HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence If u u Gary and Denise Lewis 335 W. 170th Street Cannel, IN 46032 4r. 5 . & ~ ~~ -. September 14, 2001 TO: Jerry & Michelle As you are aware, we are planning an addition and renovation to our house, primarily it would be to add a 3-car garage and convert our existing garage into more living space. You should have received a letter from the City of Carmel, which addresses the variance that we are applying for to comply with any local ordinances. We both feel very positive that this addition is adding to both the aesthetics and the overall value of the neighborhood. I have enclosed a set of plans so you can get a better understanding of what it will look like at its completion. Please sign to acknowledge receipt of plans for the Architectural Committee. Thank you. Sincerely, Gary & Denise Lewis j^(~O I~ ----' o o City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571.2600 RE: Pike's Spring Mill Heights, Section 1, Lot 5 , ~ .. - Darren L. Peterson Peterson Architecture 984 Logan Street, Suite 10 Noblesville, IN 46060 LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Pike's Spring Mill Height; Section 1, Lot 5 and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. After review of this project, I have no further conditions or comments at this time. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date: Auqust 17. 2001 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property .~ " v o Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Friday, August 24, 2001 9:31 AM Johnson, Sue E; Tingley, Connie S; Morrissey, Phyllis G; pattyn, Dawn E Hollibaugh, Mike P; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Hahn, Kelli A Pike's Spring Mill Heights, Section 1, Lot 5 (v-98-01) Docket No. V-98-01 has been assigned to the Developmental Standards Variance petition filed by Darren Peterson of Peterson Architecture on behalf of Gary L & Denise Klett Lewis for Pike's Spring Mill Heights, Section 1, Lot 5. The filing fee for this petition is $630.00. The petitioner must prepare and file Findings-of-Fact for the petition by noon, Friday, September 14, 2001. The petitioner is responsible for bringing seven (7) collated copies of the Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheet for the Board's use the night of the Public Hearing. This Item appeared on the August 22,2001, TAC agenda. This Item will appear on the September 24, 2001, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. Ten (10) informational packets will need to be delivered to BZA Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, September 14, 2001. Mailed and published Public Notice will need to be accomplished no later than Thursday, August 30,2001. Sue Ellen, please contact Mr. Peterson at (317) 770-9714 [fax: 770-9718] with this information. Laurence M. Lillig,Jr. ~ Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services _ I / City of Carmel ;- .......X~ 8/ dl 0 \ 11'.t1t> C\,M. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 ~ llilliG@ci.carmel.in.us 1 (~'\ j , .; Fax u u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571.2426 "';-U"'o..uo-> ~E-'-",,"-_ From: ~~~'I~ Q... '8-d-f") -0 , Fax: 1") 1"') C) - C\. ""') ~ ~ Phone: Pages: Date: Re: ~ - ~b-C:JI cc: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 P.Jease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ~L~ ~~"""\ ~ ~ '- s:::::.... '-~ ~L~CL,~' - ,~ \ ~ ~~~. ~~~ .(~ -:)' 08/21/01 15:18 FAX u IWIILTON CO BWY. U Carmel DOCD ~ 0011001 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Darren L. Peterson, AlA Peterson Architecture 984 Logan Street. Suite 10 Noblesvllle. Indiana 46060 RE: lewis Home Addition Development Standards Variance Clay Township Dear Mr. Peterson: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal containing the Development Standards Variance for the abov~mentioned project. After reviewing the transmittal, the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. It appears that this project will not Interfere with any Highway Department Infrastructure or require any permits from this office for work to be performed within the right of way. If you have any Information contrary to this statement, please contact me Immediately. If you have any further questions or comments concerning this project. feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Augu$l21. 2001 Sincerely, /~/g---~ Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer cc: Laurence l..illig G:\USERS\SB\2001Tao\OIN!1-G1Iewls.doo 1700 South 10lD Street NOblesville, In. 46060 www.co.hamllton.ln.uli Ofrlee (317) 773-7770 Fu (317) 116-9814 w u Carm.el August 21, 2001 Darren L. Peterson Peterson Ard1itecture 984 Logan Street, Suite 10 Noblesvlll., IN 46060 RE: Lewis Residence 335 W. 107" Street Dear Mr. Peterson: I have received and reviewed the drawings for the home of Gary L. and Denise Klett Lewis, 335 W. 107" Street. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, j~~rl Chief of Police MOF:vb 00: Dept. of Community Services ~ ~~:~ (Zl7) 571.2&00 A Nationally Aecred1ti~orcement Agency . .. ~ d ~L08LLO~OS'ON/IS:6 'lS/~S:6 ~OO~ ~~ 8 (3nl) FAll (:S17) 671-2512 WO~:J Au,.22-2001 OT:52am From- u u T-853 P.002/002 F-816 CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMI'ITEE AGENDA Date: AUGUST 22,2001 Plaee:Department of CommUDity Serviees CoDfereaee Room 3... Door - CanDeI CIty BaD C).no :I " O.1n Jl Vl 10'00 Am 1"-'0 II m tn'4n!ll'lJl I1-MAtft It.1n. m Doeket No. 92..oJ SP; Orin Jeuap Lad Co.'. 1" AdditiOD to Ibe Towa otllome Place. Lor 1158 (SeeoHary PIal) 1c. The pedtioner seeks approval to replat a 2-lot subdivision on 0.47. acres. The site is located lIOI11hwest of Bast 108~ S1reeE and MePharsoQ Street. The site is zoned R-3/residence. Filed by Jim Vires ofBcacbalark Surveying for James A. Shelley. Saddle Cnek SabdMsJoD, SeedoIIt 11 .. lZ (SeeoDd.,. Plat) (PrIDaary Plat filed .... Maebec.k Coauaou) The site is located lit the northeast comer of West 141- Street lIDd Towne Road. zon.cd S-llResid~. Filed by Paul L Cripe for Ditch Road Properties. '!he .... is ~ MHo PIwI (C..lraaloa PlaDl) The site is located at S60 )1Nl AVeDue Southwest. ne site is zoned I.l/industrial. Filed by Mark SeltIemeyer ofComa'StOne Surveys for Maco Press. 9c- ~C c...... CIIrIIdu CllarcIl (eo.stndI01l ......) The site is located at 463 East Maio Street. The site it ~ed R-2/ResideDee. FUed by Roser Ward EDPcaing for Carmel Christian Church. IIlcUau DevelopaaeJae TniDID. Ceater (CGastracdoB .....) The site is located at the southeast comer of East Ill'" Street al)d Pamsylvania StNet. The site is 20ned B-SIBusiness. Filed by Roger Ward EnaiDeeriD& Inc. for the Indiana Dewlopmenl Training CeDter. ~C- J.C. SIpe Jeweler. (Vie Varlllaee) 'I'ht site is located em the northwest c:omcr of East ~ Stteel and Day Drive. The site is zooed S-2/R.esida1ce. F'ued by B. Davis COOlS of Coos Hc:oke &; Wheeler for J.e. Sipe Jewelers. f- qc.. Pike'. S(tI'iaI MIll Heig'''' SeedOIll, Lot S(p8rt) (J)enIopme8tal Stuadardl VlI'IaDce) The site i.10Qated at 33S West loTi' Street. The site is zoned S-2IResidecce. Filed by Darrell Peterson ofl\Urson Ard1ilecture for Gary t. & Denise Klett Lewis. ',. ;. . .~... ll~ ~.... . _. ,. . .'. I..f... II ~ ~:"'~''':-~'l :-"19€:1!!1~ ~o_ ~.:~,,: .\\.~ ,'.lil;:J~ny ~~ci:itJes :":!ip;:J;:eCl ~i.;lO ' /11 ;:>ICr'tty ate Up E T E R S 0 NU ARCHITECTURE 984 Logan Street Suite 10 Noblesville, IN 46060 usa tel. 317 770 9714 fax.317 7769718 email studio@petersonarchitecture.com T R A N s M I T T A L Date August 14,2001 Address Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Attn Message Please find the attached complete set of drawings for the home of Gary L. and Denise Klett Lewis, 335 West 107th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have applied for a Developmental Standards Variance. The TAC hearing is set for August 22, 2001 at 11 :30 am. Thank you for your time and consideration. Darren L Peterson AlA Changes or correctIons to this transmittal must be made within five (5) working days or this document is recorded as Issued. If you have received this package in error, please notify The Peterson Group at 317-776-9714. Thank yolL Confidentiality Notice: This information Is intended only for the use of the indlvlduaI(s) or entity named above. These documenhi contain confidential information belonging to the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure. copying. distribution or taking of any action with reliance on the contelds of this information Is strletly prohibited. u w Johnson, Sue E Cc: Subject: Jay Alley [Jay@ctrwd.org] Monday, August 20, 2001 2:37 PM rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; DHiII@cLcarmel.in.us; Ghoyt@ci.carmel.in.us; JKendall@ci.carmel.in.us; JLester@ci.carmel.in.us; JPFoster@ci.carmel.in.us; MFogarty@ci.carmel.in.us; ParksPrograms@cLcarmel.in.us; PPace@ci.carmel.in.us; PWilliams@ci.carmel.in.us; RAuler@ci.carmel.in.us; SJohnson@ci.carmel.in.us; WAkers@cLcarmel.in.us; rmcclain@cinergy.com; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co.hamilton.in.us; john-south@iaswcd.org; rahendricks@in-hc- lepc.org; kwalker@ipalco.com; pamela.waggoner@iwcr.com; cshupperd@vectren.com Candy Feltner; jvires@indysurveyor.com; rlauritsen@slmaco.com Re: August 22,2001 TAC Agenda From: Sent: To: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the August 22 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes. Orin Jessup Land Co. Re-Plat Lot 175a Home Place The District has received plans for this re-plat which are significantly different than the ones submitted in August 2000. The current plans show only one lot (rather than 2) but no information has been provided on how the property will connect to the District's sanitary sewer. Saddle Creek Sections 11 & 12 The District has received plans and the District's consulting engineers have completed their initial review. Once revisions have been completed and reviewed, the plans will be ready to be submitted by the District to IDEM for State approval of the sanitary sewer plans. Indiana Development Training Center The District has received plans although it is unclear if this project has any effect on the District's sewer system. Additional information will need to be provided. Building permits should NOT be issued without the District's connection permit. J. C. Sipe Jewelers (Use Variance) The District has received plans and provided comments to Fred Simmons, the project architect. The plans need to be revised to include the District's construction specifications and information on the means of connection to the existing sanitary sewer in the area. Pike's Spring Mill Heights (Section 1, Lot 5) Dev. Stds. Variance) This project is located in the District's service area but the neighborhood remains served by individual septic systems. Input from the Hamilton County Health Department is recommended for any effect this building expansion has on the existing septic system. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Please check our website for construction specification and permit information and let us Rnow if there is other information we can provide which would be useful. Thanks! Jay W. Alley, Utility Manager Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 317-844-9200 (phone) 1 u u CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY CO AGENDA Date: AUGUST 22, 2001 Place:Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City BaD 9'00 a. m. 9'10 a m 10'00 am ]0'20 a m 10'40 a m 11'00 a m 1] '10 a. m. Docket No. 92-01 SP; Orin Jessup Land Co.'s l't Addition to the Town orHome Place, Lot f 175a (Secondary Plat) The petitioner seeks approval to replat a 2-lot subdivision on 0.47:1: acres. The site is located A ? L southwest of East 10Stll Street and McPherson Street. The site is zoned R-3/residence. Filed by Jim Vires of Benchmark Surveying for James A. Shelley. Saddle Creek Subdivision, Sections 11 & 12 (Secondary Plat) 1 [Primary Plat filed under Maebeck Commons] The site is located at the northeast corner of West 141st Street and Towne Road. The site is L. zoned S-l/Residence. Filed by Paul I. Cripe for Ditch Road Properties. Maco Press (Construction Plans) The site is located at 560 3rd Avenue Southwest. The site is zoned I-lIindustrial. Filed by Mark Settlemeyer of Cornerstone Surveys for Maco Press. 4c 1e The site 1c Carmel Christian Church (Construction Plans) The site is located at 463 East Main Street. The site is zoned R-2/Residence. Filed by Roger Ward Engineering for Carmel Christian Church. Indiana Development Training Center (Construction Plans) The site is located at the southeast corner of East 111 th Street and Pennsylvania Street. is zoned B-5IBusiness. Filed by Roger Ward Engineering, Inc. for the Indiana Development Training Center. Pike's Spring Mill Heights, Section 1, Lot 5(part) (Developmental Standards Variance) The site is located at 335 West 107th Street. The site is zoned S-2/Residence. Filed by Darren Peterson of Peterson Architecture for Gary L. & Denise Klett Lewis. t/c 1e J.C. Sipe Jewelers (Use Variance) The site is located on the northwest corner of East 96th Street and Day Drive. The site is zoned S-2/Residence. Filed by E. Davis Coots of Coos Henke & Wheeler for J.C. Sipe Jewelers. Panhandle Eastern 1-;~ipeHn\?) Co. has no company Fa.cllities involve in tl s project -_8:.-I'.t__~L Date u u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4&X32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax T.'~ ~~... Fax: .. '}f)O.- qf) l ~ . Phone: Re: A~~ \~<-- CC: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle a~ ll'.~~ 1 ~ I Lq ,-,< ~ "-;.. ~o<,s'~ C:S?L"'~c.. ~,'-'- ~ CL.o. Ii> --1 o~ ~'-~ ~~- ~.f::\ <L- ~~ ~~t-~. ~~~......t:> ~ -s~~ ~ \:::) '{\l\~~~ ·