Minutes PC 01-17-23 Public Hearings: Brad: Explained the PC Rules of Procedure for a public hearing. 1. Docket No.PZ-2022-00224 OA: BJ's Wholesale Club-146th&Keystone PUD Amend. The applicant seeks to amend the PUD to add accessory uses and update various other development standards requirements to construct a BJ's Wholesale Club building. The site is located at 14480 Lowes Way.It is currently zoned PUD: Z-344- 146th&Keystone Ave. PUD. Filed by Marc LaVoie,PE,of BJ's Wholesale Club,Inc. Petitioner: Steve Hardin,Faegre Drinker LLP: • Representatives from Kite Reality,BJ's Wholesale Club,and the project engineer are here to answer questions • The PUD Ordinance covers the 10 acres of off of Lowes Way • Presented aerial views from 2000, 2004, 2012, &2022 to show the road improvements over time in this area • We have responded to a number of items listed in the Department Report and will continue to work with Staff • We scheduled and noticed a neighborhood meeting in November 2022,and no one showed up • Traffic engineers have suggested an additional northbound through-lane from Lowes Way northbound from 146th Street,and we have committed to this road improvement • We are proposing to have a dedicated right turn lane(southbound)from the existing roundabout on Lowes Way, and to add a right turn only south of the existing roundabout on Lowes Way • We have made updates to the original PUD Ordinance,that include fuel stations standards,greenbelt modifications,parking standards specific to our site,and signage requirements per Staff's comments Public Comments: None Department Report: Rachel Keesling • We have been working with the Petitioner to address the site layout and building design concerns • DP/ADLS requests will be heard at a later date if this PUD Ordinance Amendment is approved • We worked with the Petitioners on the location of the fuel pumps and underground fuel storage. There were concerns it was too close to Cool Creek,and we have moved it as far as possible from Cool Creek and the neighborhoods to the east. • We have added protections to the PUD to protect against stormwater pollutants and are following the guidelines that were used at the 146t&Gray Road gas station • 407 parking spaces are shown on the concept plan,where 509 spaces would be required by the UDO.There isn't the room for the additional spaces,and Staff is in support of this plan and PUD Amendment. • We recommend this item is sent to the Feb. 7 Commercial Committee for further review and with the Committee having final recommendation to the City Council Committee Comments: Adam Aasen: Explain where we are at with the location of the gas station? Rachel Keesling: If you move it too far north, it will disrupt with the parking flow,and reduce the number of parking spaces. We are more comfortable with a greater distance between the pumps and the storage tanks. It's a balance of being 500-ft away from residential neighborhoods,allowing more parking spaces,and the front of the building to be more of the focal point,and not the gas pumps.A lot of options were worked out, and this is our best option. Adam Aasen: What's the current distance between the proposed pump locations and nearest neighborhood?Rachel Keesling: 558 ft. Leo: Can the Petitioner bring in renderings and elevations of what it will look like from driving north on Keystone Parkway?Have them show what kind of landscaping and buffering you will be providing in this area. Sue: Can you explain what the Architectural Design Requirement: Golden Section means? Rachel Keesling: It breaks down the building in terms of proportionality. It was a popular standard when this PUD was originally written. I need to work with their architect on this. Sue: Is building footprint available?Rachel Keesling: What we see on the concept plan is what they are proposing.It's about 100,000 sq. ft.This will come back to the Plan Commission for DP/ADLS approval if approved by the City Council. Christine: I share Commissioner Aasen's concerns with the gas station. I want to make sure there's no runoff into Cool Creek and the pump locations meet the 500-ft distance from the nearest neighborhood. I looked at the original 146th and 2 Plan Commission Minutes 01-17-23 Keystone PUD from 2000.It had the approval from the City Council,but the Mayor did not sign off on it. It was noted he vetoed it. Mike Hollibaugh: That's the correct PUD in Laserfiche.The Mayor cannot veto a Zoning Ordinance that the Council approves. It was a controversial project at the time. IAdam Campagna: Are there any concerns for the single point of entry from those traveling southbound on Lowes Way? Rachel Keesling: The proposed street improvements will help with the traffic flow. Once you enter from the roundabout, there are plenty of ways to navigate within this site. A Motion made by Dierckman and seconded by Zoccola to send PZ-2022-00224 OA to the Feb. 7th Commercial Committee with them having final recommendation to the City Council. Approved 7-0,absent Hill,Kirsh. 2. Docket No.PZ-2022-00237 DP/ADLS: Carmel Medical Office Building at The Bridges. The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new,three-story medical office building on 9.23 acres. The site is located at the SW corner of Illinois Street and Pittman Way, south of the Market District grocery and west of the KAR office building. The future address will be 11380 Illinois Street. It is zoned PUD(The Bridges Z-550-11)and is not within any overlay district. Filed by Nathan Winslow of American Structurepoint on behalf of the owner,Cornerstone Companies. Petitioner: Nathan Winslow • With me tonight are the project developers and architect • Presented site plan, landscape plan, elevations, building signage, lighting plan and specs • We are proposing a 17,000 sq. ft.,3-story building • We will provide more parking than what is needed,but we intend to have some of the parking as shared parking for future developments in this area • We will have an internal north/south access drive to connect to 111' Street • The existing detention pond will be reconstructed • All dumpster,utilities,and HVAC units will be screened with the necessary landscaping and screening materials • The building materials will consist of brick, limestone,metal paneling,and glass,with a Prairie-style architecture • We are looking to have three tenants in this proposed office building and are working on signage with Staff • We are working with Cannel Engineering on an appealing water feature and will have a maintenance plan • We received comments about the exterior lighting,and making sure it matches the lighting of the Steadman Apartments and that the lighting poles be reduced in height. The lights will have timers and will be set to be turned off after hours. Public Comments: Ron Houck,Spring Mill Place: My concern about the night-time parking lighting was addressed by the Petitioner.I'm concern of the internal building lighting after normal business hours. We see night-time lighting in the Zotec building. Jill Meisenheimer,Williams Mill: Most of the nearby neighbors are pleased with this proposal. We have concerns about the exterior lighting at night,height of the lighting poles,and the existing light pollution in this area. We have concerns of the existing water features within the Bridges.Presented images of the dirty detention water within the Bridges. How will the proposed water feature be maintained?I think their maintenance plan should be include in the PUD. Don Worsham, Spring Mill Place: I'm an adjacent neighbor. I would like the undeveloped areas adjacent to 111th Street to be addressed.Traffic to this area will become unmanageable. I've witnessed gridlock traffic in this area. What will happen to this area when it is all built out.I don't want to see my quality of life decreasing once this is all developed. Rebuttal to Public Comments: Nathan Winslow: • Internal building lighting will remain one hour before opening and one hour after closing. Operating hours will be from 7am to 6pm. • We are seeking approval for the south portion,and we cannot address the existing development within the Bridges. Those can be addressed to the existing property owners. • The pond we are showing in our plans will not serve as detention. With the proper care,the water will not appear to be brown and murky. 3 Plan Commission Minutes 01-17-23