HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 10-22-01 ~. City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Division of Planning & Zoning .~: October 17,2001 Department Report To: Board of Zoning Appeals Members From: Department of Community Services Re: Projects scheduled to be heard October 22, 2001 H. Public Hearin2: Ih-9h. These Items Currently Tabled: Lakes at Hazel Dell, Section 1 (UV-133-00; UV-134-00; UV-135-00; UV-136-00; V- 153-00; V-154-00; V-155-00; V-156-00; V-157-00) As Items IOh-I2h and Items 16h-I7h all pertain to the same site, the Department recommends that the Board re-order the Agenda to hear these five Items together. 1O-12h. Shell Station (V-92-01; V-93-01; V-94-01) Petitioner seeks the following Developmental Standards Variances: V-92-01 ZO 25. 7.02-7(b) 3 Special Use signs V-93-01 ZO 25. 7.02-7(c)(i) 43.34-square-foot ground sign V-94-01 ZO 25. 7.02-7(d)(i) 6' 10.75" ground sign The site is located at 3202 East 96th Street and is located partially within the SR 431/Keystone Avenue Overlay Zone. 16-17h. Shell Station (V-I09-01; V-llO-Ol) Petitioner seeks the following Developmental Standards Variances: V-I09-01 ZO 25. 7.02-7(c)(i) 43.34-square-foot identification ground sign V-llO-Ol ZO 25. 7.02-7(d)(i) 6' 1 0.75 "-tall identification ground sign The site is located at 3202 East 96th Street and is located partially within the SR 431/Keystone Avenue Overlay Zone. V-92-01- Section 25. 7.02-7(b): Number & Type - Petition to allow three (3) Special Use Signs. In deciding whether or not the applicant has presented sufficient proof to permit the granting of a variance of development standards, the Board shall determine in writing that: Page 1 Department Report Board of Zoning Appeals October 24,2001 Page 6 of 11 13h. J.e. Sipe Jewelers (UV-96-01) Petitioner seeks a Use Variance of Section 6.1: Permitted Uses in order to establish a jewelry store on 1.16:1: acres. The site is located at 9610 Day Drive. The site is zoned S- 2/Residence. In deciding whether or not the applicant has presented sufficient proof to permit the granting of a variance of use, the Board shall determine in writing that: 1. The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community; Insofar as the general welfare of the community is defined by the S-2/Residence District Ordinance (ZO Chapter 6), the appropriate uses for the area do not include retail. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner; The proposed use of the property (retail jewelry store) is of a sufficiently low impact that the proposed landscape buffering should be sufficient to ameliorate the impact of the project on surrounding residential properties. 3. The need for the variance arises from some condition peculiar to the property involved; There is no condition peculiar to the Subject Property that makes a Use Variance appropriate. A Rezone petition would be the appropriate 4. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance will constitute an unnecessary hardship if applied to the property for which the variance is sought; and The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance does not constitute an unnecessary hardship on the Subject Property. The Property could be developed with a single- family residence without the need for either Variances of Developmental Standards or Use. 5. The approval does not interfere substantially with the Comprehensive Plan. The proximity of this property to the intersection of East 96th Street and North Keystone Avenue would make its use for retail appropriate under the Comprehensive Plan. The Department recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals Table this Item until such time as the Plan Commission and City Council have had an opportunity to consider a Rezone petition for this property. The utilization of a Use Variance in an Page 6 " Department Report Board of Zoning Appeals October 24, 2001 Page 7 of 11 effort to mask the existence of Commercial property in proximity to Residential property on the Official Zone Map is inaptlropriate. There is no condition peculiar to this property that makes a Use Variance an appropriate course for this proiect. Rezoning by Use Variance circumvents the proper legislative authority for making such land use decisions. Page 7