HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication ..--... -.. .- .--- JUL-25-2001 WED 10:23 AM CARMEL COMMUNITY SVCS U FAX NO. 317 571 2426 (j CITY OF ~MEL . ClAY TOWNSHIP 03 DATE RECEIVED: HAMIL TqN COUNTY . INDIANA APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS A.CTlON ~ FEE: $630.00 for the first plus $70.00 for each additional section of the ordinance bel DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST DOCKET NO. 1) Applicant: rf}" 0 a rj Lw/i~ Address: :3 :::> '5 c0 es f- 10 7 ..//1 ~ t- r e..e.T- Project Name: Le uJ ,. ~ Res ;d.c(/] c. U Phone: Engine&l'/Arehltect: "D 0. (( ~V\ 'Pete ,so Y'"'I Phone: ~ 11-"1-" 0 - "-'/-'1 L.{- r-,c'LJ. -" C -1:' /11 ~ Attomey: . 1 ,~;e:.i~~r<Fl)Al.' 'P~vveJf U1 :~~'U - Phone: 2) 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) ~ (a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant 1$ the contract purchaser of the property (c) Other: 4) If Item 3) (e) is checked, please eompleb!t tile following: Owner of the property involved: Owner"s address: Phone: 5) Record of Ownership: c{ ( '_'. Deed Book No.llnstrument No. __ f Page: 0 5~. L\ Purchase date: If) a j f.o) / 0; C; I 6) Common address of the property involved:' 0.3 5 We s t /01";"1) St,ef' f ) C oJ tne) I I!J LegaldescriPtian:~tDd- 1'Y€-11 ~-O~fs~r;/1~'l.ttLL~:t Tax Map Percel No.: (7 / ;2) 0 L 0 ~ D~ 0 0 to 0 () 0 L Lv{ ...\>1 S" \ \ \;c '^ ~~ 7) State explanation of requested OeveIopmental Standards Variance: (State what yOlJ want to do and cite the seotion /'( number(s) of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance which applies and/or creates the need for this request). ,/ \ 1:uA CD e\JfX tS~--t b(l,C L S~ 1. 5 I ~ i tlkt~ J'< '/f'U ~ Gf!,JA- 4-- 'f,"i' ' ~- '3 --- U& ':I.:.""d;;;~"',}, , · lJ{f;~;::,~! i~~f;' ,. I' .. L : ,.g84L9garl:,..stiee'f ~ 1 tA8- ~n_IS~ VJN~.".._;"'J~;f~~:~)~~K~!i;~:\?'I: , . ~S( "e!m-a ili~p,:~t'~l~: _ Jt:'ii,0ii~~~~g~(:"";-I\"" ..""'./'J.'"'>-,,,.,, . ..Q.R.FJ,(J,E;-,M', ,y\,' ,'<':'_t_<".,-;;'''~, ,j!' :}.~+(.", . """,\~''':,'"'.': ;';\;<ji(~ 'ti..;,~,\,.,'<.:\(,,~. 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) JUL-25-2001 WED 10:23 AM CARMEL COMMUNITY SVCS ..- .... .. UHH FAX NO. 317 ~571 2426 (j P. 04 Present zoning of the property (give exact classtfieatlon): .:5 ~ <\ Size of lot/parcel in question: I \ \ ., 'J... ~~ \ ~ Present use of the property: '( e s; c:A.,.e V\+ \ t\.... \ Describe the proposed use of the property: re-Si o...eV\ti oill - cutcl,'t'I' On acres 13) Is the property; OWner oecupled_ X Renter occupied Other 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants. variances. special uses. or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or effect Its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes. giv8 date and docket number. decision rendered and pertinent explanation. ;J/ft 15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes. give details: Al/f1 Building Permit Number: Builder: 16) If proposed appeal is granted. when will the work commence? ; tASIi P 17) If the proposed variance Is granted, who wRl operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this application has been filed? 0Ctr~ Le.W~ ~ -. OL0y)er NOTE: , LEGAL NOTICE ahall be published in the Nob~vDJe DaRv Ledaer a MANDATORY twenty-fIVe (25) days prior to the pUblic hearing date. The certified -Proof of Publication" afftdavlt for the newspaper must be avalable for inspeetlon the night of the hearing. LEGAL. NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are recommended: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.) "age 2 or 8 - Do..elQpln8llllll $lenlllll'd5 VllIIance ~I""ton ~ - z .. tit -I ,. \ . i! [ ~ ; ~ ..l) ~ .. I ~ 0 \J1 J::- J::- Parcel No. 17-13-02-o:J-C( ~~.OOO ~..rr;;'~:''':'7.~'O''7;.''A'I"t;I': __ S:~;;.1('e! ::! f..:18l au:ep'".z:.CL r' . . ~~ .:;r WARRANTY DEED .&.-UY. -tY'\r~ ~ 1;;_ 91~0544 (?allt (M.,.~t.