HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 06/27/2001 17:32 HAMILTON CO USDA~ PAGE 01/03 l: 1108 SOllth 9th Strut IJIISV/lle, JIV'~6()6()"JUJ Ph. (3't1) 773-1432 Fax (317) 776-1 lOt . Dl'afnags, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Tecbnlca1Ilevlcw and O>mment .~~ Sub' ~\.~~. ~ -~~~ 96 lit SYJPG~-r PJ(DFI!SS(~~AL '~PJ{. . 7Jt~H~' tJGTDH 8LJ1Lf)IN~ t':.t'JIP. . /<~,/.4R- ~.8B ~. 7130 LAAlre~N ~D. ~a., 6AAnl ~ DRlv~ :Z;/'/ fJ /A NA PtJU{ -r-AI CA~/'fe~ ;r JJ ~'o"z.. "t.~ ,tp tt, - I~ .' ~By: .-IOHH Q. SOOTh' e..,.. Plan Review Procedure: Site Visit Date: Location: ~. s~.lJ4' ~ ~A;N'LJAI.J.. .D,nuE Lepl Description: . 5€C. B TOWDSbip: /7#' . Plan Reyiew Date: -3-8e z~1- 1..-.2 7~61 Range: 'IE, . . Civil ToWnship: c~r 121. tec1irrlcb1.revw qnjl CDIntIt4llll are iiftentld tD evalu.aU tlJS CIJlIfp/ldtJM.u ofh PM/on tlIId sediment r;Dntrol .rp/tln.~ tTiTJ'p1'oftcL n. e1WIon and sedimeItl ~ntTtJl plan subm/tt<<l W4f Mt rrMwedlOl' tlul ~ of the ~~~ .mprlJl:t/~ ~nduJ.eJ in 1M plan. tIS wU tJf tho.r~ reQmm~ In ih4 ~mmenU s"OII/d he eN71UJ:lJ11d ~ tc> iJlidr let#iDilily by a ~al!fied f1lJlivldwl With srrudurat p,.tIClic4s dIlSlgned by a qualified cngiMlJ'. 17le pltm 1u81,t(Jt ~ reviewed for l(,)CQl, state. or fWlraI pumib iMt may h, retJIlired 10 prixe.ed with this ptV(1jed. .A.di/itiDrulIn.fQ1'lllflti.on. including dull" calculmions may be ~ed to.fi:trlJw' ~aluate the erosIon ~~pli:rn. . , n.e erOsion lUld.sedimeut coatroj plaD bas ~ revjewed. and ~.has been ~ that the plaD: o Satbfiesth~:mJnimUUlTcquircments.an~ intent o!327IAC IS-S (Rule 5). NotificatioD wlU be forwarded to the ID.diaoa De.pattI;Q.cnt of Environmental'Management cots section for additional iDfonnatiOl1. Does n~t sa~(y the mum requirements and intent 0(.327IAC 1 S-S (Rule'S); defICiencies are noted in the check:1JSt an . the comments section. Oeficiencies constitute potential violation oCtile ride and must y addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies mU5t be submi~: . Please address revisions (0 the reviewer. ProJHll'implemenlalion of the t!.I"osion and sedimtu'; c01flrol plan tITId ;1UpecliolU'ofthe cOlUlrflction site by tlie d~oper or Q repi'esenJativ4 are MJ:ellQry to minimize ojf-site sedim.mation.. The developer shtJuld be OWQ1'tl. tMt rqiforeseen constnieJiiJn etMtiu and well/her conditions may q{<<:t ~ puformance 01 Q practlc. or (II. erosl~ tl1td sediment cOhh'Ol plan.. The plan must be ajlc:ible dOCll1tle1fI, with provisions 10 modify or svbs/ltule practices as trCtIUStlI)I. . 86/27/2881 17:32 317-77F-11B1 U PROJBCT: "It sl-. rJ!O~ fA2/( Page:Z ~ HAMIL TON CO USDAO PAGE 82/03 .ARE 'tIlE Wu.oWING rrEMS ADEQUATELY ADDBESSED OM TIlE PLANS T (.4ll PIas Mrt# llU:buJ4ApproprUr14 lAg" SM/b" - North kntw) ~t/JfIllIH NtftAppUctz/Jk UI this Pn1je.d ~ ~ q NA) Yes No PROJECrINF'O~nON ~ 0 l,A Project Location Map (Show project in ~Mf 10 odret-~ oftM eofmJJl) III d IB Nanatlve n.rlblJlg dae Natan: and PurpoM of the Projeet f!I 0 Ie Location orPluuaed and/or EJUdng Roads, UCWda, Stn1ct.a~ Blgbw&)'S, de. " 0 ID Lot u.d/or BalldiDz LoeatiODl ~ 0 IE LudaJe of AdJaceDt Areas (SMw tlrd Entire Up~ fYarlfnhed tmd Mjtl.cmrAtwa.r Within $00 Fed olth4 ProJ1flrlY Una) Yes No TOPOGRAPRIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES . o~lJ ~ 2A EJiIdag Vegetadon (11l.rlb IIlJIi DeIlnear,) .~ ~ II %B Locadol1lU1d Name of AU Wetlands, Lakes Pel Water Q)urtet Oil aDd AdJaetIlt to die Site D~ ~ IBI 2C' 100 Year F1ooc1plaWt P100dway FrlIIges, aDd Jl1oo4,.-ayI (J(ou Ui/on.) 5' ~ fA.} If!' l~tJtI ~'iJk.s / ," , 1!I m SoUl Intormatioll (Qlrytlric mils ~ pratIftl. it 16."'" ~/litY ofrh4 (MlmlllflHlloperlo ~ the f1d,Jtmu o/wlll11tIb antl to obtain ,..""afr.r1trl tM91fOIrftltagawnmfnl QfnfJIcrJ III 0 2.1: . lt~. ad PI..... CoD-man. IIlllderval Apptopriafe to Iadlcate Dnbaage Patterat iii [] 2Il' Locati.- 01 SpedfIc Polllts Where StOl'lllwater'PIIdauJe ~ Leaw the Site (J 0 2G J4eIlCIf)t All ~ Wakn ('1lJUt:/uDp i.J.fIl1 cr~1bnIdptIl St<mfI s-r, lMtttIJY rhs NtIIIIe 0/" MlmldplJl OJ-atur'" ths Ultbtt4* lWIIIvhtg ".,.., [], 1I m PotenCial Ara8 Whea'e Storm..... May 1tttter Groaaclwaer (Note I/IIOM) II 0 21 LocatIon of ~tol'lllWater System (btclue CvIHt1.6, StvnII Scwft. CMnn'ell. tIIItl Swier) Yes . No LAND DISTURBING ACI'lVlTIES tl lllI 3A Locatioa cd Apprulmate DldleadODl of An DIIla.'thd Areal [I.... c-.If'llCd'CIII Lbrrit.rJ b~ ,r ~ WIan ,.~ Ccw.r WiIlIhPtwl1l'Htl$Jullll4 NCJ.r6I~ tI 3. Soil Stockpiles ael or BorroW Areal (ShIN LocaIU:1nI Of' Note ifNaM) Yes 'No EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Ir. D 4A SequeIlce of Whea Eacb l'tfe&ldl'e wm Be ImpJemeatal (Rd:rtIw to &rtli Distxri1ing Aclivitia) III 0 4B Ma.niCoriDz and Mahateiwlce Galdelb1eot tOt Each Measure [J H .4C PerImeter Sediment Control Malara (lAf:;4tlon. CGnnrtrdiGn Ddtd/. Ditrutulmu, tIIftl Sp<<:(fkItIlkInI) , 0 4lJ TelDporary ~ (Sp<<I/I<<lItmu: r"cluing &. ~ Fmlltur. LIme. tlIId MJdeh kw) ~ 0 4E T~poraty Efo$iOIl and SeclImaIt Coatrol Me&RU'e't (l,o<<ditm. CAtr#nterlGn DeltJil. Dinu!tuI(Jff4. antl Sp<<:lftaztloru) .LI 0 4ll', PenIwaeDt EI"OSiol1lJlcl SecllmeDt CoatI"OI MC8IIIRI .. g 0 (l.ActIJion. CorrsrrvctiGn DetDil. ~. anti SpeiftCtltloru) 4G storm DI'IiIt lillet Protecdoa (/AcIltIMI. OJruI1w:don DfIIIIl, DinrllUloru, and Specff1ctlliOll3) 0 III 4B S.rmwUer 0utId Protec:tiOD (z.o::atian. Cor"'rrlt:IiGn Ddml. DitrUlMIGnI. qnJ $JIfJd/kati()lll) . 0 41 Stable CoutnlctiOD Entranee (lAcalion. Con.rtnu:rion DdDiI, ~oru. tI.1ttl Spt1dfit:tllloru) D HfA 0 4J ErosioD and Secllmat eontrvl on IDdMdall BaPcIiJlI Loll (Speifit:lJtiaM) IJI 0 4K Perauuaaat seedb. (Spcifi<<llt<<u: 11It:/wllrlg s.J Ai&. Fwfl/Jpr. LIm., OIId.UfIk:h Pat.tu) ~-4/97 06/27/2001 17:32 317-77F-1.101 U H~MILTON CO USD~ PAGE 03/03 RRO~TON AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW . COMMENTS Project; ,t. .,. srbEr f~OFlssiuv"'-L f'~ Page 3 of Z. Nole: Ail uOIIQn and ,editnent cont1'ol measures shoWl't on the plans and refennced III this review mUll 1IIt81 the design Cflterkl, lIa11dardJ, and Ipecf/icaJiotrJ OUIlineJ in the "Indiana HandbooJclor Erosion Control in Dev~lf)plhg AfeM;' frf)m 1M IndiClllrt Deparlmr:nJ 01 Natural RUOUTCU, Divaion olSoi! Ct;lMfI!n1ati(ln (IT IPnilm- Gu/danc,B DoctilllUUfb. '. t. ~~,.I ~1'- LI!V~SE tJrrAIJ. Zkr.' 7d~ ru~F&~.~1' rN'E t:!8#c:Z~re ,~/) IE I.e/,JEL I.eN"'# r//e ~U /.Nt/uT. , .2. rJI! s.'k 'I"J.""c~ 1J16~ ~,J~ ~~''si~, ~~.k ~LJlk,( ~ Id,'// */IXl, 50./"" ~ 3. $;'/II)~i&e. ,"$ ;e~~M~~;;~~ A/~ ~rl-L </UlSf ~tI ~,ult $'~, . (l:i1ftXJ( l. Emsi~Lt. 1:.O....4~c #'i~ c~a~je; to CQ/~e.J ~ tl4.4. So;-( +- \Jt:..Jc,r CDloUeIVJi'b..... J::>....S fn0-: 'Z..sH~c.O ~~~~~ ~;If Pe~e a.~ rrfl.;~-rC .....j /0 hI ~1''''--h.,..tA&iJ. ;. : ~iil7-::t./:~t-;;;<~~t ~:W~~;7 +;r......'''j ~ ~ e,,..-.../ ~,~e..k . cc: .I..I,;I~ ~s..c~s r;k Q u .!:!.!!!P, Laurence M From: Sent: To: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Tuesday, May 29, 2001 4:32 PM Hill, Dick B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C RE: 96th Street Professional Park Dick, If there was any input from the Plan Commission re: accel/decel, I don't recall it. As a matter of fact, I don't know that the issue would ever have been raised, since at the time they were considering the plat, there was no plan proposed for Block A. If there was any comment, I suspect it would center around the impact on the existing street trees. I can't imagine why the residents of Williamson Run would object to improvements that would make traffic on Randall Drive flow more smoothly. ----Original Message----- From: Hill, Dick B Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 4:01 PM To: Lillig, Laurence M; Dobosiewicz, Jon C Subject: 96th Street Professional Park . Three entrances? When was that decided? Was that decided? If you'd like, I'll raise the question of the accel/decellanes at the meeting tonight. Laurence Adam DeHart was in today asking if we had major issues remaining after his response to our T.A. C. comments. Adam indicated that he was on the BZA agenda tonite and wanted to be aware of any issues. Kate has not reviewed his letter or revised drawings. I did look at both today. The only major issue I see regards Kate's request for accel/decellanes to be provided at the entrance to this development. Adam's response was that the traffic impact analysis for the 96th Street Auto Park did not warrant the installation of accel/decellanes for the three proposed Randall Drive Entrances for the office park in Block "A". He also verbally indicated the Williamson Run residents objected to them and Plan Commission?? did not require or want them. I am not sure if he said Plan Commission. At any rate, Kate had to leave early and has not been able to respond. Do either of you have any recollections or comments regarding this issue, one way or another? 