HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket U v: 'J D · U U o o u o o D o o U D D D U D U o o Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 4 Hazel Dell Parkway and 131 st Street Docket No. SU-95-01 \ \ Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals September 24, 2001 u u u U D o D U U D U D D D D U U U D v W 0 . Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 4 Docket No. SU-95-01 September 24, 2001 Table of Contents 1. Project Overview 2. Area Map 3. Building Elevations 4. Landscape Plan 5. Lighting Plan and Lighting Fixture Detail 6. Site Line Study 7. Sign Locations 8. Sign Drawing u U 'e U U U U U U U U U D D D U U U U U 'q o o HAZEL DELL CORNER, LOT4 PROJECT OVERVIEW Plum Creek Partners, LLC is proposing to construct a 12,950 square foot neighborhood commercial center just north and west of the northwest corner of the intersection of 131st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. This property is located in a B-3/business zoning district. The center has been designed in compliance with the B-3/business district development standards. Pursuant to zoning commitments made in 1995 as part of the rezone of the property, the Petitioner has submitted to the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission, for its review and approval, the architectural design, lighting, landscaping, and. signage of the proposed neighborhood commercial center. Future development could occur on the site to the north of this proposed neighborhood commercial center. When the future development occurs, the petitioner will be required to appear before the Plan Commission for ADLS approval specific to the future proposed development. Consistent with the B-3 zoning classification, the petitioner is appearing before the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals for Special Use approval. The building has been designed to complement the other approved buildings in the Hazel Dell Corner subdivision. Its design is residential in nature and is compatible with the Emerald Crest neighborhood located to the west. The roof-top mechanical equipment and dumpster areas will be screened from view. -7 / ;""'''UIII~''"",,,. ~~L"'--"'~\ Ilri' "~1I):t\~ ~u~da'" l\iE i'd. ZN~lis>j .. '" en 7.!f~ ~;"v ,......-._'if:,~ il''''''''''''fllm,,,''''!i / ~ ~ ~8 /~ .f 1:' l!!F:; E.I! . S.I ~"'. g'~ 11 1! t ~ ft,p"&!"~ ...slll.ll ,....:; \ " ~ IbJ.~S;~:i ~i!" ;til~ ., I~~.i~j Up~~~j ~/~I~I!!l ~~!J~!~~tl ji i: i! a - ~ !lJi 4 on ,s ~I !lwJ! iI ~ 181 i 1..&1& i .. ~ -:: " JDIIS JLWld ~i 0lIlIlIl ! :z JWIUll:Uasn Ii a'Gl1lh 1QIU u mUll aNWJSrIM IIIlS _I aJIIH' mUll ZIYJIIJ GI.S/W'GV ~:illr~ ;:-- M , , -= !II I -~- , --- -- ---- - -- - --- ~-- -- - - - - - - -- -.-----. 133H1S ISlet ---- ._-----~ - --- -," " ~ . / 1 ~~ ! I l I / Y >-/ I !/ I /~ / ~ I / ~ I ~ I I \ ., .II !III ~il I l!l III ~I !-; II I~~l II f---Uli-- II L II - ------ r-r- I I i-- M , , = I' o , -"'- , - 133H1S 'lSLtL ~ --i~l ~~ --i I ~ >- ~ ::.:: 0:: < a.. 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CQ..'{IRACTQR SHAll REPA.'R ANY OA.I.IAG( 10 ffia>[P.IY .=Rt4,I Pl>>msG lPERATKN$ AT ~o COST TO 1H::: CI'l'lR. 13. .\lL OfSIUBED AR[AS SiAll Bt S[[C{O M1) sm...". ull!>.(D. roo ~[);tlG SPtaflCAn~ 5([ ERC~ ccum PtA'\. " KEY A B C o [ F G PLANT SCHEDULE I BOTANICAL NAME COMI.IO~ NA E UOUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA 'MORAINE' MORAINE SI\[U GUM I CLEO/TSIA T. /. 'SKYCOL[' SKYlINr HONEYLOCU:T I OUrRCUS SHUMARDII SIIUMARD OAK I PICEA OMORIKA SERB/AN SPRUCE I PICEA ABJrS NORWA Y SPRUCE I JUNIPERUS CHINENSlS 'KALLA YS COMPACT' KALLA Y PF1T2ER JUNPER I MYRICA PENSYl VANICA NORTHERN BA YBERR: OTY. SIZE CONDo REMARKS Z3 Z :/Z" a & B 7 2 : 2" B&B 9 2 1/2" B&B 18 6' B&B 21 6' 20 24" 151 30" :: :;; .:: I ~. i ~ ~ ~~ ii;8 ~; i i I I I 1'ICSI)U"'IIG~~n-c:aAS.o(SlG>lS.I.Io() i ttJiCtJ>lSCCHl4)<j(J)t<IlCWAA{~(Ja.lISlV!:1 .lITlI...l:C1\J....~RlY(J'1H{So:HO(O(lt . ~~'!' ~~'1 ci?~ rg:;. 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Vlll1lcel Lamp - Type 3 3H . HOllzonla1 Lamp 3V . Vertical Lamp - Fotward Throw FH . HorIzontal Lamp FV . Vertlcal Lamp ~ o R D E R I N G F'REFIX M1M1NG SIZE CCN'IaJRAnCN OISTRBUTlCN' 1 EC A PnnMxri 3 14 CJ-e ~ W WIll M:1rJl1 18 2H 23 2 o-a 3H ~ FH 3 Ja:: Zt 3HCW 2H ~ + FH 3HCW 4 Q-l FHFV Q-l 3V-RIC 1 QJ.R\C 1 VlATTAGE \oa.TAGE ANSH ~ 120 BRP Btnze panl F 701-FS :;m B.P Ba:l<panl FF 1001-FS 240 WJ w.part LF 1501-FS 'ZTT lIP N3IuaI LA' 100Mi 347 Mnfrun PCR 17!\Mi .48) paint PCT Ja:: 2:t s::: ~aI PCB 250tflS 7501-FS O:1apanl HS 400tflS 1000tflS (Spdy) M' 250Mi 750Mi /JP1 400Mi 1000Mi AT P'TF 'OIIlIIJl N:III Pc*ItlaW qll\aIMIaIle ll1l1 (oaaIl fadayflr8'o8lltilyl TYPE PREFIX MOUNTING SIZE CONFIGURATION DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS EC EC EC ~ NOTES 1 1W>>511113W1h I'8ll.mIndrCB'l:llipDMr. 9uJd III lpCilIldatyin~ftlIJ/rIrglldl8T8modrnmb mrirnmllifarnlyllllios(5b 1 allwr). RD.ald IulI/BJ&ltIIc:lrq \IIIllILIllnlcwrlMlllgBttxmnIe IMs 2 QnU\racmyl'a~. · JIlmIT'lUti'1l on rani pd8ll1e dIBgBllDmutlDpHo Il1lEIllIirg3.8'QQ alargllr. 4 f'I1cfIlar*d ntt.......WIh 4llN. 823'U'llBafy. . 18"end23'lI'iIlIafy. 7 14' end 18" U'llB crIy. CPl1CNS F SlrQle Fuse In Helld (1ZlV. 277VII'347II) FF D:UlIe Fuse In Helld (3lflII, 24CN II' 4lIM lA Dnlct topcHrra.rlIlll (less am) criIy avriIaIHw'IlIlVeandtv./n ILrTfnalres at 1~ LF ~ IMIne FIlsIrlI ~ Inclucles In-Une Fuses) FCR 1.DdcIrg~A1cbxD1rd ~ F'CT l.ocHr1l ~ F'IDDcl:lrdrd RecePade WR-daxrdrtA 4 PCB 1lulIa11't1c*xx1nlrtl4 HS InIemeI tt1lge Sde S1Ie1d (~sla1cBdftr FJ-VFV) M" MISt PtmFltler /IP AlfusI&le K/u:lde.!'de M:ut AT ~e~.TllI1CII1M:u11 FIf FdeTopFlItlr .- ,.,....... .......,.HOMAS. FAX 510/357.3088 EMCO UGHTING 2661 Alvarado Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 600/227.0758 (CA) 510/357.6900 ..:!fWWW.lhomaSllghllng.com EMCO'SPECIFICATIONS GeaW. CESCRlPTla-t Each EtvCO EcoIume Is a sharp cutoff lurrinalre for high Intensity discharge larrps. Intemal CXlfTllOI1ents are totally enclosed, rain-tight, cIust-tlght, and COIT'OSioo resistant. No VSllirg d the cpical system a &edrlcaI alI.t-<>> S'IIs Is ~ or perrritted. Larrlling requires no lifting or hinging of the IuTinalre tD.Brg. dslutirg wring a ~ lJ'4rsJaIeclllve pm. I-OJSING: The housing ~ Is a&piece defamed a1urrirun wth 1Il Jntega I8nfac:irg sPine IlI1:I ro WlIded cxmers. S1lcxne