HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 03-21-231 CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION DEPARTMENT REPORT MARCH 21, 2023 H. Public Hearings 1. Docket No. PZ-2023-00005 DP/ADLS: IMI Corporate Headquarters. The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new, 4-story office building with covered parking on 19 acres. The site is located at the SW corner of 111th Street and Meridian Street. It is zoned MC/Meridian Corridor and is not within any overlay district. Filed by Brian Tuohy with Tuohy Bailey Moore LLP on behalf of Irving Materials, Inc. Project Overview: The Petitioner proposes a new 5-story office building with subsurface parking along Meridian Street south of 111th Street. To the north, east, and south are office buildings zoned MC/Meridian Corridor and to the west is a single-family neighborhood zoned S-2/Residential. Please see the Petitioner’s Information packet for more details. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Standards this project MEETS: MC/Meridian Corridor: • Permitted use: Office • 50’ Min. Front Setback US 31: ~200’ proposed • 30’ Min. Front Setback Illinois, > 350’ proposed • Minimum rear setback: 20’ required • Max. Lot Coverage: 80% allowed, 16% proposed • Min. Building Height: 4 stories, 5 stories proposed • Massing: Buildings to cover 75% of lot width, 75% proposed with future building • Building Materials: High quality, durable materials • Vehicular parking: 178 spaces required (1 space per 350 sq. ft. of floor area); 189 spaces provided • Bicycle parking: 7 spaces required and provided • Ground sign height: 6’ allowed, 6’ proposed UDO Standards NOT MET, therefore a changes must be made, or variances requested: • UDO Section 5.39.H.5.b.i: Ground Sign Location – Minimum 5 ft. from the right-of-way, in the 111th St. right-of- way proposed. • Number of Signs: 3 allowed, 4 proposed. Site Plan, Parking, Engineering: • The proposed building is setback about 200 ft. from Meridian Street and over 350 ft. from Illinois. • The large setback from Illinois helps preserve trees and create a buffer for the subdivision across Illinois St. • Entrances to the site are proposed to be a full access from Illinois St. and 111th St. • Site plan shows future development of 2 additional buildings to the south. • A stormwater pond will be located along Meridian St. Active Transportation: • A 10 ft. path will be installed along 111th Street. • A concrete walking trail is proposed throughout the site. • Path along Illinois St. is already in place. • Short-term bicycle parking is provided. • Need details on location of Long-term bicycle parking. Architectural Design: • The petitioner is proposing a 5-story building which includes a subsurface parking garage. • The total height will be 71 ft. and the building design steps backs at each floor. • Building materials include mainly precast concrete panels, glass windows, and metal vertical accent elements. • Near the main entrance there is a significant concrete entry colonnade that adds a unique design feature. • Windows are provided on all sides of the building, and all four sides of the building are architectural detailed. 2 Landscaping: • A 15 ft. bufferyard is required and provided along Meridian St., Illinois St. and 111th St., as are building base plantings. • In areas where appropriate, and adjacent to woodlands, the Urban Forester has recommended native shade tree reforestation plantings. • The petitioner is also saving large areas of existing trees interior to the site and along Illinois St. • Please add additional trees in front of the subsurface garage to help enhance the view from Meridian St. Lighting: • The Lighting Plan was adjusted so that the project now meets the minimum 0.3 foot candles at the property lines. Petitioner, please describe what changes were made. • Unique light poles line the driveways and are proposed at about 15 ft. tall. • Shorter bollard lights are located along the front of the building and near the surface parking spaces. Signage: • Types: 1 Wall sign facing east and 1 facing west, 1 Ground sign at the Illinois St. entrance and 1 ground sign at 111th St. entrance. • Ground sign by 111th St. is shown in the right-of-way, which is not permitted. I believe the petitioner is working with the City and the Engineering Department to adjust the right-of-way here and bring the line closer to street. • Number of Signs: 3 allowed, 4 proposed. • Petitioner, the north elevation shows a wall sign facing west. Is a sign still proposed there? • Sign Size: 176 sq. ft. wall sign facing Meridian St., and 6 ft. tall ground signs. Sustainable Building/Site Features: • Green Roof • Tree preservation • Native Landscaping • Recycling areas onsite • High efficiency lighting • High efficiency HVAC • Short Term Bike Parking DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns: The petitioner worked with staff before the first submittal to create a minimum 4 story building to meet the Meridian Corridor requirements. They have also laid out the site to minimize impact to neighbors across Illinois St. and preserve large areas of trees. Comments are noted below, and Staff will continue to work with the Petitioner to address outstanding items. 1. Need details on location of Long-term bicycle parking. 2. Please provide examples or pictures of the concrete panels. The elevations call out a vertical/horizontal texture finish. 3. What will the building look like at night, including the garage level? 4. Please provide a sample or picture of what the metal louvres at the garage level will look like. Please ensure these complement the design of the rest of the building. 5. Please add trees along the east side of the building to help buffer the view of the garage from Meridian St. 6. What changes were made to reduce the lighting levels from the original plan? It appears the number of light poles was reduced, but do the lights have the same brightness? 7. The north elevation shows a wall sign facing west. Is a sign still proposed there? 8. Ground sign by 111th St. is shown in the right-of-way, which is not permitted. 9. There is still a single parcel that should be vacated from the original Meridian Suburban Subdivision. Petitioner, what is your timeline for that? Recommendation: The Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission sends this item with Final Voting Authority to the Commercial Committee meeting on MONDAY, April 10, 2023, for further review and discussion.