HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationCITY OF CARMEL
Docket Number: PZ-2023-00226
Date Applied: 9/19/2023
Application Type: DSV - Hearing Officer, Single Family
Application Fees: $199.50
Name of Project: Hamman Accessory Building Height Variance
Project Address: 11120 QUEENS WAY CIR, CAR, 46032
Name of Applicant: Suzanne Baker
City/State/Zip:Indianapolis, IN Applicant Address: 10 West Market Street, Suite 2700
Name of Contact Person: Suzanne Baker Company:
Address of Contact Person: 10 West Market Street, Suite City/State/Zip:Indianapolis, IN, 46204
Email: suzanne.baker@dentons.com Phone: 317-416-0962
ePlan Review Contact Person: Suzanne Baker Phone: 317-416-0962
Email: suzanne.baker@dentons.com
Name of Landowner: Jeremiah Hamman
Email: jeremiah.hamman@prime47carmel.com
Parcel ID: 17-13-03-00-02-003.000 Area (in acres) of Property: 5.60
Engineer Contact Person: Phone:
Attorney Contact Person: Matthew M. Price Phone: 317-686-5255
Email: matt.price@dentons.com
Architect Contact Person: David Rausch Phone: 317-843-4970
Zoning Classification: S-1 Overlay Zone:
Legal Description: Lot Numbered 3 in Queen's Manor, Section One, an addition in Hamilton County, Indiana, as per
plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 140-142, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana.
Present Use of Property: Single-family residence
Proposed Use of Property: The accessory building would be use for personal use.
Project Description: Hamman Accessory Building Height Variance
Section of UDO being varied from: The request is to construct an accessory building which will exceed the maximum
height permitted of 18’ to a proposed 23’ in the S1 Zoning District. per UDO Section 2.04.
Explanation of why variance/waiver is being requested: Accessory structure of this sort are common to the area, and the
property has sufficient area to locate the proposed improvement which adds value to the home, presents no adverse
condition to surrounding properties, and enhances the enjoyment of the property for family.
Attorney: Matthew M. PriceEngineer:
*Note that required fees are due after the application has received a docket number , and not at the time of application submittal.
Signature: Suzanne Baker
By typing in my name, I swear that the foregoing statements, and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in
all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.