HomeMy WebLinkAboutWetland Delineation ~ WIlLlAM5..CREEK rnW;;IfLflNC ~ o Q o D Q Q Q ~ ~ ~ a o o D Wetland Delineation Village Green Smokey Row Road Hamilton County, Indiana Prepared for: Drees Homes 6650 Telecom Drive Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46278 April 2006 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. Babeca Building 919 North East Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317) 423-0690 o o o o o o o o o o o !o o o o o o o o TABLE OF CONTENTS Wetland Delineation Page Executive Summary.............................................................................................. 1 1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Jurisdictional Resources..................................................................................... 2 2.1 United States Army Corps of Engineers 2.1.1 Waters of the U.S. 2.1.2 Wetlands 2.2 Indiana Department of Environmental Management 2.3 Indiana Department of Natural Resources 2.4 Hamilton County Drainage Board 3.0 Site Reconnaissance............................................................................................ 6 3.1 USGS Topographic Map 3.2 National Wetland Inventory Map 3.3 County Soil Survey 3.4 Aerial Photography 3.5 FIRM Map 4.0 Existing Conditions.............................................................................................. 8 4.1 Project Site Investigation 4.2 Wetland Delineation and Site Data Forms 4.3 Drainage Features, Streams, and Other Potential"Waters of the U.S." 5.0 Historical Analysis ......... ......................................................................... ........... 13 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations................................................................ 14 FIGURES Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - NWI Map Figure 3 - Key to NWI Map Figure 4 - NRCS Soil Survey for Hamilton County Figure 5 - Aerial Photograph Figure 6 - FIRM Map Figure 7 - Wetland Location Map APPENDICES Appendix A - Wetland Data Forms Appendix B - Site Photographs Appendix C - Historical Aerial Photographs o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Executive Summary Current Site Conditions Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. performed a wetland determination at the study site located southwest of Smokey Row Road and the Monon Trail, Hamilton County, Indiana. The site was inspected on April 15 and 25, 2006. ft Two wetlands are present within the project boundary. Wetland A is 0.08 acre and Wetland B is 0.48 acre. ft Wetlands A and B are located within the 100 year floodplain and would be considered jurisdictional "waters of the U.S." by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) ft Little Cool Creek, located in northwest portion of the property, exhibits an ordinary high water mark and will qualify as "waters of the U.S." by the USACE. ft Little Cool Creek appears to drain more than one (1) square mile. ft JW Morrow Legal Drain bisects the site from southeast to the northwest and is a regulated drain governed by the Hamilton County Surveyors Office. Jurisdictional Waters A Regional General Permit (RGP) and Water Quality Certification (WQC) will be required for impacts to Little Cool Creek and the two wetlands if proposed cumulative impacts are less than 300 linear feet or one acre. If anticipated impacts are greater than 300 linear feet or one acre, an Individual Permit may be necessary. Mitigation for impacts is required at a 1:1 ratio for drainage features, and 4:1 acres for the wetland areas. JW Morrow Legal Drain does not appear to be connected to Little Cool Creek until the 1974 aerial photograph. It appears that it is a man-made feature constructed in upland and hydric soils for the purpose of stormwater conveyance. The USACE mayor may not consider the legal drain a regulated body. Furthermore, the Hamilton County Surveyor's office would require coordination with their office for any proposed construction within the drainage easement. Little Cool Creek appears to drain more than one (1) and would require a Construction in a Floodway permit through the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) if any construction activities are proposed in any regulated floodway. It is Williams Creek Consulting, Inc.'s professional opinion that Little Cool Creek and the wetlands on site would be considered jurisdictional by the USACE. The JW Morrow Legal Drain exhibits an ordinary high water mark and mayor may not be considered jurisdictional by the USACE. WCC recommends that this report be verified by the USACE. 20060084 Page 1 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 WETLAND DELINEATION 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this project was to assess the property located southwest of Smokey Row Road and the Monon Trail, Hamilton County, Indiana for evidence of wetlands and other jurisdictional waters. The site is more specifically located in the Carmel USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map in Section 25, Township 18 North, and Range 3 East. The scope of work included delineating wetlands on site using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, 1987 (1987 Manual). 2.0 JURISDICTIONAL RESOURCES 2.1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Through the Clean Water Act of 1972, Section 404, the USACE maintains authority over "Waters of the U.S." as defined in the code of federal regulations (33 CFR 328.3). The limit of jurisdiction described in 33 CFR 328.4 for non-tidal waters is the "ordinary high water mark" if no adjacent wetlands are present. If wetlands are present, the limit of jurisdiction applies to the boundary of the adjacent wetland. Any wetland that has a hydrological connection to a "waters of the U.S." is also included. Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) also serves as a base of federal authority over certain waters. Definitions and permitting requirements for jurisdictional waters under Section 10 can be found in 33 CFR Parts 322 and 329. A Section 404 permit must be obtained from the USACE before any fill or dredging activities are conducted within the boundary of a "waters of the U.S." including federal jurisdictional wetlands. The USACE uses three types of permits: nationwide permits, regional general permits for Indiana, and individual permits, as described below. A Section 401 Water Quality Certification must be filed with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) concurrently with the Section 404 permit(s). Nationwide Permits have been developed for projects that meet a specific criterion and are deemed to have minimal impacts to the aquatic environment. Reqional General Permits for Indiana authorize proposed impacts associated with any construction activities including agriculture and mining activities. Wetland impacts must be less than 1 acre to qualify for this type of permit. Individual Permits are required for proposed wetland impacts of 1 acre and greater. The review process for this type of permit may take up to 1 year due to the higher level of scrutiny by the regulatory agencies. The Louisville District of the USACE developed new mitigation guidelines in September 2004 for the federal jurisdictional wetlands and "waters of the U.S." The guidelines require stream and wetland characterizations for all drainage features and wetlands proposed to be impacted. The document required for permitting must contain extensive detail of the proposed impact sites, the proposed mitigation sites, and information regarding the construction and monitoring of the mitigation sites. 20060084 Page 2 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Impacts to USAGE jurisdictional wetlands or other "waters of the U.S." will require in kind mitigation. The USAGE and the IDEM prefer the mitigation to be on-site but may allow off-site mitigation in some cases due to certain constraints of a property. The mitigation ratios for impacts to federally jurisdictional wetlands and other "waters of the U.S." are as follows: Impact Type Emergent Wetland Scrub-Shrub Wetland Forested Wetland Stream/Drainage Ways Open Water Replacement 2:1 Acres 3:1 Acres 4:1 Acres 1 : 1 Linear feet 1:1 Acres 2.1.1 Waters of the U.S. A "waters of the U.S." can be described as any waterway that appears to have a "clear, natural line impressed on the bank"1 that is caused by variations in water levels over a period of time. The USAGE is the final authority on the determination of whether a waterway qualifies for jurisdiction under the Glean Water Act, but jurisdictional "waters of the U.S." can include ephemeral streams and drainage ditches, as well as large rivers. Several indicators that may be considered in determining an ordinary high water mark include, but are not limited to, changes in soil character, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, historical or recorded data, presence of litter and/or debris, scour, and water staining. 