HomeMy WebLinkAboutL304 Planting Plan(1) Que-x'5$:,1* 7,7/(&(57,),(' %<'5$:,1* 180%(5352-(&7 180%(55(9,6,2166&23( '5$:,1*6 7KeVe GUDZLQJV LQGLFDWe WKe JeQeUDO VFRSe RI WKe SURMeFWLQ WeUPV RI DUFKLWeFWuUDO GeVLJQ FRQFeSW WKe GLPeQVLRQV RIWKe EuLOGLQJ WKe PDMRU DUFKLWeFWuUDO eOePeQWV DQG WKe W\SeRI VWUuFWuUDO PeFKDQLFDO DQG eOeFWULFDO V\VWePV 7Ke GUDZLQJV GR QRW QeFeVVDULO\ LQGLFDWe RU GeVFULEe DOOZRUN UeTuLUeG IRU IuOO SeUIRUPDQFe DQG FRPSOeWLRQ RI WKeUeTuLUePeQWV RI WKe &RQWUDFW 2Q WKe EDVLV RI WKe JeQeUDO VFRSe LQGLFDWeG RU GeVFULEeGWKe WUDGe FRQWUDFWRUV VKDOO IuUQLVK DOO LWePV UeTuLUeG IRU WKeSURSeU exeFuWLRQ DQG FRPSOeWLRQ RI WKe ZRUN,668( '$7('5$:1 %<&+(&.(' %<10$-6352-(&7 &$50(/ 0,'72:11-1&$50(/ ,1127 )25&216758&7,21/6,7(3/$17,1*3/$1MATCHLINE - REFER TO SHEET L303 MATCHLINE - REFER TO SHEET L303 1.Refer to Project Manual for Planting Specifications and Topsoilrequirements. Refer to Plant Schedule and Planting Details foradditional information.2.All materials are subject to the approval of the LandscapeArchitect and Owner at any time. Landscape Architect to inspectall plant locations and plant bed conditions prior to installation.On-site adjustments may be required.3.Rootballs shall meet or exceed size standards as set forth in'American Standards for Nursery Stock'. MAIN LEADERS OF ALLTREES SHALL REMAIN INTACT.4.Remove from the site any plant material that turns brown ordefoliates within five (5) days after planting. Replace immediatelywith approved, specified material.5.Plant counts indicated on drawings are for Landscape Architect'suse only. Contractor shall make own plant quantity takeoffs usingdrawings, specifications, and plant schedule requirements (i.e.,spacing), unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect.Contractor to verify bed measurements and install appropriatequantities as governed by plant spacing per schedule. Plantmaterial quantities shown on plan are minimum quantities.Additional material may be needed to meet spacing requirementsand field conditions.6.Seed all areas disturbed by construction activities that are nototherwise noted to receive pavement, planting bed, or sodtreatment.7.The Contractor shall install and/or amend topsoil in all proposedbed areas to meet Specifications. Contractor shall coordinatequantity and placement of topsoil. Landscaper shall verify depthof topsoil prior to plant installation. (Refer to specifications fortopsoil source and placement requirements)8.All tree locations shall be marked with 2x2" stakes prior to plantingfor review and approval by the Landscape Architect. Any plantmaterial installed in an incorrect location, by the judgment of theLandscape Architect, shall be reinstalled at the Contractor'sexpense.9.All plant beds shall receive 3" minimum of shredded hardwoodbark mulch (unless otherwise noted).10.Verify all utility locations in the field prior to beginning work. Repairall damaged utilities to Owner's satisfaction at no additional cost.11.The Contractor shall maintain all plant material and lawns until theproject is fully accepted by the Landscape Architect, unlessotherwise noted.12.All workmanship and materials shall be guaranteed by theContractor for a period of one calendar year after FinalAcceptance.13.Install all plant material in accordance with all local codes andordinances. Coordinate with the Owner to obtain any requiredpermits necessary to complete work.14.Contractor shall test all tree pits for drainage. Any tree pit thatholds water for more than 24 hours shall be installed using tree pitdrainage.15.Tree Protection Fencing is the responsibility of the Contractor.Minimum protected area shall include the full drip line of thecanopy. NO construction activities, material storage, etc. mayoccur within that area. The Contractor shall ensure that no soilcompaction or tree damage occurs in any Protected areas, at anytime during the construction process.16.Trees shall be matched in groups unless otherwise noted.5.21 LS-03: C1 and C2 Landscaping StandardsB.Street Trees: Shade trees shall be planted along all streets withthe ROW, parallel to the street (Maximum Spacing of 50'-0")Industrial Drive:Required:482.02 lf. = 482.02/50 = 10 Shade TreesProvided:10 Shade TreesC.Bufferyards (C2 District Only)1.Buffferyards shall be required along any side and/or rear lot lineabutting a side or rear lot line of detached single family residencesand shall extend the entire length of the line.2.Minimum Bufferyard with shall be equal to the building height ofthe nearest building to each side or rear lot line, not to exceed 35'3.The minimum planting standard shall be Bufferyard C as set forthin the Bufferyard Table prescribed in Article 5, Section 5.19(F)(1):Bufferyards.Shade/Evergreen Trees = 6 per 100 lf.Ornamental Trees = 1 per 100 lf.Shrubs = 15 per 100 lf.North Bufferyard:Required:173.58 lf. = 6(173.58)/100 = 10 Shade/Evergreen Trees173.58 lf. = 1(173.58)/100 = 2 Ornamental Trees173.58 lf. = 15(173.58)/100 = 26 ShrubsProvided:10 Shade/Evergreen Trees, 2 Ornamental Trees, 26 ShurbsNo foundation or Parking Perimeter Plantings required for C2GENERAL LANDSCAPEAND PLANTING NOTES0Scale 1" = 20'-0"40'20'10'NorthPlanting AreasLimits of ConstructionLimits of ConstructionLimits of ConstructionLimits of ConstructionLimits of ConstructionWORK DONEBY OTHERS