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Pennwood Pickleball Civil C803
C803JOB#: SCB.004DATE: 03/10/23 DRAWN BY: RCW (317) 251-1738 (FAX) 251-1923 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46220 6555 CARROLLTON AVENUE www.rw-engineering.com CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 11575 N. PENNSYLVANIA STREET PENNWOOD OFFICE PARK CARMEL, INDIANA19PICKLEBALL COURTSMANHOLE & INLETSSTORM SEWERâ„¢ Phone (888) 344-9044 Fax (423) 826-21122733 Kanasita Drive, Suite 111, Chattanooga, TN 37343STORMWATER TREATMENT SOLUTIONS www.aquashieldinc.comAqua-Swirl Concentrator Model AS-4 BYP PCS Standard DetailAS-4 PCS STD01/06/15Scale:Drawn By:Document:Date:JCW1:20U.S. Patent No. 6524473 and other Patent Pending27"[686 mm] PCS MaxA66" [1676 mm]66" [1676 mm]OutletPipe couplingby Contractor.12" [305 mm]long Stub-outby Manufacturer.Octagonal Base PlateSTORMWATER TREATMENT SOLUTIONSPhone (888) 344-9044 www.aquashieldinc.comâ„¢InternalBafflesSlide riser over top ringand bolt in 4 placesRiser68" [1727 mm]104"[2642 mm]to107" [2718 mm]Swirl Inlet/OutletBeddingUndisturbed SoilBackfill6" [152 mm]18" [457 mm]Section A-APlan ViewGrade (Rim)30" [762 mm]Rim elevations to match finishedgrade.Manhole Frame andCover by Manufacturer.(See Details)5" [127 mm] MH FrameVariesVariesGravel Backfill shall extend atleast 3.5 feet outward fromSwirl Concentrator and for thefull height of the SwirlConcentrator (including riser)extending laterally toundisturbed soils. (See MHDetail Below)4 1/2" [114 mm]ConcreteGravel BackfillPlace small amount ofconcrete to support andlevel manhole frame. DONOT allow manhole frameto rest upon HDPE riser.Soil1/2" [13 mm]1/2" [13 mm]Manhole Frame & Cover DetailNTSFor Non-Traffic Areas OnlyCoverFrameRiserConcreteGravel BackfillSoil1/2" [13 mm]Bollards shall be placed around accessriser(s) in non-traffic areas to preventinadvertent loading by maintenancevehicles.Aqua-Swirl Polymer Coated Steel (PCS)Stormwater Treatment SystemØ54" [Ø1372 mm]AInletInternal Baffles* Please see accompanied Aqua-Swirl specification notes.* See Site Plan for actual system orientation.** Orientation may vary from 90°, 180°, or custom angles to meet site conditions.Note: As an alternative, 42-inch OD, HS-20/25rated precast concrete rings may be substituted.14-inch thickness must be maintained.180°**STR. 112A, 115, 115ASTR. 113INLET BOXSTR. 116, 117, 118