2.1.2 Wetlands Wetlands offer a variety of functions and values that may include, but are not limited to, groundwater recharge/discharge, flood flow alteration, sedimenUtoxicant retention, and fish and wildlife habitat. Because of the perceived functions and values of wetlands, the USAGE developed the 1987 Manual to identify wetlands. Wetlands are defined in the 1987 Manual as, "Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions." 2 The 1987 Manual outlines the protocol for distinguishing wetland areas from "upland" areas. Wetland areas are delineated according to three primary criteria: vegetation, soil, and hydrology. An area is determined to qualify as a wetland if it meets the following "general diagnostic environmental characteristics:" n Hydrophytic vegetation n Hydrology n Hydric Soil 1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Guidance Letter, No. 05-05, date 7-12-05 2 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, {1987 Manual}. 20060084 Page 3 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o D D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Hvdrophvtic Veoetation The 1987 Manual defines hydrophytic vegetation as, "...the sum total of macrophytic plant life that occurs in areas where the frequency and duration of inundation or soil saturation produce permanently or periodically saturated soils of sufficient duration to exert a controlling influence on the plant species present..." The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Plant List Panel developed the following categories to establish the relative probability of species occurring within the ranges between upland and wetland: Obligate Wetland Plants (OBL) - Probability of >99% occurrence in wetlands with a 1% probability of occurrence in upland areas. Facultative Wetland Plants (FAGW) - Probability of 67% - 99% occurrence in wetlands with a 1% - 33% probability of occurrence in upland areas. Facultative Plants (FAG) - Probability of 34% - 66% occurrence in either wetlands or upland areas. Facultative Upland Plants (FAGU) - Probability of 67% - 99% occurrence in upland areas with a 1 % - 33% probability of occurrence in wetland areas. Obligate Upland Plants (UPL) - Probability of >99% occurrence in upland areas with a 1 % probability of occurrence in wetland areas. The hydrophytic vegetation criterion is met if greater than 50% of dominant species are FAG, FAGW, or OBL. Hvdroloov Areas which are inundated or saturated to the surface for a significant time during the growing season will typically exhibit characteristics of wetland hydrology. This is not always the case, however, careful examination of the site conditions is needed to adequately identify wetland areas. The anaerobic and reducing conditions in inundated or saturated soils influence the plant community and may favor a dominance of hydrophytic species. It should be noted that the 1987 Manual further defines the growing season and methodology for determining evidence of hydrology. There are two types of hydrology indicators: primary and secondary. Primary indicators of hydrology are discussed in the 1987 Manual and include, but are not limited to, inundation, saturation within the upper 12 inches of soil, water marks, drift lines, sediment deposits, and drainage patterns. Secondary indicators may include, but are not limited to, oxidized root channels, water stained leaves, local soil survey data, FAG-Neutral test, etc. One primary or two secondary indicators are required to meet this criterion. 20060084 Page 4 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Hvdric Soil "A hydric soil is formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part." 3 All organic soils (except Folists) are considered hydric while mineral soils must be carefully examined to qualify as hydric. There are several indicators that suggest a soil is hydric. An inspection of the soil profile to a minimum depth of 16 inches below ground surface is required in order to make this determination. The soil data used is the horizon of soil immediately below the A-horizon or at 10 inches below the soil surface. Hydric soils may be present in an upland position; however, there may be insufficient evidence of hydrology or vegetation for the area to qualify as wetland. 2.2 Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) IDEM is the state agency that reviews and issues permits regarding isolated wetlands according to IC 13.18. House Enrolled Act No. 1798 (with amendment 1277) was enacted to replace the use of the NPDES permitting authority by the IDEM for isolated wetlands. The law recognizes three types of wetlands: Class I, Class II, and Class III. Class I isolated wetlands occur in areas that have been disturbed by human activity/development, have low species diversity or greater than 50% nonnative species, do not provide critical habitat for the support of significant wildlife or aquatic vegetation, or do not possess significant hydrologic function. Class III isolated wetlands are located in areas that are undisturbed or minimally disturbed by human activity/development, are composed of rare or important ecological types, and support more than minimal wildlife or aquatic habitat and hydrologic function. Class II isolated wetlands are those that do not fit the criteria set for either Class I or Class III isolated wetlands. Exemptions are in place to allow impacts to Class I and Class II wetlands without requiring permitting and mitigation. Class I wetlands qualify for the exemption if the entire wetland does not exceed 0.5 acre. Any Class I wetland exceeding 0.5 acre will require mitigation. Class II wetlands qualify for the exemption if the entire wetland acreage does not exceed 0.25 acre. Any Class II wetland exceeding 0.25 acre will require mitigation. Any proposed impacts to Class III or nonexempt Class I or Class II wetlands will require an isolated wetlands and/or "waters of the State" permit through IDEM. Such isolated wetland permit applications will be submitted concurrently with any USACE Section 404 jurisdictional wetland permits and IDEM Section 401 Water Quality Certifications if necessary. According to House Enrolled Act No. 1798, impacts to isolated wetlands will require some form of compensatory mitigation. The law specifically states the amount of mitigation that must be created to offset impacts to isolated wetlands. These mitigation ratios do not apply to USACE jurisdictional wetlands. The mitigation ratios for impacts to state regulated wetlands (isolated) are as follows: 3 USDA-NRCS, HYDRIC SOIL TECH. NOTE 1: Proper use of Hydric Soil Terminology, 20060084 Page 5 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o [] Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Class III Class III On-Site Ratio 1.5:1 Acres 1:1 Acres Non-forested 1.5:1 Acres Forested 2:1 Acres Non-forested 2:1 Acres Forested 2.5:1 Acres Off-Site Ratio 1.5:1 Acres 1:1 Acres Non-forested 2:1 Acres Forested 2.5:1 Acres Non-forested 2.5:1 Acres Forested 3:1 Acres Impact Type Class I Class I Class II Replacement Class I Class II or III Class II or III 2.3 Indiana Department of Natural Resources Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has authority over the flood ways of waterways that have a watershed greater than one (1) square mile. If construction activities are proposed in a regulated floodway then a Construction in a Floodway permit would be required. A watershed analysis would be required to determine the actual drainage for each waterway proposed to be impacted. In addition, trees cleared within a regulated flood way will require mitigation. 2.4 Hamilton County Drainage Board The Hamilton County Drainage Board has authority over regulated drains, including subdivision drains, field tiles, or open ditches and creeks, within Hamilton County. The Hamilton County Surveyor's office requires a permit for crossing, outfalls, or working within the easement of a regulated drain. In addition, property owners conducting improvements to a residential subdivision or commercial development within Hamilton County must improve any waterway crossing the property. Improvements to the waterway may include clearing debris or obstructions and repairing stream bank erosion. Furthermore, a waterway that is also a regulated drain would require clearing brush and trees within 30 feet of the top of bank on both sides. Coordination with the County Surveyor is critical to maintain deadlines and avoid scheduling conflicts when conducting work within a regulated drain easement. Any construction affecting a regulated drain, the 100 year floodplain, and/or the corresponding easement on either side of the drain must be reviewed and approved by the Drainage Board prior to disturbance. 