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PROJECT: Developer: SHEET NUMBER: CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317.705.7980 (fax) 355 CITY CENTER DRIVE 317.705.7979 (phone) ARCHITECT: BY: SHEET TITLE: COPYRIGHT & OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS ARCHITECTURE / PROJECT MANAGEMENT: PROJECT NUMBER: LAST REVISION DATE: SET ISSUE DATE DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: SHEET ISSUE DATETUCCI-MTM - PERGOLACARMEL, IN 4603211 W. CITY CENTER DRIVEPEDCOR DESIGN GROUP LLC G011 GNRL. - NOTES, ABBREV'S THIS DOCUMENT IS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICES AND IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND PEDCOR DESIGN GROUP, LLC. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS CONFIDENTIAL. ITS SUBMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION TO OTHER PARTIES IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE ORIGINAL AND PUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, JAMES R. STUTZMAN, AND PEDCOR DESIGN GROUP, LLC. NO PART OR WHOLE OF THIS DESIGN, THESE DRAWINGS, OR THE RESULTING BUILDING OR BUILDINGS, OR PORTIONS OF THE RESULTING BUILDING OR BUILDINGS MAY BE DUPLICATED, COPIED, EXHIBITED, PHOTOGRAPHED, PUBLISHED, MODIFIED OR OTHERWISE DISTRIBUTED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE SPECIFIC AND PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT, JAMES R. STUTZMAN AND PEDCOR DESIGN GROUP, LLC. © COPYRIGHT 2022 JAMES R. STUTZMAN, AIA, CARMEL, INDIANA. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 06/16/2022 DLM, JRSDLM, JMT 06/16/2022 Revision ID Transmittal Set Date Transmittal Set Name A B C D E 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 A B C D E BIMcloud: pedcordesign - BIMcloud as a Service/Building A/PERGOLA - TUCCI-MTM/PERGOLA MTM-TUCCIA: Area, Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air Line AB: Anchor Bolt ABV: Above AC: Air Conditioning, Alternating Current ACC: Access ACF: Architectural Concrete Finish ACR: Acrylic ACST: Acoustic ACT: Actual AD: Access Door, Area Drain ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992 ADD: Addendum; Addition ADDL: Additional ADH: Adhesive ADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent AF: Above the Floor AFF: Above Finished Floor AIA: American Institute of Architects ALM: Alarm ALT: Alternate, Alteration; Altitude ALUM: Aluminum AMB: Ambient AMT: Amount ANCH: Anchor, Anchorage ANOD: Anodized AP: Access Panel APPROX: Approximate APRVD: Approved APT: Apartment ARCH: Architect, Architectural AS: Acoustic Sealant ASC: Above Suspended Ceiling ASPH: Asphalt ASSEM: Assemble ASSY: Assembly ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials ATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling ATTEN: Attenuation, Attention ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; Atmospheric AUTH: Authorized AUTO: Automatic AVG: Average B: Bathroom B TO B: Back to Back B & B: Balled and Burlapped B/: Bottom (of) BAL: Balance, Ballast BC: Broom Closet BDY: Boundary BEL: Below BETW: Between BEV: Bevel BHD: Bulkhead BIT: Bituminous BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler BL: Building Line BLDG: Building BLK: Block BLKG: Blocking BLT-IN: Built-In BM: Beam, Bench Mark BN: Bullnose BNT: Bent BOT: Bottom BP: Base Plate BPL: Bearing Plate BR: Bedroom BRDG: Bridging BRG: Bearing BRK: Brick BRKT: Bracket BRS: Brass BRZ: Bronze BS: Both Sides BSMT: Basement BT: Bathtub, Bolt BUR: Built-up Roof BW: Both Ways C: Curb, Clock Outlet C/C: Center to Center CAB: Cabinet CAP: Capacity CAR: Carpet CAV: Cavity CCW: Counter Clockwise CCTV: Closed Circuit TV CEM: Cement CER: Ceramic CF: Cubic Feet CFL: Counterflashing CFS: Cold Formed Steel CG: Corner Guard CH: Coat Hook CHR: Chilled Water Return CHAM: Chamfer CHAN: Channel CHS: Chilled Water Supply CI: Cast Iron CIP: Cast-in-Place CIR: Circle, Circular CIRC: Circumference CITG: Clear Insulating Tempered Glass CJ: Control Joint CK: Caulking CL: Centerline, Clearance, Closure, Class CLG: Ceiling CLL: Contract Limit Line CLO: Closet CLR: Clear CLR OPG: Clear Opening CMP: Corrugated Metal Pipe CMU: Concrete Masonry Unit CND: Conduit CNTR: Counter COAX: Coaxial C.O.: Cased Opening CO: Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out COD: Cleanout Door COL: Column COM: Common CON: Construction CONC: Concrete CONN: Connection CONT: Continuous, Continue, Control COP: Copper COR: Corner CORR: Corridor, Corrugate CR: Curtain Rod CRPT: Carpet CRS: Course, Cold Rolled Steel CS: Cast Stone CSG: Casing CSK: Countersink CSMT: Casement CT: Ceramic Tile CTD: Coated CTR: Center CW: Clockwise, Cold Water CWR: Condensate Waste Return CWS: Condensate Waste Supply CY: Cubic Yard CYL: Cylinder CYL L: Cylinder Lock DA: Double Acting DB: Decibel DBL: Double DC: Direct Current DD: Driveway Drain, Deck Drain DEG: Degree DEGF: Degree Farenheit DEMO: Demolition DEPT: Department DF: Drinking Fountain DH: Double Hung DIAG: Diagonal DIA: Diameter DIFF: Diffuser DIM: Dimension DISL: Disposal DIV: Division DL: Dead Load DMT: Demountable DN: Down DO: Door Opening DP: Dampproofing DPR: Damper DR: Door, Dining Room DS: Downspout DSP: Dry Standpipe DT: Drain Tile DTL: Detail DVTL: Dovetail DWG: Drawing DWGS: Drawings DWR: Drawer E: East E TO E: End to End EA: Each EB: Expansion Bolt EC: Exposed Construction ECP: Exposed Construction Painted EE: Each End EF: Each Face EG: Edge Grain EIFS: Exterior Insulation and Finish System EJ: Expansion Joint ELEC: Electrical ELEV: Elevator, Elevation EMER: Emergency ENAM: Enamel ENCL: Enclosure ENG: Engineer ENT: Entrance EPDM: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer EQ: Equal EQUIP: Equipment ERP: Emergency Receptacle Panel EST: Estimate EW: Each Way EX: Exit EXC: Excavate EXEC: Executive EXH: Exhaust EXH AIR: Exhaust Air EXIST: Existing EXP: Expansion, Exposed EXT: Exterior F: Degrees Fahrenheit F TO F: Face to Face FA: Fire Alarm, Fresh Air FAB: Fabricate FACP: Fire Alarm Control Panel FAG: Fire Alarm Gong FAST: Fastener, Fasten FBD: Fiberboard FBRK: Fire Brick FD: Floor drain FDC: Fire Department Connection FDN: Foundation FE: Fire Extinguisher FEC: Fire Extinguisher Cabinet FF: Finished Floor, Factory Finish FFE: Finished Floor Elevation FF&E: Fixtures, Furnishings & Equipment FFL: Finished Floor Line FGL: Fiberglass FGR: Fiberglass reinforced FH: Fire Hose FHC: Fire Hose Cabinet FHWS: Flat Head Wood Screw FHY: Fire Hydrant FIN: Finish, finished FIX: Fixture FLG: Flashing FLR: Floor FLUOR: Fluorescent FLX: Flexible FND: Feminine Napkin Dispenser FO: Finished Opening FOC: Face of Concrete FOF: Face of Finish FOS: Face of Studs FP: Fireproof FPL: Fireplace FR: Front, Fire Riser FRM: Frame FRT: Fire Retardant FS: Floor Sink FT: Foot, Feet, Fully Tempered FTG: Footing, Fitting FURN: Furnish, Furniture FURR: Furring FUT: Future G: Gas GA: Gauge GAL: Gallon GALV: Galvanized GC: General Contractor GEN: General GFCI: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted GFI: Ground Fault Interrupted GFRC: Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete GI: Galvanized Iron GKT: Gasket GL: Glass GLZ: Glaze GMU: Glazed Masonry Unit GND: Ground GOVT: Government GP: Galvanized Pipe GR: Grade GRAN: Granite GRTG: Grating GT: Grout GV: Galvanized GVL: Gravel GYP: Gypsum GYP BD: Gypsum Board HB: Hose Bib HBD: Hardboard HC: Hollow Core HD: Heavy Duty HDR: Header HDPE: High Density Polyethylene HDW: Hardware HDWD: Hardwood HGR: Hanger HGT: Height HK: Hook or Hooks HM: Hollow Metal HMP: Hollow Metal, Painted HOR: Horizontal HR: Hour HRS: Hot Rolled Steel, Hours HT: Height HTR: Heater HV: High Voltage HVAC: Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning HW: Hot Water HWR: Hot Water Recirculating Return HWS: Hot Water Supply HYD: Hydraulic I: Iron ID: Inside Diameter IN: Inch INC: Incandescent INCL: Incline, Include INCR: Increase INFO: Information INSP: Inspect INSTL: Install INSUL: Insulation INT: Interior INV: Invert IP: Iron Pipe J: Joist JB: Junction Box JC: Janitor's Closet JF: Joint Filler K: Kickplate KIT: Kitchen KS: Kitchen Sink KW: Kilowatt L: Left, Length LAD: Ladder LAM: Laminate, Laminated LB: Pound (weight), Lag Bolt LBL: Label LBR: Lumber LCD: Liquid Crystal Diode LCL: Linen Closet LCM: Lead Coated Metal LD: Leader Drain LH: Left Hand LIB: Library LINO: Linoleum LIQ: Liquid LKR: Locker LL: Live Load LMS: Limestone LN: Length LNDG: Landing LOC: Locate LOCS: Locations LR: Living Room LS: Loud Speaker LT: Light LTG: Lighting LTL: Lintel LV: Low Voltage LVR: Louver LW: Light Weight LWC: Light Weight Concrete MACH: Machine MAINT: Maintenance MARB: Marble MAS: Masonry MATL: Material MAX: Maximum MB: Mail Box MC: Medicine Cabinet MECH: Mechanical MED: Medium MEMB: Membrane MET: Metal MEZZ: Mezzanine MFD: Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck MFG: Manufacturer, Manufacturing MH: Manhole MIKE: Microphone MIN: Minimum MIR: Mirror MISC: Miscellaneous MLDG: Molding MO: Masonry Opening MOD: Module MONO: Monolithic MOV: Movable MRD: Metal Roof Deck MT: Mount, Mounted MTL: Material, Metal MTR: Motor MULL: Mullion MWK: Millwork N: North NATL: Natural NEC: National Electrical Code NEUT: Neutral NI: Nickel NIC: Not In Contract NO: Number NOM: Nominal NR: Noise Reduction NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient NS: Near Side NTS: Not To Scale O TO O: Out to Out OA: Outside Air, Overall OC: On Center OD: Outside Diameter OF: Outside Face OFF: Office OH: Overhead OHD: Overhead Door OI: Ornamental Iron OPNG: Opening OPP: Opposite OPP H: Opposite Hand ORN: Ornamental OUT: Outlet OVFL: Overflow OZ: Ounce P: Paint P. LAM: Plastic Laminate P SL: Pipe Sleeve PAR: Parallel PARTN: Partition PB: Panic Bar PBD: Particle Board PC: Precast Concrete PCF: Pounds per cubic foot PD: Pump Discharge, Plaza Drain PE: Professional Engineer PED: Pedestal, Pedestrian PERF: Perforate PERIM: Perimeter PERP: Perpendicular PFN: Prefinished PH: Phase, Phone PKG: Parking PKWY: Parkway PL: Property Line PLAS: Plastic PLAS LAM: Plastic Laminate PLF: Pounds Per Lineal Foot PLMBG: Plumbing PLTF: Platform PLWD: Plywood PNL: Panel PNT: Paint POL: Polish, Polished PORC: Porcelain PORT: Portable POT W: Potable Water PP: Precast Panel PR: Pair PRC: Precast PREFAB: Prefabricated PRES: Pressure PRFMD: Preformed PRI: Primary PRMLD: Premolded PROT: Protection, Protective PRSTR: Prestressed PRTN: Partition PS: Plumbing Stack PSC: Prestressed Concrete PSF: Pounds per square foot PSI: Pounds per square inch PT: Point PTC: Post-Tensioned Concrete PTD: Paper Towel Dispenser PTD/R: Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle PV: Paving PVG: Paving PVMT: Pavement PVT: Private PWR: Power QUAL: Quality QT: Quarry Tile, Quart QTR: Quarter QTY: Quantity R: Radius R & S: Rod and Sealant RA: Return Air, Registered Architect RAD: Radiator RB: Rubber RBT: Rabbet RCP: Reflected Ceiling Plan RD: Roof Drain, Round REBAR: Reinforcing Bar RECP: Receptacle REF: Refer, Reference, Refrigerator REFL: Reflected, Reflector REG: Regular REINF: Reinforcement, or Reinforce REQ: Require, Required RESIL: Resilient RET: Return, Retaining REV: Reverse, Revise, Revision RF: Roof RFG: Roofing RGTR: Register RGH: Rough RH: Right Hand RHR: Right Hand Reverse RM: Room RMV: Remove, Removable RO: Rough Opening ROW: Right of Way RPM: Revolutions Per Minute RT: Rubber Tile, Right RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser RVS: Reverse Side RVT: Rivet RWC: Rain Water Conductor RWL: Rain Water Leader S: South, Sealant, Supply S&S: Stained & Sealed S&V: Stain & Varnish SACT: Suspended Acoustical Tile SALV: Salvage SAN: Sanitary SC: Solid Core SCD: Seat Cover Dispenser SCH: Schedule SCR: Screen SCUP: Scupper SCWD: Solid Core Wood SD: Soap Dispenser SE: Structural Engineer SEC: Second, Secondary, Security System SECT: Section SEL: Select SERV: Service SF: Square Foot SFGL: Safety Glass SGS: Silicone Glazing Sealant SH: Shelf SHT: Sheet SHTHG: Sheathing SHWR: Shower SIG: Signal SIM: Similar SJS: Silicone Joint Sealant SK: Sink SKL: Skylight SLV: Sleeve SND: Sanitary Napkin Dispenser SP: Standpipe, Soundproof SPC: Spacer SPECS: Specifications SPK: Speaker SPL: Special SPLR: Sprinkler SPM: Sprinkler Main SPP: Skim Coat Plaster Painted SQ: Square SS: Stainless Steel, Soil Stack SSGS: Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant SSK: Service Sink ST: Storm Water STA: Station STC: Sound Transmission Class STD: Standard STG: Storage, Seating STK: Stack STL: Steel STOR: Storage STRUC: Structural STWY: Stairway SUPP: Supplementary, Supplement SUPT: Superintendent SUR: Surface SUSP: Suspended, Suspend SV: Safety Relief Valve SW: Switch SWBD: Switchboard SWGR: Switchgear SY: Square Yard SYM: Symmetrical SYN: Synthetic SYS: System T: Tread T/: Top of T&B: Top and Bottom T&G: Tongue & Groove TAN: Tangent TB: Towel Bar TC: Top of Curb, Terracotta TD: Trench Drain TEL: Telephone TEMP: Temporary, Tempered, Temperature TEN: Tenant TERM: Terminal TH: Thermostat THK: Thick, Thickness THR: Threshold THRM: Thermal THRU: Through TLT: Toilet TOL: Tolerance TP: Top of Pavement TPD: Toilet paper Dispenser TPH: Toilet Paper Holder TPTN: Toilet Partition TRANS: Transformer, Translucent TRAV: Travertine TRD: Tread TSL: Top of Slab TST: Top of Steel TT: Traffic Topping TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet TW: Top of Wall TYP: Typical TZ: Terrazzo UH: Unit Heater UL: Underwriters' Laboratories UNEXC: Unexcavated UNFIN: Unfinished UNO: Unless Noted Otherwise UR: Urinal USG: United States Gypsum Company UT: Utility V: Volt VAR: Varies VB: Vapor Barrier VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile VENT: Ventilate, Ventilator VERT: Vertical VEST: Vestibule VF: Vinyl Fabric VIF: Verify In the Field VIN: Vinyl VNR: Veneer VOL: Volume VP: Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe VR: Vapor Retarder VS: Vent Stack VT: Vinyl Tile VTR: Vent Through Roof VWC: Vinyl Wall Covering W: West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water W/: With W/O: Without WAINS: Wainscot WB: Wood Base WC: Watercloset WD: Wood WDP: Wood, Painted WDSS: Wood, Stained & Sealed WF: Wide Flange (structural steel) WGL: Wire-Glass WH: Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant WI: Wrought Iron WIN: Window WM: Wire Mesh, Water Meter WP: Waterproof, Weatherproof WPR: Waterproofing WPT: Working Point WR: Water Resistant, Water Repellant WS: Weatherstripping, Water Stop WT: Weight, Water Table, Watertight WVNR: Wood Veneer WWF: Welded Wire Fabric X HVY: Extra Heavy X STR: Extra Strong YD: Yard YR: Year ABBREVIATIONS A: Area, Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air LineAB: Anchor BoltABV: Above AC: Air Conditioning, Alternating CurrentACC: Access ACF: Architectural Concrete FinishACR: AcrylicACST: AcousticACT: ActualAD: Access Door, Area Drain ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992ADD: Addendum; Addition ADDL: AdditionalADH: AdhesiveADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent AF: Above the FloorAFF: Above Finished Floor AIA: American Institute of Architects ALM: Alarm ALT: Alternate, Alteration; AltitudeALUM: AluminumAMB: AmbientAMT: AmountANCH: Anchor, AnchorageANOD: Anodized AP: Access PanelAPPROX: ApproximateAPRVD: Approved APT: ApartmentARCH: Architect, ArchitecturalAS: Acoustic SealantASC: Above Suspended CeilingASPH: AsphaltASSEM: AssembleASSY: Assembly ASTM: American Society for Testing and MaterialsATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling ATTEN: Attenuation, Attention ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; AtmosphericAUTH: Authorized AUTO: Automatic AVG: AverageB: BathroomB TO B: Back to BackB & B: Balled and Burlapped B/: Bottom (of) BAL: Balance, BallastBC: Broom ClosetBDY: BoundaryBEL: BelowBETW: Between BEV: Bevel BHD: Bulkhead BIT: Bituminous BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler BL: Building Line BLDG: BuildingBLK: Block BLKG: BlockingBLT-IN: Built-In BM: Beam, Bench MarkBN: BullnoseBNT: Bent BOT: BottomBP: Base Plate BPL: Bearing PlateBR: BedroomBRDG: Bridging BRG: BearingBRK: BrickBRKT: Bracket BRS: BrassBRZ: BronzeBS: Both Sides BSMT: Basement BT: Bathtub, Bolt BUR: Built-up RoofBW: Both WaysC: Curb, Clock Outlet C/C: Center to CenterCAB: CabinetCAP: Capacity CAR: CarpetCAV: CavityCCW: Counter Clockwise CCTV: Closed Circuit TVCEM: CementCER: CeramicCF: Cubic FeetCFL: CounterflashingCFS: Cold Formed SteelCG: Corner GuardCH: Coat HookCHR: Chilled Water Return CHAM: ChamferCHAN: Channel CHS: Chilled Water Supply CI: Cast Iron CIP: Cast-in-PlaceCIR: Circle, CircularCIRC: CircumferenceCITG: Clear Insulating Tempered GlassCJ: Control JointCK: Caulking CL: Centerline, Clearance, Closure, Class CLG: CeilingCLL: Contract Limit Line CLO: ClosetCLR: ClearCLR OPG: Clear OpeningCMP: Corrugated Metal PipeCMU: Concrete Masonry UnitCND: ConduitCNTR: CounterCOAX: CoaxialC.O.: Cased OpeningCO: Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out COD: Cleanout Door COL: Column COM: Common CON: Construction CONC: Concrete CONN: Connection CONT: Continuous, Continue, Control COP: Copper COR: Corner CORR: Corridor, Corrugate CR: Curtain Rod CRPT: Carpet CRS: Course, Cold Rolled Steel CS: Cast Stone CSG: Casing CSK: Countersink CSMT: Casement CT: Ceramic Tile CTD: Coated CTR: Center CW: Clockwise, Cold Water CWR: Condensate Waste Return CWS: Condensate Waste Supply CY: Cubic Yard CYL: Cylinder CYL L: Cylinder Lock DA: Double Acting DB: Decibel DBL: Double DC: Direct Current DD: Driveway Drain, Deck Drain DEG: Degree DEGF: Degree Farenheit DEMO: Demolition DEPT: Department DF: Drinking Fountain DH: Double Hung DIAG: Diagonal DIA: Diameter DIFF: Diffuser DIM: Dimension DISL: Disposal DIV: Division DL: Dead Load DMT: Demountable DN: Down DO: Door Opening DP: Dampproofing DPR: Damper DR: Door, Dining Room DS: Downspout DSP: Dry Standpipe DT: Drain Tile DTL: Detail DVTL: Dovetail DWG: Drawing DWGS: Drawings DWR: Drawer E: East E TO E: End to End EA: Each EB: Expansion Bolt EC: Exposed Construction ECP: Exposed Construction Painted EE: Each End EF: Each Face EG: Edge Grain EIFS: Exterior Insulation and Finish System EJ: Expansion Joint ELEC: Electrical ELEV: Elevator, Elevation EMER: Emergency ENAM: Enamel ENCL: Enclosure ENG: Engineer ENT: Entrance EPDM: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer EQ: Equal EQUIP: Equipment ERP: Emergency Receptacle Panel EST: Estimate EW: Each Way EX: Exit EXC: Excavate EXEC: Executive EXH: Exhaust EXH AIR: Exhaust Air EXIST: Existing EXP: Expansion, Exposed EXT: Exterior F: Degrees Fahrenheit F TO F: Face to Face FA: Fire Alarm, Fresh Air FAB: Fabricate FACP: Fire Alarm Control Panel FAG: Fire Alarm Gong FAST: Fastener, Fasten FBD: Fiberboard FBRK: Fire Brick FD: Floor drain FDC: Fire Department Connection FDN: Foundation FE: Fire Extinguisher FEC: Fire Extinguisher Cabinet FF: Finished Floor, Factory Finish FFE: Finished Floor Elevation FF&E: Fixtures, Furnishings & Equipment FFL: Finished Floor Line FGL: Fiberglass FGR: Fiberglass reinforced FH: Fire Hose FHC: Fire Hose Cabinet FHWS: Flat Head Wood Screw FHY: Fire Hydrant FIN: Finish, finished FIX: Fixture FLG: Flashing FLR: Floor FLUOR: Fluorescent FLX: Flexible FND: Feminine Napkin Dispenser FO: Finished Opening FOC: Face of Concrete FOF: Face of Finish FOS: Face of Studs FP: Fireproof FPL: Fireplace FR: Front, Fire Riser FRM: Frame FRT: Fire Retardant FS: Floor Sink FT: Foot, Feet, Fully Tempered FTG: Footing, Fitting FURN: Furnish, Furniture FURR: Furring FUT: Future G: Gas GA: Gauge GAL: Gallon GALV: Galvanized GC: General Contractor GEN: General GFCI: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted GFI: Ground Fault Interrupted GFRC: Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete GI: Galvanized Iron GKT: Gasket GL: Glass GLZ: Glaze GMU: Glazed Masonry Unit GND: Ground GOVT: Government GP: Galvanized Pipe GR: Grade GRAN: Granite GRTG: Grating GT: Grout GV: Galvanized GVL: Gravel GYP: Gypsum GYP BD: Gypsum Board HB: Hose Bib HBD: Hardboard HC: Hollow Core HD: Heavy Duty HDR: Header HDPE: High Density Polyethylene HDW: Hardware HDWD: Hardwood HGR: Hanger HGT: Height HK: Hook or Hooks HM: Hollow Metal HMP: Hollow Metal, Painted HOR: Horizontal HR: Hour HRS: Hot Rolled Steel, Hours HT: Height HTR: Heater HV: High Voltage HVAC: Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning HW: Hot Water HWR: Hot Water Recirculating Return HWS: Hot Water Supply HYD: Hydraulic I: Iron ID: Inside Diameter IN: Inch INC: Incandescent INCL: Incline, Include INCR: Increase INFO: Information INSP: Inspect INSTL: Install INSUL: Insulation INT: Interior INV: Invert IP: Iron Pipe J: Joist JB: Junction Box JC: Janitor's Closet JF: Joint Filler K: Kickplate KIT: Kitchen KS: Kitchen Sink KW: Kilowatt L: Left, Length LAD: Ladder LAM: Laminate, Laminated LB: Pound (weight), Lag Bolt LBL: Label LBR: Lumber LCD: Liquid Crystal Diode LCL: Linen Closet LCM: Lead Coated Metal LD: Leader Drain LH: Left Hand LIB: Library LINO: Linoleum LIQ: Liquid LKR: Locker LL: Live Load LMS: Limestone LN: Length LNDG: Landing LOC: Locate LOCS: Locations LR: Living Room LS: Loud Speaker LT: Light LTG: Lighting LTL: Lintel LV: Low Voltage LVR: Louver LW: Light Weight LWC: Light Weight Concrete MACH: Machine MAINT: Maintenance MARB: Marble MAS: Masonry MATL: Material MAX: Maximum MB: Mail Box MC: Medicine Cabinet MECH: Mechanical MED: Medium MEMB: Membrane MET: Metal MEZZ: Mezzanine MFD: Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck MFG: Manufacturer, Manufacturing MH: Manhole MIKE: Microphone MIN: Minimum MIR: Mirror MISC: Miscellaneous MLDG: Molding MO: Masonry Opening MOD: Module MONO: Monolithic MOV: Movable MRD: Metal Roof Deck MT: Mount, Mounted MTL: Material, Metal MTR: Motor MULL: Mullion MWK: Millwork N: North NATL: Natural NEC: National Electrical Code NEUT: Neutral NI: Nickel NIC: Not In Contract NO: Number NOM: Nominal NR: Noise Reduction NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient NS: Near Side NTS: Not To Scale O TO O: Out to Out OA: Outside Air, Overall OC: On Center OD: Outside Diameter OF: Outside Face OFF: Office OH: Overhead OHD: Overhead Door OI: Ornamental Iron OPNG: Opening OPP: Opposite OPP H: Opposite Hand ORN: Ornamental OUT: Outlet OVFL: Overflow OZ: Ounce P: Paint P. LAM: Plastic Laminate P SL: Pipe Sleeve PAR: Parallel PARTN: Partition PB: Panic Bar PBD: Particle Board PC: Precast Concrete PCF: Pounds per cubic foot PD: Pump Discharge, Plaza Drain PE: Professional Engineer PED: Pedestal, Pedestrian PERF: Perforate PERIM: Perimeter PERP: Perpendicular PFN: Prefinished PH: Phase, Phone PKG: Parking PKWY: Parkway PL: Property Line PLAS: Plastic PLAS LAM: Plastic Laminate PLF: Pounds Per Lineal Foot PLMBG: Plumbing PLTF: Platform PLWD: Plywood PNL: Panel PNT: Paint POL: Polish, Polished PORC: Porcelain PORT: Portable POT W: Potable Water PP: Precast Panel PR: Pair PRC: Precast PREFAB: Prefabricated PRES: Pressure PRFMD: Preformed PRI: Primary PRMLD: Premolded PROT: Protection, Protective PRSTR: Prestressed PRTN: Partition PS: Plumbing Stack PSC: Prestressed Concrete PSF: Pounds per square foot PSI: Pounds per square inch PT: Point PTC: Post-Tensioned Concrete PTD: Paper Towel Dispenser PTD/R: Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle PV: Paving PVG: Paving PVMT: Pavement PVT: Private PWR: Power QUAL: Quality QT: Quarry Tile, Quart QTR: Quarter QTY: Quantity R: Radius R & S: Rod and Sealant RA: Return Air, Registered Architect RAD: Radiator RB: Rubber RBT: Rabbet RCP: Reflected Ceiling Plan RD: Roof Drain, Round REBAR: Reinforcing Bar RECP: Receptacle REF: Refer, Reference, Refrigerator REFL: Reflected, Reflector REG: Regular REINF: Reinforcement, or Reinforce REQ: Require, Required RESIL: Resilient RET: Return, Retaining REV: Reverse, Revise, Revision RF: Roof RFG: Roofing RGTR: Register RGH: Rough RH: Right Hand RHR: Right Hand Reverse RM: Room RMV: Remove, Removable RO: Rough Opening ROW: Right of Way RPM: Revolutions Per Minute RT: Rubber Tile, Right RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser RVS: Reverse Side RVT: Rivet RWC: Rain Water Conductor RWL: Rain Water Leader S: South, Sealant, Supply S&S: Stained & Sealed S&V: Stain & Varnish SACT: Suspended Acoustical Tile SALV: Salvage SAN: Sanitary SC: Solid Core SCD: Seat Cover Dispenser SCH: Schedule SCR: Screen SCUP: Scupper SCWD: Solid Core Wood SD: Soap Dispenser SE: Structural Engineer SEC: Second, Secondary, Security System SECT: Section SEL: Select SERV: Service SF: Square Foot SFGL: Safety Glass SGS: Silicone Glazing Sealant SH: Shelf SHT: Sheet SHTHG: Sheathing SHWR: Shower SIG: Signal SIM: Similar SJS: Silicone Joint Sealant SK: Sink SKL: Skylight SLV: Sleeve SND: Sanitary Napkin Dispenser SP: Standpipe, Soundproof SPC: Spacer SPECS: Specifications SPK: Speaker SPL: Special SPLR: Sprinkler SPM: Sprinkler Main SPP: Skim Coat Plaster Painted SQ: Square SS: Stainless Steel, Soil Stack SSGS: Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant SSK: Service Sink ST: Storm Water STA: Station STC: Sound Transmission Class STD: Standard STG: Storage, Seating STK: Stack STL: Steel STOR: Storage STRUC: Structural STWY: Stairway SUPP: Supplementary, Supplement SUPT: Superintendent SUR: Surface SUSP: Suspended, Suspend SV: Safety Relief Valve SW: Switch SWBD: Switchboard SWGR: Switchgear SY: Square Yard SYM: Symmetrical SYN: Synthetic SYS: System T: Tread T/: Top of T&B: Top and Bottom T&G: Tongue & Groove TAN: Tangent TB: Towel Bar TC: Top of Curb, Terracotta TD: Trench Drain TEL: Telephone TEMP: Temporary, Tempered, Temperature TEN: Tenant TERM: Terminal TH: Thermostat THK: Thick, Thickness THR: Threshold THRM: Thermal THRU: Through TLT: Toilet TOL: Tolerance TP: Top of Pavement TPD: Toilet paper Dispenser TPH: Toilet Paper Holder TPTN: Toilet Partition TRANS: Transformer, Translucent TRAV: Travertine TRD: Tread TSL: Top of Slab TST: Top of Steel TT: Traffic Topping TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet TW: Top of Wall TYP: Typical TZ: Terrazzo UH: Unit Heater UL: Underwriters' Laboratories UNEXC: Unexcavated UNFIN: Unfinished UNO: Unless Noted Otherwise UR: Urinal USG: United States Gypsum Company UT: Utility V: Volt VAR: Varies VB: Vapor Barrier VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile VENT: Ventilate, Ventilator VERT: Vertical VEST: Vestibule VF: Vinyl Fabric VIF: Verify In the Field VIN: Vinyl VNR: Veneer VOL: Volume VP: Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe VR: Vapor Retarder VS: Vent Stack VT: Vinyl Tile VTR: Vent Through Roof VWC: Vinyl Wall Covering W: West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water W/: With W/O: Without WAINS: Wainscot WB: Wood Base WC: Watercloset WD: Wood WDP: Wood, Painted WDSS: Wood, Stained & Sealed WF: Wide Flange (structural steel) WGL: Wire-Glass WH: Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant WI: Wrought Iron WIN: Window WM: Wire Mesh, Water Meter WP: Waterproof, Weatherproof WPR: Waterproofing WPT: Working Point WR: Water Resistant, Water Repellant WS: Weatherstripping, Water Stop WT: Weight, Water Table, Watertight WVNR: Wood Veneer WWF: Welded Wire Fabric X HVY: Extra Heavy X STR: Extra Strong YD: Yard YR: Year A: Area, Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air LineAB: Anchor BoltABV: Above AC: Air Conditioning, Alternating CurrentACC: Access ACF: Architectural Concrete FinishACR: AcrylicACST: AcousticACT: ActualAD: Access Door, Area Drain ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992ADD: Addendum; Addition ADDL: AdditionalADH: AdhesiveADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent AF: Above the FloorAFF: Above Finished Floor AIA: American Institute of Architects ALM: Alarm ALT: Alternate, Alteration; AltitudeALUM: AluminumAMB: AmbientAMT: AmountANCH: Anchor, AnchorageANOD: Anodized AP: Access PanelAPPROX: ApproximateAPRVD: Approved APT: ApartmentARCH: Architect, ArchitecturalAS: Acoustic SealantASC: Above Suspended CeilingASPH: AsphaltASSEM: AssembleASSY: Assembly ASTM: American Society for Testing and MaterialsATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling ATTEN: Attenuation, Attention ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; AtmosphericAUTH: Authorized AUTO: Automatic AVG: AverageB: BathroomB TO B: Back to BackB & B: Balled and Burlapped B/: Bottom (of) BAL: Balance, BallastBC: Broom ClosetBDY: BoundaryBEL: BelowBETW: Between BEV: Bevel BHD: Bulkhead BIT: Bituminous BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler BL: Building Line BLDG: BuildingBLK: Block BLKG: BlockingBLT-IN: Built-In BM: Beam, Bench MarkBN: BullnoseBNT: Bent BOT: BottomBP: Base Plate BPL: Bearing PlateBR: BedroomBRDG: Bridging BRG: BearingBRK: BrickBRKT: Bracket BRS: BrassBRZ: BronzeBS: Both Sides BSMT: Basement BT: Bathtub, Bolt BUR: Built-up RoofBW: Both WaysC: Curb, Clock Outlet C/C: Center to CenterCAB: CabinetCAP: Capacity CAR: CarpetCAV: CavityCCW: Counter Clockwise CCTV: Closed Circuit TVCEM: CementCER: CeramicCF: Cubic FeetCFL: CounterflashingCFS: Cold Formed SteelCG: Corner GuardCH: Coat HookCHR: Chilled Water Return CHAM: ChamferCHAN: Channel CHS: Chilled Water Supply CI: Cast Iron CIP: Cast-in-PlaceCIR: Circle, CircularCIRC: CircumferenceCITG: Clear Insulating Tempered GlassCJ: Control JointCK: Caulking CL: Centerline, Clearance, Closure, Class CLG: CeilingCLL: Contract Limit Line CLO: ClosetCLR: ClearCLR OPG: Clear OpeningCMP: Corrugated Metal PipeCMU: Concrete Masonry UnitCND: ConduitCNTR: CounterCOAX: CoaxialC.O.: Cased OpeningCO: Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out COD: Cleanout Door COL: ColumnCOM: CommonCON: ConstructionCONC: Concrete CONN: Connection CONT: Continuous, Continue, ControlCOP: CopperCOR: Corner CORR: Corridor, CorrugateCR: Curtain RodCRPT: CarpetCRS: Course, Cold Rolled SteelCS: Cast Stone CSG: Casing CSK: CountersinkCSMT: Casement CT: Ceramic Tile CTD: Coated CTR: CenterCW: Clockwise, Cold WaterCWR: Condensate Waste ReturnCWS: Condensate Waste SupplyCY: Cubic Yard CYL: Cylinder CYL L: Cylinder LockDA: Double ActingDB: Decibel DBL: DoubleDC: Direct CurrentDD: Driveway Drain, Deck DrainDEG: DegreeDEGF: Degree Farenheit DEMO: DemolitionDEPT: DepartmentDF: Drinking FountainDH: Double HungDIAG: Diagonal DIA: Diameter DIFF: Diffuser DIM: DimensionDISL: DisposalDIV: DivisionDL: Dead LoadDMT: DemountableDN: Down DO: Door OpeningDP: Dampproofing DPR: Damper DR: Door, Dining Room DS: DownspoutDSP: Dry Standpipe DT: Drain TileDTL: Detail DVTL: DovetailDWG: DrawingDWGS: DrawingsDWR: DrawerE: EastE TO E: End to EndEA: EachEB: Expansion BoltEC: Exposed Construction ECP: Exposed Construction Painted EE: Each EndEF: Each FaceEG: Edge Grain EIFS: Exterior Insulation and Finish SystemEJ: Expansion JointELEC: ElectricalELEV: Elevator, Elevation EMER: EmergencyENAM: Enamel ENCL: EnclosureENG: Engineer ENT: EntranceEPDM: Ethylene Propylene Diene MonomerEQ: Equal EQUIP: EquipmentERP: Emergency Receptacle PanelEST: EstimateEW: Each WayEX: ExitEXC: ExcavateEXEC: ExecutiveEXH: ExhaustEXH AIR: Exhaust AirEXIST: Existing EXP: Expansion, Exposed EXT: ExteriorF: Degrees FahrenheitF TO F: Face to Face FA: Fire