HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 05-14-02 mMITl'EE ACl'ION REPORI' Date: . -!2r /12tt:J2 . Chnllttee: ~. ~ Project: ~ ~i 'tRY-II ~ i>:>cket tb. IlIoL Z. Presenter: 'Y..-.. c~ t~ ~~ Quality of Presentation: Needed Information: I. CoJ./S6?Il F,;?oU ~~Oal.ut91tZ Not Presented 2. !Hf'RoVe-Mmr /A/FoRUA'I7~A/ 3. OePlA../AAlce- G~/f5rr 1/5" j. Mo tee' 'Pe-\I.' 1/'..1 Fe. Requested Changes: Condi tions: Action: Vote 1A~e-~ ~C~ ~~ ~ 1t...l?eFINI"'reZ..'f" 1-0 (;PPA~qere/ RI(~tr) . Ccmnittee Attendance: By: /....L. / / 10/12/83 1- :< CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT REPORT May 14, 2002 1. th Docket No. 144-01 Z; Gray Road and 96 Street (Rezone) The petitioner is requesting a rezone a 4.53 acre site from S-l (Residential) to B-8 (Business). The site is located at the northeast comer of Gray Road and 96th Street. Filed by E. Davis Coots of Coots Henke & Wheeler for Glendale Partners/Gray Road LLC. The Public Hearing for this item was opened on December 18th of2001. The Public Hearing on this item is still open. The item was placed on the February 5th Special Studies Committee agenda. However, it was not discussed due to the lack of requested information. The applicant has since that time provided an ordinance (see attached) and traffic study (distributed with agenda last week) regarding the impact of the proposed use. The applicant has now provided an ordinance, traffic study, conceptual site layout, building elevation, tract description and survey drawing. The Department requested that the applicant provide additional information as part of the Department report for the December 18th Plan Commission meeting. Following each item is our analysis of the information provided: 1. An Ordinance: The applicant has n.a1 committed to construct the building as submitted. Ifthat were the intent, it would need to be addressed in the ordinance or a separate real estate commitment. Likewise the applicant has submitted a traffic study. However, they have not displayed to the Department what improvements they intend to construct pursuant to the results of the study. Do they intend to construct improvements? The applicant identifies within the proposed ordinance that it will be effective once right-of-way is dedicated per exhibit "B". The department has not received exhibit "B" or a letter from the County Highway Department regarding their position on the proposed dedication. We can look at all the pictures and studies the applicant submits. Under the request as submitted the applicant is n.a1 proposing any road improvements. Ultimately, the Plan Commission is forwarding a recommendation to the City Council on the nrdin:mce. If it is not in the ordinance we don't get it. 2. A traffic operations analysis: a. The entrances reflected in the plan provided by the applicant do not conform to the recommendations received by the Hamilton County Highway Department. One entrance onto Gray Road across from the proposed entrance into the Carmax site and one right-in right-out at the east end of the site along 96th Street would be Committee Report 2002-5-14 acceptable. Moving the 96th Street entrance further east will somewhat mitigate conflicts with traffic crossing lanes once leaving the site to turn south at the intersection. b. At a minimum, the Department is still looking for the applicant to commit to construct improvements to Gray Road in conformance with the Thoroughfare Plan. 3. Standing: The Department needs confirmation that the tract has been split offthe parent parcel. In addition we need to see that Martin Marietta has provided the applicant their consent to file the subject rezone petition. Over the last five months the Department has received three different legal descriptions for the area of the proposed rezone. The latest was received with the Ordinance on April 25, 2002. The applicant needs to provide a copy of a recorded deed. The Department recommends that the Special Studies Committee forward this item, as proposed, back to full Plan Commission with a negative recommendation. It the applicant proposes changes to the submitted ordinance, the Department would ask the Committee continue the item to the June 4th meeting to review any proposed changes. Committee Report 2002-5-14 c o :ii 1:1 > ~ RJ -0 i> & ~ 11\ . o ~ t i I · II "I f. .- Iii !~ f; o D ., . JAN-31-2002 THU 03:36 PM cr~iS HENKE & WHEELER FAX NO, 317~735385 ,'Jan 31 02 03:11p . _eech-Hensle~ Archi~ects 31~-842-7994 . . ,. R f JAN ECEIVED 31 2002 DOCS ... I. I I I ! rtu_u_u-,,_ul ! i ! : I . i I --:-- i---:--! ! : I , I I ! 11 ~::: I: r- SITE DATA I I ~lSllU>>lP>mm(tme ! : ApprQ)/.. 2.se Ausst : TOTAL aDca AREA I I I fOrAL .. - -.-It v. ! " ,I : ~=CES 1~5flFaDO m=:===- == I , ~ ! I ! ... · ='::=::;::IIll".=""~ I !=S I ....."'.......- _=__A__ ,. lII!I(~""'M1n.