HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondencePlan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 1 1 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 8/25/23 3:12 PM Changemark details I have attached the city standard details for each category on this sheet for your use to the correspondence folder. L110 LANDSCAPE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:05 AM We have incorporated these details into the plans ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:34 AM noted and recieved Resolved 2 1 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 8/25/23 3:19 PM Changemark PUD 4.4.C.2 Please show 3 shade trees (or 5 ornamental trees or 5 evergreens) and 15 shrubs per 100 linear feet along 96th St. This planting strip should be at least 10 feet wide. L102 LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:34 AM These trees have been added Resolved 3 1 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 8/25/23 3:43 PM Changemark existing landscaping Please expand this site plan to the east to show the entire parcel. I have uploaded the existing landscape plans for this site to the correspondence folder for review and landscaping. Please replace and update the landscaping to the entire site as approved in 1994. I am available for any questions. This landscaping will need to be installed per the plans site-wide for any certificate of occupancies or further approvals. I would recommend replacing ash trees, with oaks, hybrid elms or hackberry. I recommend replacing any Austrian pines with Norway spruce and any pear trees with Japanese tree lilacs. I available for any other substitution questions. L100 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:06 AM We have added a tree preservation plan per the requirements of this comment and call out new trees as necessary to meet intent of original plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:35 AM This process is still being completed. We will provided updated plans for Commercial committee meeting Resolved 4 1 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 8/25/23 3:54 PM Changemark 5 trees to save I don't see these on the L100 sheet as being saved. Please review these 5 trees and any others so that the demo sheets match the landscape plans sheets with existing trees to be saved. C112 DEMOLITION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:10 AM Tree preservation and removal has been updated and demo and tree pres plan are coordinated ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:56 AM This will be updated once the final tree inventory is complete Resolved REVIEW COMMENTS Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 5 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 8/28/23 3:27 PM Changemark Docket number Please add the Docket Number to the title sheet. PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend/ADLS Amend. C001 TITLE SHEET.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:24 AM Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:35 AM Docket number has been added to title sheet Resolved 6 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 8/28/23 3:27 PM Changemark Missing info Please fill in this info as it is calculated. C001 TITLE SHEET.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/17/24 11:23 AM Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:12 AM Apologies, the coverage ratio has been added to the title sheet ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:41 AM We are looking for the existing coverage percent. It was provided on the Overall Site plan, please add it to this page as well. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:35 AM This data has been filled in Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 7 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 8/28/23 3:41 PM Changemark Tree saving and removal Would it be possible to update this aerial to show the trees that will be removed and saved? Overlay Development Plan Aerial.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 2/29/24 3:26 PM Thank you for the updates. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:14 AM sorry for confusion. We have added all proposed trees, replaced trees, and trees to remain to the exhibit. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/24/24 2:29 PM Which exhibit should I look at to see this updated info? Was it uploaded into Pdox? ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:14 AM Trees from Landscape plan and tree preservation plan have been coordinated with PC Exhibits ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:26 AM Ok, thank you. Do you have a date when that will be completed? ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:54 AM This will be updated once the final tree inventory is complete Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 8 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 8/28/23 3:41 PM Changemark Tree protection fencing Please provide an updated demo plan that shows tree protection fencing around the trees that will be saved. C111 DEMOLITION PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 2/29/24 3:24 PM Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:14 AM Demo and tree preservation plan have been coordinated. We have added TPF blocks to all trees to be protect. TPF details are located on landscape sheets ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/18/24 2:32 PM I did not see tree preservation fencing called out on the plan. There were words denoting save or remove, but no actual protective fencing. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:15 AM This is now added into the new Tree Preservation Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:41 AM Ok, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:54 AM This will be updated once the final tree inventory is complete Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 9 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 8/28/23 3:41 PM Changemark Tree removal Please tell me why this tree needs to be removed. C111 DEMOLITION PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 2/29/24 12:19 PM Ok, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:33 AM Please refer to C300 and C400 series. We have a storm sewre that needs to be relocated. Tree cannot be protect and relocate storm. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/18/24 1:10 PM Thanks for the additional info, but the plans do not show a paved area here. Please be sure to update the plans to show all exterior improvements. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:15 AM The facility will be installing a paved outdoor therapy area that will need to be accessible ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:41 AM Ok, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:55 AM This will be updated once the final tree inventory is complete Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 10 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 8/28/23 3:45 PM Changemark Dead tree? Is this tree dead, but you plan to save it? Please clarify. C112 DEMOLITION PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/17/24 11:24 AM Ok, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:17 AM No proposed tree removal or protection is included on western parcel ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:41 AM Ok, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:55 AM This will be updated once the final tree inventory is complete Resolved 11 1 TriCo Regional Sewer Utility Ryan Hartman 8/29/23 2:00 PM Comment Please located and mark existing lateral dedicated to this facility on the plan sheets. Lateral may need to be televised to ensure integrity. Also TriCo will ask to see MEP plans for a final review. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:25 AM The existing line runs under an existing structure and therefore cannot be located in entirety. We are showing the full extent located via survey and private utility locate. No proposed work is associated with existing lateral ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:56 AM This has been labeled on the plans Resolved 12 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 9/1/23 1:50 PM Library Comment Please show how rooftop equipment will be screened from view, if applicable Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 12:25 PM Thank you for clarifying. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:55 AM the roof top equipment consists of a combination of existing equipment and new equipment that replaces existing equipment in kind. This equipment is located on the flat roof portion of the building and is shielded from view by the taller, sloped roofs of the indoor tennis courts Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 13 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 9/1/23 1:50 PM Library Comment Please provide architectural elevations of the proposed dumpster enclosure. They must be architecturally compatible with the primary building. Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/18/24 1:14 PM Thank you. I will upload it into PDox for you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:25 AM These we re provided for the 1/02 Commercial committee meeting ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:42 AM Ok. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:55 AM These will be provided at the committee submittal Resolved 14 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 9/1/23 3:02 PM Changemark Parcel coverage percent Please add the parcel coverage percentage to the Site Data Table. (Max allowed is 70%) C200 OVERALL SITE PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:40 AM Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:36 AM % coverage added to table Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 15 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 9/1/23 3:02 PM Changemark Existing parking areas Do you consider the existing parking areas that will only be milled and resurfaced as not part of this project? I ask only because of the parking counts in the Site Data Table. Could you add that number of spaces to the table just for reference? C200 OVERALL SITE PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 2/29/24 11:06 AM Thank you for updating the plans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM We have added a striping plan to sheet set with total parking counts for new spots and existing spots restriped. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/24/24 2:19 PM Ok, I will wait for the next drawing to be updated with the counts. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:38 PM We're still working internally on this ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 12:31 PM Ok, thanks for explaining. Can you also add something to the Site Data Table that states the parking counts on the Overall site plan are Driven's parking counts. All other mill and re-surface areas not included in Driven project. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:36 AM We are not providing a striping plan for the mill and resurface areas so we do not consider this to be part of the "development". However, the site contractor will perform both scopes (Driven site and mill & resurface) under one contract. Resolved 16 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 9/1/23 3:02 PM Changemark Barrier? Will there be any kind of barrier at the end of this driveway to prevent cars from driving into the grass? C200 OVERALL SITE PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:35 AM Ok, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:36 AM The site entrance has been revised. Vehicles heading westerly is unlikely Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 17 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 9/1/23 3:02 PM Changemark Building lights Will there be any new lights added to the building facade? SL100 SITE LIGHTING PLAN.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 1/18/24 1:15 PM After discussions, the only added building lighting will be under the entry canopy. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:26 AM Building lighting has been added to the packet. Our photometric plan is only for site lighting. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/4/23 11:59 AM I looked at the architectural plans and did not see any, I am just asking the question to make sure it wasn't missed to be added to any drawings. Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:37 AM Please refer to architectural plans Resolved 18 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 9/1/23 3:10 PM Comment Don't forget to name your files the same as original uploaded version. The system will version it for you. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:56 AM We have named files appropriately and versioned in the folder Info Only 19 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please provide the sites total disturbance on the cover sheet. Currently it is listed as plus/minus XX acres. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 11:34 AM This has been added to the title sheet ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:52 AM This has been added to the plans Resolved 20 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please provide the anticipated start construction date in a comment letter or project summary Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:52 AM This was provided by Mark Leach in a submittal dated 11/30 Resolved 21 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please provide the City's paving policy in the set Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:53 AM This has been added to the set Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 22 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please provide the City's curbing policy in the set Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:53 AM This has been added to the set Resolved 23 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please verify that there are no direct discharge areas Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:53 AM No on site areas directly discharge into public storm sewers Resolved 24 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please verify that all elevations are North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD) Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:53 AM Confirmed Resolved 25 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please verify that the horizontal datum of topgraphic map is Indiana State Plane Coordinates, NAD83 Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:53 AM No horizontal datum is associated with the plans Resolved 26 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please verify that the locations of existing utilities with top of curb and invert elevations, pipe sizes, and direction are shown Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:54 AM All existing utilities are shown and labeled as appropriate to the maximum extent possible Resolved 27 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please verify that all existing culverts, pipes, and bridges on existing drives or under the roadway are shown indicating size, type, and invert elevations Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:54 AM All existing utilities are shown and labeled as appropriate to the maximum extent possible Resolved 28 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/7/23 3:05 PM Library Comment Please verify that the locations of all existing electrical power vaults, transformers, power lines, gas lines, television cable , and telephone lines are shown Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:54 AM All existing utilities are shown and labeled as appropriate to the maximum extent possible Resolved 29 1 Fire Carmel Fire 9/8/23 9:03 AM Comment All renovations shall comply with the Indiana Fire and Building Code. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 30 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/12/23 3:03 PM Changemark Please clarify why there are two FFEs provided An FFE of 814 is below the proposed MLAG and MFPG which is not acceptable per Chapter 104.02 of the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. A waiver will need to be requested if this is the elevation you are proposing. C320 EMERGENCY FLOOD ROUTING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:37 PM We are submitting the waiver for the next BPW meeting ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:31 AM Please have the waiver request letter provided with the next submittal as well as emailed to Caleb Warner in our office (cwarner@carmel.in.gov). ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:38 AM This is an existing building with a fixed FFE(814). MFFE is as calculated per Carmel ordinance (6" above highest adjacent grade). The sight slopes down to meet the existing FFE so adjacent grade is higher than FFE in the NW corner. We will be requesting waivers for all minimum elevations Resolved 31 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/12/23 3:07 PM Changemark Please provide the ponding limits for these inlets in the 100-year clogged condition C320 EMERGENCY FLOOD ROUTING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:37 PM These are not inlets only turning structures ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:38 AM Ponding limits will be updated at a later submittal Resolved 32 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/12/23 3:08 PM Changemark Please provide the ponding limits for these inlets in the 100-year clogged condition C320 EMERGENCY FLOOD ROUTING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:28 PM Ponding limits updated with latest design. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:38 PM Ponding limits has been added to the plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:38 AM Ponding limits will be updated at a later submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 33 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:53 AM Changemark Number of Signs Allowed Per UDO Sign Standards, the allowable number of signs is 1 per public street frontage. This parcel has two frontages, one on I-465 and one on E96th St. Only two signs are allowed. Any other signage would require a Variance. A201-Corporex_Driven_Arch_R22 - SIGNS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:34 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only 34 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:53 AM Changemark Sign location Signs are not allowed to cover or conflict with architectural detail. A sign would not be able to be installed over the window. Sign would be restricted to outlined area. A201-Corporex_Driven_Arch_R22 - SIGNS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:34 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 35 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:53 AM Changemark South Exterior Elevation Signs If you choose this location as your allowed sign frontage, only a single sign would be allowed here, but the canopy sign (on the porte cochere which faces south) would require a variance. A201-Corporex_Driven_Arch_R22 - SIGNS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:35 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only 36 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:53 AM Changemark North exterior elevation signage Only a single sign is allowed on this location. A201-Corporex_Driven_Arch_R22 - SIGNS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:35 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 37 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:53 AM Changemark Welcome canopy sign This sign would only be allowed if it remains incidental (area of 3sf or less). Otherwise it would require a variance. A201-Corporex_Driven_Arch_R22 - SIGNS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:35 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only 38 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:53 AM Changemark North East signage With main sign facing North, this sign will require a variance. A201-Corporex_Driven_Arch_R22 - SIGNS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:35 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 39 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:53 AM Changemark Porte Cochere Canopy Sign This will will only be allowed if the South Wall signs are removed. Otherwise it will require a variance. A201-Corporex_Driven_Arch_R22 - SIGNS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:35 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only 40 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:57 AM Changemark Porte Cochere Canopy Sign Only one sign per Street frontage is allowed per UDO Sign Standards. If you choose to have the south facing wall sign, this sign will require a variance. EXTERIOR - A421 - ENLARGED PORTE- COCHERE PLANS AND DETAILS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:35 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 41 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:57 AM Changemark Canopy Size Sign requirements Please provide Canopy width. Maximum sign size is 70% width if canopy is over 14' wide, or 90% width if a canopy is 14' or less wide. EXTERIOR - A421 - ENLARGED PORTE- COCHERE PLANS AND DETAILS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:35 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only 42 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 11:57 AM Changemark Welcome sign Please provide sign size. If sign is over 3sf it will require a variance for number of signs. EXTERIOR - A421 - ENLARGED PORTE- COCHERE PLANS AND DETAILS.pdf Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:36 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM signage comments to addresses at a future date Info Only 43 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 12:19 PM Comment A separate Sign Permit Application and review is required for all signs. Please apply through our online permitting site when ready. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 44 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 9/13/23 12:20 PM Comment Will there be any incidental directional signage proposed? Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:40 PM Stop signs ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:56 AM Stop signs Question 45 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/15/23 8:44 AM Changemark Please have the existing pond outlet protected on this sheet C100 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY & INITIAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM No work to be done adjacent to dry pond Resolved 46 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/15/23 9:10 AM Changemark Please provide protection around this outlet control structure C100 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY & INITIAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:30 AM rock donut added to pond outlet ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM Protection added but pond outlet is being rehabbed as part of project Resolved 47 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 9:48 AM Changemark 102.02.v.a the Existing Project Site Layout shall include the names of adjoining properties shall be labeled on the map. C100 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY & INITIAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:39 AM These have been added Resolved 48 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 9:48 AM Changemark 102.02.v.d the Existing Project Site Layout shall include one hundred (100) year floodplains, floodway fringes, and floodways, established or identified in accordance with the City of Carmel Flood Hazard Area Ordinance. Please note if none exists. C100 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY & INITIAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:40 AM The site is not within any floodplain as shown on C001 Resolved 49 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 9:48 AM Changemark 102.02.v.b the Existing Project Site Layout shall include the location, name, and normal water level of all wetlands, lakes, ponds, and water courses on or adjacent to the project site. C100 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY & INITIAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:40 AM This has been added to plans Resolved 50 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 9:54 AM Changemark 102.02.vii the Plan and Profile Sheet(s) shall include the hydraulic grade line indicated on the profiles to demonstrate that the hydraulic grade line remains below the rim elevation for the design condition. C410 STORM PLAN AND PROFILES.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:40 AM Hydraulic grade line has been added to the plans Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 51 1 Vectren Energy Chad Miller 9/15/23 10:03 AM Changemark CenterPoint Energy Please let CenterPoint Energy know if the gas load will change and we can resize the gas meter accordingly. C400 OVERALL UTILITY PLAN.pdf Info Only 52 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 10:12 AM Changemark 102.02.xi.d the grading and drainage plan shall include the delineation of all proposed land disturbing activities, including off-site activities that will provide services to the project site. C300 OVERALL GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:40 AM This has been added to the C300 series Resolved 53 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 10:12 AM Changemark 102.02.xi.g the grading and drainage plan shall include the details of all existing streams and watercourses, and new drainage systems such as culverts, bridges, storm sewers, sub-surface drains (for both swales and roadways), curbing, conveyance channels, and 100-year overflow paths/ponding areas shown as hatched areas, along with all associated easements. Details to be shown include structure locations, with structure number reference and top of casting elevations, piping between structures as well as other drainage pipe (roof drains, subsurface drains, etc.). Existing structure and pipe information shall be as-built information and not design elevations. C300 OVERALL GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:31 AM Existing pond data has added to plans. Please reference new C300 with now scope of work shown on existing western dry pond ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 12/14/23 3:51 PM Please update the ponding hatch to match revised plans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:41 AM This data is shown on C300 and unique sheets for flood routing hatches Resolved 54 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 10:12 AM Changemark 102.02.xi.h the grading and drainage plan shall indicate as to the system being public or private. C300 OVERALL GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:52 AM This is referred to on C300 in the summary Resolved 55 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 10:12 AM Changemark 102.02.xi.j Include existing retention or detention facilities that will be maintained, enlarged, or otherwise altered and new ponds or basins to be built, critical pond elevations, pond bottom elevation, top bank elevation, spillway location and elevation, and transverse slopes of dry detention areas. C300 OVERALL GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:34 AM There is a new C300. This data is called out on new plan. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 12/14/23 3:52 PM Please update to match revised conditions. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:41 AM this is described on C300 in drainage summary Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 56 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/15/23 10:12 AM Changemark 102.02.xi.m the grading and drainage plan shall include a drainage summary, which summarizes the basic conditions of the drainage design, including site acreage, off-site/upstream acreage, allowable release rates, post-developed 10-year, and 100-year flows leaving the site, volume of detention required, volume of detention provided, and any release rate. C300 OVERALL GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:34 AM This plan comment appears to be voided by the 12/01 submittal ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 12/14/23 3:52 PM Please update to match revised conditions. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:43 AM this is described on C300 in drainage summary Resolved 57 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 9/15/23 11:47 AM Changemark Bike rack detail Provide a detail for the bike rack that will be used for this project. Please refer to section 5.29 of the City's UDO for details and installation standards to ensure that the racks will comply with the City's standards/requirements. C202 SITE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:34 AM Bike racks have now been included in plan set ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:45 AM We will provide these at the committee meeting submittal Resolved 58 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 9/15/23 11:47 AM Changemark Long Term bicycle parking detail Provide a detail of the proposed covered long term bike parking. C202 SITE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:35 AM This is no longer in the design and has been removed from plans ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:45 AM We will provide these at the committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 60 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:03 AM Changemark 102.03 & 304.01 Any off-site drainage entering the site or any downstream restrictions shall be addressed as well and accommodated by the system. This report should be comprehensive and detail all of the steps the engineer took during the design process. Please include analysis of the existing offsite and downstream pipes. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:19 PM Per email from John Thomas on 2/14/2024 the downstream conditions as provided in the calculations are acceptable ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 1/23/24 5:25 PM This comment will remain unresolved pending resolution to Ref #121. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 11:46 AM All calculations within the report take into account tailwater effects from the 60 acre through drainage. Due to the long lag time between peaks it has minimal effects. We have provide total peak flow rates and HGL at the downstream manhole as it crosses 96th street ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 12/14/23 6:19 PM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:46 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved 61 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:03 AM Changemark 102.03 Please provide required detention volume and provided volume, acreage detained, and 90% drawdown time. Drainage Report.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 1/23/24 3:47 PM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:06 PM Acreage & volume detained as well as draw down time have been added to the report ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:46 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 62 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:05 AM Changemark 302.06.11 detention basins shall be designed with an additional ten (10) percent of available capacity to allow for sediment accumulation resulting from development and to permit the pond to function for reasonable periods between cleanings. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:03 PM The contech CMP pipes will provide sediment accumulation volume. The east/west portion of the pipe represents the excess storage volume. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:46 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved 63 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:12 AM Changemark Tailwater condition Please evaluate the ponds considering the downstream pipe completely full. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:19 PM Per email from John Thomas on 2/14/2024 the downstream conditions as provided in the calculations are acceptable ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 1/23/24 5:25 PM This comment will remain unresolved pending resolution to Ref #121. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:07 PM all calculations within the report account for the through drainage tailwater effects on the systems for each return interval. The pipe is full from the 10 year even on. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:46 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 64 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:18 AM Changemark 302.08.1 Please include slope of pond bottom on this sheet. C302 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:36 AM The design has been voided. Please refer to latest plans that includes slopes of new pond. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 12/14/23 3:54 PM Please include requested information for the new pond. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:47 AM This is no longer in the design Resolved 65 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:25 AM Changemark 501.03 manhole/inlet inside sizing shall be according to the Hamilton County Standard Detail Drawings. C601 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:37 AM Hamilton county details have been added to plans ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:47 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved 66 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:29 AM Changemark Pavement Underdrain Please indicate size of underdrain. Underdrain shall be 6" minimum. C401 UTILITY PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:47 AM Under drain size is indicated on C601 detail sheet Resolved 67 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 10:34 AM Changemark 700 This volume should be based on the 1"-24 hour rainfall, not the 100 year. In order for the dry pond to be considered a BMP, a low flow orifice will need to be added to retain the WQ in higher frequency storms. Please refer to PC-103 in Section 700. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:47 AM This is no longer in the design Info Only 68 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 9/18/23 3:59 PM Changemark 102.03 Please list all federal, state and local permits needed for this project. Please also verify that any required coordination with Indy DPW has taken place due to the site outleting to Fishback Creek. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:10 PM Permit requirements have been added to narrative ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:47 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 69 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 9:19 AM Changemark Please add in this note that the curb will need to be cut at the nearest joint C112 DEMOLITION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:39 AM Notes have been revised to instruct contractor to remove from nearest joint ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:39 AM Please have this note revised on the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:47 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved 70 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 9:39 AM Changemark The portion of the path outside of right-of-way will need to be placed in a pedestrian access easement C200 OVERALL SITE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:40 AM The path has been revised such that no portion leaves the R/W ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:36 AM Please have this shown on the plans with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:48 AM We will provide easement for this walk Resolved 71 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 10:16 AM Changemark Entrance width does not comply with the City's commercial driveway detail We allow a maximum width of 30' at the property line. The drive will need to be revised or a waiver request will need to be submitted. C202 SITE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:40 AM We are requesting a waiver for this requirement. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:35 AM Please have the waiver request letter provided with the next submittal as well as emailed to Caleb Warner in our office (cwarner@carmel.in.gov). ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:48 AM We will submit a waiver for this requirement Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 72 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 1:57 PM Changemark Please clearly call out the BMPs on this sheet Please label the water quality unit brand and size on this sheet. Please also hatch the areas of the pond that will be planted with native vegetation and label the pond as "Dry detention with native vegetation". C500 OVERALL EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:42 AM The WQU has been labeled as required. Native vegetation hatching has been added to plan. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:47 AM We will need this called out on this sheet with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:48 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved 73 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:04 PM Changemark No mow or spray signage will need to be included around the pond Please show the locations of these signs on this sheet and provide a detail. C500 OVERALL EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:48 AM This is no longer in the design Resolved 74 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:05 PM Changemark Please place the SWPPP narrative in IDEMs A/B/C format We no longer use the Carmel format and will defer to the IDEM format. Please have this projects narrative placed in this format. C510 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/28/23 11:47 AM SWPPP has been updated to new format ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:54 AM Please have this revised as requested with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:49 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 75 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:11 PM Changemark Please replace this with the City's standard drawing for multi-use path C600 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:44 AM city standard detail has been added to plans and ASI detail removed ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:55 AM Please have this revised as requested with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:49 AM We will replace with City standard Resolved 76 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:11 PM Changemark Please replace this with the City's standards drawing The pavement cross-section from standard drawing 10-4 for arterial streets will need to be placed on this sheet. C600 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:46 AM This has been replaced per the comment ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 9:55 AM Please have this revised as requested with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:49 AM We will update the pavement section Resolved 77 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:15 PM Changemark Please provide a pond cross-section on the plans C604 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:48 AM The pond cross section has been added the detail sheets ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 10:20 AM Please have this provided with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:49 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 78 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:15 PM Changemark Please provide a planting list for the native vegetation on the civil plans C604 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 4:19 PM Please reference C503 for seed mix ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/18/24 2:32 PM We are unable to locate the specific native vegetation seed mix that is planned for the dry detention area in the plans or the O&M. Please provide the list for this specific seed mix in both sets of documents. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:49 AM The planting list has been added to civil details ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 10:20 AM Please have this provided with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:49 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 79 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:18 PM Changemark Please provide a pond cross-section and a detail for the native vegetation protective signage O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 4:19 PM The detail has been revised to provide requested limits and language ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/18/24 2:47 PM Thank you for providing the pond cross-section but we would like it to include the limits of the native vegetation as well as the locations of the protective signage. We were also unable to locate the protective signage detail. Please revise. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:02 PM This is now included in plans ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/11/23 10:21 AM Please have this provided with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:49 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved 80 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 9/19/23 2:19 PM Changemark Please provide the following changes here Please include the native vegetation in this list and provide the brand/size of the water quality unit here. O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 10:58 AM This has been added to the page as requested ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/18/24 3:22 PM Please have the native vegetation added to this list as previously requested. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:02 PM This has been updated as requested ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:49 AM Further detail will be provided with the Commercial Committee meeting submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 81 1 Hamilton County Surveyor Samuel Clark 9/19/23 3:56 PM Comment Water directly flows outside the county. No permitting will be required. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:11 AM This is confirmed. Please close comment. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:02 PM Noted ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/1/23 11:54 AM Confirmed Info Only 82 2 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 12/5/23 3:53 PM Changemark Path in right-of-way Revise the plans so that the multi-use path is fully within the public right of way. C202 SITE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/28/23 11:48 AM This has been revised and path in in R/W Resolved 83 2 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 12/5/23 3:54 PM Changemark Sidewalk alignment Revise this section of sidewalk to remove the 90 degree angle to provide a more gradual turn for pedestrians when using the sidewalk/path. C202 SITE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/28/23 11:49 AM This has been revised to provide a smoother transition Resolved 84 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/11/23 10:12 AM Changemark Please provide a detail for the water quality unit and a cross-section for the pond in the O&M The pond cross-section will need to show the limits of the native vegetation and the location of the "no mow, no spray" signage (which we will also need a detail for). O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:04 AM Native vegetation and "no mow" signs are referenced on C502 and now called out in pond cross section ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/18/24 3:24 PM We were unable to locate the signage detail and the native vegetation limits were not added to the cross- section. Please revise. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:02 PM These have been added Resolved 87 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/11/23 10:12 AM Changemark Please show the limits of these on the site map and provide a planting plan O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:04 PM These have been added to erosion control plan Resolved 88 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/11/23 10:12 AM Changemark Please call out the BMPs on the site map We will need the native vegetation hatching shown as well as the location of the water quality unit and it's size. O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:14 PM These are called out on plans now Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 89 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/11/23 10:12 AM Changemark Is this being completed with this project? Please clarify if this is planned or if this is remaining from the first submittal. From our understanding, no work is to be done on the western site due to contractual issues. O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:17 PM This is voided and has been corrected Resolved 90 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/11/23 10:16 AM Changemark Please show a BMP easement over the BMPs on this sheet This will need to be connected to the City's right-of-way to provide access. O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:04 AM The easement has been revised as necessary to provide access from ROW ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/19/24 8:45 AM We are unable to locate the BMP easement or access easement on the plans or the O&M site map. Please include this easement on all documents. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:38 PM BMP easement has been updated to connect to R/W Resolved 91 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/11/23 10:17 AM Changemark Please provide a checklist item for the native vegetation here O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:05 AM Native vegetation checklist has been added ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/19/24 8:50 AM We will look for this revision on the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM This will be added at a later date Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 92 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/12/23 10:18 AM Changemark Detention is not allowed within 50' of the City's right-of-way Please remove this portion of the pond from the right-of-way. If the pond cannot be relocated to be 50' from the right-of-way line, a traffic rated barrier will need to be installed. This will need to be shown on the plans and a detail will need to be provided. C202 SITE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:05 AM wood bollard detail added to C600 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/19/24 8:51 AM Thank you for calling this out on the plans but we will need a detail provided in the plans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:49 AM The pond has been revised to remove this condition Resolved 93 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/13/23 1:47 PM Changemark How is the connection from 24" RCP to 72" CMP proposed to be made? C411 STORM PLAN AND PROFILES.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:05 AM Detail added to C601. Contech will not provide details until under contract. Contractor may choose to use another supplier so shop drawings cannot be provided at this time. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/19/24 9:03 AM Please provide a detail for this in the plans for our review and approval. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:50 AM this will be a welded connection fabricated by Contech Resolved 94 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/13/23 1:54 PM Changemark Please provide the critical elevations of the pond on this sheet C302 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:50 AM These have been added to the plans Resolved 95 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/13/23 2:13 PM Comment We will complete a full review of the project when the most up to date plans are provided with the next submittal. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:51 AM Noted. Thank you for your continued review throughout this process. We have uploaded more detailed designs. Info Only 96 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/13/23 3:06 PM Changemark Please extend the construction entrance to be 150' C502 EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:51 AM This has been extended as required Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 97 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/13/23 3:06 PM Changemark Native vegetation will need to be added to the dry detention basin in order for it to count as a BMP Please show the hatching of this and the protective signage on this sheet. C502 EROSION CONTROL PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:51 AM Noted. This has been added, Resolved 98 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/13/23 3:15 PM Changemark Please clarify the size of the water quality unit The O&M calls for an XC-8 but this details calls for an XC-6. C604 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:52 AM This has been rectified. XC-9 is correct Resolved 99 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/13/23 3:17 PM Changemark Please include the native vegetation planting list in the civil plans C604 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:07 AM Seed mix added to C503 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 1/19/24 9:05 AM Please see comment response to #78. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:53 AM This has been added to the plans Resolved 100 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 5:43 PM Changemark Constructibility Please provide details on connection to 72" CMP. C411 STORM PLAN AND PROFILES.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:20 PM We have provided a schematic detail on C601. Since the CMP system is proprietary Contech or the successful provider will not provide details until under contract. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:53 AM We are working with Contech to prepare this detail. Resolved 101 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:03 PM Changemark Details Please provide up-to-date details for WQ unit and outlet control structures. C604 SITE DETAILS.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 10:54 AM These have been corrected Resolved 102 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark 102.03 Please provide more details in the summary table, including, but not limited to: individual basin release rates, acreages, etc that were used to determine the overall site release rate. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:37 PM These details have been added to report Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 103 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark 102.03 Please include contributing acreages to the ponds. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:37 PM Individual areas have been added to report Resolved 104 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark 302.03 Please note or include in the summary table the proposed outlet control measures for each basin. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:38 PM A discussion on outlet control has been added to the narrative Resolved 105 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark 700 Please summarize the calculations showing how the dry pond will function as a BMP. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:38 PM The narrative has been revised to refer to the dry pond as a secondary BMP device. The WQU will provide primary TSS removal. Resolved 106 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark 302.11 Please provide emergency overflow weir sizing calculations. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:24 PM These have now been added to the report in the location previously stated. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 1/23/24 4:00 PM Emergency Overflow calcs not included after Tc calcs as indicated in the TOC. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:39 PM This is included in Appendix D Resolved 107 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark 102.03 Please provide outputs for the existing analysis. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:40 PM We have a provided a summary table immediately after the schematic Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 108 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark Prop Basin Map Please revise the basin outline to match proposed conditions. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:25 PM This outline has been revised. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 1/23/24 4:03 PM The Proposed South Basin still appears to be delineated based on the the existing berm instead of accounting for the new dry detention basin. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 12:42 PM This has been revised Resolved 109 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/14/23 6:18 PM Changemark ICPR Outputs Please include existing condition and initial analysis outputs in the existing conditions appendix. Please include stage/storage vs time tables and hydrographs for the detention basins. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 1:00 PM We have added a detailed summary table for both existing and proposed conditions Resolved 110 2 TriCo Regional Sewer Utility Ryan Hartman 12/15/23 1:15 PM Comment Lateral is only partly shown on the utility plan. Please locate and connect the dots from the manholes to the building and manhole to manhole structure. Also please denote that the manhole located in the ADA parking spot will need to be a bolt down structure. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:40 PM The existing lateral is under an existing structure. we have shown the lateral as best as possible given the topo and private locate effort. No changes are proposed for the existing line. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 111 2 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 12/15/23 3:58 PM Comment Please resolve previous; review comments. Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 3/7/24 2:36 PM Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:34 AM Signage to be addressed by Architect at future date ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 1/17/24 2:52 PM Signage comments must be resolved before ADLS Amend is approved. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 12/29/23 3:39 PM Signage comments to be addressed at a future date Info Only 112 3 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 1/3/24 3:38 PM Changemark trees to be replaced L105 states that these trees are pear trees getting replaced with maple trees, please confirm and revise as needed. L103 LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:43 AM The original landscape plan for this site showed pear trees, however a site visit revealed that these pear trees have since been removed and replaced several years ago with red maples. We propose to leave these red maples in place since they have been there already for a few years and consider them an existing condition. Resolved 113 3 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 1/3/24 3:42 PM Changemark trees in right of way Please move all trees and shrubs from the right of way to the project property. L104 LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:43 AM the trees and shrubs bordering the trail have been moved so they are outside of the right of way. Resolved 114 3 TriCo Regional Sewer Utility Ryan Hartman 1/5/24 11:56 AM Comment Also please denote that the manhole located in the ADA parking spot will need to be a bolt down structure and adjusted to grade as necessary per TriCo standards. Note: Please contact TriCo (317-884-9200) prior to any manhole/sannitary sewer work. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:38 AM We have added a note to C402 to use bolt down lid Resolved 115 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/19/24 8:51 AM Changemark The incorrect unit size is provided here Please revise to call out an XC-9. O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:07 AM This has been revised Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 116 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/19/24 11:27 AM Changemark We are concerned about the 72" pipe discharging directly into the dry basin We have concerns about the cover that can be achieved over the pipe and erosion around the pipe. It appears that 18' of the pipe will be exposed in the current configuration. Can a manhole be installed and a reduced pipe size used to discharge into the basin? C302 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:08 AM Refer to detail on C601 and response to previous comment. We have reduce to 48" end section. Resolved 117 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/19/24 11:31 AM Changemark Please add a detail for this in the O&M and include in the BMP easement O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:09 AM Underground storage has been remove from BMP list. We are not claiming that as BMP. Checklist for O&M is included in manual. Resolved 118 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/19/24 11:32 AM Changemark Please include the existing wet pond as a BMP in the O&M O&M Manaual.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:10 AM We have added this but the wet pond provides not runoff mitigation for the proposed work and is therefor not technically a BMP. Resolved 119 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/19/24 11:36 AM Changemark Further waivers will need to be requested for the ponding in this area A waiver request for this ponding against the building will need to be requested from our MLAG standards. Additionally, an indemnification agreement will need to be provided due to the two doors existing in this location. C320 EMERGENCY FLOOD ROUTING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/21/24 11:10 AM We have redesigned this portion of the sewer to remove this condition. Resolved 120 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 1/23/24 3:40 PM Changemark MFPG Reiterating Engineering's comment Ref #109 concerning waiver and indemnification requirement for the emergency flood routing from the existing beehive upstream of Str 108. C320 EMERGENCY FLOOD ROUTING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:25 PM We have redesigned this portion of the sewer to remove this condition. Please see revised plans. Resolved 121 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 1/23/24 5:15 PM Changemark 302.03 Downstream Restrictions: In the event the downstream receiving channel or storm sewer system is inadequate to accommodate the post-developed release rate provided above, then the allowable release rate may need to be reduced to that rate permitted by the capacity of the receiving downstream channel or storm sewer system. Additional detention, as determined by the City of Carmel, may be required to store that portion of the runoff exceeding the capacity of the receiving sewers or waterways. Alternatively, the upsizing of the downstream 36" pipe or addition of a second pipe crossing 96th St may result in a scenario where the HGL stays below the casting elevations. Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:25 PM Per email from John Thomas on 2/14/2024 the downstream conditions as provided in the calculations are acceptable Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend ADLS Amend - Driven Neuro Recovery Center Workflow Started: 8/21/2023 3:26:53 PM Report Generated: 04/09/2024 03:37 PM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 122 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 1/23/24 5:23 PM Changemark 302.08 Additional Dry Detention Requirements: The maximum planned depth of stormwater stored shall not exceed four feet. Although the section specifically mentions residential developments, the city has consistently made this requirement for commercial developments as well, and will be reflected in the upcoming STSM revisions. C302 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:26 PM Per email from John Thomas on 2/14/2024 the ponding depths are acceptable since we are providing wood bollards and physical barriers. Resolved 123 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 1/23/24 5:23 PM Changemark Constructability After discussing with Engineering, there are concerns about the constructability of the 96" CMP outletting into the dry detention basin via end section into a 3:1 side slope. This may be a moot comment if Ref #122 regarding the maximum staging depth is addressed. C302 GRADING PLAN.pdf Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 2/20/24 3:26 PM We have revised the pond inlet so that a 48" end section with animal guard will be used. this has minimal impacts on the pond performance and has been included in the latest report. Resolved 124 4 TriCo Regional Sewer Utility Ryan Hartman 2/28/24 3:01 PM Comment TriCo was on site televising the sewer lateral. The manhole structure appears to be in pretty bad shape with a lot of unknown branches coming off the 8" sewer line from the building. Please show on the site plan that sewer from the building to the first manhole structure including the manhole structure to be replaced. The structure that is located just outside of the building is a grease interceptor not a pump pit and it does not meet TriCo standards. There is a grease interceptor to be located inside the building so this structure, on the exterior, can be abandoned. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 3/12/24 5:32 PM We have revised the demo and utility notes to account for removing the existing lines and grease interceptor, and placed a new line from the building UnResolved 125 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 3/6/24 12:54 PM Comment Please have the plans revised to show the timber guardrail as requested by John Thomas in his email from 3/6/24. You can also work on providing the final submittals requested by John on 3/1/24. Responded by: Josh Rodgers - 3/12/24 2:00 PM Timber guard rail detail as approved by John Thomas has been added to sheets. UnResolved 126 4 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 3/7/24 2:36 PM Comment Signage has not been finalized. Please be aware that no sign will be approved until a sign plan is presented, reviewed, and is UDO compliant. Info Only TREE PRESERVATION DETAIL Drip Line. Minimum 4 foot chain link or high visibility plastic mesh fence. Metal fence post. Drip Line. Existing grade. GUIDELINES 1. Erect fence barriers around all “saved” trees near the construction activity. 2. Fence multiple trees together when possible. 3. Fence barriers shall be placed outside the drip line and as far from the tree as construction permits. 4. Fence posts shall be placed no further than 15 feet apart. 5. No staging of material or grading shall occur within the fenced tree preservation area. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL Remove trunk wrap if necessary. Remove all wire baskets, twine and burlap. Before tree is in the hole, remove bottom of basket cutting horizontally. After tree is in the hole, remove rest of basket cutting vertically. Backfill using existing soil. Water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets. Add 1-2 inches of hardwood mulch. Keep mulch 3 inches from trunk. Remove tags and labels. Prune only dead or broken branches or double leaders. Stake tree if necessary. Remove excess soil to locate and expose root flare. Root flare should be 1-2 inches above finish grade. Finish grade. 1 1/2 - 2 TIMES BALL DIAMETER LEAVE SOIL UNDER ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED TO HELP SUPPORT IT AND REDUCE SETTLING. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 1 1/2 - 2 TIMES BALL DIAMETER LEAVE SOIL UNDER ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED TO HELP SUPPORT IT AND REDUCE SETTLING. Remove any container or twine and burlap. Backfill using existing soil. Water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets. Add 1-2 inches of hardwood mulch. Keep mulch 3 inches from trunk. Remove tags and labels. Prune only dead or broken branches or double leaders. Remove excess soil to locate and expose root flare. Root flare should be 1-2 inches above finish grade. Finish grade. 