Alarm, Fresh Air FAB: FabricateFACP: Fire Alarm Control PanelFAG: Fire Alarm Gong FAST: Fastener, FastenFBD: FiberboardFBRK: Fire Brick FD: Floor drainFDC: Fire Department ConnectionFDN: Foundation FE: Fire Extinguisher FEC: Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF: Finished Floor, Factory FinishFFE: Finished Floor Elevation FF&E: Fixtures, Furnishings & EquipmentFFL: Finished Floor Line FGL: FiberglassFGR: Fiberglass reinforced FH: Fire HoseFHC: Fire Hose CabinetFHWS: Flat Head Wood ScrewFHY: Fire HydrantFIN: Finish, finished FIX: FixtureFLG: FlashingFLR: Floor FLUOR: Fluorescent FLX: Flexible FND: Feminine Napkin DispenserFO: Finished Opening FOC: Face of Concrete FOF: Face of Finish FOS: Face of Studs FP: Fireproof FPL: Fireplace FR: Front, Fire Riser FRM: Frame FRT: Fire Retardant FS: Floor Sink FT: Foot, Feet, Fully Tempered FTG: Footing, Fitting FURN: Furnish, Furniture FURR: Furring FUT: Future G: Gas GA: Gauge GAL: Gallon GALV: Galvanized GC: General Contractor GEN: General GFCI: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted GFI: Ground Fault Interrupted GFRC: Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete GI: Galvanized Iron GKT: Gasket GL: Glass GLZ: Glaze GMU: Glazed Masonry Unit GND: Ground GOVT: Government GP: Galvanized Pipe GR: Grade GRAN: Granite GRTG: Grating GT: Grout GV: Galvanized GVL: Gravel GYP: Gypsum GYP BD: Gypsum Board HB: Hose Bib HBD: Hardboard HC: Hollow Core HD: Heavy Duty HDR: Header HDPE: High Density Polyethylene HDW: Hardware HDWD: Hardwood HGR: Hanger HGT: Height HK: Hook or Hooks HM: Hollow Metal HMP: Hollow Metal, Painted HOR: Horizontal HR: Hour HRS: Hot Rolled Steel, Hours HT: Height HTR: Heater HV: High Voltage HVAC: Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning HW: Hot Water HWR: Hot Water Recirculating Return HWS: Hot Water Supply HYD: Hydraulic I: Iron ID: Inside Diameter IN: Inch INC: Incandescent INCL: Incline, Include INCR: Increase INFO: Information INSP: Inspect INSTL: Install INSUL: Insulation INT: Interior INV: Invert IP: Iron Pipe J: Joist JB: Junction Box JC: Janitor's Closet JF: Joint Filler K: Kickplate KIT: Kitchen KS: Kitchen Sink KW: Kilowatt L: Left, Length LAD: Ladder LAM: Laminate, Laminated LB: Pound (weight), Lag Bolt LBL: Label LBR: Lumber LCD: Liquid Crystal Diode LCL: Linen Closet LCM: Lead Coated Metal LD: Leader Drain LH: Left Hand LIB: Library LINO: Linoleum LIQ: Liquid LKR: Locker LL: Live Load LMS: Limestone LN: Length LNDG: Landing LOC: Locate LOCS: Locations LR: Living Room LS: Loud Speaker LT: Light LTG: Lighting LTL: Lintel LV: Low Voltage LVR: Louver LW: Light Weight LWC: Light Weight Concrete MACH: Machine MAINT: Maintenance MARB: Marble MAS: Masonry MATL: Material MAX: Maximum MB: Mail Box MC: Medicine Cabinet MECH: Mechanical MED: Medium MEMB: Membrane MET: Metal MEZZ: Mezzanine MFD: Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck MFG: Manufacturer, Manufacturing MH: Manhole MIKE: Microphone MIN: Minimum MIR: Mirror MISC: Miscellaneous MLDG: Molding MO: Masonry Opening MOD: Module MONO: Monolithic MOV: Movable MRD: Metal Roof Deck MT: Mount, Mounted MTL: Material, Metal MTR: Motor MULL: Mullion MWK: Millwork N: North NATL: Natural NEC: National Electrical Code NEUT: Neutral NI: Nickel NIC: Not In Contract NO: Number NOM: Nominal NR: Noise Reduction NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient NS: Near Side NTS: Not To Scale O TO O: Out to Out OA: Outside Air, Overall OC: On Center OD: Outside Diameter OF: Outside Face OFF: Office OH: Overhead OHD: Overhead Door OI: Ornamental Iron OPNG: Opening OPP: Opposite OPP H: Opposite Hand ORN: Ornamental OUT: Outlet OVFL: Overflow OZ: Ounce P: Paint P. LAM: Plastic Laminate P SL: Pipe Sleeve PAR: Parallel PARTN: Partition PB: Panic Bar PBD: Particle Board PC: Precast Concrete PCF: Pounds per cubic foot PD: Pump Discharge, Plaza Drain PE: Professional Engineer PED: Pedestal, Pedestrian PERF: Perforate PERIM: Perimeter PERP: Perpendicular PFN: Prefinished PH: Phase, Phone PKG: Parking PKWY: Parkway PL: Property Line PLAS: Plastic PLAS LAM: Plastic Laminate PLF: Pounds Per Lineal Foot PLMBG: Plumbing PLTF: Platform PLWD: Plywood PNL: Panel PNT: Paint POL: Polish, Polished PORC: Porcelain PORT: Portable POT W: Potable Water PP: Precast Panel PR: Pair PRC: Precast PREFAB: Prefabricated PRES: Pressure PRFMD: Preformed PRI: Primary PRMLD: Premolded PROT: Protection, Protective PRSTR: Prestressed PRTN: Partition PS: Plumbing Stack PSC: Prestressed Concrete PSF: Pounds per square foot PSI: Pounds per square inch PT: Point PTC: Post-Tensioned Concrete PTD: Paper Towel Dispenser PTD/R: Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle PV: Paving PVG: Paving PVMT: Pavement PVT: Private PWR: Power QUAL: Quality QT: Quarry Tile, Quart QTR: Quarter QTY: Quantity R: Radius R & S: Rod and Sealant RA: Return Air, Registered Architect RAD: Radiator RB: Rubber RBT: Rabbet RCP: Reflected Ceiling Plan RD: Roof Drain, Round REBAR: Reinforcing Bar RECP: Receptacle REF: Refer, Reference, Refrigerator REFL: Reflected, Reflector REG: Regular REINF: Reinforcement, or Reinforce REQ: Require, Required RESIL: Resilient RET: Return, Retaining REV: Reverse, Revise, Revision RF: Roof RFG: Roofing RGTR: Register RGH: Rough RH: Right Hand RHR: Right Hand Reverse RM: Room RMV: Remove, Removable RO: Rough Opening ROW: Right of Way RPM: Revolutions Per Minute RT: Rubber Tile, Right RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser RVS: Reverse Side RVT: Rivet RWC: Rain Water Conductor RWL: Rain Water Leader S: South, Sealant, Supply S&S: Stained & Sealed S&V: Stain & Varnish SACT: Suspended Acoustical Tile SALV: Salvage SAN: Sanitary SC: Solid Core SCD: Seat Cover Dispenser SCH: Schedule SCR: Screen SCUP: Scupper SCWD: Solid Core Wood SD: Soap Dispenser SE: Structural Engineer SEC: Second, Secondary, Security System SECT: Section SEL: Select SERV: Service SF: Square Foot SFGL: Safety Glass SGS: Silicone Glazing Sealant SH: Shelf SHT: Sheet SHTHG: Sheathing SHWR: Shower SIG: Signal SIM: Similar SJS: Silicone Joint Sealant SK: Sink SKL: Skylight SLV: Sleeve SND: Sanitary Napkin Dispenser SP: Standpipe, Soundproof SPC: Spacer SPECS: Specifications SPK: Speaker SPL: Special SPLR: Sprinkler SPM: Sprinkler Main SPP: Skim Coat Plaster Painted SQ: Square SS: Stainless Steel, Soil Stack SSGS: Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant SSK: Service Sink ST: Storm Water STA: Station STC: Sound Transmission Class STD: Standard STG: Storage, Seating STK: Stack STL: Steel STOR: Storage STRUC: Structural STWY: Stairway SUPP: Supplementary, Supplement SUPT: Superintendent SUR: Surface SUSP: Suspended, Suspend SV: Safety Relief Valve SW: Switch SWBD: Switchboard SWGR: Switchgear SY: Square Yard SYM: Symmetrical SYN: Synthetic SYS: System T: Tread T/: Top of T&B: Top and Bottom T&G: Tongue & Groove TAN: Tangent TB: Towel Bar TC: Top of Curb, Terracotta TD: Trench Drain TEL: Telephone TEMP: Temporary, Tempered, Temperature TEN: Tenant TERM: Terminal TH: Thermostat THK: Thick, Thickness THR: Threshold THRM: Thermal THRU: Through TLT: Toilet TOL: Tolerance TP: Top of Pavement TPD: Toilet paper Dispenser TPH: Toilet Paper Holder TPTN: Toilet Partition TRANS: Transformer, Translucent TRAV: Travertine TRD: Tread TSL: Top of Slab TST: Top of Steel TT: Traffic Topping TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet TW: Top of Wall TYP: Typical TZ: Terrazzo UH: Unit Heater UL: Underwriters' Laboratories UNEXC: Unexcavated UNFIN: Unfinished UNO: Unless Noted Otherwise UR: Urinal USG: United States Gypsum Company UT: Utility V: Volt VAR: Varies VB: Vapor Barrier VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile VENT: Ventilate, Ventilator VERT: Vertical VEST: Vestibule VF: Vinyl Fabric VIF: Verify In the Field VIN: Vinyl VNR: Veneer VOL: Volume VP: Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe VR: Vapor Retarder VS: Vent Stack VT: Vinyl Tile VTR: Vent Through Roof VWC: Vinyl Wall Covering W: West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water W/: With W/O: Without WAINS: Wainscot WB: Wood Base WC: Watercloset WD: Wood WDP: Wood, Painted WDSS: Wood, Stained & Sealed WF: Wide Flange (structural steel) WGL: Wire-Glass WH: Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant WI: Wrought Iron WIN: Window WM: Wire Mesh, Water Meter WP: Waterproof, Weatherproof WPR: Waterproofing WPT: Working Point WR: Water Resistant, Water Repellant WS: Weatherstripping, Water Stop WT: Weight, Water Table, Watertight WVNR: Wood Veneer WWF: Welded Wire Fabric X HVY: Extra Heavy X STR: Extra Strong YD: Yard YR: Year A: Area, Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air LineAB: Anchor BoltABV: Above AC: Air Conditioning, Alternating CurrentACC: Access ACF: Architectural Concrete FinishACR: AcrylicACST: AcousticACT: ActualAD: Access Door, Area Drain ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992ADD: Addendum; Addition ADDL: AdditionalADH: AdhesiveADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent AF: Above the FloorAFF: Above Finished Floor AIA: American Institute of Architects ALM: Alarm ALT: Alternate, Alteration; AltitudeALUM: AluminumAMB: AmbientAMT: AmountANCH: Anchor, AnchorageANOD: Anodized AP: Access PanelAPPROX: ApproximateAPRVD: Approved APT: ApartmentARCH: Architect, ArchitecturalAS: Acoustic SealantASC: Above Suspended CeilingASPH: AsphaltASSEM: AssembleASSY: Assembly ASTM: American Society for Testing and MaterialsATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling ATTEN: Attenuation, Attention ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; AtmosphericAUTH: Authorized AUTO: Automatic AVG: AverageB: BathroomB TO B: Back to BackB & B: Balled and Burlapped B/: Bottom (of) BAL: Balance, BallastBC: Broom ClosetBDY: BoundaryBEL: BelowBETW: Between BEV: Bevel BHD: Bulkhead BIT: Bituminous BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler BL: Building Line BLDG: BuildingBLK: Block BLKG: BlockingBLT-IN: Built-In BM: Beam, Bench MarkBN: BullnoseBNT: Bent BOT: BottomBP: Base Plate BPL: Bearing PlateBR: BedroomBRDG: Bridging BRG: BearingBRK: BrickBRKT: Bracket BRS: BrassBRZ: BronzeBS: Both Sides BSMT: Basement BT: Bathtub, Bolt BUR: Built-up RoofBW: Both WaysC: Curb, Clock Outlet C/C: Center to CenterCAB: CabinetCAP: Capacity CAR: CarpetCAV: CavityCCW: Counter Clockwise CCTV: Closed