational Development or Facility
Section 1
Accessory Buildings and 1 Jses'
Accessory uses are permitted but any detached accessory building shall be
architecturally compatible with the principal building(s) with which it is
Drafl 9-21-0 j
Planned Unit Development Ordinance - Hearthview, LLC: Nortb Gray Road
Section 4
Heie}1t and Area Requirement~.
Section 4 1
Maximum Ruilding Height:
Two (2) Story Residential Uses: Thirty five (35) feet not including the
height of any walkout basements.
Private Recreational Facility: Thirty-five (35) feet
Section 4 2 Minimum Front Yard'
Thirty (30) feet, measured from the Gray Road and 146th Street rights-of-
Section 4 1
Minimum Side and Rear Y ard~:
Section :'i
East Property Line: Twenty (20) feet7.
South Property Line: As shown on Ite Pl.. .
T ,and~caping Requirements'
Section :'i 1 T ,andscaping Plan. The applicant shall submit a Landscaping Plan to the
Commission as part of the Rezone application. This plan shall be drawn to scale,
including dimensions and distances; shall delineate all existing and proposed
structures, private parking areas, walks, ramps for the handicapped, terraces,
driveways, signs, lighting standards, storm water facilities and other similar
structures; and shall delineate the location, size and description of all landscape
material and the method to be used for the watering or irrigation of all planting
areas. Landscape treatment for plazas, roads, paths, service and private parking
areas and storm water areas shall be designed as an integral and coordinated part
of the Landscaping Plan for the entire site. The Landscaping Plan shall require
the approval of the Commission.
Areas In be Landscaped: v~~ "'~ ~~ IfI'IIl
Greenhelt A greenbelt shall be e~shed per the Site Plan along the
Gray Road and 146th Street frontages.
Section S 2
Screening Areas. All air conditioning units, HV AC systems, exhaust
pipes or stacks, overhead doors, outside storage areas, and satellite dishes
shall be integrated into the overall building design or screened from the
right-of-way and adjoining residential zones or uses using walls, fencing,
parapets, penthouse screens, landscaping, camouflage, or other approved
f .,
Draft 9-21-01
Planned Unit Development Ordinance - Hearthview, LLC. North Gray Road
Section'; '1 I.andscapine Standards
A. All plant material proposed to be used in accordance with any
Landscaping Plan shall meet the following specifications:
1. Shade trees: a minimum trunk diameter of one and one-half (1 'i2)
inches at six (6) inches above grade, a minimum height of eight (6)
feet, and a branching height of not less than one-third (1/3) or more
than one-half ('i2) of tree height.
11. Ornamental trees: a minimum trunk diameter of one and one-half
(1 'i2) inches at six (6) inches above grade, a minimum height of six
(6) feet, and a branching height of not less than one-third (1/3) or
more than one-half (12) of tree height.
111. Evergreen trees: a minimum height of six (6) feet, and a width of
not less than three-fifths (3/5) of the height.
IV. Deciduolls shmhs: a minimum height of eighteen (18) inches, no
less than six (6) main branches upon planting, and a mature height
no greater than thirty-six (36) inches.
v. Evergreen shmhs: a minimum height and spread of eighteen (18)
inches, maximum mature height of thirty-six (36) inches.
Section'; 4 Landscaping Installation and Maintenance'
A. Installation. All landscaping approved as part of the Landscaping Plan
shall be installed for a particular Site Plan prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy by the Department. If it is not possible to install
the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property
owner shall post a bond prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of
Occupancy for an amount equal to the total cost of the required
landscaping not yet installed.
B. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agents
to insure proper maintenance of all trees, shrubs and other landscaping
approved as part of the Landscaping and Development Plans in accordance
with the standards set by this Ordinance. This is to include, but is not
limited to, replacing dead plantings with identical varieties or a suitable
substitute, irrigation and mulching of planting areas, and keeping the area
free of refuse, debris, rank vegetation and weeds.
C. Changes after Approval. No landscaping which has been approved by the
Commission may later be substantially altered, eliminated or sacrificed
without first obtaining further Commission approval. However, minor
J" .,
Section (i
Section 7
Section 8
Draft 9-21-01
Planned Unit Development Ordinance - Hearthview, LL2:' North Gray Road
material alterations in landscaping may be approved by the Director in
order to conform to specific site conditions.
D. Tn"pection. The Director may visit any tract within the Planned Unit
Development District to inspect the landscaping and check it against the
approved plan on file.
Parking Requirement".
Spaces required: Two parking spaces per unit located in the driveway in front of
each unit.
u~ ,..:0..'
Space dimensions: 9'0" V .~
All parking lots and drives shall be paved with asphalt or concrete.
T .ighting Requirement".
Design. All lighting standards, including those on buildings, security lights and
architectural lights within the development area shall be of uniform design and
Intensity. Lighting shall not cause illumination beyond any residential lot line or
road right-of-way line in excess of 0.1 foot candles of light. Lighting shall not
cause illumination beyond any non-residential tract or parcel line or road
right-of-way line in excess of 0.3 foot candles of light.
A. A ign plan for the proposed development shall be submitted to the
Commission or its approval as part of the Rezone application. Should an
approve gn plan be replaced with a new design, the amended sign plan must go
he Commission for review and approval.
B. Permitted Signs The permitted signs for the Real Estate shall be those allowed
by Ordinance Number Z-302.
, Approval or Denial of the Site Plan:
The Director shall approve without conditions, approve with conditions, or
disapprove the Site Plan for any project on the Real Estate. Provided, however,
that the Director shall not unreasonably withhold or delay his/her approval of a
Site Plan that is in conformance with this Ordinance and the Cannel/Clay Zoning
Ordinance. If the Director disapproves the Site Plan for any project on the Real
Estate, the Director shall set forth in writing the basis for the disapproval.
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Drafi 9-21-0 I
Planned Unit Development Ordinance - Heartbview, LLC:' North Gray Road
An amendment to a Site Plan which does not alter the use of any land may be
reviewed and approved by the Director. However, any interested party may appeal
the decision of the Director directly to a Committee of the Commission.
The Site Plan shall be a specific plan for the development of real property that is
submitted for approval by the Director showing proposed facilities and structures,
parking, drainage, erosion control, utilities and building locations for a site on the
Real Estate.
Section 1 0
Violations ofOrdimmce. All violations of this Ordinance shall be subject to
Section 34.0 of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance.
PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana this _ day of
, 2002, by a vote of _ ayes and _ nays.
Presiding Officer
Kevin Kirby, President
N.L. Rundle
John Koven
Robert Battreall
Luci Snyder
Ronald Carter
Wayne Wilson
Diana Cordray, lAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana the _ day of
Diana L. Cordray, lAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Draft 9-21-01
Planned Unit Development Ordinance - Hearthview. LLC:' North Gray Road
Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this _ day of
J ames Brainard, Mayor
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Exhibit" A"
Legal Description
Beginning 127 3/11 rods west of the northeast comer of the northwest quarter of Section 21,
Township 18 North, Range 4 East, thence south 80 rods, thence west to the west line of said Section
21, thence north to the north line of Section 21, thence east to place of beginning.
A part of the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, more particularly
described as follows:
Begin 1158.68 feet south of the northwest comer of said Section 21 and run thence south 161.32
feet, thence east 556.50 feet, thence north 161.32 feet, thence west 556.50 feet to the place of
Beginning at a point 107 rods and 4 ~ feet west of the northeast comer of the northwest quarter of
Section 21, Township and Range aforesaid and running thence west 20 rods, thence south 40 rods,
thence east 20 rods, thence north 40 rods to the place of beginning, in Clay Township, Hamilton
County, Indiana.