OCTOBER 22, 1987
Docket No. S 48-87, Variance application for a wall sign to be added to Nelson
Office Park sign package; sign to front on Keystone Avenue. Site is zoned B-3.
o Petitioner request change in sign package from original sign package
proposed by Mr. Wayne Nelson for Nelson Office Park when project was
initially proposed
o Petitioner is requesting a second complex identification sign facing
Keystone Avenue. This sign is to be a wall sign located on building
5. Sign ordinance allows for one project identification ground sign
facing any public street.
o Petitioner is also requesting a tenent identification sign,
"Keystone Mortgage" on building 2; this sign is allowed by sign
o All signs will be internally lighted bronze in day, cream at night
when lit
o Signs will be plastic individual letters
o Letters are 18 inches in height; size conforms with sign ordinance
o Petitioner is requesting two variances for the second complex iden-
tification sign
1. Second complex identification sign facing Keystone
2. Wall sign instead of required ground sign
TAC recommends approval of technical aspects of proposal
T r amine l C row R e z o n
Docket No. 86-87 Z, a Rezone application for 64.13 acres of land located North
of I-465 between College and U.S. 31. Petitioner request a change in zoning
from S-2 and R-1 to B-5, B-6 and B-7 zones for hotel and office space.
Petitioner present: Jim Nelson, Attorney; Sam Gillespie, Trammell Crow Partner;
Mr. James Klausmeier, Pf]um, Klosmier & Wagner; Chris White, Paul Cripe
o Indianapolis water and Clay Regional sewers proposed. Project has
reserved 78,627 gallons of sewer capacity on a conditional basis
o Petitioner has committed to not build any building at the Northeast
corner of I-465 and U.S. 31 for 10 years or until State of Indiana
determines what is to be done with the 465/U.S. 31 interchange
OCTOBER 22, 1987
o Petitioner has committed to no more than 670,000 sq. ft. of office
building plus 200-room hotel and 50 seat restaurant
o Off-site traffic capacity along College may not handle adequately
proposed increase in traffic without improvements
o Recommend parking garage not abutt College unless totally screened
from view; office building would be better
o Why two road cuts on College Avenue; recommend only one
o Are any proposed improvements to College proposed; need to ex-
plain to Plan Commission
o Should be prepared to explain impact of this project on traffic con-
ditions on U.S. 31 and and College Ave.
o Alternative design of 103rd and Pennsylvania Ave. intersection con-
necting 103rd into Pennsylvania thus eliminating one curb cut; may
work better
o Petitioner has committed to install traffic signal at 10ith & U.S.
31, Meridian Street
o TAC recommends that proposed road system/improvements be submitted to
Hamilton County Commissioners prior to any final approval of
proposed road system by Carmel Plan Commission
o Petitioner must request and have approved by Hamilton County
Drainage Board relocation of Clara Knotts legal drain
o Kent Ward has reviewed preliminary drainage plans and has no
problems with concept; many details to be worked out later
TAC recommends approval of technical aspects of proposed project per above
Summertrace Rehr Earner't Home
o Petitioner request approval to construct two carports with 13 park-
ing spaces. Brick wall and metal roof to match existing building;
also canvas covered walkway with metal supports, burgundy with ivory
strip proposed
TAC recommends approval of technical aspects of project.
1,Iridermarn Rezone
Docket No. 87-87 Z, a Rezone application for .24 acres of land located at 82 Sixth
Street, Carmel, IN, also known as lot 9 of David Kinzer Subdivision. Petitioner
requests a change in zoning from R-2 to B-1 for the elimination of a use variance
Petitioner present: Dr. Linderman, owner