HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for HO 05-22-23 Chapman Residence 241 1st Avenue NW Carmel, Indiana Development Standards Variance Requests May 22, 2023 City of Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer Applicant: Carl Chapman 241 1st Avenue NW Carmel, IN 46032 Attorneys: Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC James E. Shinaver, Attorney Jon C. Dobosiewicz, Land Use Professional TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Explanation of Development Standards Variance Requests 2. Site Location Map 3. Site Plan and Landscape Plan 4. Home Remodel Elevations 5. Findings of Fact and Ballot Sheet for Garage Positioning Request 6. Findings of Fact and Ballot Sheet for Roof Material Request 7. Findings of Fact and Ballot Sheet for Roof Pitch Request TAB 1 Explanation of Development Standards Variance Requests For Chapman Residence 241 1st Ave. NW, Carmel, IN 46032 The applicant, Carl Chapman (“Chapman”), is the owner of a parcel of real estate identified by the Hamilton County, Indiana Auditor’s Office as Tax Parcel Identification Number 16-09-25-12-02- 037.000, which parcel has a common address of 241 1st Avenue NW (the “Real Estate”). The Real Estate is zoned R-4 Residential and is within the Old Town Character Sub-Area. Behind Tab 2 is a site location map. Chapman is planning to demolish the detached garage and remodel the existing home in order to create additional living space while also retaining the unique character of the home. Associated with the remodeling project, Chapman is requesting the following development standards variances: 1. Article 3.64 (A) (5) – Garages: All new garages shall be attached to the principal building so that the front face of the garage is at least fifteen (15) feet further from the front lot line than the primary front line of the principal building; a request to allow the new garage area to be in line with the front line of the home along 3 rd Street NW and face the alley (to the east). Rationale for Request: On the subject Lot, which is a Corner Lot, complying with the UDO standard would result in practical difficulties in that it would prevent the Applicant’s proposed remodel design from including a three-car garage which is designed to access the alley. The lot is a corner lot with frontage on both 1 st Avenue NW and 3rd Street NW, with the front door of the home facing west toward 1st Avenue NW. The north side of the lot runs along 3rd Steet NW and includes the existing driveway. On the east of the home is an existing detached garage that is to be demolished. The addition to the existing homes makes use of the existing driveway and a garage that aligns with the home and faces the alley is the most appropriate layout for the site. If the garage addition were positioned 15 feet further from the front lot line of the primary north façade the doors would need to face the street and not the alley which is the primary design intent of the UDO standard. As a result, the Applicant is seeking permission to allow the new garage area to be in line with the home along 3 rd Street NW with overhead doors facing east toward the alley as it is the most practical positioning of the new garage addition in regard the UDO standard as it applies to Corner Lots which have significantly less depth from the secondary street frontage. 2. Article 3.64 (B) (5) – Roof Material: Shall be asphalt, wood or slate shingles; a request to allow portions of the shed roof addition for the north, south and east to be metal due to the more shallow slope of these limited roof areas. Rationale for Request: The Applicant is proposing that portions of the shed roof addition for the north, south and east be metal due to the more shallow slope of these limited roof areas. The use of limited metal roof portions for the north, south and east elevations of the home will allow for more effective drainage from rainwater. Absent approval of the requested variance, the Applicant may have to incorporate roof treatments that are not as effective for drainage purposes and which cou ld ultimately damage portions of the roof area creating a practical difficulty. 3. Article 3.64 (B) (4) – Roof Pitch: Shall have a minimum pitch of 8:12; a request to allow the roof addition to have a 7:12 roof pitch to match the existing roof pitch. Rationale for Request: The original home was built in the 1940’s and the roof has a 7:12 roof pitch to achieve a Tudor architectural design. If portions of the new roof were required to have a pitch of 8:12, such a design would be out of character and inconsistent with the current 7:12 roof pitch of the existing home. Absent approval of the requested variance, the Applicant would be prevented from having a consistent roof pitch for the primary roof area of the addition which matches the existing home. Behind Tab 3 is the site plan and landscape and lighting plan and behind Tab 4 are the home remodel elevations. Again, only the garage is to be demolished – the existing home is to remain and Mr. Chapman’s planned remodel takes into account retaining the unique character and design of the home. The home remodel plans will be reviewed separately by the City of Carmel’s Permitting Department and Department of Community Services as part of the Improvement Location Permit and Site Design and Plan Review process. Behind Tabs 5, 6 and 7, respectively, are the Findings of Fact and Ballot Sheet for the above described development standards variance requests. We look forward to presenting this request to the BZA Hearing Officer on May 22, 2023. Respectfully submitted, ________________ _________________ TAB 2 ArcGIS WebMap Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, USGS, EPA, USDA Parcels Street Centerlines Carmel City Boundary 2022 Photography Red: Red Green: Green Blue: Blue March 7, 2023 0 0.02 0.040.01 mi 0 0.03 0.060.01 km 1:1,560 ArcGIS WebApp Builder TAB 3 SDMAIN FLOORsite rev 4.7ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNFORBUSH DESIGNS1241 1ST AVE NW CHAMPMAN SITE PLAN Indianapolis, INDIANA1:20 Remove TreeRemove Oak TreeRemove TreeRemove SweetGum TreeRemove Oak TreeNEW ADDITIONEXISTING HOUSEDRIVEWAYSIDEWALK(5) PATH LIGHTS(5) UP LIGHTS FOR TREESExisting Oak TreeDECKRemove Maple TreeFranco Landscaping Design - Install - Lawn Service Retaining Walls - Paver Patios (317) 858-3858 - Francoland.com 0 2 4 8 16 24 Scale: 1/8"=1'Chapman Residence 241 1st Ave. NW, Carmel IN Landscape Design Plan March 2023 N TAB 4 FINAL east elevationnorth elevationFINAL A3241 1ST AVE NW CHAMPMAN ELEVATIONS Indianapolis, INDIANA FORBUSH DESIGNARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SOUTH elevationFINAL FINAL A4241 1ST AVE NW CHAMPMAN ELEVATIONS Indianapolis, INDIANA FORBUSH DESIGNARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SD303030323232483232finalmain floorA1241 1ST AVE NW CHAMPMAN Floor Plan Indianapolis, INDIANA FORBUSH DESIGNARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 28X3228X3228X48 34X52 SDSDEGRESSSDSDSD3230SD3030SHWRLINEN30ATTICACCESSATTICACCESSATTICACCESSATTICACCESSFURNFURNSHWRTUBCHASE?FINAL UPPER FLOORDEMONEW HALF WALLNEW WALLEXISTING WALLSDSMOKE DETECTORATTICACCESSA2241 1ST AVE NW CHAMPMAN Floor Plan Indianapolis, INDIANA FORBUSH DESIGNARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 28X48 ELECFURNFURNSUMPNEW PIERNEW PIERNEW PIER6" C. BLOCKDEMONEW HALF WALLNEW WALLEXISTING WALLSDSMOKE DETECTORBASEMENTFINALARCHITECTURAL DESIGNFORBUSH DESIGNB1241 1ST AVE NW CHAMPMAN BASEMENT PLAN Indianapolis, INDIANA TAB 5 FINDINGS OF FACT CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: PZ-2023-00101 V Petitioner: Carl Chapman Residence – 241 1st Avenue NW, Carmel, IN 46032 Request: Article 3.64 (A) (5) – Garages: All new garages shall be attached to the principal building so that the front face of the garage is at least fifteen (15) feet further from the front lot line than the primary front line of the principal building; a request to allow the new garage area to be in line with the front line of the home along 3rd Street NW and face the alley (to the east). FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The requested variance is necessary in order to remodel a residential home on the Real Estate and approval of the variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The remodel of the home on the Real Estate will be consistent and compatible with the other existing homes that surround and are in the vicinity of the Real Estate and this remodel project should have a positive impact on the use and value of the homes and area surrounding the Real Estate. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The UDO requirement that all new garages shall be attached to the principal building so that the front face of the garage is at least fifteen (15) feet further from the front lot line than the primary front line of the principal building. On the subject Lot, which is a Corner Lot, this would result in practical difficulties in that it would prevent the Applicant’s proposed remodel design, from including a three-car garage which is designed to access the alley. The lot is a corner lot with frontage on both 1st Avenue NW and 3rd Street NW, with the front door of the home facing west toward 1st Avenue NW. The north side of the lot runs along 3rd Steet NW, and includes the existing driveway. On the east of the home is an existing detached garage that is to be demolished. The addition to the existing homes makes use of the existing driveway and a garage that aligns with the home and faces the alley is the most appropriate layout for the site. If the garage addition were positioned 15 feet further from the front lot line of the primary north façade the doors would need to face the street and not the alley which is the primary design intent of the UDO standard. As a result, the Applicant is seeking permission to allow the new garage area to be in line with the home along 3rd Street NW with overhead doors facing east toward the alley as it is the most practical positioning of the new garage addition in regard the UDO standard as it applies to Corner Lots which have significantly less depth from the secondary street frontage. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer that Development Standards Variance Docket No. PZ-2023-00101 V is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this meeting, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this 22nd day of May, 2023 ________________________________________________________ CHAIRPERSON, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer _______________________________________ SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). TAB 6 FINDINGS OF FACT CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: PZ-2023-00102 V Petitioner: Carl Chapman Residence – 241 1st Avenue NW, Carmel, IN 46032 Request: UDO Section 3.64 (B) (5) – Roof Material: Shall be asphalt, wood or slate shingles; a request to allow portions of the shed roof addition for the north, south and east to be metal due to the more shallow slope of these limited roof areas. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The requested variance is necessary in order to remodel a residential home on the Real Estate and approval of the variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The remodel of the home on the Real Estate will be consistent and compatible with the other existing homes that surround and are in the vicinity of the Real Estate and this remodel project should have a positive impact on the use and value of the homes and area surrounding the Real Estate. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The UDO requirement that roof material shall be asphalt, wood or slate shingles would result in practical difficulties in that it would prevent the Applicant’s proposed remodel design for limited portions of the new roof. The Applicant is proposing that portions of the shed roof addition for the north, south and east be metal due to the more shallow slope of these limited roof areas. The use of limited metal roof portions for the north, south and east elevations of the home will allow for more effective drainage from rainwater. Absent approval of the requested variance, the Applicant may have to incorporate roof treatments that are not as effective for drainage purposes and which could ultimately damage portions of the roof area creating a practical difficulty. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer that Development Standards Variance Docket No. PZ-2023-00102 V is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this meeting, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this 22nd day of May, 2023 ________________________________________________________ CHAIRPERSON, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer _______________________________________ SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). TAB 7 FINDINGS OF FACT CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: PZ-2023-00103 V Petitioner: Carl Chapman Residence – 241 1st Avenue NW, Carmel, IN 46032 Request: UDO Section 3.64 (B) (4) – Roof Pitch: Shall have a minimum pitch of 8:12; a request to allow the roof addition to have a 7:12 roof pitch to match the existing roof pitch. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The requested variance is necessary in order to remodel a residential home on the Real Estate and approval of the variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The remodel of the home on the Real Estate will be consistent and compatible with the other existing homes that surround and are in the vicinity of the Real Estate and this remodel project should have a positive impact on the use and value of the homes and area surrounding the Real Estate. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The UDO requirement that the minimum roof pitch be 8:12 would result in practical difficulties in that it would prevent the Applicant’s proposed addition to have the same roof pitch as the existing home. The original home was built in the 1940’s and the roof has a 7:12 roof pitch to achieve a Tudor architectural design. If portions of the new roof were required to have a pitch of 8:12, such a design would be out of character and inconsistent with the current 7:12 roof pitch of the existing home. Absent approval of the requested variance, the Applicant would be prevented from having a consistent roof pitch for the primary roof area of the addition which matches the existing home. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer that Development Standards Variance Docket No. PZ-2023-00103 V is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this meeting, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this 22nd day of May, 2023 ________________________________________________________ CHAIRPERSON, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer _______________________________________ SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign).