HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Special Meeting 06-04-02
City of Carmel
June 4, 2002 (Special :Meeting)
7:00 p.m.
City Hall, 2nd Floor
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
The full Plan Commission will meet at 7:00 p.m. in the Caucus Rooms, 2nd Floor, City Hall, to
discuss one item carried over to this date at the May 21 5t Plan Commission meeting.
Agrnda Items
A. Call Meeting to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call
D. Declaration of Quorum
E. Approval of Minutes
F. Communications, Bills, Expenditures, & Legal Counsel Report
G. Reports, Annolln~ements, & nepartment (;on~erns
H. Pllh1i~ Hearings:
I. -Old Rllsiness:
- -
-, ---~ - -- - - .-. - - . .' th
D~cket No., 127~01 Z; U.S. Highway 31 & 146 Street PIID (Rezone) ,
Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the B-3 (Business)
and R-l (Residence) districts to a PUD/planned unit development district on
56.79 acres. The site is located at the southwest comer of US Highway 31 and
East 146th Street.
Filed by Paul G. Reis of The Reis Law Firm for the Lauth Property Group.
K. Adjournment
Page 1
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DRAFT r Discussion Purposes ()nly
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draft 9/21/01
revised 11/28/01
5/21/02 (interim)
NAY 21 2002
NO. z-
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 31 and 1 46th Street
21 May 2002
Ordinance No. 'Zr
WHEREAS, Section 31.6.4 of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance Z-289, (the "CarmeVClay Zoning
Ordinance") provides for the establishment of a Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the
requirements one. S 36-7-4-1500 et seq.;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana,
pursuant to I.e. S 36-7-4-1500 et seq., it adopts this ordinance, (the "Ordinance"), as an amendment to the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance.
Section 1.
Applicability of Ordinance:
Section 1.1. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, a part of the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance, is hereby changed to designate the land described in Exhibit 'A', (the "Real
Estate"), as a planned unit development district.
Section 1.2. Development in the plamled unit development district shall be govemed entirely by the
provisions of this Ordinance, with the exception that provisions of the CmmeVClay Zoning Ordinance
specifically referenced within this Ordinance shall also apply.
Section 1.3. Any capitalized term not defined herein shall have the meaning as set forth in the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance.
Section 2.
Permitted Primary Uses:
Clinic or medical health center
Financial Institution
Grocery Store
College or University
General Offices
Hardware Store (including enclosed Lumberyard and
attached Garden Center)
Insurance Office
Nursing, retirement or convalescent facility
Recording Studio
Health Club or S a
Utility com an business office
Comedy, musical and/or theatrical entertainment venue
( indoor
Outdoor temporary sales (up to 10 days) such as
sidewalk sales, art fairs and cultural events (may include
sidewalk kiosks)
Multi Ie-Family Dwelling
Professional Office
Research Laboratory
Retail Uses *
Indoor Movie Theater
Restaurant (may include a walk-up or pick up window to
pick up pre-ordered items)
* Retail Uses shall include, but are not limited to, sales of merchandise, consumer goods and equipment; drug
stores; pet shops; liquor stores; auto leasing offices; and indoor automobile showrooms and sales
Section 3.
Excluded Primary Uses:
Amusement Park
Automobile service station or filling station
Bulk storage of petroleum products
Outdoor automobile sales or leasing
Boat sales
Cm. wash
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 3 1 and 146th Street
21 May 2002
Carnivals and circuses Commercial warehouse storage
Disposal or storage of hazardous or radiQactive materials Industrial Equipment sales or reo air
Flea market Fertilizer manufacturing
Garbage disposal plant/sanitary landfill Go-cart track
Grain elevator Industrial uses-heavy
Junk and/or salvage yard Commercial kennel
Manufactured housing sales Miniature golf
Mobile home court Movie theater (outdoor)
Penal or correctional institution Plant nursery
Reclaiming processes involving materials and/or Refining or manufacturing of petroleum products
chemicals that are considered dangerous to the health,
safety, and welfare of the general public as determined
by the State of Indiana, Hamilton County or the City
Refining or manufacturing asphalt, cement, gypsum, Roadside sales stand; parking lot or outdoor temporary
lime, wood preservatives sales except as allowed in Section 2
Sand and gravel extraction or sales Self-storage/mini-warehouse facilities
Sexually oriented business Single-family residence
Small engine sales or repair Stand alone restaurants with walk-up and/or drive-thru
ordering and pick-up windows
Stock yards, slaughtering, leather curing and tanning Truck stop -
Water slide
Section 4. Accessory Buildings and Uses: All accessory buildings and uses which are permitted in the B-2
zoning district shall be pernlitted, except that any detached accessory building shown in any Preliminary
Development Plan ("PDP") shall have on all sides the same architectural features or shall be architecturally
compatible with the principal building(s) with which it is associated.