seals ptNide a v.eahertlg,t sea a all pam d ITSterfaI tnnitial. LENS: A nitEfed, exInJded arodI2ed a1urrirun doa frarre raaJrs the q:tIcally deer, heat nllfTll!ld reSstat terTpnd flat (lass in a seaed rrernr usirg hoIloN moo, til11 lmlJIlance, rrerray retenIIve extn.decI s11ia:rte n.tber. A rm-yaIOt\lrg cIrcp 8a}4lc lens is iJ'CMded sla'Drd (1114" nl18" vstIcalllI'l'p erd a s;g (lass lens Is ptl'Aded 00 Z1' verticallarp lurrinires. A sllle flush 1/4 turn captive fastener pemits easy access to the Iurlnire. CPTlCAL SY51BAS: The 6r:v .Illllled relieda' system a:nslsls d Mo Ius d tiltly spea.da' aurrirun faleIs pedsely alg-sd to adieoe spedfied photometric d1stributialS. The entire optical system Is field raatable In 00" lnaerrents. The p:IlltiaKtfented ITC!J.d I:aie scd<st IS9a2ed pcrcelaln v.lth a rid<el paled scmvshell. A. lanp slaIiiIzEr Is stlI'Id!rd oo3H and Qi 400N M-I1Ilils. EPA'S AND WEIGHTS Ecolume EPA (Effective Projected Area) Ft2 Slngl!!F1xture Weight 30lbs 50lbs 90lbs 14" units 18" units 23" units Single Arm 1.1 1.9 3.6 Quad Twin 18" 2.2 3.8 7.3 2.7 4.8 8.8 / r~1 · I ~I / EMCO 2681 Alvarado S. Sin Leandro, CA 94577 S00/227-0758 510/357~ (CaIWomla) FAX: 5101357-3088 .......I'w'uw .h,,"'o.....h...." ,..,,'" In Canada: 10L 640 Cur Boivin Blvd, Boldlriand . Quabec. Canada J70 2A7 Tel: 514/433-3216 l:Ay.1;1AIA'J"LOAA4 ELECTRICAL: E:ad1 til11 pa.I8' fa1a' !alast Is the seperate OQ I j:)() IeI1lype ~e d ptl'Adlrg reifalje IlIl'p stating to -2!1F. The cp:Id ~ (1'EN/'2rJM24011/ZrN) ballast Is m:u1led 00 a unitized tray am pe..oired v.lth (JJid< eledrlca dSCXl'VlElCls to the ~ wre and the scd<st 8SSElI1'tiy. Enlire ballast assentJIy is secured wltin the luninire, above the relIeda'sysIem Hgh Pressure Sodium ballasts operate larrps wUlln ANSI trape:zddallinils. MDt Halide ballasts are mecllBTl rEgJlatloo aJto.tr.:r1sfar po.Iidirg %1<J'1o pa.I8' regiaticn v.lth :t1<J'1o vaiatloo fran rated Input voltage. Conllonent-to-c:onponent wring within the luninafre y,jJ1 cmy no nae 1Im ~Io of ratedo.mnt and Is listed by UL for use at 600 VAC at 1500 or higher. Plug dscxmeds Be listed I1t Ll fa' use at 609Vpc, 156.ahlg,er. RNlSH Each lumina/re receives a fade and abrasion resistant, e1ec:lralta1ically ~ied, thermIliy.an!d pa~ pov.der finish ails' flbiallkn / LABas: / Jljl fixtures bell' U:\I\I:t Loc:aIioo am IfEW ISleIs. / Thcmas ~~ 118 ri!,tt to da1ge I7IlIslals II' mdfy the dasllJl d Its pnxU;!-wll1aJl nalIfIcaIIcn. as part d the OCI1llIl"Y's CXJntlr1llng j:IOduct l~lIRl9'IIl\ // / / ARM MOUNT A 8 C Ann Len o Ann Hel hi E Drop Lens ECA14 14" a 7. 6' 5" 2' ECA23 23"s ._-14.J~_."_. 12" S, 6.5' .-- D ^ ----j T e .1 , .- , ,~ e '........-..-..I~:_- . -*-- c--J - ,.,....... .......,.HOMAS. EMCO LIGHTING / / / / / / / / I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ I I I / o I 2 ~ ~ o .- I" -l )- C\ ~ a- U) rn9 ZII -IN S llJ w I--;t ill ~ li~/!:;~~~j""~ :U o~'" is \'d.' z~~ ~j '\~ ,-,'?!~(?l '1I""un,,""'';' -8~la 0 0 ~ ~g ,S !~ N" 5' .a. I .~ .~~~i/ : ~ ~~ lW ~ !l!1!~~~:R !f!~ itt!,! ~ !!,'l5i JII~~~.j ~ . ~ijIJ~1 ~~~J~~i!fl / 'fHVIOlll 'llII3Hstl :m Sll3tWlVd >1m:! 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