1 u u '" Lilli , Laurence M ~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Tuesday, May 29, 2001 6:38 PM Hill, Dick B RE: 96th Street Professional Park Dick, The plat sets Randall Drive within a 52-foot-wide right-of-way. Whether that's enough to accommodate accelJdecel, I'll let you and Kate be the judges. I'll see if I can get the mothion contingent on outstanding TAC concerns. Laurence -----Original Message----- From: Hill, Dick B Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 4:56 PM To: Lil/ig, Laurence M Subject: RE: 96th Street Professional Park I talked to Adam. He stated that Williamson run objected to accelJdecellanes due to the loss of street trees. I misunderstood. He said that was the only objection other than the fact that the accelJdecellane issue had never been raised until Kate's request He said it never came up during plat review. I told him that this would probably not be a plat issue. Also told him that this was not an unusual request from our department, particularly for a platted development According to Adam, there is not enough existing r.o.w. to accomodate accelJdecellanes and additional right of way requirements would probably affect his parking requirements. Adam indicated he would be willing to meet with Kate to work this out, prior to requesting BPW approval. I did not address the three entrance issue. ---Original Message--- From: Lil/ig, Laurence M Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 4:32 PM To: Hill, Dick B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C Subject: RE: 96th Street Professional Park Dick, If there was any input from the Plan Commission re: accelJdecel, I don't recall it As a matter of fact, I don't know that the issue would ever have been raised, since at the time they were considering the plat, there was no plan proposed for Block A If there was any comment, I suspect it would center around the impact on the existing street trees. I can't imagine why the residents of Williamson Run would object to improvements that would make traffic on Randall Drive flow more smoothly. Three entrances? When was that decided? Was that decided? If you'd like, I'll raise the question of the accelJdecellanes at the meeting tonight. Laurence ----Original Message- From: Hill, Dick B Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 20014:01 PM To: Lil/ig, Laurence M; Dobosiewicz, Jon C Subject: 96th Street Professional Park Adam DeHart was in today asking if we had major issues remaining after his response to our TA C. comments. Adam indicated that he was on the BZA agenda tonite and wanted to be aware of any issues. Kate has not reviewed his letter or revised drawings. I did look at both today. The only major issue I see regards Kate's request for accelJdecellanes to be provided at the entrance to this development. Adam's response was that the traffic impact analysis for the 96th Street Auto Park did not warrant the installation of accelJdecellanes for the three proposed Randall Drive Entrances for the office park in Block "A". He also verbally indicated the Williamson Run residents objected to them and Plan Commission?? did not require or want them. I am not sure if he said Plan Commission. 1 u u At any rate, Kate had to leave early and has not been able to respond. Do either of you have any recollections or comments regarding this issue, one way or another? 2 ,..- f\ Q KEELER -WEBB ASSOGIATES "U :t 1~,-f . r'r'( / .,r ~(f / Consulting Engineers' Planners' Surveyors TELEPHONE (317) 574-0140 . FAX (317) 574-1269 486 GRADLE DRIVE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 May 22, 2001 Mr. Scott Brewer Urban Forester CITY OF CARMEL One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re.: _JlS1ffieftiIm5feS's.iQftatEmifk 9750 - 9760 Randall Drive Indianapolis, Indiana KWA Project No.: 0102-019 RESPONSE LETTER This response letter is based on your review letter dated May 1, 2001. The following items directly correlate with your letter and these revisions and comments have been made to the construction documents which are attached: 1. Additional detail has been added to the Landscape Plan to reflect the right-of- way width and location of 70' pedestrian/vehicle ingress/egress and utility easement, 25' drainage and utility easement and the 20' sanitary sewer easement. The sidewalk has been located in such a manner that it will not interfere with the existing Oak trees along the east side of Randall Drive. This area is busy with different utilities and the overall new plantings have been positioned in such a manner that they will be located near the parking lot and not directly over most of the utilities within these easements. 2. Air conditioner condenser units and electrical transformers have been shown on the Landscape Plan. 3. The column on the side of plantings has been revised per your recommendations. Additional note, No.6 was added in regards to planting conforming with the American Standards of Nursery Stock. All shade and I Indianapolis, IN. Chicago, IL. St. Louis, MO . Cincinnati, OH. Henderson, KY. Jacksonville, FL A' " w w '1 ornamental trees shall be 2" caliper and revised per note on tree and platning shrub schedule. 4. Malus White Angel Crab Apple has been changed to a Malus David Flower Crab Apple. 5. A revision has been made to the ground sign elevation to reflect the plantings as noted on the plan view around the sign. 6. Two additional notes have been added to the Planting details for trees and shrubs. Additionally, the comment in regards to drainage and eliminating the settling of plants has also been changed on the detail. If you have any questions or comments in regards to this project, please do not hesistate to contact our office at any time. Attached for your review is one additional set of the Landscape Plans which reflect all of the above request for change or comments. Respectfully, KEELER-WEBB ASSOCIATES ~ ~..UJ- Adam DeHart, LS Project Manager ALD:mv./ enclosure 2 KEELER-WEBB ASSOC1l\.TES Consulting Engineel t 486 Gradle Drive ~.. CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 (317) 574-0140 Fax (317) 574-1269 [1rnvTI{.....j @[? v~~@[tYi]OVV&[1 TO......""""".. DEPAR'lMENT OF COMMUNITY SERvr JOB NO. 2001 0102-019 Sue Ellen Jolmson One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 96th Street Professional Park Indianapolis, Indiana WE ARE SENDING YOU D Attached D Under separate cover via delivery the following items: > o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Samples o Specifications o Copy of letter o Change order o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 5/21/01 15 BZA Packets THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval 0 Approved as submitted o For your use 0 Approved as noted > o As requested 0 Returned for corrections o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS o Resubmit copies for approval o Submit copies for distribution o Return corrected prints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COpy TO SIGNED: Adam DeHart, LS ~'l If enclosures are not as noted. kindly notify us at once. o u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Saturday, May 19, 2001 10:38 AM Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Hollibaugh, Mike P John R. Molitor (E-mail) East 96th Street Auto Park, Block A~ Informational packets were not received by the Department by close of business on Friday, May 18, 2001. I think we should recommend that this Item be tabled to the June 25, 2001, meeting of the BZA for that reason. Plans revised per T AC comments have not been submitted. Of specific concern to the Department are: The dumpster at the north end of the project needs to be pulled out of the 50-foot landscaping strip. This can easily be accomplished by eliminating 2 - 4 spaces at the north end of the parking lot. At present the plan calls for 101 parking spaces where only 81 are required, therefore no parking problem results from this action. A sidewalk needs to be installed on the east side of Randall Drive from the south line of Williamson Run Subdivision to a point between 660 and 670 feet south. We are not requiring them to install the sidewalk on the west side of the street at this time (we'll have that installed when the property to the west develops), nor are we requiring them to bring the sidewalk all the way down to 96th Street at this time - preferring to have it installed when the south half of Block A develops so that it isn't damaged during construction. A connector walk into the site needs to be installed at the curb cut, too. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 llillig@d.carmel.in.us 1 ~. . u u City of Carmel ",j-c'7j"<', (_~~Of 4~~':.. :,~' ~',\ ..'