HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 06-06-02 u ~- Jl ~ L .~ U' .~ WTF-SPRINT SPECT (A-97-01) ~ ~ ::r U,,4.. to HEARING DATE: ~IA ~J.~ 28, 2002 c ~. ~ n ... CJ U ~ U '0 C C J. TAGGART BIRGE BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS LLP 600 E. 96TH STREET, SUITE 500 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 o u o o o ~ D o o Q o o o o D, o o o o A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. 47495 TABLE OF CONTENTS Application for Improvement Location Permit Application for Board of Zoning Appeals Action-Appeal Request Applicant: Richard Deer Director's Letter to Mr. Jay Lemmon Sprint's appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals Richard Deer's Motion to Dismiss Sprint's Appeal Base map of subject area Section 5.1.1. of the Ordinance Definition of Antenna! Project notes Section 5.2 of the Ordinance Photos of the site Location of Crooked Stick Golf Course Letter to Tom Bedsole 1\); ~\n\...Y Improvement Location Permit [I~,s permit is valid only if construction is started within 120 days of issuance date; all construction is completed (c/o issued) within 2 years of issuance ~~ unless an extension of time has been officiall ranted b letter b the Director, D artment of Communi Services. 1388 Queens Way, Carmel, Irrliana A. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Do plans include a porch? F. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT 1. 0 Single Family 0 Yes 0 No 1. 0 New Structure 2. 0 Two Family 2. 0 Addition: Porch_Room_ 3. 0 Multi-Family Type of Foundation 3. 0 Remodel 0 Commercial Tenant Space 4: 0 Commercial I Industrial OCrawlspace 4. 0 Foundation Only 5. KJ OTHER taffOO OBasement f\\ 5. 0 Demolition (Specify) uns _ . eel ad:i. JOSlab \)\ J 1\ cr 6. Xl Af~~b\xilding ~ r 0 1\ 1 l' d' ;,zl"\~"t}}'ra ~ed Attached SEWER: eqw.prent shelter/, if. & 0 r:O~ VV. a.\\ f\e~ B. mne _ - Se 'f v.J\\'i\ S X 1. 0 Public (Name of System t\e\J. COfl'\?\\0l:'dtot~litOde ~J\C\:.S YES _ NO 2. 0 Private (Septic Tank, etc.) ~'-Sub\eC' \0 s\a\eWl~O ~f\'''I~S\'\\~S _ NO X C. WATER: . 0\ c:hJ\ ,rH,.i'\Ol" ~S NO X 1. 0 Public (Name of System none ": .Je: ,. Of Ca~~~b ll':fc(ured Trusses YES ===- NO X 2. 0 Private (Well ! U C~'p lNO~ D. ZONING: S-2 - ~umbing Contractor ' mre E. ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTIO:rt\1_ rl- (Excluding Land Value) ;~e . Plumbing License # 0 UPC or 0 CABO ........*.**......***.*.*****..***.*.*.*..*....************************************************************* .The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction; enlargement, relocation, or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structure requested by this application win comply with, and confonn to, all applicable laws of the State oflndiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel Indiana - 1993 (Z-289) and amendments, adopted under authority of I.e. 36-7 et seq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and aU Acts amendatory thereto. I furthe certify that only kitchen, bath, and floor drains are connected to the sanitary sewer. I further certify that the construction will not be used or occupied unli a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by tbe Department of Community Services, Carmel, Indiana. . ~NSPECTIONS I?&-. V ooti . . oder Sla ou- gnatUre of Owner or Authorized Agent (/ ........ L) Ja:tes A.L. Btrldenbaun, Attorney for Sprint ~ Spectr~, I.P (see attaChed lease' agreerrent) Permit (Square Footag (print) . (Phone Number) (317) 269-2500 r;CarmeJ-Clay U;owns~p LOCATION o o o o o o o Exhibit A Application for PermitNo.~,.U , Date Roll File NAME PHONE FAX Jay IemIro~, Q Serve O:mnunications (317) 856-1694 (317) 856-0198 STREET QTY STATE ZIP '4515.-.5. ~:.Hi.gh SclDo1 Ib~, In:lianapoli~, Sprint Spectrun, IE, d/b/a Sprint PCS 46241 IN NAME Edwin C. Zamber PHONE (317) 848-9739 STREET 1388 Queens Way, CITY S Camel LOT SUBDIVISION lion ADDRESS OF CONSTRUCTION o o o Inspection Fees: Certificate of Occupancy: P.R.I.F.: TOTAL: o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o DOCKET NO. ClTY OF CARMEl. CLAY TOWNSHIe HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA APPlICATION FOR BOARD Of lQN1NG APPEALS ACTION APPEAL REQUEST DATE RECEIVED: 1) Applicant Richard Deer Address: 1332 Queens Way, Ca~el, Indiana 2) Projec:tName: Sprint. Spectrum, LP, d/b/a Sprint ~rnvdh~ First Group Engineering, Inc. Phone: Phone: (317) 290-9549 Phone: (317) .514-3700 Attorney: J. Taggart Birge, Bose McKinney & Evans LLP 3) ApplIcant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) (a) The applicanrs nam1:l is Of) the deed to the property (b) The appflC8nt is the contract purchaser of the property x (e) Other: Applicant is an adjacent !>roperty owner. 4) Jf ftem 3) (0) ~ chocked, plom;c oompleto the foflowing: OwnerofthepropertyinvoJved: Edwin C. Zamber Ownetsaddress: 1388 Queens Way, Carrn.el, Indiana Phone: (317) .84&-9739 5) Rocord of Owno~hip; Deed Book NoJlnstrument No. Page: N/A 9739910 Purchase date: September 22, 1997 6) Common addmss of the property invollMd: 1388 Queens Way 9 Carmel9 Ind iana Legaldesqjption; See the attached Exhibit "A" Tax Map Parcel No.: 17-13-03-00-00-028.017 7) State AypI1tnation of rl)Quested Appeal: (State what you want to do 3nd cit& the section nlJf'nber(s) of 1he CarmeJICJay Zoning Ordinance which applies and/or creates the need for this appeal). : . See the attached Exhibit "B.n 6) St31e reasons suppof1ing the Appeal: (AddilionaUy, comJie1e the attached question sheet entitled '"FJf1di~'of Fad- Appealj. . .-- . See the attached l!:xhibit "B." BZA Appeal Application - pg 1 o D- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Present zoning of the property (give exactclassification): S-l Present use of the property: Size of 10tIparcel in ques1ion Residential 6.09 .' . acres Oesaib9 the proposed use of1he propertY. The owner nroposes to lease an area to. Sprint PCS to install and maintain an antenna to serve the general public i~.the area. Included is the construction of an equipment shelter, a new D~C, and a paved access road. Is the property: Owner occupied x Renter occupied Other 14) Ate1here any re&1Jidions. Jaws. covenants. variances. speciaf uses. or appeals filed in connection with this properJJ that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this applica1ion1 lfyes. give date and dodcet number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation. . . None of which I am aware at this time. 15) H~ work for which thiG opplicotion is being filed already started? If enswer is yes. give detaib: Building Permit Number: 2001.0627.3 BWMer. Jay Lennon, QServe Communications (317-856-1694) 16) If propos;gd 2ppoal is ~rnntod. when will the work commen<>>? The work is in progress. 17) If 1he proposed appeal is granted. who wiD operate and/or usa the proposed improvement for which 1hIs appl~n. mas boon fiJod? - N/A NO~: . LEGAl NOTICE shall be pubtished in the NoblesviDe DailY ledger a MANDATORY twenty-five (2S) days priorto the pub5c 002ring date. The cDrtifiod "Proof of Public2tioo" :affid:aw for tho llDWSp3pDr mud be availab'D for inq>ection tho. night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY. two mQf:ho(k ofnotice :a... recommended: 1) CERTIA~O MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REaUESTED sent to adjoining propqrty owneB. (Tho wtrito rGCGipt- should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date) 2) HAND DElNEREO to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and ~ property owner acknowfedrjilg the twenty--five (25) day notice should be kept for verifica1ion that the notice was compfeted) RFAlI7F THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR All NOTJCES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF me APPUCANT. AGAIN: ms TASK MUST BE COMPLETED AT lEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING DATE. The appflCant undefstands that doc;ket numbers will not be assianed until all~DQ. jnfQo:nalQn.b~-.bnn submitted t'9 the Deoartmeot of CommunitY Services.. .-- .- _. '. BZA Appeal Application - pg 2 o o o ,u=ADAYIT o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1. being duly sworn depose and say 1hat the foregoing signatures. statements and answers herein cOhbiil.ed .~ the informadon herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowfedge and belief. .. Ihe unc2ersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and sutlsequent ~ftlgS and testimony. ~ ~ (6i~ .. Atlomey,~ for Richard Deer J. Taggart Birge (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA ss: County of Rami 1 t:on (County in which notarization take place) Before me the undersigned, a NotarY Publfc- for Marion (Notary Publjc's county of residence) J. Taggart Birge (property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) County, S13te of Indiana, personally appeared. . and acJcnowfedge the execution of 1ri91oregoing instrument this 15th day of 1?d L-- /Notary Pub~ignature ,JfS8.2001. (SEAl) Steven B.