MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2023
(V) Thrift Residence, Fence Height Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
7. Docket No. PZ-2023-00122 V UDO Section 5.09 Maximum 72” (6’) side/rear fence height
allowed, 90” (7.5’) height requested. The site is located at 141 1st Ave NW (Henry Roberts Addition
Lot 3). It is zoned R4/Residence and Old Town Overlay Character Subarea. Filed by Matt Huffman of Old
Town Design Group, on behalf of Paul M Thrift Trustee Angie H Thrift Rev Trust.
General Info:
• The Petitioner proposes to erect a privacy fence in the side/rear yard that will match the height of what the
adjacent neighbor currently has.
• Single family detached homes surround the subject site.
• The subject site is a corner lot, with two street frontages.
• Prior variances approved in 2021 for this site relate to lot cover, garage setback, garage door orientation,
driveway width, window well location, and building height (BZA Docket Nos. PZ-2021-00154 to -00159 V).
• Please see the Petitioner’s info packet for more detail on the variance request.
Variance Requested:
Fence Height -
• Per the Unified Development Ordinance, the maximum allowed fence height in the side yard is 6-ft. The
Petitioner requests 7.5 feet. This is a variance of 1.5 feet, or a 25% change.
• Petitioner seeks to match the existing fence height of the adjacent neighbor to the south for a cohesive look.
• There is a slight grade change for this site, when compared to the property just to the south, with the subject
site sitting a little higher.
• The fence will be located more in the side/rear of the site, out of view from the street.
Remaining Review Comments:
• The Petitioner addressed all planning/zoning review comments.
Final Comments:
• The design, material, and fence color will complement the subject property and the adjacent south property.
• The site will be extensively landscaped, too.
• On a separate but related note, the driveway design has changed slightly since the original BZA approvals.
Black decorative stone was added in, replacing the grass strips. However, the Petitioner states that the
pavers are permeable within the driveway area. The Carmel Engineering Dept. does not have any concerns
with this change.
• The Planning Dept. supports the fence variance request.
Findings of Fact:
• Please refer to the Petitioner’s Findings of Facts included in their BZA Info Packet.
• After all comments have been addressed, the Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) recommends positive
consideration of the variance request, and with adoption of the Findings of Fact submitted by the Petitioner.