HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-13-Park-Board-Meetng-MinutesCarmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 6:00 p.m. John W. Hensel Government Center 10701 North College Avenue Carmel, Indiana 46280 Member(s) Present: James Garretson, Kristin Kouka, Jenn Kristunas, Linus Rude, Rich Taylor, Mark Westermeier, Lin Zheng Member(s) Absent: Carrie Holle, Joshua Kirsh Others Present: Michael Klitzing, Department Director/CEO; Kurtis Baumgartner, Department Assistant Director/COO; Eric Mehl, Administration & Planning Director; Doug Kowalski, Park Board Legal Counsel Roll Call; Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Board President Taylor welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked Mr. Rude to call the role. Mr. Rude announced there was a quorum. Board President Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Public Comments There were no public comments. Staff Reports Assistant Director Baumgartner stated Staff Reports were included in the Park Board packet. Finance Committee Ms. Zheng stated that the Finance Committee will meet next month (July) on the annual budget. Minutes May 9, 2023 Park Board Meeting Mr. Rude made a motion to approve the minutes of the Park Board Meeting dated May 9, 2023, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and unanimously passed 7 – 0. Financial Reports Consolidated Financial Report for April 2023; CCPR P&L Statements for May 2023 Ms. Zheng made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the Consolidated Financial Report for April 2023 and to acknowledge receipt of the P&L Statements for May 2023, seconded by Ms. Kristunas. Ms. Kristunas commended staff on the great job of increasing ESE’s numbers compared to last year. Board President Taylor called for the vote and the motion was unanimously passed 7 – 0. Claims Claim Sheet June 13, 2023; Clay Township Claim Sheet June 13, 2023; CCPR Payroll for May 5, 2023 and May 19, 2023 Ms. Zheng made a motion to approve the Claim Sheet dated June 13, 2023; and to approve the Clay Township Claim Sheet dated June 13, 2023; and to approve the Payroll and Liabilities for payroll dates May 5, 2023 and May 19, 2023. The motion was seconded by Ms. Kristunas and unanimously passed 7 – 0. DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BB155A6-54B9-4298-A54D-736BA7181EEE Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday, June 13, 2023 John W. Hensel Government Center Page 2 Monetary Gifts, Grants, Partnerships, and Sponsorships for May 2023 Mr. Mehl reported two donations were received in May: $100 from an anonymous donor for Employee Appreciation; and $2,000 from Stephen Furry for the Central Dog Park. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to accept the donations as presented, seconded by Ms. Zheng, and unanimously passed 7 – 0. Board President Taylor thanked Mr. Furry for his contribution. New Business Consideration of Draft Easement Agreement with Conner Prairie Properties, LLC for the White River Greenway North Extension Director Klitzing provided background on the White River Greenway North Extension and the proposed agreement with Conner Prairie. A lengthy discussion followed. It was highly recommended that Board Members attend Plan Commission meetings or address their respective City Councilor on specific questions related to Conner Prairie’s proposed development. Mr. Garretson made a motion to authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to negotiate and sign the Easement for Access, Construction, Maintenance, and Use of Multi-Use Path and Access Agreement with Conner Prairie Properties, LLC, with the prior consultant and consent of the Park Board President and legal counsel, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and unanimously passed 7 – 0. Consideration of Resolution G-2023-004 Adopting the Carmel Chinese Garden Master Plan Director Klitzing presented details about the proposed Carmel Chinese Garden Master Plan using illustrations through PowerPoint. There was significant public input, including strong support from the Chinese community. He continued by stating that the Department does not have dedicated funding for this project, but will ask the City to consider funding of phase one in the 2024 budget. Discussion followed regarding parking and event scheduling. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve Resolution G-2023-004, seconded by Ms. Zheng. Board President Taylor stated some input from the Chinese community indicated they preferred a larger garden in a different location. Director Klitzing said if other opportunities arise, the Department is not precluded from considering alternate locations. Board President Taylor called for the vote, and the motion was unanimously passed 7 – 0. Old Business Replacement of the Existing Culvert (Structure #12) over Carmel Creek Consideration and Ratification of White Construction, LLC Change Order No. 001, No. 002, No. 003, No. 005, No. 006, and No. 007 Assistant Director Baumgartner presented an in-depth overview of the project including the necessary change orders. Before and after pictures were provided through a PowerPoint presentation. Assistant Director Baumgartner cited Indiana Code that states a change order issued as a result of circumstances that could not have been reasonability foreseen does not increase the scope of the project, which included the unforeseen conflicts presented by the AT&T fiber transmission line. DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BB155A6-54B9-4298-A54D-736BA7181EEE Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday, June 13, 2023 John W. Hensel Government Center Page 3 A lengthy discussion followed regarding the overall project and dealing with utilities. Ms. Kristunas stated the culvert and trail look very nicely done. Ms. Kristunas made a motion that the Park Board ratify Assistant Director Baumgartner’s approval of Change Order No. 001 for the Replacement of the Existing Culvert (Structure #12) over Carmel Creek project, as presented; and with regard to Change Orders No. 002, No. 003, No. 005, and No. 006, motion that the Park Board ratify Assistant Director Baumgartner’s actions, and accordingly find that work identified to be accomplished for a contract price increase, was not reasonably foreseeable; and motion that the Park Board approve Change Order No. 007 for material overruns and accordingly find that the work identified to be accomplished for a contract price increase, was not reasonably foreseeable. The motion was seconded by Ms. Zheng. Ms. Zheng voiced concern that all change orders were presented to the Board at one time. More discussion followed on timely reporting of change orders. After further discussion, Board President Taylor called for the vote, and the motions were passed 6 – 0 with 1 abstention (Mr. Garretson). Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract Consideration of Ameresco Change Order No. 001 Assistant Director Baumgartner explained that the Department had entered into an Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract with Ameresco to identify energy saving solutions including mechanical and infrastructure systems that are nearing end of life. While working on the HVAC system within the Monon Community Center, Ameresco discovered that the airflow measuring stations (AFMS) were not functioning correctly due to an excessive amount of grease. Discussion followed. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve the Ameresco Change Order No. 001 for the Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract project as presented, seconded by Mr. Rude, and unanimously passed 7 – 0. Central Park Connector Trail Ratification of Baumgartner Asphalt Change Order No. 001 Assistant Director Baumgartner spoke about the necessity of the proposed change order. After testing the trail, it was determined that additional undercutting and geo-grid were needed in order to stabilize the trail prior to paving. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to ratify Assistant Director Baumgartner’s actions with regard to Change Order No. 001 and accordingly find that work identified to be accomplished for a contract price increase was not reasonably foreseeable, seconded by Mr. Rude. Mr. Kowalski interjected that although Assistant Director Baumgartner and Baumgartner Asphalt have the same name, there is no conflict of interest. Board President Taylor called for the vote, and the motion was unanimously passed 7 – 0. Attorney’s Report Mr. Kowalski stated there was no update on outstanding litigation, waiting on a response from ICRC. The contract has been sent out to Luckey Climber for the Monon play center (Monon Community Center Indoor Playground). DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BB155A6-54B9-4298-A54D-736BA7181EEE Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday, June 13, 2023 John W. Hensel Government Center Page 4 Director’s Report Director Klitzing said his Director’s Report was emailed to the Park Board members earlier in the day, and copies were provided at the meeting. Throughout the Director’s Report, Director Klitzing shared various illustrations (via PowerPoint). Director Klitzing highlighted the 10 recently installed cabanas at The Waterpark. These cabanas are popular as they are close to the Kiddie Pool. In the first eight days of operation, the cabanas have generated $7,000. At this pace, the payoff projection is between four to five years. Director Klitzing stated that PROS Consulting continues to make progress on development of the new Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Current work topics are community input, asset conditions assessment, and core services assessment. A wide variety of focus groups with different constituencies have contributed to the community input. The statistically valid survey should be wrapped up by the end of the month, at which time, the survey will be available online for anyone to complete. In the past, results of the online survey very much mirror the statistically valid survey, which is a nice validation of this component. Director Klitzing continued his presentation while pointing out areas within the 2018 – 2022 Residential Permits Issued, a mechanism by which establishes the source for the Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation impact fees for the Zone Improvement Plan. He provided data gleaned from various heat maps showing geographical locations of those interested in another dog park; Monon Community Center members; students enrolled in the before and after school program; playgrounds; and future senior populations. Another valuable resource of information is coming from Placer.ai, a third-party contractor with software that gleans data from cell phones of those visiting the parks. Director Klitzing announced that he will be going to the City Council for two special appropriations. One is to reallocate unused 2020 funds, previously earmarked for AT&T, for enhancement of the Monon Boulevard Spray Plaza. The second is to establish a procedure to use funds for the White River Greenway North Extension that will be reimbursed by the READI grant. Information Items School Board Ms. Kouka stated she had nothing to report. Plan Commission There was no report. Parks Foundation Director Klitzing announced that the Foundation met with Kari Berger, our new Resource Development Coordinator. She will be introduced at a subsequent Park Board Meeting. Board President Taylor suggested that Ms. Berger attend OneZone events. DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BB155A6-54B9-4298-A54D-736BA7181EEE Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday, June 13, 2023 John W. Hensel Government Center Page 5 Park Board Comments / Discussion Mr. Rude addressed Assistant Director Baumgartner and said that culvert 12 (Monon Structure #12), although a lengthy project, resulted in a positive outcome. Assistant Director Baumgartner thanked Mr. Rude for his comments. Adjournment Ms. Kristunas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Rude. As there were no objections, Board President Taylor adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Approved, Signature Date Signature Date Meetings of the Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation are recorded and may be viewed at https://vimeo.com/channels/parkboardmeetings or see the archive of meeting recordings at https://www.carmelclayparks.com/about-us/park-board/. DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BB155A6-54B9-4298-A54D-736BA7181EEE 7/12/2023 7/17/2023