HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 Mar 21, 2000City of Carmel
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Plan Commission
The Executive Committee of the Plan Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Caucus Rooms,
2nd Floor, City Hall, to discuss general administrative matters.
A. Call Meeting to Order Subject: Regular Meeting
B. Pledge of Allegiance Date: March 21, 2000
C. Roll Call Time: 7:00 p.m.
D. Declaration of Quorum Place: City Hall, 2nd
E. Approval of Minutes One Civic Square
F. Communications, Bills, Expenditures, Carmel, IN
& Legal Counsel Report
G. Reports, Announcements, & Department Concerns:
1g. Old Meridian Task Force
H. Public Hearings:
1h. Docket No. 44-00 PP; Primary Plat application for the Richard Carriger
Company. The petitioner seeks approval to plat 21 lots on 39.360± acres to be
known as Treesdale Subdivision. The site is located northeast of West 96th Street
and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-1/residential (Very Low Intensity) and is
being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO.
Filed by Adam L. DeHart of Keeler-Webb Associates for the Richard Carriger
2h. Docket No. 47-00 OA; A proposal to amend Chapter 3: Definitions of the Zoning
Ordinance by adding the following definitions:
Filed by the Department of Community Services.
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3h. Docket No. 57-00 PP; Primary Plat application for Mark Stout Development.
The petitioner requests approval to plat 31 lots on 23.945± acres to be known as
Hazel Dell Pond Subdivision. The site is located northwest of the intersection of
East 116th Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned R-2/residential. The
petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers:
57-00a SW SCO 6.3.7 to plat a cul-de-sac in excess of 600 feet in length
57-00b SW SCO 6.3.19(1) to taper the required landscape
easement to under 50 feet in width
57-00c SW SCO 6.5.7 to orient dwellings fronting on a
thoroughfare towards the street of lower functional
Filed by Eric W. Penland of American Consulting for Mark Stout Development.
4h. Docket No. 59-00 PP Amend; Primary Plat Amendment application for Centex
Homes. The petitioner requests approval to plat 67 lots on 23.323± acres within
the Haverstick Subdivision. The site is located northwest of the intersection of
East 131st Street and River Road. The site is zoned S-1/residential (Low
Intensity) and was originally granted Primary Plat (11-94 PP) approval under the
old Cluster Ordinance.
Filed by Thomas L. Kutz of Centex Homes.
5h. Docket No. 61-00 DP/ADLS; Development Plan and Architectural Design,
Lighting & Signage applications for REI Investments. The petitioner requests
approval for two hotels totaling 166,000 square feet on 8.070± acres to be known
as Residence Inn and Spring Hill Suites. The site is located northwest of the
intersection of East Carmel Drive and Keystone Way. The site is zoned B-
8/business and is located within the US 31 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Elizabeth Hobbs of REI Investments, Inc.
6h. Docket No. 62-00 Z; Rezone application for the Carmel Redevelopment
Commission to change the official Zoning Map. The petitioner requests a
favorable recommendation for a rezone of 17.677± acres from I-1/industrial to C-
1/city center. The site is located on the southwest of the intersection of City
Center Drive and 3rd Avenue Southwest. The site is zoned I-1/industrial.
Filed by Rick Roesch, President, Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
7h. Docket No. 63-00 OA; Petition to amend the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance,
creating the C-1 Zone District. The proposed amendment would create a new
zone district, the C-1. The purpose of the C-1 District (City Center) is to create
and protect land areas for the development of the Carmel City Center project, a
central mixed-use complex of retail, residential, office, and community facilities
designed to meet the cultural and economic needs of the Carmel community.
Filed by the Department of Community Services
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8h. Docket No. 64-00 CPA; Comprehensive Plan Amendment application for the
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission. This proposal would add to the Carmel/Clay
Township Comprehensive Plan (2020 Vision) a series of specific
recommendations resulting from a multi-jurisdictional transportation and land use
study titled the 96th
Street Corridor Study.
Filed by the Department of Community Services.
