HomeMy WebLinkAboutCTE - 1627 Quail Glen-20221212DoeuSign Envelope ID. OAC25582-7469-415D-a3EF F493aOCD53F8 2022058056 ENCR $25.00 12/12/2022 11:42:03AM 6 PGS Jennifer Hayden Hamilton County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I II EJC 1 CONSENT TO ENCROACH 'FHIS CONSENT TO ENCROACH (hereinafter the "Agreernent") is entered into by and between Nguyen, "Thomas, 1627 Quail Clen Ct, Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana 46032, (individually and collectively, "Owner"), and the City of Carmel, Hamilton CDU[Ity. Indiana, by and through its }hoard Of Public Works and Safety ("City"). NVlTNI SSFTH: WHEREAS. OWtter owns in fee simple Lot 58 ("Lot") in FAIRGREEN TRACF whseh is located within the corporate limits of the City of -Carmel. Indiana ("Subdivision"), which real estate is mote patticalarly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by the reference; and V/HERL'AS, the official Plat of the Subdivision wv s recorded in PC 2 SURE 075, Insniime.nt \'umber 2001-67204 in titc Office of the Hamilton County Recorder on I0/14f200 t, as FAIRCiRt=> ' TRM'C (the "Plat'); and %VH RCAS. the current Owrter wishes to install a deck on the Lot (the "Site Improvement"); and WHLRUAS. Owner has given the Pity a sketch ("Sketch") depicting' the: location of the Site Improvement on the Lot, a cup" of which is altarhed hereto and incorporated herein by this retcrence as Exhibit B; and lIVHLRLAS, the Site Improvement will be constructed on portions of the I_ot designated as 15-foot Uhiily and Drahmge Easement , identified as "1 5' on Exhibit B-(the"Tasenlen("), and %VH-.RLAS, the hasement is beneficial to the City and its residents, and W1li RfaAS, as indicated on the Skeich, flit Site Improvement twill encr'oaeh (the "Lneroachrnent") upon the Basement, which I?ncro:tchnacnt is crosshatclicd on E,xltibil B3 and Wl1LRF,A1.,, City of Carmr_I Board of Public Works and Safety apprnvos the (_)wner's request [or a variance from ('armel C IP, Code Section 6-227(4); and Mll--RLAS. Owner and City acknowledge the location of the Lncroaclnnent, and WHGRFAS. Owncr acknowledges that this Agreement docs not imply any approval of existing or future improvetrtenis nut indicated b', tJwncr oa hxlubit B: anti %Vt RL-AS, the tocation of Ihcc Sitc lnaprovcment as indicated by thv Ownet on Exhibit 13 shoutd trot materially inl,frferc with the Citv's use of the Casemcnt- DocuSign Envelope ID: OAC25562-7469-415D-B3EF.F4934DC053FR NM. TIII;'1-TOR for anti i]I etmsidenvinn of the IlwtuaI cmciumts and agreements contained herein and other good and ealuahlc consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which arc hereby wknowledgO. the panic, natltnally promise, and coy enant ns liallows: I The foregoing preambles, rceilmionc and definitions aro made a part hereol'as though such xvcre fully set forth herein. 2, The City conscnls to the EnClbachmCnl for anly So long as (t) the F.Ticraiachlracnt c.ei,ts: anti (ii) Otrner complies %vith all of the terms. wid oiovision;s of this Agrccmem 3 Owner covcttanls and nglecs not to cxlend, increase, modify, alter, landscape, reconfigure or olhenvisc chanrc the Silc hnproveMCnl 171TJ111 what is depicted on Exhibit B, and to nlainitiin the Site Impro,en7enl in good condition and repair. d. Owncr agrees that City shall have the ripht to remove any portion of the Site Impro%emenl as City deems accessary. in City's sole discretion, to install, protect and/or repair any utility lines, sewer lines or drainage ditches located in the Casement, or for any other lawfuf purpose, and that, should the City lake such action, the City shall incur no obligation to repair, replace Or reimburse Owner for the cost of any damages thereby caused to the Site Imprrrcmerlt, the I.ot, or to Owner 5. Owner agiccs and uknowledgcN that the City's consent to encroach upon the Easement, as provided in this Iiistruincltl. regards the City's Easement II}lerc'sts olily, and floes not constitute permission or authority tor the Owner to odle n1'i8C CmCI' on, lu, under, over, or upon the pt'oper(y Intcrests Of any other person without that persou's consent avco if such properly interests arc also located within the Easemcm. 6, Owncr agrees to indcnvtil'y tend hold harmless City. its officcrs. officials, members, employees, invitees, licensers and agents, from and mgainst any and all losses, Ilabililkc , dMllagCS, claims, judgments, attornev fees and costs arising front tmy bodily injury and or death, and from any ilestruction rn- damage to any propc)-!y or iIII provc.nients, toealed on the I of. of otherwise, andror for any failure of pluper disclosurC I)IIIAMnl to famgrnph 12 hereof: which results directly or indirectly from any act of Owner., its employct,s, contractors and/or ,igents in, tan. under, across or to tine Fasenienl. 7, owncr agrees to reimburse Cily fur any ;md all costs and expe:nscs inclined by Clt} to acplace or repall any damahc TO the FaSement and any iinprovcnicnis iocatcd Ihcrcjn caused h)� the iustallatitIn, constructintt, niailitenance ondlor Operation of'thc Site Improvement. {. I lie parlics agree That the leans of (hi, Agreement shill be binding upon and inure to the bcnefil of their respcetivc liens, adoiinistralors. succe,sors and aYSiflnS. 1), The partics exmilin? this Agrecuierii represent and tt arratlt that lhcy are �tutharizetl 10 entCl inks Mid e\CCUke Illls,Agrremertt lor,uad tin lachalfofthc party Mitch they represent I O l-Ills A IccII)ent shall be c11'cctiVkc as of - the d;ue 011 %vIILC11 11 is lust executed lay a party hereto. DocuSign Envefope ID: OAC25582-7469-415D-83EF-F4934DCD53F8 11 . be (h� 1wi .tgrces to hri)ridc fidl disclosur: «I-thisto all poisons, cmilics anti t)lltcrs �%110 aCLph" I)" or thromgh Owricr am ill(cICJt in tht= f_ot on and tiller tllc cf)ecti<<c J01 of this .y LrCcmclll. l2. O Igor agrees trot to alter the grotird surfacc Jovaucw wilho the limits of the casement at ally lime. 3 Owner iigroes to remody wiy drainage problems or issaws, saturated soil or standing water ort tile. 1,o( ar ,uijacrttl prcpp ]Ties dGermined tzp the City ti, be restiltiitz, from the l:incioae}tinenr. "0WNI R" PROPERTYOWNER �y frl Primed Name signature Date: J ti'1'A'l IG 01'` INI)IANA f q SSOU VI PRCIPFRTY C1 Fi iVER Printed Name sigrmwic Date: Bef-sire mo, a Notary Public in and for said ('owity acid 'jtaic. personally appeamd hynit' kMA+ 11. and WhO )Lkm))i Icdged tile execution of the tnre,!o ,t� "C'()N';la'T 1-0 as his 4w lief fnluittar� s�c� acid aced rT, y 1 MWi ' m' IWILL _uid Milai i d Seal this day of i�J 1y (:om itissiuii F•:xpires oj"f�yy1'�1j[3t.lt % lllj :` Prinlit N'nitit: \1LM.lnt}• «l'l C. Itk'Iwc' s -"® FEiAIICIS A At�PIL No!a�y Public • seal State of Indiana Marion Gounty My Commission Expires Mar 1, 2023 Docu8lgn Envelope ID: OAC25582-7469415D-83EF-F49340C053F8 C1 I Y OI' CAR.NIEL, INDIANA. RY AND Ti IROUCIH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY oocuftned b F31' Jamcs l ramard, I residing Officer �— Dale; 12/8/2022 --DocuSigned by[ �$a'IR>9 ?�.�$d�iQi,..1'ICtilltCl° f]alc, 12/8/2022 -Docu3iigjned by: ---- -�'_ 12/8/2022 I�tlte: -- DocuSi'gne}d' by J� ("V1 511C'A'M"igTAM9... Da lC; .12/8/2022 HOLLYJI HARMEYER STATE_ OF INDIANA Public, Stato of Indiana NNotary SS; SEr , ; _ Hamilton County - + =Commission Number NF0737082� COUNTY OE HAMILTON 1 ',''nia:aT " My Commission Expiros +n, 0acember 15, 2029 Betore mc, a Notary I'ublic in and for said County and State, personally appeared JANIES BRAINARD, MARY ANNr BURKE and LORI WA'fSON, by nic known, and by me known to be the Members of the City of Carmel Board of l'ublic Ml-kx and Safety, and Sue Wolfgang, Clerk ofTHE CITY OF CARMEL, Who ackno%N ictlged the cxeculion of the foregoing "C ONSr iVT' i`C) ENCROACH" on behalf of fhc City of Carmel, Indiana. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this day of December y 20 22 My Commission L.Npires: 12/15/2029 NofY Put :IC - Holly J. Harmeyer Printed Name My County (ifResidenec: Hamilton '1 his instrument was prepared by Jon OberL'inder. Esquire, Assistant Cofpofation Counsel, One Civic Sgrinre, Carmel, Indiana 400K2, I aftirnt corder the PcnalliCS for pcijury.. that I hace lakes rossunxlalc care to redact cash SCClill Sccurrly NUMI)Qr in [his documcnl, unless required by lulu. Jon Oberlandcf, Fsquire DocuSign Erve}ope 10 OAC25582-7469A 15D-B3EF-F4934DCD53F8 xhibit-A LAND KSCRIPTION A port of Uie Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in flamZkn County. Indiana, desmbed os follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of said Quarter Sdc(13n; thence North ag degrees 19 minutes 05 secoinds West (Assumed bearing) dong the south Ise of sold Quarter Section. 38&00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence contiauing along said south line North 89 degrees 19 �-,4nutes 05 seconds West 80,04 feet to the west Iiie of the abandoned Traction Cor-tpony Line and being a point on a curve to the left haviriq a radius at 2824.79 feet, the radius point of which beefs Nouffi 37 degrees 31 Minutes 01 seconds Wes(, the fdIo-,qinq two courses being dlon said abandoned Traction Coripony Line; �I) thence northerly clung said curve on arc length of 7713 feet to a point which bears South 89 degrees 11 mimulas 00 seconds East from sold radius point (2) Lhe:tce North 00 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East 222.72 feet to the north line of the red estate described in deed to Roger E. & Anita L I:lx per Instrument JS427864 as recorded In the Office of the Recorder of said County, thence North 89 degreesIg minutes 56 seconds West along said north lire, 117.23 feet to the northwest comer of said feel estate; thence South N degrees 35 minutes 28 seconds West along the west line thereof, 299.91 feet to the south line of said Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 19 minutes 05 seconds 'Nest along said south lire, 239.97 feet to the east line of the real estate described iin deed to Trinity Homes per Instrument #9955416 os recorded in the Office of the Recorder of said County, thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East parallel with the east line of sold Southtost Quarter, 1121,75 feet: thence South 89 degrees 41 minutes Q seconds EosG 45ZO3 feet to the east line of the former Traction Company Line, ciao being the west line of the red estate described 15 dead to the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company per Instrument W2443 as recorded in the Office of the Recorder of said County-, thence South 00 degrees 19 minutes 00 ser.crids West along the cost line of said former Traction Company Line, 1047.62 fact to a point on a curva holing a radius of 2904.79 feet, tho radius point of which bears North 89 degrees 11 minutes 00 secmc[s West, Thence southerly along said curve an are length of 77.05 feet to the south line of said Quarter Section and the Point of Beginning, containing 10.65 acres, more or less. ]HIS SIJSGIVISION CONSiSfS OF 24 LOTS NUMBERED 41 THRUIUCH 64 AND OLOCKS A. IJ, AND C TCG0II(R MrH STREET$ AND [ASEIMENTS AS SHOffll HEFECN. THE SIZE OF LOTS AND BLOCKS AND WIDTHS OF STREETS AND EASEMENTS ARE SHO'hN 1H FIGURES DENOTING FEET AND DECIMAL PARTS THEREOF. CROSS-REFFROXE IS HEJ�EBY MADE A LA14D TILF SURVEY RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NUMBER IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF IMILTON COUNTY, iKOIANA. 1, DiE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY (FIAT I AM A REGSTIRIED LA140 SURVUOR, UCEtM IN COMPLIANCE Y11`11 THE LAYS OF THE STATE OF 1)*AA AhR INAT THE WTHIIN PLAT REPRESENTS A SUSONIS1014 IN THE LM4DS SURVM WITH;N THE CROSS r4FIERE14CED LW TITU SVRWY. AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNO'AU])GF AND BELIEF THERE HAS EaN NO CHANGE FROM THE MATTERS OF SURVEY RIXALED BY THE CROSS-RU1RUICE SURVEY ON 4Y LINES THAT ARE COMMON 1N1Tli i'HE NEW SUODIVIVION, I FURTHER CMIIFY THAT DiE SAID %.CDNISION WAS PLATTED 0DER MY DIRECT SUPER'ASION AND CDHIROI.. AND IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO "Iff KST OF MY KNOYI-EDGE AND BELIEF: WHIIIESS MY SWNAIURF THIS -V—;40AY OF 2000. F WILLARD E. JOIIHSOq REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR t: Z.- I No. LS29600017 NMANA - AS29500017 DocuSign Envelope ID. OAC25582-7469-415D-B3FsF-F49340CD53F8 EXHIBIT B Aft -OPP, AhdlaTLd `" Surveying nvgtlU@ bchNWckw 317- 'aDoli , 46216-1037 G rkd9c ping ArchILOciare 317-"028-7110 Pa Geology NOTE; THIS DRAWIN4s Am, is HO 6A p UPONsUqVeTfa7 SC►iNEIOER CORP ON NUA FIELO DNS oR RECORD 0ryT � 58 SVE UffIGENCY OF TH1� ORMATpNNOT AFIT THE ACCURACY OR 8�227 SF THE DISCREPANCY Nf CA NS PRIOR TOGA Y ACIOR _%,Ot4j) CON To INC OTR UPON I T5 012A SttMTION. AN 50 YALL INEIOER CC�ts�pgATION SOFA so" BE HFPGR SULT DI THE COWTRACTOTS AS UE VTrA,uON E To Do ` LIATIAITY, BLOCK W V COMMON AREA 01{I\ DI '\! W\ l 15 U A< OE * APPRO. CONFIR CONSTF AND WE tip'` y f m I lcd(� S�l y C FRY AcW5f l/1 F{Qj�-. ��a SUB qa Y410 �q. ® `m CM R. 4" FTC 933,33 PON !fit R&AAr , Ta,o �' APR9�N 25.0`R M PLM l.i QUAIL GLEN COURT z� W 100' R/W . SODA CONC. DRI' PUBLIC WA PRiVATE W SOD -- 561 SOD FULL NOTE: IN THE RESIDENTu HEIGHT TO TWENr OWELUNG TRAY 9E TO THIRTY-FIVE ( THE SIDE ANO RE INCRLASEO AN At EACH FOOT SUCH TWENTY-FIVE (25: PER CARMEL ZONi NOTE! CONTRA - A 10 FC BETWED LATERAL