10402 North College Avenue, Carmel
Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, in Clay Township,
Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North,
Range 3 East; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 16 seconds West (assumed bearing) on the East
line of said Northeast Quarter [137.80 feet Deed (1137.87 feet measured); thence South 88 degrees 59
minutes 00 seconds West parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter 431.86 feet to the
place of beginning of the real estate herein described; thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes 16 seconds
East parallel with said East line 269.85 feet to an iron pin located 162.20 feet South 00 degrees 01
minutes 16 seconds West of the South line of College Plaza, as per plat thereof, recorded in Deed
Record 135, pages 360-361, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South
88 degrees 56 minutes 24 seconds West parallel with the South line of said College Plaza 911.36 feet to
the West line of the Northeast Quarter of said Northeast Quarter, thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes
30 seconds West on said West line 269.17 feet to a line, which bears South 88 degrees 59 minutes 00
seconds West from the place of beginning; thence North 88 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds East on
said line parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter 910.27 feet to the place of beginning.
Together with Grantors Rights under an Easement dated July 31, 1978 recorded October 3, 1978 in
Book 37, page 780 and assigned to Grantor by Warranty Deed dated April 21, 1989 and recorded as
Instrument Number 8908254, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana.
Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3
East; thence West along the North line of a 5.635 acre tract owned by R. Borcherding, a distance of 455
feet; thence South a distance of 269.51 feet to the South line of said Borcherding Tract; thence East, along
said South line a distance of 455 feet; thence North, parallel with the East line of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, a distance of 269.51 feet to the point of beginning.
Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton
County, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning a the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3
East; thence West along the North line of a 5.635 acre tract owned by R. Borcherding, a distance of 455
feet; thence South a distance of 269.51 feet to the South line of said Borcherding Tract; thence East,
along said South line a distance of 455 feet; thence North, parallel with the East line of the Northeast
Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, a distance of 269.51 feet to the point of
beginning. Together with Grantor's rights under a Grant Of Access Easement dated July 30, 1986 and
recorded September 3, 1986 in Book 4, page 421 as Instrument Number 8618782, in the Office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana.
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East of the Second
Principal Meridian in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly
described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17
North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 28
seconds East (basis of bearings) on and along the East line of said Northeast Quarte r 1235.1
feet; thence South 88 degrees 57 minutes 31 seconds West parallel with the North line of said
Northeast Quarter 338 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence
continuing South 88 degrees 57 minutes 31 seconds West parallel with the North line of said
Northeast Quarter 639.02 feet to the East line of real estate described in Instrument #96 -
38053 on file in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, said East line being
the Northerly prolongation of the East line of Ruckle Street; thence South 00 degrees 00
minutes 28 seconds East on and along the East line of said real estate and parallel with the East
line of said Northeast Quarter 95.70 feet to the South line of the Northeast Quarter of said
Northeast Quarter, said South line also being on the North line of Harry Bowser's North Ridge
Addition as per plat thereof recorded in Deed Record 121, pages 400 -401 on file in said
Recorder's Office; thence North 89 degrees 01 minutes 57 seconds East on and along the South
line of the Northeast Quarter of said Northeast Quarter and along the North line of said Harry
Bowser's North Ridge Addition 639.01 feet to a point 338 feet West of the East line of said
Northeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 28 seconds West parallel with the East
line of said Northeast Quarter 96.52 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.41 acres, more
or less.
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East of the Second
Principal Meridian in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly
described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17
North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 28
seconds East (basis of bearings) on and along the East line of said Northeast Quarter 1137.80
feet to the Northeast corner of the real estate described in Deed Record 283, page 387 on file in
the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 88 degrees 57 minutes 31
seconds West parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter and along the North line of
said real estate 309.02 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter rebar at the POINT OF BEGINNING of this
description; thence continuing South 88 degrees 57 minutes 31 seconds West parallel with the
North line of said Northeast Quarter 668.00 feet to the East line of the real estate described in
Instrument #96-38053 on file in said Recorder's Office, said East line being the Northerly
prolongation of the East line of Ruckle Street; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 28 seconds
East on and along the East line of said real estate and parallel with the East line of said
Northeast Quarter 97.30 feet; thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 31 seconds East par allel
with the North line of said Northeast Quarter 668.00 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter rebar; thence
North 00 degrees 00 minutes 28 seconds West parallel with the East line of said Northeast
Quarter 97.30 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.49 acr es, more or less.
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, described as
Begin at a point 1137.8 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said
Section; run West parallel with the North line of said Quarter Section 1342.8 feet; thence South
97.3 feet; thence East parallel with said North line 1342.8 feet to the East line of said Quarter
Section; thence North on said East line 97.3 feet to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres ,
more or less in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East in Clay Township,
Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North,
Range 3 East in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes
28 seconds East (assumed bearing) on the East line of said Northeast Quarter 1137.80 feet to the
Northeast corner of the real estate described in Deed Record 283, page 387 in the Office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence (this and the following 3 courses follow the
boundary of Deed Book 283, page 387) South 88 degrees 57 minutes 31 seconds West parallel
with the North line of said Northeast Quarter 309.02 feet to a 5/8" rebar at the point of
beginning of the real estate herein described; thence continuing South 88 degrees 57 minutes 31
seconds West parallel with said North line 1033.78 feet to a 5/8" rebar; thence So uth 00 degrees
00 minutes 28 seconds East 97.30 feet to a 5/8" rebar; thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 31
seconds East parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter 1033.78 feet to a 5/8" rebar
which bears South 00 degrees 00 minutes 28 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence
North 00 degrees 00 minutes 28 seconds West 97.30 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing
2.31 acres, more or less.
Beginning 867.67 feet measured (867.6 feet Deed) South of the Northeast corner of the
Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, and on the East line thereof;
thence South on and along aforesaid East line 270.2 feet; thence West parallel with the North
line of said Northeast Quarter 200 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of said
Northeast Quarter 270.04 feet measured (270.2 feet Deed); thence Easterly 200 feet to the place
of beginning.
That part of the above-described property conveyed to the Board of Commissioners of Hamilton
County, Indiana, by Warranty Deed recorded December 10, 2002, as Instrument Number
200200095519, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows:
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton
County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines
depicted on the Right-of-Way Parcel Plat, attached thereto and marked as Exhibit "B", described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the East line of sa id section South 0 degrees 12 minutes 56 seconds
West 215.030 meters (705.48 feet) from the Northeast corner of said section, said Northeast
corner being designated as point "5" on said parcel plat, which point of beginning is the
Northeast corner of the g rantor's land; thence South 0 degrees 12 minutes 56 seconds West
131.869 meters (432.64 feet) along said East line to the Southeast corner of the grantor's
land; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 42 seconds West 7.621 meters (25.00 feet) along
the South line of the grantor's land to point "472" designated on said parcel plat; thence
North 0 degrees 12 minutes 56 seconds East 131.862 meters (432.62 feet) to the North line
of the grantor's land at point "70" designated on said parcel plat; thence North 89 de grees
07 minutes 31 seconds East 7.621 meters (25.00 feet) along said North line to the point of
beginning and containing 0.1005 hectares (0.248 acres), more or less, inclusive of the
presently existing right -of-way which contains 0.0422 hectares (0.104 ac res), more or less.
The portion of the above -described real estate which is not already embraced within the
presently existing right -of-way contains 0.0583 hectares (0.144 acres), more or less.
That part of vacated 108 th Street, North of Lots 97 and 98, as per Vacation order recorded
November 16, 1965 in Book 87, page 100 as Instrument Number 10549, in the Office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana.
A portion of the vacated 104th Street, being a part of the south Half of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 32 in Northridge Addition, a subdivision in
Hamilton County , Indiana, as per plat thereof; recorded in Deed Record 121, pages 400 and
401, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence running West on
and along the North line of Lots 32 and 33 in said Northridge Addition a distance of 270.0
feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 33; running thence North parallel with the Est line
of the south Half of said Northeast Quarter Section a distance of 13.0 feet to a point;
running thence East parallel with the North line of said Lots 32 and 33 a dist ance of 270.0
feet to the a point; thence running South on a line parallel with the East line of the South
Half of the said Northeast Quarter a distance of 13.0 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 0.08 acre, more or less.
Lots numbered 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 , 34, 35, 36, 93. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 160
and 161 in Northridge Addition, a subdivision of Hamilton County, Indiana, as per plat
thereof, recorded in Deed Record 121, page 400 and 401 in the Office of the Recorder of
Hamilton County, Indiana.