Circuit TVCEM: CementCER: CeramicCF: Cubic FeetCFL: CounterflashingCFS: Cold Formed SteelCG: Corner GuardCH: Coat HookCHR: Chilled Water Return CHAM: ChamferCHAN: Channel CHS: Chilled Water Supply CI: Cast Iron CIP: Cast-in-PlaceCIR: Circle, CircularCIRC: CircumferenceCITG: Clear Insulating Tempered GlassCJ: Control JointCK: Caulking CL: Centerline, Clearance, Closure, Class CLG: CeilingCLL: Contract Limit Line CLO: ClosetCLR: ClearCLR OPG: Clear OpeningCMP: Corrugated Metal PipeCMU: Concrete Masonry UnitCND: ConduitCNTR: CounterCOAX: CoaxialC.O.: Cased OpeningCO: Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out COD: Cleanout Door COL: ColumnCOM: CommonCON: ConstructionCONC: Concrete CONN: Connection CONT: Continuous, Continue, ControlCOP: CopperCOR: Corner CORR: Corridor, CorrugateCR: Curtain RodCRPT: CarpetCRS: Course, Cold Rolled SteelCS: Cast Stone CSG: Casing CSK: CountersinkCSMT: Casement CT: Ceramic Tile CTD: Coated CTR: CenterCW: Clockwise, Cold WaterCWR: Condensate Waste ReturnCWS: Condensate Waste SupplyCY: Cubic Yard CYL: Cylinder CYL L: Cylinder LockDA: Double ActingDB: Decibel DBL: DoubleDC: Direct CurrentDD: Driveway Drain, Deck DrainDEG: DegreeDEGF: Degree Farenheit DEMO: DemolitionDEPT: DepartmentDF: Drinking FountainDH: Double HungDIAG: Diagonal DIA: Diameter DIFF: Diffuser DIM: DimensionDISL: DisposalDIV: DivisionDL: Dead LoadDMT: DemountableDN: Down DO: Door OpeningDP: Dampproofing DPR: Damper DR: Door, Dining Room DS: DownspoutDSP: Dry Standpipe DT: Drain TileDTL: Detail DVTL: DovetailDWG: DrawingDWGS: DrawingsDWR: DrawerE: EastE TO E: End to EndEA: EachEB: Expansion BoltEC: Exposed Construction ECP: Exposed Construction Painted EE: Each EndEF: Each FaceEG: Edge Grain EIFS: Exterior Insulation and Finish SystemEJ: Expansion JointELEC: ElectricalELEV: Elevator, Elevation EMER: EmergencyENAM: Enamel ENCL: EnclosureENG: Engineer ENT: EntranceEPDM: Ethylene Propylene Diene MonomerEQ: Equal EQUIP: EquipmentERP: Emergency Receptacle PanelEST: EstimateEW: Each WayEX: ExitEXC: ExcavateEXEC: ExecutiveEXH: ExhaustEXH AIR: Exhaust AirEXIST: Existing EXP: Expansion, Exposed EXT: ExteriorF: Degrees FahrenheitF TO F: Face to Face FA: Fire Alarm, Fresh Air FAB: FabricateFACP: Fire Alarm Control PanelFAG: Fire Alarm Gong FAST: Fastener, FastenFBD: FiberboardFBRK: Fire Brick FD: Floor drainFDC: Fire Department ConnectionFDN: Foundation FE: Fire Extinguisher FEC: Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF: Finished Floor, Factory FinishFFE: Finished Floor Elevation FF&E: Fixtures, Furnishings & EquipmentFFL: Finished Floor Line FGL: FiberglassFGR: Fiberglass reinforced FH: Fire HoseFHC: Fire Hose CabinetFHWS: Flat Head Wood ScrewFHY: Fire HydrantFIN: Finish, finished FIX: FixtureFLG: FlashingFLR: Floor FLUOR: Fluorescent FLX: Flexible FND: Feminine Napkin DispenserFO: Finished OpeningFOC: Face of ConcreteFOF: Face of FinishFOS: Face of StudsFP: Fireproof FPL: FireplaceFR: Front, Fire Riser FRM: FrameFRT: Fire RetardantFS: Floor SinkFT: Foot, Feet, Fully TemperedFTG: Footing, FittingFURN: Furnish, Furniture FURR: Furring FUT: FutureG: GasGA: GaugeGAL: Gallon GALV: GalvanizedGC: General Contractor GEN: GeneralGFCI: Ground Fault Circuit InterruptedGFI: Ground Fault InterruptedGFRC: Glass Fiber Reinforced ConcreteGI: Galvanized IronGKT: GasketGL: GlassGLZ: GlazeGMU: Glazed Masonry UnitGND: GroundGOVT: GovernmentGP: Galvanized PipeGR: GradeGRAN: GraniteGRTG: Grating GT: GroutGV: Galvanized GVL: GravelGYP: Gypsum GYP BD: Gypsum BoardHB: Hose Bib HBD: HardboardHC: Hollow CoreHD: Heavy DutyHDR: HeaderHDPE: High Density PolyethyleneHDW: Hardware HDWD: HardwoodHGR: Hanger HGT: HeightHK: Hook or HooksHM: Hollow MetalHMP: Hollow Metal, PaintedHOR: HorizontalHR: HourHRS: Hot Rolled Steel, HoursHT: HeightHTR: HeaterHV: High Voltage HVAC: Heating, Ventilating & Air ConditioningHW: Hot Water HWR: Hot Water Recirculating Return HWS: Hot Water SupplyHYD: HydraulicI: Iron ID: Inside DiameterIN: Inch INC: Incandescent INCL: Incline, IncludeINCR: IncreaseINFO: Information INSP: Inspect INSTL: Install INSUL: InsulationINT: Interior INV: Invert IP: Iron PipeJ: Joist JB: Junction BoxJC: Janitor's ClosetJF: Joint FillerK: KickplateKIT: KitchenKS: Kitchen SinkKW: KilowattL: Left, LengthLAD: Ladder LAM: Laminate, LaminatedLB: Pound (weight), Lag BoltLBL: Label LBR: Lumber LCD: Liquid Crystal Diode LCL: Linen ClosetLCM: Lead Coated Metal LD: Leader DrainLH: Left HandLIB: Library LINO: LinoleumLIQ: LiquidLKR: LockerLL: Live Load LMS: Limestone LN: Length LNDG: Landing LOC: Locate LOCS: LocationsLR: Living RoomLS: Loud Speaker LT: LightLTG: LightingLTL: Lintel LV: Low Voltage LVR: Louver LW: Light WeightLWC: Light Weight Concrete MACH: Machine MAINT: Maintenance MARB: MarbleMAS: MasonryMATL: MaterialMAX: Maximum MB: Mail Box MC: Medicine Cabinet MECH: Mechanical MED: Medium MEMB: Membrane MET: Metal MEZZ: Mezzanine MFD: Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck MFG: Manufacturer, Manufacturing MH: Manhole MIKE: Microphone MIN: Minimum MIR: Mirror MISC: Miscellaneous MLDG: Molding MO: Masonry Opening MOD: Module MONO: Monolithic MOV: Movable MRD: Metal Roof Deck MT: Mount, Mounted MTL: Material, Metal MTR: Motor MULL: Mullion MWK: Millwork N: North NATL: Natural NEC: National Electrical Code NEUT: Neutral NI: Nickel NIC: Not In Contract NO: Number NOM: Nominal NR: Noise Reduction NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient NS: Near Side NTS: Not To Scale O TO O: Out to Out OA: Outside Air, Overall OC: On Center OD: Outside Diameter OF: Outside Face OFF: Office OH: Overhead OHD: Overhead Door OI: Ornamental Iron OPNG: Opening OPP: Opposite OPP H: Opposite Hand ORN: Ornamental OUT: Outlet OVFL: Overflow OZ: Ounce P: Paint P. LAM: Plastic Laminate P SL: Pipe Sleeve PAR: Parallel PARTN: Partition PB: Panic Bar PBD: Particle Board PC: Precast Concrete PCF: Pounds per cubic foot PD: Pump Discharge, Plaza Drain PE: Professional Engineer PED: Pedestal, Pedestrian PERF: Perforate PERIM: Perimeter PERP: Perpendicular PFN: Prefinished PH: Phase, Phone PKG: Parking PKWY: Parkway PL: Property Line PLAS: Plastic PLAS LAM: Plastic Laminate PLF: Pounds Per Lineal Foot PLMBG: Plumbing PLTF: Platform PLWD: Plywood PNL: Panel PNT: Paint POL: Polish, Polished PORC: Porcelain PORT: Portable POT W: Potable Water PP: Precast Panel PR: Pair PRC: Precast PREFAB: Prefabricated PRES: Pressure PRFMD: Preformed PRI: Primary PRMLD: Premolded PROT: Protection, Protective PRSTR: Prestressed PRTN: Partition PS: Plumbing Stack PSC: Prestressed Concrete PSF: Pounds per square foot PSI: Pounds per square inch PT: Point PTC: Post-Tensioned Concrete PTD: Paper Towel Dispenser PTD/R: Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle PV: Paving PVG: Paving PVMT: Pavement PVT: Private PWR: Power QUAL: Quality QT: Quarry Tile, Quart QTR: Quarter QTY: Quantity R: Radius R & S: Rod and Sealant RA: Return Air, Registered Architect RAD: Radiator RB: Rubber RBT: Rabbet RCP: Reflected Ceiling Plan RD: Roof Drain, Round REBAR: Reinforcing Bar RECP: Receptacle REF: Refer, Reference, Refrigerator REFL: Reflected, Reflector REG: Regular REINF: Reinforcement, or Reinforce REQ: Require, Required RESIL: Resilient RET: Return, Retaining REV: Reverse, Revise, Revision RF: Roof RFG: Roofing RGTR: Register RGH: Rough RH: Right Hand RHR: Right Hand Reverse RM: Room RMV: Remove, Removable RO: Rough Opening ROW: Right of Way RPM: Revolutions Per Minute RT: Rubber Tile, Right RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser RVS: Reverse Side RVT: Rivet RWC: Rain Water Conductor RWL: Rain Water Leader S: South, Sealant, Supply S&S: Stained & Sealed S&V: Stain & Varnish SACT: Suspended Acoustical Tile SALV: Salvage SAN: Sanitary SC: Solid Core SCD: Seat Cover Dispenser SCH: Schedule SCR: Screen SCUP: Scupper SCWD: Solid Core Wood SD: Soap Dispenser SE: Structural Engineer SEC: Second, Secondary, Security System SECT: Section SEL: Select SERV: Service SF: Square Foot SFGL: Safety Glass SGS: Silicone Glazing Sealant SH: Shelf SHT: Sheet SHTHG: Sheathing SHWR: Shower SIG: Signal SIM: Similar SJS: Silicone Joint Sealant SK: Sink SKL: Skylight SLV: Sleeve SND: Sanitary Napkin Dispenser SP: Standpipe, Soundproof SPC: Spacer SPECS: Specifications SPK: Speaker SPL: Special SPLR: Sprinkler SPM: Sprinkler Main SPP: Skim Coat Plaster Painted SQ: Square SS: Stainless Steel, Soil Stack SSGS: Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant SSK: Service Sink ST: Storm Water STA: Station STC: Sound Transmission Class STD: Standard STG: Storage, Seating STK: Stack STL: Steel STOR: Storage STRUC: Structural STWY: Stairway SUPP: Supplementary, Supplement SUPT: Superintendent SUR: Surface SUSP: Suspended, Suspend SV: Safety Relief Valve SW: Switch SWBD: Switchboard SWGR: Switchgear SY: Square Yard SYM: Symmetrical SYN: Synthetic SYS: System T: Tread T/: Top of T&B: Top and Bottom T&G: Tongue & Groove TAN: Tangent TB: Towel Bar TC: Top of Curb, Terracotta TD: Trench Drain TEL: Telephone TEMP: Temporary, Tempered, Temperature TEN: Tenant TERM: Terminal TH: Thermostat THK: Thick, Thickness THR: Threshold THRM: Thermal THRU: Through TLT: Toilet TOL: Tolerance TP: Top of Pavement TPD: Toilet paper Dispenser TPH: Toilet Paper Holder TPTN: Toilet Partition TRANS: Transformer, Translucent TRAV: Travertine TRD: Tread TSL: Top of Slab TST: Top of Steel TT: Traffic Topping TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet TW: Top of Wall TYP: Typical TZ: Terrazzo UH: Unit Heater UL: Underwriters' Laboratories UNEXC: Unexcavated UNFIN: Unfinished UNO: Unless Noted Otherwise UR: Urinal USG: United States Gypsum Company UT: Utility V: Volt VAR: Varies VB: Vapor Barrier VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile VENT: Ventilate, Ventilator VERT: Vertical VEST: Vestibule VF: Vinyl Fabric VIF: Verify In the Field VIN: Vinyl VNR: Veneer VOL: Volume VP: Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe VR: Vapor Retarder VS: Vent Stack VT: Vinyl Tile VTR: Vent Through Roof VWC: Vinyl Wall Covering W: West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water W/: With W/O: Without WAINS: Wainscot WB: Wood Base WC: Watercloset WD: Wood WDP: Wood, Painted WDSS: Wood, Stained & Sealed WF: Wide Flange (structural steel) WGL: Wire-Glass WH: Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant WI: Wrought Iron WIN: Window WM: Wire