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City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee February 16, 2022
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Place: Virtual meeting. Time: 9:00 a.m. (Approximate start times for each item are listed below) 9:00 a.m. Docket No. PZ-2022-00009 DP/ADLS: MedVet Carmel Animal Hospital Addition Docket No. PZ-2022-00024 ZW: 101 parking spaces required, 97 spaces proposed = 4% reduction requested (up to 35% reduction may be requested). The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a 15,100 sq. ft. building addition and 56 additional
parking spaces to an existing animal hospital. The site is located at 9650 Mayflower Park Drive. The overall site is 4.52 acres. It is zoned I-1/Industrial and is not located in any overlay zone. Filed by Joe Kyle of M+A Architects on behalf of the owner.
Joe Kyle of M+A Architects presented the project. This project will include a 15,000+ sq. ft. addition and new parking spaces to an existing animal hospital off of Mayflower Park Drive.
Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing - No comments. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Comments submitted on ProjectDox regarding path requirement along 96th Street and Mayflower Drive, sidewalk connections from the required paths to the building, and minimum bike parking requirements of 4 spaces or 2 bike racks for new developments. Chris Fleming of Korda/Nemeth Engineering inquired about a waiver from the multi-use path and sidewalk connection requirements. Mr. Littlejohn explained the options were to construct the paths as required, contribute a monetary commitment to the Non-reverting Throughfare Fund in lieu of construction for the cost of design and construction of the paths, or apply for a variance with the Board of Zoning Appeals, likely without departmental support. Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - No comments as the project is outside of Hamilton County watersheds. John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering - Comments submitted on ProjectDox by Alex Jordan and regarding a missing drainage report as possible Right-of-Way dedication off of 96th Street to comply with the Throughfare Plan. Mr.
Thomas inquired about the wetland delineation limits shown on the site plan and Mr. Kyle confirmed a delineation was performed and submitted to the Army Corp of Engineers. Mr. Thomas requested the delineation be uploaded with the next round of plans to ProjectDox. Mr. Fleming inquired about impacts of master stormwater plan. Mr. Thomas stated that the master plan would be honored with enough supporting information. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry - Comments submitted on ProjectDox regarding perimeter bufferyard landscaping requirements and tree preservation fencing.
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City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee February 16, 2022
Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning
- Ms. Keesling noted that the drive isle width needed to be increased to 25’ and the minimum parking space could be reduced to 9’x18’ to keep the overall design similar to what was originally proposed. Ms. Keesling reiterated Mr. Littlejohn’s comments regarding required path and sidewalk connections to the building from the paths. Ms. Keesling requested the architectural design of the addition feature a more decorative cornice to correspond better with the hipped roof of the existing structure. Mr. Kyle stated that the original design included a more decorative cornice and felt that the new addition design looked ill-fitting and out of proportion with the existing building. Ms. Keesling requested the cornice feature more of a profile shape. Mr. Kyle stated that the applicants could look into building up the coping and playing with a tiered effect the build out the cornice a bit more. Ms. Keesling stated she would complete her review later that day.
Mr. Kyle inquired about a tree species comment made by Mr. Mindham. Mr. Mindham stated that the comment was in reference to one bufferyard requiring shade trees and recommended replacing some of the proposed ornamental trees with shade trees to meet the landscape requirements. Mr.
Kyle inquired about requested tree placement near the wetlands. Mr. Mindham stated that the required landscaping could fit in various areas and noted that the applicants could apply for a variance if they did not want to relocate parking areas or locate the bufferyard outside of present
easements. Mr. Kyle inquired about proposed tree locations near the pond and Right-of-Way. Mr. Mindham stated that the required tree count could be dispersed around the pond and between the parking and the street. Ms. Keesling recommended the applicants confer with Mr. Mindham outside of ProjectDox to eliminate the need for extra review cycles. 9:10 a.m. Docket No. PZ-2022-00010 ADLS Amend: Tom Wood Subaru Annex The applicant seeks approval for a building renovation which removes part of the building (about 4,000 sq. ft.) and gives it a new, updated façade to match the existing Subaru dealership to the west. Additional parking spaces (17) will also be created as part of the project. The overall site is 1.04 acres and is located at 3400 E. 96th Street. It is zoned B-3/Business and is not located within any overlay zone. Filed by Jake Gibson of Gibson Commercial on behalf of Tom Wood Subaru.
Joe Feltman of Tom Wood Group presented the project. This project will include the partial demolition and remodeling of an existing building with a new façade to match the surrounding Subaru dealership building.
Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing - No comments. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Comments submitted on ProjectDox regarding a requested pedestrian connection from the path along 96th Street to the front of the proposed building. Mr. Feltman confirmed that this request would not be an issue. Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - No comments as the project is outside of Hamilton County watersheds.
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City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee February 16, 2022
John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering - Comments submitted on ProjectDox by Alex Jordan. Mr. Thomas inquired if the project planned
to mill and resurface for the existing parking lot. Mr. Feltman confirmed yes. Mr. Thomas stated that the measurements were close to stormwater management disturbance limits. Mr. Thomas brought up an issue with the existing Subaru site where additional parking was added outside of the existing parking lot and encroached into the existing Right-of-Way. The area was a post-construction water quality practice protected by easement that was supposed to be maintained by Subaru and was later paved without approval. Mr. Thomas stated this issue could be resolved alongside this project or treated separately with enforcement. Mr. Feltman inquired about the resolution the City was looking for in relation to the subject project. Mr. Thomas stated the solution would require additional discussion and could include restoring a water quality practice on this site or incorporating something new to the proposed project in lieu of
restoration. Mr. Thomas stated his department would also need to determine if they would be supportive of the encroachment into the Right-of-Way with the parking. Mr. Thomas suggested setting up a meeting to discuss the issue further outside of TAC.
Aaron Hurt of Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. inquired if the previous path was constructed properly. Mr. Thomas stated that the path was constructed and inspected with the
original project and was actually a proprietary epic rain garden system. Mr. Hurt inquired if the City installed the epic system as part of the trail system and Mr. Thomas stated that the system was installed with the Tom Wood Subaru project and may have been a credit used to obtain LEED certification. Mr. Thomas stated he would confer with the Engineering Department on the encroachment to determine a possible solution moving forward for site drainage. Mr. Feltman requested Mr. Thomas’ contact information to set up a future meeting to discuss the outstanding issues. Ms. Lopez confirmed the Tom Wood Subaru dealership was certified for LEED and could be a future concern. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry -Mr. Mindham requested to be included on future meetings regarding the mediation of the paving
over the perimeter rain garden as the design was originally designed to meet landscaping requirements. Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Keesling requested more specificity in the architectural building elevations regarding colors, materials, and signage details. Mr. Feltman confirmed that the plan was to use the existing Subaru
dealership color palette on the new façade and that there would be no signage on the new façade as the structure will not be a retail location. Ms. Keesling stated she would complete her review later that day. Mr. Thomas inquired about the new use. Mr. Feltman confirmed the front section would be used to wash cars and the rear section would be used for detailing and maintenance. Mr. Thomas notified Mr. Feltman that the Engineering Department would likely want confirmation that the interior drains would connect to sanitary and may want an oil-water separator. Mr. Feltman stated the building was once used as a carwash and drains already existed.