..' u...... c... (' \\ ; *,.w,1 ^~ ",~ .,* ':{: "~:; ~~Q'l:~' -. "11?, _ ~" '<'-'/(,7'ON c():!.!' DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Mr. Adam DeHart. LS Keeler-Webb Associates 486 Gradle Drive Carmel, IN 46032 ~ 8 ~ ,jJtcttlttJ ~.. 'May 3,2001 RE: 96th Street Professional Park t:~ 9(p 'T1( rr. -4'ttpC} .~ K; 6LI<' 4, Dear Mr. DeHart We apologize for the delay in reviewing this pr~iecl. We offer the following comments: GENERAL I. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits, 2. JURISDICTIONS: . Streets (Randall Road) - City of Cannel . Water - Indianapolis Water Company service area . Sanitary Sewers - City of Cannel Wastewater Utility . Storm Sewers/Stonn Drainage - City of Cannel 3. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY APPROY ALS . Commercial Curb Cut/Temporary Construction Entrance - The feller of requeslto the Board should include an 8 Y2 x 11 exhibit which shows the entrance, drive width, overall drive width at the edge of pave men I. radii. right of way line(s) and right of way dimension and any other information pertinent to the requesl. . Sanitary Sewer Availability - The leller of request to the Board should include an itemized listing of the buildings, their size in total square feet per building and the intended use of the building. . Irrigation System in Right of Way or Dedicated Easement - We note a water line labeled for use for an irrigation system. If any portion of the irrigation system is installed in a dedicated casement, a Consent to Encroach Agreement will be required. This Agreement requires Board apprO\'al. Likewise, if the irrigation system is installed in dedicated right of way, Board approval is required. Any other permanent fixture installed in the right of way or dedicated casement will ~.;~\i~iirc si:r:iLir tI\',~H:nC;l: ::nd ;l;';pro\::.d:: I am enclosing a schedule of Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board, Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commissiol/ amI/or the Board ofZollillg Appeals ami cOlI/pletioll of reviell' by the Techllical Advisory COII/II/ittee. All written requests to be placetl on the Board'.'; agellda must illclude the appropriate tlocket IIumbers alld the date (or date.\) of approval by the Plan Commission amI/or BZA. 4. SANIT ARY SEWER A Y AILABILlTY (ACREAGE) AND CONNECTION FEES . Availability (acreage) Fees are based upon tOlal acreage (legal description required) :"{t $1 ,J()5.00 per acre for sanitary sewer. However. the A\'ailability (acreage) Fees for the entire parcel known as the 96th Street Auto Park were p:lid previously, Therefore, no additional A vailabilily Fees will be required to be paid for this deyelopmenl. o Conneclion Fees are based upon the average lIser factor tables from Sectionl}-200 (sanitary) of our Utility Ordinance. The Connection Fees are $795.00 per EDU for sanitary sewers. The office e1assification frolllthe Ordinance is 0.5 EDUs per 1,000 square feet of office space, According to ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2441 .., u u Mr. Adam DeHart May 3,2001 Page 2 the plans and commentary, this development consists of two office buildings, each containing 12.146 square feet. Therefore: 24.292 total square feet @ 0.5 EDUsll,OOO square feet = 12.146 EDUs 12.146 EDUs @ $795.00 per EDU = $9,656.00 Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees. Any (leviation from the Connection Fee calculations listed in our Ordinance will require Carmel Utilities approval ami recommem/tdion to the Boardfor approval. 5. T.A.c. REVIEWIDRAWINGS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL We request all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Cannel Utility issues must also be resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of four-sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by the City Engineer and the Director Cannel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which must be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive one-sel. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than four-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets must be submilled with the required four-sets. 6. Carmel Utilities docs not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted direclIy for all sanitary sewer locates. 7. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this pr~ject for sanitary sewer issues. 8. I am enclosing copies of the followirg with this correspondence. . Commercial Project Approval Procedures . Subdivision Project Approval Procedures (this is a commercial subdivision) . Performance Release Procedure . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Sewer Permit Requirements . Commercial Permilling Procedures I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon rcquest. 9. BONDING REQUIREMENTS Upon initial review. it appears the following bonding requircments will apply to this pr~ject: Performance Guarantees . Entrance - Acel/Deccllanes . Monuments & Markers S!(h::\\'::!L/.~\sp!~~:l~ P.:l!h Please provide individual, detailed certified Engineer's Estimates for lOO'X. of the cost of labor aud materials for the constmct ion/installation of the above items. Individual Performance Guarantees, in the amount of the Engineer's Estimates, will be required to be posted. These may be in the form of Performance Bonds, Irrevocable Lellers of Credit or Certified Checks. If Certified Checks are utilized as Performance Guarantees, the check should be made payable to "The City of Carmel or (not am/) the ])e~'e/oper/()wller". This will make it casier whcn the perfonnance is released and the check is returned to the bank. Three-year Maintenance Guarantees will be required upon release of the Performance Guarantees. Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding requirements Any work in the dedicated right of way of Randall Drive, if not included in the work covered by Performance Guarantees, will require a Street CutJRight of Way Permit and a License and Pennit Bond. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way (water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, etc.) @ $2,000.00 per instance. . . u u Mr. Adam DeHart May 3, 200 I Page 3 PROJECT COMMENTS 10. Provide a copy of the plat applicable to this project. II. Show alllotlblock lines, eilsements, etc. on the construction plans. 12. We assume there are no site plans/proposed development on the south one-half at this time? 13. Please include acel/deccllanes at the Randall Road entrance to this development. 14. All open pavement cuts require Board of Public Works and Safety approval. If there arc alternatives to open cutting dedicated streets, you will be expected to pursue those alternatives. 15. New asphalt will be required for the entire crossing of the road at the entrance and the cut if the cut is pursued and approved. 16. ]nstal1 sidewalks/paths (size and material as detennined by DOCS or Parks and Recreation) in the east right of way of Randall Road. 17. Please provide drainage cales. 18. It is our understanding that commercial/retail sanitary laterals must tenninate into a sanitary structure. Please conlirm wilh Cannel Utilities. 19. Show the proposed contours of the relocated swale behind building 2 and between buildings I and 2. 20. Change Northwest corner of parking lot to an inlet rather than the concrete spillway. 21. Erosion control at pip outlets (other than silt fence)? We want to see more than is indicated on the plans. 22. Show elevation of pipe outIetting to (Block A) on the South side of property (currently shown with pipe slope xx'Yo). 23. Show the TC and ]NV elevation on the storm stmcture on the North side of thc development, East of Randall Road. Where is the continuation of this outlet pipe? Where does road drainage go to the North? To the pond in Williamson Run? The above comments are based upon the Engineering Dcpartmcnt's initial revicw. Please provide our office with a follow-up letter and revised plans, indicating all revisions. Second and subsequcnt rcviews will focus only on revised items. It is critical that our office be made aware of allmodilications made on the plans being re-submilled for review, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. ]f you have questions, please contact Kate Weese or me at 571-2441. SirrelY~1J. / I . .I /I'tl ~/\.. ,; :, J"-.Y (/v ~'I ......../<>"\j A../ J Dick Hill. Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese. City Engineer (\V/o enclosures) Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services (w/o enclosures) John Duffy, Carmel Utilities (w/o enclosures) S:\I'ROJR EVO 1 \%I'ROI'.-\R K 85/82/2881 89:19 HAMILTON 00 USD~ - U PAGE 85 ~-!.L)~) 317-77.6-1181 .W . .~MtLt~~ '~.~UNTY . .:. .;,..... .,.,. 1.&.\ ..... 317-713-2181 Fax: 317-176.-1iOl . _,'1 .. Corv;,fJlY.\T10~ Dl:~d RlC f 1~08 South 9th Street · Nobresvilh · IN · 46'06Q-374..S' r . " ~' . :' .. " " j ,_: 0" '. ....'. '" . , . 1"": '. . '>'''.:-.::.::.: ': .:,: '~Y':l 2901 '. ':'\'::;i(;.).:.' u'~:;..~,:'~/ '.\:. ~. ..... .' :;: . ..... ':"<:"~J~8D;les.Rineha:t;t.:rv . '. > ~.: '. '.. '.:~ : ':".' :'Stoeppehye~'.&.AssoCia~~ . '.:'" ......:.....:994(J;AUi~nViJleRd:... ; ". :.-:...... ::.;.;<..'~i~erS,'iN'460~8~20'd5' . . ~ ',' .' . .... . "",'.' . ,.'1.. . . . .~. .... ,:'::><: ::,:.' . .~ ''"ticb offi~ 'C8$pus : ..':..,: :t,,,,~.: ,". '. '. ~,.'l' . /' "".' '." . . . ';'. ,;::' . . :;". . '. 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' ......, '::i:., .: ",' . '",' . " . , . ~ .. . ~:J'::': (.~;" " ." ....'. jo .' 'i:-': ~<" ~. . '0',' "I " ... " ';".;\ .. ... .:...~':; ~<>~. . "J',. "~}. . ',," . :r~ '., ,'. .. .:, ~'" . ',;." " ~:, . ' 'I . . . , . '0' 'J . Cc: .' L. Lillig $', Cash .'. s.. Broermatm . File' ,': CONSBRVATION ~ DEVELOPMENT ~ SBW'-GOVERNMENT "AN IIQU,Al. ol'POltTUNlTY IIMn.O'I'lill" . 'oe5~ ,< l-Z:Z:=:~2z-::~ '.'.\.(~'i~ Of ~~~;'':..~..' .,.,,' ~~~;:\ f/U U ('l~ ":.'.' t;; 'e .\:\ tl*~ ~*l! \~. -$, ~. ,y' \'"'1'1?, ~1i\> '?;,Z~.?ON CO,:(11. ".,<::: :::> ::~::~7j 1" u 0 City of Carmel ;;;. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY SERVICES May 1,2001 Adam DeHart Keeler-Webb Associates 486 Gradle Drive Carmel, IN 46032 RE: 96th St. Professional Park, Block A: Landscape Plan Review Dear Adam: After review of the proposed landscape plans for Block A of the 96th Street Professional Park, my comments are as follow: 1. Along the west perimeter of the property, there appear to be several conflicts between required landscape buffering materials, street trees, utility and drainage easements, and required hardscape features (sidewalk/path). Please detail how right-of-way features, 20-foot sanitary sewer easement, 25 foot utility and drainage easement, existing street trees, and the proposed landscaping materials can all fit into this area. In this area, the use of constructed planting media, or "structural soils", might be advantageous. These "soils" are a mixture of graded stone, some soil, and an organic binder. They can be compacted for use under pavement or walkways and still provide growing space for plant roots. It has been shown that use of such growing media also limits curb and sidewalk disturbance by tree roots. Please see the attached information and contact me if you have any questions. 2. Note 5 states, "ALL EXTERIOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED WITH LANDSCAPING," but equipment shown on the proposed site plan (AfC Units and Electrical transformers) is not shown on the landscape plan. This equipment and associated landscaping must be shown on the landscape plan. 3. Several inaccuracies exist in the size category of the Planting Schedule (i.e., Acer sacharum, 2.5" caliper dia., 30" high). All plants should conform to the 1996 edition of "American Standards for Nursery Stock". All shade and ornamental trees should be at least 1.75 inch caliper, at least 10-12 feet in height, with appropriately sized root balls and branching structure. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 u u '"-:: 4. Malus 'White Angle' crabapple is not an acceptable species due to disease. pressure in this area (apple scab fungus, frreblight, etc.). Please choose an alternative species from the attached Indiana Urban Forest Council's recommended list of approved varieties. 5. Landscaping required for the building complex sign must be detailed by position, number, size, and species on the landscape plan. 6. Planting detaill/Ll needs to include the statement that all stakes and guy wires will be removed in one (1) year. Trees and shrubs need to be installed so that that roof flares are at, or slightly above grade level, while the root balls are set on undisturbed soil in the planting hole. The edges of the planting hole can be dug slightly deeper. This allows for adequate drainage while eliminating settling of the plant lower than grade level. This promotes less stress on the plant while it regenerates roots, and lessens plant mortality. This means more plants will survive the transplanting process, and they will be healthier. The planting detail should be changed to reflect this. Please reply to these comments in writing and by amended plan. You may contact me at (317) 571-2417 if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Sc4-b~ Scott Brewer Urban Forester, City of Carmel CC: Laurence Lillig, DOCS DOCS file May 2000 ~, . 'w Q , .' An IUFC Education Committee ReDor!... - Selecting Crabapples Tre~'ofthe Malus species. Crabapples. You love them or you hate them. To some they are a priceless landscape specimen with . outstanding flower display. To others they are a maintenance headache with constant base sprouting. Some crabapples can be plagued with diseases like apple scab and also be defoliated by Japanese beetles. But by choosing your crabapple cultivars wisely, you can be assured of healthy trees. A 1997 publication of Purdue Cooperative Extension by Cliff Sadof, Department of Entomology and Paul Pecknold, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology outlined crabapples resistant to apple scab and Japanese beetles in rndiana and also those species not recommended. Note that some of the popular street tree species like Snowdrift crabapple are on the latter list. Keep in mind, also, that crabapples come in all shapes and sizes. They are ideal under power lines and in narrow grow spaces. When choosing a crabapple species, use the list below to assure plant health and note the eventual width of the tree you plant. If you keep in mind requirements for sidewalk and street clearances, a proper selection can minimize pruning needs. And don't' forget to request "tree fonn" when ordering if you want a single stern tree that is already pruned. Recommended Crabapple Cultivars: Cultivar Adirondack Baccata "Jackii" Bechtel Centurion David Harvest Go[d Japanese Flowering Louisa Molton Lava Pink Spires Prarieflre Red Baron Red Jewe[ Sinai Fire Tea Van Eseltine Winter Gold Zum i Calocarpa Height 1S'H 30'H 30tH 20'H 12'H 2S'H Width IO'W 20'W 1S'W IS'W l2'W 20'W 2S'W IS'W weeping, true pink flowers, glossy leaves semi-weeping pink flowers, purple leaves pinkish red flowers, purple green leaves dark red flowers, purple leaves white flowers, bright red fruit white flowers, glossy leaves; red fruit unique spread upright vase Comments: white flowers white flowers. glossy leaves rose red flowers, vase upright white flowers, glossy leaves gold fruit 1S'H 20'H 18'H IS'H 15'H 12'W 20'W S'W 12'W IS'W 2S'W' 12'W 20'W 24'W "Red Bud" Crab, wide; white flowers 25'H 20'H Crabapple Cultivars Not Recommended: The following should not be used because of insect and d;sease susceptibility Adams Baskatong BI'andywine Candied Apple Donald Wyman Doubloons Page 4 ~ Indian Magic Indian Summer Liset Madonna Mary Potter Prarie Maid Profusion Robinson Selkirk Sentinel Snowdrift Sugar Tyme Velvet Pillar 'tillite Cascade White Candle' u Q STRUCTURAL SOIL: AN INNOVATIVE MEDIUM UNDER PAVEMENT THAT IMPROVES STREET TREE VIGOR Nina Bassuk, Director and Professor Urban Horticulture Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Jason Grabosky, Urban Horticulture Institute, Corneil University, Ithaca, NY Peter Trowbridge, F ASLA, Professor Landscape Architecture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY James Urban, F ASLA, James Urban and Associates, Annapolis, MD INTRODUCTION The major impediment to establishing trees in paved urban areas is the lack of an adequate volume of soil for tree root growth. Soils under pavements are highly compacted to meet load-bearing requirements and engineering standards. This often stops roots from growing, causing them to be contained within a very small useable volume of soil without adeguate water, nutrients or oxygen. Subsequently, urban trees with most of their roots under pavement grow poorly and die prematurely. It is estimated that an urban tree in this type of setting lives for an average of only 7-10 years, where we could expect 50 or more years with better soil conditions. Those trees that do survive within such pavement designs often interfere with pavement integrity. Older established trees may cause pavement failure when roots grow directly below the pavement and expand with age. Displacement of pavement can create a tripping hazard. As a result, the potential for legal liability compounds expenses associated with pavement structural