Section 5. Minimum Tract Size: The minimum tract size is 5 acres. This Section 5 does not however
preclude the sale or other transfer of any parcel of land that is less than 5 acres wit1lin a tract after the approval of a
PDP for the entire tract. However, the development of the parcel must still conform to the Final Development Plan
("FDP") for the entire tract as approved or amended by the Director, and all other applicable requirements contained
in this Ordinance.
Section 6.
Height Area and Architectural Requirements:
Section 6.1. Maximum Building Heights: All uses: eighty-five (85) feet for buildings located east of
Range Line Road; fifty-five (55) feet for buildings located west of Range Line Road and more than three
hundred (300) feet from the west property line or a single family residential zoning district; and forty-five
(45) feet for buildings located west of Range Line Road but less than three hundred (300) feet from the
west property line or a single family residential zoning district.
Section 6.2. Minimum Building Height: The minimum building height is eighteen (18) feet, with a
minimum of sixteen (16) feet to the lowest eaves for a building with a gable or hip roof; excepting for
standalone [restaurants) buildinQs not abuttinQ RanQe Line Road, which shall have a minimum building
height of twenty-five (25) feet. Accessory buildings, attached garden centers, and screened delivery areas
are exempt from the requirements of this Section. In the ADLS approval process, building heights along
Range Line Road will be reviewed to avoid long building facades at the same height.
Section 6.3. Minimum Building Setbacks: The minimum building setback shall be at least 90 feet
from the ClUTent U.S. Highway 31 right-of-way. Along the right-of-way of 1461h Street, the nlinimum
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 31 and 1 46th Street
21 May 2002
building setback shall be 45 feet. Along any right-of-way of any future ramp on or off u.s. Highway 31,
the minimum building setback shall be 25 feet. There shall be no minimum setback for those buildings
oriented toward and adjacent to the Range Line Road right-of-way, but there shall be a maximum building
setback of twenty-five (25) feet.
Section 6.4.
Minimum Gross Floor Area.. Buildings East of Range Line Road and Range Line Road
A. All buildings, which are not connected to or an integral part of the Range Line Road
streetscape development, shall have a minimum of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross
floor area, excluding the floor area of any basement or any accessory building(s). Provided,
however, that !lD.e standalone restaurant (buildiags] huildiDl1 is allowed and shall have a
minimum of 7,500 square feet of gross floor area fanelt. Also. one standalone financial institution
(buildings) huildinl! is allowed and shall have a minimum of 2,500 square feet of gross floor
area, excluding the floor area of any basement or any accessory building(s). (T?:o (2) standaloae
retail buildiags (0)ccluding restaurant and/or fmancial institution buildings permitted above) may
be less than fifteea thousand (15,000) sql:lare feet of gross floor area if they are a part of a
Preliminary or Final De'lelopment Plan that contains at least fifteen thousand (15,000) sEJUare feet
of gross floor a:rea.)
B. Any building having a building footprint of greater than eighty thousand (80,000) square
feet shall be located east of Range Line Road. Any tenant in a building located west of Range Line
Road may however, occupy more than eighty thousand (80,000) square feet of gross floor -fare}
arfa (For purposes of this Ordinance, the term "tenant" includes an owner/occupant of a building.)
C. Accessory buildings permitted need not meet the minimum floor area requirement.
D. The majority of the developed gross floor area (excluding the gross floor area of any
building with a single tenant having a building footprint greater than 50,000 square feet) [looated
east of Range Line Road shall be abutting) shall ahut the right-of-way of Range Line Road.
Section 6.5.
Architectural Design Requirements:
A. Suitability of building materials: A minimum of three materials shall be used for
building exteriors, from the following list: stone, architectural masonry, architectural pre-cast
(panels or detailing), architectural metal panels, glass, EIFS or ornamental metal.
B. All buildings shall be designed in order to eliminate monotonous box buildings.
C. Sloped roofs shall be a maximum of one hundred fifty (150) feet without a change in roof
plane, or gable or dormer. Sloped roofs shall be either standing seam metal or dimensional
D. The building facades shall consist of three elements: a base or foundation; middle or
modulated wall; and a top fOlmed by an articulated cornice.
E. Fixed or retractable awnings are permitted (if thoy: 1. complement a building's
a:rchitecmral style aad details; aad2. cOFlstitute an integral part of the facade. Metal a"\vRings shall
bo permitted to the extent that they are architecturally compatible with the building].
F. Facades constructed of more than one material shall only change material along a
hOlizontal line (not a vertical line, except in the case of an offset described in subparagraph G
below or a diagonal line).
Planned Unit Development District~Ordinance - U.S. Highway 31 and 146th Street
21 May 2002
G. Continuous facades of more than 200 feet wide shall be designed with vertical offsets at
intervals which divide the facade. Offsets may be projecting, recessed or may be a simple change
in building material or detailing.
H. All window design shall be compatible with the style, materials, architectural detail and
proportion of the building.
I. No sign may extend above the cornice line of the building.
J. Individual tenants in multi-tenant ground floor or multi-tenant multi-level buildings
should strive for a unique design and graphic image and style, rather than be required to conform
to a single design and graphic image and style for the building.
K. Exterior lighting on the front building fayade shall be architecturally integrated with the
building style and materials. Rooftop lighting shall be prohibited. hut l!round mounted Jil!htinl!
is hil!hlv encoural!ed.
L. Individual storefronts shall incorporate architectural elements such as lintels, pediments,
pilasters, columns and other design elements appropriate to the architectural style of the building
as a whole.
M. Buildinl!s which are connected to or an intel!ral Dart of the Ranp"e Line Road
streetscaDe develooment shall be at least one and one half (1 !/,) stories. or be desil!ned to
aDoear so from the front and sides. Retail buildinl!s are encoural!ed to he two stories in
heil!ht. with office use or retail use 00 the second floor.
Section 6.6. Single Tenant Buildings: Any single tenant building with a building footprint greater
than eighty thousand (80,000) square feet shall be located east of Range Line Road.
Section 7.
Landscaping Requirements.
Section 7.1. Landscaping Plan: A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Commission for
its approval at the same time the information on architectural design, landscaping, parking,
signage, and lighting, ("ADLS") is submitted. This plan shall:
1. be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances;
2. delineate all existing and proposed structures, private parking areas, walks, ramps for
handicapped, terraces, drive-ways, signs, lighting standards, steps and other similar structures; and
3. delineate the location, size and description of all landscape material and the inigation
system for all planting areas. Landscape treatment for plazas, roads, paths, service and private
parking areas shall be designed as an integral and coordinated part of the landscape plan for the
entire tract.
Section 7.2.
Areas to be Landscaped.
1. The greenbelt along U.S. Highway 31 shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet in
width and landscaped per the requirements of Section 7.3.
2. Greenbelt areas shall be unoccupied except for plant material, steps, walks,
terraces, bike paths, driveways, lighting standards, signs, and other similar structures
(excluding a private parking area).
Parallel Roadwavs:
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 31 and 146th Street
21 May 2002
1. There shall be landscape planting areas located
adjacent to the south right-of-way line of 1461h Street west of Range Line Road and the
U.S. Highway 31 on and off ramps (if constructed), which shall be a minimum often (10)
feet in width arid landscaped pursuant to Section 7.3.
2. These landscape areas shall be unoccupied except for
plant material, steps, walks, terraces, bike paths, driveways, lighting standards, signs, and
other similar structures.
3. Landscaping along Range Line Road shall be located
within the right-of-way as per the agreement of the Director, the Hamilton County
Highway Department and the owner of that portion of the Real Estate adjacent to the
right-of-way of Range Line Road.
C. Planting Within Parking Lots: Landscaping within the planting islands, planting
peninsulas and entrance ways (other than those along Range Line Road) of the parking areas shall
be of a quality to improve and enhance the site and its surrounding area, representing no less than
six percent (6%) of the total surface parking area. (For purposes of this computation, landscaping
in the greenbelt(s), landscaping along the front and sides of the building(s) and landscaping on the
periphery of the tract shall not be included.) Landscaping within parking lots shall be landscaped
pursuant to the standards set forth in Section 7.3. The minimum size of a parking lot island shall
be four hundred (400) square feet in area.
D. Tree Preservation Areas: An area fifty (50) feet in width shall be maintained in its
natural state on the western property boundary and on the south property boundary (west of Range
Line Road) of the Real Estate except for normal pruning, removal and replacement of dead trees.
A fence at least eight (8) feet in height shall be erected and maintained approximately fifty feet
from the western boundary and the southern boundary (west of Range Line Road) of the Real
E. Planting Adiacent to Standalone Buildings:
1. A planting area equal to an area measuring ten (IO) feet in depth by the width of
the front of a standalone building plus twenty (20) feet (to extend ten (10) feet out on
both sides) shall be installed at the front of a standalone building.
2. A planting area equal to an area five (5) feet in depth shall be installed on the
sides of a standalone building but is not required on the rear of the building.
3. Sidewalks up to eight (8) feet in width are permitted in these areas, but shall not
occupy the entire area on any side of a standalone building (excepting for those areas
adjacent to access points to a standalone building).
4. These adjacent planting areas need not be rectangular in shape as long as the
required amount of space is landscaped, innovative and original designs are encouraged.
F. Planting Adiacent to Multi-Tenant Buildings:
1. A planting area equal to an area three (3) feet in depth shall be installed on the
sides of a multi-tenant building but is not required on the rear of the building nor along
any side adjacent to a pedestrian walkway (not a street, drive or other vehicle access
2. Sidewalks are permitted in these areas, but shall not occupy the entire area on
any side of a multi-tenant building (excepting for those areas adjacent to access points to
a multi-tenant building).
3. These adjacent planting areas need not be rectangular in shape as long as the
required amount of space is landscaped, innovative and original designs are encouraged.
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 3] and 1 46tll Street
21 May 2002
Section 7.3. Landscaping Standards.
A. Interior Areas: The dimensions, specifications and design of any planting area or
planting median shall be sufficient to protect the landscaping materials planted therein and to
provide for proper growth. The following minimum widths for interior planting areas shall be
Canopy Trees:
Ornamental Trees:
Shrubs (only):
9 feet wide
7 feet wide
5 feet wide
B. Greenbelt and Parallel Roadwavs: The primary landscaping materials used in the
greenbelt areas, along parallel roadways except Range Line Road shall be shade trees, ornamental
trees, shrubs, ground covers, grasses, and flowers. A base planting unit of one hundred (100)
linear feet will be designated for the U.S. Highway 31 greenbelt and along parallel roadways
which includes:
1. Five (5) shade trees;
2. Three (3) ornamental trees or three (3) evergreen trees; and
3. Fifteen (15) shrubs
Plantings within greenbelt and along the parallel roadways may be grouped together to provide
visual perspectives of the buildings and address public safety concerns. Due to grade elevation
change along 146111 Street east of Range Line Road, landscaping will not be required adjacent to
the right-of-way of eastbound 146111 Street east of Range Line Road where the grade change
reasonably precludes landscaping.
C. Parking Lot Landscaping. Landscaping within the planting islands, planting peninsulas
and entranceways of the parking areas shall contain not less than two (2) trees and ten (10) shrubs
for each fom hundred (400) square feet of interior landscaped area, but shall not include any
ornamental trees.
D. Materials: All plants proposed to be used in accordance with any landscaping plan shall
meet the following specifications:
1. Shade trees: a minimum hunk diameter of21h inches at six (6) inches above the
ground line, a minimum height of eight (8) feet, and a branching height of not less than
1/3 nor more than 1/2 of tree height.
2. Ornamental trees: a minimum trunk diameter of 1 Yz inches at six (6) inches
above the ground line, a minimum height of six (6) feet, and a branching height of not
less than 1/3 nor more than 1/2 of tree height.
3. Evergreen trees: a minimum height of eight (8) feet, a width of not less than 3/5
of the height.
4. Deciduous shrubs: minimum height of twenty-four (24) inches, with no less
than six (6) main branches upon planting.
5. Evergreen shrubs: minimum height and spread of twenty-four (24) inches.
Section 7.4.
Landscaping Installation and Maintenance.
A. Installation: All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a final
Certificate of Occupancy by the Department. If it is not possible to install the required
landscaping because of weather conditions, the property owner shall post a bond for an amount
equal to the total cost of the required landscaping that has yet to be installed and/or completed
prior to the issuance of the temporary Certificate of Occupancy.
Section 8.
Section 9.
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 3 I and 146th Street
21 May 2002
B. Maintenance: It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agents to insure proper
maintenance of project landscaping and retention ponds approved in accordance with the
development requirements specified for this Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to,
irrigation and mulching of planting areas, replacing dead, diseased, or overgrown plantings with
identical varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse, debris, rank
vegetation and weeds.
C. Changes After Approval: No landscaping which has been approved by the Commission
may later be materially altered, eliminated or sacrificed, without first obtaining further
Commission approval. However, minor alterations in landscaping may be approved by the
Director in order to conform to specific site conditions.
D. Inspection: The Director shall have the authority to visit the Real Estate to inspect the
landscaping and check it against the approved plan on file.
Parking Requirements:
A. Parking is prohibited in the U.S. Highway 31 Greenbelt and within planting areas along
parallel roadways.
1. The number of parking spaces required shall be according to Section 27.5 of the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance; however, for the purposes of calculating the required
number of parking spaces, retail and grocery store uses shall use a parking ratio of one
(1) parking space for every two hundred fifty (250) of gross floor area and the area of
attached garden centers and screened delivery areas shall be excluded. Upon the review
and approval by the Director, parking spaces on the Real Estate may be shared among
tenants as long as the demand for the spaces does not coincide among tenants.
2. There shall be an appropriate number of parking spaces, accessible to the
building(s) and identified as reserved for use by handicapped individuals, and these
spaces shall meet State of Indiana requirements.
3. Above-grade, structured parking facilities shall have on all sides architectural
features that are compatible with the principal building(s) with which they are associated.
Lighting Requirements:
A. A site lighting plan shall be submitted along with the information on ADLS. The site
lighting plan shall include the layout, spread and intensity of all site lighting, including:
1 . parking lot and service/storage area lighting;
2. architectural, display lighting;
3. security lighting;
4. lighting of pedestrian and bicycle ways;
5. landscape lighting.
B. The maximum height of light standards shall not exceed (thirty (30)) twentv-five (25)
feet -fhigflt. However, when light standards abut or fall within ninety (90) feet of a residential
district or lise, they shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet.
C. All site pole lights and wall mounted lights shall be low-level, 900 cutoff luminaires and
shall not spill over into adjoining properties in excess of 0.3 footcandle in conunercial areas, and
0.1 footcandle in residential areas.
D. Extelior architectural, display, decorative and sign lighting visible to the public from U.S.
Highway 31 is allowed.
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 31 and 1 46th Street
2 J May 2002
Section 10.
Other ADLS Requirements.
Section 10.1. Outside Storage of Refuse or Merchandise: No outside, unenclosed storage of refuse
(whether or not in containers) or merchandise (other than the merchandise contained in an attached garden
center) shall be pem-titted on any tract. The merchandise within an attached garden center shall not be
stacked higher than the height of the exterior wall. All refuse shall be contained completely within the
principal or accessory building(s). Any accessory structure designed for refuse storage shall be
architecturally compatible with the principal building.
Section 10.2. Loading Berths: Any loading or unloading berth or bay visible from U.S. Highway 31 shall
be screened subject to the approval of the Commission or Committee of the Commission.
Section 10.3.
Sign Requirements:
A. Sign Plan: A sign plan shall be subrrritted for the Commission's approval as part
of an ADLS or ADLS amendment application.
B. Sign Standards: The signs within the Planned Unit Development District shall conform
to the following standards, unless specified otherwise in this Ordinance:
1. The color of the signs shall not be restricted; however, each building shall have
a palette of colors approved at the time of the ADLS approval for the building.
Tenants may amend the colors by petition to and upon the approval of a
Committee of the Commission pursuant to the Commission's Rules of
2. Window signage shall be allowed for all tenants and shall conform to the
standards established for window signs under Ordinance Z-302. In the event that
a building has been previously approved by the Comrrrission under the ADLS
approval process a tenant may seek the approval of its window signage through
an amendment to the previously approved ADLS application to be approved by
a Committee of the Cornnussion.
3. Banners shall be allowed as provided for in Ordinance Z-302. Provided, that
banners may be installed on lighting and other fixtures located within the
streetscape along Range Line Road in accordance with the review and approval
of the proposed banners by a Committee of the Comrrrission pursuant to the
Connnission's Rules of Procedure.
C. Center Identification Ground Signs:
1. Two (2) Center Identification Ground Signs each with a maximum height of 6
feet and a maximum sign area of 105 square feet shall be allowed at: (a) the
south entrance to the development north of the intersection of Range Line Road
with U.S. Highway 31; and (b) at the intersection of Range Line Road and 146th
Street. These Center Identification Ground Signs may not include tenant
identification and shall be consistent in design with the sign shown in Exhibit
(" tl) "B".
2. One (1) Center Identification Ground Sign with a maximum height of 7 feet and
a maximum sign area of 360 square feet shall be allowed in the area adjacent to
the greenbelt along U.S. Highway 31. This Center Identification Ground Sign
may not include tenant identification and shall be consistent in design with the
sign shown in Exhibit [" ") "B".
3. Two (2) Center/tenant identification ground signs with a maximum height of 5
feet and a maximum sign area of 35 square feet shall be allowed at each
intersection of a private drive or public street and Range Line Road. Copy on
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 31 and 1 46th Street
21 May 2002
these Center/tenant identification ground signs may include tenant names -{-aBd
legest up to seventy (70) percent of the maximum sign area and if tenant
identification is included, at least two but no more than six tenants may be
D. Wall Signs: Consistent with the sign standards set fOlih in subparagraph B. above,
wall signs shall be pernutted for each tenant. Excepting for any standalone single or multi-tenant
building adjacent to the greenbelt along U.S. Highway 31, the Maximum Sign Area shall be
detennined in accordance with the non-freeway sign chart applicable for tenants in Single Tenant
& Multi-Tenant Buildings (Ground Floor & Multi-Level) as set forth in Ordinance Z-302.
However, for purposes of this Ordinance, any building located adjacent to the right-of-way of
Range Line Road that is located less than five (5) feet from the right-of-way line of Range Line
Road shall be deemed to be located five (5) feet from the right-of-way line for purposes of
applying the sign chart referenced above to determine the allowable sign area for the wall signage.
Wall signs shall be composed of individual letters and logos and may be illununated by internal or
external sources. Tenants in buildings with more than one frontage on a public street or private
drive are allowed one wall identification sign per frontage on a public street or private drive, as
long as the total number of wall signs does not exceed three (3). Standalone single or multi-tenant
building adjacent to the greenbelt along U.S. Highway 31 shall be pemutted wall signs facing or
oriented toward U.S. Highway 31 in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance Z-302.
Provided, however that:
1. there shall be no wall signs on the east facade of any multi-tenant or single
tenant buildings located [along the] east ID:..Jhf right-of-way of Range Line
Road; and
2. there shall be no wall signs on the west facade facing a single fan1ily residential
zoning district of any multi-tenant or single tenant buildings located along or
west of the west right-of-way of Range Line Road.
E. Awning Signs: Signs may be imprinted on permanent awnings. These signs
shall be secondary to the wall signage of any tenant and the sign area shall be subject to the
approval of the Commission or a Committee of the Commission as a part of the ADLS or ADLS
amendment approval process and pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Procedure.