~-.r..........ItM~CIC I , ~ -...... "'_IfUllOUllll I H;~ : I ,iI: I I !J--c------;:;,-L-u-..-, . . I . · ~ II :.----: · t . .... I . r : : . , I r I I i j _. ~ .------- .. rn I . ; ._. I . I! ~ I Ii ;... r.m...... r: , . I . : : '0lD. : I · I : : I Ii..... I : ! i ,,"L.__ --oIi-"""-""'. . _J a J . . ....-=-_.._..-1!.~.'!5.l!.~ ~_.._ _ ----- -- , ~,:/50' NMl ilw~ &-..------------.. Tr<l/flG . ----------- -\l?- ~ SITE FL.AN llc:.1oL& I" . 4C)' ' P, 02 p.2 ~ Ii If -s 't iliA 81 !I !i o - ~ ~ ~ t;; .~ to" ~ .. v oQ.!l iQ P ~ I~~ ~ .r!~ 11~ ~.3 ~ ~ ....... lite PIIIII I lIdlMII . ~~ -.. .... ORDINANCE NO. Z- 1- fRi~'R>~~ ,? .1ri1:r.::t<~I'"", I .';li"?I'/J: f. .n fi- . .' -", J :S:::;:YJ I'd, ll!l~ ,/ " :J DOCS AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA REZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION Rezoning 5.167 acres at the Northwest Corner of East 96th Street and Gray Road from S-1 Residence District Classification to B-8 Business District Classification WHEREAS, The Carmel Clay Plan Commission has recommended the rezoning of the real estate, the legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, as follows: Section I: That the Official Zoning Map accompanying and made a part of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby changed to designate the following described real estate from the S-l Residence District Classifieation to the B-8 Business District Classification. Section II: All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and signing by the Mayor and the recording of the Dedication and Deed of Public Rights-of-Way (attached hereto as Exhibit B). PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana this _ day of 2002, by a vote of ayes and nays. COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL Presiding Officer Kevin Kirby Wayne Wilson, President Pro Tempore John R. Koven Robert Battreall N. L. Rundle Ronald E. Carter Luci Snyder R:\EDC\GlendalePrtnr.wpd . .' ATTEST: Diana 1. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana this _ day of Z002, at _.M. Diana 1. Cordray, lAMe, Clerk-Treasurer Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this _ day of 2002, at .M. James Brainard, Mayor ATTEST: Diana 1. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer Prepared by: E. Davis Coots, COOTS HENKE & WHEELER, P.C., 255 E. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 844-4693 R;\EDOGlendalePrtnr. wpd 13433.004 Northwest Corner Stctlon 9. T-17-N, R-4-E 989'SS'59'E 79.19' S45"03'34''w' 4-;.49' West Ql,lorh" Corner Section 9, T-17-N. R-4-E ~ qi .~ ~ In II :54 .... I . ;i W I ..,. I 0,: ~ ..... J"r > - . - ~111 - 0 ;:IH 8(\/ If) " - . M t::;CI) - a5 N" 8~ III Land Description 96th Street &: Gray Rood A part of Section 9, TownshIp 17 North, RonQe 4 East, HQmllton County, Indiana, described os follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said section; thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 59 seconds East 79.79 feet 010n9 the north line of sold section: thence South 00 de9rees 04 minutes 01 seconds West 60.00 feet to the south boundary of 105th Street; thence South 45 degrees 03 minutes 34 seconds West to the east boundary of Groy Road; thence South 00 degrees 11 minu tes 19 seconds West 2550.51 feet along sold boundary and parallel with the west line of sold section; thence South 00 degrees 21 minutes .37 s~conds West 1878.83 feet along sold boundary and parallel with the west line to the Point of Beginning: thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds East 260.59 feet; thence South 00 degrees 21 minutes 37 seconds West 398.60 feet: thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds East 160.43 feet: thence South 00 degrees 21 minutes 37 seconds West 290.65 feet to the north boundary line of 96th Street; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seeonds West 162.15 feet along SQid boundary and parallel to the south line of said section; thence North 78 degrees 47 minutes 26 seconds West 50.99 feet alon9 sold boundary: thence South 86 degrees 05 mln':ltes 07 second:s West 150.33 feet <Ilong said boundary. thence South 69 degrees 53 minutes 56 seconds West 40.00 feet along soid boundary; thence North 46 degrees 16 minutes 03 second9 West 25.95 feet olong sold boundary to SQld east boundary of saId Groy Rood; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 37 seconds East 671.28 feet along said boundary to the point of be9lnnlng and containing ~.167 acres more or less. 'l5: g' 01:: >. d. ~. w ~. I"i& ~(\jl (\I"'; ~tD =- ~ "b ~~ g~ If) Tro.ct 1 225,060 sq, ft. 5.167 Q.Cr"lrS N89'54'OO'E: 160.43' ;) . ,,- MIfl .~ ~a- g(\/ e? N46 '16'03"'" 25.95' SS6'05'07''w' 150.33' '-1.... ., .... ... sa9:~~:'9 'w' 96th Street Se'"S4'OO''''' 162.15' . . .'M .,. . N78' 47'26''w' 50.99' JP SCQI~: l' = 200' ....- ..