HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact ,~ ~ ;"- U " FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. + Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December , 2001. s:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\primplat.apx l1~~ Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\IanetlCP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 142-01-DP.wpd , U) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Cannel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. -J- Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. <;; ~~; )~ Commission ember s:\planeomm \appl ietn .pe\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\lanetICP MorganlNonh HavenlF of F 142-01-DP.wpd CD o FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. /)~-/~ased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby annrove of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. ~_,~_ C'rn.~~ - Commission Member s:\plancomm\applictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanetICP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 142-0I-DP.wpd Q) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. t/' Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disaDprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. 1!/;LUitP~ / Commissibn Member s:\plancomm \appl ictn. pc\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:lJanellCP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 142-01-DP.wpd (J) () FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December '200~ i ~ Ir.e CO IS, n Member s:\plancomm \appl ictn. pc\prim p lat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\Janel\CP Motgan\NOrlh Haven\F ofF 142-OI-DP.wpd CD Q FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THI S 18th DAY OF December s:\plancomm \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanetlCP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 142-OI-DP.wpd cJ.) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. x.. Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby aDD rove of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disa{)DrOVe of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. 1l/d4'~ ~~ Com ission Member s:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\IanetlCP MorganlNorth Havenlf off 142-OI-DP.wpd CD u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven P~R: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disa{)Drove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. s:\plancomm \appl ictn. pc\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\Janet\CP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 142-01-DP.wpd Q) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETlpONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby aoprove of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disa\lorove ofthe primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAYOF December ,200. lllJsuY) Commission Member s:\planeomm \appl ietn. pe\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\Janet\CP Morgan\North Haven\F ofF 142-OI-DP.wpd '-D u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITI~R: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~ased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disaDprove ofthe primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. s:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:lJanetlCP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 142-01-DP.wpd Q) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001 s:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanetICP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 142-oI-DP.wpd (j) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND REVIEW APPROVAL Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 142-01-DP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve ofthe primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disaDprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. ~)~ Commission Member s:\plancomm\applictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:lJanetlCP Mnrgan\North Haven\F ofF 142-01-DP.wpd w :r;L-~ u N () &..~ <co FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ?1- Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December, 2001. ~~iSSi~ s:\plancomm\applictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanelICP Morgan\Nonh HavenlF ofF 143-01-PP.wpd CD u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETIpdNER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. -1L Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby aporove of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. , lllilsch DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December j:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanctlCP MorganlNorth HavcnlF ofF 143-01-PP.wpd CD u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITI~: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~ased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby aoorove of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disallorove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF ~=oorGo/u; ~ ' Commission moor s:\plancom m \appl ictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanetICP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 143-01-PP.wpd ~ u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December Rev. 11/7/2000 s:\plancom m \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx H:\JanetICP MorganlNorth Havenlf off 143-01-PP.wpd C.J) o FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. -t- Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition ]. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disaollrove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ] 8th DAY OF December '~ Commission Member s:\plancomm \applictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. ] 1/7/2000 H:\Janet\CP Morgan\North Haven\F ofF 143-01-PP.wpd (J) o FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. -t- Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. f5 ~4t~ h/4 ommission Me"mber s:\plancomm \app I ictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JaneIICP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 143-QJ-PP.wpd (J) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. KUased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disap-prove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December 200~. a_~ Commission Member s:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\Janet\CP Morgan\North Haven\F ofF 143-OI-PP.wpd CJ) o FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. V"Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. \. /fJ(~M.Li4~ . Commission Member s:\plancomm \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\Janet\CP Morgan\North Haven\F ofF 143-01-PP.wpd o Q FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIO~R: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~- Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December , 200 .. s:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanetICP MorganlNorth HavenlF ofF 143-01-PP.wpd CJ o FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. L Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. " I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATEDTHIS 18th DAYOF December ,2001. s:\plancomm \appl ictn.pc\primplat.apx ;f-v;~ Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\Janet\CP Morgan\North Haven\F ofF 143-01-PP.wpd Q Q FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER:. C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. ~d upon all the ovideace presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies i with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove ofthe primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December '~~ . commis0 ber s:\plancomm \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JanetlCP Morgan\North HavenlF ofF 143-01-PP.wpd u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT AMEND CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 143-01-PP Amend NAME OF SUBDIVISION: North Haven PETITIONER: C.P. Morgan Co.. Inc. -L Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby aporove of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF December ,2001. J7/t/J~~ om S Ion Member s:\plancom m \appl ictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\Janet\CP Morgan\North Haven\F ofF 143-01-PP.wpd