HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeridian & MainADLS/ADLS Amendment APPLICATION
ADLS Fee: $992.00 (plus $131/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.)
ADLS AMEND Fees. Sign only: $102, plus $26/sign
Building/Site: $659.00, plus $65/acre
(Note: fees are due after the docket number is assigned")
Date: z 7 Docket No. ADS
DP Attached Previous DP? Yes No
Name of —
Type of
Project:I�JAa� Sz�,✓� l�/Ia✓/Jrv/ } / N7cfl�t/[r12G4✓%�,r.K
Address: "7 aao lam% W,T !✓ t �id/f2i/ �✓L�C �,�
Project Tax Parcel ID #: 1 -1 - GC/ - Z Co- b' - (A ( t () G 1
Legal Description (Please use separate sheet and attach)
Name of
Applicant Address:
- (.S �/ I&el s �£ S� lccl y�a �e
Contact Person: �111, %3WW1;,4 Phnne" `?l ;) -A'94/-Cn-,07
Fax Nor ? 6 S� Email:
Name of �--�
Landowner j.4..,t£S L-1 JaCGclL' t Phone �l�% �?L/V- 23lJO
Landowner Address & Email: CQ /G0 LL& tf !S 67 t" &l 2�1� '22 S
Plot Size:
Zoning Classification:
Present Use of Property:
Proposed Use of Property: Lat" CP I e,-z Clc— f
New Construction? YesNo_ New/Revised Sign? Yes--4�e4o_
Remodeled Construction?: YesNo New Parking? YesNo_
Ncw Landscaping? YesNo (Tf Yes, an engineered and to -scale Landscape Plan trust be
Revised: 12292014 Fiknn : ADLS & ADLS A w,A 24115 1
ADLS Fee: $992.00 (plus $131/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.)
ADLS AMEND Fees: Sign only: $102, plus $26/sign
Building/Site: $659.00, plus $65/acre
(Note: fees are due after the docket number is assigned.)
Date: 3'
DP Attached
Name of �t
Docket No.
ADLS Amend
Previous DP? Yes No
Type of
Project: ,1,YJ// /i2i1Ls✓UmE�F� of
i r-*rTf►76/ J�'71 GIco 0 3, )
Project Tax Parcel ID #:
J r'C1�11��P�I
Legal Description: (Please use separate sheet and attach)
Name of
Applicant Address:(
Contact Person: 4Zd tg,.,//,rt{�,q� j/j -Phone: /7
Fax No._/7-r�FL/'F77e Email:/S.lr%f5� .trA[G�n/sr7�/tii% t�2 ✓S2J'G/S C� 7
Name of
Landowner: ".'
Landowner Address & Email:
Plot Size:
Zoning Classification:
Present Use of Property :t6rn„- fsr C L
Proposed Use of Property: C/pm �,, s' /z CfoY
New Construction? Yes r/ No New.%vised Sign? Yes . No
Remodeled Construction?: Yes No �~ New Parking? Yes �o
New Landscaping? YesNo (If Yes, an engineered and to -scale Landscape Plan must be
aevsed: 1229n014 Fikmlw' ADLS & ADLS Ammd 2015
submitted; see below.)
No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required:
Type of Building. No. of Buildings:
Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories
Exterior Materials: Exterior
Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Land
Type of Fixture:
No. of Fixtures:
Sewer by:
Height of Fixture:
Additional Ligbting:
* Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance.
* To -scale Engineered Landscape Plans to be attached/submitted showing plant types, sizes, and
No. of Signs: Type of Signs:�q-!� s�/ /j.(G-✓z,�tas't.�J'�
S2' �
Location(s):` O - /y3s (e,J�!7 144z,J it f S
Dimensions of each sign: 2a% ov,,� nik S W pheApo' l,,/.� �
815`fo a� 7L1� S%�il�C�16//drLfA a+rc�Ttf
Square Footage of each sign:
Total Height of each sign:
Colors of each sign: Ci9Cy 7 i per/ Wt/� Q j 1 L
CU10/1 /EaT�"o>✓ �j' zi/ /S G /fJ2cl �£Gi"
Rnised: 12,29,2014 Fikma : ADLS & ADLS Amend 2015
Storefront Sign Criteria
A. All signs will be reverse lit individual illuminated LED channel letters. All Signs to be illuminated using
White LEDS ONLY>Constructed of 3" deep with .063 aluminum returns with .100 aluminum faces.
Letter face and return shall be of one color. "Color selection will be approved by the landlord" to also
include that, "Each tenant's individual color and font style will be respected." The letters shall have
clear polycarbonate back. The letters will have a standoff of 2" from the wall to the back of the letter.
Fasteners to be stainless steel or aluminum only. Letters to be powered by UL listed equipment and
parts, all wiring to be UL and to city codes. All LED power supplies are to be grounded properly.
B. The size of the sign shall be no more 70% of the spandrel area and a length not more than 85% of the
spandrel area in width. Example is if your spandrel area is 4' tall then you can a max sign height of 2.8
feet. If your spandrel area is 20' wide then your max width is 17 feet (subject to code requirements and
any necessary governmental approvals) City of Carmel sign permit will be required prior to installation of
sign. Logo: per Sign Ordinance (limited to 25% of total sign area). Number of sign as per Sign Ordinance.
C. Raceway/Backer panels not permitted: sign must be directly mounted to the wall.
D. No paper signs, painted or printed signs are permitted on exterior of building. However, a "temporary"
printed banner, at no more than 32 square feet in size, for a period of no longer than 30 days, will be
allowed. Banners can only display Grand Opening, Coming Soon and Business name only. City of Carmel
sign permit will be required prior to installation of banner.
E. Signs with exposed lamps and signs of flashing, blinking, rotating, moving, animated or audible types will
not be permitted.
F. Except as otherwise permitted in writing by landlord and applicable law, only one (1) sign per tenant will
be permitted.
G. All windows signs on the glass of the storefront may not take up more than 30% of a window's total
area. All window signs are also subject to written approval from landlord and administrator of
development service.
Tenant Responsibility for Sign
A. Tenant shall submit three (3) COMPLETE SETS OF SIGN DRAWINGS TO Landlord for written approval
before fabrication.
B. Sign drawing will include elevation view of storefront showing sign with dimensions of height and length
of sign and showing all colors proposed.
C. Tenant shall lawfully erect sign at its own risk and expense, including final electrical connection.
D. All signs including installation, will comply with all local building and electrical codes and wills bear a UL
E. Tenant shall maintain the sign in good repair at all times.
F. Upon vacating, Tenant shall remove all signs and repair all damages to fascia by such removal.
G. Landlord will have no responsibility whatsoever for any cost, expense, or loss arising out of or in
connection with the orders for or construction, fabrication, re -fabrication of signs, whether or not in
conformity from the department of metropolitan development following a review and approval by the
administrator of the division of development services for compliance with this sign criteria before
proceeding with others for or construction, fabrication, or re -fabrication of any signs.
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I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct.
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is informed and believes.
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(County in which notarization takes place)
(Notary Public's county of residence)
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(Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attomef)T
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Re,,n-dd 12.n90_014 Ft=—: ADLS & ADLS AA 2015
5346 PIKE PLAZA ROAD, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46254 (317) 631-4011
November 2, 2015
Hutchison Signs
To whom it may concern,
I'm Jon Sinder and an owner of Buy Rite, Inc. dba Crown Liquors. I hereby give Bill
Hutchison authority to procure all necessary permits for 1420 West Main St.,
Carmel, 46032.
Wi� gards,
Jo er
Visit u5 at crotmhqui,rs.nev
November 3, 2015
Mr. Bill Hutchison
Hutchison Signs
215 South Munsie Street
Indianapolis, IN 46229
Re: Signage Permits
1438 West Main Street, Carmel, IN
Dear Bill:
Please be advised that Jamie Browning, of Browning Investments, LLC, Manager of Pennsylvania
Way Associates, LLC, hereby authorizes Hutchison Signs to file signage permits necessary for the
aforementioned address.
James W. Browning
Vice President Real Estate Development
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
Division of Planning & Zoning
November 5, 2015
Bill Baumgardner
Hutchison Sign Co.
215 S. Munsie St.
Indianapolis, IN 46226
RE: Meridian & Main — Sign Package
Docket No.15110002 ADLS Amend
Dear Mr. Baumgardner:
The Carmel Department of Community Services took the following Administrative action regarding an
application to seek design review/approval for a new sign package. The site is located at 1420-1438 W.
Main St. It is zoned B-6 within the US 31 Corridor Overlay.
APPROVED: Docket No.15110002 ADLS Amend
Meridian & Main - Sign Package
In order to assist the Department's review, please attach a copy of this letter when making application
for permits regarding the improvements contained within this approval.
Do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Sincerely, � � k1�
Cat Schoenher-, Sign Permit Specialist
Department of Community Services
cc: Jim Blanchard, Bldg Commissioner
cc: James Browning
cc: Jon Sinder
cc: File