HomeMy WebLinkAbout306683 01_05_179` " CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366015J s., ONE CIVIC SQUARE WEX BANK CHECK AMOUNT: $*******527.06* s .Q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 6293 CHECK NUMBER: 306683 niON,-' CAROL STREAM IL 60197-6293 CHECK DATE: 01/05/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4231400 481589737 304.74 GASOLINE 1110 4231400 48159429 83.18 GASOLINE 1110 4231400 48186193 139.14 GASOLINE 0 Clk I ®CD S:2 k CL a LL W 0) CL k m Z, E 3 0 U k 2 0c a- J k k / §Mo I )b 11 / § t ai Co < \ CL w c `g c LL V5 0 0 U m C mu o 0 CL q Cl G I G 7 7k ` 0 ® - S 2 f ƒ zL § § Q jo f e 2 e » a t a 2 A w 2@ g 2kD2 f / 204m 0 7 w a 2 0 m f) e a) N 0 o CL f § ) k 0 f §k e o m c LL8 m 4) ƒ \ 2 \ 2 k 5 F- 3 k O LL F-0 E 2 E Q g b 2 7 Cl) k / k R CD g w ƒ U Q 7 0) CN « o 2 w § m kO o d A D z_ § § 7 J x U k U o p 7 e o R p O EIL 0 3: a Q nvoi ce Statement INVOICE NUMBER: 48186193 ACCOUNT NAME: CARMEL POLICE DEPT PAGE 1 OF 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER CREDIT LIMIT DAYS THIS PERIOD BILL CLOSING DATE PAYMENT DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE 7560-00-11224&0 2,000 00 31 DEC-31-2016 JAN-20-2017 139.14 DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION CHARGES/DEBITS PAYMENTS/CREDITS DEC-19-2016 PAYMENT-THANK YOU 167.37 DEC-30-2016 FUEL PURCHASES 139.14 REMINDER REMINDER PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE REMITTANCE STUB WITH PAYMENT. MAIL TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN IN THE RIGHT PORTION OF THE REMITTANCE STUB. PURCHASES,RETURNSAND PAYMENTS MADE JUST PRIOR TO BILLING DATE MAY NOT APPEAR UNTIL THE NEXT INVOICEISTATEMENT. PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENTS PURCHASES DEBITS CREDITS + LATE FE = NEW BALANCE 167.37 167.37 139.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 139.14 CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE TO PAY BY PHONE FEDERAL TAX ID: 841425616 The Late Fee is determined by To the balance subject to late ap lying a monthly rate of fee for this period which is 2.990 % 0.00 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND TERMS. TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT,TEAR AT PERFORATION AND INCI IinF RnTTnRA DnDrt^•l AAr,T, ^"- - CIRCLE I nvoi ce Statement INVOICE NUMBER: 48159429 ACCOUNT NAME: City of Camel Police PAGE 1 OF 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER CREDIT LIMIT DAYS THIS PERIOD I BILL CLOSING DATE PAYMENT DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE J0496.00-138007-0 20.000 00 31 DEC-31-2016 JAN-20-2017 83.18 DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION CHARGESDEBITS PAYMENTSCREDITS DEC-19.2016 PAYMENT-THANK YOU 342.10 DEC-30-2016 FUEL PURCHASES 83.18 REMINDER REMINDER PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE REMITTANCE STUB WITH PAYMENT. MAIL TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN IN THE RIGHT PORTION OF THE REMITTANCE STUB. PURCHASES,RETURNSAND PAYMENTS MADE JUST PRIOR TO BILLING DATE MAY NOT APPEAR UNTIL THE NEXT INVOICEISTATEMENT. PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENTS PURCHASES (+)DEBITS CREDITS + LATE FE = NEW BALANCE 342.10 342.10 83.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 83.18 CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE TO PAY BY PHONE FEDERAL TAX ID: 841425616 The Late Fee is datam ned by To the bale os abject to late a ffaMy rateof fee for this period which is 2.990 % 0.00 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND TERMS. TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT.TEAR AT PERFORATION AND INCLUDE BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT I nvoi ce Statement INVOICE NUMBER: 48159737 ACCOUNT NAME: City of Carmel Fire PAGE 1 OF 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER CREDIT LIMIT DAYS THIS PERIOD BILL CLOSING DATE PAYMENT DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE 0496-MI38012-0 9,550.00 31 DEC-31-2016 JAN-20.2017 304.74 DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION CHARGES/DEBITS PAYMENTS/CREDITS DEC-19-2016 PAYMENT-THANK YOU 743.88 DEC-30-2016 FUEL PURCHASES 305.15 DEC-30-2016 OTHER PURCHASES 0.41 REMINDER REMINDER PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE REMITTANCE STUB WITH PAYMENT. MAIL TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN IN THE RIGHT PORTION OF THE REMITTANCE STUB. PURCHASES RETURNSAND PAYMENTS MADE JUST PRIOR TO BILLING DATE MAY NOT APPEAR UNTIL THE NEXT INVOICE/STATEMENT. PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENTS PURCHASES DEBITS CREDITS + LATE FE = NEW BALANCE 743.88 743.88 304.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 304.74 CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE TO PAY BY PHONE FEDERAL TAX ID: 841425616 The Late Fee is determined by To the balance subject to late applying a monthly rate of fee for this period which is 2.990 % 0.00 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR I M PORTANT INFORMATION AND TERMS. Tr%PWCI IRP PRnPPR f:RPTNT TEAR AT PERFORATION AND INCLUDE BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOIIR PAYMENT Balance Subject to Finance Charges: Payment Options Finance charges will be calculated by determining the total balance Mail due on the date your account becomes delinquent,as follows: Be sure to include bottom portion of invoice with your payment. adding the total amount due on your Account on the payment due Write your account number or invoice number on the check to help date together with any purchases posted to your Account from the avoid delays in payment processing if the check and remit stub end of the last billing cycle through the date the past due payment is become separated. applied or the close of the next business cycle,whichever happens first,and subtracting from that amount of any payments and/or Allow 10 business days prior to the due date for mailing to help credits entered during that period.The total balance due will then be avoid late fees. multiplied by the applicable periodic rate to determine your finance charge.If your payment is not received and posted by the invoice Online payment due date,you may be charged a finance charge or other Authorized users can elect to receive an email notification when an fees in accordance with the terms in your Business Charge Card invoice is ready for online viewing and payment.Log in or register to Account Agreement. set up an online account at www.wextools.com. Online payments scheduled by 3:00 PM ET(on business days) How to Dispute Your Invoice are credited to your account on the same day.There is no fee for Charges must be disputed in writing no later than sixty(60) online payments. days from the billing date or they will be considered final Phone and binding. Call Customer Service and select the menu option for Billing Inquiries.In addition to scheduling a payment,you can also Card Issuer check your balance. The card is issued and payable to WEX Bank under a Business Payments scheduled by 3:00 PM ET(on business days)Charge Account Agreement with the cardholder named on the are credited to your account on the same day. reverse. Be prepared with your fleet card account number and a sample Customer Service check to enter your bank account number and routing number. There is no fee for phone payments. For account inquiries and correspondence regarding account service or billing: Call 1-866-544-1715,or Fax to 1-800-395-0809,or Mail to P.O.Box 639,Portland, ME 04104 Be sure to include your account number on all correspondence.