HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondencePlan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 1 1 Addressing Dave McCoy 6/1/23 1:28 PM Changemark Addressing Please contact me to discuss which street will be used to address each of these buildings. The building to the west could have Monon Blvd, W Walnut St, or Veterans Way. The eastern building could have Veterans Way, W Walnut St, or S Range Line Rd. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 6/25/24 10:26 AM The design team and ownership have reached out and are meeting to discuss the addressing. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/17/24 7:58 AM Per your email on 8-7-23, the addresses are as follows: Northwest Block- 620 Veterans Way, Carmel, IN 46032 Northeast Block- 610 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 8:01 AM Please see addresses listed in previous response. Please let us know if there are any issues with the discussed and listed addresses. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 6:43 AM Addresses have been coordinated, thank you. Northwest Block- 620 Veterans Way, Carmel, IN 46032. Northeast Block- 610 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 UnResolved 2 1 Fire Carmel Fire 6/2/23 9:58 AM Comment Fire hydrants shall be added to the utility plan in sufficient numbers to allow for proper fire water supply to protect the proposed structures. Fire hydrants shall be fully accessible and not blocked by obstructions, including parked vehicles and parking spaces. IFC section 507. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:24 AM Fire hydrants have been added to the plan. See sheet C500. Resolved 3 1 Fire Carmel Fire 6/2/23 10:03 AM Comment Fire hydrants shall be provided next to and within 100 feet of each fire department connection. The fire hydrants shall be located on the same side of the street as the FDC to avoid a violation of the Indiana Fire Code. IFC section 507. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:25 AM Fire hydrants are located with 100 feet of the FDC and on the same side of roadway. See updated sheet C500. Resolved REVIEW COMMENTS Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 4 1 Fire Carmel Fire 6/2/23 10:05 AM Comment Indiana Fire Code Section 3313.1 Where required. In buildings required to have standpipes by Section 905.3.1, not less than one standpipe shall be provided for use during construction. Such standpipes shall be installed when the progress of construction is not more than 40 feet (12 192 mm) in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Such standpipe shall be provided with fire department hose connections at accessible locations adjacent to usable stairs. Such standpipes shall be extended as construction progresses to within one floor of the highest point of construction having secured decking or flooring. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:25 AM So noted. Info Only 5 1 Fire Carmel Fire 6/2/23 10:06 AM Comment Section 3312.1 Fire Hydrants shall be fully functional tested and approved prior to any combustible materials arriving on the construction site. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:25 AM So noted. Info Only 6 1 Fire Carmel Fire 6/2/23 10:06 AM Comment Section 3310.1 Required Fire Department Vehicle Access. Approved Asphalt fire apparatus access roads shall be provided to and through the construction site during construction. Fire Apparatus access road must be capable of supporting the weight of fire apparatus and maintained clear at all times. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:26 AM All roads surrounding the site are public right-of-way and have or will be constructed to support fire apparatus. Info Only 7 1 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 6/5/23 2:38 PM Comment Please submit a landscape for this project. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:01 AM Landscape plan is included with resubmittal. See sheet L100. Resolved 8 1 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Larysa Glaspie 6/12/23 9:48 AM Comment CRC Architectural Review Committee will review and provide comments via letter. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 9 1 Vectren Energy Chad Miller 6/12/23 11:14 AM Changemark CenterPoint Energy Please have the developer or owner call into the new service center to have a work order created for the new services. CenterPoint will need load information on the proposed buildings to size the new gas meters and an AutoCAD file. It looks like a lot of coordination will be needed on this project and the proposed road improvement projects in this area. C500 UTILITY PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 6/25/24 10:28 AM JC Hart has reached out to have a work order created for new services. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:49 AM So noted. Owner will call to create work order. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/27/23 7:23 AM The developer/owner will reach out to create a new work order and provide the proposed load information for the development. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:01 AM Comment noted. UnResolved 10 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please provide a professional engineer's stamp on the plans Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:15 AM Comment noted. Stamp was added to plans. Resolved 11 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please submit a storm water management permit application Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:15 AM Comment noted. Resolved 12 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please provide all technical information required by Section 102.02(xi)(m) of the Storm Water Technical Standards Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:16 AM Please see attached drainage report. Resolved 13 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please provide the anticipated start construction date in a comment letter or project summary Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:16 AM Anticipated construction date added to Title Sheet C000. Resolved 14 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please provide the City's paving policy in the set Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:16 AM City's paving policy added to Sheet C806 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 15 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please provide the City's curbing policy in the set Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:16 AM City's paving policy added to Sheet C806 Resolved 16 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please verify with CFD that all turning radii are appropriate and adequate for fire trucks Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:16 AM Comment noted. CFD has not given any comments regarding radii. Resolved 17 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please verify that there are no direct discharge areas Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:59 AM Direct Discharge areas have been accounted for in the revised Drainage Map. Please see Appendix C of the Drainage Report. Resolved 18 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please ensure any new drives crossing existing sidewalks or asphalt paths have been made compliant with ADA specifications Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:17 AM Driveways are designed to be ADA compliant. Resolved 19 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please verify that all elevations are North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD) Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:17 AM All elevations are NAVD 1988. See benchmark note on plans. Resolved 20 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please verify that the horizontal datum of topgraphic map is Indiana State Plane Coordinates, NAD83 Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:18 AM Horizontal datum is ISPC NAD83. Resolved 21 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please verify that the locations of existing utilities with top of curb and invert elevations, pipe sizes, and direction are shown Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:18 AM See C100 for existing elevations and utility information. Resolved 22 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please verify that all existing culverts, pipes, and bridges on existing drives or under the roadway are shown indicating size, type, and invert elevations Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:18 AM See C100 for existing elevations and utility information. Resolved 23 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please verify that the locations of all existing electrical power vaults, transformers, power lines, gas lines, television cable , and telephone lines are shown Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:19 AM So noted. Existing utilities are shown. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 24 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment The finished floor elevation must be one foot above the adjacent roadway Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:19 AM A variance will be requested for this design. Info Only 25 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please provide all on-site and off-site flood routing through the site Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM Please see Flood Routing Plan sheet C401. Resolved 26 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please show the 100-year elevations of all inlets in the clogged condtions Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM Please see provided Emergency Flood Depth Calculations worksheet in Drainage Report. Resolved 27 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 3:08 PM Library Comment Please provide the minimum flood protection grade (MFPG) and minimum lowest adjacent grade (MLAG) elevations and definitions of each Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM The MFPG and MLAG has been added to buildings' FFE callout. Resolved 28 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 9:34 PM Changemark The right-of-way is shown within a future building Please clarify if this is the correct right-of-way dimension and if the building with the next phase will be moved. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM This existing one-story brick building will be demolished when R/W is extended. Any questions pertaining to R/W please refer to Crossroads project No. 20-ENG-13 Resolved 29 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 9:34 PM Changemark What does this hatching represent? Please provide a legend item for this hatching to clarify what will be installed. Will this material be installed within the limits of the existing curb or will new curb be installed? C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM Any questions pertaining to R/W please refer to Crossroads project No. 20-ENG-13 Resolved 30 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/14/23 9:34 PM Changemark Has the City Engineer approved heavy duty pavement here rather than our typical right-of-way pavement? All internal public roads are shown to be paved with heavy duty pavement rather than right-of-way pavement. Was this approved by the City Engineer prior to submittal? C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM The pavement hatching legend has been updated to show what is being proposed on CEC's part. Any questions pertaining to R/W please refer to Crossroads project No. 20-ENG-13 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 31 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 8:08 AM Changemark Please label what these 15' dimensions represent C300 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:38 AM This label has been added to the grading plan. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 8/29/23 10:03 AM Thank you for clarifying but we would like this labeled on the plans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM These are 15' Gas Easement Per Bk 314 Pg 32. Please see sheet C300 for revisions. Resolved 32 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 8:09 AM Library Comment Please label the widths of all internal drives, drive aisles, alleys, and streets Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:20 AM Comment noted. Resolved 33 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 8:09 AM Library Comment Please show subsurface drains under all curbs Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:21 AM SSD has been added to all inlet curb. Resolved 34 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 8:11 AM Changemark Please provide the critical elevations for the detention facilities on this sheet C300 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:21 AM Critical elevations has been added to detention callout. Resolved 35 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 9:31 AM Changemark Please clarify what these dimensions represent Do these indicate the Monon right-of-way? C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:21 AM Yes, the deminsions has been revised to show the Monon Trail R/W Resolved 36 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 11:04 AM Changemark Please show the location of the roof drains on this sheet Please note that the floor drains within the garages will need to be directed to the sanitary sewer system. Only the roof of the parking garage can be sent to the storm system. C400 STORMWATER PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:21 AM Comment noted. Notes have been added to clarify the purpose of stormwater system. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 37 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 11:09 AM Library Comment Please provide the hydraulic grade line on the profiles Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:38 AM Please disregard the 'C401 Stormwater Profiles' sheet. The C401 Stormwater profile sheet has been moved to C402. The Flood Routing plan is now C401. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 8/29/23 10:21 AM Thank you for providing this on C402 but they were not included on C401. Please revise. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:21 AM Hydraulic grade line has been provided on sheet C 402. Resolved 38 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 11:09 AM Library Comment Please show the SSD connections to structures on the profiles Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:38 AM These have been added to the profile sheet. See C402. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 8/29/23 10:24 AM We were unable to locate these called out on the profiles. Please revise. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:21 AM Comment noted. Resolved 39 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 11:09 AM Library Comment Please include the note required by Section 102.02(vii) of the Storm Water Technical Standards Manual for construction of storm sewer systems on the plan and profile sheets Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:22 AM Notes have Resolved 40 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 11:45 AM Changemark Is this sidewalk being removed with the project? The site plan appears to show this walk being reconstructed with the project. If so, please provide a Board of Public Work request letter seeking permission to close the walk and include a pedestrian maintenance of traffic for when it is removed. C100 DEMOLITION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:22 AM C100 plan has been updated to match C200 plan. MOT plan measures has been added to sheet C600. Resolved 41 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:12 PM Changemark Inlet protection will need to be provided on all existing inlets Please show these inlets protected until they are removed. C900 TEMP. STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:22 AM Inlet protection has been provided and sheet C900 has been updated to show inlet protection locations. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 42 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:25 PM Changemark Will this area need to be planted with seeding or will it remain undisturbed? Is disturbed, please hatch the area with the seeding hatching. C901 POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:23 AM This area is planned to remain undisturbed until the next phase of the project where sidewalks will be added. However, notes have been added to remind contractor to seed area if it is to remain idle for extended period of time. Resolved 43 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:25 PM Changemark Will the areas between the walk/building face and the roadway be vegetated? If so, please show these areas hatched with the seeding hatching. C901 POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:23 AM This area is planned to remain undisturbed until the next phase of the project where sidewalks will be added. However, notes have been added to remind contractor to seed area if it is to remain idle for extended period of time. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 44 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:27 PM Changemark Please clearly call out the BMPs and BMP easement on this sheet Please also complete the BMP easement agreement template for these easements and resubmit with exhibits and legal descriptions. This template has been uploaded to the correspondence folder. C901 POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 10:23 AM The easement lines have been enlarged to be more easily identifiable on the plans. The easement document has been prepared and the original copy will be delivered to Carmel Engineering. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 11/14/23 8:09 AM The detention areas and their sumps still do not appear to be contained within a BMP easement. Please show the easement over them. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:40 AM Labels have been added for the BMP and BMP easements. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 8/29/23 11:01 AM Please show the sumped section of the detention facilities on this sheet and place the BMP easements around them. Please also call out the location, brand, and size of the water quality units on this sheet. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:23 AM BMP notes and BMP easements has been added to this sheet. Easement Agreement Template and legal descriptions will be submitted once proposed easements has been approved. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 45 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:32 PM Changemark Please revise this section to list the BMP's that will be provided with this development C902 STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION NOTES.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:41 AM The sump has been added to Section C. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 8/29/23 11:15 AM Please call out the sumped section of the detention facilities in this section. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:23 AM Narrative has been updated to show actual BMPs within this development. Resolved 46 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:32 PM Changemark This appears to be referring to the project Rangeline Mixed Use Development Please revise this and all aspects of the SWPPP narrative to be specific to this project. C902 STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION NOTES.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:23 AM Narrative has been updated to fit current project's description. Resolved 47 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:33 PM Changemark Any curb inlet protection within City right-of-way will need to be completely below grate C903 STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:41 AM Inlet protection has been added to all of the structures. Please see sheet C901. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 8/29/23 11:20 AM This comment applies to all inlets proposed within the Rangeline, Walnut, and the roundabout right-of-way. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:23 AM Any questions pertaining to R/W please refer to Crossroads project No. 20-ENG-13 Resolved 48 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:35 PM Changemark Please provide details for the underground detention with the next submittal C802 STORMWATER DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:24 AM Underground detention details has been added to sheet C803. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 49 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:44 PM Changemark Per Chapter 700 of the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, we require 2 different BMPs to treat the runoff from the site Please provide an additional BMP for the site and update the plans, drainage report, and O&M with this information. 317168-O&M Manual.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 10:47 AM There will be 2 water quality measures for each Block. A sump will be provided prior to the outlet of the detention vault and an aqua-swirl will be utilized downstream of the detention vault. Per correspondence with Carmel Engineering, these WQ methods will be permitted. Resolved 50 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:44 PM Changemark We do not allow underground detention to count as a BMP alone An additional water quality aspect of water quality will need to be added to the underground detention in order for it to be counted as a BMP. 317168-O&M Manual.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 10:48 AM There will be 2 water quality measures for each Block. A sump will be provided prior to the outlet of the detention vault and an aqua-swirl will be utilized downstream of the detention vault. Per correspondence with Carmel Engineering, these WQ methods will be permitted. Resolved 51 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:44 PM Changemark Please revise this to be project specific 317168-O&M Manual.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 10:49 AM O&M Manual has been revised to be project specific. See updated O&M Manual. Resolved 52 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 6/15/23 1:44 PM Changemark Please show the BMP easement on the site map 317168-O&M Manual.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:24 AM BMP easements and callouts have been added to the BMP Map. Resolved 53 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/15/23 3:35 PM Changemark Changemark note #01 Project exceeds allowable max lot coverage for C2 district. Please note a variance of this development standard will be required. C000 TITLE SHEET.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:26 AM A variance will be requested for this requirement. Info Only 54 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:09 PM Changemark 102.02.v.a The Existing Project Site Layout shall include contour intervals at one (1) foot if the general slope of the development is less than or equal to three percent (â?¤3%) and at two (2) feet when the general slope is greater than three percent (>3%). ALTA-1 - ALTA-NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 7:37 AM An Existing Condition Plan, Sheet C100 was added to the plans to show the topographic elevations at 1' intervals. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 55 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:09 PM Changemark 102.02.v.d Existing Project Site Layout shall include one hundred (100) year floodplains, floodway fringes, and floodways, established or identified in accordance with the City of Carmel Flood Hazard Area Ordinance. Please note if none exists. ALTA-1 - ALTA-NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 7:39 AM The project site does not fall within the 100 year floodplain, fringe or floodway. A note has been added to sheet C100. Resolved 56 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:09 PM Changemark 102.02.v.f Existing Project Site Layout shall include the location of storm, sanitary, combined sewer, and septic tank systems and outfalls with all top of casting elevation, invert elevations, pipe sizes, and pipe material indicated. Existing structure and pipe information shall be as-built information and not design information. ALTA-1 - ALTA-NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 7:42 AM See sheet C100 for utility information, castings, inverts etc. Resolved 57 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:09 PM Changemark 102.02.v.i. Please include county regulated drain easement ALTA-1 - ALTA-NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 7:45 AM Regulated Drain easement is shown on ALTA. See updated sheet. Resolved 58 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:18 PM Changemark 102.02.vii Plan and Profile Sheet(s) shall include the hydraulic grade line indicated on the profiles to demonstrate that the hydraulic grade line remains below the rim elevation for the design condition. C401 STORMWATER PROFILES.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 7:58 AM Hydraulic grade line has been provided on sheet C 402. Resolved 59 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:18 PM Changemark 102.02.vii the statement in Section 102.02.vii shall be included on all plan/profile sheets. C401 STORMWATER PROFILES.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 7:58 AM Notes have been added on sheet C402. Resolved 60 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:33 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.f the grading and drainage plan shall include all proposed topographic information at one-foot contour interval based on NAVD 1988. C300 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:02 AM Proposed contours have been added to plan. Please see sheet C300. Resolved 61 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:33 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.k & 303.07 Please include ponding limits and flood round for all sag inlets as a result of a 100-Yr storm in a fully clogged scenario. C300 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:02 AM Emergency flood staging can be found on the Flood Routing Plan C401. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 62 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:33 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.m the grading and drainage plan shall include a drainage summary, which summarizes the basic conditions of the drainage design, including site acreage, off-site/upstream acreage, allowable release rates, post-developed 10-year, and 100-year flows leaving the site, volume of detention required, volume of detention provided, and any release rate. C300 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:42 AM This has been added to the plans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 9/5/23 3:55 PM Please note that the proposed release rates are based on 0.5" and also provide the actual release rates with the 2" orifices. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:02 AM A drainage summary table has been added to sheet C300. Resolved 63 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:33 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.p Please include MFPGs for both buildings C300 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:42 AM Per conversation with Alex Jordan on 10/23 this waiver has been approved. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 9/5/23 3:15 PM Comment will remain unresolved until waiver approval. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:02 AM MFPGs have been added to both building FFE callouts. Resolved 64 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:34 PM Changemark 102.02.xiv the construction plans shall include a Structure Data Table, and, at a minimum, shall include the following information: structure number reference, upstream structure number, downstream structure number, top casting elevation, upstream pipe elevation, downstream pipe elevation, pipe length, pipe material, pipe size, type of structure and detail reference to type of structure and any notes related to the structure. C400 STORMWATER PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:02 AM Structure data tables have been added to sheet C 403. Resolved 65 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:45 PM Changemark 102.03.i.b Please include summary of hydrologic soil group calculations. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:02 AM Hydrologic calculations have been provided. Please see Appendix A for details. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 66 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:48 PM Changemark 701 There only appear to be 2 WQUs, on for each building, and they are downstream of the detention. They will need to be placed upstream of the detention and two more WQ features added. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:42 AM Per email correspondence from Carmel Engineering the sumped detention volume has been approved as 10% of the detention volume. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 9/5/23 3:36 PM Calculations shall be provided to confirm sump volume provided meets WQv required per Section 700 of the STSM. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 10:47 AM There will be 2 water quality measures for each Block. A sump will be provided prior to the outlet of the detention vault and an aqua-swirl will be utilized downstream of the detention vault. Per correspondence with Carmel Engineering, these WQ methods will be permitted. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 67 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:51 PM Changemark 102.03 Please include 10 & 100 year detention elevations, storage required for each storm event, and 90% drawdown time. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 6/12/24 8:48 AM All requested information is included in the Drainage Report. The waiver letter has been provided and the waiver was approved at the 9/20/23 BPW meeting. Please remove this comment. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 3/25/24 11:41 AM A waiver request was uploaded with the October 2023 resubmittal for this requirement. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 11/13/23 2:00 PM Please provide waiver request for not meeting the drawdown requirement. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:43 AM This has been provided. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 9/5/23 3:48 PM Thanks for providing the requested information. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:03 AM Drainage report narrative has been revised. Resolved 68 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:54 PM Changemark 302.06.10 a minimum of fifteen (15) feet horizontally from the top of bank of the facility, or the 100-year pool if no defined top of bank is present, shall be dedicated as permanent stormwater easement C400 STORMWATER PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:03 AM A 15' stormwater easement has been added to both underground detention. Please see sheet C400. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 69 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 4:58 PM Changemark 302.11 The emergency overflow weir will need to be able to pass 1.25x100-yr with the orifices assumed plugged and detention full to the 100-yr elevation. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:43 AM The emergency overflow calculations have been updated to show the clogged condition. Please see the revised Drainage Report Appendix G. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 9/5/23 4:34 PM To clarify, we are simply requesting that the 1.25x100yr flow rate can pass between the top of weir and bottom of slab top within the OCS. Typically, we see this provided in the launch express Civil 3D extension . Please reach out if you still have questions. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:03 AM Storage capacity of detention has been revised to ensure overflow weir is adequate. Resolved 70 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 5:01 PM Changemark 305.05 the inlet grate opening provided shall be adequate to pass the design 10- year flow with 50% of the sag inlet areas clogged. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:13 AM Please see attached inlet capacity worksheet in drainage report. Resolved 71 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 5:05 PM Changemark 401 Please include details about how the roof drains will be connected to the detention facilities. C400 STORMWATER PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:14 AM Roof drain will connect internally to the detention facilities. Resolved 72 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 5:08 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.s Detention and outlet control structure details will need to be included in the site plans prior to approval. C400 STORMWATER PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:14 AM Outlet control structure details have been added to sheet C803. Resolved 73 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 5:12 PM Changemark 701.07 a 20-foot wide access easement from a public right-of-way to each BMP shall be provided. C400 STORMWATER PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:14 AM BMP easements has been added for the two proposed WQ units. Please see sheet C400. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 74 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 5:14 PM Changemark 701 Please provide a Water Quality watershed map. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:15 AM Comment noted. Please seee WQ Watershed map attached in drainage report Appendix H. Resolved 75 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 6/15/23 5:15 PM Changemark 102.03.ii Please include sizing information/calculations for the intake pipes from the R/W. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:15 AM Any questions pertaining to R/W please refer to Crossroads project No. 20-ENG-13 Resolved 84 1 Carmel Information Systems Morgan Rinehart 6/16/23 10:56 AM Comment The City IT IDF room is shown on the east building but it's not shown on the west garage. Can that room location be labeled and called out on the west garage area? Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 12:13 PM Sheet A1102 has room W208 labeled as City IT. Resolved 85 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/16/23 11:48 AM Changemark Parking Signs Please review the Public parking sign criteria in the Correspondence folder for required public parking sign standards. 16 - ELEVATIONS-NW-BLOCK.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:26 AM Comment will be addressed in future signage package. Info Only 86 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/16/23 11:48 AM Changemark Wall Sign Please provide spandrel panel dimensions to determine maximum sign size. See outlined area for defined Spandrel panel. 16 - ELEVATIONS-NW-BLOCK.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 8/30/23 10:31 AM An ADLS Amend will have to be filed to address all signage items. Please keep in mind UDO Sign Standards when planning so signage does not become an issue after the fact. If Signage will be addressed later, please at least include the signage (visually) with the correct allowable maximum size - 70%H x 85% W of Spandrel Panel). ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:26 AM Comment will be addressed in future signage package. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 87 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/16/23 11:48 AM Changemark Wall Sign Please define spandrel panel dimensions. Maximum wall sign size is 70% of spandrel panel Height x 85% of spandrel panel width. 16 - ELEVATIONS-NW-BLOCK.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 8/30/23 10:32 AM An ADLS Amend will have to be filed to address all signage items. Please keep in mind UDO Sign Standards when planning so signage does not become an issue after the fact. If Signage will be addressed later, please at least include the signage (visually) with the correct allowable maximum size - 70%H x 85% W of Spandrel Panel). ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:26 AM Comment will be addressed in future signage package. Info Only 88 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/16/23 11:48 AM Changemark Spandrel panel Please define spandrel panel size. Maximum sign size is 70% of Spandrel height x 85% of Spandrel width. 16 - ELEVATIONS-NW-BLOCK.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 8/30/23 10:34 AM An ADLS Amend will have to be filed to address all signage items. Please keep in mind UDO Sign Standards when planning so signage does not become an issue after the fact. If Signage will be addressed later, please at least include the signage (visually) with the correct allowable maximum size - 70%H x 85% W of Spandrel Panel). ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:26 AM Comment will be addressed in future signage package. Info Only 89 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/16/23 11:48 AM Changemark Sign locations Please outline all possible sign locations with spandrel panel dimensions or canopy widths. Maximum allowable sign size for a wall sign is 70% of height x 85% of width of spandrel panel. For canopy signs, if canopy is longer than 14ft, then sign may be up to 70% of that length, if canopy is 14ft or less, 90% of the canopy width may be used. 16 - ELEVATIONS-NW-BLOCK.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 8/30/23 10:34 AM An ADLS Amend will have to be filed to address all signage items. Please keep in mind UDO Sign Standards when planning so signage does not become an issue after the fact. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:26 AM Comment will be addressed in future signage package. Info Only 90 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/16/23 11:50 AM Comment A sign package will be required for this development. If not completed during the DP ADLS review, a separate ADLS AMEND will have to be filed to complete the required sign plan. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 91 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/16/23 11:50 AM Comment Please out line all locations available for commercial tenant signage. Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 8/30/23 10:35 AM An ADLS Amend will have to be filed to address all signage items. Please keep in mind UDO Sign Standards when planning so signage does not become an issue after the fact. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:26 AM Comment will be addressed in future signage package. Info Only 92 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark Long Term bicycle parking Please indicate how many long term bicycle parking spaces will be provided with this project. Please show how the total number of long term spaces was determined based on section 5.29 of the UDO's long term bicycle parking standards. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:19 AM See full bicycle parking calculations on sheet A000. Resolved 93 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark bike rack types in storage rooms Please include some floor mounted inverted-U or A-frame racks in the bike storage rooms to provide secure bike parking for a variety of bike types/sizes and for people who can not lift their bikes onto the wall racks. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:46 AM Bike rack/plan information can be found on sheet L 121. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 8/31/23 12:53 PM Please provide plans/details show how the bicycle parking will be provided in the bicycle storage rooms and the proposed bike racks. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:27 AM Will provide. Resolved 94 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark visibility into bike rooms Will there be windows or wall material used to allow for people to see into the bike room before entering it? If not, please include some features to allow people to see into to see into the room before entering it for security purposes. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:27 AM Yes - will provide. Resolved 95 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark surveillance in bike rooms? Will the bike room have surveillance cameras? Please consider including cameras in the bike room or at the door(s) to the bike room to help with security of the bikes and people using the room. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:27 AM Yes - will provide. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 96 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark Bike room entrances Please consider providing two points of entrance/exit into/from the bike rooms for security purposes. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:46 AM Bike rack/plan information can be found on sheet L 121. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:27 AM Will be reviewed and considered based on indivudual bike room conditions. Resolved 97 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark bike room rack details Include a detail for the proposed wall racks that are proposed to be used in the bike storage rooms. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:46 AM Bike rack/plan information can be found on sheet L 121. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 8/31/23 12:53 PM Please provide plans/details show how the bicycle parking will be provided in the bicycle storage rooms and the proposed bike racks. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:27 AM Have included with responses. Resolved 98 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark Short term bicycle parking calculation Section 5.29 of the City's UDO calculates short term bicycle parking requirements by using the number of bedrooms not the number of units. Please revise the short term bicycle parking number using the number of bedrooms in the development. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:08 AM See full bicycle parking calculations on sheet A000. Resolved 99 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark Bike racks? Are these bike racks? If so, please label them. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:08 AM Labels for the bike racks have been added. Resolved 100 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark Bike rack installation along streets Please consider realigning the way the bike racks are proposed to be installed along the streets. When racks are installed perpendicular to the sidewalk they are on the bikes parked on them will obstruct the sidewalk. Installing racks parallel to the sidewalk will provide more sidewalk clearance when bikes are parked on them. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:08 AM This was evaluated however do to the number of parking stalls needed and the wide sidewalk widths they were placed perpendicular. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 101 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark Bike racks? 2 Are these bike racks? If so, please label them. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:04 AM Bike racks have been labeled. See sheet C200. Resolved 102 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:13 PM Changemark Restaurant bicycle parking If these are bike racks please relocate them so that they are in a location that is more accessible by bike. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:03 AM Bike rack locations have been adjusted. See sheet C200. Resolved 103 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 3:16 PM Changemark ADA ramps and crosswalks Please ensure that all ramps and crosswalks will comply with ADA standards. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:02 AM All sidewalks and ramps within project limits are designed to be ADA compliant. Resolved 104 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 6/16/23 4:35 PM Changemark ADA compliant crosswalk and ramp Please ensure that this crosswalk and its ramps will comply with ADA standards. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:02 AM Ramps and Crosswalks at this location are part of the city road project. Resolved 105 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/19/23 10:35 AM Changemark Will there be any signage proposed for this entrance? 18 - ELEVATIONS-CONDO-BLOCK.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/27/23 3:38 PM Signage is not yet finalized but will be submitted separately. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:29 AM Comment will be addressed in future signage package. Question 106 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 6/19/23 10:54 AM Changemark Canopy Signage Maximum canopy sign height is 24", maximum width is 70% of canopy width if wider than 14', or 90% of canopy width if under 14'. Please include in sign package when preparing. 16 - ELEVATIONS-NW-BLOCK.pdf Info Only 107 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:29 AM Changemark Changemark note #01 Section 9.03; Landscape plan is required C000 TITLE SHEET.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:26 AM A landscape plan has been included, see sheet L100. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 108 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:29 AM Changemark Changemark note #02 Section 9.03 a Lighting plan is required C000 TITLE SHEET.pdf Reviewer Response: Mike Hollibaugh - 4/19/24 11:27 AM Docket will be released/approved with conditional approval, that exterior lighting needs to be approved prior to release of ILP ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:48 AM A lighting plan is in process and will be provided when available. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Mike Hollibaugh - 10/30/23 9:07 AM Ben, ADLS review/approval includes architectural lighting as well as site lighting. Outdoor lighting (wall, roof and/or ground mounted light fixtures) do required plan commission approval, not just street (or parking lot) lighting; see Section 9.03 of UDO ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:53 AM The Monon Sq. project does not have exterior lighting. All the lighting within the right-of-way is contained within the Veterans Way road project. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 12:12 PM A lighting plan will be provided soon. Question 109 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:52 AM Changemark Changemark note #01 add dimensions for sidewalks, street parking and lane widths C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:27 AM Dimensions have been added to the site plan. See updated sheet C200. Resolved 110 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:52 AM Changemark Changemark note #02 add dimensions for sidewalks, street parking and lane widths C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:27 AM Dimensions have been added to the site plan. See updated sheet C200. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 111 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:52 AM Changemark Changemark note #03 Please explain how restaurant deliveries will be made, and how trash disposal and recycling will occur C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Mike Hollibaugh - 8/22/23 12:27 PM thank you, but it's not super clear how the NE restaurant trash will be handled. Thisi can be discussed further at the hearing on 8/24 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:31 AM At the NW Building, Trash/Recycling for the retail is located along Walnut Street and back of house doors are provided from the garage. At the NE Building, Trash/Recycling is off of Veterans Way. The plaza drive to the north can be used for any access needs. Similar delivery and trash/recycling intent can be found around Carmel. Info Only 112 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:52 AM Changemark Changemark note #04 is it possible for bike room to have door to outside and connection to street? C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:31 AM No. The exterior walls of the bike room are under grade. Resolved 113 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:52 AM Changemark Changemark note #05 extend sidewalk to connect with Walnut Street sidewalk please dimension improvements C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 8:27 AM Sidewalk has been extended. See sheet C 200. Resolved 114 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 9:52 AM Changemark Changemark note #06 will Walnut Street median be extended to prevent left turns from westbound traffic? C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 11:31 AM This would be up to Carmel Engineering to analyze and comment on. Info Only 115 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 10:53 AM Changemark Changemark note #01 Note #8 - THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REGULARLY INSPECT AND MAINTAIN SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND DEVICES TO ENSURE PROPER FUNCTION THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AND UNTIL SILTATION OF THE STREETS AND STORM SEWERS WILL NO LONGER OCCUR C901 POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 10:53 AM Notes have been revised. Resolved 116 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 10:53 AM Changemark Changemark note #02 #12 - Please update to state City of Carmel specs (this isn't Fishers :/ ) C901 POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/14/23 10:53 AM Notes have been revised. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 117 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 11:13 AM Changemark Changemark note #01 Should we be more consistent with detailing in this area which is facing the restaurant/patio area and visible focal point from Range Line 18 - ELEVATIONS-CONDO-BLOCK.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:31 AM Condo elevations have been revised based on dis Info Only 118 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 11:15 AM Changemark Changemark note #02 Should we have a level of brick detailing in this area 18 - ELEVATIONS-CONDO-BLOCK.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:30 AM Condo elevations have been revised based on disussions with the CRC. Info Only 119 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 11:57 AM Changemark Changemark note #01 think this facade needs more prominent detailing consistent with high visiblity from plaza and westbound and southbound Veterans traffic 16 - ELEVATIONS-NW-BLOCK.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:30 AM Condo elevations have been revised based on discussions with the CRC. Info Only 120 1 Planning & Zoning Mike Hollibaugh 6/20/23 12:23 PM Changemark Changemark note #01 Can a door to outside be placed here in place of space #9? 10 - NE-BLDG-FLOORPLANS.pdf Reviewer Response: Mike Hollibaugh - 8/22/23 11:16 AM planning department wants to explore what an access point into the garage here would look like ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 8/18/23 11:30 AM Yes - a door can be provided Info Only 121 1 Hamilton County Surveyor Samuel Clark 6/21/23 11:48 AM Comment With the construction of this project, a portion of the RJ Follett Regulated drain will be vacated. The city of Carmel has been made aware of the need to run a camera through the portion of the drain to be vacated in order to determine if there are any existing connections to the drain that need to be perpetuated. Approval of the vacation by the Hamilton County Drainage Board will be received after this information is provided. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 122 2 Carmel Information Systems Morgan Rinehart 8/22/23 2:49 PM Comment Can we show on the Site Utility plan the connection to City of Carmel fiber optic for the feeds to parking garage cameras? There will be joint duct bank running down veterans and you can coordinate with me for the connections points if needed. We will want to see these run into the MDF rooms for each garage. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 6/25/24 10:28 AM The MDF rooms have been labeled on the C500 site utility plan and conduit routes are included to connect the Veterans Way duct bank to each building. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/18/24 1:13 PM See updated C500 Site Utility Plan. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:53 AM The Utility Plan (C500) has been updated and now labels the fiber-optic feeds to the buildings. The control cabinets are shown in our plans for reference but will be installed with the Veterans Road project. UnResolved 123 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 8/23/23 10:56 AM Changemark tree pits We are having issues maintaining tree pits and I do not recommend them. Since there is not on-street parking here can we have above ground landscape beds? Is it possible to connect all the trees into a raised landscape bed? Please clarify how these trees are planted, i wasn't sure from reviewing the plans. L100 - PLANTING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 12:56 PM To make a change to planting beds in lieu of tree vaults with a tree grate we typically need 6’-0” X 6’-0” planting area. Based on grading, utilities, and pedestrian conflicts, we elected to use a tree grate and tree vault. Resolved 124 2 Vectren Energy Chad Miller 8/28/23 10:57 AM Changemark CenterPoint Energy CenterPoint is working with the City of Carmel and the developer to run a gas main trunk line down the proposed Veterans Way. We will need an AutoCAD file and proposed load information to size the new gas main and gas meters. C500 UTILITY PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 6/17/24 9:11 AM AutoCAD files have been provided to Centerpoint. Please remove comments. Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:49 AM Autocad files have been provided to Centerpoint. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/27/23 7:23 AM The developer/owner will reach out to create a new work order and provide the proposed load information for the development. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 125 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/29/23 10:34 AM Changemark Several structures do not extend past the pipes on the profiles Please revise these to avoid confusion when ordering and installing these structures. C401 STORMWATER PROFILES.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:46 AM Please disregard the 'C401 Stormwater Profiles' sheet. The C401 Stormwater profile sheet has been moved to C402.The Flood Routing plan is now C401. Resolved 126 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/29/23 11:09 AM Changemark Please clarify the water quality unit sizes There are several discrepancies on the size of the water quality units throughout the plans and O&M. Please clarify which sizes will be used and revise all documents to be consistent. 317168-O&M Manual.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:47 AM The narrative has been revised to show the correct information. Resolved 127 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/29/23 11:14 AM Changemark Please call these structures out on the plans and provide details These will also need to be included in the O&M manual. C902 STORMWATER POLLUTION & PREVENTION NOTES.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:48 AM The notes have been revised to show the correct information. Resolved 128 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/29/23 2:59 PM Changemark The FFE must be no less than 6" above the finished grade around the building Both of these buildings have the MLAG set above the FFE, which is not allowed per Section 104.02 of the STSM. Please revise or request a waiver. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:48 AM Per conversation with Alex Jordan on 10/23 this waiver has been approved. Resolved 129 2 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 8/30/23 1:45 PM Changemark Short term bicycle parking for retail calculation Section 5.29 of the City's UDO specifies that short term bicycle parking be provided at a rate of 2 spaces per 5,000 sq ft. Please recalculate this to provide the correct amount of short term bicycle parking for the retail in this project. A000 - COVER SHEET.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:54 AM See provided L121 Bicycle Parking Plan for updated recalculations. Resolved 130 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/31/23 8:56 AM Changemark Please provide more information on the dog park We will need to see the cross-section/details for this in the civil plans. On similar projects we have allowed a synthetic turf with a stone drainage layer below. We will also need to see the pet waste stations called out/detailed on the plans and in the O&M. C200 SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 10:29 AM This information has been added to the SWPP Plans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 11/14/23 9:51 AM Please have this information added to the SWPPP sheets and details. We will need to ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:54 AM Pet waste station information is provided in revised L101. Details have been added to the O&M Manual. Additional documentation added under correspondence folder. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 131 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/31/23 2:44 PM Changemark Please provide the commercial driveway standard drawing on this sheet as reference in the keynote on C200 C800 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:48 AM Commercial driveway standard drawing added to C 801. Resolved 132 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/5/23 3:28 PM Changemark BMP Easement Our understanding is that the portion the parcel between the western property line and the western building face will be dedicated as R/W. This BMP Easement is located in future R/W. Please clarify and call out the portion of the property to be dedicated as R/W. Please make note throughout the plans and O&M that the developer will be responsible for maintenance of the BMP even though it will be located in the R/W. C400 STORMWATER PLAN.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:50 AM Comment noted. Per conversation with Alex Jordan 10/23, this area will not require a BMP easement. An encroachment application will be applied for. Resolved 133 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/5/23 3:43 PM Changemark Detention Sump Maintenance Please include details for sump maintenance and inspection list. 317168-O&M Manual.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:50 AM This has been added to the O&M Manual. Resolved 134 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/6/23 3:19 PM Changemark Detention Details Please provide more details regarding the detention basin (manufacturer, structural drawings, etc) C803 STORMWATER DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:55 AM The detention vaults are proposed to be Cast-in-Place concrete. Structural details can be found on sheet S 100. Resolved 135 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/6/23 3:24 PM Changemark Release Rate Please revised the design orifice so the proposed 10-year release rate is equal to or lower than the allowable or request a waiver. 317168-Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:50 AM A waiver will be requested for this requirement. Resolved 136 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/6/23 3:33 PM Comment Drainage Report Release Rate (East Basin) Please revise orifice size to meet 10- and 100-year allowable release rates or provide waiver request for direct discharge areas. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 10/25/23 9:50 AM A waiver will be requested for this requirement. Resolved 143 3 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Larysa Glaspie 11/2/23 11:29 AM Changemark This area should be brick. This area should be brick. 22 - ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:46 AM Area has been revised to brick. Resolved 144 3 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Larysa Glaspie 11/2/23 11:39 AM Changemark Consider adding a mural here. If proposed, please provide design to CRC for approval. Consider adding a mural here. If proposed, please provide design to CRC for approval. 22 - ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:46 AM Will review with owners Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 145 3 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Larysa Glaspie 11/6/23 1:06 PM Comment Please provide solar plan for review. Reviewer Response: Justin Myers - 5/7/24 8:55 AM SOLAR NO LONGER REQD IN-LIEU-OF PARKING COUNTER SYSTEM INSTALLATION ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:47 AM This is in process and will be provided when available. Info Only 146 3 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Larysa Glaspie 11/6/23 1:07 PM Comment Please confirm Carmel ITS has reviewed and approved the garage and plaza camera plan. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/18/24 1:15 PM Carmel ITS has reviewed and approved the plans. Resolved 147 3 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Larysa Glaspie 11/7/23 9:10 AM Changemark Consider adding a mural here Consider adding a mural here. If proposed, please provide design to CRC for approval. 22 - ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS.pdf Reviewer Response: Justin Myers - 5/7/24 8:55 AM PLEASE NOTIFY CRC ONCE OWNER DECISION IS MADE AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:47 AM Will review with owners. Info Only 148 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 11/13/23 2:08 PM Comment Drainage approval contingent upon the resolution of of all comments/markups provided by CRE and sent via email on 9/6/23 and 10/31/23. Responded by: Ben Bemis - 6/17/24 9:09 AM All comments/markups provided by CRE via email on 9/6/23 and 10/31/23 have be addressed. Additional coordination items between CRE and CEC have also been coordinated including the outlet structures for both buildings. Please remove comment. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 10:38 AM The comments from the referenced emails have been addressed as noted. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 149 3 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 11/13/23 3:28 PM Changemark Bike room access on upper floors How will people access the bike storage on the second and third floors of the buildings? Will the elevators be big enough to fit bicycles in to take to the upper levels or will people have to ride up the garage ramps to access the long term spaces? L121 - Bicycle Parking Plan_ADLS- L121_DPADLS.pdf Responded by: Ben Bemis - 6/17/24 9:10 AM Per the architect the elevators are designed to accommodate bicycles. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 4/25/24 10:07 AM As a CRC project we expect the long term bicycle parking standards to be met per the City's UDO. Requiring cyclists to use the parking garage ramps is not a feasible way for cyclists to access the bike storage on the upper levels. Will cyclists be able to use the elevators to access the bicycle storage on the upper levels of the garage? ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Ben Bemis - 4/16/24 9:48 AM These storage rooms are part of the non-required long term storage count, but the intended bicycle route would be the ramps. Resolved 150 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 4/19/24 11:06 AM Comment We have one final comment that can be addressed with the final submittals: 1. Please include the dog park and all associated details in the O&M manual. Once this is addressed, we will need the following items submitted before we can issue the stormwater management permit: 1. A signed and recorded O&M manual with the requested revisions made 2. An erosion control engineers estimate 3. A non-expiring erosion control performance bond for 100% of the approved estimate 4. A right-of-way improvement engineers estimate 5. A non-expiring right-of-way improvement performance bond for 100% of the approved estimate 6. A completed BMP easement agreement with exhibit and legal description Info Only 151 4 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Justin Myers 5/7/24 8:58 AM Comment Approved with conditions – This project is approved pending final approval from the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. Please contact the CRC directly for final approval. Henry Mestetsky, Executive Director of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, can be reached at hmestetsky@carmel.in.gov or (317) 443-4679. Signage and murals require a separate ADLS and CRC review/approval. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: CRC PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square Mixed-Use Development Workflow Started: 5/26/2023 12:27:03 PM Report Generated: 07/11/2024 09:02 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 152 5 Vectren Energy Chad Miller 7/8/24 9:03 AM Changemark CenterPoint Energy The existing gas main along the south side of Walnut Street will not be removed. We are in easement and the easement width will need to be reduced out of the proposed building. Please contact the CenterPoint Energy encroachment group about working in our easement. C100 DEMOLITION PLAN.pdf UnResolved 153 5 Vectren Energy Chad Miller 7/8/24 9:07 AM Changemark CenterPoint Energy The proposed Duke transformers will need to be relocated somewhere else, not on top of the existing gas line on the south side of Walnut Street. Please contact the CenterPoint Energy encroachment group about the proposed stairs encroaching into the easement and over top of the existing gas main. C500 UTILITY PLAN.pdf UnResolved SCALE:3/4" = 1'-0"SYNTHETIC TURF NAILER CURB AT FENCERefer to Specificationsfor Pile Height.Synthetic Turf, PileHeight to 14" aboveFinished Grade.Flush Synthetic Turf NailerCurb, Slope top to ensurepositive drainageStone Choker LayerNon-woven Geotextile4"Stone Drainage Layer#53 compacted StoneFlat Panel Drains, Refer to Civil Plans1'-0"Fence Footer, Refer to Manufacturer'sRecommendations, to Frost Depth, min.Hold top of footer 12" below finish grade.Compacted Sub-base1'-0"Adjacent Pavement or PlantingArea, Refer to Materials PlansSynthetic Turf Nailer Board, typ.Ornamental Fence, Embedded a min.of 1'-6" into structural concretebelow nailer curb.1'-6"2'-0"6"2" SCALE:1" = 1'-0"SYNTHETIC TURF - PROTOTYPICAL SECTIONFor Pile Height, Refer toSpecifications.Synthetic Turf, Pile Heightto 14" above FinishedGrade. Refer toSpecificationsSynthetic Turf NailerBoard, typ.Stone Choker Layer,#9 Crushed StoneNon-woven GeotextileFlush Post Curb ORAdjacent Paving withFlush, Turndown Curb,Refer to Civil Details4"Stone Drainage Layer,Compacted #53 StoneCompacted Sub-baseFlat Panel Drains, Refer toCivil Plans2"Adjacent Wall or Foundation 1 Justice, Nick From:Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov> Sent:Thursday, August 3, 2023 2:19 PM To:Justice, Nick; Kashman, Jeremy M Cc:Bemis, Ben; Hurt, Aaron; Chung, Hing Yip; Thomas, John G Subject:RE: PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square - Water Quality (CEC 317-168) Nick, I apologize for the delay in geng back with you. J eremy and I have discussed your email and he will allow the project to install the water quality units downstream as long as the deten!on is sumped as you stated in your email below. Please let me know if you have any ques!ons. Sincerely, Alex Jordan, CPESC Plan Review Coordinator City of Carmel Engineering Department (317) 571-2305 ajordan@carmel.in.gov From: Justice, Nick <njustice@cecinc.com> Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 10:09 AM To: Kashman, Jeremy M <jkashman@carmel.in.gov> Cc: Bemis, Ben <bbemis@cecinc.com>; Hurt, Aaron <ahurt@cecinc.com>; Chung, Hing Yip <hchung@cecinc.com>; Thomas, John G <jthomas@carmel.in.gov>; Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov> Subject: RE: PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square - Water Quality (CEC 317-168) Mr. Kashman, We are looking to resubmit the plans soon and I wanted to check back in on our proposed solu!on before we proceed. Let me know if it would be beGer to schedule a call to discuss. Thanks, Nick Nicholas P. Justice, P.E. | Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 530 E. Ohio Street, Suite G, Indianapolis, IN 46204 mobile 765.620.3351 office 317.655.7777 www.cecinc.com This electronic communication and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. 2 From: Justice, Nick Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 5:36 PM To: Jeremy Kashman (jkashman@carmel.in.gov) <jkashman@carmel.in.gov> Cc: Bemis, Ben <bbemis@cecinc.com>; Hurt, Aaron <ahurt@cecinc.com>; Chung, Hing Yip <hchung@cecinc.com>; Thomas, John G <jthomas@carmel.in.gov> Subject: PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square - Water Quality (CEC 317-168) Mr. Kashman, We are working on the Civil Engineering plans for the Monon Square Mixed-Use project and we received a comment regarding the water quality treatment downstream of the deten!on system. We understand the Stormwater Manual requires the water quality treatment to be located upstream of the deten!on system. For this project we have two separate deten!on systems picking up 3 sides of the ROW on the west system and 2 sides of the ROW on the east system plus their respec!ve proper!es. Due to the several pick-up points required to convey runoff from the public ROW it would be unreasonably burdensome to provide +4 pre-treatment devices upstream of the deten!on system for the project. We are reques!ng to have the mechanical BMPs located downstream of the deten!on system. In addi!on to the mechanical BMP units we would like to propose sumped deten!on to allow for the accumula!on of sediment equal to 10% of the total deten!on volume. This system would be similar to what we have done previously for the L’Etoile Project located at 833 W. Main Street (see aGachment). Let us know if you would like to schedule a call to discuss. Thanks, Nick Nicholas P. Justice, P.E. | Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 530 E. Ohio Street, Suite G, Indianapolis, IN 46204 mobile 765.620.3351 office 317.655.7777 www.cecinc.com This electronic communication and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. 1 Carmel Public Parking Sign Design & Criteria Department of Community Services CarmelCITYOF 2 Blade Signs A Blade Sign is the primary sign type used for public parking identification. It is to be located above or near all garage entrances and must be visible from each approach to the garage. If the entrance to the garage is not visible from the roadway, additional wayfinding signage is required to direct patrons from the road to the garage. The exact measurements and color specifications can be found below and must be adhered to. APPROVED BY DATE PAGE 3 Field survey required prior to fabricaon. All electrical is configured to 120V unless otherwise specified. The concepts herein are the property of ISF INC. Permission to reproduce, copy or use the design or proposal can only be obtained through written agreement with ISF INC. Due to screen calibration and printing capabilities, the colors shown are only to be used as a close representation or final product. •DESIGN FABRICATION isfsigns.com317.251.1219 6468 Rucker Road •INSTALLATION SERVICE Indianapolis, IN 46220 DESIGNED BY: CA REVISED LAST BY: CA LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ STREET FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ WALL FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ Style and construction to match existing sign 24” S4 Fabricate and install (1) 2 sided face lit blade sign Main Cabinet - .080” aluminum cladding, .040” returns, & 2” retainer painted MP 413420 brushed aluminum Boarder: 1/2” Clear Acrylic Push-thrus w/ second surface diffuser vinylFace: .090” Aluminum Painted PMS 072C Blue match w/ routed text and boarder “P”: 1/2” push through clear acrylic “P” with second surface diffuser vinyl Bottom Arm - .080” aluminum cladding, routed for 1/2” arrow clear acrylic push-thru w/ second surface diffuser, Front elevation painted PMS 1245C Yellow, side and back elevations painted PMS 1245C Yellow, PMS 491C Red Mounting: Thru-bolt mounted flush via aluminum spacers painted MP 413420 brushed aluminumIllumination: AVL 6500 white LEDs SCALE: 1/16”=1’72 1/2"56"60"10 3/4"3 3/4"9 1/4”28 1/2”9 1/4”2"31 5/8”S4 Railyard Chris Young Carmel, IN 7-12-2021 rail_5-3119-A_v2 PUBLICPARKING PUBLICPARKING APPROVED BY DATE PAGE 3 Field survey required prior to fabricaon. All electrical is configured to 120V unless otherwise specified. The concepts herein are the property of ISF INC. Permission to reproduce, copy or use the design or proposal can only be obtained through written agreement with ISF INC. Due to screen calibration and printing capabilities, the colors shown are only to be used as a close representation or final product. •DESIGN FABRICATION isfsigns.com317.251.1219 6468 Rucker Road •INSTALLATION SERVICE Indianapolis, IN 46220 DESIGNED BY: CA REVISED LAST BY: CA LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ STREET FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ WALL FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ Style and construction to match existing sign 24” S4 Fabricate and install (1) 2 sided face lit blade sign Main Cabinet - .080” aluminum cladding, .040” returns, & 2” retainer painted MP 413420 brushed aluminum Boarder: 1/2” Clear Acrylic Push-thrus w/ second surface diffuser vinylFace: .090” Aluminum Painted PMS 072C Blue match w/ routed text and boarder “P”: 1/2” push through clear acrylic “P” with second surface diffuser vinyl Bottom Arm - .080” aluminum cladding, routed for 1/2” arrow clear acrylic push-thru w/ second surface diffuser, Front elevation painted PMS 1245C Yellow, side and back elevations painted PMS 1245C Yellow, PMS 491C Red Mounting: Thru-bolt mounted flush via aluminum spacers painted MP 413420 brushed aluminumIllumination: AVL 6500 white LEDs SCALE: 1/16”=1’72 1/2"56"60"10 3/4"3 3/4"9 1/4”28 1/2”9 1/4”2"31 5/8”S4 Railyard Chris Young Carmel, IN 7-12-2021 rail_5-3119-A_v2 PUBLICPARKING PUBLICPARKING APPROVED BY DATE PAGE 3 Field survey required prior to fabricaon. All electrical is configured to 120V unless otherwise specified. The concepts herein are the property of ISF INC. Permission to reproduce, copy or use the design or proposal can only be obtained through written agreement with ISF INC. Due to screen calibration and printing capabilities, the colors shown are only to be used as a close representation or final product. •DESIGN FABRICATION isfsigns.com317.251.1219 6468 Rucker Road •INSTALLATION SERVICE Indianapolis, IN 46220 DESIGNED BY: CA REVISED LAST BY: CA LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ STREET FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ WALL FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ Style and construction to match existing sign 24” S4 Fabricate and install (1) 2 sided face lit blade sign Main Cabinet - .080” aluminum cladding, .040” returns, & 2” retainer painted MP 413420 brushed aluminum Boarder: 1/2” Clear Acrylic Push-thrus w/ second surface diffuser vinylFace: .090” Aluminum Painted PMS 072C Blue match w/ routed text and boarder “P”: 1/2” push through clear acrylic “P” with second surface diffuser vinyl Bottom Arm - .080” aluminum cladding, routed for 1/2” arrow clear acrylic push-thru w/ second surface diffuser, Front elevation painted PMS 1245C Yellow, side and back elevations painted PMS 1245C Yellow, PMS 491C Red Mounting: Thru-bolt mounted flush via aluminum spacers painted MP 413420 brushed aluminumIllumination: AVL 6500 white LEDs SCALE: 1/16”=1’72 1/2"56"60"10 3/4"3 3/4"9 1/4”28 1/2”9 1/4”2"31 5/8”S4 Railyard Chris Young Carmel, IN 7-12-2021 rail_5-3119-A_v2 PUBLICPARKING PUBLICPARKING Created by "ISF Signs PMS 1245 (Mustard Yellow) PMS 431C (Brick Red) PMS 072C (Blue) 2 sided face-lit Blade Sign specs: Main Cabinet - .080" aluminum cladding, .040" returns, 2" retainer painted MP 413420 brushed aluminum. Boarder - ½" Clear Acrylic Push-thrus with second surface diffuser vinyl Face - .090" Aluminum Painted PMS 072C Blue match with routed text and boarder. "P" - ½" push-thru clear acrylic "P" with second surface diffuser vinyl. Bottom Arm - .080" aluminum cladding, routed for ½" arrow clear acrylic push-thru with second surface diffuser. Front elevation painted PMS 1245C Yellow, side and back elevations painted PMS 1245C Yellow, PMS 491C Red. Mounting - Thru-bold mounted flush via aluminum spacers painted MP 413420 brushed aluminum. Illumination - AVL 6500 white LEDs. Left Elevation Scale: ¾"=1' Right Elevation Scale: ¾"=1' APPROVED BY DATE PAGE 3 Field survey required prior to fabricaon. All electrical is configured to 120V unless otherwise specified. The concepts herein are the property of ISF INC. Permission to reproduce, copy or use the design or proposal can only be obtained through written agreement with ISF INC. Due to screen calibration and printing capabilities, the colors shown are only to be used as a close representation or final product. •DESIGN FABRICATION isfsigns.com317.251.1219 6468 Rucker Road •INSTALLATION SERVICE Indianapolis, IN 46220 DESIGNED BY: CA REVISED LAST BY: CA LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ STREET FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ WALL FACING ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4”=1’ Style and construction to match existing sign 24” S4 Fabricate and install (1) 2 sided face lit blade sign Main Cabinet - .080” aluminum cladding, .040” returns, & 2” retainer painted MP 413420 brushed aluminum Boarder: 1/2” Clear Acrylic Push-thrus w/ second surface diffuser vinylFace: .090” Aluminum Painted PMS 072C Blue match w/ routed text and boarder “P”: 1/2” push through clear acrylic “P” with second surface diffuser vinyl Bottom Arm - .080” aluminum cladding, routed for 1/2” arrow clear acrylic push-thru w/ second surface diffuser, Front elevation painted PMS 1245C Yellow, side and back elevations painted PMS 1245C Yellow, PMS 491C Red Mounting: Thru-bolt mounted flush via aluminum spacers painted MP 413420 brushed aluminumIllumination: AVL 6500 white LEDs SCALE: 1/16”=1’72 1/2"56"60"10 3/4"3 3/4"9 1/4”28 1/2”9 1/4”2"31 5/8”S4 Railyard Chris Young Carmel, IN 7-12-2021 rail_5-3119-A_v2 PUBLICPARKING PUBLICPARKING Wall Facing Elevation Scale: ¾"=1' Street Facing Elevation Scale: ¾"=1' 3 Wall Signs When room is available, a wall sign may be used in conjunction with a blade sign. Wall signs must include the development’s name, “Parking Garage,” and the standard public parking P, as defined on page 7, on both sides of the name. Doing so communicates to drivers that the garage is public and identifies the development they will be parking at. Wall signs are to be flush or pin mounted and the colors and illumination must fit within the context of the development and surrounding uses. Example: 4 Suspended & Vinyl Signs A suspended sign is meant for pedestrians and vehicular drivers as they approach a garage opening. Hanging from a canopy, it signals vehicles to slow down, as well as for pedestrians to watch for oncoming traffic. This sign type must include the garage name, the standard public parking P, and a directional arrow. A red stripe is present at the top of the sign. Vinyl signage may also be used on canopy faces or garage doors. This sign type is meant as a secondary sign when a Suspended Sign is unfeasible. This sign type must include the garage name, the standard public parking P, and any other instructional or wayfinding text. Carmel P (See specifications page)Background color to match canopyCopy is Arial Bold 65" 8 5" PMS 491C (Brick Red) PARKING GARAGE Canopy Face PARKING GARAGE Carmel P (See specifications page)Copy is Arial Bold 8" 5 Digital Signs Digital signs alert drivers as to exactly how many empty spaces are currently available. The City of Carmel has two different units currently in use. One shows how many total parking spaces are free, the other one shows spaces available per category: regular spaces, EV charging spaces, handicap, and in some cases dedicated spaces. For questions and coordination of digital signage, please contact the Carmel Redevelopment Commission (CRC) at (317) 819-7207. 6 Entrance & Directional Signs Standard Public Parking and Resident Parking Signs A “Public Parking” header is required above all public vehicle entrances of the parking garage. This header must be mounted on black metal backing to increase visibility and include “Public Parking” text, two standard public parking P’s, and the standard lane indicator symbols. A “Resident Parking Only” header may be used above private vehicle entrances of the parking garage. This header must be mounted on black metal backing to increase visibility and include “Resident Parking Only” text and the standard lane indicator symbols. 7 Specs Public Parking/Resident Parking Only Specifications: 3D Metal Text Font: Arial Bold White Type on Black Metal Backing 8"13" 13"8" 8½" 1¾" thick 9" 1¾" thick 8"6½" ¼" white border PMS 186C (Red) PMS 368C (Green) PMS 072C (Blue) "P" Font: Franklin Gothic Heavy White Type on Blue Background Red "X": 3D Metal Green Arrow: 3D Metal Note: The X is recommended to be .5" shorter than the arrow to match the illusion of size. Note: Entrance Arrow is purposely shorter arrow. PMS 13-0630TN (Yellow) Note: Pay attention to word tracking and spread layout for visual balance. Clearance Bar Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Black Type on Safety Yellow Plastic Hanging Bar 5"3" Lettering Main Cabinet Specs: .080” aluminum cladding, .040” 3” deep returns painted Black -“P” circles: NON-LIT 1/2” flat cut acrylic digitally printed / UV treated White / (PMS 072C) Oracal 651 printable vinyl on face only mounted flush to cabinet (non-lit P’s and the circles are not routed copy and are just printed/laminated vinyl on the routed flat circle face) - Faces routed for 1/2” clear acrylic push-thrus with 2nd surface diffuser vinyl - “X” has digitally printed / UV treated (PMS 186C) Oracal 651 printable vinyl on face only - Arrow has digitally printed / UV treated (PMS 368C) Oracal 651 printable vinyl on face only Backs: .063” aluminum Illumination: Sloan Prisms White LEDs Mounting: Thru-bolt mounted flush to brick fascia - depending on thickness of facade stud mounting may be required Small Public Parking P and Directional Symbol Specifications: Clearance Bar Specification: 8 Other Exterior Signs The City will allow signage for public parking to be installed on light poles or as stand alone off-premise signs. These options are available when locating a particular parking garage has proven difficult for drivers and additional direction is required. Under special circumstances the City will allow uniquely designed public parking signs. These sign types should blend with a building’s architecture or contain designs and images unique to the district or surrounding uses. Pedestrian-scale exterior signage is required on all exterior doors to the garage. This signage shall include the name and address of the parking garage as well as “Parking Garage” text. 9 Sign Specs White and black borders are both 1/2” 3'1'-5"7¼"7¼"2' Reflective White Paint Text, Arrow & Borders on dibond sign face. Sign face color should emulate the structure color it is installed on. PMS 072C (Blue) The City of Carmel public parking symbol is a PMS 072 C (Blue) circle with a Franklin Gothic Heavy P centered in the middle. A white ring is also included. If used for directing traffic a white arrow is included below. P is Franklin Gothic Heavy and centered on circle Sign panel color should emulate the structure color it is installed on PMS 072C (Blue) Smaller directional style signs require reflective white paint text, arrow, and borders. 10 Interior Signs In addition to exterior signs, the City requires interior signage. Specifically, bicycle parking, video surveillance, and “No loitering or skateboarding” signs are required. Additionally, interior wayfinding, directory, and reserved parking signs should be included. The City recommends a cohesive design throughout the garage. Final design is subject to approval by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. Bike Parking Copy is Arial Bold PMS 072C (Blue) When bike parking is present, directional signage is required. The public bike parking sign is similar to the public parking signs, however, the copy Bike Parking and image of a bicycle is incorporated on the sign. Signs will be installed near entrances and any other locations to properly direct cyclists to the parking area. A vector image of the bicycle can be provided upon request. 24-Hour Video Surveillance signs are required when City cameras are installed in the garage. Signs are installed at the main entrances to the garage. Please direct questions to the Carmel Information and Communications Systems Department (317-571-2567). 11 Interior Signs 1.5" Radius 3/8" Holes NO LOITERING OR SKATEBOARDING PERMITTED Carmel City Code §§6-66; 6-73 18" 1.5" 1.5" Per Ordinances D-2534-20 and D-2484-19 , skateboarding and loitering are not permitted within public parking garages. Signage, matching the adjacent specifications, is required to be installed in all public parking garages. Privately owned public parking garages are not automatically covered by the no loitering and no skateboarding ordinances. All privately owned public parking garages will need to enter into an Agreement for Parking and Traffic Regulation on Private Business Property with the City of Carmel to be protected by Carmel City Code § §6-66; 6-73, allowing police enforcement in the garage. Please work with the Carmel Redevelopment Commission to execute this agreement. 12 Please direct any questions to the City of Carmel Department of Community Services (317-571-2417) or Carmel Redevelopment Commission (317-819-7207) All Exterior Signs require Sign Permits through the Department of Community Services. PAGE 1 OF 6 0621 IH-2897 DOG WASTE SYSTEM 1-800-295-5510 uline.com H-1662, H-2897 H-2898, H-3491 RECOMMENDED TOOLS PARTS Post Hole DriverLevel (optional) Dog Waste System Sign, H-2898 x 1 Dog Waste System Dispenser, H-2897 x 1 Dog Waste System Receptacle, H-3491 x 1 Dog Waste System Channel Post, H-1662 x 1 H-1662HDWR HARDWARE KIT (Included with H-2898 and H-3491) Key x 2 (Included with H-2897) S-15585 Dog Waste Sample Bags x 2 (Included with H-2897) Washer x 4 Washer x 2 ASSEMBLY NOTE: Dog Waste System is designed to mount to 2 x 2" steel square or channel post (hardware included). Recommend mounting to H-1662 8 ft. u-channel post. System can also be mounted to fence, wall or wood post (hardware not included). 1. Drive H-1662 post approximately 24" into ground at desired location. (See Figure 1) 2. Mount waste receptacle to the lower section of post using the receptacle's pre-drilled holes and H-1662-HDWR hardware kit. (See Figure 2) Figure 1 Figure 2 24" 7/16" Wrench 2½ x 1/4" Bolt x 2 2 x 5/6" Bolt x 2 Lock Nut x 2 Nut x 2 Receptacle Post Post Para Español, vea páginas 3-4. Pour le français, consulter les pages 5-6 H-2897 HARDWARE KIT PAGE 2 OF 6 0621 IH-2897 ASSEMBLY CONTINUED 3. Remove the two keys from the back of the dispenser. Insert key into the lock on the front access panel and turn to unlock. Pull the lower part of the front access panel approximately 2" towards you and lift up to release and separate the front access panel from the body of the dispenser. (See Figure 3) 4. The dispenser has two pre-drilled holes through the back wall. Mount back wall of dispenser to steel post using the H-2897 hardware kit. (See Figure 4) 5. Fill dispenser with two boxed rolls (S-15585 dog waste sample bags). Place the two boxes on top of each other on the shelf of the dispenser with the opening of the boxes facing the front. Reinstall the front access panel and lock with the key. (See Figure 5) 6. Reach through the two diamond-shaped openings and find the edges of the bags. Pull until the bags exit the dispenser. (See Figure 6) 7. Mount optional sign to the top of the post using H-1662-HDWR hardware kit. (See Figure 7) Figure 3 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 5 Boxes Openings Figure 4 1-800-295-5510 uline.com PAGE 3 OF 6 0621 IH-2897 SISTEMA PARA DESECHOS 800-295-5510 uline.mx H-1662, H-2897 H-2898, H-3491 HERRAMIENTAS SUGERIDAS PARTES Nivel (opcional) 1 Letrero del Sistema para Desechos Caninos H-2898 1 Despachador del Sistema para Desechos Caninos H-2897 1 Despachador del Sistema para Desechos Caninos H-3491 1 Poste Canal del Sistema para Desechos Caninos H-1662 KIT DE TORNILLERÍA DEL H-2897 KIT DE TORNILLERÍA DEL H-1662-HDWR 2 Llaves (Incluidas con H-2897) 2 Muestras de Bolsas para Desechos Caninos S-15585 (Incluidas con H-2897) 4 Rondanas ENSAMBLE NOTA: El Sistema para Desechos Caninos está diseñado para instalarse en un poste cuadrado o poste canal de 2 x 2" (incluye tornillería). Se sugiere instalarlo al poste canal en u de 8 pies H-1662. Puede también instalar el sistema en una cerca, pared o poste de madera (no incluye la tornillería). 1. Introduzca el poste H-1662 aproximadamente 61 cm (24") en el suelo de la ubicación deseada. (Vea Diagrama 1) 2. Instale el bote para desechos en la sección más baja del poste utilizando los orificios preperforados y el kit tornillería H-1662-HDWR. (Vea Diagrama 2) Diagrama 1 Diagrama 2 61 cm (24") Llave de 7/16" 2 Pernos de 1/2” x 1/4” 2 Tuercas de Seguridad Medianas Bote Poste Poste Conductor de Perforación para Poste (Incluido con H-2898 y H-3491) 2 Rondanas 2 Pernos de 2" x 5/6" 2 Tuercas PAGE 4 OF 6 0621 IH-2897 CONTINUACIÓN DEL ENSAMBLE Diagrama 3 Diagrama 6 Diagrama 7 Diagrama 5 Cajas Aberturas 3. Retire las dos llaves de la parte posterior del despachador. Inserte la llave en la chapa en el panel del acceso frontal y gírela para abrir. Jale la parte más baja del panel del acceso frontal aproximadamente 5 cm (2") hacia usted y levante para liberar y separar el panel del acceso frontal del cuerpo del despachador. (Vea Diagrama 3) 4. El despachador tiene dos orificios preperforados a través de la pared posterior. Instale la pared posterior del despachador al poste de acero utilizando el kit de tornillería H-2897. (Vea Diagrama 4) 5. Llene el despachador con los dos rollos en caja (bolsas para desechos caninos S-15585). Coloque las dos cajas una sobre otra sobre la repisa del despachador con la abertura de las cajas orientadas al frente. Instale de nuevo el panel del acceso frontal y cierre con la llave. (Vea Diagrama 5) 6. Busque a través de las aberturas con forma de diamante y encuentre la punta de las bolsas. Jale hasta sacar las bolsas del despachador. (Vea Diagrama 6) 7. Instale el letrero opcional en la parte superior del poste utilizando el kit de tornillería H-1662-HDWR. (Vea Diagrama 7) Diagrama 4 800 -295-5510 uline.mx PAGE 5 OF 6 0621 IH-2897 SYSTÈME POUR DÉCHETS DE CHIENS 1-800-295-5510 uline.ca H-1662, H-2897 H-2898, H-3491 Niveau à bulles (Optionnel) Clé de 7/16 po OUTILS RECOMMANDÉS MONTAGE REMARQUE : Le system pour déchets de chien est conçu pour être installé sur un poteau carré ou profilé en U en acier de 2 x 2 po (matériel d'installation inclus). Il est recommandé d'effectuer l'installation sur un poteau profilé en U de 8 pi H-1662. Le système peut également être installé au mur, ou à une clôture ou un poteau en bois (matériel d'installation non inclus). 1. Enfoncez le poteau H-1662 à environ 61 cm (24 po) dans le sol à l'emplacement désiré. (Voir Figure 1) 2. Installez le récipient pour déchets sur la section inférieure du poteau en utilisant les trous et le matériel d'installation H-1662-HDWR. (Voir Figure 2) Figure 1 Figure 2 61 cm (24 po) Récipient Poteau Poteau PIÈCES Enseigne pour système pour déchets de chien H-2898 x 1 Dévidoir pour système pour déchets de chien H-2897 x 1 Récipient pour système pour déchets de chien H-3491 x 1 Poteau profilé en U pour système pour déchets de chien H-1662 x 1 Clé x 2 (inclus avec H-2897) Échantillon de sacs à déchets de chien S-15585 x 2 (inclus avec H-2897) Rondelle x 4 Boulon de 2 ½ x 1/4 po x 2 Écrou de blocage x 2 Dispositif d'insertion de poteau (Inclus avec H-2898 et H-3491) Rondelle x 2 Boulon de 2 x 5/6 po x 2 Écrou x 2 MATÉRIEL D'INSTALLATION POUR H-2897 MATÉRIEL D'INSTALLATION POUR H-1662-HDWR PAGE 6 OF 6 0621 IH-2897 MONTAGE SUITE Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 5 3. Retirez les deux clés de l'arrière du distributeur. Insérez la clé dans la serrure située sur le panneau d'accès avant et tournez pour déverrouiller. Tirez vers vous la partie inférieure du panneau d'accès avant d'environ 5 cm (2 po) et soulevez-la pour la détacher du reste du distributeur. (Voir Figure 3) 4. Le panneau arrière du distributeur est doté de deux trous prépercés. Installez le panneau arrière du distributeur au poteau en acier à l'aide du matériel d'installation H-2897. (Voir Figure 4) 5. Placez les deux boîtes de rouleaux (S-15585 échantillons de sacs pour déchets de chien) dans le distributeur. Superposez les deux boîtes à l'intérieur du distributeur, leur ouverture orientée vers l'avant. Replacez le panneau d'accès avant et verrouillez à clé. (Voir Figure 5) 6. Plongez la main à travers les deux ouvertures en losanges pour saisir le bord des sacs. Tirez les sacs jusqu'à ce qu'ils sortent du distributeur. (Voir Figure 6) 7. Installez l'enseigne optionnelle en haut du poteau à l'aide du matériel d'installation H-1662-HDWR. (Voir Figure 7) Boîtes Ouvertures 1-800-295-5510 uline.ca 7.4 72.4 14.4 NOTE: 1. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. 2. INTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 3. MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHT - 8' 0". 64.3 65.5 76.0 3350 NW BOCA RATON BLVD., SUITE B2 • BOCA RATON, FL • 33431 PHONE: 561.620.7878• FAX: 561.620.8668 Specications and Assembly Instructions for item 116-1057 Front View Side View 1 Justice, Nick From:Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov> Sent:Thursday, August 3, 2023 2:19 PM To:Justice, Nick; Kashman, Jeremy M Cc:Bemis, Ben; Hurt, Aaron; Chung, Hing Yip; Thomas, John G Subject:RE: PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square - Water Quality (CEC 317-168) Nick, I apologize for the delay in geng back with you. J eremy and I have discussed your email and he will allow the project to install the water quality units downstream as long as the deten!on is sumped as you stated in your email below. Please let me know if you have any ques!ons. Sincerely, Alex Jordan, CPESC Plan Review Coordinator City of Carmel Engineering Department (317) 571-2305 ajordan@carmel.in.gov From: Justice, Nick <njustice@cecinc.com> Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 10:09 AM To: Kashman, Jeremy M <jkashman@carmel.in.gov> Cc: Bemis, Ben <bbemis@cecinc.com>; Hurt, Aaron <ahurt@cecinc.com>; Chung, Hing Yip <hchung@cecinc.com>; Thomas, John G <jthomas@carmel.in.gov>; Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov> Subject: RE: PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square - Water Quality (CEC 317-168) Mr. Kashman, We are looking to resubmit the plans soon and I wanted to check back in on our proposed solu!on before we proceed. Let me know if it would be beGer to schedule a call to discuss. Thanks, Nick Nicholas P. Justice, P.E. | Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 530 E. Ohio Street, Suite G, Indianapolis, IN 46204 mobile 765.620.3351 office 317.655.7777 www.cecinc.com This electronic communication and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. 2 From: Justice, Nick Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 5:36 PM To: Jeremy Kashman (jkashman@carmel.in.gov) <jkashman@carmel.in.gov> Cc: Bemis, Ben <bbemis@cecinc.com>; Hurt, Aaron <ahurt@cecinc.com>; Chung, Hing Yip <hchung@cecinc.com>; Thomas, John G <jthomas@carmel.in.gov> Subject: PZ-2023-00127 DP ADLS Monon Square - Water Quality (CEC 317-168) Mr. Kashman, We are working on the Civil Engineering plans for the Monon Square Mixed-Use project and we received a comment regarding the water quality treatment downstream of the deten!on system. We understand the Stormwater Manual requires the water quality treatment to be located upstream of the deten!on system. For this project we have two separate deten!on systems picking up 3 sides of the ROW on the west system and 2 sides of the ROW on the east system plus their respec!ve proper!es. Due to the several pick-up points required to convey runoff from the public ROW it would be unreasonably burdensome to provide +4 pre-treatment devices upstream of the deten!on system for the project. We are reques!ng to have the mechanical BMPs located downstream of the deten!on system. In addi!on to the mechanical BMP units we would like to propose sumped deten!on to allow for the accumula!on of sediment equal to 10% of the total deten!on volume. This system would be similar to what we have done previously for the L’Etoile Project located at 833 W. Main Street (see aGachment). Let us know if you would like to schedule a call to discuss. Thanks, Nick Nicholas P. Justice, P.E. | Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 530 E. Ohio Street, Suite G, Indianapolis, IN 46204 mobile 765.620.3351 office 317.655.7777 www.cecinc.com This electronic communication and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 1 of 8 1) General A) The work subject to the requirements of this policy shall include the production, hauling/delivery, excavation for, placing, installation, jointing, curing, finishing, and other work necessary to prepare foundations and soil subgrades, install aggregate bases and install concrete curbing within property within the corporate limits of the City of Carmel and existing or proposed right-of-way. B) This policy shall be the basis for acceptance of the work by the City. Failure to adhere to the requirements of this policy may result in non-acceptance of the work or other remedies outlined in this policy. C) Workmanship, materials and quality of the work completed shall conform to the 2006 Standard Specifications of the Indiana Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as Standard Specifications), except where deviations are allowed or specified herein, or variances are granted. D) Where the minimum standards of any other governmental agency having concurrent jurisdiction exceed these standards, the higher standards shall apply. E) If any plan or other note or specification on the approved construction documents exceeds the minimum standards of this policy, the higher standards shall apply. F) Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting the design and construction of improvements meeting higher standards, nor as discouraging petitions to appropriate governing bodies for variances for alternatives which can be supported by advances in technology and are approved by other agencies with concurrent jurisdiction. G) All work shall comply with the requirements of Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. H) For the purposes of this policy, where the term Engineer is used in this policy and the Standard Specifications, it shall mean: i) The Carmel City Engineer, staff of the Department of Engineering, other personnel employed by the City of Carmel, or authorized agent(s) that may be retained to represent the City of Carmel. ii) The Hamilton County Highway Engineer, staff of the Hamilton County Highway Department, other personnel employed by Hamilton County, or authorized agent(s) that may be retained to represent Hamilton County Highway, depending on the location of the work. I) Authority of the Engineer over the work shall be per Section 105.01 of the Standard Specifications. J) Prior to commencing the work, the Contractor performing the work shall contact the Engineer to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the Engineer’s construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the Engineer as it relates to the work. City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 2 of 8 K) Under no circumstances shall work subject to the standards established by this policy commence without obtaining approved construction drawings by the City of Carmel Department of Engineering. L) At the sole discretion of the Engineer, the portions of this policy related to inspections and testing of work subject to the requirements of this policy outside of the right-of-way shall be determined at the pre-construction meeting. M) Dimensional and other standards for concrete curb shall be in accordance with the City of Carmel Standard Details. N) Under no circumstances shall material other than Portland Cement Concrete meeting the standards established by this policy be utilized to construct concrete curbs within the corporate limits of the City of Carmel. O) Under no circumstances shall extruded type curb be installed within the corporate limits of the City of Carmel. 2) Foundation A) General i) This work shall consist of the construction/preparation of the foundation in accordance with Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. ii) The foundation shall be prepared in accordance with Section 605.03(a) of the Standard Specifications and the requirements of this policy. B) Excavation and Embankment i) Prior to beginning excavation and embankment operations, all necessary clearing, grubbing, scalping and topsoil stripping and subsequent backfilling for removed items within the slope stake limits shall be performed in accordance with Section 201.03 and 201.04 of the Standard Specifications. All topsoil, vegetation, roots, stumps, friable and deleterious material shall be completely removed within the limits of the slope stakes. ii) Excavations (1) After excavation operations, all spongy and yielding material that does not readily compact shall be removed from within the slope stake limits and the resulting void shall be refilled with suitable material and compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. (2) Any pronounced depressions within the slope stake limits resulting after excavation operations shall be refilled with suitable material and compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. iii) Embankments (1) Embankments shall be constructed in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. (2) All spongy and yielding material that does not readily compact shall be removed from within the slope stake limits prior to embankment operations. City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 3 of 8 (3) Any pronounced depressions within the slope stake limits resulting after clearing, grubbing, scalping and topsoil removal shall be refilled with suitable material and compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications prior to embankment operations. (4) Prior to the construction of any embankment, the original ground surface within the limits of the slope stakes shall be leveled and the upper 6-inches shall be compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. (5) Embankments shall be shaped to be well drained and shall be protected to prevent erosion. (6) Loose depth of each embankment lift, final compacted depth, compaction method and compaction requirements shall be in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. C) Soil Subgrades i) Subgrades shall be installed on foundations constructed in accordance with Section 2(A) and Section 2(B) of this policy and only after the installation of all utilities and subsurface drains indicated on the approved construction documents to be located under the pavement are completed. Trench backfilling work of these installations shall be in accordance with the City of Carmel Trench Backfilling specifications. ii) The subgrade shall be shaped to the required grade and sections, free from all ruts, corrugations, or other irregularities. iii) The subgrade shall be uniformly prepared, compacted and approved in accordance with Sections 207.02, 207.03 and 207.04 of the Standard Specifications. iv) Subgrades shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before any aggregate base or concrete curbs are constructed. A proofroll shall be conducted in accordance with Section 203.26 of the Standard Specifications. Unacceptable areas shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the placement of any Aggregate Base or concrete curbing. v) At the discretion of the Engineer, Subgrade that has satisfactorily passed a proofroll, but remains uncovered for a period of 14 calendar days prior to placing Aggregate Base or concrete curbing or is subject to a measurable rain event prior to placing Aggregate Base or concrete curbing, shall be subject to additional proof rolls prior to placement of the Aggregate Base or concrete curbing. 3) Aggregate Bases A) General i) This work shall consist of placing a compacted Aggregate Base on a prepared soil subgrade in accordance with Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 4 of 8 ii) Aggregate Base materials shall be in accordance with Section 301.02 of the Standard Specifications. iii) The Aggregate Base material shall be obtained from a Certified Aggregate Producer in accordance with Section 917 of the Standard Specifications. iv) The Aggregate Base material shall be handled and transported to, and on, the work site in a manner that minimizes segregation and moisture loss. v) Aggregate Bases shall be constructed on approved soil subgrades and to thicknesses equal or greater than those indicated on the approved construction documents. B) Temperature and Seasonal Limitations i) The Aggregate Base shall be placed in accordance with the temperature limitations of Section 301.04 of the Standard Specifications. ii) Frozen material shall not be placed. iii) Aggregate Bases must be placed and pass proof roll prior to November 30 in order to allow paving in accordance with Section 4C(iv) of this policy. C) Preparation i) The prepared soil subgrade shall be free from objectionable or foreign materials at the time of placement. ii) The subgrade shall be subject to additional proof rolls in accordance with Section 203.26 of the Standard Specifications just prior to placing the Aggregate Base on the subgrade in accordance with Section 2C(v) of this policy. Unacceptable areas shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before any Aggregate Base is placed. D) Spreading and Finishing i) The Aggregate Base shall be spread in accordance with Section 301.05 of the Standard Specifications. ii) The Aggregate Base shall be compacted in accordance with Section 301.06 of the Standard Specifications. iii) Concrete curb shall be placed over the Aggregate Base within 14 calendar days. Aggregate Bases that lay exposed for a period of time greater than 14 calendar days or experience a measurable rain event prior to the placement of concrete curb shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineer. At the discretion of the Engineer, additional proof rolls may be required. 4) Concrete Curb A) General i) This work shall consist of placing concrete curbing on prepared soil subgrades or Aggregate Bases in accordance with Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. ii) Concrete curb shall be constructed on prepared soil subgrades or Aggregate City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 5 of 8 Bases to the dimensional standards of the applicable City of Carmel Standard Details or in accordance with the curbing details of the approved construction documents. iii) Materials used in the production of the concrete for the curbing shall be in accordance with Section 605.02 of the Standard Specifications. High early strength admixtures may be utilized but shall not be considered in waiving any requirements of this policy. Freeze protection admixtures shall not be utilized under any circumstances. iv) Equipment utilized for concrete curbing installation work, including but not limited to production, hauling/delivery, placing, installation, jointing, curing, finishing and miscellaneous/ancillary activity shall be in accordance with Section 508 of the Standard Specifications. v) Concrete production, mixing and hauling/delivery shall be in accordance with Section 502.10 of the Standard Specifications. vi) Installation of the concrete curbing indicated on the approved construction documents shall be completed in the same paving season. B) Preparation i) The soil subgrade or Aggregate Base shall be subject to additional proof rolls in accordance with Section 203.26 of the Standard Specifications just prior to placing the HMA courses in accordance with Section 2C(v) and 3D(iii) of this policy. Unacceptable areas shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before placement of any concrete curbing. ii) All displacement or rutting of the soil subgrade or Aggregate Base shall be repaired prior to placing concrete curbing. C) Weather and Seasonal Limitations i) Concrete curbing shall only be placed in accordance with Section 502.11 of the Standard Specifications with the exception that placement operations shall not begin until the ambient temperature is 50ºF and rising. Placement operations shall be discontinued when the ambient temperature is descending and is 50ºF or below. At the discretion of the Engineer, concrete may be placed at ambient temperatures less than noted above provided that placement, jointing, finishing and curing operations conform to Sections 502.11 and 702.11 of the Standard Specifications. ii) No mixture shall be placed on a frozen subgrade or Aggregate Base. iii) Under no circumstances shall concrete curb be placed between December 15 and March 30. iv) If a soil subgrade or Aggregate Base over which concrete curb is to placed, is placed and approved by the City prior to November 30, placement of the concrete curb will be allowed up to December 15, provided that the ambient and soil subgrade or Aggregate Base surface temperature complies with the requirements of Section 4C(i) of this policy and the paving contractor pay for City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 6 of 8 the services of a full time construction inspector and who shall act as an authorized agent of the Engineer. The Engineer shall select the construction inspector. v) If the ambient and soil subgrade or Aggregate Base surface temperature complies with the requirements of Section 4C(i) of this policy between April 1 and April 15, concrete curb shall be allowed to be placed on an approved soil subgrade or Aggregate Base provided that the paving contractor pay for the services of a full time construction inspector and who shall act as an authorized agent of the Engineer. The Engineer shall select the construction inspector. vi) The Engineer reserves the right to suspend all concrete curb placement operations if, in the opinion of the Engineer, that prevailing weather conditions and/or the condition of the Subgrade and/or the Aggregate Base may result in substandard concrete curb placement, curing and finishing. D) Placement i) Concrete curb shall be placed in accordance with Section 502.09, 502.12 and 605.04(c) and 605.04(d) of the Standard Specifications. ii) Curb machines may be utilized in accordance with Section 605.04(c) and 605.04(h) of the Standard Specifications provided that the equipment conforms to the requirements of Section 508 of the Standard Specifications. iii) Formwork shall comply with the requirements of Section 605.04(b) of the Standard Specifications. iv) Forms shall be removed in accordance with Section 502.16 and 605.04(b) of the Standard Specifications. E) Joints i) Joints shall conform to the requirements of Section 503 and 605.04(e) of the Standard Specifications. ii) Joints shall be installed at intervals of 10-feet or less; 5-foot or less along radii. Joints in integral curb and sidewalks shall be located at the same location as the joints in the adjoining sidewalk. Joints shall be sawed to a minimum depth of 1/3 the depth of each segment of the curb (02/07/14). iii) Preformed expansion joints shall be placed at intervals of 50-feet or less, at all castings, the beginning and end of all curb returns, the end of each days work and where abutting existing construction. In addition to these requirements, expansion joints in integral curb and sidewalks shall be located at the same location as the expansion joints in the adjoining sidewalk. F) Finishing and Curing i) The concrete curb shall be finished and cured in accordance with Section 502.14, 502.15, 504 and 605.04(f) of the Standard Specifications. ii) Curing compound shall be applied to all exposed surfaces on slip-formed City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 7 of 8 concrete curb. For formed concrete curb, curing compound shall be applied to all exposed surfaces including sides after any forms are removed. iii) The concrete curb shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of 7-days prior to commencing backfilling operations adjacent to the concrete curbing (02/07/14). G) Backfilling i) The spaces adjacent to the concrete curb shall be backfilled in accordance with Section 605.04(g) of the Standard Specifications only after the concrete curbing is inspected and accepted by the Engineer in accordance with Section 5 of this policy. ii) Backfilling operations shall be completed prior to opening the area to regular construction traffic. 5) Inspections A) All materials furnished and each part or detail of the work will be subject to inspection per Section 105.10 of the Standard Specifications for the purpose of ascertaining that the work is in substantial conformance with this policy and the approved construction documents. B) The Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 48-hours in advance of commencing any work subject to the standards established by this policy. C) The Contractor shall schedule proofrolls with the Engineer a minimum of 48- hours in advance of such proofrolls. D) The Contractor and Engineer will conduct an inspection of the new concrete curbing for any damage, including freezing or random cracks. The inspection and all necessary repairs shall be completed prior to backfilling operations. E) Sampling and testing of materials, equipment or construction work may be required at the expense of the Contractor at the discretion of the Engineer for the purpose of ascertaining that the work is in substantial conformance with this policy and the approved construction documents. Sampling and testing shall conform to the requirements of the sections of the Standard Specifications applicable to the portion of the work suspected to be non-compliant or as directed by the Engineer. F) Where the Engineer determines that is necessary to confirm compliance with standards of quality or thickness, concrete curb shall be cored and tested at the expense of the Contractor. The average thicknesses of the curb must equal or exceed the minimum prescribed by the approved construction documents. G) Such inspections shall not be construed to relieve the developers’ engineers or contractors in any way from their obligations and responsibilities under their contracts. Specifically, inspection by the Engineer, or by retained engineers or testing agencies, shall not require them to assume responsibilities for the approved construction documents, for any misinterpretation of the approved construction documents by the contractors during construction, or for the means and methods City of Carmel Concrete Curb Policy December 13, 2006 Page 8 of 8 of construction, nor for safety on the job site. H) Work identified to not meet the requirements of this policy or the approved construction documents, unacceptable work, whether the result of poor workmanship, use of defective materials, damage through carelessness, or any other cause found to exist prior to the final acceptance of the work, shall be removed immediately and replaced in an acceptable manner at the Contractor’s expense. I) If the Contractor fails to comply forthwith with any order made under the provisions of this subsection, the Engineer will have authority to cause unacceptable work to be remedied or removed and replaced; to cause unauthorized work to be removed; and to deduct the costs from any monies due or to become due. J) Work done contrary to instructions provided by the Engineer shall be considered unacceptable and subject to immediate removal and replacement in accordance with the instructions provided by the Engineer. 6) Acceptance A) Before acceptance of the concrete curb, the Engineer shall determine if the improvements are in substantial compliance with this policy (except for any variances granted) and the approved construction documents. B) The Engineer may, at his sole discretion, accept work that is not in conformance with this policy provided that the work is bonded for a period greater than three years. The Engineer shall establish the extended bonding requirement. City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 1 of 8 1) General A) The work subject to the requirements of this policy shall include the production, hauling/delivery, spreading, finishing, compaction and other work necessary to prepare foundations, install aggregate bases and install one or more courses of base, intermediate, or surface hot mix asphalt mixtures within existing or proposed right-of-way for roadways, auxiliary lanes and asphalt multi-use paths. B) This policy shall be the basis for acceptance of the work by the City. Failure to adhere to the requirements of this policy may result in non-acceptance of the work or other remedies outlined in this policy. C) Workmanship, materials and quality of the work completed shall conform to the 2006 Standard Specifications of the Indiana Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as Standard Specifications), except where deviations are allowed herein, or variances are granted. D) Where the minimum standards of any other governmental agency having concurrent jurisdiction exceed these standards, the higher standards shall apply. E) If any plan or other note or specification on the approved construction documents exceeds the minimum standards of this policy, the higher standards shall apply. F) Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting the design and construction of improvements meeting higher standards, nor as discouraging petitions to appropriate governing bodies for variances for alternatives which can be supported by advances in technology and are approved by other agencies with concurrent jurisdiction. G) All work shall comply with the requirements of Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. H) For the purposes of this policy, where the term Engineer is used in this policy and the Standard Specifications, it shall mean: i) The Carmel City Engineer, staff of the Department of Engineering, other personnel employed by the City of Carmel, or authorized agent(s) that may be retained to represent the City of Carmel. ii) The Hamilton County Highway Engineer, staff of the Hamilton County Highway Department, other personnel employed by Hamilton County, or authorized agent(s) that may be retained to represent Hamilton County Highway, depending on the location of the work. I) Authority of the Engineer over the work shall be per Section 105.01 of the Standard Specifications. J) Prior to commencing the work, the Contractor performing the work shall contact the Engineer to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the Engineer’s construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the Engineer as it relates to the work. City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 2 of 8 K) Under no circumstances shall work subject to the standards established by this policy commence without obtaining approved construction drawings by the City of Carmel Department of Engineering. 2) Foundation A) General i) This work shall consist of the construction/preparation of the foundation in accordance with Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. B) Excavation and Embankment i) Prior to beginning excavation and embankment operations, all necessary clearing, grubbing, scalping and topsoil stripping and subsequent backfilling for removed items within the slope stake limits shall be performed in accordance with Section 201.03 and 201.04 of the Standard Specifications. All topsoil, vegetation, roots, stumps, friable and deleterious material shall be completely removed within the limits of the slope stakes. ii) Excavations (1) After excavation operations, all spongy and yielding material that does not readily compact shall be removed from within the slope stake limits and the resulting void shall be refilled with suitable material and compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. (2) Any pronounced depressions within the slope stake limits resulting after excavation operations shall be refilled with suitable material and compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. iii) Embankments (1) Embankments shall be constructed in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. (2) All spongy and yielding material that does not readily compact shall be removed from within the slope stake limits prior to embankment operations. (3) Any pronounced depressions within the slope stake limits resulting after clearing, grubbing, scalping and topsoil removal shall be refilled with suitable material and compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications prior to embankment operations. (4) Prior to the construction of any embankment, the original ground surface within the limits of the slope stakes shall be leveled and the upper 6-inches shall be compacted in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. (5) Embankments shall be shaped to be well drained and shall be protected to prevent erosion. (6) Loose depth of each embankment lift, final compacted depth, compaction method and compaction requirements shall be in accordance with Section City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 3 of 8 203 of the Standard Specifications. C) Soil Subgrades i) Subgrades shall be installed on foundations constructed in accordance with Section 2(A) and Section 2(B) of this policy and only the installation of all utilities and subsurface drains indicated on the approved construction documents to be located under the pavement are completed. Trench backfilling work of these installations shall be in accordance with the City of Carmel Trench Backfilling specifications. ii) The subgrade shall be shaped to the required grade and sections, free from all ruts, corrugations, or other irregularities. iii) The subgrade shall be uniformly prepared, compacted and approved in accordance with Sections 207.02, 207.03 and 207.04 of the Standard Specifications. iv) Subgrades shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before any aggregate base or hot mix asphalt pavements are constructed. A proofroll shall be conducted in accordance with Section 203.26 of the Standard Specifications. Unacceptable areas shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before any aggregate base or hot mix asphalt paving operations commence. v) At the discretion of the Engineer, Subgrade that has satisfactorily passed a proofroll, but remains uncovered for a period of 14 calendar days prior to placing stone or is subject to a measurable rain event prior to placing stone, shall be subject to additional proof rolls prior to placement of the Aggregate Base. D) Existing Pavement i) Milling of existing pavement surfaces shall be in accordance with Section 306.02, 306.03, 306.05, 306.07 and 306.08 of the Standard Specifications. ii) Localized weak areas of the existing pavement section uncovered during the milling process shall be repaired in accordance with Section 304.02, 304.03, 304.05 or 305 of the Standard Specifications. iii) Prior to opening milled areas to traffic, the milled areas shall be cleaned of all material, debris and dust resulting from the operation. iv) Milled areas that remain open to traffic longer than those times stipulated in Section 306.05 of the Standard Specifications shall be subject to liquidated damages outlined in Section 306.05 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of these liquidated damages. 3) Aggregate Bases A) General i) This work shall consist of placing a compacted aggregate on a prepared soil subgrade in accordance with Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 4 of 8 ii) Aggregate Base materials shall be in accordance with Section 301.02 of the Standard Specifications. iii) The material shall be obtained from a Certified Aggregate Producer in accordance with Section 917 of the Standard Specifications. iv) The Aggregate Base material shall be handled and transported to, and on, the work site in a manner that minimizes segregation and moisture loss. v) Aggregate Bases shall be constructed on prepared foundations and to thicknesses equal or greater than those indicated on the approved construction documents. B) Temperature and Seasonal Limitations i) The Aggregate Base shall be placed in accordance with the temperature limitations of Section 301.04 of the Standard Specifications. ii) Frozen material shall not be placed. iii) Aggregate Bases must be placed and pass proof roll prior to November 30 in order to allow paving in accordance with Section 4C(iv) of this policy. C) Preparation i) The prepared foundation shall be free from objectionable or foreign materials at the time of placement. ii) The subgrade shall be subject to additional proof rolls in accordance with Section 203.26 of the Standard Specifications just prior to placing the Aggregate Base on the subgrade in accordance with Section 2C(v) of this policy. Unacceptable areas shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before any Aggregate Base is placed. D) Spreading and Finishing i) The Aggregate Base shall be spread in accordance with Section 301.05 of the Standard Specifications. ii) The Aggregate Base shall be compacted in accordance with Section 301.06 of the Standard Specifications. iii) Subsequent paving courses shall be placed over the Aggregate Base within 14 calendar days. Aggregate Bases that lay exposed for a period of time greater than 14 calendar days or experience a measurable rain event prior to the placement of subsequent paving courses shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineer. At the discretion of the Engineer, additional proof rolls may be required. 4) Asphalt Pavement A) General i) This work shall consist of placing one or more courses of base, intermediate, or surface hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures on a prepared foundation in accordance with Section 105.03 of the Standard Specifications. City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 5 of 8 ii) HMA base, intermediate, or surface mixtures shall be constructed on prepared foundations and to thicknesses equal or greater than those indicated on the approved construction documents. iii) Materials used in the production of the HMA mixtures shall be in accordance with Section 401.03 of the Standard Specifications. iv) Equipment for HMA operations, including but not limited to production, hauling/transportation, laydown, compaction and miscellaneous/ancillary activity shall be in accordance with Section 409 of the Standard Specifications. v) Installation of the full pavement section indicated on the approved construction documents for the entire area to be paved must be completed in the same paving season. vi) Widening operations shall comply with the following: (1) The outside face of the excavated area shall be left as nearly vertical as the nature of the material will permit and not wider than the outside limits of the widening section. (2) The existing pavement adjacent to the widening area shall be sawcut to a clean edge. (3) The subgrade in the widened area shall be compacted in accordance with this policy. (4) Widening mixtures shall comply with the pavement section indicated on the approved construction documents. (5) Compaction of the widening shall be in accordance with Section 304.05 of the Standard Specifications. B) Preparation i) The Aggregate Base shall be subject to additional proof rolls in accordance with Section 203.26 of the Standard Specifications just prior to placing the HMA courses in accordance with Section 3D(iii) of this policy. Unacceptable areas shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before any paving operations commence. ii) All displacement or rutting of the Aggregate Base shall be repaired prior to placing HMA mixtures. iii) Milled asphalt surfaces shall be tacked in accordance with Section 406 of the Standard Specifications. iv) Asphalt surfaces between courses shall be tacked in accordance with Section 406 of the Standard Specifications. v) Contact surfaces of curbing, gutters, manholes, and other structures shall be tacked in accordance with Section 406 of the Standard Specifications. vi) Surfaces on which a mixture is placed shall be free from objectionable or foreign materials at the time of placement. City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 6 of 8 vii) Tack Coat material shall be distributed with equipment meeting the requirements of Section 409.03(a) of the Standard Specifications. C) Weather and Seasonal Limitations i) HMA courses shall be placed when the ambient temperature and the temperature of the surface on which it is to be placed is 45°F (7°C) or above. The Engineer shall determine the ambient temperature. There shall be no provision for low temperature compaction allowed by Section 402.16 of the Standard Specifications. ii) No mixture shall be placed on a frozen subgrade. iii) Under no circumstances shall HMA mixtures be placed between December 15 and March 30. iv) If a foundation that is to receive one or more courses of base, intermediate, or surface HMA mixtures is placed and determined to be an approved foundation by the City prior to November 30, placement of HMA courses will be allowed up to December 15, provided that the ambient and foundation surface temperature complies with the requirements of Section 4C(i) of this policy and the paving contractor pay for the services of a full time construction inspector and who shall act as an authorized agent of the Engineer. The Engineer shall select the construction inspector. v) If the ambient and foundation surface temperature complies with the requirements of Section 4C(i) of this policy between April 1 and April 15, HMA course shall be allowed to be placed on an approved foundation provided that the paving contractor pay for the services of a full time construction inspector and who shall act as an authorized agent of the Engineer. The Engineer shall select the construction inspector. vi) The Engineer reserves the right to suspend all paving operations if, in the opinion of the Engineer, that prevailing weather conditions and/or the condition of the Subgrade and/or the Aggregate Base may result in substandard HMA placement, spreading and finishing. D) Spreading and Finishing i) HMA courses shall be placed upon an approved foundation or other HMA course by means of laydown equipment in accordance with Section 409.03(c) of the Standard Specifications. ii) Segregation or flushing or bleeding of HMA mixtures will not be permitted. Corrective action shall be taken to prevent continuation of these conditions. Segregated or flushed or bleeding HMA mixtures shall be removed if directed. iii) All areas showing an excess or deficiency of binder shall be removed and replaced. iv) All HMA mixtures that become loose and broken, mixed with dirt, or is in any way defective shall be removed and replaced. E) Joints City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 7 of 8 i) Joints shall conform to the requirements of Section 401.15 of the Standard Specifications. F) Compaction i) The HMA mixture shall be compacted with equipment in accordance with Section 409.03(d) of the Standard Specifications immediately after the mixture has been spread and finished. ii) Rollers shall not cause undue displacement, cracking, or shoving. 5) Inspections A) All materials furnished and each part or detail of the work will be subject to inspection per Section 105.10 of the Standard Specifications for the purpose of ascertaining that the work is in substantial conformance with this policy and the approved construction documents. B) The Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 48-hours in advance of commencing any work subject to the standards established by this policy. C) The Contractor shall schedule proofrolls with the Engineer a minimum of 48- hours in advance of such proofrolls. D) Sampling and testing of materials, equipment or construction work may be required at the expense of the Contractor at the discretion of the Engineer for the purpose of ascertaining that the work is in substantial conformance with this policy and the approved construction documents. Sampling and testing shall conform to the requirements of the sections of the Standard Specifications applicable to the portion of the work suspected to be non-compliant or as directed by the Engineer. E) Where the Engineer determines that is necessary to confirm compliance with standards of quality or thickness, pavements shall be cored and tested at the expense of the Contractor. The average thicknesses of all courses must equal or exceed the minimum prescribed by the approved construction documents, and no single core shall show a deficiency greater than one half inch (1/2”) in any course or total thickness from the pavement section indicated on the approved construction documents. F) Such inspections shall not be construed to relieve the developers’ engineers or contractors in any way from their obligations and responsibilities under their contracts. Specifically, inspection by the Engineer, or by retained engineers or testing agencies, shall not require them to assume responsibilities for the approved construction documents, for any misinterpretation of the approved construction documents by the contractors during construction, or for the means and methods of construction, nor for safety on the job site. G) Work identified to not meet the requirements of this policy or the approved construction documents, unacceptable work, whether the result of poor workmanship, use of defective materials, damage through carelessness, or any other cause found to exist prior to the final acceptance of the work, shall be removed immediately and replaced in an acceptable manner at the Contractor’s City of Carmel Right-of-Way Paving Policy November 2, 2005 Page 8 of 8 expense. H) If the Contractor fails to comply forthwith with any order made under the provisions of this subsection, the Engineer will have authority to cause unacceptable work to be remedied or removed and replaced; to cause unauthorized work to be removed; and to deduct the costs from any monies due or to become due. I) Work done contrary to instructions provided by the Engineer shall be considered unacceptable and subject to immediate removal and replacement in accordance with the instructions provided by the Engineer. 6) Acceptance A) Before acceptance of any phase of construction, the Engineer shall determine if the improvements are in substantial compliance with this policy (except for any variances granted) and the approved construction documents B) The Engineer may, at his sole discretion, accept work that is not in conformance with this policy provided that the work is bonded for a period greater than three years. The Engineer shall establish the extended bonding requirement. August 15, 2023 Mr. Alex Jordan City of Carmel- Engineering Department One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Dear Mr. Jordan: Subject: Monon Square: 620 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 CEC Project 317-168 Civil & Environment Consultants, Inc., on the behalf of Studio M Architecture, respectfully request the following to be presented to the Board of Public Works for the 3.92 acre project located at 620 S. Rangeline Road. 1. Request waiver for the requirement of the Minimum Flood Protection Grade/Minimum Lowest Adjacent Grade of all structures fronting a pond or open ditch shall be no less than 1-foot above any adjacent local flood route. (STSM 303.07) The reason for the waiver is due to the existing grades. The project site has significant grade change from the future road connection south of the project site to the north to Walnut Avenue. One exception is the east doorway of the lower level parking garage of the east block building. The FFE area impacted is expected to only be used for the parking garage lower level. There is positive drainage away from the site in all commercial areas. We are confident that the proposed design will not be adversely impacted by this waiver. 2. Request waiver for the requirement of the design shall ensure that a minimum 90% of the original detention capacity is restored within 48 hours from the start of the design 100- year storm.. (STSM 302.06) The reason for the waiver is due to the allowable release rate for the site. In order to meet the allowable release rate the orifice has to be sized to be less than 2 inches. The detention system is sized to meet the allowable release rate. No adverse impacts are anticipated by this waiver. Alex Jordan CEC Project 317-168 Page 2 August 15, 2023 At this time, we ask to be placed on the agenda for the next available Board of Public Works meeting. We appreciate your time and consideration of our request. Please call our office at (317) 655-777 if you have any questions. Sincerely, CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Nicholas Justice, PE Project Manager October 24, 2023 Mr. Alex Jordan City of Carmel- Engineering Department One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Dear Mr. Jordan: Subject: Monon Square: 620 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 CEC Project 317-168 Civil & Environment Consultants, Inc., on the behalf of Studio M Architecture, respectfully request the following to be presented to the Board of Public Works for the 3.92 acre project located at 620 S. Rangeline Road. 1. Request waiver for the requirement of the post-developed release rate from the site is no greater than 0.1 cfs per acre of development for 0-10 year return interval storms and 0.3 cfs per acre of developed area for 11 - 100 year return interval storms. allowable release rate. (STSM 302.03) The reason for the waiver is due to the direct discharge areas outside of the east building. The east basin drainage area is captured and detained as much as reasonably possible. The calculated 10-year and 100-year release rates are only exceeded by 0.04 cfs for both events. Given the size of the area and greatly reduced runoff rates from the existing condition we are confident that the proposed design will not be adversely impacted by this waiver. At this time, we ask to be placed on the agenda for the next available Board of Public Works meeting. We appreciate your time and consideration of our request. Please call our office at (317) 655-777 if you have any questions. Sincerely, CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Nicholas Justice, PE Project Manager August 2, 2023 Mr. Caleb Warner City of Carmel- Board of Public Works One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Dear Mr. Warner: Subject: Monon Square: 620 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 CEC Project 317-168 Civil & Environment Consultants, Inc., on the behalf of Studio M Architecture, respectfully request the following to be presented to the Board of Public Works for the 3.92 acre project located at 620 S Rangeline Road. 1. Request for temporary sidewalk closures on W Walnut Street, Veterans Way, and S Rangeline Road. At this time, we ask to be placed on the agenda for the next available Board of Public Works meeting. We appreciate your time and consideration of our request. Please call our office at (317) 655-7777 if you have any questions. Sincerely, CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Nicholas Justice, PE Project Manager Shestak, Joe From:Conn, Angelina V Sent:Friday, June 30, 2023 2:41 PM To:Shestak, Joe Cc:Hollibaugh, Mike P Subject:FW: Monon Square North - CRC Architectural Review Committee Approval Letter Attachments:20230629 Monon Square North ARC Letter.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged Joe – please also add the attached CRC correspondence to Laserfiche, to docket no. PZ-2023-0127 DP/ADLS: Monon Square Mixed-Use Development. Thanks again. -Angie C. From: Glaspie, Larysa E <lglaspie@carmel.in.gov> Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 2:29 PM To: David Stirsman <david@stirsman.com>; Daniel Moriarity <dmoriarity@studiomarchitecture.net> Cc: Ryan Ellsworth <rellsworth@studiomarchitecture.net>; Mestetsky, Henry <hmestetsky@carmel.in.gov>; Fairman, Jenell <jfairman@carmel.in.gov>; Hollibaugh, Mike P <MHollibaugh@carmel.in.gov>; Conn, Angelina V <Aconn@carmel.in.gov>; Worrell, Jeff <jworrell@carmel.in.gov>; Bill Brooks <brookswl@aol.com> Subject: Monon Square North - CRC Architectural Review Committee Approval Letter Hello Mr. Stirsman, Good afternoon. Attached please find the CRC Architectural Review Committee letter for the Monon Square North project. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, Larysa Larysa Glaspie Project Manager Carmel Redevelopment Commission 580 Veterans Way, Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 819-7210 (o) (607) 226-5030 (c) lglaspie@carmel.in.gov 1 June 29, 2023 David Stirsman Stirsman Property Group, LLC david@stirsman.com RE: Monon Square North Development, Architectural Review Committee Approval Mr. Stirsman, The CRC Architectural Review Committee has approved the site plan and elevations for the Monon Square North project based on the attached plans and renderings, provided continued coordination on site and architectural comments noted in the attached plans are addressed during ADLS. If you have any questions, please contact me at (317) 571-2492 for more information. Sincerely, Henry Mestetsky Executive Director James Brainard Mayor Commissioners William Hammer President David Bowers Vice President William Brooks Secretary Lea Lockhart Sasena Commissioner Jeff Worrell Commissioner Greg Brown Commissioner Henry Mestetsky Executive Director CITY CENTER D R . CITY CENTER D R .S RANGELINE RDS RANGELINE RDW WALNUT ST.W WALNUT ST.MONON TRAILMONON TRAILNW BUILDING NE BUILDING Site Aerial View From Monon Trail View From the Plaza Area This area should be brick View From Monon Trail and Walnut street View From Rangeline Rd. looking at NE Building CONCEPTUAL RENDERINGLooking South Along Veterans Way 14April 11, 2023 Looking South Along Veterans Way CONCEPTUAL RENDERINGLooking West from Rangeline Road 15April 11, 2023 Looking West From Rangeline Road Note: Construction will be in substantial conformance with these plans, but details may change based on final architectural design and engineering and municipal or other legal requirements. +0'-0" 1st Floor +12'-0" 2nd Floor +22'-8" 3rd Floor +33'-4" 4th Floor +74'-2" Max Height +44'-0" 5th Floor +54'-8" 6th Floor 01 South Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0"DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-07-2023 DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty Group#DESCRIPTION DATENorthwest BuildingElevations+0'-0" 1st Floor +12'-0" 2nd Floor +22'-8" 3rd Floor +33'-4" 4th Floor +74'-2" Max Height +44'-0" 5th Floor +54'-8" 6th Floor +0'-0" 1st Floor +12'-0" 2nd Floor +22'-8" 3rd Floor +33'-4" 4th Floor +74'-2" Max Height +44'-0" 5th Floor +54'-8" 6th Floor +0'-0" 1st Floor +12'-0" 2nd Floor +22'-8" 3rd Floor +33'-4" 4th Floor +74'-2" Max Height +44'-0" 5th Floor +54'-8" 6th Floor 02 North Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 03 West Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 04 East Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 01 South Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 02 North Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 03 West Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 04 East Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 05 South Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 06 North Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 07 West Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 08 East Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" A201 Elevations- NW Block Note: Construction will be in substantial conformance with these plans, but details may change based on final architectural design and engineering and municipal or other legal requirements. +10'-0" 1st Floor +20'-8" 2nd Floor +31'-4" 3rd Floor +42'-0" 4th Floor +60'-8" Max Height DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-07-2023 DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty Group#DESCRIPTION DATENortheast BuildingElevations01 South Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0"05 South Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" +0'-0" Ground Floor 02 East Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0"06 East Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 03 North Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0"07 North Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 04 West Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0"08 West Courtyard Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" +10'-0" 1st Floor +20'-8" 2nd Floor +31'-4" 3rd Floor +42'-0" 4th Floor +60'-8" Max Height +0'-0" Ground Floor +10'-0" 1st Floor +20'-8" 2nd Floor +31'-4" 3rd Floor +42'-0" 4th Floor +60'-8" Max Height +0'-0" Ground Floor +10'-0" 1st Floor +20'-8" 2nd Floor +31'-4" 3rd Floor +42'-0" 4th Floor +60'-8" Max Height +0'-0" Ground Floor A202 Garage Elevations- NE Block Note: Construction will be in substantial conformance with these plans, but details may change based on final architectural design and engineering and municipal or other legal requirements. +10'-0" 1st Floor +21'-8" 2nd Floor +33'-4" 3rd Floor +45'-0" 4th Floor +61'-10" Max Height DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-07-2023 DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty Group#DESCRIPTION DATECondoElevations 01 South Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" +0'-0" Ground Floor 02 East Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 03 North Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" 04 West Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" A203 +10'-0" 1st Floor +21'-8" 2nd Floor +33'-4" 3rd Floor +45'-0" 4th Floor +61'-10" Max Height +0'-0" Ground Floor +10'-0" 1st Floor +21'-8" 2nd Floor +33'-4" 3rd Floor +45'-0" 4th Floor +61'-10" Max Height +0'-0" Ground Floor +10'-0" 1st Floor +21'-8" 2nd Floor +33'-4" 3rd Floor +45'-0" 4th Floor +61'-10" Max Height +0'-0" Ground Floor Elevations- Condo Block 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 26 25 24 15 16 17 18 19 84 Spaces 29 spaces2 3 14 13 12 Condo Stair Multifamily Stair/Elev Mail/Packages Condo Tenant Lobby Water Room Elec Trash Data Transformers Mech Restaurant 6000 sq.ft 9'-0" x 18'DDABE23 22 21 20 27 28 29 30 Bikes Compact-8' wide C C C C C C Bike Storage 833 833Staircase connecting Apartment level and Garage (1st and 2nd floor) City IT Dog Wash 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45464748495051525354 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 646566 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Bike Storage Maintenance room Elec. Meters ShaftAbove Dog Park 833 Connector above Storage room ShaftAbove SCALE: 01 North East Block First Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0"North East Block1st Floor PlanDRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-01-2023 # DESCRIPTION DATE DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty GroupFitness 2354 SF DDABEPlaza Tenant Courtyard CourtyardTenantStorageClub Room 1014 SF Condo 4 Condo 2 Utilities Mech. closet Data Mech. closet Mech. closet Restaurant (Double Height) Elec.Basement BelowParcel Lockers MailCenter PackageArea Mech Storage Tenant Entry Shaft Above Storage units 4'-0" X3'-6" 7'-7" X3'-6" Storage Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit B7 Unit B8 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit B6 Unit B10 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A8 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A3 Unit A3 Unit A1 # SCALE: 02 North East Block Second Floor Plan- New 1/16" = 1'-0" 01 A202 03 A202 02 A202 04 A202 07 A202 08 A202 06 A202 01 A203 04 A203 02 A203 03 A203 Unit S1 Unit B6 Unit A3a New Unit First Floor Plan- NE Block Second Floor Plan- NE Block DDABETenantStorageTerrace Terrace Mech. closet Utilities Shaft Data Elec. Mech Mech Storage units 4'-0" X3'-6" 7'-7" X3'-6" Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit B7 Unit B8 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit B6 Unit B10 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A3 Unit A3 Unit A3 Unit C3 SCALE: 01 North East Block Fourth Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0" Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A3bUnit B8Unit B6 Unit B6 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit S1 Condo Unit 1 Condo Unit 2 Condo Unit 3 01 A202 03 A202 02 A202 04 A202 07 A202 08 A202 06 A202 01 A203 04 A203 02 A203 03 A203 Unit A8 Storage DDABETenantStorageTerrace Terrace Mech. closet Utilities Shaft Data Elec. Mech Mech Storage units 4'-0" X3'-6" 7'-7" X3'-6" Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit B7 Unit B8 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit B6 Unit B10 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A3 Unit A3 Unit A3 Unit C3 DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-01-2023 # DESCRIPTION DATE DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty GroupSCALE: 01 North East Block Third Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0"North East Block3rd Floor PlanUnit A1 Unit A1 Unit A3bUnit B8Unit B6 Unit B6 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit S1 Condo Unit 1 Condo Unit 2 Condo Unit 3 01 A202 03 A202 02 A202 04 A202 07 A202 08 A202 06 A202 01 A203 04 A203 02 A203 03 A203 Unit A8 Third Floor Plan- NE Block Fourth Floor Plan- NE Block DDABETenantStorageTerrace Terrace Mech. closet Utilities Shaft Data Elec. Mech Mech Storage units 4'-0" X3'-6" 7'-7" X3'-6" Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit A5 Unit B7 Unit B8 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit S1 Unit B6 Unit B10 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A8 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A3 Unit A3 Unit A3 Unit C3 DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-01-2023 # DESCRIPTION DATE DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty GroupSCALE: 01 North East Block Fifth Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0"North East Block5th Floor PlanUnit A1 Unit A1 Unit A3bUnit B8Unit B6 Unit B6 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit S1 Condo Unit 1 Condo Unit 2 Condo Unit 3 01 A202 03 A202 02 A202 04 A202 07 A202 08 A202 06 A202 01 A203 04 A203 02 A203 03 A203 Storage Fifth Floor Plan- NE Block DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFO REVISIONS2101005-01-2023#DESCRIPTIONDATEDDARCHITECTClientPROJECT Monon STXare North Carmel, IN Stirsman Property GroupSCALE:01North East BlockRoof Plan3/32" = 1'-0"North East Block Roof Plan THROUGH WALL SCUPPER WITH COLLECTIONBOX AND 3" X 4" METAL DOWNSPOUT1DASHED LINE AT PERIMETER REPRESENTS WALLBELOW2DRAFTSTOP SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ROOF/CEILINGSPACE PER SECTION 718.3ROOF PLAN KEY NOTESAREA OF TAPERED INSULATION TO ACHIEVE POSITIVEDRAINAGE4ELEVATOR OVERRUN5PROVISIONAL LOCATION ROOF TOP MECH. EQUIPMENT6BUILT UP CORNICE7MANSARD ROOF8LINESET CURB9SMOKE RELIEF DAMPER/ VENTILATOR10MAKEUP AIR SHAFT FOR GARAGE11333333111111222222244444477777777755666666601A20203A20202A20204A202999991010 DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFO REVISIONS2101003-23-2023#DESCRIPTIONDATEDDARCHITECTClientPROJECT Monon Square North Carmel, IN Stirsman Property GroupSCALE:01North West CondosRoof Plan3/32" = 1'-0"THROUGH WALL SCUPPER WITH COLLECTIONBOX AND 3" X 4" METAL DOWNSPOUT1DASHED LINE AT PERIMETER REPRESENTS WALLBELOW2DRAFTSTOP SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ROOF/CEILINGSPACE PER SECTION 718.3ROOF PLAN KEY NOTESAREA OF TAPERED INSULATION TO ACHIEVE POSITIVEDRAINAGE4ELEVATOR OVERRUN5PROVISIONAL LOCATION ROOF TOP MECH. EQUIPMENT6BUILT UP CORNICE7MANSARD ROOF8LINESET CURB9SMOKE RELIEF DAMPER/ VENTILATOR10MAKEUP AIR SHAFT FOR GARAGE11331114222444577777North East Condos Roof Plan01A20304A20302A203 03A203669910 Retail-8 (Salon 01) 5873 Sq.ft. Leasing Office 1583 sq.ft UP UP 62'-412" Up to the 2nd floor 6.5 % Slope Trash Bike Storage Maintenance Room Shaft Above ShaftAbove Retail-9 (Restaurant) 2662 sq.ft Elec. MetersWater Elec. 46'-7" 103'-4"45'-1014"35'-1014"65'-9" Retail-7 (Restaurant) 3365 Sq.ft. LVL 828 Elec. Meters 833 10.5%Slope831 834.5 LVL 828 831 832 833 1:12Slope1:20 Slope 1:20 Slope 1:20 Slope Shaft Above Mech.Closet Mech.Closet Utilities 1919 18 18 12 12 834.5 833 6.5% Slope 6.5%SlopePackages 364 sq.ft nos-42 Mail Room 645 sq.ft 11'-014"5'-438"1:20 Slope834.5 ShaftAbove 7'-0" 6'-7" P.O. P.O. LEASING WORK ROOM CLOSING LOBBY COFFEEBAR RR RECEP. Retail-1 (Restaurant) 3968 Sq.ft. Retail-2 1296 Sq.ft. Retail-3 1303 Sq.ft. Retail-4 1274 Sq.ft. Retail-5 1289 Sq.ft. Retail-6 1352 Sq.ft. Retail-9 (Restaurant) 2662 sq.ft Retail-8 (Salon 01) 5873 Sq.ft.DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-01-2023 # DESCRIPTION DATE DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty GroupNorth West Block1st Floor PlanSCALE: 01 North West Block First Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0" Unit B4 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 01 A201 03 A201 04 A201 02 A201 LVL-831 LVL-831 LVL-831 LVL-832 Unit A8 (New Unit) Bike Storage Trash UPDN UP DN Retail-9 (Restaurant) 2nd Floor 1683 sq.ft City IT Shaft ShaftMech.Closet Mech.Closet Mech.Closet 16 ShaftAbove ShaftAbove Up to the 3rd floor 6.5 % Slope 3'-6" 5'-0" Double height 1217 sq.ft Mech.Closet SCALE: 01 North West Block Second Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0" Unit B4 Unit A4 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit S2 Unit B4 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit C1 01 A201 03 A201 04 A201 02 A201 First Floor Plan- NW Block Second Floor Plan- NW Block UPDN UP DN Utilities Shaft Trash Mech.Closet Mech. Closet Mech.Closet Shaft Roof Top Deck 1269 sq.ft Bike Storage 16 29 12 12 12 29 Pool Equipment Down to the 2nd floor 6.5 % Slope Mech.Closet UP DN North West Block3rd Floor PlanSCALE: 01 North West Block Third Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0" Unit B4 Unit A4 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit S2 Unit B9 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit B9 Unit A7 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit C1 DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-01-2023 # DESCRIPTION DATE DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty Group01 A201 03 A201 04 A201 02 A201 CLUBHOUSE AND FITNESS CENTER HT- 12'-8" Trash 32'-6"158'-4" 150'-1112" Services Services UP DNUPDN Services StorageUnit Storage Unit Storage Unit Shaft Mech.Closet Storage Unit Mech. Closet Shaft Mech.Closet Mech.ClosetStorageUnit 80'-6"43'-712" FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS G GAMING UP DN SCALE: 01 North West Block Fourth Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0" Unit B4 Unit A4 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit S2 Unit B4 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit B2 Unit B2 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A6 Unit B2 Unit B5 Unit B5 Unit C1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit A1 01 A201 03 A201 04 A201 02 A201 08 A201 07 A201 06 A201 05 A201 Unit B9 Unit A7 Third Floor Plan- NW Block Fourth Floor Plan- NW Block +1'-6" UP UP +2'-0" UP DNDN Services Services Services StorageUnit Storage Unit Storage Unit Storage Unit Shaft Trash Mech.Closet Shaft Mech.Closet Mech.Closet Mech. Closet UP DN Unit B4 Unit A4 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit S2 Unit B4 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit A2 Unit B2 Unit B2 Unit B5 Unit B5 Unit C2 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit B1 Unit A1 Unit A1 Unit B2 Unit B2 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit B5 Unit B5 Unit C1 Unit C2 DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS21010 05-01-2023 # DESCRIPTION DATE DD ARCHITECTClientPROJECTMonon SquareNorthCarmel, INStirsmanProperty GroupNorth West Block6th Floor PlanSCALE: 01 North West Block Sixth Floor Plan 1/16" = 1'-0" Unit B3 Unit B3 Unit A1 Unit B3 Unit A1 01 A201 03 A201 04 A201 02 A201 08 A201 07 A201 06 A201 05 A201 Unit B9 Unit A7 Unit A2 Fifth and Sixth Floor Plan- NW Block North West Block Roof PlanSCALE:01North West BlockRoof Plan1/16" = 1'-0"111111111111222288888888888888888833333333333444444444444557777777726666666601A20103A20104A20102A20108A20107A20106A20105A20199999101011111111DRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFO REVISIONS2101005-01-2023#DESCRIPTIONDATEDDARCHITECTClientPROJECT Monon STXare North Carmel, IN Stirsman Property Group North West BlockNW BLOCK TAB SHEET North East BlockTab SheetNE BLOCK TAB SHEET ADJOINERTRACT 4TRACT 3TRACT 2TRACT 1ADJOINERSUBJECT PARCEL14567891011262524151617181984 Spaces29 spaces23141312CondoStairMultifamilyStair/ElevMail/PackagesCondoTenantLobbyWaterRoomElecTrashDataDDA B EMech Restaurant6000 sq.ft9'-0" x 18'DDABE2322212027282930BikesCompact-8' wideCCCCCCBike Storage833833833833833StaircaseconnectingApartment level andGarage(1st and 2nd floor)CityITDogWash123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384Bike StorageMaintenanceroomElec. MetersShaftAboveDog Park833ConnectoraboveStorage roomShaftAboveUPUPTrashShaftAboveShaftAboveElec. Meters WaterElec.831831829Elec. Meters83183310.5% Slope 831834.5833832.58318328338331:12 Slope1:20Slope1:20Slope1:20SlopeShaftAboveMech.ClosetMech.ClosetUtilities834.58336.5%Slope6.5% Slope 21 stacks13 stacks15 stacks 1:20Slope833834.5833ShaftAboveC2))EEBARRECEP.UP831SGPROPOSED BUILDINGF.F.E. = 833.00PROPOSED BUILDINGF.F.E. = 833.00(LOWER LEVEL)PROPOSED BUILDINGF.F.E. = 844.00(1ST FLOOR)RESTAURANTF.F.E. = 834.33AHAJJJJJJAAADEDDBMLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAHHDEDEAAAAAAGFFFFFFPROPOSED SITE KEY NOTES:SITE LEGEND:8AB3456712CDEFGH83456712ABCDEFGHDESCRIPTIONDATENO REVISION RECORD DATE: DWG SCALE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: PROJECT NO:SHEETOFDRAWING NO.:317-168 05/30/2023 ACH19 STUDIO M ARCHITECTURE MONON SQUARE 620 S. RANGELINE ROAD CARMEL, INDIANA 530 E. Ohio Street · Suite G - Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-655-7777 · 877-746-0749 www.cecinc.com DATE: DWG SCALE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: PROJECT NO:SHEETOFDRAWING NO.:SITE PLAN 1"=30' 04/21/2023 BEB ACHC200 NORTHGENERAL NOTES:GENERAL SITE LAYOUT NOTES:LEGEND:PARKING DATA:MONON SQUARE - NORTH EAST BLOCK DATA:BUILDING DATA:PARKING DATA:ZONING DATA: ADJACENT ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS:ZONING DATA: EXISTING ZONING CLASSIFICATION:SITE DATA:OVERALL SITE DATA:BUILDING DATA:LOT COVERAGE:MONON SQUARE - NORTH WEST BLOCK DATA: