Minutes COM 02-07-23 building was to avoid disturbing the residents. We will work on remediating the lighting if it is found that it causes issues for them. Dierckman: It looks good.Big improvement. Seib: There is a crumbling brick wall that doesn't quite cover the tops of the dumpsters.You can see them from the street.These are issues we inherited from the prior ownership. Zoccola: What are you doing to improve the dumpster area?Are you tearing it down?Seib:Yes,tearing it down and adding fencing made up of black metal with wood slats,about a 10-ft high wall.You will be able to see very little of the top of the generator,but it's about 14-ft high so to put a fence that tall will create an eye sore where one was not before. The generator was replaced in the first couple of weeks of our ownership. Kirsh: To summarize: • You will contribute to the Non-Reverted Thoroughfare Fund for the 635-ft of sidewalk. • Bicycle parking will be added. • A portico will be added. • Amend the trash dumpster and generator enclosure. • Materials colors—commissioner Zoccola made comments for you to consider. • Low level landscape lighting and up lighting is proposed and string lights in the patio area—compliant with Cannel's lighting standards. • Landscaping needs to be brought into compliance with the original landscape plan,any dead, dying or missing plants needs to be replaced.Petitioner proposes to replace the landscaping around the main entrance and portico area and continues to work with the Urban Forester addressing any remaining reviews. Seib: Yes,there are about 6 trees that need to be removed. • Signage plan has been provided and it requires a Variance for signage.You will work with Staff and BZA on that. • Chain-link fence is proposed to be replaced.Will this happen? Seib: Yes A Motion made Christine Zoccola and seconded by Leo Dierckman to approve PZ-2023-00001 ADLS Amend 111 conditioned upon: • Addressing all remaining TAC review comments, • "Beefing up"the Porte Cochere column widths, • Adding 2 inverted U bicycle parking racks(for 4 bike parking spaces), • Coming into Multiuse Path compliance, • Contributing to the Non-Reverting Throughfare Fund for the 635-ft of sidewalk, • Seeking necessary BZA variances, • Finalizing permits/approvals needed for patio construction, • Keeping lighting plan in compliance with City of Carmel Standards, • Updating the Trash Dumpster/generator enclosure,and • Continue to work with Urban Forester to bring Landscaping up to compliance. Approved 4-0. 2. Docket No.PZ-2022-00224 OA: BJ's Wholesale Club-146th&Keystone PUD Amend. The applicant seeks to amend the PUD to add accessory uses and update various other development standards requirements to construct a BJ's Wholesale Club building. The site is located at 14480 Lowes Way.It is currently zoned PUD:Z-344- 146th&Keystone Ave.PUD.Filed by Marc LaVoie,PE,of BJ's Wholesale Club,Inc. Petitioner: Steve Hardin: Plan commission review items have been addressed and resolved.Outstanding items: 1. Work on our additional underground gas storage tanks including underground tank protective measures in the event of a surface spill. The team has worked with John Thomas recently and an agreement was reached to work with them,but not clear about what is the very best way to accomplish this task.The Development team 2 Commercial Committee Meeting Minutes 2-7-23 agrees with what the goal is and is committed to working with the city as the Staff has asked and do whatever is best to resolve this item. 2. Staff mentioned that the entrance to the building coming off Lowes Way is offset,it requires and extra turn to reach the entrance. Staff requested to simplify the unnecessary turn.Development team will work on updating entrance to avoid unnecessary maneuvers by the time the project is ready for DP ADLS. 3. Leo Dierckman had requested the team to provide examples of perspectives. Exhibits came in and were circulated.One has the aerial exhibit on front page with keys. Leo Dierckman was satisfied. Department Report:Mike Hollibaugh: Mr. Hardin touched on all the high points. Staff is pleased with the progress in the site,building,and architecture design.Feels like issues have been addressed.The pledge to continue to work with engineering is important,as well as the refinement of the access points into the site and parking area. Staff feel confident this can move on knowing that we will see this again at DP ADLS and Council. Committee Comments: Zoccola: Voiced concern about the location of the gas station.Ordinance says that the vent pipes must be 500-ft away from residentially zoned properties.Confirmed that requirement is fulfilled.Voiced concern with the runoff into Cool Creek. Is this the piece you are working on with Engineering and low best to minimize that?Hardin:yes,when you are filling with a tanker to fill tanks underground, if there is a spill)on the surface there are different strategies for how to contain that.Zoccola: Is it possible being so close to Cool Creek to come up with a solution to contain that?Jason Carr: We had a positive discussion with John Thomas and Alex Jordan from your storm water division,we look at those spill scenarios and we consider the fuel transfer at the end of the ground storage tanks as well as the fuel transfer at the dispensers where a customer would be filling up. Two volumes and flow rates and scenarios.The goal is to contain everything.We will work closely with John to solve this concern.We discussed something like a flooding test Ito see where the water would go. It will be a very complete analysis.Zoccola: I am supportive of this project;this is my biggest concern with this project. Aasen: We said there are different factors that come into play with the positioning of the gas station,you can't move it any more in one direction because then you get into the 500ft,then if you move it closer to the creek that increases the concern even taking the safety measures,then there was third consideration that was the way the parking and the flow would work. So,can you explain how we got to the decision that there were no better options and that this was the best location to put the gas station. Gene Beiermann:We looked at this in multiple directions. We worked closely with Staff. We have the 500-ft of separation that must be met(over 550-ft).The only other option is to move it to the north right in front of the primary entrance. This is an operations,traffic,and life safety concern.Mark LaVoie: There were concerns with queuing and we believe that where the fuel is located is a perfect location so the fueling won't impact the entrances,curb cuts coming into the parking lot.Aasen: The important answer here was traffic safety.Make sure you repeat that at Council.Zoccola: Is the gas station open to members only,which would mean reduced traffic? Hardin: Members only.Dierckman: Right turn out only onto Lowes Way, is that for cars and trucks?Will the radius work for trucks?Marc LaVoie: Yes,we will make sure it does.Kirsh: If this is designed as best as possible and it can become a model for the way gas stations should always be built,then you will find a community that is glad to say yes to this gas station this close to residential as well as a water way.As long as you keep working with John Thomas,I feel comfortable knowing there are still a few more steps. Items met: • Minimum set back • Architectural design and parking requirements • Outside storage or refuse and merchandise requirements • Sign PUD has been updated to resemble the UDO more closely • Bike parking,overnight parking,and offsite roadway improvements • No commitments required for nuances mentioned on Department report because this will be reviewed again at the DP ADLS stage Steve Hardin confirms these have all been met. 3 Commercial Committee Meeting Minutes 2-7-23 Aasen motions to send this to City Council with a favorable recommendation.Zoccola seconded contingent to continuing work with Engineering and have a plan so there is no runoff into Cool Creek and work with Engineering on the traffic access piece.Adam Aasen agrees to amendment to motion. A Motion made by Adam Aasen and seconded Christine Zoccola by to send PZ-2022-00224 OA to the City Council with a favorable recommendation contingent on continued work with Engineering to prevent runoff into Cool Creek and improving traffic access. Approved 4-0. 3. Docket No.PZ-2022-00237 DP/ADLS: Carmel Medical Office Building at The Bridges. The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new,three-story medical office building on 9.23 acres. The site is located at the SW corner of Illinois Street and Pittman Way,south of the Market District grocery and west of the KAR office building. The future address will be 11380 Illinois Street.It is zoned PUD (The Bridges Z-550-11)and is not within any overlay district.Filed by Nathan Winslow of American Structure point on behalf of the owner,Cornerstone Companies. Petitioner: Nathan Winslow: Concerns brought up during the previous Plan Commission hearing: • Drainage issues both adjacent to and on our site,as well as further north into the overall Bridges development. Steve Pittman is here to explain. There has been communication between owners expressing the PC concerns. Communication has been included with our resubmittal package. Is there any feedback you have received? Steve Pittman: Property was sold in March 2017 and then sold again. I was able to track down the person in charge with Eco Bridges Properties.They are aware that there is a problem and says that while the system appears to be working well,he believes there are still issues.He mentioned there are questions about the water feature going away and becoming landscaping.He didn't want to make commitments on that,but they are open to the possibility. They are a separate property, separate petition,and they are not responsible for that. I wanted to communicate this here.My reputation is attached to property as the original developer.I am glad to work with the City and new owner to make sure this gets taken care of as expected. Winslow: • Questions about what the visuals would be from the new Steadman apartments across the street. Would they see the mechanical equipment from the top floor of those buildings?We submitted a rendering showing that view with the resubmittal package.All mechanical equipment on the rooftop will be fully screened. • Included renderings of dumpster enclosure showing that it matches the aesthetics of the building.It is now in compliance. • There was some discussion about the landscaping and what it might look like from the apartments.Produced exhibit showing trees proposed on our site relative to the street along the apartment site.You will see adjacent to what we are developing, it is significantly denser on our site because of the parking lot.We feel this is a very visual aesthetic screening element we have implemented to further enhance the view from the apartments across the street. Zoccola: What is distance from the trees.Albert Radomski: It's approximately 10-ft between the back of the sidewalk and the back of the parking lot. There is a 4 to 5-ft strip between the sidewalk and curb line.The trees will be behind the sidewalk so there is room for the root system to grow. Dierckman: Is the water feature going to stay with the current ownership of the building or is it ultimately going to end up under different ownership?Jeff Shively:that will be part of the current ownership.Winslow:As part of the overall engineering development approval process,we will have to prepare an operations and maintenance agreement to be signed and recorded.That essentially gives the City authority to enforce lack of maintenance. Zoccola: How much parking do you have here.Aasen: You had more than you needed anticipating futures.Zoccola: So,you are anticipating whatever goes next?Hollibaugh: 211 are proposed. Shively: The users require just over 4 spaces/1000sf,we are just over that;our goal is to make this a whole medical campus.Winslow: We are in negotiations with users which are confidential right now. Shively: We are looking at a medical office northeast, potentially a surgery center northwest,and a medical office south of empty space. Dierckman: Do the Traffic studies indicate that this is still an acceptable utilization level?Winslow: it is my understanding. Aasen: I feel comfortable that concerns with the existing water feature will be addressed.I noticed that the questions 4 Commercial Committee Meeting Minutes 2-7-23