I. Old Business:
1i. Docket No. 98-99 Z; Rezone application for Kite Real Estate, Inc. The petitioner
seeks approval of a rezone to PUD/planned unit development in order to construct
two retail buildings on 37.076± acres. The site is located southeast of East 146th
Street and US 31. The site is zoned B-2/business, R-1/residential and R-
4/residential within the US 31 Overlay Zone and the SR 431 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Paul G. Reis of The Reis Law Firm.
2i. Docket No. 5-00 PP; Primary Plat application for SCM Development. The
petitioner seeks approval to plat 6 residential lots on 13.13± acres to be known as
Springwood Subdivision. The site is located northwest of the intersection of
West 106th Street and Spring Mill Road. The site is zoned S-2/residential and is
being developed as a Non-qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. The petitioner
also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers:
6-00 SW SCO 6.3.20 to plat a private street
7-00 SW SCO 6.2.1 to subdivide land within a floodway
8-00 SW SCO 6.3.19(4) to plat lots within 50 feet of Spring Mill Road
9-00 SW SCO 6.3.22 to alter accel/decel/passing blister design
10-00 SW SCO 8.9.1 to eliminate terminate internal
sidewalks ~60 short of the Spring Mill Road right-
11-00 SW SCO 8.9.2 to defer installation of install a 4’-
wide, meandering sidewalk instead of an 8’-wide
multi-use path
18-00 SW SCO 7.4 to plat 4.0% open space
19-00 SW SCO 7.6(F) to forego submittal of an Open Space Plan
20-00 SW SCO 7.7(A) to circumvent minimum design standards
21-00 SW SCO 7.7(B) to alter existing natural open space
22-00 SW SCO 7.7(C) to exclude Primary & Secondary areas
23-00 SW SCO 7.7(D) to forego protection of Primary areas
24-00 SW SCO 7.7(F) to forego protection of Secondary areas
25-00 SW SCO 7.7(J) to forego protection of Woodlands
26-00 SW SCO 7.7(K) to forego submittal of a Woodlands Evaluation
27-00 SW SCO 7.7(L) to forego protection of vegetation
Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for SCM Development.
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3i. Docket No. 12-00 PP; Primary Plat application for Pittman Partners. The
petitioner seeks approval to plat 122 lots on 61.468± acres to be known as
Maebeck Commons Subdivision. The site is located on the northeast corner of
West 141st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-1/residential (Very Low
Intensity) and is being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. The
petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waiver:
13-00 SW SCO 6.5.1 to plat lots with less than 50 feet of road frontage
Filed by Steve A. Pittman of Pittman Partners.
4i. Docket No. 36-00 ADLS; Architectural Design, Lighting & Signage application
for Equicor Development. The petitioner requests approval of two multi-tenant,
multi-level general office buildings on two parcels totaling 4.386± acres to be
known as Fidelity Keystone Office Park. The site is located northwest of the
intersection of East Carmel Drive and Keystone Way. The site is zoned B-
Filed by David B. Huffman of CSO Engineers for Equicor Development.
5i. Docket No. 38-00 PP; Primary Plat application for Kosene & Kosene. The
petitioner requests approval to plat 24 lots on 10.65± acres to be known as
Fairgreen Trace Subdivision, Phase II. The site is located northwest of the
intersection of East 116th Street and South Range Line Road. The site is zoned R-
1/residential and is being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO.
The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers:
39-00 SW SCO 6.5.1 to plat lots with less than 50 feet of road frontage
40-00 SW SCO 6.3.6 to plat a residential street with 40-foot right-of-way
41-00SW SCO 6.3.6 to construct a residential street 24 feet in width
42-00 SW SCO 6.3.15(3) to plat a residential street with radius less than 150’
43-00 SW SCO 7.7(D)(7)to clear more than 50% of the scrub woodlands
Filed by Roger C. Ward, Jr. of Roger Ward Engineering for Kosene & Kosene.
J. New Business
1j. Docket No. 37-00 ADLS; Architectural Design, Lighting & Signage application
for the McDonald’s Corporaton. The petitioner requests approval to build a 4053-
square-foot McDonald’s fast food restaurant on 1.788± acres. The site is located
at 750 East Carmel Drive. The site is zoned B-8/business and is located within
the SR 431 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Kevin Cavanaugh of the McDonald’s Corporation.