3.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 3.1 USGS Topographic Map A USGS topographic map is generally used to provide a graphic display of the site location and general topography of the area. These maps provide insufficient detail for accurate site measurements or planning purposes; however, general drainage trends can be established. The site is located in the Carmel USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map in Section 25, Township 18 North, and Range 3 East. The topography represented on this map shows a generally level terrain with a general drainage flow towards Little Cool Creek in the northwest portion of the site. A site location map has been included as Figure 1. 3.2 National Wetland Inventory (NWI) Map NWI maps were developed to meet a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) mandate to map the wetland and deepwater habitats of the United States. These maps were developed using high altitude aerial photographs. Indicators noted in the photographs which exhibited pre-determined 20060084 Page 6 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o o o o o o D o o o o D o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 wetland characteristics were identified according to a detailed classification system. In some cases, the NWI information is erroneous. Some areas are misidentified as wetlands, which emphasizes the need to perform field verification. The NWI maps use the USGS Quadrangle maps as a topographic base. The NWI map retains some of the detail of the Quadrangle map; however, it is used primarily for demonstration of wetland areas identified by the agency, The NWI map should not be used to positively identify wetlands on a site, The maps are accurate to a scale of 1 :24,000, The combined Carmel and Fishers NWI maps are included as Figure 2 and its associated key is included as Figure 3, The NWI map does not identify any potential wetlands within the site boundary, 3.3 County Soil Survey WCC reviewed the information provided in the NRCS Soil Survey of Hamilton County, Indiana, which pertains to the site, Sheets 44 & 50 provide a 1 :1320 (in/ft) scale aerial photograph on which distinct soil unit boundaries are identified (Figure 4). Four soil units are classified within the site boundary, Brookston silty clay loam (Br); Crosby silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes (CrA); Miami silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded (MmB2); and Shoals silt loam (Sh). The Brookston soil unit is listed as a hydric soil for Indiana, Little Cool Creek is the only drainage feature identified on the soil survey, Other information contained within the soil survey may be used to further characterize the site for wetland characteristics, drainage features, or land use. 3.4 Aerial Photography Aerial photographs provide a visual overview of the site and can provide information to assist in identifying land use practices, terrain, drainage, vegetated areas, wetlands, habitats, etc. Certain features, such as variegated soil patterns for instance, may suggest the presence of wetlands. Figure 5 presents a copy of a spring 2004 photograph, 3.5 Federal Insurance Rate Map The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was developed in 1979 to reform disaster relief and recovery, civil defense, and to prepare and mitigate for natural hazards. The Mitigation Division of FEMA manages the National Flood Insurance Program which provides guidance on how to lessen the impact of disasters on communities through flood insurance, floodplain management, and flood hazard mapping. Proper floodplain management has the ability to minimize the extent of flooding and flood damage and improve stormwater quality by reducing stormwater velocities and erosion, The one percent annual chance flood (100 year flood) boundary must be kept free of encroachment as the national standard for the program, A copy of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for this area indicates that there are floodplains or flood ways on site, The site is within Zone AE, a special flood hazard area inundated by the 100 year flood, The FIRM map is included as Figure 6. 20060084 Page 7 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. D D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o D o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 4.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.1 Project Site Investigation A Williams Creek staff scientist conducted a site investigation on April 15 and 25, 2006. The study site is approximately 9 acres. The northern boundary of the site is Smokey Row, the southern boundary is a residential complex, and the western boundary is the Monon Trail. There is currently a vacated residence and outbuildings associated with the property. Little Cool Creek meanders through the property in the northwest portion of the site and the JW Morrow legal drain bisects the site from southeast to northwest. The legal drain discharges into Little Cool Creek. A significant amount of rain was received the day before the initial fieldwork was performed. According to www.weather.com. 2.37 inches of rain was received April 14 and 0.21 inches was received the day of April 25. Photographs of the site were collected to document current site conditions and to provide a visual record of wetlands and "waters of the U.S.", if any, present at the time of inspection (Appendix B). 4.2 Wetland Delineation and Site Data Points Routine Wetland Determination Data Forms (Data Forms) were completed in the field to document representative site conditions. A paired Data Form was prepared for each data station to represent any wetland - upland complex identified while onsite (Appendix A). 4.2.1 Wetlands Two wetlands were identified during the site investigation. Detailed descriptions of the wetlands are as follows. Wetland A - (0.08 Acre) This wetland community is located in the northwestern portion of the study area and is classified as a forested wetland. The location of the wetland can be found on Figure 7. Wetland Data Point A.1 This data point was located in the northern portion of the study site adjacent to Little Cool Creek. The dominant vegetation present at this data point is box-elder (Acer negundo, FACW-), Canada honewort (Cryptotaenia canadensis, FAC), Virginia wild-rye (Elymus virginicus, FACW-), and swamp butter-cup (Ranunculus septentrionalis, FACW+), which meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion requirement for a wetland. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit. Examination of the soil profile using a Munsell color chart revealed a matrix color of 10YR 3/2, with mottles of 10YR 5/6 to a depth of 16 inches, meeting the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology included inundation, saturated soil, oxidized root channels, and the FAC-Neutral test. Since all three criteria were met, this area qualifies as a wetland. This wetland is located within the 100 year floodplain of Little Cool Creek, a "waters of the U.S.", and would be considered jurisdictional by the USACE. 20060084 Page 8 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. D D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Upland Data Point A.2 The upland area adjacent to data point A-1 was dominated by Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra, FAC+), catchweed bedstraw (Galium aparine, FACU), swamp butter-cup (FACW+), and common blue violet (Viola papilionacea, FAC), which meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion. Examination of the soil profile using a Munsell color chart revealed a matrix color of 10YR 3/2 to a depth of 16 inches, which does not meet the hydric soil criterion. No evidence of hydrology was present. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as a wetland. Wetland B - (0.48 acre) This wetland community is located in the southwestern portion of the study area and is classified as a forested wetland. The location of the wetland can be found on Figure 7. Wetland Data Point B.1 This sample station was located in the northern portion of the wetland. The dominant vegetation present at this station is silver maple (Acer saccharinum, FACW) , green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica, FACW) , American elm (Ulmus americana, FACW-), catchweed bedstraw (FACU), swamp butter-cup (FACW+), and clustered black snakeroot (Sanicula gregaria, FAC+). The dominant plant species present in this community are hydrophytic, which meets the vegetation criterion. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit within the wetland boundary. Examination of the soil profile within the wetland area revealed a Munsell matrix color of 10YR 3/2 with mottles of 10YR 5/6 from 0 to 16 inches, which meets the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology for this wetland area included sediment deposit, drainage patterns, and the FAC-Neutral test, meeting the hydrology criterion for a wetland. Since all three criteria were met, this area qualifies as a wetland. Potions of this wetland are located within the 100 year floodplain of Little Cool Creek, a "waters of the U.S.", and would be considered jurisdictional by the USACE. Upland Data Point B.2 The upland area adjacent to data point B-1 was dominated by silver maple (FACW), green ash (FACW), American elm (FACW-), catchweed bedstraw (FACU), swamp butter-cup (FACW+), and clustered black snakeroot (FAC+), which meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion. Examination of the soil profile from the upland pit revealed a Munsell soil matrix color of 10YR 3/2 from 0 to 16 inches, which does not meet the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology included drainage patterns and the FAC-Neutral test, which meets the hydrology criterion. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as wetland. 20060084 Page 9 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. D D o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Wetland Data Point 8.3 This sample station was located in the central portion of the wetland. The dominant vegetation present at this station is box-elder (FACW-), silver maple (FACW), green ash (FACW), Canada honewort (FAC), and clustered black snakeroot (FAC+). The dominant plant species present in this community are hydrophytic, which meets the vegetation criterion. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit within the wetland boundary. Examination of the soil profile within the wetland area revealed a Munsell matrix color of 10YR 3/2 with mottles of 10YR 5/6 from 0 to 16 inches, which meets the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology for this wetland area included saturation, drainage patterns, and the FAC-Neutral test, meeting the hydrology criterion for a wetland. Since all three criteria were met, this area qualifies as a wetland. Ie o o o o o o o o o D o D Upland Data Point 8.4 The upland area adjacent to data point B-3 was dominated by silver maple (FACW), American elm (FACW-), catchweed bedstraw (FACU), swamp butter-cup (FACW+), and clustered black snakeroot (FAC+), which meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion. Examination of the soil profile from the upland pit revealed a Munsell soil matrix color of 10YR 3/2 from 0 to 16 inches, which does not meet the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology included drainage patterns and the FAC-Neutral test, which meets the hydrology criterion. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as wetland. Wetland Data Point 8.5 This sample station was located in the eastern portion of the wetland. The dominant vegetation present at this station is box-elder (FACW-), touch-me-not species (Impatiens sp., FAC, and marsh speedwell (Veronica scutellata, OBL). The dominant plant species present in this community are hydrophytic, which meets the vegetation criterion. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit within the wetland boundary. Examination of the soil profile within the wetland area revealed a Munsell matrix color of 10YR 2/1 with mottles of 10YR 3/6 from 0 to 16 inches, which meets the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology for this wetland area included drainage patterns and the FAC-Neutral test, meeting the hydrology criterion for a wetland. Since all three criteria were met, this area qualifies as a wetland. Upland Data Point 8.6 The upland area adjacent to data point B-7 was dominated by sugar maple (FACU), black cherry (FACU), and prairie trillium (Trillium recurvatum, FACU), which does not meet the hydrophytic vegetation criterion. Examination of the soil profile from the upland pit revealed a Munsell soil matrix color of 10YR 3/3 from 0 to 6 inches and a matrix color of 10YR 3/3 with mottles of 10YR 3/6 from 6 to 16 inches, which does not meet the hydric soil criterion. No evidence of hydrology was present. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as wetland. 20060084 Page 10 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Wetland Data Point 8.7 This sample station was located in the southwestern portion of the wetland. The dominant vegetation present at this station is silver maple (FACW), American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis, FACW), false mermaid-weed (Floerkea proserpinacoides, FAC+), and clustered black snakeroot (FAC+). The dominant plant species present in this community are hydrophytic, which meets the vegetation criterion. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit within the wetland boundary. Examination of the soil profile within the wetland area revealed a Munsell matrix color of 10YR 4/2 with mottles of 10YR 5/6 from 0 to 16 inches, which meets the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology for this wetland area included saturation, drainage patterns, and the FAC-Neutral test, meeting the hydrology criterion for a wetland. Since all three criteria were met, this area qualifies as a wetland. Upland Data Point 8.8 The upland area adjacent to data point B-7 was dominated by silver maple (FACW), American sycamore (FACW), clustered black snakeroot (FAC+), and prairie trillium (FACU), which meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion. Examination of the soil profile from the upland pit revealed a Munsell soil matrix color of 10YR 4/2 from 0 to 16 inches, which does not meet the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology included the FAC-Neutral test, a secondary indicator. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as wetland. Wetland Data Point 8.9 This sample station was located in the western portion of the wetland. The dominant vegetation present at this station is box-elder (FACW-), green ash (FACW), American elm (FACW-), poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans, FAC+), and common blue violet (Viola papilionacea, FAG). The dominant plant species present in this community are hydrophytic, which meets the vegetation criterion. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit within the wetland boundary. Examination of the soil profile within the wetland area revealed a Munsell matrix color of 10YR 3/1 from 0 to 16 inches, which meets the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology for this wetland area included sediment deposit, drainage patterns, and the FAC-Neutral test, meeting the hydrology criterion for a wetland. Since all three criteria were met, this area qualifies as a wetland. Upland Data Point 8.10 The upland area adjacent to data point B-5 was dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum, FACU), black cherry (Prunus serotina, FACU), catchweed bedstraw (FACU), and common blue violet (FAC) , which does not meet the hydrophytic vegetation criterion. Examination of the soil profile from the upland pit revealed a Munsell soil matrix color of 10YR 3/2 from 0 to 16 inches, which does not meet the hydric soil criterion. No evidence of hydrology was present. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as wetland. 20060084 Page 11 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 4.2.2 Site Data Stations Other data points were sampled throughout the project site to verify questionable areas or to further characterize the site (Figure 7). Copies of the Data Forms are included in Appendix A. Since all data stations occurred in upland areas, all paired data forms document two upland data stations. DP-1 This data point was located in the west central portion of the site. The dominant vegetation present at this data point was meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis, FACU-), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis, FAC-) , common dandelion (Taraxicum officina/e, FACU), white clover (Trifolium repens, FACU+), and woolly blue violet (Vio/a sororia, FAC-), which does not meet the hydrophytic vegetation criterion requirement for a wetland. No soil pit was excavated. Evidence of hydrology included surface water at a depth of 1 inch caused by recent rains. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as a wetland. DP-2 This data point was located in the central portion of the site. The dominant vegetation present at this data point is sugar maple (FACU), green ash (FACW), garlic mustard (Alliaria petio/ata, FAC), catchweed bedstraw (FACU), and clustered black snakeroot (FAC+), which meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion requirement for a wetland. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit. Examination of the soil profile using a Munsell color chart revealed a matrix color of 10YR 3/2 to a depth of 16 inches, which does not meet the hydric soil criterion. No evidence of hydrology was present. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as a wetland. DP-3 This data point was located in the southeastern portion of the property. The dominant vegetation present at this data point was Ohio buckeye (FAC+), black cherry (FACU), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia, FACU), and prairie trillium (FACU), which does not meet the hydrophytic vegetation criterion requirement for a wetland. The soil profile was inspected by manual excavation of a test pit. Examination of the soil profile using a Munsell color chart revealed a matrix color of 10YR 3/2 to a depth of 16 inches, not meeting the hydric soil criterion. No evidence of hydrology was noted. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as a wetland. DP-4 This data point was located in the south central portion of the property. The dominant vegetation present at this data point was sugar maple (FACU), black cherry (FACU), black locust (FACU), and prairie trillium (FACU), which does not meet the hydrophytic vegetation criterion requirement for a wetland. No soil pit was excavated. No evidence of hydrology was present. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as a wetland. 20060084 Page 12 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o o o o o o o o iD o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 DP-5 This data point was located in the western portion of the property. The dominant vegetation present at this data point is box-elder (FACW-), elderberry (Sambucus canadensis, FACW-), a carex species (Carex sp., UPL-OBL), catchweed bedstraw (FACU), and cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia /aciniata, FACW+), which meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion requirement for a wetland. Examination of the soil profile using a Munsell color chart revealed a matrix color of 10YR 3/2, with mottles of 10YR 5/6 to a depth of 16 inches, meeting the hydric soil criterion. Evidence of hydrology included the FAC- neutral test, a secondary indicator, which does not meet the hydrology criterion. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as a wetland. DP-6 This data point was located in the northern portion of the site. The dominant vegetation present at this data point was Kentucky bluegrass (FACW-), and white clover (FACU+). No soil profile was inspected at this data point. No evidence of hydrology was present. Since all three criteria were not met, this area does not qualify as a wetland. 4.3 Drainage Features, Streams, and Other Potential "Waters of the U.S." Little Cool Creek exhibits an ordinary high water mark and is present within the project boundary. The USACE would consider Little Cool Creek a jurisdictional "waters of the U.S." Little Cool Creek appears to drain more than one (1) square mile. JW Morrow Legal Drain exhibits an ordinary high water mark and is present within the project boundary. This drainage feature may be considered a jurisdictional "waters of the U.S." JW Morrow Legal Drain is considered a regulated open drain by Hamilton County. 5.0 Historical Aerial Analysis A historical aerial review was conducted to determine the time frame of when JW Morrow Legal Drain was constructed. The drainage feature bisects the site from northwest to southeast (Figure 7). JW Morrow Legal Drain was created partially (-280 linear feet) in upland soils - Shoals, and partially (-430 linear feet) in hydric soils - Brookston. The following is a description of the aerial photographs contained in Appendix C: n 1941 - This aerial photograph depicts a faint drainage pattern in the southeast corner of the site. It does not appear to connect to Little Cool Creek. n 1956 - This aerial photograph depicts the same faint drainage pattern in the southeast corner of the site. However it appears that a small ditch was constructed to allow drainage of a small opening in the forested area. The two drainage features do not appear to be connected. n 1962 - This aerial does not reveal either feature identified in the 1941 and 1956 aerial photos. n 1974 - This aerial photograph reveals that the features depicted in the 1941 and the 1956 aerials have been connected and discharges into Little Cool Creek. n 1998 - This aerial clearly identifies the JW Morrow Legal Drain. n 2000 - This aerial clearly identifies the JW Morrow Legal Drain. n 2004 - This aerial clearly identifies the JW Morrow Legal Drain. 20060084 Page 13 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green, Hamilton County, IN April 2006 Fieldwork for the NRCS Hamilton County soil survey was conducted between 1972 and 1975 and information is depicted on a 1972 aerial photograph. The soil survey (Figure 4) does not depict a drainage feature at the current location of JW Morrow Legal Drain. This discrepancy could be construed that the Legal Drain is a man-made feature. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. performed a wetland determination at the study site located southwest of Smokey Row Road and the Monon Trail, Hamilton County, Indiana for evidence of wetlands and other jurisdictional waters. The site is more specifically located in the Carmel USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map in Section 25, Township 18 North, and Range 3 East. The site was inspected on April 15 and 25, 2006. Based on the criteria established by the USACE 1987 manual, two wetlands are located on the 9 acre tract of property. The two wetlands have a cumulative wetland area of 0.56 acres. Wetlands A and B are located within the floodplain of Little Cool Creek and would likely be considered jurisdictional by the USACE. Cumulative impacts to "waters of the U.S." exceeding 0.1 acre but less than 1.0 acre will require a Regional General Permit through the USACE and IDEM. Review for this permit may take up to 120 days after submittal. Impacts that are greater than 1.0 acre would require an Individual Permit, which may take up to 1 year for review. The mitigation ratio for impacts to Wetlands A and B, are 4: 1. Little Cool Creek and JW Morrow Legal Drain exhibit an ordinary high water. Little Cool Creek would be considered a federally jurisdictional "waters of the U.S." and would require permitting by the USACE and IDEM. JW Morrow Legal Drain appears to be a man-made feature constructed in upland and hydric soils. This feature did not appear connected to Little Cool Creek until the 1974 aerial. Furthermore, the legal drain is not depicted on the topographic map. Any cumulative impacts greater than 300 linear feet to these features would require permitting and mitigation, at a ratio of 1:1 linear feet, through the USACE (Section 404) and the IDEM (Section 401). Analysis of the Little Cool Creek watershed should be determined to verify whether or not permitting is required through the IDNR. Little Cool Creek appears to drain more than one (1) square mile; therefore, a Construction in a Floodway permit through the IDNR would be required if any impacts are proposed in the floodway. Floodwaylfloodplain modeling and tree mitigation may be necessary. Analysis of the Little Cool Creek watershed should be determined to verify whether or not permitting is required through the IDNR. Any proposed impacts to JW Morrow Legal Drain would require coordination with the Hamilton County Drainage Board. The Hamilton County Surveyor's office requires a permit for crossing, outletting or working within the easement or floodplain of a regulated drain. In addition, debris and obstructions within Cool Creek must be cleared, stream bank erosion must be repaired, and shrubs and trees within 30 feet of the top of bank must be removed as required by Sec. 36-9-27-17 of the Hamilton County Code of Ordinances. Coordination with the County Surveyor is critical to maintain deadlines and avoid scheduling conflicts. 20060084 Page 14 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wetland Delineation Village Green. Hamilton County, IN April 2006 The Louisville District of the USACE Mitigation Guidelines for the federally jurisdictional wetlands and "waters of the U.S." require stream and wetland characterizations for all drainage features and wetlands proposed to be impacted. The document required for permitting must contain extensive detail of the proposed impact sites, the proposed mitigation sites, and information regarding the construction and monitoring of the mitigation sites. The two wetlands, Little Cool Creek, and JW Morrow Legal Drain would require characterization and the development of the support document if verified as a USACE jurisdictional "waters". It is Williams Creek Consulting, Inc.'s professional opinion that Little Cool Creek and the wetlands on site would be considered jurisdictional by the USACE. The JW Morrow Legal Drain exhibits an ordinary high water mark and mayor may not be considered jurisdictional by the USACE. WCC recommends that this report be verified by the USACE. 20060084 Page 15 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. I..J o o o o o o D- O o o ] Figures 2 ------~------- D ~ ''h'l/ i X~ " ~~ I 0 '0-iW ~ I A~ <::> . }( 0 D D D 0 D D D D D 0 0 D 0 0 ~, N FIGURE 1 Prepared for: 919 N. East Street t USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Drees Homes Indianapolis, Indiana D 46202 (Carmel and Fishers Quadrangles) Tel: 317-423-0690 Village Green Project No. Date: Fax: 317-423-0696 Smokey Rowand Monon Trail WILLIAMS CREEK 1 "::;1200' Hamilton County, Indiana 20060084 April 2006 CONSULTING 0 o o NESi I . ..... i-.. . =.. , :,. . "y' :, : (.; '.' . ..",. . N ;/~ "'-J .. ~/ . ." / l 31 ' Pu,,", Jft~>/ ~ y : \' ~~~;~: ; .....;:. /~:. 0 ~ \!b /' .- ~~- '" "e::.' ~. ____,,4..J;v~... . ---~ <:::'- /"\",, '.~':~ ____ , v.~~.... '.. o o o o o o o o ~ 0:'0' 1 ':1.. '='. ., $" i -J' . .. lr------ PE.MA :1 I Cit ~ Itl, =.. o o . . D \;" r ll\ 'W()\A --;--,-t Ill.. \lUl!IGllq _ 1 . " 56() ~ffO~ o o o () i' i~ ,~ \ PU&fn . ~~ ./...~) \jl I ...0' v \...<3- .......~.. .....~~;.. ""..... ;;: ..::~.. . \ i it " '. .~~- V -Jl:::SJ; ~~~ii~ ........ ...~. '0 ':. o o ""C,=ol~ <~ ~" " Nit 0-.51---- . i 0 o ~, 919 N. East Street N FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Indianapolis, Indiana t NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY Drees Homes 46202 (Carmel and Fishers Quadrangles) Tel: 317-423-0690 Village Green WnLIAMSCREEK Fax: 317-423-0696 Smokey Rowand Monon Trail Project No. Date: COIlSVLDNG 1 '=2000' Hamilton County, Indiana 20060084 April 2006 o CJCJCJLJCJL::Jr=JCJL:JCJCJCJLJ SYSTEM P-PALUSTRINE I I I I I I CLASS RB-ROCK UB-UNCONSOLlDATED AB-AQUATIC BED US-UNCONSOLIDATED ML-MOSS- BOTTOM BOTTOM SHORE LICHEN Subclass 1 Bedrock 1 Cobble-Grawl 1 Algal 1 Cobble-Gravel 1 Moss 2 Rubble 2 Sand 2 Aquatic Moss 2 Sand 2 Uchen 3Mud 3 Rooted Vascular 3Mud 4 Organic 4 Roating Vascular 4 Organic 5 Unknown 5 Vegetated Submergent 6 Unknown Surface WATER REGIME A Temporarily Rooded B Saturated C Seasonally Rooded D Seasonally Roodedl WeU Drained E Seasonslly Floodedl Satul11ted F SemipermanenUy Rooded G IntermilteJiIy Exposed CJ CJ CJ CJ L::J C:J I I I I EM-EMERGENT SS-SCRUB-SHRUB FO-FORESTED OW-OPEN WATERI UNKNOWN BOTTOM 1 Persistent 2 Nonpersistent 1 Broad-leaved Deciduous 2 Needle-Leaved Deciduous 3 Broad-Leaved Evergreen 4 Needle-Leaved Evergreen 5 Dead 6 Dedduous 7 Evergreen 1 Broad-leaved Deciduous 2 Needle -leaved Deciduous 3 Broad-Leaved Evergreen 4 Needle-Leaved Evergreen 5 Dead 6 Deciduous 7 Evergreen MODIFIERS In order to more adequately describe weUand and deepwater habitats one or more of the water regime, water chemistry, soU, or special modifiers may be applied at the class or lower level in the hierarchy. The farmed modifier may also be applied to the ecdogical system. WATER CHEMISTRY Non-Tidal Tidal Coastal Halinity 1 Hyperhaline 2 Euhaline 3 Mxohatine (Brackish) 4 Polyhaline 5 Mesohatine 6 Oligohaline o Fresh 7 Hypersaline 8 Eusaline 9 Mxosaline o Fresh SOIL SPECIAL MODIFIERS Inland Salinity pH Modifiers for All Fresh Water 9 Organic n Mneral b Beaver d Partially DrainedlDitdJed f Farmed h Diked/Impounded r Artificial Substrate s Spoil x Excavated H Permanently Rooded K Artificially Flooded J IJiermittenUy Rooded L Subtidal L Artificially Rooded M Irreguarly Exposed W Intermittently N Regularly Rooded Rooded/Temporary P Irregularly Rooded Y SaturatedlSemipermaneJi/ Seasonal Z I r4ermittently Exposedl Perrnaner4 U Unknown "S T emporary-lidal "R Seasonal-Tidal "T Semipermanent-Tidal V Permanent-Tidal U Unknown * These water regimes are only used in tidally influenced, freslTNater systems. NOTE: Italicized ~ems were added for mapping by National Wetlands Inventory program. 919 North East Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 FIGURE # 3A KEY TO NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY MAP Village Green Smokey Rowand Monon Trail Hamilton County, Indiana a Acid t Circumneutral i Alkaline Prepared for: Drees Homes Project No. Oate: 20060084 April 2006 o o o o o ~ o D D D Q o o D D D o D o Br CrA MmB2 Sh Brookston silty clay loam Crosby silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Miami silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded Shoals silt loam ~, WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING Prepared for: FIGURE 4 HAMILTON COUNTY SOIL SURVEY Sheets #44 and 50 Village Green Smokey Rowand Monon Trail Hamilton County, Indiana N t 919 North East Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 Drees Homes Project No. Date: 20060084 April 2006 1"=1320' o ~ o D o o D D D D D D o o Q D o ~, WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING 919 North East Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 N t FIGURE # 5 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Village Green Smokey Rowand Monon Trail Hamilton County, Indiana Prepared for: D Drees Homes Project No. Date: 1 "- 200' 20060084 April 2006 o D ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ Q ~. Q Q Q D o ~ ~ ~ D ~ "7 :II ~ 0 a: 0 '0 1= ::J u. u. 0 DR ~ Cl. o a: UJ z ::; UJ (!;l ~ a: UJ Z UJ ~ ~ 6TH 5T NW LARK CT ~ t - ~CJ L~tt 081. NW O Dc=J. Jr t~ ~r NW l[ HER~~AGE i D~ r==J c=J[ m N ~~ D8BD[ nr _ JODI Pl ) 3: z ~ Le~end Zone AE: Areas of 100-year flood (shaded) Zone C: Areas of minimal flooding (no shading) ~ ~, N FIGURE # 6 Prepared for: 919 North East Street t FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Drees Homes Indianapolis, IN 46202 (Panel Number 18057C0207F) Tel: 317-423-0690 Village Green Fax: 317-423-0696 Smokey Rowand Monon Trail Project No. Date: WILLIAMS CREEK 1" ""400' Hamilton County, Indiana 20060084 April 2006 CONSmTING LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY.. - DATA ~ POINT LOCATION WETLAND LOCATION D ! /' ~ J . ~ SITE BOUNDARY- --- - .. WILLIAMS CREEK CXiiiiiiLftiiij 9~:~E~~UILDING INDIANAPOLIS T STREET Tel: 317~~~~:46202 Fax: 317-423-0696 I"- .~ CO =t:I: c I- C o c.!:);! W :.;::::i a3g-g "" ro Q) 0 - I.L. c..> (5:2: Z. ::;) 0 Q) oes 3 --.J ~~R 1ft w 0 '-' ~ -0 :== 0:: C _ C > >..8 LL ro ~= _ 0 E ....... E CO ~ U)I REVISIONS zC Il'TE APRIL 2006 SCAlE 1'=80' PROJECT NO. 20060084 DRAWN BY GT owe NAME 20060084FIG6_ 04-27 -06 PREPARED FOR; - Smokey Row RdDWG DREES HOMES ] J ] o o o o o o o o o u o D o o o u Appendix A Wetland Data Forms o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Site: Client: Investigator: Village Greens Drees Homes, LLC JSM. LDR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? A-1 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No A-2 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No Dominant species Acer negundo Cryptotaenia canadensis E/ymus virginicus Ranunculus septentrionalis VEGETATION Stratum Tree Herb Herb Herb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: Indicator FACW- FAC FACW- FACW+ VEGETATION Stratum Shrub Herb Herb Herb Indicator FAC+ FACU FACW+ FAC 75% HYDROLOGY Field Indicators Dominant species Aesculus g/abra Galium aparine Ranunculus septentrionalis Viola papilionacea 100% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: HYDROLOGY 3" Field Indicators Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Primary Indicators X Inundated X Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit _ Drainage Pattems Remarks: Recent Rain Event X X surface surface Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated < 12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit _ Drainage Pattems Remarks: Recent Rain Event none >16" >16" Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Mottles 10YR 5/6 Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. _ Gleyed X Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Sampling Point Within a wetland? Remarks: X Yes X Yes X Yes X Yes No No No No Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? X Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: No X No X No X No o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Site: Village Greens Date: 4/15 & 25/06 Client: Drees Homes, LLC County: Hamilton Investigator: JSM, LOR State: Indiana Data Station # B-1 Data Station # B-2 Normal Circumstance? Yes/No Yes Normal Circumstance? Yes/No Yes Significantly Disturbed? Yes/No No Significantly Disturbed? Yes/No No Potential Problem Area? Yes/No No Potential Problem area? Yes/No No VEGETATiON VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Indicator Dominant species Stratum Indicator 1. Acer saccharinum Tree FACW 1. Acer saccharinum Tree FACW 2. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Tree FACW 2. Fraxinus pennsy/vanica Tree FACW 3. Ulmus americana Tree FACW- 3. Ulmus americana Tree FACW- 4. Galium aparine Herb FACU 4. Galium aparine Herb FACU 5. Ranuncu/us septentrionalis Herb FACW+ 5. Ranunculus septentrionalis Herb FACW+ 6. Sanicula gregaria Herb FAC+ 6. Sanicula gregaria Herb FAC+ 7. 7. 8. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) 83% Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) 83% Remarks: Remarks: Field Indicators HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Field Indicators none >16" none >16" >16" >16" Primary Indicators Inundated Satu rated < 12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit ~ Drainage Patterns Remarks: Recent Rain Event x Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks ~ Sediment Deposit ~ Drainage Patterns Remarks: Recent Rain Event x Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam Mottles 10YR 5/6 HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. _ Gleyed X Low Chroma Remarks: Wetland Determination Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? ~ Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: No No X No X No Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Sampling Point Within a wetland? Remarks: X Yes X Yes X Yes X Yes No No No No 1 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o IU Site: Client: Investigator: Village Green Drees Homes, LLC JSM, LDR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? B-3 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No B-4 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: Dominant species Ace, negundo Ace, saccharinum Fraxinus pennsylvanica Cryptotaenia canadensis Sanicula gregaria VEGETATION Stratum Tree Tree Tree Herb Herb Indicator FACW- FACW FACW FAC FAC+ VEGETATION Stratum Tree Tree Herb Herb Herb Indicator FACW FACW- FACU FACW+ FAC+ 80% Field Indicators Dominant species Ace, saccharinum Ulmus americana Galium aparine Ranunculus septentrionalis Sanicula gregaria 100% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Primary Indicators Inundated X Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit X ~ Drainage Pattems _ Remarks: Recent Rain Event None 4" Field Indicators none >16" >16" Solis Shoals silt loam (Sh) Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 4/2 4" Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit ~ Drainage Pattems Remarks: Recent Rain Event X Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silt loam Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. 10YR 5/6 silt loam Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed x Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenVSandy Soils Organic StreakinglSandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenVSandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Sampling Point Within a wetland? Remarks: X Yes X Yes X Yes X Yes No No No No Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? 2S... Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: No No X No X No o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Site: Client: Investigator: Village Greens Drees Homes, LLC JSM, LOR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? B-5 Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana B-6 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No Dominant species Acer negundo Impatiens sp Veronica scutellata VEGETATION Stratum Shrub Herb Herb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBl, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBl, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: Indicator FACW- FACW OBl Dominant species Acer saccharum Prunus serotina Trillium recurvatum VEGETATION Stratum Tree Shrub Herb Indicator FACU FACU FACU 0% Field Indicators HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained leaves local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated < 12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit --25- Drainage Pattems Remarks: Recent Rain Event x x HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained leaves local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) none >16" >16" Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 211 Soils Brookston silty clay loam (Br) Mottles 10YR 3/6 Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam 100% none >16" >16" Field Indicators Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated < 12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit Drainage Patterns Rerii"arks: Recent Rain Eve~ Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-6" 10YR 3/3 6-16" 10YR 3/3 Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed X low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOil INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenVSandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils local Hydric Soils list National Hydric Soils list Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOil INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenVSandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils local Hydric Soils list National Hydric Soils list Other (Explain in Remarks) Soils Brookston silty clay loam (Br) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam 10YR 3/6 silty clay loam Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Sampling Point Within a wetland? Remarks: X Yes X Yes X Yes X Yes No No No No Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: X No X No X No X No o o o o o o o o o o o o 10 10 o o o o o Site: Client: Investigator: Village Greens Drees Homes, LLC JSM,LDR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? B-7 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana B-8 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No Dominant species Acer saccharinum Platanus occidentalis Floerkea proserpinacoides Sanicula gregaria VEGETATION Stratum Tree Tree Herb Herb Indicator FACW FACW FAC+ FAC+ VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Acer saccharinum Tree Platanus occidentalis Tree Sanicu/a gregaria Herb Trillium recUlvatum Herb Indicator FACW FACW FAC+ FACU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: None Field Indicators 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: 4" 4" 100% Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 4/2 x Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Texture, Structure, etc. silt loam 75% Field Indicators HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) None Primary Indicators Inundated Satu rated < 12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit X _ Drainage Patterns _ Remarks: Recent Rain Event Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 4/2 Mottles 10YR 5/6 Primary Indicators Inundated X Saturated <12" Water Marks _ Sediment Deposit ~ Drainage Patterns Remarks: Recent Rain Event Wetland Determination Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. _ Gleyed X Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: No Soil Pit Excaviiied HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silt loam Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Sampling Point Within a wetland? Remarks: X Yes X Yes X Yes X Yes No No No No Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? X Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: No X No X No X No o o o o o o o o o o '0 o o o o o o o o Site: Client: Investigator: Village Greens Drees Homes, LLC JSM, LDR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? B-9 Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana B-10 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No VEGETATION Stratum Tree Tree Tree Vine Herb Dominant species Acer negundo Fraxinus pennsy/vanica Ulmus americana Toxicodendron radicans Viola papilionacea 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC{excl. FAC-) Remarks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OSL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: Indicator FACW- FACW FACW- FAC+ FAC Dominant species Acer saccharum Prunus serofina Galium aparine Viola papilionacea VEGETATION Stratum Tree Shrub Herb Herb Indicator FACU FACU FACU FAC 25% Field Indicators 100% HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated < 12" Water Marks ~ Sediment Deposit ~ Drainage Patterns Remarks: Recent Rain Event x none >16" >16" Field Indicators none >16" >16" Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/1 Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated < 12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit _ Drainage Patterns _ Remarks: Recent Rain Event Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed ---x- low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenVSandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOil INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenVSandy Soils Organic StreakinglSandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Sampling Point Within a wetland? Remarks: X Yes X Yes X Yes X Yes No No No No Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: X No X No X No X No o o o o Site: Client: Investigator: Village Greens Drees Homes, LLC JSM, LDR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana DP-1 DP-2 Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No o o o VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Festuca pratensis Herb Poa p,atensis Herb Taraxicum officinale Herb Trifolium repens Herb Viola sororia Herb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Indicator FACU- FAC- FACU FACU+ FAC- VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Ace, saccharum Tree F,axinus pennsylvanica Tree Alliaria petio/ata Herb Sanicu/a gregaria Herb Galium aparine Herb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OSL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: 0% Indicator FACU FACW FAC FAC+ FACU 60% o o o 1" Field Indicators HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit _ Drainage Patterns _ Remarks: Recent Rain Event none >16" >16" o o o o o HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-6" 10YR 3/2 Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silty clay loam Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: No pit excavted HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: No pit excavted HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: Field Indicators Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit Drainage Patterns Remarks: Recent Rain Event Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix Solis Shoals silt loam (Sh) o o X No No No X No Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? X Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: No X No X No X No o o l 10 o o o Site: Client: Investigator: Village Green Drees Homes, LLC JSM, LOR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana DP-3 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No DP-4 Indicator FAC+ FACU FACU FACU VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Acer saccharum Tree Prunus seratina Tree Robinia pseudoacacia Tree F/oerkea praserpinacoides Herb Trillium recuNatum Herb Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No o o o VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Aesculus glabra Tree Prunus seratina Tree Robinia pseudoacacia Tree Trillium recuNatum Herb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: Indicator FACU FACU FACU FAC+ FACU 20% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OBL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: o Field Indicators 25% HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit _ Drainage Patterns _ Remarks: Recent Rain Event o o none >16" >16" Field Indicators none >16" >16" o o o o o Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Soils Brookston silty clay loam (Br) Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit Drainage Patterns Remarks: Recent Rain Event Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix Soils Brookston silty clay loam (Br) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. silt loam Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. X No X No X No X No Wetland Detennination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: o Wetland Detennlnatlon Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma Remarks: No soil pit excavated HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic Content/Sandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) ,iO X No X No No X No o o 10 o o o Site: Client: Investigator: Village Greens Drees Homes, LLC JSM, LDR Yes No No Date: County: State: Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem area? 4/15 & 25/06 Hamilton Indiana DP-6 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes No No o o o DP-5 Data Station # Normal Circumstance? Significantly Disturbed? Potential Problem Area? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Poa pratensis Herb Trifo/ium repens Herb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OSL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: Indicator FACW- FACW- UPL-OSL FACU FACW+ 60-80% Indicator FAC- FACU+ VEGETATION Dominant species Stratum Acer negundo Tree Sambucus canadensis Shrub Carex sp. Herb Galium aparine Herb Rudbeckia /aciniata Herb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Percent Species OSL, FACW, FAC(excl. FAC-) Remarks: 0% o o o HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDROLOGY Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water: Depth to Saturated Soil: Secondary Indicators Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) None >16" >16" Field Indicators Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit _ Drainage Patterns _ Remarks: No soil pit excavated None >16" >16" o o o o o Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix Map Unit Name: Profile Description: Depth Matrix 0-16" 10YR 3/2 Solis Shoals silt loam (Sh) Soils Shoals silt loam (Sh) Mottles Texture, Structure, etc. Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. Gleyed Low Chroma - - Remarks: No Soil Pit Excavated Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Reg. _ Gleyed X Low Chroma Remarks: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenUSandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Concretions Organic ContenUSandy Soils Organic Streaking/Sandy Soils Local Hydric Soils List National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Detennination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? X Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? X Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: Mottles 10YR 5/6 Texture, Structure, etc. silt loam Field Indicators Primary Indicators Inundated Saturated <12" Water Marks Sediment Deposit _ Drainage Patterns Remarks: Recent Rain Event X o o No X No No X No Wetland Detennination Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Sampling Point Within a wetland? Yes Remarks: X No X No No X No o o o o o o o o o o D o o o o o o o o D D Appendix B W;;~"'i;''''J:;'';Cif<t:t..;:.,4V'4 '.,','/ ~#PI<1fI!Ie'Wli'llil!il,t#$$%''*'~~' Site Photographs D D D D ~ a D D a Q ~ D D o D a D D ~ Photo Point 1: Wetland A View: Looking.Northwest .' ,~' -;'~~~j( ~~\~, :c ~ V' Photo Point 2: Wetland B View: Looking Southeast . "V,,~. \, . o D o D ~ ~ D D ~ ~ o o ~ ~ Q a u o o Photo Point 3: Wetland B View: Lookin East Photo Point 4: Wetland B View: Lookin South D D Q D o o D o D o D o o o ~ o o Q o Photo Point 5: Wetland B View: Lookin South . Photo Point 6: Wetland B View: Looking South D D a D D D o Q ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ o o Photo Point 7: Typical Upland View: Looking West Photo Point 8: Little Cool Creek View: Lookin North r.!;j. \ " . \: " -,._~~~~:Y;:-;' o o D o o o o ~ ~ o o D D Q o D D D o Photo Point 9: JW Morrow Legal Drain View: Northwest Photo Point 10: JW Morrow Legal Drain Culvert View: Northwest o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o D o Appendix C . ~~'i:'i;;:i_~'.#"':$:i.,*H"I--;~..f;'~'N'';"'' Historical Aerial Photographs o o o o o o o o o o D o o D o o D ~, WnLIAMSCREEK cmlSUL11IfG Drees Homes o 919 North East Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 N t HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 1941 Village Green Smokey Row Road and Monon Trail Hamilton County, Indiana Prepared for: Project No. Date: 1''"'600' 20060084 April 2006 D 10 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~, WIllIAMS (REEK CONSUI.'I1NG 919 North East Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Tel: 317423-0690 Fax: 317423-0696 N t HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 1956 & 1962 Village Green Smokey Row Road and Monon Trail Hamilton County, Indiana Prepared for: Drees Homes Project No. Date: 1"=600' 20060084 April 2006 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~, N HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Prepared for 919 North East Street t 1974 & 1998 Drees Homes Indianapolis, IN 46202 Village Green Tel: 317-423-0690 Smokey Row Road and Monon Trail Project No. Date: WnLIAMSCREEK Fax: 317-423-0696 Hamilton County, Indiana COIl5VLnNG 1'::::: 300' 20060084 April 2006 D D o "0 D D a D Q D Q D ~ ~ o a D ~, WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING Drees Homes o 919 North East Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 N t HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 2000 & 2004 Village Green Smokey Row Road and Monon Trail Hamilton County, Indiana Prepared for: Project No. Date: 1"0:: 300' 20060084 April 2006 D