HomeMy WebLinkAboutSign DesignThis is the sign design. It will be placed in the small landscaped area facing east. The sign meets all requirements including being surrounded by the appropriate square footage and ";ed-into" the landscaped area. Colors will be chosen to compliment the new paint colors. We have received a Construc;on Design Release from the State. ª4*(/$3"'5*/%6453*&4"--3*()543&4&37&%t$03103"5*0/%3t*/%*"/"10-*4 */%*"/"tt4*(/$3"'5*/%$0. 4)&&5 $0-0341&$*'*$"5*0/4%&4*(/&34$*3&11&3.*5*/'03."5*0/ %"5&'*/"-%"5&#:3&7*4*0/%"5& /05&5)&3&8*--#&$0-037"3*"5*0/4'30.5)*413*/5&%%3"8*/(505)&'*/"-130%6$5$0-034 41&$*'*&%8*--"-8":4#&."5$)&%"4$-04&-:"41044*#-&3&/%&3*/(*4#"4&%0/&45*."5&% %*.&/4*0/4"'*/"-4637&:.":"-5&3*--6453"5&%3&13&4&/5"5*0/"/%1-"$&.&/5 *'*--6.*/"5&%8*--#&8*3&%5070-56/-&4405)&38*4&41&$*'*&%5)*44*(/*4*/5&/%&%50#& */45"--&%*/"$$03%"/$&8*5)5)&3&26*3&.&/540'"35*$-&0'5)&/"5*0/"-&-&$53*$"-$0%& "/%0305)&3"11-*$"#-&-0$"-$0%&45)*4*/$-6%&41301&3(306/%*/("/%#0/%*/(0'5)&4*(/ $"3.&-4"-5$"7&441"t/$0--&(&"7& $"3.&- */ /,  ,# "354$"-&ww "' #( $) %* &- 5"--."9t42'5."9 3&/%&3*/(´´´´´'"#3*$"5&"/%*/45"--25:%41045"/%1"/&-)"/(*/(4*(/ 1045#3"$,&5 1045"-6.*/6.1045 4,6".9 #3"$,&513&.*6.44$30--4-*107&34*(/#3"$,&5 4,6#4044# */45"--"5*0/4*(/'"$&.06/5&%50#3"$,&58*5)&:&)00,4#-"$,$)"*/ 1045%*3&$5#63*&%*/(3"%& 1"/&- '"$&w8)*5&17$1"*/5&%50."5$)41&$4 7*/:-."5$)41&$4 1.4#-6&5#% 03"$"-8)*5& " # ELECTRONICALLY FILE YOUR PROJECT WITH STATE OF INDIANA at http://www.in.gov/dhs/2650.htm . This on-line filing is through a secure site, you can use it to submit your project information, pay the fees and upload your project plans. Use Internet Browser to View this report, other browsers are not compatible to view this report CONSTRUCTION DESIGN RELEASE State Form 41191 (R9/5-98) Project number Release date Construction type Occupancy classification Scope of release Type of release Project name Street address City County To: Owner / Architect / Engineer Indiana Department of Homeland Security DIVISION OF FIRE & BUILDING SAFETY PLAN REVIEW DIVISION 402 W. Washington St., Room E245 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Fax & e-mail: SUPPORT HOOSIER SAFETY Available At Your Local Licence Branch 5023454147, Richard@clayborngroup.com