-Granner Notary Public-Please Print My commission expres: 10-23-2008 ~. - , B~ Appeal AppflC3tion - pg 4 o. o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o EXHIBIT A Legal Description A PART OF TIlE NORTIlWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSIDP 17 NORTIl OF RANGE 3 EAST IN HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION wmCH BEARS NORTIl 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECTIONS EAST (ASSUMED BEARING) 470.00 FEET FROM TIlE SOUTIlWEST CORNER OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, TIlENCE NORTIl 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST UPON AND ALONG SAID WEST LINE 509.93 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS SOUTIl 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST 1605 FEET FROM THE NORTIlWEST QUARTER OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, TIIENCE SOUTIl 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST 520.38 FEET, TIIENCE SOUTIl 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST 509.93 FEET, TIlENCE NORTIl 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 05 SECONDS WEST 520.38 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 6.09 ACRES, MORE OR LESS (5.57 ACRES NET OF RIGHT OF WAY) #43308v] <NO]> -Legal Description.wpd o o o o o o o o o o o Exhibit B Petitioner contends that Permit No. 627.01 for the construction of the Sprint PCS Site, at the property commonly known as 1388 Queens Way, was issued in error by the Director and should be revoked. A commercial Sprint PCS site can only be located in a residential n~ighborhood zoned Slunder specific circumstances dictated by the Zoning Ordinance and after a hearing before the BZA (the "BZA"). The property located at 1388 Queens Way does not comply with those circumstances as regulated by the Zoning Ordinance and no hearing was held before the BZA. The purpose of the S-l zoning district is "to provide for the development of innovative residential environments in keeping with the rural character of the district." Any interpretation of the standards of the Zoning Ordinance by the Director should be guided by this stated purpose. A commercial Sprint PCS Site, with an ancmary equipment building, is not in keeping with the purpose and intent of the S-l zoning district. According to the Director, the Sprint PCS Site is permitted because under Section 5.1.1 of the Zoning Ordinance (S-l District standards), an "Antenna," if collocated with an existing "Antenna," on an approved and/or existing tower, is a permitted use. However, the Director's analysis is flawed because the "term [Antenna] does not include the amateur radio station antennae" which is currently attached to the existing tower. As such, Section 5.1.1 of the Zoning Ordinance does not apply to the case at hand because there is no "Antenna" (as defined by Section 3.7 of the Zoning Ordinance) upon which the Sprint PSC Site antenna can collocate with. Consistent with Laurence LiJJjg's initial recommendation and Section 5.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Sprint PCS Site and the ancillary equipment building requires Special Use approval from the BZA. In addition to the Special Use approval required by the BZA, Section 5.2 of the S-l zoning district dictates that a variance must be obtained prior to placing the Sprint PCS Site antenna on the site because an initial "Antenna" must be located "on or within a structure other than a tower." If you could locate an Antenna on an amateur radio station tower (a permitted use), the whole purpose of requiring a special use for an Antenna could and would be circumvented. o The 130 foot tower site is in its present location because Section 5.3.7 permits "private radio and television reception and transmitting towers and antennas. .." Since the tower was originally constructed in 1987, it has been used solely for private purposes. The attorney for Mr. Zambers, in a letter dated February 22, 2001, stated that the location of the Sprint PCS Site and the ancillary equipment building wiJI allow Sprint PCS to serve "its customers and the general public in this area." Such commercial uses are. not private and should not be permitted on the private tower site without a public review of the proposed uses at the site by the BZA. o o o o o o o Currently, if a church wants to attach an antenna to a church spire, a Special Use is required under Section 5.2 of the S-l Zoning Ordinance. In light of such requirements, it is hard to imagine how a commercial Sprint PCS Site, an anciJIary equipment building and a paved access road can be constructed and permitted in a residential neighborhood, without a public hearing in front of the BZA. C:\NrPortbl\N01\N01\43307 _ 2.DOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o D o o CARMEUCLA Y BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: Petitioner: RICHARD DEER FINDINGS OF FACT - APPEAL 1. The Petitioner has properly followed the Appeals Procedures outlined in Ordinance Z-160, Section 30.2, et. seq. 2. Nature of action appealed from: Issuance of an Improvement Location Permit (2001.0627.3) / Refusal to revoke an Improvement Location Permit (2001.0627.3) Agency: Official: Department of Community Services Director Date of Decision: June 15, 2001 / AUQust 14. 2001 3. Attached are copies of the pertinent Ordinance sections which are the subject of the Petitioner's Appeal: Section 3.7 - Definition of . Antenna" Section 5.0 - S-1 Residence District 4. The written materials submitted to the Board do support the Petitioner because: the use for which the ILP was Qranted (an Antenna) is not a Permitted Use under the S-1 Residential District; thus. the ILP was improperly issued and should be revoked. 5. The Agency (DOCS) and Official (Director) should not be affirmed. 6. The work on the premises upon which appeal has been filed shall be stayed. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Appeal Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. day of ,20 ADOPTED this CHAIRPERSON, CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals C:\NrPortbI\N01~STUCKEY\43314_1.DOC Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign.) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ZONING ORDINANCE . AILEY. A permanent public service way providing a secondary means of access to abutting lands, and not intended for general traffic circulation. ALTERATION, MA1ERIAL. Any change to an approved plan ofany type that involves the substitUtion of one material, species. element. etc. for another. ALTERATION, MINOR Any change to an approved plan of any type that involves the revision of less than ten percent (IOOt'o) of the plan's total area or approved materials. ALTERATION, SUBST ANnAL. Any change to an approved plan of any type that involves the revision often percent (100t'o) or more of the plan's total area or approved materials. ANTENNA A structure or device that is used for the purpose of collecting or transmitting signals. images. sounds. or information of any nature by wire. radio, visual. or electromagnetic waves. including but not limited to directional or omni-directional antennas. panels, and microwave or satellite dishes. The term does not include an amateur radio station antenna. APARTMENT. A dwelling unit. primarily of a rental nature. ARClDTECTURAL PLAN. A plan for the construction of any structure designed by a qualified registered architect. ARTIFICIAL LAKE. A JDaJrmade body of water fed by a watercourse. ASSESSEl> VALUATION. The monetary value placed on a property and/or building as established by the assessor with authority over the jurisdiction of this ordinance. AUTOMOBILE Fll.LING STATION. Any place of business with pumps and under- ground storage tanks. having as its purpose the selling of motor vehicle fuels and lubricants at retail. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION. Any place of business with pumps and underground storage tanks having as its purpose the retail servicing of motor vehicles with fuels and lubricants. including minor repairs and inspections incidental thereto but not including a general repair shop, paint or body shop, machine shop, wlcanizing shop or any operation requiring the removal or installation of a radiator, engine. cylinder head. . crankcase, transmission. differential. fender, door, bumper, grill. glass or other body Part. or any body repairing or painting. BASEMENT. A story having part. but not less than one-haI( of its height below grade. A basement is counted as a story for the purposes of height regulation if subdivided. used for dwelling purposes other than by a janitor employed on the premises and/or as walk-out access. 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o ZONING ORDINANCE 5.0 8-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICf Pwpose and Intent. The pwpose of this district is to provide for the development of . innovative residential environments in keeping with the rural character of this district. by providing for a development process that allows a high degree of flexibility in the design of single-family subdivisions. Further, it is the pmpose of this district to provide for a development process that allows for more efficient use of the land through the introduction of open space and conservation lands within subdivisions. It is the intention of this district to protect remaining significant natural features within this district by placing an emphasis on less intensive urban land uses. 5.1 Permitted Uses: 5.1.1 Antenna, if collocated on an existing or previously approved tower Home occupation Kennel, residential Single-family dwelling 5.1.2 Area Density Requirements for qualifying subdivisions shall be reguJated on a sliding scale based upon the amount of open space provided. (see subdivision regulations, section 7.0) 5.2 Special Uses: (See Section 21.0 for additional regulations.) o o o o o Antenna, if visually integrated with or camouflaged on or within a structure other thana tower (such as a chiinney stack, church spire, light standard, monument, power line support device or water tower). Artificia1lake or pond (not part of a plat) Cemetery Church, temple or other place of worship College or University Commercial greenhouse . CountIy club Day nursery Golf course Kennel, commercial Kindergarten Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal and their storage Plant nursery Power transmission line, in excess of 129 KV A Private airplane or helicopter landing and/or service facility o 34 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 5.3 ZONING ORDINANCE Private recreational development or facility Private water treatment and/or storage facilities Radio or television tranmU~on tower Raising and breeding of non-farm fowl and animals (not a kennel) Riding stable School of general elementary or secondaly education (accredited by the State) 5.2.1 Minimum Area Requirements: ~ Cemetery Day nursery Kindergarten Plant nursery Minimum Area (Acres) 30 I 1 ]0 5.2.2 Other Requirements: Use Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil Removal and their storage Other Requirements Minimum perimeter Natural Open Space buffer (as defined in 7.3.B of the Subdivision Regulations) of300' when adjoining or abutting any residential use or district 5.2.3 Special Exceptions (see Section 21.0 for additional regulations) Wireless telecommunications service tower. monopole-type construction only Accessoty Building and Uses (See Section 25.0 for additional regulations.) 5.3.1 Accessory uses and structures. are permitted under the following conditions: (I) They do not aher or change the character of the premises; (2) They are on the same property as the principal structure to which they are accessory; _ (3) They are not attached to the principal structure, with the exception of an aDowableuniform and continuous roof supported by customary supports or joists, and no other connection or attachment between the structures exists; (4) They are not erected prior to the erection of the principal building; (5) They do not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height; (6) When detached from the principal building, they are set back seventy-five (75) feet or more from the front lot line. Comer lots and through lots are exempt from this paragraph 6. 35 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ZONING ORDINANCE (7) When closer than ten (10) feet to main building, they shall be considered as part of the main building and shall be provided with the side and rear yards required for the main building; and (8) When more than ten (10) feet from a main building, they may be erected within five (5) f~ or easement plus three (3) f~ of a side or rear lot line, but not within any easement. 5.3.2 A private swimming pool may be pennitted as an accessory use, but shall be located only within the side or rear yard.. No swimming pool or its deck shall be closer than ten (10) feet to the property line. For purposes for safety, the fonowing shall apply: (1) waDs or fencing deemed to be impenetrable by tbe enforcing authority, that is not less than five (5) feet high completely surrounding the swimming pool and the deck area with exception of self-closing and latching gates and doors, both capable of being locked; other means not less than five (5) feet high and deemed impenetrable by the enforcing authority at the time of construction and completely surrounding the pool and deck area when the pool is not used; and (2) a combination of subdivisions (1) through (2) that completely surrounds the pool and deck with the exception of self-closing and latching gates and doors which are capable of being locked; and (3) in conjunction with (1), (2), or (3) a safety pool cover may be used provided that: A there is a continuoUs connection between the cover and the deck, so as to prohibit access to the pool when the cover is completely drawn over the pool; . B. it is mechanically operated by key or key and switch such that the cover cannot be drawn upon or retracted without the use of a key; C. it is capable of supporting a four hundred pound imposed load upon a completely drawn cover; D. it is installed with a track, rollers, rasils or guides; and E. bears an identification tag indicating the name of the manufacturer, name of the installer, installation date, and applicable safety standards, ifany. AMENDED BY Z.261 & Z-272. 5.3.3 Tennis courts may be permitted as an accessory use but shall be located only within a side or rear yard. Open wire mesh fences surrounding tennis courts may be erected to a height of 16 feet if such fences only enclose a regulation court area and standard apron areas. Lighting of the court area shall not create more than five foot candles of light 25 feet from the court perimeter. 5.3.4 Quarters for bonafied servants employed by the occupants of the dwelling are pennitted. 36 o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o 5.4 ZONING ORDINANCE 5.3.5 One guest house with cooking facilities may be permitted as an accessory building on lots containing not less than one (1) acre. 5.3.6 Accessory lighting is permitted; however, no lighting shall cause illumination at or beyond any lot line in excess of 0.1 foot-candles of light. . 5.3.7 Private radio, television reception and transmitting towers and antennae are permitted subject to applicable local, state and federal regulations. No structure shall be located or permitted within ten (10) feet of a power transmission line. 5.3.8 Accessory uses such as public utility installations, private walks, driveways, retaining waIls, mail boxes, nameplates, I~ posts, birdbaths and structures of a like nature are permitted in any required front, side or rear yard. Height and Area Requirements (See Section 26.0 for additional regulations.) 5.4.1 Maximum height: 25 feet. 5.4.2 Minimum lot area: A Lots without service by. a Community water system and a community santtaIy sewer system, 43,560 square feet. B. Lots with service from a community water system, and private septic system, 35,000 square feet. c. Lots with service from a community sanitary sewer system and private water system, 25,000 square feet. D. Lots with community water system and community sanitaIy sewer system 15,000 square feet. 5.4.3 Minimum Lot Standards. A Minimum front yard: 40 feet. B. Minimum side yard: single-family home - 10 feet; all other uses - 20 feet. c. Minimum aggregate of side yard: single-family home - 30 feet; all other uses - 50 feet. 37 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ZONING ORDINANCE D. Minimum rear yard: single-family home - 20 feet; aD other uses - 15 feet. E. Minimum lot width: single-family home - 120 feet; aD other uses - 200 feet. F. Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent oflot. 5.4.4 Any lot within a qualifying subdivision, as described in Chapter 7.0 of the subdivision regulations, is exempt from the requirements of sections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3. 38 o o D. o o o o o o D o o o o o o D o o . Exhibit C City of Ca~el DEPARTMENT OF OOMMUNITI SERVICES . Michael P. Hollibaugh Director August 23, 2001 Mr. Jay Lemmon Q Serve Communications 4515 South High School Road Indianapolis, IN 46241 RE: Revocation ofPennit No.627.01 Dear Mr. Lemmon: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the general ordinances of the jurisdictional area of the City of Carmel, Indiana, under whose jurisdiction all improvement location peJIDits (building permits) are issued for that City and for Clay Township, Indiana. I hereby revoke the above referenced permit. This office has determined tha~ prior to the issuance of a permit for the proposed .'Equipment Shelter" on the .'Lease Mea" (as described in your Application for Improvement Location Permit), the .'Parent Tracf' should have been divided into two (2) or more smaller parcels. Under Chapter 3 of the Carmel Clay Zoning Ordinance, this constitutes the subdivision of land requiring plat approval by the Plan Commission. Should you desire to submit an application for plat approval. you may contact Jon Dobosievvicz of this Department to discuss the necessary process. Sincerely, ~~Ugh Director Department of Community Services cc: James A L. Buddenbaum, Attorney for Sprint Spectnnn, LP ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL. INDIANA 46032 317/571-2117 o D-~' o o o o o r W o o o Q o Q o o o o o .6) 7) 8) CITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION APPEAL REQUEST . DOCKET NO. DATE RECEIVED: 1) Applicant Ja Lemmon Qserve Communications Address: 4515 S. Hi h School Rd. Indiana olis IN 46241 2) Project Name: 1388 Queens Way Engineer/Architect Lawrence C. Suhre Phone: (317) 290-9549 Phone: (317) 237-3800 Attorney: Thomas F. Bedsole. Attorney for Sprint Spectrum L.P. 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) (a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property x (c) Other: Applicant is a tenant for the purpose of co-locatinQ a personal wireless service antenna on existinQ tower. . 4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following: Owner of the property involved: Edwin C. Zamber Owner's address: 1388 Queens Way. Carmel. IN 46032 Phone: (317)848-9739 5) Record of Ownership: Deed Book No./lnstrument No. 9739910 Page: N/A September22. 1997 Purchase date: Common address of the property involved:' 1388 Queens Wav. Carmel. IN legal description: See Attached Exhibit UN Tax Map Parcel No.: 17-13-03-00-00-028.017 State explanation of requested Appeal: (State what you want to do and cite the section number(s) of the CarmeVClay Zoning .ordinance which applies and/or creates the need for this appeal). See Attached Exhibit uBu State reasons supporting the Appeal: (Additionally, complete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of Fact- Appeal"). See Attached Exhibit uBn BZA Appeal Application - pg 1 o o 9) 10) 11) Present zoning of the property (give exact classification): S-1 Present use of the property: Residential Size of 10Uparcel in question 6.09 acres o 12)' Describe the proposed use of the property Co-location of antenna on existinQ tower and construction of accessory buildinQ. o o o o o n ~ o o Q o Q O. o [( o r" U 13) Is the property: Owner occupied x Renter occupied Other 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation. . Appeal Request of Richard Deer filed AUQust 15. 2001. Docket Number A-97 -01 15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: Building Permit Number. 2001.0627.B - Revoked Builder: Jay Lemmon. Qserve Communications 16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence? Immediately 17) If the proposed appeal is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvementfor which this application has been filed? - Sprint Spectrum L.P. NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the NoblesvilJe Daily LedQer a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the nightof the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are recommended: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty,.five (25) days prior to the public hearing date) 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owner acknowledging the twenty-fIVe (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was completed) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES. IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. AGAIN, THIS TASK MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING DATE. The applicant understands that docket numbers will not be assiQneduntil all supportinQ information has been submitted to the Department of Community Services. . BZA Appeal Application - pg 2 o o o o o o o o 01 o o o o n W o o o o D AFFIDAVIT I, being duly sworn depose and say that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and benef. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. ~~~ Signed: ~ ( ney for Sprint Spectrum;LP) Thomas F. Bedsole (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA SS: (YI/lLJO,J (County in which notarization take place) for "bmJSDN ~ (Notary Public's county of residence) 7 HoMtr5 f' 61)SOLL (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing ~:;::~ ~ 0;L1 Notary Public-Signature instrument this j.c/- day of ........:.t!::..... If:~:":'...;.:.~:);\ . ::..J: <J. .' ...(SEAl) =- ~:; ". ......_~..... ...... /~';-;.... ....... ;../ :::J ..... .!) f t ~\ r ." .'/'_:,.:, J J ~ J: 't'~\.\' (JArlkltJ N.{ s Jd rrr/ Notary Public-Please Print J/- t2.0 - OC/ My commission expires: BZA Appeal Application - pg 4 o o o c o o o o o. o o C\ o o o o o D. o CARMEUCLA Y BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: Petitioner: Sprint Spectrum. LP FINDINGS OF FACT - APPEAL 1. The Petitioner has properly followed the Appeals Procedures outlined in Ordinance Z-160. Section 30.2, . et seq. 2. Nature of action appealed from: Revocation of Improvement Location Permit (2001.0627.B) Agency: Department of CommunitvServices Date of Agency Decision: AUQust 23. 2001 3. Attached copy of Ordinance or materials which is subject of Appeal: Section 5.0- 5-1 Residence District Section 3.7 of the Carmel/Clay Zonina Ordinance. entitled Definitions. specifically the term .SUBDIVISIOW 4. The written materials submitted to the Board does support the Petitioner because: The use for which the ILP was aranted is a permitted use in the S-1 Residence district. and the lease of riahts to use the tower and construct an accessory buildina does not constitute a division of land. Therefore. the lease arranQement does not constitute the subdivision of land. 5. The Agency (DOCS) and Official (Director) should not be affirmed. 6. The work onthepremises upon which appeal has been filed shall not be stayed because the permit was properly issued, and subdivision is not necessary. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of' Zoning Appeals that Appeal Docket No. is granted, subject to any' conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of ,200 CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals S:\carmellanduseregs\checldist\appealapp rev112412000 Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). BZA Appeal Application - pg 8 0... o o o o o o o o o o o o D o ZONING ORDINANCE 5.0 S-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICf Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this district is to provide for the development of innovative residential environments in keeping with the ruraI character of this district. by providing for a development process that allows a high degree of flexibility in the design of single-family subqivisions. Further, it is the purpose of this district to provide for a development process that allows for more efficient use of the land through the introduction of open space and conservation lands within subdivisions. It is the intention of this district to protect remaining significant natural features within this district by placing an emphasis on less intensive urban land uses. ,5.1 Pennitted Uses: 5.1.1 Antenna, if conocated on an existing or previously approved tower Home occupation. Ke~e~ residential Single-family dwelling 5.1.2 Area Density Requirements for qualifying subdivisions shall be regulated on a sliding scale based upon the amount of open space provided. (see subdivision regulations, section 7.0) 5.2 SpeciaI Uses: (See Section 21.0 for additional regulations.) o Antenna, if visually integrated with or camouflaged on or within a structure other than a tower (such as a chiinney stack, church spire, light standard. monument, power line support device or water tower). . Artificla1lake or pond (not part ora plat) Cemetery Church, temple or other place of worship Conege or University . Counnercial greenhouse Country club. Day nursery Golf course Kenn~ commercial Kindergirten MineraI extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal and their storage Plant nursery . Power transmission line, in excess of 129 KV A Private airplane or helicopter landing and/or service facility n \..~ 34 I( U o o. 0 ,--, u 0 0 0 0 Q, 0 0 0 C\ 5.3 U 0 0 D 0'" 0 0 zoNiNGORDINANCE . Private recreational development or facility Private water treatment and/or storage facilities Radio or television transmission tower Raising and breeding of non-farm fowl and animals (not a kennel) Riding stable School of general elementary or secondary education (accredited by the State) 5.2.1 . Minimum Area Recwirements: Use Cemetery Day nursery Kindergarten Plant nursery Minimum Area ( Acres) 30 1 1 10 5.2.2 Other Requirements: Use MineraI extraction, borrow pit, top soil Removal and their storage Other Requirements Minimum perimeter Natural Open Space buffer (as dejinedin 7.3.B of the Subdivision Regulations) of300' when adjoining or abutting any residential use or district 5.2.3 Special Exceptions (see Section 21.0 for additional regulations) WJreless telecommunications service tower, monopole-type constru.ction only Accessory Building and Uses (See Section 25.0 for additional regulations.) 5.3.1 Accessory uses and structures, are permitted under the fonowing conditions: (1) They do not alter or change the character of the premises; . (2) They are on the same property as the principal structure to which they are accessory; (3} They are not attached to the principal structure, with the exception of an allowable uniform and continuous roof supported by customary supports or. joists, and no other connection or attachment between the structures exists; (4) They are not erected prior to the erection of the principal building; (5) They do not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height; (6) When detached from the principal building. they are set back seventy-five (75) feet or more from the front lot line. Comer lots and through lots are exempt from this paragrap~ 6. 35 o o o '0 o o o o D o o o o o o o Cl o o ZONING ORDINANCE (7) When closer than ten (10) feet to main building, they shall be considered as part of the main building and shall be provided with the side and rear yards required for the main building; and (8) When more than ten (1O) feet from a main building, they may be erected within five (5) feet, or easement plus three (3) feet, of a side or rear lot line, but not within any easement. 5.3.2 A private swimming pool may be permitted as an accessory use, but shall be located only within the side or rear yard.. No swimming pool or its deck shall be closer than ten (10) feet to the property line. For purposes for safety, the fonowing shall apply: (1) walls or fencing deemed to be impenetrable by the enforcing authority, that is not less than five (5) feet high completely surrounding the swirnlning pool and the deck area with exception of self-closing and latching gates and doors. both capable of being locked; other means not less than five (5) feet high and deemed impenetnible by the enforcing authority at the time of construction and completely surrounding the pool and deck area when the pool is not used; and (2) a combination of subdivisions (I) through (2) that completely surrounds the pool and deck with the exception of self-closing and latching gates and doors which are capable of being locked; and (3) in conjunction with (1), (2), or (3) a safety pool cover may be used provided that: . A there is. a continuous connection between the cover and the deck, So as to prohibit access to the pool when the cover is completely drawn over the pool; . B. it is mechanically operated by key or key and switch such that the cover cannot be drawn upon or retracted without the use of a key; c. it is capable of supporting a four hundred pound imposed load upon a completely drawn cover; D. it is installed with a track, rollers, rasils or guides; and E. bears an identification tag indicating the name of the manufacturer, name of the installer, installation date, and applicable safety standards, if any. AMENDED BY Z-261 & Z-272. 5.3.3 Tennis courts may be permitted as an accessory use but shall be located only within a side or rear yard. Open wire mesh fences surrounding tennis courts may be erected to a height of 16 feet if such fences only enclose a regulation court area and standard apron areas. Lighting of the court area shall not create more than five foot candles of light 25 feet from the court perimeter. 5.3.4 Quarters for bonafied servants employed by the occupants of the dwelling are permitted. 36 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n U o 5.4 -ZONING ORDINANCE 5.3.5 One guest house with cooking facilities may be permitted as an accessory building on lots containing not less than one (1) acre. 5.3.6 Accessory lighting is permitted; however, no lighting shall cause illllmin::ltion at or beyond any lot line in excess of 0.1 foot-candles of light . 5.3.7 Private radio, television reception and transmitting towers and antennae are permitted subject to applicable 10caI. state and federal regulations. No structure shall be located or pennitted within ten (10) feet of a power transmission line. 5.3.8 Accessory uses such as public utility installations, private walks, driveways, retaining waDs, mail boxes, nameplates, ~p posts, birdbaths and structlJres of a like nature are permitted in any required front, side or rear yard. Height and Area Requirements (See Section 26.0 for additional regulations.) 5.4.1 Maximum height: 25 feet. 5.4.2 Minimum lot area: A Lots without service by a Community water system and a community sanitary sewer system. 43,560 square feet. B. Lots with service from a community water system, and private septic system, 35,000 square feet. . . C. Lots with service from a community sanitary sewer system and private water system, 25,000 square feet. . D. Lots with community water system and community sanitary sewer system 15,000 square feet. 5.4.3 Minimum Lot Standards. A Minimum front yard: 40 feet. B. Minimum side yard: single-family home - 10 feet; all other uses - 20 feet c. Minimum aggregate of side yard: single-family home - 30 feet; all other uses - 50 feet. 37 0- ~ D. n ~ 0 (' U 5.4.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\ 0 0 0 0 0 n W 0 ZONING OR.DINANCE D. Minimum rear yard: single-family borne - 20 feet; an other uses - 15 feet. E. Minimum lot width: single-f.cu:niIy borne - .120 feet; all other uses - 200 feet. F. Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent oflot. Any lot within a qualifYing subdivision, as described in Chapter 7.0 of the subdivision regulations, is exempt from the requirements of sections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3. 38 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o PL~T ROADWAY WIDTH ROW HOUSE OR TO\V"N HOUSE SOIL ~tA.P STREET SUB o [V1S ION TYPE OF OWNE.~SHIP TYPE OF STRUCTURE vlSION CLEARANCE ON COt-.1t:.'fER lOTS ZERO lOT lIt-i"E.. C. Section 3.7 of me CarmeVClay Zoning Ordinance (2-239). as amended. ~~rir1edDennitions. is. hereby further amended to change me defInition of the term .'Su13DMSIO~"' to read as follows: "SUBDIVISION. Any of the following shall be considered the subdivision orland requiring plat approval by the Plan Commission: (1) The di....ision of any parcel of land (recorded after January 11, 1980, and before January 1,1000) into dlree (3) or more pucels. sires or lors. \.vtea more than rwo . (2) of rhe locs are less than five (5) acres in area, for [he purpose 0 f transfer 0 f ownership. or buildingdevelopmen~ exc!uding cemeteries: or (2) The improvement (before January 1,2000) of one (1) or more;:arcels ofland for residential. commercial or industrial strUctures or groups of SU-,lcrures involvingrhe subdivision and allocation of land as srreetS or orher open spac~s for common use bv owners. occuuants or lease holders or as easemems for the ~:m:nsion and -, . maintenance of public se'.ver. .,~"are~. storm drainage, or orhe~ p'':Jlic urilities and facilities; or (3) Any di ."ision (recorded alter December 31. 1999) of a lot or od:er parcel of land where: C-\) the division r:sulrs in [\\"0 i1) or more smaller locs or oarce~s. at least rwo(2) o(which are less than five l5) ac:-es in are3.; (B) the divi:ion resulcsin cwo (2) or more smaller locs or parcels. any of which from on or utilize an e:l.Seme:it 0 f access; or te) the division is for the purpose of building deve!c~mem (excluding cemereries) and a streer is [0 be dedic:lie:i. reserved. or orhe!'w1~~ olatted. \ . All di..isions ot"land recorded :l:te~ a certain c~re. :l.S specified in rhis c~inirion~ from a lor or orher parcel oriand described oJn or before ~h~r date in rhe records ijf:'':e Hamii[on County Recorde~ shall be counr~d in cecemtinir.g rh~ numbe~ 0 f [ors or ?ucels for the purpose of this dennirion. The Qrigin:!lloc or ~:!rcel shall also be COl!-r::~:i for ihis purpose. D. Section Jof[he Floodplain Ordinar.ce (Z-2S7).:1S 1me~ded_ is hereoy fur:::~:- J.mencied to include the following subparag:-1;>h (h): Ordinance ~o. ?~ge Thr:: or" Sc:...en PJg~s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n .\.J EXHIBIT A Legal Description APART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 3. TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH OF RANGE 3 EAST IN HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION WInCH BEARS NORTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECTIONS EAST (ASSUMED BEARING) 470.00 FEET FROM THE SOUlHWEST CORNER OF SAID QUARTER SECTION. THENCE . NORTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST UPON AND ALONG SAID WEST LINE 509.93 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS SOUTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST 1605 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID QUARTER SECTION. THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST 520.38 FEET. THENCE SOUTII 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTEs 55 SECONbS WEST 509.93 FEET, TIIENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 05 SECONDS WEST 520.38 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 6.09 ACRES, MORE OR LESS (5.57 ACRES NET OF RIGHT OF WAY) o o o D- O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o EXHIBIT B IN THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA SPRlNT SPECTRUM L.P. Appellant, Re: Revocation of Building Permit Number 2001.0627.B by MICHAEL P. HOLLIBAUGH, in his Capacity as DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES, CARMEL, INDIANA, ) Docket No. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) APPEAL Appellant, Sprint Spectrum L.P. (hereinafter "Sprint'') by counsel, and for its Appeal of the revocation of its location improvement permit by Michael P. l:Iollibaugh, in his capacity as Director ("Director'') of -the. Department of Community Services (the "Department''), Carmel, Indiana, and any other applicable capacity, states as follows: SUMMARY OF THE CASE This Appeal arises out of the Director's decision to revoke an improvement location permit (tlIe "Building Permit'') for property located at 1388 Queens Way, Carmel, Indiana (the "Site''). The Building Permit permits the collocation (i.e., the inStallation and operation) by Sprint of certain wireless communication antennae and related improvements and equipment (collectively, the "Sprint Antenna Equipment'') on an existing 135 foot tall antenna tower property (the "Existing Tower''). The collocation of the Sprint Antenna Equipment on the Existing Tower is necessary to provide seamless, reliable wireless telephone and other Vl. APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PE~UT TO CAR.'l.IEL ZONING BOARD.DOC o o o o o o o o o o o o D- O o o o o o communication services to persons located in parts of the City of Cannel and environs. The Director's purported revocation of the Building Permit was arbitrary, capricious, illegal, unjust, impermissible and contrary to applicable law. Pursuant to the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance (the "Carmel Code''), the Director's actions entitle Sprint to, inter alia, an order reversing and nullifying the Director's attempted revocation of the Building Permit. PARTIES 1. Sprint Spectrum L.P. is a Delaware limited'partnership, with its principal place of business at 2300 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Westwood, Kansas, authorized to provide personal communications services ("PCS'') under license by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") in the State ofIndiana. 2. Michael P. Hollibaugh is the Director of the Department and, in that capacity, is responsible for issuing building permits in the City of Carmel, Indiana VJ . APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCA nON IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO CAR."lELlONING BOARD. DOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o JURISDICTION 3. Section 30.1 of the Carmel Code authorizes this Board of Zoning Appeals to hear, review and determine appeals taken from any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Director or any administrative official or board charged with the enforcement of the Zoning or Subdivision Control Ordinance of the City of Carmel. 4. The Board of Zoning Appeals has jurisdiction to hear and determine this Appeal pursuant to Section 30.1 of the Carmel Code since this Appeal stems from the order, requirement, decision and determination by the Director to revoke the Building Permit. BACKGROUND FACTS A. Sprint's PCSSystem 5. Sprint, along with its affiliates, is a communications venture committed to providing a single ~tegrated offering of wireless telephone and other communications services by building a national wireless network using PCS technology under the brand name "Sprint PCS." PCS technology is a new generation of wireless service that uses digital transmission to improve available telecommunications services. It provides a clearer connection, greater security to users and better accommodates the requirements of internet and other data transmission. Moreover, PCS technology has substantially greater potential capacity than analog wireless technology. 6. On or about June 23, 1995, Sprint, through a partnership, was the successful bidder at the auction held by the FCC for a PCS wireless broadcast license in the Indianapolis VJ . APPEAL OF REVOCA nON OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PERMJT TO CAR..'\.IEL 30NlNG BOAllD.DOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Major Trading Area ("Indianapolis MTA") which includes Carmel, Indiana. Sprint's Indianapolis MT A license expires on June 23, 2005. 7. In order to meet its contin~ing obligations under the FCC license and to serve its custometbase, Sprint must develop and maintain a system of "cell sites" to serve portable wireles~ communication handsets and mobile telephones. These "cell sites" consist of antennae mounted on poles, buildings or other structures, connected to small equipment cabinets located near the antennae. The antennae feed the low power radio signals received from mobile . communications devices through electronic devices located in the equipment cabinets and, ultimately, into an ordinary phone line from which the call can be routed to anywhere in the world. 8. Cell sites are integral to Sprint's PCS network. To maintain effective, uninterrupted service to a PCS telephone user traveling in a given area, there must be a continuous interco~ected series of cells, which overlap in a grid pattern approximating a honeycomb. Additionally, each cell site must be located within a limited area so thadt can properly interact with the surrounding cell sites and thereby provide reliable coverage throughout . the cell. Each antenna has a limited maximum coverage area, the extent of which varies, depending upon several factors, including the height of the antenna, local topography and vegetation, and the configuration of various existing structures. 9. Sprint's engineers have determined that the Site is critical to the overall engineering and technical plan of Sprint's network in the Indianapolis MT A. B. The Site Development Process Vl - APPEAL OF REVOCA nON OF LOCA nON IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO CARMEL40NING BOARD.OOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 10. On or about May 14,2001, Sprint entered into a lease agreement with Edwin Zamber to install and operate a PCS antenna array and related equipment on the existing approximately 135 foot tall antenna located on the Site. Sprint has detennined that if it had not been able to collocate on the Existing Tower, no other suitable existing towers or structures were available within its requisite search area, and that Sprint therefore would have had to build its own tower support structure to meet its coverage requirements. 11. The Property is zoned "S-l Residence District" pursuant to Section IO-30.ofthe Carmel Code. Collocation of an antenna facility on an existing tower facility is a "permitted use" in the S-1 Residence District pursuant to Section 10-30(b) of the Carmel Code. 12. On or about February 22,2001, a contractor for Sprint contacted the Department to discuss the Sprint Antenna Equipment. In connection with those discussions, the Department staff acknowledged that the Sprint Antenna Equipment was a pennitted use, and requested that Sprint house its gro~d level equipment in a brick clad equipment shelter (the "Shelter"). A separate shelter is not needed by Sprint for installation or operation of the antenna, and Sprint's ground-level PCS equipment could have been housed in, among other things, equipment cabinets or in the basement of Mr. Zamber's home. The Shelter's architecture and style duplicates the design and character of the existing home and pool house, and it meets all applicable zoning requirements, including height and setback. As a part of the approved plans and specifications, Sprint agreed to landscape the area surrounding the Shelter. 13. The Shelter is permitted as part of a collocation pursuant to Section I 0-30(b) of the Carmel Code. V) - APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO CARMEL 30ND;G BOARD.OOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 14. On or about April 17, 2001, Sprint, through Acquisition Mercenaries, Inc., its contractor, made application with the Department for the Building Permit. On or about June 4, 2001, Sprint submitted revised plans for the Building Permit application to include the Shelter requested by the Department's staff. 15. On or about June 15,2001, the Department issued the Building Permit for the Sprint Antenna Equipment. The Building Permit bears identification number 2001.0627.B (Copy attached hereto as Exhibit 1). 16. On or about July 9, 2001, Sprint engaged Q Serve Communications ("Q Serve") as the general contractor for the installation of the Sprint Antenna Equipment. 17. On or about August 6, 200.1, Q Serve began constniction pursuant to the Building Permit. The Shelter's foundation and all four block walls have been constructed. The brick veneer of the Shelter is partially complete and other necessary building materials have been delivered to the Site. 18. On or about August 15~ 200 I, an owner of property adjacent to the Site filed an application for an appeals action with the Board of Zoning Appeals objecting to the issuance of the Building Permit. 19. On or about August 15,2001, Jeff Kendall, Building Commissioner for Carmel issued a stop work order on the project. 20. Without notice or hearing, on or about August 23,2001, the Director sent Q Serve a one-page letter revoking Sprint's Building Permit. (Copy attached as Exhibit 2) (the V3 - APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO CARMEL60NTNG BOARD. DOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "Revocation Letter''). The Revocation Letter sets forth but one basis for the purported revocation: This office has determined that, prior to the issuance of a permit for the proposed "Equipment Shelter" on the "Lease Area" (as described in your Application for Improvement Location Permit), the "Parent Tract" should have been divided into two (2) or smaller parcels. Under Chapter 3 of the Carmel Clay Zoning Ordinance, this constitutes the subdivision ofland requiring plat approval by the Plan Commission. At no time priorto its receipt of the Revocation Letter had Sprint been informed of any alleged need for plat approval by the Plan Commission. 21. Sprint has incurred over $400,000 in site development expenses through the date of the Revocation Letter. 22. The Revocation Letter prohibits Sprint from operating a facility necessary t.o its provision of continuous and uninterrupted wireless communications services and, therefore, Sprint cannot carry out its federally-imposed obligation to provide such services to the Indianapolis MTA ~der its licenses. The FCC granted Sprint the licenses to provide PCS service intending and requiring that such service would be in place as soon as possible. The permit denial has adversely impacted Sprint's ability to fulfill this Federal goal. In addition, the Revocation Letter has caused Sprint to suffer a loss of consumer goodwill and critical market share. This results in a competitive disadvantage which Sprint might not be able to overcome. CLAIM FOR RELIEF 23. Without waiving or otherwise limiting any other claims or causes of action available to it, Sprint hereby states and avers that each of the following bases, in and of itself and without regard to any other basis, compels the reversal of the Director's determination, V3 - APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO CARMEL lONlNG BOARa.DOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o requirement, decision and order under the Revocation Letter and the declaration that the Revocation Letter is null and void.. A. The Director's Revocation of the Building Permit is Not Permitted Under the Carmel Code 24. Indiana state law empowers Indiana municipalities to exercise certain powers concerning the subdivision of real property. That power is not unlimited, but is subject to the terms and conditions respecting the same imposed by the laws of the state ofIndiana and such further limitations as may be imposed under applicable local ordinance. The Sprint AntePna Equipment is not the type of facility which falls within the ambit of applicable subdivision control law, and the purposes and intents of such regulation would not be furthered in this context 25. Under applicable local ordinance, no "division" has occurred relative to the Sprint Antenna Equipment, hence the City has no right, power or authority to impose its subdivision control ordinances ~th respect thereto. 26. Even if that were not the case, subdivision control authority does not extend to utility facilities. 27. The specific provisions of the Carmel Code which explicitly authorize the collocation of the Sprint Antenna Equipment trumpany conflicting provisions of general applicability . 28. Under the Carmel Code, neither the Director, nor any other board or official, has the right to issue the Revocation Letter or to attempt to revoke otherwise the Building Permit. . VJ. APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO CARMELgONING BOARD.DOC D- O o o o o o o o D o o o o o o D o o 29. Since the sole basis for the revocation of the Building Permit is the alleged failure to obtain subdivision approval, but no subdivision approval is required under applicable local ordinance relative to the Sprint Antenna Equipment, the Revocation Letter was without legal basis, and must be reversed. B. Other Claims 30. The Sprint Antenna Equipment and the Building Permit are also subject to other federal and state laws which are not within the purview of the Board of Zoning Appeals. . .31. A failure by the Board to reverse and revoke the Revocation Letter or to issue any other relief herein requested may entitle Sprint to pursue any and all such additional claims, causes of action and forms of relief. Sprint expressly reserves all of its claims, causes of action and other rights. WHEREFORE, Sprint prays that the Board enter an order approving this Appeal and reversing the Revocfttion Letter, thereby declaring the same null and void, and for such other and further relief as the Board deems appropriate. Please furnish to the undersigned copies of all reasons relating to your decision. Respectfully submitted, LOCKE REYNOLDS LLP By: Tho edsole, # 15980-49 Attorney for Plaintiff, Sprint Spectrum L.P. LOCKE REYNOLDS LLP 201 North Illinois Street, Suite 1000 VJ - APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO CARMEL~N1NG BOARD.OOC o o o o o o o o D o o D D o o o o o o P.O. Box 44961 Indianapolis, Indiana 46244-0961 Phone: (317) 237-3800 Fax: (317) 237-3900 '- VJ - APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LOCATION IMPROVEMENT PER..\4IT TO CARMEli:U>N1NG BOAllD.DOC ~ I~ !~ '~] .~. in -- ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ '- ~ 'I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IN TIlE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY OF. CARl\1EL, ,INDIANA SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P. ) Docket No. A-III-Ol ) Appellant, ) .1t~L[[f . ) .. . .~. Re: Revocation of Building Permi~ ) .4 - ~~~ ..:.:. Nwnber2001.0627.B byMICHAELP. ) . .\ COpy A'Ui'~' 7VflJ . .-l HOLLmAUGH, in his Capacity as ) . i IS 2001 ". .J DIRECfOR OF THE DEPARTMENT ) , OF COMlvWNITY SERVICES. ) DOCs -j CARMEL, INDIANA, ) <LLL 2:' MOTION TO DISMISS Richard Deer, an adjacent property owner to the site commonly known as 1388' Queens, , , Way, Carmel, Indiana (the "Site") respectfuny requests that pursuant to Section 30.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance NO. Z-l60, as amended. of the City' of Cannel and Clay Township, HamiJtonCo\Ulty, Indiana (hereinafter, "Section 30.1 of the Carmel Code"') this Board of Zoning Appeals dismiss this appeal and would show as fol1ows: 1. Michael P. Holboaugh (the "Director"), in his capacity as Director of the Department of Community Services (the "Departmene), Carmel, Indiana revoked the issuance of the improvement location permit (the uILP'') on August 23, 200 1 2. Sprint Spectrum L.P. (the "'Appellant") filed its appeal on September 24,2001 (the '.Appeal") thirty~three (33) days after the revocation of the ILP. 3. The Appeal was not timely filed. 4. Pursuant to Section 30.1 of the Carmel Code, Appellant has to and including September 2], 200 lin which to file its Appeal. 5. Section 30.1 of the Cannel Code states "All appeals shaD be filed with the Director within thirty (30) days of the action to be appealed." The action which is the subject of Appellant's appeal is the revocatlonofthe ILP. The last date which is within thirty (30) days of the revocation of the ILP is Friday,~eptember 21,2001. The Board of Zoning Appeals must 'Im- ~ WI ~ ~ fI ~ ~ ~ administer the ordinance in accordance with its stated. tenns. T. W. Thorn Const.. Inc. v. City of Jeffersonville. 721 N.E.2d 319 (Ind. Cl App. 1999). If the Board of Zoning Appeals had intended that the Appellant sboold have thirty (30) days after the date of the decision to revoke the ILP to appeal. Section 30.1 of the Carmel Code should have been drafted in accordance with Ie 36-7-4-1003 which states: The person shall present the petition to the court within thirty (30) days after the date of that decision of the board of appeals. As drafted. IC 36-7-4-1003 clearly provides for thirty (30) days after the date of a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals to present an appeal to the trial court whereas Section 30.1 of the Cannel Code only allows for an appeal to be filed within thirty (30) days of the date of the actio~ to be appealed. Any interpretation of Section 30.1 of the Cannel Code to the contrary violates Indiana law as an ordinance must be given its pIaiIly ordinary and usual meaning. Johnson Oil Co. v. Area Planning Com7n of Evansville and VanderburJili County, 715 N.E. 2d 101171015 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999). Failure to comply with the stated time limitations is fatal to the appellant's claim. Biggs v. Board of Zoning Appeals ofC.ty of Wabash. 448 N.E.2d693, 694 (Ind. Ct. App. 1983). 6. Assuming for the sake of argument that Appellant's argument that the thirtieth (30) day feU on September 22, 2001 is correct, there is still DO basis in the Carmel Code for the ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ Appellant to have until September 24,2001 to file the appeal. In certain situations, Indiana Rule of Trial Procedure 6(A) extends a deadline that wouId. othenvise fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday if the statute is silent as to the method of computing time. However. according to ~e text of Trial Rule 6(A), it only applies to the trial roles, orders of the court, or any applicable statute. Because the issue in front of the Board of Zoning appeals has to do with the interPretation of Section 30.1 of the Gannel Code rather than a trial rule, court order or statute; 2 o 0, 1 u o o o fundamentaJly fair." quoting McBride v. Board of Zoning Appeals ofEvansville~Vanderburgh Area Plan Com'n; 579 N.E.2d 1312,1315 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999). Thus, Wlless the procedures o 'D, o 0, o o ,0 o o used by the Board of Zoning Appeals to detennine whether the Appellants' case should be heard are not orderly, impartial and fundamentally fair, they will Dot be held as contrary to law. lei. at 1315. WHEREFORE, Richard Deer. an adult resident of Indiana, respectfully requests that the Board of Zotiing Appeals dismiss this appeal because it is untimely under Section 30.1 of the Cannel Code. Respectfully submitted. 1~ 8;~ J. Tagg e (Atty No.2 9-49) BOSE McKINNEY & EVANS LLP 600 East 96th Street Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46240 (317) 574-3732. ..-' Attorney for Richard Deer, an adult resident of Indiana 44148 o o o o 3 _,_... TnT"'" ~.OA""';" o ~ n- o~. 11"& o :!J ~ o ~w > c:::r o --=:t ._ lloV o ~~. ., o ~ ". << r2 ~i U ,~ iJ 0..0 .,; , 0 I. .(1 , ~ D~\ \u ~ '11& o ~\~ - D ~. .lliIIl I \ ,@ _"'fk I . ,.... ".iI .. 'lII1' a ~ '/Bl' '1IV rl U o o - Cb a III' lll' ..., .=. a /J/l--- . \If A ~~ 'Ilo at. W' WI' ~. Vir ~Vn t). '&i ~. ". 7> ~G ,-. .. ~ Wfl ~ (\ 9 ..a- ~ . ._ ..., JJ. "1M · · q D q. .8 ~ i1- I)- b 'iIIi' t :8 !".. U D ," ~ nl j' u ~ ~ . ~;~. ..,. Q, \~ · .~m. \'. r n \ · n o ~ Jj n. 0- 1 o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o ZONING ORDINANCE 5.0 8-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICI' Pw:pose and Intent. The purpose of this district is to provide for the development of . innovative residential environments in keeping with the rural character of this distri~ by providing for a development process that allows a high degree of flexibility in the design of single-family subcJjvisions. Further, it is the purpose of this district to provide for a development process that allows for more efficient use of the land through the introduction of open space and conservation lands within subdivisions. It is the intention of this district to protect remaining significant natural features within this district by placing an emphasis on less intensive urban land uses. 5.1 Pennitted Uses: 5.1.1 Antenna, if collocated on an existing or previously approved tower Home occupation Kennel, residential Single-family dwelling 5.1.2 Area Density Requirements for qualifying subdivisions sba1l be regulated on a sliding scale based upon the amount of open space provided. (see subdivision regulations, section 7.0) 5.2 Special Uses: (See Section 21.0 for additional regulations.) Antenna, if visually integrated with or camouflaged on or within a structure other than a tower (such as a chiinney stack, church spire, light standard, monument, power line support device or water tower). Artificla1lake or pond (not part of a plat) Cemetery Church, temple or other place of worship College or University Commercial greenhouse Country club Day nursery Golf course Kennel, commercial Kindergarten Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal and their storage Plant nursery Power transmission line, in excess of 129 KV A Private airplane or helicopter landing and/or service facility 34 o o o o o o o o o o o r U CJ o o o o o o ZONING ORDINANCE . ALLEY. A penl1anent public service way providing a secondary means of access to abutting lands, and not intended for general traffic circulation. ALTERATION, MATERIAL. Any change to an approved plan ofany type that involves the substitUtion of one material, species, element, etc. for another. ALTERATION, MINOR Any change to an approved plan of any type that involves the revision ofless than ten percent (IOOt'o) of the plan's total area or approved materials. ALTERATION, SUBSTANTIAL. Any change to an approved plan of any type that involves ANTENNA A structure or device that is used for the purpose of collecting or transmitting signals, images, sounds, or information of any nature by wire, radio, visual, or electromagnetic waves, including but not limited to directional or omni-directional antennas, panels, and microwave or satellite dishes. The term does not include an amateur radio station antenna. ARCIDTECTURAL PLAN. A plan for the construction of any structure designed by a qualified registered architect. ARTIFICIAL LAKE. A man-made body of water fed by a watercourse. ASSESSED VALUATION. The monetary value placed on a property and/or building as established by the assessor with authority over the jurisdiction of this ordinance. AUTOMOBllE Fll..LING STATION. Any place of business with pumps and under- ground storage tanks, having as its purpose the selling of motor vehicle fuels and lubricants at retail. AUTOMOBllE SERVICE STATION. Any place of business with pumps and underground storage tanks having as its purpose the retail servicing of motor vehicles with fuels and lubricants, including minor repairs and inspections incidental thereto but not including a general repair shop, paint or body shop, machine shop, vulcanizing shop or any operation requiring the removal or installation of a radiator, engine, cylinder head, crankcase, transmission, . differential, fender, door, bumper, grill, glass or other body part, or any body repairing or painting. BASEMENT. A story having part, but not less than one-half, of its height below grade. A basement is counted as a story for the purposes of height regulation if subdivided, used for dwelling purposes other than by a janitor employed on the premises and/or as walk-out access. 8 --------~ ------~-----~ --~- -~- --- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o PROJECT: Radio Tower Co-locate at 1388 Queens Way, residential subdivision. . I spoke with Jim Buddenbaum regarding this permit. (He was provided with an original ILP form and asked to turn it in when the permit is picked up). . This is a radio tower on private property that waS approved, without BZA action, several years ago. The owner is now attempting to sell co-locate space to Sprint. Buddenbaum, who represents Sprint and the owner, believes this tower is grandfathered. . I told Buddenbaum I wasn't quite as sure as he and looked quickly through the Ordinance while he was here, however, he stated his firm had 'helped write the Ordinance' and . was sure this permit would not require approvals from zoning. . I took the submittal and e-mailed Laurence regarding these issues. Laurence says the submittal needs Special Use approval from the BZA. . On Weds., April 18, 2001, I left Buddenbaum a message on his voice mail, advising him of this finding and recommended he contact Laurence. Whe aurence & Buddenbaum meet, I will a u enba to come into our office and retrieve this pactys Gayle ~:1\~ ~\(\ . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ZONING ORI>nolANCE 5.0 8-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT PUlpOse and Intent. The purpose of this district is to provide for the development of . innovative residential environments in keeping with the rural character of this district, by providing for a development process that allows a high degree of flexibility in the design ofsingJe-family subdivisions. Further, it is the purpose of this district to provide for a development process that allows for more efficient use of the land through the introduction of open space. and conservation lands within subdivisions. It is the intention of this district to protect remaining significant natural features within this district by placing an emphasis on less intensive urban land uses. 5.1 Permitted Uses: 5.1.1 Antenna, if collocated on an existing or previously approved tower Home occupation Kennel, residential Single-family dwelling 5.1.2 Area Density Requirements for qualifying subdivisions shall be regufated on a sliding scale based upon the amount of open space provided. (see subdivision reguJations, section 7.0) 5.2 Special Uses: (See Section 21.0 for additional regulations.) Antenna, if visually integrated with or camouflaged on or within a structure other than a tower (such as a chiinney stack, church SPire. light standard, monument, power line support device or water tower). Artificial lake or pond (not part of a plat) Cemetery Church, temple or other place ofworsmp College or University Commercial greenhouse Country club Day nursery Golf course Kennel, commercial Kindergarten Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal and their storage Plant nursery Power transmission line, in excess of 129 KV A Private airplane or helicopter landing and/or service facility 34 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o PHOTOGRAPHS VIEW OF SITE FACING SOUTH Zamber IN54XC303-C 11/15/00 VIEW OF SITE FACING WEST o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o PHOTOGRAPHS VIEW OF SITE FACING NORTH Zamber IN54XC303-C 11/15/00 VIEW OF SITE FACING EAST 0 ~ - -,--.... ':1 - _I 1\ I I , 1"'- - - -I '\. 1. ';' 0 - - - - \, I CI - 1) a:. -...~ : :.-~ -,ca'r( \ _\. ~ I~ ~ ~ 1.L. ;\~ _-_ ~ ;. 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"' - .~ - - - r( ~;~-] -';'l'7, - .-~ A - '\,~ - ~.t/-~I ~J - : - =--::-t~)-". -.--"Y-n ~ ~~~ i;t-" ~ -. .~.~- -"~~::~.r\...J - ~~ ,~- J-p! ~ := _ _ -. ~. -, I fa ~'..e.- ~J. ... ~ ~ - - . ~--- :=:-== 0 C) ~~ - ~.tl'L~~ 1- ~ _~ -~~~ '__ - . ~ _ 7~~O-_~~~ C=~CJ~~ ^ .I.D..... . ~ - .~K4 ./ r'i\_ - f- ~ \ ~ L..:)..... ~ - _-, - - 7-1- - fe;.16~ (J rl BOSE ,. McKINNEY IJ &EVANSILP ATTORNEYS AT LAW U ~ [' J. Taggart Birge North Office Direct Dial (317) 574-3732 E-Mail: TBirge@boselaw.com April 8, 2002 Thomas F. Bedsole Locke Reynolds 201 North Dlinois, Suite 1000 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Re: Sprint Tower Dear Mr. Bedsole: I am writing to reiterate my client's willingness to work with Sprint PCS in order to relocate your cell tower site to the Crooked Stick Golf Club. As you know, Richard McBroom, the President of Crooked Stick Golf Club (UCrooked Stick") is very anxious to have a tower constructed on the course and/or to allow cellular companies such as Sprint PCS to collocate on the as yet constructed tower. Currently, it is my understanding that AT&T is going to construct the cell tower on Crooked Stick's golf course and then seek co-providers of cellular services such as Sprint PCS. In a phone conversation I had with Richard McBroom in early March, he reiterated his interest in having Sprint PCS collocate its antenna(on the as yet completed cell tower. If I can be of any assistance in this matter please let me know. ~ Q ~ u CI CI Very truly yours, 12~8r'rctJ J. Ta'kkkt Birge ()\ JTBlbat 46655 Downtown . 2700 First Indiana Plaza . 135 North Pennsylvania Street . Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 . (317) 684-5000 . FAX (317) 684-5173 North Office . 600 East 96th Street . Suite 500 . Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 . (317) 574-3700 . FAX (317) 574-3716 www.boselaw.com