repairs. Moreover, pavement repairs which can significantly damage tree roots often result in tree decline and death. The problems as outlined above do not necessarily lie with the tree installation but with the material below the pavement in which the tree is expected to grow. New techniques for meeting the often opposing needs of the tree and engineering standards are needed. One new tool for urban tree establishment is the redesign of the entire pavement profile to meet the load-bearing requirement for structurally sound pavement installation while encouraging deep root growth away from the pavement surface. The new pavement substrate, called 'structural soil', has been developed and tested so that it can be compacted to meet engineering requirements for paved surfaces, yet possess qualities that allow roots to grow freely, under and away from the pavement, thereby reducing sidewalk heaving from tree roots. CONVENTIONAL TREE PITS ARE DESIGNED FOR FAILURE Looking at a typical street tree pit detail, it is evident that it disrupts the layered pavement system. In a sidewalk pavement profile, a properly compacted sub grade of existing material often is largely impermeable to root growth and water infiltration and significantly reduces drainage if large percentages of sand are not present. Above the subgrade there is usually a structural granular base material. To maintain a stable pavement surface the base material is well compacted and possesses high bearing strength. This is why a gravel or sand material containing little silt or clay is usually specified and compacted to 95% Proctor density (AASHTO T-99). The base layer is granular material with no appreciable plant available moisture or nutrient holding capacity. Subsequently, the pavement surrounding the tree pit is designed to repel or move water away, not hold it, since water just below the pavement can cause pavement failure. u Q Acknowledging that; the above generalizations do not account for ail of the challenges below the pavement for trees, it is no mystery why trees are often doomed to failure before they are even planted. The sub grade and granular base course materials are usually compacted to levels associated with root impedance. Given the poor drainage below the base course, the tree often experiences a larg~ly saturated planting soil. Designed tree pit drainage can relieve soil saturation, but does nothing to relieve the physical impedance of the material below the pavement which physically stops root growth. A NEW SYSTEM TO INTEGRATE TREES and PAVEMENT 'Structural soil' is a designed medium which can meet or exceed pavement design and installation requirements while remaining root penetrable and supportive of tree growth. Corneli's Urban Horticulture Institute, has been testing a series of materials over the past five years focused on characterizing their engineering as well as horticultural properties. The materials tested are gap-graded gravels which are made up of crushed stone, clay loam, and a hydrogel stabilizing agent. The materials can be compacted to meet ail relevant pavement design requirements yet allow for sustainable root growth. The new system essentially forms a rigid, load-bearing stone lattice and partially fills the lattice voids with soil (Figure 1). Structural soil provides a continuous base course under pavements while providing a material for tree root growth. This shifts designing away from individual tree pits to an integrated, root penetrable, high strength pavement system. This system consists of a four to six inch rigid pavement surface, with a pavement opening large enough to accommodate a forty year or older tree (Figure 2). The opening could also consist of concentric rings of interlocking pavers designed for removal as the buttress roots meet them. Below that, a conventional base course could be installed and compacted with the material meeting normal regional pavement specifications for the traffic they are expected to experience. The base course would act as a root exclusion zone from the pavement surface. Although field tests show, that tree roots naturally tend to grow away from the pavement surface in structural soil. A geotextile could segregate the base course of the pavement from the structural soil. The gap-graded, structural soil material has been shown to allow root penetration when compacted. This material would be compacted to not less than 95% Proctor density (AASHTO T-99) and possess a California Bearing Ratio greater than 40 [Grabosky and Bassuk 1995,1996]. The structural soil thickness would depend on the designed depth to subgrade or to a preferred depth of 36 inches. This depth of excavation is negotiable, but a 24 inch minimum is encouraged for the rooting zone. The sub grade should be excavated to parallel the finished grade. Under-drainage conforming to approved engineering standards for a given region must be provided beneath the structural soil material. The structural soil material is designed as follows. The three components of the structural soil are mixed in the following proportions by weight, crushed stone: 100; clay loam: 20; hydrogei: 0.03. Total moisture at mixing should be 10% (AASHTO T-99 optimum moisture). Crushed stone (granite or limestone) should be narrowly graded from 3/4 -:1 1/2 inch, highly angular with no imes. The clay loam should conform to the u o USDA soil classification system (qravel<5%, sand 25-30%, silt 20-40% ,clay 25-40%). Organic matter should range between 2i and 5%. The hydrogel, a potassium propenoate-propenamide copolymer is added in a small amount to act as a tackifier, preventing separation of the stone and soil during mixing and installation. Mixing can be done on a paved surface using front end loaders. Typically the stone is spread in a layer, the dry hydrogel is spread evenly on top and the screened moist loam is the top layer. The entire pile is turned and mixed until a uniform blend is produced. The structural soil is then installed and compacted in 6 inch lifts. In a street tree installation of such a structural soil, the potential rooting zone could extend from building face to curb, running the entire length of the street. This would ensure an adequate volume of soil to meet the long term needs of the tree. Where this entire excavation is not feasible, a trench, running continuous and parallel to the curb, eight feet wide and three feet deep would be minimally adequate for continuous street tree planting. There will be a need to ensure moisture recharge and free gas exchange throughout the root zone. The challenge may be met by the installation of a three dimensional geo- composite (a geo-grid wrapped in textile one inch thick by eight inches wide) which could be laid above the structural soil as spokes radiating from the trunk flair opening. This is currently in the testing stage. Other pervious surface treatments could also provide additional moisture recharge, as could traditional irrigation. When compared to existing practice, additional drainage systems, and the redesigned structural soil layer represent additional costs to a project. The addition of the proposed structural soil necessitates deeper excavation of the site which also may be costly. In some regions this excavation is a matter of standard practice. However, this process might best be suited for new construction and infrastructure replacement or repair, since the cost of deep excavation is already incurred. The Urban Horticulture Institute continues to work on refining the specification for producing a structural soil material to make the system cost effective. It is patent pending and Will be sold with the trademark eCU-Soil' to insure quality control. Testing over five years has demonstrated that stabilized, gap-graded structural soil materials can meet this need while allowing rapid root penetration. Several working installations have been completed in Ithaca, NY, New York City, NY, Cincinnati, OH, Cambridge, MA and elsewhere. To date the focus has been on the use of these mixes to greatly expand the potential rooting volume under pavement. It appears that an added advantage of using a structural soil is its ability to allow roots to grow away from the pavement surface, thus reducing the potential for sidewalk heaving as well as providing for healthier, long-lived trees. Grabosky, J. and Bassuk, N. "A New Urban Tree Soil to Safely Increase Rooting Volumes Under Sidewalks". 1995. Journal of Arboriculture 21(4), 197-201. Grabosky, 1. and Bassuk, N. "Testing of Structural Urban Tree Soil Materials for Use Under Pavement to Increase Street Tree Rooting Volumes". 