HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 01-15-02
January 15, 2001
2i. Docket No. 139-01 PP; The Ridge at Hayden Run (Primary Plat Subdivision Waivers Only)
The applicant seeks approval to plat a 105-10t residential subdivision on 74.347::1: acres.
The site is located on the south side of West 141 st Street approximately one half mile
west of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-IIResidential.
The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers:
139-01a SW SeD 5.1. 7 extension of facilities included in the master plan
139-01b SW SeD 6.1.1 conformance with the comprehensive plan
139-01c SW SeD 6.3 provision of north-south collector road
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes.
Note: This item paired with Item 6i under Old Business.
3j. Docket No. 139-01 PP; The Ridge at Hayden Run (Primary Plat)
The applicant seeks approval to plat a 105-10t residential subdivision on 74.347::1: acres.
The site is located on the south side of West 141 st Street approximately one half mile
west of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-IIResidential.
The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers:
139-01a SW SeD 5.1. 7 extension of facilities included in the master plan
139-01b SW SeD 6.1.1 conformance with the comprehensive plan
139-01c SW SeD 6.3 provision of north-south collector road
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes.
Note: This item paired with Item 3h under Public Hearings.
The Public Hearing for this item was at the December 18th Plan Commission meeting. The
Subdivision committee met to discuss the item and take additional public input on January 8th.
At that time, the applicant provided an overall plan of the area displaying the connectivity being
established through the many proposed developments (see enclosed exhibit) as well as
information regarding the cost and type of proposed street lighting (see attached information
under Centex Homes cover).
The Subdivision Committee voted 4-0 to send the request to the full Commission with a
favorable recommendation. In addition the subdivision waiver request was discussed.
All of the Subdivision Waiver requests concern the provision of the collector roadway identified
in the Thoroughfare Plan. These requests will be a Public Hearing item at the January Plan
Commission meeting. The focus of the Public Hearing should be on the waiver requests. The
applicant has proposed providing other roadway improvements in lieu of providing this collector
segment. This issue should be addressed in a similar manner to the commitments regarding
perimeter roadway improvements.
The Department recommends that the Plan Commission approve the subdivision waiver
requests after the public hearing subject to the following:
1. The recording of a commitment concerning the use and development of the real
estate regarding fundin~ of other roadway improvements to offset provision of the collector
Voting on the waivers will require a suspension of the rules. Pending a favorable vote on
the subdivision waiver requests, the Department would recommend that the Plan
Commission then approve the primary plat request subject to the following:
1. The recording of the commitment concerning the use and development of the real
estate regarding required road improvements.
Note: The Department recommends that the Commission act on both the Waiver Request
(under Public Hearings) and the Primary Plat (under Old Business) at the same time as
opposed to waiting for the old business item as listed under the agenda. This would only
require a reordering of the agenda that could occur prior to hearing the waiver request.
Additional Note: As a Primary Plat, written findings are required for action on this item.
The following background information provides an overview of the proposed subdivision:
The applicant is proposing a 105-10t subdivision. The subdivision stubs to the east and west
providing for the extension of I 36th Street between Towne Road and Shelbome Road. The
Commission will see this connection continued in the proposed Hamptons Subdivision that is
also be up for public hearing at this meeting. The Thoroughfare Plan supports the proposed
The above mentioned road segment would ultimately be one portion of a roadway that will
connect new developing areas between Towne Road and West Road. The proposed Claybourne
subdivision approved in December picks up another segment ofthis same collector west of
Shelbome Road. In addition, we will see how other petitions such as the proposed Hamptons
and the Lakes at Hayden Run subdivisions incorporate the collector extensions.
We have requested and the applicants will be providing a traffic impact analysis for the proposed
developments. This information will be available in January. Once this has been received it will
provide us with the ability to determine the appropriate location for future roadway
improvements. The applicant will be addressing the required roadway improvements and
memorializing them by commitment. The commitment will be in a similar format to the one
prepared for the Claybourne subdivision.