HomeMy WebLinkAboutL100 Site Materials_CRC_ADLS-L101PAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAx6P1.3P1.3P1.3P1.3P1.3P1.3P1.1P1.1P1.1P1.1P1.3P1.3P1.3P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.1P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.2P1.1F1.3P2.1P2.1P1.2P1.2P1.2F3.3F3.3P1.2F2.1R1.1W1.2W1.2W1.2F3.2F3.2F3.2F3.2F3.2F3.2R1.1F3.4F3.4Refer to ArchitecturalDrawings for Wall DetailsW1.2W1.2W1.2F1.3P1.3F2.1F2.1P1.3P1.3F2.9F2.7F2.8F2.9F2.7F2.80Scale 1" = 20'-0"40'20'10'NorthDRAWING TITLE:CERTIFIED BY:DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERREVISIONS:SCOPE DRAWINGS: These drawings indicate the general scope of the projectin terms of architectural design concept, the dimensions ofthe building, the major architectural elements and the typeof structural, mechanical and electrical systems. The drawings do not necessarily indicate or describe allwork required for full performance and completion of therequirements of the Contract. On the basis of the general scope indicated or described,the trade contractors shall furnish all items required for theproper execution and completion of the work.ISSUE DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BY01/13/23MAJSPROJECT:
CARMEL MIDTOWN21-1489CARMEL, INNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONL101SITEMATERIALSPLANMATERIAL LEGENDR1.0 Accessible Sidewalk RampsOne-Way Directional Perpendicular Curb Ramp, Refer toDetail 6/L502 and SpecificationsPerpendicular Curb Ramp with Flare and Curb, Refer toDetail 7/L502 and SpecificationsP1.0 Pavement, ConcreteHeavy Duty Concrete Pavement, Sand Release Finish,Refer to Details 1-3/L501 and SpecificatioinsHeavy Duty Integral Color Concrete Pavement, SandRelease Finish, Refer to Details 2-4/L501 and SpecificationsConcrete Pavement, Sand Release Finish, Refer to Details1-3/L501 and SpecificationsIntegral Color Concrete Pavement, Sand Release Finish,Refer to Detail 1-3/L501 and SpecificationsR1.1P1.1P1.2W1.0 WallsConcrete Seat Wall, Refer to Detail 3/L502Masonry Wall, Refer to Architectural DrawingsConcrete Planter Seat Wall, Refer to Detail 3/L502W1.1F3.0 FencingWood Screen Fence, 8'-0" HT., Refer to Detail 2/L502and SpecificationsOrnamental Fence, 4'-0" HT, Refer to Architectural DrawingsDog Run Fence, 6'-0" HT, Refer to Detail 1/L503 andSpecificationsDog Park Entrance Vestibule, Refer to Detail 6/L501and SpecificationsF3.1F3.2P2.0 Pavement, SpecialtyPlayground Mulch, Refer to SpecificationsSynthetic Turf, Refer to Detail 8/L501 and SpecificationsP2.1W1.2W1.3P1.3P1.4F3.3F2.0 Site FurnishingsBike Rack, Refer to Detail 1/L502, By OwnerTable, By OwnerChair, By OwnerPlanter, By OwnerPing Pong Table, By OwnerRemovable Traffic Bollard, Refer to Detail 5/L501 andSpecificationsDog Park Bench, Refer to SpecificationsDog Water Fountain, Refer to SpecificationsDog Waste Station, Refer to SpecificationsF2.1F2.2F2.3F2.4R1.2F3.4F2.5L1.0 LightingCatenary Light Post, Refer to Detail 4/L502 andSpecificationsCatenary String Light, Refer to SpecificationsL1.1L1.2F2.6F2.7F2.8F2.9P2.2MATCHLINE - REFER TO SHEET L102MATCHLINE - REFER TO SHEET L102INDUSTRIAL DRIVELimits of ConstructionLimits of ConstructionLimits of Construction
Limits of ConstructionLimits of ConstructionSculpture TBD