F. Single Tenant Building Signs. Single tenant building signage shall be as pemutted
by Ordinance Number Z-302, and as amended by Subparagraphs Band D above
Section lOA. Rooftop Mechanical Equipment: Any rooftop mechanical equipment visible from an
adjoining street or highway shall be screened with suitable walls or fencing subject to the approval
procedures contained in the Commission's Rules of Procedure.
Section 10.5. Cali Corrals: Any cali corrals on the Real Estate shall be constructed of masomy
materials subject to the approval procedures contained in the Commission's Rules of Procedure.
Section 11.
Approval of ADLS:
A. The Commission shall consider an ADLS approval application for any project on the
Real Estate.
B. The Comn1ission shall approve the ADLS without conditions, or approve with
C. Pursuant to Paragraph A above, multi-tenant buildings shall be submitted to the
Commission for ADLS approval. At that time, palettes of building matelials, lighting fixtures,
signage types and designs, awnings and window treatments for the tenant facades may be
Section 12.
Section 13.
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - u.s. Highway 3 J and 146th Street
21 May 2002
submitted for approval concurrently with the approval of the ADLS application for the multi-
tenant building. Thereafter, tenant facades (including, but not limited to, building materials,
signage, awnings and window treatments) may be submitted to the Department for approval. To
the extent that there is Material Alteration from the approved items within a particular palette, then
the request shall be reviewed and approved by a Committee of the Commission, pursuant to the
Commission's Rules of Procedure.
D. If there is a Material Alteration in the ADLS plans, review and approval shall be made by
a Committee of the Commission, pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Procedure.
E. The ADLS shall be a specific plan consisting of the architectural design of any buildings,
landscaping, lighting, and signage for a site on the Real Estate.
Approval or Denial of the Preliminary and Final Development Plans:
A. The Commission shall approve without conditions, approve with conditions, or
disapprove the Preliminary Development Plan ("PDP") for any project on the Real Estate.
Provided, however, that the Commission shall not unreasonably withhold or delay the approval of
a PDP that is in conformance with this Ordinance and the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance. If the
Commission disapproves the PDP for any project on the Real Estate, the Commission shall set
forth in writing the basis for the disapproval.
B. The Director shall approve without conditions, approve with conditions, or disapprove
the Final Development Plan ("FDP") for any project on the Real Estate. Provided, however, that
the Director shall not unreasonably withhold or delay the approval of a FDP that is in
conformance with this Ordinance and the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance. If the Director
disapproves the FDP for any project on the Real Estate, the Director shall set forth in writing the
basis for the disapproval.
C. An amendment to a PDP or FDP which does not alter the use of any land may be
reviewed and approved by the Director. However, any interested party may appeal the decision of
the Director directly to a committee of the Commission.
D. The PDP shall be a preliminary plan for the development of real property that is
submitted for approval by the Commission showing proposed facilities and structures and parking
information for a site on the Real Estate.
E. The FDP shall be a specific plan for the development of real property that is submitted
for approval by the Director showing proposed facilities and structures, parking, drainage, erosion
control, utilities and building infonnation for a site on the Real Estate.
F. No Final Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for any building until Range Line
Road has been constructed between 146th Street and U.S. Highway 31, west of U.S. Highway 31.
G. Improvements to Range Line Road south of the intersection of Range Line Road and U.S.
Highway 31 shall be completed in accordance with plans approved by the Department within 6
months following the completion of constmction of Range Line Road between 146lh Street and
U.S. Highway 31.
Violations of Ordinance: All violations of this Ordinance shall be subject to Section 34.0 of the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance.
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance, - U.S. Highway 31' and 146tl1 Street
2 I May 2002
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 31 and 146th Street
21 May 2002
PASSED by the Connnon Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana this _ day of
2002, by a vote of _ ayes and _ nays.
Presiding Officer
Kevin Kirby
Wayne Wilson, President
John R. Koven
Robert Battreall
N.L. Rundle
Ronald E. Carter
Luci Snyder
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
.j f
Planned Unit Development District Ordinance - U.S. Highway 3 J and 146th Street
21 May 2002
n u
Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana the _ day of
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this _ day of
James Brainard, Mayor
8888 Keystone Crossing Suite 1200, Indianapolis. Indiana 46240
G:lreislawIClientsI2062\ 1 IPUD Ordinance 5-21-02(interim).doc