1 Leach, Mark R. From:Welch, David <dwelch@structurepoint.com> Sent:Wednesday, August 16, 2023 4:37 PM To:aconn@carmel.in.gov; Lopez, Alexia K; dmindham@carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn@carmel.in.gov; rmurt@carmel.in.gov; 'Samuel Clark'; Willie Hall; ajordan@carmel.in.gov; jthomas@carmel.in.gov; david.lucas@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; whohlt@carmel.in.gov; msheeks@carmel.in.gov; Duffy, John M; jjstewart@carmel.in.gov; mhendricks@carmel.in.gov; rjellison@carmel.in.gov; tanderson@carmel.in.gov; cellison@carmel.in.gov; tkrueskamp@carmel.in.gov; mklitzing@carmelclayparks.com; jason.lemaster@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; health@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; steve.creech@charter.com; kyle.miller1@charter.com; damon.davers@duke-energy.com; Daugherty, Ryan; chad.r.miller@centerpointenergy.com; dan.davenport@aes.com; rodney.johnson@aes.com; samuel.oskins@aes.com; ckehl@citizensenergygroup.com; tfenogli@ccs.k12.in.us; Ryan Hartman; troy.yackle@energytransfer.com; Jeffery.R.Jarrett@usps.gov; wendy.noble@att.com; Marc.Hill@metronetinc.com Cc:Rodgers, Josh; rkeesling@carmel.in.gov; Michael Johnston; Leach, Mark R. Subject:Carmel TAC; Driven Neuro Recovery Center ADLS/DP submittal Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged This Message originated outside your organization. Good aŌernoon, Please see the following link to access ADLS/DP submiƩal documents for Driven Neuro Recovery Center, hƩps://structurepoint.sharefile.com/d-s2a73d1663c804bb0ad43Īb61eace41 Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any issues accessing these document or have quesƟons regarding this submiƩal. Thank you, David Welch, PE Project Engineer 9025 River Road, Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 OFFICE (317)-547-5580 Ex. 2283 EMAIL dwelch@structurepoint.com WEB www.structurepoint.com 1 Leach, Mark R. From:Keesling, Rachel M <rkeesling@carmel.in.gov> Sent:Monday, August 21, 2023 3:13 PM To:Brown, Libby; Conn, Angelina V; Glaspie, Larysa E; Grechukhin, Sergey; Willie Hall; Hohlt, William G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Jesse, Christina; Jordan, Alex; Kashman, Jeremy M; Keeling, Adrienne M; Keesling, Rachel M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; Littlejohn, David W; Lopez, Alexia K; Luckoski, Todd C; Lynch-Mcgrath, Allison N; Martin, Candy; McCoy, David W; Mindham, Daren; Mishler, Nicholas F; Motz, Lisa; Oberlander, Jon A; Ray, Lucas M; Renick, Timothy; Rinehart, Morgan; Shalit, Aliza; Shestak, Joe; Thomas, John G; Warner, Caleb; Worrell, Jeff Cc:Leach, Mark R.; Buroker, Andrew B.; Michael Johnston; Rodgers, Josh; Rob Humason; brandi@conquerparalysisnow.org Subject:Docket No. Assignment: Driven Neuro Recovery Center (PZ-2023-00192-193 DP Amend/ADLS Amend) Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged This Message originated outside your organization. I have issued the Plan Commission Docket Number for Driven Neuro Recovery Center (DP Amend/ADLS Amend). It is the following: Docket No. PZ-2023-00192 DP Amend/ADLS Amend: Driven Neuro Recovery Center The applicant seeks site plan and design approval to redevelop this site for a new clinical medical use. The site is located at 1300 East 96th Street, the former Five Seasons Family Sports Club. It is zoned PUD (Five Seasons Z-619-16) and is not within any overlay district. Filed by Mark Leach of Faegre Drinker on behalf of the applicant, Corporex Development & Construction Management, LLC. Eplan Contact: Mr. Mark Leach can be contacted at 317-569-4851 and mark.leach@faegredrinker.com. FILING FEES: Development Plan Amend $1,232.00 ADLS Amend $817.00 Total Due: $2,049.00 Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the Wednesday, September 20, 2023 meeting agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which begins at 9:00 AM. Petitioner, please have a representative attend this virtual meeting. Also, if not done already, please submit plans to all TAC members, via email and/or mail or ProjectDox. The updated TAC members list is online at this link. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice must occur on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Due to the site’s location, published notice (legal ad) is required within The Current in Carmel. 2 a. Please contact The Current in Carmel at least 2 weeks prior to the public notice deadline in order for them to publish your legal ad on time (317-489-4444 or legals@youarecurrent.com). Please also check with The Current to see if there are special publication dates. b. The following MUST in your notice to the paper: i. Docket number and the substance of the matter to be heard. ii. The legal description of the subject real estate or the tax ID parcel number(s). iii. General location by address, street intersections, or other identifiable geographic characteristic of the property. iv. Name of the person, agency, or entity initiating the matter to be heard. v. A general description of the petitioner's request of approval. vi. Date, time, and place of the hearing. vii. Statement that the petition may be examined at the DOCS office. viii. Statement that any person may offer verbal comments at the hearing or may file written comments prior to or at the hearing. ix. Any other information which may be required by law to be contained in such notice. c. The placement of a notice of public hearing sign on the property is required. This is a sign you will need to have made by a sign company. The City does not provide this. (See page 8 of the DP application for specifications.) d. First class mailings (with Certificate of Mailing Firm from the Post Office) to all adjoiners is required. (Certificate of Mailing FAQ – USPS) i. Contact the Hamilton County Transfer and Mapping Office for the list of adjoining properties. ii. You will choose “Carmel Planning” when selecting the appropriate list. iii. Please note that the list of adjoining properties must not be obtained sooner than 45 days prior to the public hearing (Saturday, September 2, 2023). 3. The Filing Fee, 7 Informational Packets, and 1 PDF of the packet, must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Joe Shestak no later than Noon, Friday, October 6, 2023. a. Please fold down to 8.5x11 if printing on larger sheets for the info packet. b. Please call the Planning Dept. at 317-571-2417 to pay this fee over the phone with a credit card. A small fee may apply. c. Checks made payable to the City of Carmel are also accepted. 4. Please include the following in your information packets, if applicable to your project: a. Cover Page (including project name, docket number, Plan Commission meeting, meeting date, contact info) b. Brief Description of the project c. Location Map d. Engineered Site/Development Plan, including bike rack locations e. Site plan laid over an aerial image f. Architectural renderings of proposed building g. Architectural elevations of each building facade with materials and heights called out h. Materials sheet (photos of material samples) i. Dumpster enclosure plan and elevations j. Floor plans k. Lighting information – site and building (including cut sheets for all fixtures) l. Lighting photometric plan where footcandles are listed all the way to the property line m. Landscaping plan n. Signage plan o. Any other supporting information or drawings p. Findings of Fact Form (page 9 of the DP application) 3 5. Proof of Notice (Certificates of Mailing from Post Office, newspaper affidavit, sign affidavit etc.) needs to be received by this Department no later than Noon, Thursday, October 12, 2023. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. (You may upload the proof of notice to ProjectDox as we do not need a hard copy). a. Provide the filled out and notarized Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing (page 5 of the DP application). b. Provide the filled out Notice of Public Hearing (page 7 of the DP application). c. Provide the newspaper Publisher’s Affidavit. d. Provide the Public Notice Sign Placement Affidavit (page 8 of the DP application). e. Provide a copy of the Official List of Adjacent Property Owners from Hamilton County Auditor’s Office (this includes a map). 6. This item will appear on the Tuesday, October 17, 2023 meeting agenda of the Plan Commission (under “Public Hearings”). This will be an in person meeting at Carmel City Hall beginning at 6:00 PM. 7. This item may also appear on a meeting agenda of a Plan Commission Sub-Committee. 8. Please refer to the application/checklist for more detail and instructions/copies of the required forms mentioned above. 9. Review comments from the Planning/Zoning Dept. will be issued soon via ProjectDox. Sincerely, Rachel Keesling PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR O: 317-571-2417 | M: 317-750-5634 | rkeesling@carmel.in.gov City of Carmel - Dept of Community Services ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032