=:tGr Fsrcel. 2 'D~-()3'b -to~ THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. That GARY S. ALETTO and REBECCI. S. ALF.Tt'O. Q (Grantor) , CONVEY Husband and Wife Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana GARY L. LEWIS and DENISE KLETT LE~l&, (Grantee) of Hamilton ('ounty, in the State of _ bdiana , for the sum of Ten and NO 11 00-- Dollars ($ I (). no ) and other valuable l:onsidercltion, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described rea) estate in Hamilton ('ounty, State of Indiana: Lot Numbered 5 in Pikes Spring Hill Heights Firat Section, an addition in Hamilton County. Indiana as per plat thereoC recorded in PI~~ Book ~, pa~es 93-94 in the OfficeR of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. EXCtPT: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the said :ot; thence South 00 <legrees 04 minutes 27 seconds East along the West line of the said lot 212.48 feet (212.94 feet by plat) to the Southwest corner of th~ Raid lot; thence North 89 degre~s 09 minutes 05 seconds East along the SO'" line of aaid lot 32.00 feet; thence North 08 degrees 39 minutes 16. 5 WeGt 214.45 feet to the place of beginning. Subject to the lien ~f ~ mortgdge from Gary S. Aletto and Rebecca S. Aletto. husband and wife, ~o Shelby Federal Savings Bank dated February 1, 1988, recorded February 9. 1988 as Instr~nt #88-2457 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton Countv, Indiana; Grantor herein warrants that the unpaid balance due under said mortgage shall be paid in full from Grantor's proceeds of sale at time of final closing. Subject to taxes for 1990, payable in ... 1991, and subj~ct to taxes payable ...~ '.:01 'II;, '-';1",-"", R!f'C'"'""- ..-, - . .. ~Oh ~ ""..err;, l\d'OICSII'. on ~vwli.). till. thereafter. Suhj,'ct to any anu all easements, agreements and restrictions of record. The address of sllchnmlcstatciscommonlykno\Vnas 335 West I07th Street, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Grantee IS) aul1n:ss is IN \V1T'.IESS WHEREOF Grantor hasellecuted this deed this . .--t\.Jl.tlL . 19--2L-. GRANTOR: . , S. j ." Jt!nature': u~ I Printed CARY 23rd day of ,.7 /'- .(.(L t',~ S. ALETTO GRANTOR: . _ ,-. I:.:ft {f :I f / J' -:' JJ.._ Signature ,~-,,-1.4.t'A::'d.- .J CA:tUofC'". ..t1~IC.~~" I "'; 1=t4~ r- Printed REBrrCA S. ALE.TTO T' :~TATF. OF }ss: -") INDIANA '\("K]I,;OWU=IX;~II;NT ~ .J'- Befofe nn'. a Nular)' Public in and fOf said County and State. peJ'SO!!lllIy appeardl'_ CARY S. ALETTO and REBECCA S. ALETTO. Husband and Wife ~ who acknowkdgcd the execution of the foregoing Warranty Deed. and who, having Wn duly sworn, stated thai any representations therein contained are true. ('OUNTY Of: ~R~UN z;:w- ~ my hand ..nd Notarial Seal this 23rd day of /) G&A r I .19-2L-.. " ~ I.\"... ~ . ~y Colllmis.<iolR Expires: Signature L-I l..,*-- z ~ t:. 'J . f ~ .~ ~-hi-95.' Printed . Jean Harmon 1" t, ." . . Notary Public .- . f ". ':~ Resident of Johnso';'l County.lndilDa. ThiS'lnskument prepared by Jeffrey R. SIau&hter. Attorney :11 Law. Return deE'd 10_ ~prepared from Landmrrk Title Co., Inc. Title Commitment #91-585. l.ANDAfA~ITITL~ . .:/LE M:J. -~4'J , - "." " " -'.'.. '" ',' ,.',. . ,.... . .' ...,.. '... .'-. '. ... ." .. '. ".'. ,., ..,;....;....,;.;.....'.. . -" . ,-~ ' ... . - . , '. -'" - , ~ o o TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-02-03-04-006.000 Parcel Inqui INQ Year 2001 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 User Codes Book/Page .~1 Property Address 335 107TH ST W CARMEL Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 Taxpayer 90444 GARY L & DENISE KLETT LEWIS 335 107TH W 5 6 7 R 8 5 9 3 4 ~ CARMEL IN 46032 46032 Legal Description SECT-02 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-494 PIKE'S SPRINGMILL HT LOT-PT5 111.7 X 282.8 A 5/6/91 FROM ALETTO LEGL-2,VALU-3,DEO-4,SUM-5 Action? ~ 1713020304006000 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION PARCEL NUMBER 1713020304006000 Parent Parcel Number Property Address 335 107TH ST W Neighborhood 213800 PIKES SPRING MILL HEIGHTS Property Class 510 Res 1 fam dwelling platted lot TAXING DISTRICT INFORMATION Jurisdiction 29 Area 017 Corporation 17 District 17 Section 'Plat 0002 Routing Number 0088 CLAY Site Description Topography: Level Public Utilities: All Street or Road: Paved Neighborhood: Static Zoning: Legal Acres: 0.0000 GAR Y L & DENISE KLETT LEWIS Land Type 335 107TH ST W OWNERSHIP GARY L & DENISE KLETT LEWIS 335 107TH W CARMEL, IN 46032 SECT-02 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-494 LOT-PT5 BLOCK- 111. 7 X 282.8 5/6/91 FROM ALETTO Tax ID 0045215 TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP Printed 11/21/2000 Card No. 1 Date RESIDENTIAL VALUATION RECORD Assessment Year 03/01/1994 03/01/1995 03/01/1998 Reason for Change 4Y Reval NC VALUATION L 22300 40600 40600 True Tax Value B 91000 91700 103900 T 113300 132300 144500 VALUATION L 7430 13530 13530 Assessed Value B 30330 30570 34630 T 37760 44100 48160 40600 103900 144500 13530 34630 48160 51(}' of 1 o o o o o o c Homestead Allocations Residentia: Non-Resid Value 1 Front Lot 40600 DE98: BP197-1343 100\ COMPLETE 3-1-98 LMS 6-3-98 LAND DATA AND CALCULATIONS Rating Soil In -or- Actual Frontage J' Prod. Factor -or- Depth Factor -or- Square Feet Influence Factor Measured Acreage -or- Effective Frontage Table 200 Effective Depth Adjusted Rate Extended Value Base Rate o 0.00 40600.00 40600.00 40600 Supplemental Cards Supplemental Cards MEASURED ACREAGE FARMLAND COMPUTATIONS TRUE TAX VALUE Measured Acreage Avur;JlJu Trllu r;,x Valllo/Acre Pa ren L Ac rUiJIJO 81 Legal Drain NV f-J 82 Public Roads NV [-] 83 UT Towers NV [~] 9 Homesite(s) I-J rOTAL ACRES FARMLAND '1'1([110: TAX VAI.IIE TRUE TAX VALUE FARMLAND Classefied Land Total Homesite(s) Value (+) Supplemental Cards TOTAL LAND VALUE SV o 40600 40600 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OCcupancy: Single family Story Height: 2.0 Finished Area: 3248 Attic: None Basement: 1/2 ROOFING Material: Asphalt shingles FLOORING Slab B Sub and joists 1.0, 2.0 Vinyl tile 1.0, 2.0 Carpet 1.0, 2.0 Unfinished B BX'1'ERIOR COVER Cone block B 1/6 Masonry 2.0 5/6 Masonry 1.0 INTERIOR FINISH Drywall 1.0, 2.0 Unfinished B ACCOMMODATIONS Finished Rooms Bedrooms Famll y Rooms 11 4 1 . BEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Primary Heat: Central Warm Air Lower Full Part /Bsmt 1 Upper Upper Air Cond 0 1728 1520 0 PLUMBING . 3 Fixt. Baths 3 9 2 Fixt. Baths 1 2 Kit Sink 1 1 Water Heat 1 1 TOTAL 13 REMODELING AND MODERNIZATION Amount Date 1713020304006000 335 107TH ST W IMPROVEMENT DATA 16 .1 15 Fr WdDk 11 C 11 ,. 1sFr @ @ 11 @l 26 11 " 12 53 61 1 s Fr I. i 16 - 16 1 s Fr @ 1128 + 1I2C 30 1 1 Construction Wood frame wIsh Wood frame wIsh Property Class: 510 Base Area Floor 1728 1.0 1520 2.0 Finished Area Sq Ft 1728 1520 ~. Value 49900 29500 o 7800 2900 .______----,~ 19 . . -... ~. (Upper) @) OVER 13 720 Bsmt 821 Crawl TOTAL BASE Row Type Adjustment SUB-TOTAL o Interior Finish o Ext Lvg Units o Basement Finish Fireplace(s) Heating Air Condition Frame/Siding/Roof Plumbing Fixt: 13 SUB-TOTAL ONE UNIT SUB-TOTAL 0 UNITS Garages o Integral 696 Att Garage o Att Carports o Bsmt Garage Ext Features SUB-TOTAL Quality Class/Grade GRADE ADJUSTED VALUE 89700 100.00' 89700 o o o 1800 o [, ~'\ . J v 98500 98500 o 8500 o o (100 111100 B-2 122210 SPECIAL FEATURES SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENTS stry Const Year Eft Base Feat- Adj Size or Computed Phys Obsol Market , Description Value ID Use Hgt Type Grade Const Year Coud Rate ures Rate Area Value Depr Depr Adj Comp Value D : MAS 0 D DWELL 2.00 B-2 1984 1984 AV 0.00 Y 0.00 4026 122210 15 0 0 100 103 MAS-STK 0 Gal ATTGAR 0.00 7 0.00 N 0.00 696 8500 0 0 0 0 16 Exterior Features Description Value OFP 1200 WDDK 2900 OFP @J 16 I " BrG @ aClf I Clt\ c.. Lj v 22 ; 6 i , ~ Data CoIl eo tor/Date Appraiser/Date Neighborhood HW {ul 1'/ / IlJ'J~J UIIII)t. :~lJlj(IO Ii Supplemental Carda TOTAL IHPROVEMi:N'l' VALUE 103900 ~"" " ' "- III "~!t/!Q:, M\ LL ~EIGHT5 " .' I SECTION I oy oertify that the within plat lts a Subdivision ot part ot the Township 17 North, Range 3 Eas t re particularly described as .99 teet North ot the Southwes t arter ot Section 2, Township in Hamilton County, Indiana; the West line ot said Quarter point; thence Eas t and line ot said Quarter Section S'Al.e: ,-.zoo' thence North and parallel id Quarter Section 305.65 teet and parallel with the South tion 100.0 feet to a point; 1 with the West line ot said et to a point in the center pipe line easement; thence tion on and along the center ne easement a distance ot I It or place of beginning. ~r8 or 18SS. All located in County, Indiana. I tree ts are shown on the wi thin ;hereot. This Addition consls ts both inclusive. l this 20th da,. of Mal', 1957. {arr, widow and unmarried, and Pike 1t, Clyde E. Pike, and its Secretary- ~reby lay ott, plat and subdivide ~tate in accordance with the plat :5 trlctlons. ~ and not heretofore dedicated are for its use. be known and designated as PIKE'S nON. /)7/ , ~ ~ . ~ ... I I ..l " <I ~: ~ ", s: ., ! .. . . . u Q CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana Docket Number: V-98-01 Petitioner: Darren 1. Peterson for Gary L. and Denise Klett Lewis FINDINGS OF FACT- DEVELVOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. .. 3. Dated this Day of ,2001 Board Member '-.) u NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: V-98-01 Notice is hereby given that the Cannel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 24th day of September, 2001 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square. Cannel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon Developmental Standards Variance Application to build over set back five feet! Cannel Clay Zoning Ordinance 6.4.3. on the property being known as 335 West I07th Street, Cannel, IN 46032. The application is identified as Docket No.: V -98-01 The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Section 02, TWP. 17, Range 03, Plot 494, Pikes Springmill Heights, Lot-PT5, 111.7 x 2828. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned meeting time and place. ... Darren L. Peterson Petitioner , . o w CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: V-98-01 Petitioner: Darren L. Peterson for Gary L. and Denise Klett Lewis FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: It does not encroach or impede physically or aesthetically any surrounding property. Careful consideration was given to contextual development. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: It does not encroach or impede physically or aesthetically any surrounding property. Careful consideration was given to contextual development. 3. The strict application of the terms of the zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The program outlined by the changing needs of the owner can not be practically accomplished. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals that Developmental Standards Variance Docket No. V-98-01 is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of ,2001 CHAIRPERSON, CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals (.) o CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: V-98-01 Petitioner: Darren L. Peterson for Gary L. and Denise Klett Lewis FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: 3. The strict application of the temls of the zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Cannel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Developmental Standards Variance Docket No. V-98-01 is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of ,2001 CHAIRPERSON, Cannel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals