HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 07-23-01
City of Carmel
Division ofPll'1nn1ng & Zoning
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July IS, 2001
Department Report
To: Board of Zoning Appeals Members
From: Department of Community Services
Re: Projects scheduled to be heard July 23, 2001
H. Public Hearin2:
1h-9h. These Items Currently Tabled:
Lakes at Hazel Dell, Section 1 (UV-133-00; UV-134-00; UV-135-00; UV-136-00; V-
153-00; V-154-00; V-155-00; V-156-00; V-157-00)
10-12h. Donatos Pizza (V-66-01; V-67-01; V-68-01)
Petitioner seeks Developmental Standards Variances of the following Sections of the
Sign Ordinance:
25.7.01-2: Traffic Directional Sign 5-square-foot directional sign
25. 7.02-8(b): Number & Type 2 Identification Signs
25. 7.02-8(b): Number & Type 2 wall signs on the east fayade
The site is located at 1422 Keystone Way East. The site is zoned B-S/Business and is
located partially within the SR 431/Keystone Avenue Overlay Zone.
V-66-01 - Section 25.7.01-2: Traffic Directional Sign - Petition to allow a five-square-
foot Traffic Directional Sign.
In deciding whether or not the applicant has presented sufficient proof to permit the
granting of a variance of development standards, the Board shall determine in writing
1. The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and
general welfare of the community;
Insofar as the general welfare of the community is defmed by the Sign Ordinance (ZO
Section 25.7; Z-302), the appropriate size for a traffic directional sign is four square feet.
Injury to the general welfare would be sustained through the granting of a larger sign area
without practical difficulty being demonstrated. Furthermore, injury would be done
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Department Report - Board of Zoning Appeals
July 23,2001
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Lakes at Hazel Dell, Section 1, Common Area 3 (SUA-63-01)
Petitioner seeks to amend Commitment 2(B) (lifeguard) of Instrument No. 199909969620
relating to the Special Use approval granted for the Lakes at Hazel Dell Amenity Area as
Docket No. SU-37-99. The site is located at 12474 Dellfield Boulevard West. The site
is zoned S-I/Residence.
Filed by Joseph M. Scimia of Baker & Daniels for Zaring Premier Homes.
The Department has no recommendation associated with this petition. The matter
at hand - whether or not the pool will be monitored bv a lifeguard - is a matter of
Commitment between the petitioner and the Board. and is not covered bv the Zoning
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