HomeMy WebLinkAboutENCROACHMENT - CTE-3058 St. Charles Place - Downes-20220421JMZ 2022020291 ENCR $25.00 04/21/2022 03:43:47PM 6 PIGS Jennifer Hayden DocuSign Envelope 10: AD2D31Cg-FE04-41DC-OF20-6DBABED53eg6 Hamilton County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented II II II II II I I I I II I I I I I I II CONSENT TO ENCROACH -I HIS CONSFN'I -1'0 ENCROACH (11—inaller the "Agreemcn t") is entered into by and bel—n Duvynes. Curie Arm R Paul Joseph Dotrnes jtrs. 5058 St Charles Pl, C'armcl, I lartilton County. Indiana •16033. (individually and collectively, "Owner"), and the City of Carmel. I luntiltun Counq-, Indiana, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety W ITNI.SSETH: WF IFIWAS, tAyncr —.1 in Fee simple Lot 111 ("Lot") in KINOSWOOD, section 3, which is located within the corporate lintits of the City of Cnntef. Indiana ('Subdivision'), which real estate is mare particularly described in Exhibit A. attached hereto and incorporated herein by the reference: and WI IERL'AS. theufticial platofthe Subdivision was recorded in I'C I SLIDE 1. Instrument Number 8900204 inthe OR3ecoflhe I Iamilton County Rccordcron 0l/03/19 F9, as KINOSWOOD, seen ion :3 (the "•PiaP•); and WIIERF.AS. the .great Owner l,ishcs to install a Pool. Inut tub avid Fmrdscalw on the Lot (the "Sire Intpnnernent"); and WI IGREAS• Other has given lie City a sketch (••Skewh-) depicting Ike location Lill' the Site Intproycinent on the Lot. o copy of wvhich is auaehcd hereto and incor-pasted herein by this reference as Fxhibil 13; and W IIEREAS. the Site hapniventert will be constructed on portions of the Lat designated as 5-fool Utility Easement identified as "Y Otility Esnt." on Exhibit B (the _Easement"): and WI IERFAS, the Easeutent is henclicial ur the City and its residents: and WIIEREAS, as indicated on the Sketch, the Site Improvement trill encroach (tire "Freroachment') opon the Iiusenicru. which Iineraacliment is crosshatched oa Eshibit it: and W11IMEAS. City or C'nnnel Board of Public Works and Sulety approras the Goners requcsl I'ur a variance I"runt C'umtcl City C'adc Section 6-227[4); and WI I GRFAS. Owner awl. City acknowledge the location of the ICncroachmcat and W111,RIiAS. Ot+ter acknmledgcs that this Agreement does not impl} any appro-I of existing or liuure initi—er—ots not iadicntcd by Owvncr no Exhibit B: and W HIi LEAS. the location of O'c Site fntl--areal as indicated be the Owner on I_ llibil. 13 should nut mmerialls interfere with the Cit%, use of the Easement. DocuSign Envelope ID: AMWIC9-FE04-41 DC-9F20-6DBABED53B96 NOW. I Illatl?POltli, li,r and in consideration of the mutual cotenants anti agreements contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficienew and receipt of which Lire hereby acknowledged. the parties mutually protnise, agree and cotenant as lolhrws: I. The foregoing preambles. recitations and definitions are made a pant hereal'as though such were full} set forth herein. 2, The Cily consents to the Fnemachntent fur only so long us (i) the Dicroaclmrent exists; and (li) Owner complies with all of the temts and provisions of this Agreement. 3. Owner covenants and agrees not to extend, increase, modify, alter, landscape, recunligure or otherwise change the Site Improvement from what is depicted on Fxhibit B. and to maintain the Site Improvement in good condition and repair. 4, Qwneragrees that City shall have (lie right to remove any portion of the Site Improvement as City deems necessary, in City's sole discretion, to install, protect and/or repair any utility lines, sewer lines or drainage ditches located in the Easement, or for any other lawful purpose, and that, should the City take such action, the City shall incur no obligation to repair. replace or reimburse Owner for the cost of any damages thereby caused to (he Site Improvment, the Lot. or to Owner 5. Owner agrees and acknowledges that the City's consent to encroach upon the Easement as provided in (his instrument, regards the City's Easement interests only. and dues not constitute permission or authority for the Owner to otherwise enter on, in, under, over, or upon the property interests of any other person without that person's consent even ifsuch property interests are also located within the Basement. G. Owner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless City, its officers, officials, members, employees, invitees, licensees and agents, Isom and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, claims, judgments, attorney I'm and costs arising front any bodily injury and/or death. and from any desiruclion or damage to any property or improvements, located on the Lot, or othcnwisc, and/or lur any failure of proper disclosure pursuant to Paragraph 12 hereof, which results directly or indirectly front any act of Owner. its employees. contractors and/or agents in, on. under, across or to the Basement. 7. Owner agrees to reimburse City for any and all eosts and expenses incurred by City to replace or repair any damage (u (Ile BUSCnten( and am improvements located therein caused by the installation. constrnetim. maintenance and/or operation of the Site ImproVUrttent. K. Mite parties agree (hat Ilse terns ofthis Agreement shall he binding upon and inure to the benelit of their respective heirs. administrators, successors and assigns. 9, The parties executing this Agreement represent and warrant that they are authorized to enter into and execute this Agreement for and on behail'ofthc party trltich they represent. 10. 'I It i s. Agree me nt shall he eftcclive as of the date on twltiell it is Iatst w(ccuted by a paNy hereto. DocuSign Envelope ID: AD21)31C9-FE04-410C-9F20-6DHABFD53696 i i IL 1'hc Khtiner agrc*cs to prvvidC (ul I disclosure of this Agreement to all persons. entities and others nho ;require by or through (ltvner any interest in the Lot on and after the effective date of this Agreement. 12. 0%%ner agrees not to aher the ground surface elevation ttithin the limits of the casement at any time. 13. O%%ner agrees to remedy any drainage problems or issues, saturated soil or standing seater on the Loi or adjacent propcnies detenrtined by the City to be resulting from the Encroachment. 'OWNER' PROPERTY 011',Vfi. R ray IC T)owrus Pri , Name Si aturc Date: STATE OF INDIANA } ) SS. COUNTY O! ) PROPERTY 011'. ER Printed N me Signatu Date: �� Z 7 Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and Slate, fxrsonully appeared ravic-t olul by me known, and who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing "CONSENT-10 ENCROACI I' as his or her voluntary act and deed. ,,`` Witness my hand and Notarial Seal lhis"rday of 2U My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBIA 2a L� Dcot Printed Name ofResidence:My County o HMO � lS _ `����!!lri��IN►►N DoeuSign Envelope ID: AD2D31C9-FF04-41DC-9F20-6DBABED53B96 "CITY" CITY OF CARMEN., INDIANA, BY AND TIIROUGII ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY Not Present BY: James Brainard, Presiding Officer Date: ,--- 9e vftned by: Wit. tl 'AWM%c, Membcr Date: 4/20/2022 0«.Vg1.e by. 1.66 Ut&I L r}abfatm0t4t:ntber 4/20/2022 Date: STATE OF INDIANA 1 ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMII TON ) cusi0ned by: iAV Sue Ul Igang, ark 4/20/2022 Date: Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared JAMES BRAINARD, MARY ANN BURKE and LORI WATSON, by me knouts, and by me known to be the Members of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety, and Sue Wolfgang, Clerk of TI 1E CITY OF CARMEL, who acknowledged the execution of the roregoing "CONSGNT TO ENCROACI I" on behalrof the City of Cannel, Indiana. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this tat' flay of April._____ E %'% HOELY7HARMEYEREYER ®`NotaryPf Indians"= HatyMy C ommission f>spires; t CornmissiP0737992\`� My Coxpires Dece029 12/15/2029 ,20 22 DIARY PU4VI(-' Holly J. Harrneyer Printed Name My County ol'Itesidence: Hamilton This instrument was prepared by Jon ()berlander, Esquire. Assistant Corporation Counsel. One Civic Square, Carmel. Indiana 46032. affirm, under the penalties [or perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Soeial Security Number in this document. unless required by lain. Jon Oberlander, (-'.squire DocuSign Envelope ID: AD2D31C9-FE04-41DC-9F20-6DBABED53896 Ej9E Certificate of Survey 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the within plat is true and correct and represents part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 17 North, Range 4 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 47 seconds East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter 1326.89 feet to the Southwest corner of Kingswood Subdivision, Section 2; thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 04 seconds East along the South line of said subdivision 1164.68 feet to the Southeast corner of said Section 2 and the Beginning Point; thence along the cast line of said Section 2, the following seven (7) courses; (l) thence North 00 degrees 19 minutes 56 seconds West, 135.00 feet; (2) thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 04 seconds East, 63.91 feet; (3) thence North 00 degrees 19 minutes- 56 seconds West, 330.00 feet; (4) thence North 01 degrees 51 minutes 34 seconds East, 50.04 feet; (5) thence North 00 degrees 19 minutes 56 seconds West, 278.88 feet; (6) thence North 07 degrees 33 minutes 53 seconds East, 50.28 feet; (7) thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 138.59 feet to the Northeast corner of said Sectio4 2; thence North 83 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds East, 101.59 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Wood Creek Section 111, a subdivision in Hamilton County, Indiana, the plat of which is recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 75 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, (the next 12 courses being along the south and southeasterly lines of said Wood Creek Section III); (1) thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds East, 137.19 feet; (2) thence South 00 degrees 09 minutes 52 seconds East, 6.79 feet; (3) thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds East, 195.00 feet; (4) thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 52 seconds East, 26.25 feet; (5) thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds East, 145.00 feet; (6) thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 52 seconds East, 25.46 feet; (7) thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 08 seconds East, 175.00 feet; (8) thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 52 seconds West, 9.86 feet; (9) thence North 73 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, 320.96 feet; (10) thence North 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 22.48 feet; (11) thence North 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, 326.11 feet; (12) thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds East, 109.09 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said Wood Creek Section 111; thence South 00 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds East along the East line of said Southwest Quarter 1235.08 feet; thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 04 seconds West a distance of 1503.00 feet to the Beginning Point, containing 34.052 acres,more or less. This subdivision consists of 81 lots numbered 76 through 156, together with streets, casements and public ways as shown on the within plat. The size of lots and widths of streets and easements are shown in figures denoting feet and decimal parts thereof. f 4 Witness my signature this day of d: i . 1,987. Edward D. Giacol'ttw Reg. Land Surveyor Indiana -#50560 CAR DocuSign Envelope ID! AD2D31C9-FE04-41DC-9F20-6DBABED53B96 �9 I Exhibit B r a.. .• -.._ ..ww.Nrunnfor com � I MASTER PLMI FOR: 00'.NNES RE300[CC S058 511m Charles Plxe Carlsl& IN I .0 jj -- — _— - r — MASTER PLAN