HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 02-21-231
FEBRUARY 21, 2023
H. Public Hearings
1. Docket No. PZ-2022-00247 DP/ADLS: Security Federal Savings Bank.
2. Docket No. PZ-2000-00248 V: UDO Art. 3.88.C. – 30’ max bldg. ht. allowed, 47’5” mean height proposed.
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new, three-story bank building on 1.47 acres. The site is
located at 10880 N. Michigan Rd. It is zoned B3/Business and is located within the US 421 Overlay
District. Filed by Jon-Myckle Price of Security Federal Savings Bank.
Project Overview:
The Petitioner proposes a new 3-story bank with a remote teller drive-thru and a separate ATM drive-thru. To the north
(daycare) and south (auto repair shop) are properties zoned B-3 in the US 421 Overlay Zone. To the east is Michigan
Road and then properties zoned B-2 within the 421 Overlay Zone. And to the West is an apartment community in
Zionsville’s jurisdiction. Please see the Petitioner’s Information packet for more details.
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Standards this project MEETS:
US 421 Overlay Zone:
• Permitted use: Financial Institution
• Architectural Design Theme: complementary to
Federal style
• Min. Building Height: 20’ allowed, 47.4’ proposed
• Façade design: base, middle, and top provided
• Building materials chosen – Red brick, limestone
panels, glass
• 30’ greenbelt required
• Vehicular parking: 39 spaces required (1 space per
250 sq. ft. of floor area); 45 spaces provided
• Min. front yard: 30’, 30’ proposed (east)
• Minimum side yard (main building): 15’ required
• Connecting access to parcel to north, south, and
private road to west provided
• Minimum gross floor area: 2,500 sq. ft. required;
9,650 sq. ft. provided
• Trash Enclosure is architecturally compatible with
principal building
• Min. Lot width: 100’ required, 151’ provided
• Max. Lot Coverage: 80% allowed, 61% proposed
• Bicycle parking: 4 spaces required and provided
• Ground sign height: 6’ allowed, 4’8” proposed
• Ground sign location: 5’ minimum setback from
ROW required
UDO Standards NOT MET, therefore a changes must be made, or variances requested:
• UDO Section 3.88.C: Max building height 30’, 47.4’ requested, Variance Requested
• UDO Section 3.95.B: Parking space dimensions to be 9’ by 20’ or 10’ by 18’. 9’ by 18’ proposed
• UDO Section 3.95.F: Drive-thru Stacking, 3 spaces required for ATM, 2 spaces shown
• UDO Section 3.92.C. - Lighting plan does not meet 0.3 footcandle maximum at property lines
• UDO Section 5.28.E.4.: Wheel stops required when less than 10’ sidewalk width provided adjacent to parking
spaces; 5’ proposed
• UDO Section 5.39.H.2.a.: Signage – Number: 4 allowed, 5 proposed
Site Plan, Parking, Engineering:
• The proposed building is setback at the minimum 30 ft. with the parking and remote teller canopy behind the
• The remote teller canopy has 2 lanes proposed with stacking space for 5 cars in each lane.
• There is also an ATM proposed closer to Redd Rd. The ATM will need to accommodate 3 stacking spaces.
• Access if from Redd Rd. and connections to adjacent parcels are provided as well.
• The site is part of a previously approved master drainage plan that included parcels to the north and south along
with the Aria Apartments to the west.
Active Transportation:
• Sidewalk connection provided to the path along Michigan Rd.
• Sidewalk provided along the perimeter of the north side of the site to connect to Redd Rd.
• Staff has requested the petitioner provide a connection to the neighboring sidewalk south of the property.
• Bicycle parking is provided.
Architectural Design:
• The petitioner is proposing a 3-story building with a 2nd floor rooftop deck.
• While the height exceeds the maximum allowed in the overlay, the building does step down to 2 stories for a part
of the building, and the building will add some variety to this Michigan Corridor.
• Building is complementary to the Federal style and the materials include red brick, limestone, and glass with a
standing seam metal roof.
• Windows are provided on all sides of the building and are vertically and horizontally aligned per the Federal style.
• Petitioner, where will the HVAC equipment be located?
• Lighting Plan exceeds 0.3 footcandles at the property line and will need to be adjusted.
• Parking lot lights shall not be taller than 24 ft. Petitioner, please provide the height for these lights.
• Lighting under the teller canopy should be flush with the ceiling so the light source is not visible outside the
• A landscaped 30 ft. greenbelt along Michigan Rd. is provided as are building base plantings and perimeter buffer
• 2 wall signs face Michigan Rd., 2 wall signs and 1 ground sign face Redd Rd.
• A variance will be needed to allow all 5 signs as only 4 are permitted.
• A sign package is required for ADLS review. If the petitioner has not decided on the requirements for the 2nd
tenant signage, then a separate ADLS Amendment will be required in the future.
DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns: Comments are noted in bold text throughout the report. Staff will continue to
work with the Petitioner to address outstanding items.
The Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission sends this item to the Commercial
Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, for further review and discussion.