1996. Journal of Arboriculture 22(6), 255-263. iJiil; ~ ~H li~: ~. . ~0Itl:I!I) 1Jt!M:0W,Jl1. ~~~2l" _'M~ rO$t'{lIlM~w. ~~J'ft. I.... " TREES ~ STRUCTURAL SOIL By: BiD Wade The City of Westminster, BC was founded in 1860 and for eight years served as the capitol of British Columbia. It has 15.38 square km. or 10 square miles and a population of 54,000. The City has about 9,000 public trees of which 2,000 are located in 3 large parks. Of the 7,000 boulevard trees, 650 are planted in sidewalk sites, of which 100 have been planted in some type of structural soil mix. Although the number is small, it has provided some valuable experience in using structural soils. Structural soil provides the necessary com- paction for the sidewalk, while allowing trees to grow well. Structural soils consist of 4-5 parts of railway ballast mixed with peat soil. The soil is 25% silt or clay, 25% organic matter and 50% fme sand. A plant derived glue called soil stabilizer is mixed with the soil that makes the soil stick to the surface of the railway ballast. Roots from the street trees can grow through the rock voids and pick up necessary nutrients in the soil particles that are clinging to the rocks. The city officials approved this concept and in May of 1995, a downtown street and sidewalk renovation project was begun and structural soil was used. At that time, 18 Pyrus cal/eryana 'Chanticleer' were planted at a size of 4.5-5 cm, dbh Four years later the trees have grown to 15-18 cm (7 in.) dbh. A view port was installed at the time of the planting. In the spring of 1999, it was opened and a root O.5-cm in diameter was observed 2Yz m. from the planting site. The trees are defmitely not root-bound. In fact they are thriving. However, it will be many years before this project can be declared a success. The cost was about $75 per cubic meter. This included the cost of the material and the mixing. This cost clearly adds to the cost of the project and it is too early to determine if these costs will reduce long-term repair costs to the sidewalks and curbs. A nearby sidewalk and curb has recently been renovated at a cost of $80,000, just to repair the damage that structural soil could prevent. Since 1995, IS installations of structural soil have been completed The projects have varied from 3 to 20 trees. There have been several problems that were resolved and new studies on the use of structural soil have been carefully evaluated. The size of the trench has changed based on the site and research information. The mLjge and irrigation systems have been improved. View port'Thave also been installed. Methods to control and redirect root growth have also been developed. Efforts continue to discuss the merits of structural soil with city officials. Research by others is also utilized in New Westminster. A great deal of information and improvement to our techniques came from the workers on the project site. While "Trees ARE the City", more healthy trees with adequate space make for a nicer and more interesting and sustainable urban forest. Bill Wade is the Parks Arboristfor the City of New Westminster, Be e\1J\ MYCORRHIZAL ECTO TABS High Performance Ecto Tablets contain beneficial ectomycorrhizal fungi with timed release fertilizer with organic matter and micronutrients. The Ecto tablets improve nutrient and water uptake by providing a larger root mass and decrease transplanting loss. The fungi helps prevent against disease and dissolves essential minerals not normally available. Each tablet contains five types of ectomycorrh;zal fungi with a total of 10 million spores. Easy to apply, the tablets are available in packages and in bulk for large scale plantings. The Ecto Tab is ideal for bare root, B&B and seedling plantings. ~JRM Chemical Inc. 15663 NEO Parkway · Cleveland, OR 44128 800-962-4010 · Fax (216) 475-6517 · E-mail: jrm@en.com Many municipal arborists have PhD's! They are trained in .Elant !!ealth & !?isease control MAV/JtJNE 2000 13 KEELER-WEBB ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers U 486 Gradle Drive CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 (317) 574-0140 Fax (317) 574-1269 DJ~lflf~ @[? lf~~@[K{A]Dlflf&[1 DATE JOB NO. ril 30 2001 0102-019 ATTENTION TO ..~~TIOF CARMEL DOCS Mr. Lawrence Lilli REo ..~....g~~~...?~1.9~~.... WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached o Under separate cover via 96th Street Professional Park Randall Drive Cannel, Indi.. ana Ii}~~ ~ I '. ~~ ! . delivery \.. the fOI~ ~~: .' <:; \. ...... /"/ o Samples "'(0 SpecificatiOrl"s/ :~,~~- :~IJ~ \-:\)/ ..~.!.,.. !P.:4.!.~...4~032 > o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Copy of letter o Change order o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 4/20/01 9 PS Fonn 3800 1 4/24/01 9 PS Fonn 3811 1 1 Colored Rendering 1 4/24/01 1 Proof of Publication THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval 0 Approved as submitted ~ For your use 0 Approved as noted > o As requested 0 Returned for corrections o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS o Resubmit copies for approval o Submit copies for distribution o Return corrected prints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: Adam DeHart, LS COpy TO If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: //'\\'T~'j"--r-'~-~,.. /,., \ ).J..=--..,_r~tl"/) / k/', "- l "-,, V / '\, /; ~ '</;\ LiIIig, Laurence M I~~ ~ \0 Friday, April 20, 2001 11 :02 AM \i~~\ '~~ \\\ L~'} Johnson, Sue E; Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie'9 ~C\ / '/ Hollibaugh, Mike P; Hahn, Kelli A; Dobosiewicz, Jon C V);. /<> East 96th Street Auto Park, blk A (SU-45-01) ',< ."". . "~/' " I 'r'r-~-"-'\ \ ~. u Q .!:!!!!i, Laurence M Docket No. SU-45-01 has been assigned to the Special Use application filed by Adam L. DeHart of Keeler-Webb Associates on behalf of the Trumpington Building Corporation for two general office buildings located at East 96th Street Auto Park, Block A. The filing fee for this petition is $630.00. Sue Ellen, please contact Mr. DeHart at 574-0140 with this information. ---;----1".----.. ~\(. i r ';"-', /1;.):" .: " " , /,~>/ .A l";/ T f'~/ ~~rc@nRf~r \;~: APR 20 200 \-:;\ DOCS \'-' " ~"/' l>., " /'1'''-;'-'' '-, '. . .,. __L..:____ ~ ~\~\ Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 llillig@ci.carmel.in.us 1 APR 17 '01 05:05PM P.1/1 u Adam DeHart Keeler-Webb Assoc. Re: 9~ Street Professional Park I have reviewed the plans for this project. It appears that this project is located within the limits of the City of Carmel and is not within the watershed of a Regulated Drain. Therefore, the drainage approval for this project falls under the jurisdiction of the Cannel City Engineer's Office. If you have .any questions, please feel free to contact this office at 776-8495. ~ - ~.n T. Cash Y Plan Reviewer ~~.~. Cc: Camel DOCS Carmel Eng. SCS Co. Hwy -- Q o City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2600 ~ [Rf~iC/~pnl7i2' APR !';'YIJif';/Q) 25 2001 Docs . - r i_ Adam DeHart, LS. Keeler-Webb Associates 486 Gradle Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 RE: 96th Street Professional Park LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for 96th Street Professional Park and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. We are requesting the installation of a Knox Box for fire department emergency access. We would also request the building be keyed so a grand master key will unlock all suites for emergency access after hours. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date: March 26. 2001 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property J, 1108 So~ 9th Strut Noblesville,IN'{606fi.3745 Ph. (3"1'7) 773-1432 /( :~'\J~L= Fax (317) 776-11 0 I /~'>'/ , /0" 4 Drainage, Er?sion an~ Sediment C?rlfol PI~~ Techmcal-RevIew and Comet I APR 18' 2 01 , , DOCS ,.::::JoliN B. SOVTH p.&'. Plan Review Procedure: Site Visit Date: Location: &" S/.oE' ~F ~A#/)~J..'- J)/nUE Legal Description: S e-C. B Township: 17# ' Range: ~ E. Plan Review Date: 3 - 3D - zool , ' Civil ToWnship: C ~r T1te teclinici:d revieW and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness afthe ,erosion and sediment control , plan/or. t1ieproject. T1te erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewedfor the adequacy of the engineer#tg design. AIl practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in ihe comments should he evaluated as to 'fiteir feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices deSigned by a qualified engineer. T1te plan has not been reviewedfor local, state or federal permits that may be required to prOceed with this project. Additional informa!i.on. including design calculations may be requested to~her evaluate the erosion sediment cq#"ol plan. ' . The erosion and.sediment contro) plan "has ~een reviewed and it.has been determined that the plan: n Satisfies the:minimum requirements,an~ intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of EnvironmentarManagement submitted: inimurn req~irements and intent of.3271AC 15-5 (Rule'S); deficiencies are noted in e comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violation of the rille and must addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be . Please address revisions to the reviewer. Proper.implementation of the erosion and sedimeJr, control plan and inspections'ofthe construction site by tlie developer or a representative are necessary to minimize oJj-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosiolJ. and sediment control plan. The plan must be aflexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute practices as necessary. . ~ PROJECf: . 9/,fIt SI. f~()F: QI< Page 2 of..3 Yes No ~ 0 m 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 I)lI 0 lA IB lC ID IE Yes No 0 KI 2A 0 ~ 2B 0 P5l 2C 0 ~ 2D Ii!I 0 2E. fill 0 2F m 0 2G 0 IE 2H IKI 0 21 Yes No 0 W 3A 0 fill 3B Yes No 1Kl. 0 4A iii 0 4B 0 H 4C fif 0 4D ~ 0 4E lB 0 4F. 1ii 0 4G 0 ~ 4H ~ 0 41 0 H/40 4J IJJ 0 4K u ARE THE FOlLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS 1 (AU Plans Must Include ApproprUzte Legends, Scales'. mul North bow) (Items that are NOt Applicable tQ this Project are designated by HA) PROJECf INFO~TION Project Location Map (Show project in relation to other aretU o/the cmmty) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location of Planned and/or Existing Ro~ds, Utilities, Structu~ ffighways, etc. Lot and/or Building Locations Landuse of Adjacent Areas . (Show tlle Entire Upstream Watenhed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet a/the Property lines) TOPOGRAPIDC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation (Identify andDelineate ) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Ftoodways (Noie if None) S .#~u.) C 1~(Jt, -h'"ck.5 / Soils Information (/fhydric soils are present. it is the responsibility o/the owner/developer to investigare the existence 0/ wetlands ~ to obtain pennit3 from the appropriate government agenciesJ Existing and Planned Contoun at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater.Discbarge WaD Leave the Site Identify All Receiving Waten (((Discharge is to Q Separate Municipal Storm Sewer. Identify the Name o/theMrmicipal Operator and the Ultimate Rsceiving Water) Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) Location of Stormwater System (Include Culverts. Storm Sewers. Channels. and S'WtZles) LAND DISTURBING ACfIVITIES Location and Approximate Dimensions of AU Disturbed Areas [i.e.. Construction limits] . . (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated) Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow Areas (Show Locati0n8 or Note if None) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (&lative to Earth" Disturbing Activities) Monitoring and Mainte.ilance Guidelines for Each Measure Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location. COnstruction Detail. Dimensions. and Specijicodons) Temporary S<<ding (Specifications: Including Seed MIX, Fertilizer, Lime. and Mulch Rates) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location. Construction Detail. Dimensions. and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location. Construction Detail. Dim~ons. and Specifications) Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Location. Construction Detail. Dimensions. and Specificodons) Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location. Constnlction Detail. Dimensions. and Specificotions) Stable Construction Entrance (Location. Construction Detail. Dimensions. and Specifications)aErosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specifications; Including seed Mix, Fertilizer. lime, and.Mulch Rates) Revised 4/97 f', --I r' Q u " EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW C011MENTS Project: ,t fir SrEeEr fEOF~SSI/)#fJl.. ?~ Page 3 of 3 Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbookfor Erosion Control in Developing Areas" from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. . . /. S"'r~1 C-Y- Retl/SE f)E'rA/J. z/c,. /de $"(Jk'FAcc61# rHE ~tVClu:-re S#O()/"[) 6E '-EVE/., t(.,nr// ,.//~ .S'tl.JA~ /NV&..eT, 2. rJ~ s,. e"ft.,"ce... /;~d:s Hf)(.t) IV,'II Ybll solve? 3. s/cks, ;...~ ( , oJ ,.e t.e>~JU ~"e. ~,.,' cc: .1..///1'9 s.. C,A.S;,( ;;-A:: r: J u HAMILTON CO BWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD : 0 III 0011001 04/05/01 13:56 FAX HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RE: 96111 Street Professlo I Park Prellmlnaf}' Plans N of 96'" Street I W of Gray Road Clay Township Dear Mr. DeHart: filFlECOPY April 5, 2001 Mr. Adam DeHart, L.S. Keeler - Webb Associates 486 Gradle Drive Cannel, Indiana 46032 ~~ 4011 ~/fb?~D itA lO1l1 ;--.- i "'Uc, lql:. / '\ /'<1/ ',/ '>~ -./\ '>/ "<,' /j--,-:;-\C\' >,/ '--.L-.~-3~~/ -\ , This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal containing the plans for the 96111 Street Professional Park. After reviewIng the plans, the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. It appears that this project lies entirely within the limits onhe City of Carmel. Therefore, all further comments should be directed toward the City. If you have any Information contrary to this statement, please contact me Immediately. If you have any comments or questions regarding thIs letter or project, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. . Sincerely, /,E- (g~ Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer ce: Laurence Lillig. Jr. G:\USERS\SB\ZOO1 T8c\04-05-01.af.wpd 1700 Soutb 10'" Stroot Noble$VUle, In. 46060 ~WW.co.h8mnton.ln.us Office (317) 713-mo Fax (317) 776-9814 VI o u April 2, 2001 Carmel Mr. Phillip A. Witt Keeler-Webb Associates 486 Gradle Drive Carmel, IN 46032 RE: 96th Street Professional Park Randall Drive Carmel, Indiana Job No.: 0102-034 Dear Mr. Witt: it: ~~~~~~~\QJ . fR 4 2QQ1 t}Ocs I have received and reviewed the Construction Documents for the above- mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~D.-?rt, Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services rcement Agency Fax (317) 571-2512 (317) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredit ,1 '(j rol\..:Go UNTY Soil & Water /\ 1108 V' 9th Strut ~-UI:~ T~t,~" Noblesville, IN.{6060-3745 n)>~ "'(~~":"'\ Ph. (3r7) 773-1432 /~~)' ,( Fax (317) 776-1101 1':)" ~ .t~~ '-'!I I/PI ~Q iment Conti-~l Plan '2 ~ mment\\ ,,'1/1/ \:)~\, , , , ' I I Project Name: Submitted By: II( 57. E: ss IKUHPt NG TON' 8 lJILDI.N6 L6R/'. 7/3D LANTE;l?N ~D. ::z:/./ /J I A /VA PO/..../ s -r ^' , ~~2$"~ /< cELeR-14EBB A.5$X. ~8~ G~ADL.E .DR/lie CARIfE~ -'- N Y"032, ReviewedBy:.:TOH)./ 8. SOOTH 1'.&. Plan Review Procedure: Site Visit Date: Location: &",- S/PE~r ~ANL)~J..'- J)/rlYE Legal Description: S EC. 8 Township: 17# ' Range: 'IE, Plan Review Date: 3-30-zool Civil ToWnship: C ~r The tecJi:nici:d revieW and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness o/the erosion and sediment control , plan/or. t1ieproject. The erosion and sediment Control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineeringdesigri. A1I prapices includedintheplan, as well as those reconjmended iniheeomments should be evaluated as toiiicir feasibility by ~ rplalffied individual wjth structural practices ckSigned by a quOIified engineer. -nze plan Iuis not b~ reviewed for locatstateor federal Permits tlUrt lnCfYbe requiTed to pr-Oceed with thiS' - project. AdiIitioruiI lir/ormation. indudingdesign calculCdions may be 'reqUested to further evaluate the erosion sediment cQn!Tol plan.. . The erosion and sediment contro.l plan 'has been reviewed and it-has been determined that the plan: o Satisfies the,minimum requirements. and intent of327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental'Management o Refer to the COIIunents section for additional information. ~ Does not sa~tY the minimum requirements and intent of327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checkliSt and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violation of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: . Please address revisions to the reviewer. Proper implemel!tation of the ero#on and sedimeJ': control plan and inspiXtions' of the construction site by the developer or a represenia.tivt; are neq~sary to minimize olf-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware thfiunfor~ept cons~cti?n ac!iyitit!;fi~ti~the(cotu!itio~ may effecttheferforma'}ce of a practfc'e or the ~. ero.siqn and sediment control plan.' The plan must be ajlexible docUment, with provisions to'modify or substitute ,.... ".' , .- , '.-. '. practices as necessary. , -" -' '. , ' . . PROJECf: 9t./It S";" ?~()r: VI< Page 2 of..3 .. Yes fj(1 ~ ~ Ij l)il No o o o o o Yes No 0 ~ 2A 0 g] 2B 0 181 2C 0 m 2D ~ 0 2E. M 0 2F IN 0 2G 0 m 2H IKI 0 21 Yes No 0 IN 3A 0 M 3B Yes No ~ 0 4A R 0 4B 0 H 4C oa 0 4D to 0 4E OJ 0 4F fii 0 4G 0 ~. 4H Ja 0 41 0 N/A 0 4J rp 0 4K () /'\\I\ --J r-C~>>-. ~ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE P~S; ~.~ ." , (All P/4ns Must Include Appropriate Legends, Sctzli:s, and Nordt Arrowl-' f (Items that are Not Applicable to this Project are d~gnated by HA) I. :~i APH 2 W i.1 I 2001 ADa,.. \ /\ IJ'S .' ,\ \ ',;'\'-;-. lA IB lC ID IE PROJECf INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show project in relation to otheramu a/the county) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location of Planned and/or Existing Ro~ds, Utilities, Structu~ Highways, ete. Lot and/or Building Locations Landuse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watenhed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet a/the Property Lines) TOPOGRAPmC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation (Identify and Delineate) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note if None) S' ,#()W C /~t.J(/ ~Ck5 / Soils Information (/fhydric soils are present, it is the responsibility of the owner/developer to investigate the existence of wetlands and to obtain permiu from the appropriate govemment agenciesJ Existing and Planned Contoan at an IntenraI Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Pattems Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater"Disc:harge Will Leave the Site Identify An Receiving Waten( I[Discharge is to Q SeparateMunicipal Storm Sewer, Identify the Name oftheMunicipal Operatorand the Ultimate Receiving Water) Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) Location of Stormwater System (Include Culverts, Stonn Sewers, Channels, and Swales) LAND DISTURBING ACI'lVITIES Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas [i.e., Construction Limiu] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Shou/d be Clearly Designated) Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow Areas (ShO'W Locations or Note if None) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (&/ative to Earth Disturbing Activities) Monitoring and Maintenance Guiddines for Each Measure Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Lo<Xltion, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Temporary ~ding (Specifications; Including Seed MIX, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and SediDlellt Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Lo<Xltion, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stable Construction Entrance (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lob (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer. Lime, and Mulch Rates) Revised 4/97 . . u o / ". . ~~ ~ ./1Jp ~~~ 4 < ~:@ bocS ~~ .. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS Project: 't /, fir SrLCc.r f~OFt:SS//)/VLJ'- ?~ Page 3 of 3 Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must mie-r th-i-- design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbookfor Erosion Control in Developing Areas "from the Indiana Department olNatural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. - . ---: 1-" >- -\ " I. sit'/" I c'/- Rev/SE /)e'rAIt. z/c". 7de- f{J~F/l.ce t)r r#c col'lcllere s#{>()I..D.BE LeVEL. I(.J/n'/ r#e ..s'l.UALe /.NvEJ2,. 2, rJ~ s: e"ft.,l'1ce... b~ds HfJW WI'!! YbI.I Sl>/Vc.? 3. /'5 /,C U:)~M't'''tt!/ t:'~ .$~U~ s/~. cc: L.~/lj9 S.-CAS:; ;:;k u u KEELER -WEBB ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers' Planners . Surveyors \ \ <lJ( (I Cil", \ ..l_L"'-'::.l I r <p " ",Y'" -<...../.. ':/ S". >/ AI... "~~;c., ~: '): ~ \;:-. ~;; _f1J ~\ 't ~ ~\~~ 1~ ~v~ fjOc:f' F'/ <t~ ~"VI ~/ ~. V,,,.. ,/". \ ".:!f.J}'I'/J-r--,.-. ,..-r \ 'v ~~~..:if3 \ \ , TELEPHONE (.317) 574-0140 . FAX (.317) 574-1269 486 GRAOLE DR'V';~ CARMEL. INDIANA 46032 March 22, 2001 Mr. Laurence Lillig Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re.: 96th STREET PROFESSIONAL PARK Block A, East 96th Street Auto Park Randall Drive, Carmel, Indiana PROJECT NARRATIVE Keeler-Webb Associates is acting as agent and engineer for Trumpington Building Corporation, who is the owner/developer of the above property. The project site lies within Block A in East 96th Street Auto Park and is currently vacant. The developer's plan is to lease the tenant spaces within the facilities to medical and professional businesses. We propose to construct two single story structures containing 12,146 sq. ft., which will face Randall Drive on the northern 2.722 Acres of Block A. We expect the tenants to have daily deliveries from overnight carriers and the parking facilities have been designed to accommodate the greater capacity required for medical office. The building materials will consist of brick, EIFS (color, tan), and a shingled roof with several gables and overhangs All utilities are either available on site or in the adjacent right-of-way. We propose to install a curb cut at the location on the construction documents for use by the owners and employees who will operate out of these buildings on a daily basis. Stormwater will be collected on-site via storm sewers and conveyed to the existing swales which outlet into the Carmel Creek. The proposed drainage and grading plan will not impact the f100dway of Carmel Creek. No construction activity is planned east of the landscaping berm. This submittal is for the City of Carmel TAC. Meeting to be held on April 18, 2001 followed by the Board of Zoning Appreals meeting on May 28, 2001? The project is subject to the recorded covenants and restrictions approved by SU-53-00 on June 26, 2001. Floor plans, elevations, and a digital colored rendering are currently being revised and will be forwarded shortly to your attention. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Respectfully, KEELER-WEBB ASSOCIATES 4f-J)k Adam DeHart, LS Project Manager Enclosed: 2 sets of revised construction documents, 2 sets of applications for Special Use Approval 0102-019b.doc Indianapolis, IN. Chicago,IL . St. Louis, MO. Cincinnati, OH. Henderson, KY. Jacksonville. FL U KEELER -WEBB ASSOCIATES u Consulting Engineers. Planners' Surveyors TELEPHONE (317) 574-0140 . f"AX (317) 574-1269 486 GRAOLE ORIVf" CARMEL. INDIANA 46032 . " '-<</'\ i fJlti ~ \(:\ ( /(A!ll~6~ftt@ 'f\ J 2()(}/ }~~} ',- c~, DOCS 1--; \\':, /~~f/ ...,,/ (:Ye' .~y '0<4it;sJj? March 16,2001 Mr. Laurence Lillig Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re.: 96th STREET PROFESSIONAL PARK Block A, East 96th Street Auto Park Randall Drive, Carmel, Indiana PROJECT NARRATIVE Keeler-Webb Associates is acting as agent and engineer for Trumpington Building Corporation, who is the owner/developer of the above property. The project site lies within Block A in East 96th Street Auto Park and is currently vacant. The developer's plan is to lease the tenant spaces within the facilities to medical and professional businesses. We propose to construct two single story structures containing 12,146 sq. ft., which will face Randall Drive on the northern 2.722 Acres of Block A. We expect the tenants to have daily deliveries from overnight carriers and the parking facilities have been designed to accommodate the greater capacity required for medical office. The building materials will consist of brick, EIFS (color, tan), and a shingled roof with several gables and overhangs All utilities are either available on site or in the adjacent right-of-way. We propose to install a curb cut at the location on the construction documents for use by the owners and employees who will operate out of these buildings on a daily basis. Stormwater will be collected on-site via storm sewers and conveyed to the existing swales which outlet into the Carmel Creek. The proposed drainage and grading plan will not impact the floodway of Carmel Creek_ No construction activity is planned east of the landscaping berm. This submittal is for the City of Carmel TAC. Meeting to be held on April 18, 2001 followed by the Plan Commission meeting on May 15, 2001. The project is subject to the recorded covenants and restrictions approved by SU-53-00 on June 26, 2001. Floor plans, elevations, and a digital colored rendering are currently being revised and will be forwarded shortly to your attention. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Respectfully, KEELER-WEBB ASSOCIATES Ald-oIdlt Project Manager Enclosed: 2 sets of preliminary construction documents, 2 sets of applications for ADLS & DP 0102-019.doc Indianapolis, IN. Chicago, IL . St. Louis, MO . Cincinnati, OH - Henderson, KY. Jacksonville. FL