Mesh, Water Meter WP: Waterproof, Weatherproof WPR: Waterproofing WPT: Working Point WR: Water Resistant, Water Repellant WS: Weatherstripping, Water Stop WT: Weight, Water Table, Watertight WVNR: Wood Veneer WWF: Welded Wire Fabric X HVY: Extra Heavy X STR: Extra Strong YD: Yard YR: Year A: Area, Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air LineAB: Anchor BoltABV: Above AC: Air Conditioning, Alternating CurrentACC: Access ACF: Architectural Concrete FinishACR: AcrylicACST: AcousticACT: ActualAD: Access Door, Area Drain ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992ADD: Addendum; Addition ADDL: AdditionalADH: AdhesiveADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent AF: Above the FloorAFF: Above Finished Floor AIA: American Institute of Architects ALM: Alarm ALT: Alternate, Alteration; AltitudeALUM: AluminumAMB: AmbientAMT: AmountANCH: Anchor, AnchorageANOD: Anodized AP: Access PanelAPPROX: ApproximateAPRVD: Approved APT: ApartmentARCH: Architect, ArchitecturalAS: Acoustic SealantASC: Above Suspended CeilingASPH: AsphaltASSEM: AssembleASSY: Assembly ASTM: American Society for Testing and MaterialsATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling ATTEN: Attenuation, Attention ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; AtmosphericAUTH: Authorized AUTO: Automatic AVG: AverageB: BathroomB TO B: Back to BackB & B: Balled and Burlapped B/: Bottom (of) BAL: Balance, BallastBC: Broom ClosetBDY: BoundaryBEL: BelowBETW: Between BEV: Bevel BHD: Bulkhead BIT: Bituminous BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler BL: Building Line BLDG: BuildingBLK: Block BLKG: BlockingBLT-IN: Built-In BM: Beam, Bench MarkBN: BullnoseBNT: Bent BOT: BottomBP: Base Plate BPL: Bearing PlateBR: BedroomBRDG: Bridging BRG: BearingBRK: BrickBRKT: Bracket BRS: BrassBRZ: BronzeBS: Both Sides BSMT: Basement BT: Bathtub, Bolt BUR: Built-up RoofBW: Both WaysC: Curb, Clock Outlet C/C: Center to CenterCAB: CabinetCAP: Capacity CAR: CarpetCAV: CavityCCW: Counter Clockwise CCTV: Closed Circuit TVCEM: CementCER: CeramicCF: Cubic FeetCFL: CounterflashingCFS: Cold Formed SteelCG: Corner GuardCH: Coat HookCHR: Chilled Water Return CHAM: ChamferCHAN: Channel CHS: Chilled Water Supply CI: Cast Iron CIP: Cast-in-PlaceCIR: Circle, CircularCIRC: CircumferenceCITG: Clear Insulating Tempered GlassCJ: Control JointCK: Caulking CL: Centerline, Clearance, Closure, Class CLG: CeilingCLL: Contract Limit Line CLO: ClosetCLR: ClearCLR OPG: Clear OpeningCMP: Corrugated Metal PipeCMU: Concrete Masonry UnitCND: ConduitCNTR: CounterCOAX: CoaxialC.O.: Cased OpeningCO: Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out COD: Cleanout Door COL: ColumnCOM: CommonCON: ConstructionCONC: Concrete CONN: Connection CONT: Continuous, Continue, ControlCOP: CopperCOR: Corner CORR: Corridor, CorrugateCR: Curtain RodCRPT: CarpetCRS: Course, Cold Rolled SteelCS: Cast Stone CSG: Casing CSK: CountersinkCSMT: Casement CT: Ceramic Tile CTD: Coated CTR: CenterCW: Clockwise, Cold WaterCWR: Condensate Waste ReturnCWS: Condensate Waste SupplyCY: Cubic Yard CYL: Cylinder CYL L: Cylinder LockDA: Double ActingDB: Decibel DBL: DoubleDC: Direct CurrentDD: Driveway Drain, Deck DrainDEG: DegreeDEGF: Degree Farenheit DEMO: DemolitionDEPT: DepartmentDF: Drinking FountainDH: Double HungDIAG: Diagonal DIA: Diameter DIFF: Diffuser DIM: DimensionDISL: DisposalDIV: DivisionDL: Dead LoadDMT: DemountableDN: Down DO: Door OpeningDP: Dampproofing DPR: Damper DR: Door, Dining Room DS: DownspoutDSP: Dry Standpipe DT: Drain TileDTL: Detail DVTL: DovetailDWG: DrawingDWGS: DrawingsDWR: DrawerE: EastE TO E: End to EndEA: EachEB: Expansion BoltEC: Exposed Construction ECP: Exposed Construction Painted EE: Each EndEF: Each FaceEG: Edge Grain EIFS: Exterior Insulation and Finish SystemEJ: Expansion JointELEC: ElectricalELEV: Elevator, Elevation EMER: EmergencyENAM: Enamel ENCL: EnclosureENG: Engineer ENT: EntranceEPDM: Ethylene Propylene Diene MonomerEQ: Equal EQUIP: EquipmentERP: Emergency Receptacle PanelEST: EstimateEW: Each WayEX: ExitEXC: ExcavateEXEC: ExecutiveEXH: ExhaustEXH AIR: Exhaust AirEXIST: Existing EXP: Expansion, Exposed EXT: ExteriorF: Degrees FahrenheitF TO F: Face to Face FA: Fire Alarm, Fresh Air FAB: FabricateFACP: Fire Alarm Control PanelFAG: Fire Alarm Gong FAST: Fastener, FastenFBD: FiberboardFBRK: Fire Brick FD: Floor drainFDC: Fire Department ConnectionFDN: Foundation FE: Fire Extinguisher FEC: Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF: Finished Floor, Factory FinishFFE: Finished Floor Elevation FF&E: Fixtures, Furnishings & EquipmentFFL: Finished Floor Line FGL: FiberglassFGR: Fiberglass reinforced FH: Fire HoseFHC: Fire Hose CabinetFHWS: Flat Head Wood ScrewFHY: Fire HydrantFIN: Finish, finished FIX: FixtureFLG: FlashingFLR: Floor FLUOR: Fluorescent FLX: Flexible FND: Feminine Napkin DispenserFO: Finished OpeningFOC: Face of ConcreteFOF: Face of FinishFOS: Face of StudsFP: Fireproof FPL: FireplaceFR: Front, Fire Riser FRM: FrameFRT: Fire RetardantFS: Floor SinkFT: Foot, Feet, Fully TemperedFTG: Footing, FittingFURN: Furnish, Furniture FURR: Furring FUT: FutureG: GasGA: GaugeGAL: Gallon GALV: GalvanizedGC: General Contractor GEN: GeneralGFCI: Ground Fault Circuit InterruptedGFI: Ground Fault InterruptedGFRC: Glass Fiber Reinforced ConcreteGI: Galvanized IronGKT: GasketGL: GlassGLZ: GlazeGMU: Glazed Masonry UnitGND: GroundGOVT: GovernmentGP: Galvanized PipeGR: GradeGRAN: GraniteGRTG: Grating GT: GroutGV: Galvanized GVL: GravelGYP: Gypsum GYP BD: Gypsum BoardHB: Hose Bib HBD: HardboardHC: Hollow CoreHD: Heavy DutyHDR: HeaderHDPE: High Density PolyethyleneHDW: Hardware HDWD: HardwoodHGR: Hanger HGT: HeightHK: Hook or HooksHM: Hollow MetalHMP: Hollow Metal, PaintedHOR: HorizontalHR: HourHRS: Hot Rolled Steel, HoursHT: HeightHTR: HeaterHV: High Voltage HVAC: Heating, Ventilating & Air ConditioningHW: Hot Water HWR: Hot Water Recirculating Return HWS: Hot Water SupplyHYD: HydraulicI: Iron ID: Inside DiameterIN: Inch INC: Incandescent INCL: Incline, IncludeINCR: IncreaseINFO: Information INSP: Inspect INSTL: Install INSUL: InsulationINT: Interior INV: Invert IP: Iron PipeJ: Joist JB: Junction BoxJC: Janitor's ClosetJF: Joint FillerK: KickplateKIT: KitchenKS: Kitchen SinkKW: KilowattL: Left, LengthLAD: Ladder LAM: Laminate, LaminatedLB: Pound (weight), Lag BoltLBL: Label LBR: Lumber LCD: Liquid Crystal Diode LCL: Linen ClosetLCM: Lead Coated Metal LD: Leader DrainLH: Left HandLIB: Library LINO: LinoleumLIQ: LiquidLKR: LockerLL: Live Load LMS: Limestone LN: Length LNDG: Landing LOC: Locate LOCS: LocationsLR: Living RoomLS: Loud Speaker LT: LightLTG: LightingLTL: Lintel LV: Low Voltage LVR: Louver LW: Light WeightLWC: Light Weight Concrete MACH: Machine MAINT: Maintenance MARB: MarbleMAS: MasonryMATL: MaterialMAX: Maximum MB: Mail BoxMC: Medicine Cabinet MECH: MechanicalMED: MediumMEMB: Membrane MET: MetalMEZZ: Mezzanine MFD: Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck MFG: Manufacturer, ManufacturingMH: ManholeMIKE: MicrophoneMIN: MinimumMIR: Mirror MISC: MiscellaneousMLDG: Molding MO: Masonry Opening MOD: ModuleMONO: Monolithic MOV: Movable MRD: Metal Roof Deck MT: Mount, MountedMTL: Material, MetalMTR: MotorMULL: MullionMWK: MillworkN: NorthNATL: Natural NEC: National Electrical Code NEUT: NeutralNI: Nickel NIC: Not In ContractNO: Number NOM: NominalNR: Noise Reduction NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient NS: Near Side NTS: Not To Scale O TO O: Out to OutOA: Outside Air, OverallOC: On CenterOD: Outside DiameterOF: Outside FaceOFF: OfficeOH: OverheadOHD: Overhead DoorOI: Ornamental IronOPNG: OpeningOPP: OppositeOPP H: Opposite HandORN: OrnamentalOUT: OutletOVFL: OverflowOZ: OunceP: Paint P. LAM: Plastic LaminateP SL: Pipe Sleeve PAR: Parallel PARTN: PartitionPB: Panic BarPBD: Particle Board PC: Precast ConcretePCF: Pounds per cubic footPD: Pump Discharge, Plaza DrainPE: Professional EngineerPED: Pedestal, Pedestrian PERF: PerforatePERIM: Perimeter PERP: PerpendicularPFN: PrefinishedPH: Phase, PhonePKG: ParkingPKWY: ParkwayPL: Property LinePLAS: PlasticPLAS LAM: Plastic Laminate PLF: Pounds Per Lineal FootPLMBG: PlumbingPLTF: PlatformPLWD: Plywood PNL: PanelPNT: Paint POL: Polish, PolishedPORC: PorcelainPORT: Portable POT W: Potable WaterPP: Precast PanelPR: Pair PRC: PrecastPREFAB: PrefabricatedPRES: Pressure PRFMD: Preformed PRI: Primary PRMLD: PremoldedPROT: Protection, ProtectivePRSTR: PrestressedPRTN: PartitionPS: Plumbing StackPSC: Prestressed ConcretePSF: Pounds per square foot PSI: Pounds per square inchPT: PointPTC: Post-Tensioned ConcretePTD: Paper Towel DispenserPTD/R: Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/ReceptaclePV: PavingPVG: PavingPVMT: PavementPVT: PrivatePWR: PowerQUAL: QualityQT: Quarry Tile, QuartQTR: QuarterQTY: QuantityR: RadiusR & S: Rod and SealantRA: Return Air, Registered ArchitectRAD: RadiatorRB: Rubber RBT: RabbetRCP: Reflected Ceiling PlanRD: Roof Drain, Round REBAR: Reinforcing Bar RECP: Receptacle REF: Refer, Reference, Refrigerator REFL: Reflected, Reflector REG: Regular REINF: Reinforcement, or Reinforce REQ: Require, Required RESIL: Resilient RET: Return, Retaining REV: Reverse, Revise, Revision RF: Roof RFG: Roofing RGTR: Register RGH: Rough RH: Right Hand RHR: Right Hand Reverse RM: Room RMV: Remove, Removable RO: Rough Opening ROW: Right of Way RPM: Revolutions Per Minute RT: Rubber Tile, Right RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser RVS: Reverse Side RVT: Rivet RWC: Rain Water Conductor RWL: Rain Water Leader S: South, Sealant, Supply S&S: Stained & Sealed S&V: Stain & Varnish SACT: Suspended Acoustical Tile SALV: Salvage SAN: Sanitary SC: Solid Core SCD: Seat Cover Dispenser SCH: Schedule SCR: Screen SCUP: Scupper SCWD: Solid Core Wood SD: Soap Dispenser SE: Structural Engineer SEC: Second, Secondary, Security System SECT: Section SEL: Select SERV: Service SF: Square Foot SFGL: Safety Glass SGS: Silicone Glazing Sealant SH: Shelf SHT: Sheet SHTHG: Sheathing SHWR: Shower SIG: Signal SIM: Similar SJS: Silicone Joint Sealant SK: Sink SKL: Skylight SLV: Sleeve SND: Sanitary Napkin Dispenser SP: Standpipe, Soundproof SPC: Spacer SPECS: Specifications SPK: Speaker SPL: Special SPLR: Sprinkler SPM: Sprinkler Main SPP: Skim Coat Plaster Painted SQ: Square SS: Stainless Steel, Soil Stack SSGS: Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant SSK: Service Sink ST: Storm Water STA: Station STC: Sound Transmission Class STD: Standard STG: Storage, Seating STK: Stack STL: Steel STOR: Storage STRUC: Structural STWY: Stairway SUPP: Supplementary, Supplement SUPT: Superintendent SUR: Surface SUSP: Suspended, Suspend SV: Safety Relief Valve SW: Switch SWBD: Switchboard SWGR: Switchgear SY: Square Yard SYM: Symmetrical SYN: Synthetic SYS: System T: Tread T/: Top of T&B: Top and Bottom T&G: Tongue & Groove TAN: Tangent TB: Towel Bar TC: Top of Curb, Terracotta TD: Trench Drain TEL: Telephone TEMP: Temporary, Tempered, Temperature TEN: Tenant TERM: Terminal TH: Thermostat THK: Thick, Thickness THR: Threshold THRM: Thermal THRU: Through TLT: Toilet TOL: Tolerance TP: Top of Pavement TPD: Toilet paper Dispenser TPH: Toilet Paper Holder TPTN: Toilet Partition TRANS: Transformer, Translucent TRAV: Travertine TRD: Tread TSL: Top of Slab TST: Top of Steel TT: Traffic Topping TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet TW: Top of Wall TYP: Typical TZ: Terrazzo UH: Unit Heater UL: Underwriters' Laboratories UNEXC: Unexcavated UNFIN: Unfinished UNO: Unless Noted Otherwise UR: Urinal USG: United States Gypsum Company UT: Utility V: Volt VAR: Varies VB: Vapor Barrier VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile VENT: Ventilate, Ventilator VERT: Vertical VEST: Vestibule VF: Vinyl Fabric VIF: Verify In the Field VIN: Vinyl VNR: Veneer VOL: Volume VP: Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe VR: Vapor Retarder VS: Vent Stack VT: Vinyl Tile VTR: Vent Through Roof VWC: Vinyl Wall Covering W: West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water W/: With W/O: Without WAINS: Wainscot WB: Wood Base WC: Watercloset WD: Wood WDP: Wood, Painted WDSS: Wood, Stained & Sealed WF: Wide Flange (structural steel) WGL: Wire-Glass WH: Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant WI: Wrought Iron WIN: Window WM: Wire Mesh, Water Meter WP: Waterproof, Weatherproof WPR: Waterproofing WPT: Working Point WR: Water Resistant, Water Repellant WS: Weatherstripping, Water Stop WT: Weight, Water Table, Watertight WVNR: Wood Veneer WWF: Welded Wire Fabric X HVY: Extra Heavy X STR: Extra Strong YD: Yard YR: Year A: Area, Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air LineAB: Anchor BoltABV: Above AC: Air Conditioning, Alternating CurrentACC: Access ACF: Architectural Concrete FinishACR: AcrylicACST: AcousticACT: ActualAD: Access Door, Area Drain ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992ADD: Addendum; Addition ADDL: AdditionalADH: AdhesiveADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent AF: Above the FloorAFF: Above Finished Floor AIA: American Institute of Architects ALM: Alarm ALT: Alternate, Alteration; AltitudeALUM: AluminumAMB: AmbientAMT: AmountANCH: Anchor, AnchorageANOD: Anodized AP: Access PanelAPPROX: ApproximateAPRVD: Approved APT: ApartmentARCH: Architect, ArchitecturalAS: Acoustic SealantASC: Above Suspended CeilingASPH: AsphaltASSEM: AssembleASSY: Assembly ASTM: American Society for Testing and MaterialsATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling ATTEN: Attenuation, Attention ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; AtmosphericAUTH: Authorized AUTO: Automatic AVG: AverageB: BathroomB TO B: Back to BackB & B: Balled and Burlapped B/: Bottom (of) BAL: Balance, BallastBC: Broom ClosetBDY: BoundaryBEL: BelowBETW: Between BEV: Bevel BHD: Bulkhead BIT: Bituminous BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler BL: Building Line BLDG: BuildingBLK: Block BLKG: BlockingBLT-IN: Built-In BM: Beam, Bench MarkBN: BullnoseBNT: Bent BOT: BottomBP: Base Plate BPL: Bearing PlateBR: BedroomBRDG: Bridging BRG: BearingBRK: BrickBRKT: Bracket BRS: BrassBRZ: BronzeBS: Both Sides BSMT: Basement BT: Bathtub, Bolt BUR: Built-up RoofBW: Both WaysC: Curb, Clock Outlet C/C: Center to CenterCAB: CabinetCAP: Capacity CAR: CarpetCAV: CavityCCW: Counter Clockwise CCTV: Closed Circuit TVCEM: CementCER: CeramicCF: Cubic FeetCFL: CounterflashingCFS: Cold Formed SteelCG: Corner GuardCH: Coat HookCHR: Chilled Water Return CHAM: ChamferCHAN: Channel CHS: Chilled Water Supply CI: Cast Iron CIP: Cast-in-PlaceCIR: Circle, CircularCIRC: CircumferenceCITG: Clear Insulating Tempered GlassCJ: Control JointCK: Caulking CL: Centerline, Clearance, Closure, Class CLG: CeilingCLL: Contract Limit Line CLO: ClosetCLR: ClearCLR OPG: Clear OpeningCMP: Corrugated Metal PipeCMU: Concrete Masonry UnitCND: ConduitCNTR: CounterCOAX: CoaxialC.O.: Cased OpeningCO: Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out COD: Cleanout Door COL: ColumnCOM: CommonCON: ConstructionCONC: Concrete CONN: Connection CONT: Continuous, Continue, ControlCOP: CopperCOR: Corner CORR: Corridor, CorrugateCR: Curtain RodCRPT: CarpetCRS: Course, Cold Rolled SteelCS: Cast Stone CSG: Casing CSK: CountersinkCSMT: Casement CT: Ceramic Tile CTD: Coated CTR: CenterCW: Clockwise, Cold WaterCWR: Condensate Waste ReturnCWS: Condensate Waste SupplyCY: Cubic Yard CYL: Cylinder CYL L: Cylinder LockDA: Double ActingDB: Decibel DBL: DoubleDC: Direct CurrentDD: Driveway Drain, Deck DrainDEG: DegreeDEGF: Degree Farenheit DEMO: DemolitionDEPT: DepartmentDF: Drinking FountainDH: Double HungDIAG: Diagonal DIA: Diameter DIFF: Diffuser DIM: DimensionDISL: DisposalDIV: DivisionDL: Dead LoadDMT: DemountableDN: Down DO: Door OpeningDP: Dampproofing DPR: Damper DR: Door, Dining Room DS: DownspoutDSP: Dry Standpipe DT: Drain TileDTL: Detail DVTL: DovetailDWG: DrawingDWGS: DrawingsDWR: DrawerE: EastE TO E: End to EndEA: EachEB: Expansion BoltEC: Exposed Construction ECP: Exposed Construction Painted EE: Each EndEF: Each FaceEG: Edge Grain EIFS: Exterior Insulation and Finish SystemEJ: Expansion JointELEC: ElectricalELEV: Elevator, Elevation EMER: EmergencyENAM: Enamel ENCL: EnclosureENG: Engineer ENT: EntranceEPDM: Ethylene Propylene Diene MonomerEQ: Equal EQUIP: EquipmentERP: Emergency Receptacle PanelEST: EstimateEW: Each WayEX: ExitEXC: ExcavateEXEC: ExecutiveEXH: ExhaustEXH AIR: Exhaust AirEXIST: Existing EXP: Expansion, Exposed EXT: ExteriorF: Degrees FahrenheitF TO F: Face to Face FA: Fire Alarm, Fresh Air FAB: FabricateFACP: Fire Alarm Control PanelFAG: Fire Alarm Gong FAST: Fastener, FastenFBD: FiberboardFBRK: Fire Brick FD: Floor drainFDC: Fire Department ConnectionFDN: Foundation FE: Fire Extinguisher FEC: Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF: Finished Floor, Factory FinishFFE: Finished Floor Elevation FF&E: Fixtures, Furnishings & EquipmentFFL: Finished Floor Line FGL: FiberglassFGR: Fiberglass reinforced FH: Fire HoseFHC: Fire Hose CabinetFHWS: Flat Head Wood ScrewFHY: Fire HydrantFIN: Finish, finished FIX: FixtureFLG: FlashingFLR: Floor FLUOR: Fluorescent FLX: Flexible FND: Feminine Napkin DispenserFO: Finished OpeningFOC: Face of ConcreteFOF: Face of FinishFOS: Face of StudsFP: Fireproof FPL: FireplaceFR: Front, Fire Riser FRM: FrameFRT: Fire RetardantFS: Floor SinkFT: Foot, Feet, Fully TemperedFTG: Footing, FittingFURN: Furnish, Furniture FURR: Furring FUT: FutureG: GasGA: GaugeGAL: Gallon GALV: GalvanizedGC: General Contractor GEN: GeneralGFCI: Ground Fault Circuit InterruptedGFI: Ground Fault InterruptedGFRC: Glass Fiber Reinforced ConcreteGI: Galvanized IronGKT: GasketGL: GlassGLZ: GlazeGMU: Glazed Masonry UnitGND: GroundGOVT: GovernmentGP: Galvanized PipeGR: GradeGRAN: GraniteGRTG: Grating GT: GroutGV: Galvanized GVL: GravelGYP: Gypsum GYP BD: Gypsum BoardHB: Hose Bib HBD: HardboardHC: Hollow CoreHD: Heavy DutyHDR: HeaderHDPE: High Density PolyethyleneHDW: Hardware HDWD: HardwoodHGR: Hanger HGT: HeightHK: Hook or HooksHM: Hollow MetalHMP: Hollow Metal, PaintedHOR: HorizontalHR: HourHRS: Hot Rolled Steel, HoursHT: HeightHTR: HeaterHV: High Voltage HVAC: Heating, Ventilating & Air ConditioningHW: Hot Water HWR: Hot Water Recirculating Return HWS: Hot Water SupplyHYD: HydraulicI: Iron ID: Inside DiameterIN: Inch INC: Incandescent INCL: Incline, IncludeINCR: IncreaseINFO: Information INSP: Inspect INSTL: Install INSUL: InsulationINT: Interior INV: Invert IP: Iron PipeJ: Joist JB: Junction BoxJC: Janitor's ClosetJF: Joint FillerK: KickplateKIT: KitchenKS: Kitchen SinkKW: KilowattL: Left, LengthLAD: Ladder LAM: Laminate, LaminatedLB: Pound (weight), Lag BoltLBL: Label LBR: Lumber LCD: Liquid Crystal Diode LCL: Linen ClosetLCM: Lead Coated Metal LD: Leader DrainLH: Left HandLIB: Library LINO: LinoleumLIQ: LiquidLKR: LockerLL: Live Load LMS: Limestone LN: Length LNDG: Landing LOC: Locate LOCS: LocationsLR: Living RoomLS: Loud Speaker LT: LightLTG: LightingLTL: Lintel LV: Low Voltage LVR: Louver LW: Light WeightLWC: Light Weight Concrete MACH: Machine MAINT: Maintenance MARB: MarbleMAS: MasonryMATL: MaterialMAX: Maximum MB: Mail BoxMC: Medicine Cabinet MECH: MechanicalMED: MediumMEMB: Membrane MET: MetalMEZZ: Mezzanine MFD: Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck MFG: Manufacturer, ManufacturingMH: ManholeMIKE: MicrophoneMIN: MinimumMIR: Mirror MISC: MiscellaneousMLDG: Molding MO: Masonry Opening MOD: ModuleMONO: Monolithic MOV: Movable MRD: Metal Roof Deck MT: Mount, MountedMTL: Material, MetalMTR: MotorMULL: MullionMWK: MillworkN: NorthNATL: Natural NEC: National Electrical Code NEUT: NeutralNI: Nickel NIC: Not In ContractNO: Number NOM: NominalNR: Noise Reduction NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient NS: Near Side NTS: Not To Scale O TO O: Out to OutOA: Outside Air, OverallOC: On CenterOD: Outside DiameterOF: Outside FaceOFF: OfficeOH: OverheadOHD: Overhead DoorOI: Ornamental IronOPNG: OpeningOPP: OppositeOPP H: Opposite HandORN: OrnamentalOUT: OutletOVFL: OverflowOZ: OunceP: Paint P. LAM: Plastic LaminateP SL: Pipe Sleeve PAR: Parallel PARTN: PartitionPB: Panic BarPBD: Particle Board PC: Precast ConcretePCF: Pounds per cubic footPD: Pump Discharge, Plaza DrainPE: Professional EngineerPED: Pedestal, Pedestrian PERF: PerforatePERIM: Perimeter PERP: PerpendicularPFN: PrefinishedPH: Phase, PhonePKG: ParkingPKWY: ParkwayPL: Property LinePLAS: PlasticPLAS LAM: Plastic Laminate PLF: Pounds Per Lineal FootPLMBG: PlumbingPLTF: PlatformPLWD: Plywood PNL: PanelPNT: Paint POL: Polish, PolishedPORC: PorcelainPORT: Portable POT W: Potable WaterPP: Precast PanelPR: Pair PRC: PrecastPREFAB: PrefabricatedPRES: Pressure PRFMD: Preformed PRI: Primary PRMLD: PremoldedPROT: Protection, ProtectivePRSTR: PrestressedPRTN: PartitionPS: Plumbing StackPSC: Prestressed ConcretePSF: Pounds per square foot PSI: Pounds per square inchPT: PointPTC: Post-Tensioned ConcretePTD: Paper Towel DispenserPTD/R: Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/ReceptaclePV: PavingPVG: PavingPVMT: PavementPVT: PrivatePWR: PowerQUAL: QualityQT: Quarry Tile, QuartQTR: QuarterQTY: QuantityR: RadiusR & S: Rod and SealantRA: Return Air, Registered ArchitectRAD: RadiatorRB: Rubber RBT: RabbetRCP: Reflected Ceiling PlanRD: Roof Drain, Round REBAR: Reinforcing BarRECP: Receptacle REF: Refer, Reference, RefrigeratorREFL: Reflected, ReflectorREG: RegularREINF: Reinforcement, or Reinforce REQ: Require, Required RESIL: ResilientRET: Return, RetainingREV: Reverse, Revise, RevisionRF: RoofRFG: RoofingRGTR: RegisterRGH: RoughRH: Right Hand RHR: Right Hand ReverseRM: RoomRMV: Remove, RemovableRO: Rough Opening ROW: Right of WayRPM: Revolutions Per MinuteRT: Rubber Tile, RightRTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber RiserRVS: Reverse SideRVT: RivetRWC: Rain Water ConductorRWL: Rain Water LeaderS: South, Sealant, Supply S&S: Stained & SealedS&V: Stain & VarnishSACT: Suspended Acoustical TileSALV: SalvageSAN: SanitarySC: Solid Core SCD: Seat Cover Dispenser SCH: ScheduleSCR: ScreenSCUP: ScupperSCWD: Solid Core WoodSD: Soap DispenserSE: Structural EngineerSEC: Second, Secondary, Security SystemSECT: SectionSEL: SelectSERV: ServiceSF: Square FootSFGL: Safety Glass SGS: Silicone Glazing SealantSH: ShelfSHT: SheetSHTHG: SheathingSHWR: ShowerSIG: SignalSIM: SimilarSJS: Silicone Joint SealantSK: SinkSKL: SkylightSLV: SleeveSND: Sanitary Napkin DispenserSP: Standpipe, SoundproofSPC: SpacerSPECS: SpecificationsSPK: SpeakerSPL: SpecialSPLR: SprinklerSPM: Sprinkler MainSPP: Skim Coat Plaster PaintedSQ: SquareSS: Stainless Steel, Soil StackSSGS: Silicone Structural Glazing SealantSSK: Service SinkST: Storm WaterSTA: StationSTC: Sound Transmission ClassSTD: StandardSTG: Storage, SeatingSTK: StackSTL: SteelSTOR: StorageSTRUC: StructuralSTWY: StairwaySUPP: Supplementary, SupplementSUPT: SuperintendentSUR: SurfaceSUSP: Suspended, SuspendSV: Safety Relief ValveSW: SwitchSWBD: SwitchboardSWGR: SwitchgearSY: Square YardSYM: SymmetricalSYN: SyntheticSYS: SystemT: TreadT/: Top ofT&B: Top and BottomT&G: Tongue & GrooveTAN: TangentTB: Towel Bar TC: Top of Curb, TerracottaTD: Trench DrainTEL: TelephoneTEMP: Temporary, Tempered, Temperature TEN: TenantTERM: Terminal TH: ThermostatTHK: Thick, ThicknessTHR: ThresholdTHRM: ThermalTHRU: ThroughTLT: ToiletTOL: ToleranceTP: Top of Pavement TPD: Toilet paper DispenserTPH: Toilet Paper HolderTPTN: Toilet PartitionTRANS: Transformer, Translucent TRAV: Travertine TRD: TreadTSL: Top of Slab TST: Top of Steel TT: Traffic Topping TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet TW: Top of Wall TYP: Typical TZ: Terrazzo UH: Unit Heater UL: Underwriters' Laboratories UNEXC: Unexcavated UNFIN: Unfinished UNO: Unless Noted Otherwise UR: Urinal USG: United States Gypsum Company UT: Utility V: Volt VAR: Varies VB: Vapor Barrier VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile VENT: Ventilate, Ventilator VERT: Vertical VEST: Vestibule VF: Vinyl Fabric VIF: Verify In the Field VIN: Vinyl VNR: Veneer VOL: Volume VP: Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe VR: Vapor Retarder VS: Vent Stack VT: Vinyl Tile VTR: Vent Through Roof VWC: Vinyl Wall Covering W: West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water W/: With W/O: Without WAINS: Wainscot WB: Wood Base WC: Watercloset WD: Wood WDP: Wood, Painted WDSS: Wood, Stained & Sealed WF: Wide Flange (structural steel) WGL: Wire-Glass WH: Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant WI: Wrought Iron WIN: Window WM: Wire Mesh, Water Meter WP: Waterproof, Weatherproof WPR: Waterproofing WPT: Working Point WR: Water Resistant, Water Repellant WS: Weatherstripping, Water Stop WT: Weight, Water Table, Watertight WVNR: Wood Veneer WWF: Welded Wire Fabric X HVY: Extra Heavy X STR: Extra Strong YD: Yard YR: Year GENERAL NOTES: 1 DEFINITIONS: 1.1 "CONTRACT DOCUMENTS": DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT. 1.2 "FURNISH": SUPPLY OR CONSTRUCT OR PERFORM WORK. 1.3 "INSTALL": PUT INTO FINAL POSITION READY FOR USE. 1.4 "PROVIDE": FURNISH AND INSTALL. `.5 "WORK": CONSTRUCTION, LABOR, PRODUCTS, MATERIALS OR ANY OTHER MEANS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS 2 LANGUAGE: 2.1 MODE: DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE WRITTEN IN THE IMPERATIVE MODE WITH NO APPARENT SUBJECT. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THE IMPLIED SUBJECT IS THE CONTRACTOR AND ANY SUB-CONTRACTOR. "PROVIDE WORK," MEANS "THE CONTRACTOR OR SUB-CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE WORK." THE IMPERATIVE MODE IS A DIRECTIVE. 3 RESPONSIBILITY: 3.1 PROVIDE APPROPRIATE QUANTITIES, FIELD MEASUREMENTS, DIMENSIONAL STABILITY, INSTALLATION, ANCHORAGE, AND COORDINATION WITH OTHER TRADES. 3.2 IDENTIFY AND RESOLVE ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 3.3 ALERT ARCHITECT TO ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. X BASE BID: X.1 BASE BID INCLUDES ALL WORK SHOWN IN THESE DRAWINGS AND IN THE SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED AS ALTERNATE BID. X. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONJOINED: X.1 DO NOT SEPARATE DRAWINGS. X.2 SPECIFICATIONS ON DRAWINGS. X.3 DRAWINGS ARE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SPECIFICATIONS TO DETERMINE THE FULL SCOPE, INTENT AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. X.4 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INTENDED TO BE COMPLEMENTARY AND NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. X.5 WORK SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUT NOT LISTED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS AND WORK DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS BUT NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS IS AS IF WORK WERE FULLY DESCRIBED IN BOTH PLACES. X.6 HIGHER QUANTITY, HIGHER QUALITY, MORE LABOR INTENSIVE AND OVERALL MORE STRINGENT AND MORE COSTLY REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY UNLESS OTHERWISE CLARIFIED IN WRITING PRIOR TO BID. X QUALITY X.1 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ILLUSTRATE THE DESIGN AND GENERAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION DESIRED. PROVIDE THE FINEST QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP THROUGHOUT. X REVIEW: X.1 REVIEW ALL PORTIONS OF THE WORK BEFORE STARTING THE WORK TO VERIFY WORK CAN BE COMPLETED AS INTENDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. REFER ALL QUESTIONS TO THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION. X VERIFICATION: X.1 FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING APPLICABLE CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. X DISCREPENCIES: X.2 NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK AFFECTED BY OR RELATED TO SUCH DISCREPANCY. X.3 PENALTY: EACH CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH OR CAUSED BY FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENT TO VERIFY AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. X DIMENSIONS: X.1 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS; CONTACT ARCHITECT IF SPECIFIC DIMENSION IS NEEDED. X.2 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FACE OF EXISTING BRICK OF EXTERIOR WALLS TO OUTSIDE FACE OF NEW, MAIN, PERGOLA COLUMNS. X.3 ALL DIMENSIONS OF INTERIOR PARTITION WALLS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING. X FINISH FLOOR: X.1 SEE PROJECT DATA ON COVER SHEET. X.2 PLEASE NOTE THAT EXISTING PAVERS SLOPE. X EGRESS AND SAFETY: X.1 MAINTAIN ALL MEANS OF EGRESS AND FIRE PROTECTION AT ALL TIMES. X.2 PROVIDE PROTECTED ENCLOSURE OF EGRESS ROUTES THROUGH NEW CONSTRUCTION AREAS. DO NOT SHUT DOWN REQUIRED EXITS UNLESS APPROVED BY AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. X.3 OBTAIN APPROVAL AND COORDINATE ANY SHUT DOWN OF LIFE-SAFETY SYSTEMS INCLUDING EGRESS PATHS WITH THE OWNER AND LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT IN BEFORE SHUT-DOWN. X BRACING: X.1 PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING AND SHORING UNTIL PERMANENT BRACING IS IN PLACE. X COORDINATION: X.1 COORDINATE WORK WITH ALL DISCIPLINES TO AVOID CONFLICTS. X SEALANTS: X.1 SEAL ANY AND ALL PENETRATIONS OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT ENERGY LOSS. X.2 NEW PERGOLA ADDITION IS EXEMPT FORM ENERGY PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE SEALED. X WALLS: X.1 PROVIDE WOOD BLOCKING IN WALLS FOR MOUNTING CABINETS. X DOORS X.1 REFER TO SHEET A611 FOR DOOR TYPES. X.2 INSTALL ALL NEW DOORS WITH HINGES SET 4" MINIMUM FROM ADJACENT, PERPENDICULAR WALL. X.3 CAULK INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PERIMETERS OF ALL HOLLOW METAL AND ALUMINUM DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. X.4 VERIFY UNDERCUT REQUIREMENTS OF DOORS WHERE CARPET OR OTHER FLOORING IS TO BE INSTALLED. X.5 A MINIMUM CLEAR AREA OF 18" IS REQUIRED TO THE SIDE OF EACH DOOR STRIKE JAMB ON THE PULL SIDE FOR DOORS ON AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE. X WINDOWS: X.1 PROVIDE WINDOW BLINDS. REFERENCE A/522 FOR SPECIFICATION. X PAINT: X.1 PAINT ALL NEW EXPOSED, UNCOATED STEEL. X FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: X.1 PROVIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. INSTALL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ACCORDING TO CODE. FINISH ALL NEW FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETS TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL FINISH. VERIFY PLACEMENT AND QUANTITY OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS THROUGHOUT THE SPACE. IF ADDITIONAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER LOCATIONS ARE NEEDED, SUBMIT A PLAN TO THE DESIGNER FOR REVIEW. X MECHANICAL: X.1 X PLUMBING: X.1 VERIFY AND COORDINATE ALL APPLICABLE DIMENSIONS OF FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY OTHERS. X PROJECT COMPLETION: X.1 AT COMPLETION OF PROJECT, OBTAIN ALL FINAL INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AND FURNISH ARCHITECT AND OWNER WITH EVIDENCE OF ALL SUCH INSPECTIONS AND CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY.