HomeMy WebLinkAboutBZA 06-26-23 /\ A; of c q
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Meeting Minutes
Monday,June 26, 2023
Location: Cannel City Hall Council Chambers,2°d Flr., 1 Civic Sq.,Cannel,IN 46032
Members Present: Brad Grabow,Jim Hawkins(Vice President),Alan Potasnik,Leah York
Members Absent: Leo Dierckman(President)
DOCS Staff Present: Angie Conn(Planning Administrator),Joe Shestak(Recording Secretary),Mike Hollibaugh(Director)
Legal Counsel: Sergey Grechukhin,Allison Lynch-Mcgrath
Time of Meeting: 6:00 PM
Approval of Minutes and Findings of Facts from Previous Meeting:
A Motion made by Grabow and seconded by Potasnik to approve the minutes from the May 22,2023 meeting.
Approved 4-0,absent Dierckman.
Reports,Announcements,Legal Counsel Report,and Department Concerns:Angie Conn:
• Error on the meeting agenda.(V)L'Etoile Variances was heard at last month's meeting, so it should be heard under
Old Business. We ask the Board to reorder the agenda to include(V)L'Etoile Variances last on the agenda.
A Motion made by York and seconded by Grabow to reorder the agenda, so that(V)L'Etoile Variances is heard last.
Approved 4-0,absent Dierckman.
Public Hearings
TABLED TO JULY 24-(V)Perma Pools Sign Variance.
(SE)Alhassoon Short Term Residential Rental(Appeal).
The applicant seeks the following special exception approval for a STRR:
2. Docket No. PZ-2023-00106 SE UDO Section 2.07 Permitted Uses,Residential Special
Exception. The site is located at 103 E. 106th St. (Penn View Heights Subdivision,Lots 1 &2).It is zoned
Rl/Residence and West Home Place Commercial Corridor Sub-Area, Low Intensity. Filed by Elham Alhassoon and
Ahmad Al-Maaitah,owners.
Petitioner: Elham Alhassoon,owner:
• If we are approved,we will take care of this property very well
Public Comments:
Timothy Powell,Penn Drive: Since the Petitioner took over this property,there was a large party at this property.
People were parking all over my street. The police were called. People from this party were smoking pot in the
street by my house. There's not enough parking for an event or parties. They only have two parking spaces on their
driveway. I don't understand the Ordinance and allowing Special Exceptions. This should be zoned as commercial
property if they are going to host events and act as a rental business.
Rebuttal to Public Comments: Elham Alhassoon:
• If we are approved,we would only be renting to families of 5 or less,and parties would not be allowed
• The incident Mr. Powell described was our family party. We did not rent it out during that time.
• We hired a neighbor to take care of the exterior of the home such as mowing the grass and picking up trash
BZA Meeting Minutes 6-26-23
• The property is in good condition,compared to what it was like by the previous owner
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• Code Enforcement has sent out violations to this property for tall grass and weeds,and the operation of a
short-term residential rental with out Special Exception approval
• Since the initial hearing in May,the property owners have maintained their yard
• The property owner stated in their application they want to use this site for an investment property. Their
plans for the future to rezone the land for commercial uses. One use they proposed was used car sales
• The Petitioner does not live at this site and have hired someone to help maintain the property
• The Petitioner Staff is not supportive of this SE request,and we ask the BZA attorney to write up the
negative findings of fact.
Board Comments:
Potasnik: Why did submit your info packet late?Elham Alhassoon: We applied for the SE application when we
received the violation letter from Code Enforcement.
Potasnik: Tonight,we received concerns from a neighbor how this rental is impacting his property. How are you
going to enforce these issues when you don't live here?Elham Alhassoon: We have outdoor cameras. We have
rules for our guests.Airbnb has a$1 million insurance policy.If there are any problems,we can be at the property
in 5 minutes.
Hawkins: Is this home one or two levels?Is one or two units?Is anyone else living at this property?Elham
Alhassoon: One level,one unit. We will only rent to one family at a time.No one is living in this house full time.
Sometimes my husband's brother is here,but if we are approved,he would not be living there.
Grabow: Is this property currently listed on Airbnb?When did you purchase this property?Elham Alhassoon:
Current it is not listed on Airbnb. It was listed earlier in the year,then the City issued a violation letter,and we took
down our listing. We purchased this property in June 2022.
A Motion made by Grabow and seconded by Potasnik to deny Docket No.PZ-2023-00106 SE.
Approved 4-0 to deny PZ-2023-00106 SE,absent Dierckman.
(SE)Bonilla Short Term Residential Rental(Appeal).
The applicant seeks the following special exception approval for a STRR in a portion of the house:
3. Docket No.PZ-2023-00109 SE UDO Section 2.07 Permitted Uses,Residential Special Exception.
The 1.15-acre site is located at 2918 E. Smoky Row and is zoned R1/Residence(not in any Subdivision).Filed by
Stephanie Mans of Cohen,Garelick&Glazier P.C.,on behalf of DBM Group LLC,owner.
Petitioner:Joshua Robertson,Cohen,Garelick& Glazier P.C.:
• This entity consisted of 3 siblings that inherited this property from their father.
• Father lives next door. One of the siblings resides full-time at the property on the first floor.
• The second floor of this property will only be rented out
• This property is not part of an HOA
• All parking will be provided on the long driveway.No street parking is available in this area.
• Our ideal target renters would be traveling nurses
Public Comments: None
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• One of the owners will live on the Pt floor of the house and will rent out the 2nd floor of the house
• Carmel Code Enforcement has not received any complaints from this property
• Staff recommends consideration of this request and the adoption of the Petitioner's findings of fact
Board Comments:
BZA Meeting Minutes 6-26-23 2
Grabow: Can the Petitioner walk us through the pictures that were provided?Is there direct access to the second
floor?Rocio Bonilla,property owner:Explains the photos of the exterior of the home, driveway, and backyard.
There's a separate staircase to access the second floor.
Grabow: What's the process of screening guests?Rocio Bonilla: We will target traveling nurses and screen each
our guests.Potasnik: Is it your intention to target your traveling nurse guests for a short amount of time or
maximum amount of time?Rocio Bonilla: It varies but we would rather have them stay for 30 days Potasnik:
Would the traveling nurses see their patients at this home?Rocio Bonilla:Never at this home.Potasnik: Does the
length of time request fall in-line with the UDO?Angie Conn: Short term residential rentals are defined as 30 days
or less per lease.
Hawkins: Does the second floor include a kitchen and living room?Rosio Bonilla:Yes, includes kitchen,
bathroom,dining,and living room.Hawkins: This seems like this is a double/duplex.Is this a zoning issue,then a
STRR?Angie Conn: If they were seeking to lease it out for more than 30 days,then it would be a potential land use
violation for a duplex unit instead of a single-family unit
York: Are you specifically targeting just to travel nurses,or would you allow others?Rosio Bonilla: We will target
traveling nurses. We will screen all of our applicants and make exceptions for families and others.
A Motion made by Grabow and seconded by York to approve Docket No.PZ-2023-00109 SE.
Tie 2-2,Hawkins,Potasnik,absent Dierckman. This item is automatically tabled to the next BZA meeting on
July 24, 2023, since the vote ended in a tie vote.
(SUA,CA)Martin Marietta-Mueller Property South Amendment.
The applicant seeks the following special use amendment and commitment amendment approvals:
4. Docket No. PZ-2023-00112 SUA UDO Section 2.03 Special Use Amendment.
I5. Docket No. PZ-2023-00090 CA Instr.Nos.200500006560 and 200500054117 Commitment
Amendment. The site is located at 5345 E. 106th St.,at the southwest corner of 106th St. and Hazel Dell Pkwy. It
is zoned S1/Residence and is partially in the SFHA/Special Flood Hazard Area. Filed by Timothy Ochs of Ice
Miller LLP on behalf of E&H Mueller Development LLC.
(SUA,CA)Martin Marietta-Mueller Property North Amendment.
The applicant seeks the following special use amendment and commitment amendment approvals:
6. Docket No. PZ-2023-00113 SUA UDO Section 2.03 Special Use Amendment.
7. Docket No. PZ-2023-00091 CA Instr.Nos. 200500040447 and 2009039061 Commitment
Amendment. The site is located at 10750 River Rd. (aka 10750 Hazel Dell Pkwy),at the northwest corner of 106th
St. and Hazel Dell Pkwy. It is zoned S1/Residence and is partially in SFHA/Special Flood Hazard Area.Filed by
Timothy Ochs of Ice Miller LLP on behalf of E&H Mueller Development LLC.
Petitioner: Tim Ochs:
• This project dates back to 2005 when the first requests for sand and gravel operations were done. We are
requesting a minor expansion of the area to be mined.If approved this expands the life expectancy of the
operations.Presented a map of the proposed expansion areas of the north and south properties
• We met with the residents of Kingswood subdivision and had individual meetings with property owners.
We made agreements with the four property owners who are directly north of the northern expansion area.
• Presented the landscape plan. Our plan was reviewed by the Urban Forester.A landscaping mound with
tree plantings will be included along 106th Street and Hazel Dell Pkwy.
• The general concepts of the reclamation plan stay the same. They will follow the guidelines of the Indiana
Mineral Aggregates Association(IMAA).
• What is being proposed tonight is consistent with our 2005 settlement agreement
• When this is completed,the entirety of the property north of 106th will be given to the City of Cannel. Grass
and plantings will be made,and the correct slopes will be done prior to this. We will dedicate an additional
ROW along 106th Street so it is consistent with the 2023 Throughfare Plan.
• Present Kingswood Subdivision Plat, in 2009,an additional 60 ft was given in the rears of each Kingswood
BZA Meeting Minutes 6-26-23 3
lot that is directly adjacent to the north and west of the Martin Marietta property. An additional 90 ft will
now be given to these property owners in the rear of their lots.
• We are asking for amendments to the commitments: buffer size and location, landscaping and cleaning up
the site,ability to move dirt when needed,and the length of time
• Our commitments expired this October,and we are asking for an extension to Dec.31,2025
• We met with Mr.Yedlick on three separate occasions. He wants the water to come as close as it can and see
it as soon as possible. We tried to accommodate his requests,but the majority of the neighbors like what
they already have. For Mr.Yedlick's request,we would have to make the slope next to his rear yard a lot
steeper than the rest of his neighbors' rear yards,and that doesn't make sense to us.
Public Comments:
Tom Yedlick, St.Charles Place in Kingswood: The reclamation plan is not a minor expansion. It's a completely
new reclamation plan.When approval was originally granted for the expansion of Mueller North, it did not include
a reclamation plan. This plan is now retroactive. I would like to see a reclamation plan as a not one-size-fits-all.
Bernard Lally,Hunting Court in Kingswood: My property is directly east of the Mueller property.The property
owners along the north have different thoughts from us on the east side. We want a little more assurance of what it
is finally going to look like.
Timothy Powell.Cannel resident: I hope the roundabout at 106th and Hazel Dell happens one day so I hope this
proposal doesn't affect it.
Rebuttal to Public Comments: Timothy Ochs
• We are dedicating the ROW to the City so a roundabout will be constructed in the future
• We are happy to continue our discussion with the neighbors
• From our discussions,the neighbors want to keep it heavily wooded,except for Mr.Yedlick
• Presented cross section of current mining operations vs. when completed of the adjacent rear yards. 5 to 1
slope will occur from the rear property lines to the future lake when mining stops.
• We don't have the rights go within the 60 ft of the Kingwoods' rear private properties
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• This is currently being review by TAC and the Petitioner continues to address the remaining review
• The Petitioner did a great job explaining their request to us
• Staff recommends positive considerations with the following conditions: addressing all remaining TAC
review comments,provide Staff with a copy of the recorded Commitments within 30 days,and completing
any agreed to dedications of street ROW under the settlement agreement
Board Comments:
Grabow: Any new curb cuts proposed,or any curb cuts removed with these changes?Tim Ochs:No.
Grabow: Does the proposed conveyance have no bearing on the limits of the reclamation area?Tim Ochs: They do
not. We already have agreements with the 4 property owners on the west side to include what happens in the 60 ft
and 90 ft areas. Grabow: Has the 60 ft conveyance area been impacted since 2009?Tim Ochs: To my knowledge,
tt has not been impacted. The tree and plant growth
Hawkins: When will the north area be completed?Timothy Ochs: No later than Dec. 31 2025
Hawkins: How long will the south area be completed? Timothy Ochs: We are adding 2-3 years to south.2028.
A Motion made by Potasnik and seconded by Grabow to approve Docket Nos.PZ-2023-00112 SUA,PZ-2023-
00090 CA.,PZ-2023-00113 SUA,PZ-2023-00091 CA.with the conditions all remaining TAC review
comments are addressed,provides Staff with a copy of the recorded Commitments within 30 days,and
completes any agreed to dedications of street ROW under the settlement agreement.
Approved 4-0,absent Dierckman.
BZA Meeting Minutes 6-26-23 4
Old Business
Continued from the May 22, 2023 BZA meeting.
(V)L'Etoile Variances.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:
8. Docket No.PZ-2023-00083 V UDO Section 2.38 Side Setback-40'Minimum Side Setback for
surface parking required,4' requested.
9. Docket No.PZ-2023-00084 V UDO Sections 5.12 & 5.32 Parking: Total floor area—No project
shall have more floor area than the parking it can provide.And, 1.2 vehicle parking spaces per dwelling unit
(now 36 units)and 1 parking space per 350 sq.ft.of retail required(now 51 total spaces required),45
requested(plus 4 on street spaces).
10. Docket No.PZ-2023-00085 V UDO Section 2.38 Rear Setback-40' Minimum Rear Setback for
surface parking required,3' requested. And 20' Maximum Rear Setback required,43' requested.
The site is located at 833 W. Main Street. It is zoned UC/Urban Core. Filed by Ben Bemis of CEC, Inc. on behalf
of the owner,Aziz Mamaev.
Petitioner: Dan Moriarity, Studio M Architecture
• We eliminated 9 units giving us 36 total units.This change lowers our total parking requirement to 51
spaces. We will have 4 on-street spaces available. This puts us at 2 parking spaces short.
• We responded to the concerns from the neighbors at the last meeting by straightening the construction
security fence,removed the weeds,and re-graded the construction site.
Riley Cho,downtown Carmel: I'm in support of this mixed-use development.I would like to see less parking
spaces be accepted by the BZA.Please provide more bike parking here.
Ron Heilbrunn,S.Park Trail Drive: I appreciate them reducing the number of units. I think more parking is needed
here.More parking is necessary if you are going to have retail space here.
Hind Salih,Guilford Trail: I appreciate their efforts in cleaning up the site. I just want to know when will this site
be completed?
Rebuttal to Public Comments: Dan Moriarity
• The debris that remains on the site will be used when construction starts on this project
• I contacted the nearby mixed-use buildings to ask for a parking agreement and I did not get a call back
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• Staff appreciates the Petitioner cleaning up the site
• The number of proposed units has reduced down to 36 from 45,with several units becoming 2-bedrooms
• Staff would like to see a condition or commitment that the ls`floor retail space not to be used as a restaurant
• Staff recommends positive consideration of all the variance requests
Board Comments:
York: Was the amount of retail space reduced?Dan Moriarity: It was reduced from the original plan.
Potasnik: Can the Petitioner commit for not having a restaurant here?Dan Moriarity: I can't commit to that.I'm
not sure how to define a restaurant.Potasnik: I don't see the parking working out for this site if there's a restaurant
or a type of food service here.
Hawkins: How many residents do we intend to have here?Dan Moriarity: 9 of the 36 units are two bedrooms. 45
bedrooms total. The extra bedroom doesn't mean an additional person. It could be used as a den or nursey.
Hawkins:Are the parking spaces going to be reserved for residents'or retail?Dan Moriarity: I'm not sure how you
regulate that.I can't make a commitment on behalf of the owner to reserve the parking.This is not a public garage.
Hawkins: Can you commit to not having a restaurant or a food/beverage establishment?Dan Moriarity: I'm not
sure how to define restaurant?Are a bar or coffee shop allowed?Grabow: I don't want to go down the path of what
BZA Meeting Minutes 6-26-23 5
can and can't be allowed here. There are a bunch of uses that can be equally intense as a restaurant/bar such as a
yoga studio or a health club. The amount of retail space here is extremely limited at 2,500 sq.ft. space. We are
trying to create a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
A Motion made by Grabow and seconded by Potasnik to approve Docket Nos. PZ-2023-00083 V,PZ-2023-
00084 V,PZ-2023-00085 V.
Tie 2-2,Hawkins,Potasnik,absent Dierckman.
This item is automatically tabled to the next BZA meeting on July 24, 2023, since the vote ended in a tie.
Meeting Adjour ed at 7:47 p.m.
♦ ,
im Hawkins—Vice President oe Shestak—Recording Secretary
BZA Meeting Minutes 6-26-23 6