HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice ~OOFOF PUBLICATIO~!' ~6/~/vf k~/7pe/,.:"1- I~ r;f?~/te. State of Indiana, County of~on, =5' Before ~Not~R lie in and for the County of Hamilton and State of Indiana, personally appeared.. :~lf~. . .. ....... who being duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says, that he is the Publisher of the Daily Ledger, a Topics Newspaper,_ a newspaper of general circulation in Hamilton County, Sta~ Indiana, printed in the English language and printed and published~eekly in the town of Fishers, Hamilton County, State of Indiana. and that said Topics Newspaper have been published continuously for more than three years last past, in said, county and state; that the Notice of publication. a true copy of w}:lich is hereto annexed was duly published in said newspaper.... for...!... weekj (inSertionj' SU(:c@s8ively) which publications were made as follows: (', ..L. ,L. \~ 15 . .................. .......~ td~d)~c....::?. 7.,.. ..,gQ.q /....... ~' <~ ........................................................................................ \;:I.... '''RECE\\lED ' ..~\ OCT 10 2001 :;. ::": ~;~:~.:~;;~~~=~ :~':~~":':~"~:~l~i""' ':thOOCS i~ ~ /(')' the laws. 9a' ,f}2:'J-.~ .--(t\ ,q, ~' ...::.:.~( J~'i'?r!TI~~\ 'y./ 'f:.. /1tl . ~I' I !:.l,:;:.~- ......................... . ..~r/.. .........................................-- Sub~ribep_an~~worn to before me this ....d?.'7.......... day of .~~. t.:ealtf!fr-./::, 2001 N~~i~f~i7~... (Seal) My commission ~ires. ./!-:-J~??f~ Publisher's Fee../.:!.7!'.p./. _ / /: .' / Resident o~.../~ County , NOTICE OF puEiuc, HEARING BEFORE THE : CARMEL BOARD OF " ". ' ZONING APf>EALS" 'i ' Docket No.'v-92-Q1,Y'93.01; Y-94-Q1, V'109-01 , " Y,,1l0-01 ' , Notice, III here~ given that the CanneVClay Bo/udof Zoning' Appeals, meeting on the 22~d of October,200l at7:Ollp,m. In the CIIy CouncU Chambers; 2nd floor of Clly Hall,. One (1), CivIc Square, Carmel, Indl~a46032 Will hold a Public Heaifrig upon a Special Use appllcatlon'to I)lplace 3 existing signs 'with twO monuments. One near, Keystone 'Avenue and. one 'near.. .96t'" . Streel.'onii Variance' (or area ill requested lor Bach' mo~ument sign..One"Yarlance fOr: l\l!fghf req~ested for.: each monument sign:" .... ,.. " property l?E1ing:'known ,as, 3202 EjiSt'96thSlt'eet. . . The appllcallonls Identifleil, aSD9cketNo,Y-92-Q1, Y-93-01; Y.94-01 , Y-1-Cl9-Ql; y.1,10-Q1 ',The: raalestliteaffecled .by said appllcatlon'.IsdescrlbelljiS' follows:. < ..' '-,". ,,. , Tract .1 , 3202 E/96th Slniet;' ~arlllei, .l:lamilton,.VYIC213." 1276-0503 ,.c'.": .C,';' ., . "Tax.parcel'i/14-Q7.04''O'&- 010.000.' '..:' , . Part 01 the East Han 01 the Southeast, Quarter of $aCtIon ,7,. Township 17 North, .Range'4 East . In Hamil,ton, County, Indiana, more particularly descrtbedas follows: , Beginning 237.00 Ieet South 89 degrees 57 min~tes 00 silc" ondsEast (assumed bearing) 01. the southwest comer of the East' Hall of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, and ,on the SoutIY line thereof, thence continuing South 69 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds East. on ,and alom1.- aforesaid south line 200.00 fe8I; , .thence North 00. degrees .03 mln;; ut.es. 00,l!ecOnd~;J~ast.2~,QQ, Ieet; thence !\Iorth lI9,degreeS 57 minutes 00, seconds West P~. lei With ,the SoUth line 01 said East haU263,38leet to tlia Eest Right' of-Wayllne of State Road 11431; tlience S,O,Uth. ,.,OOdll,gr ... . utes30sBGondS' along' sald~;iligh 152.95 leet; the .' degrees 08 mlnutes.OOI\l1,Qlliids East .on and along said Rlgl:lt-ol- Way line 78.86 leet;, "thenCli South 00 degrees ,03 min~()O seconds West 40.00 'feel'to .!tie place, Olbeghinlng, coptalhi~g 1.416 acrell: more.or.tess;.sub- jectto all legal highways, ~' . ol-way, easements and nistrlC' lions 01 record. . TogetherWith' allllllSemenfg, rlghls, privileges and appurteC nances thereto, all buildings. . land Improvements and personal property thereon, and. all : ,of Granto(s right, titie and InterEiSt (II any) In all public ways adjoin. , Ing the premises, . All Interested persons de~~;, Ing to preseiit th~!r. views On ,Ih.lr above,appllcation,'either In wrlt. ing orvl!rbally, will be'given an opportunitY ,to be heard at the. I above-mentioned lime;l\ncj place,. Davld.C. George;.~, ' ' Petitioners ,,/,,':"/,. ':1~?~~~l.i27 ~~. tcr d~' { ") - 9 ~- ~ \ ~ - 9 4-01 , ~. ~\......,~ C' P>..(L 1;::) "":::., . ---- -- .__._~ --- OOT-10-2001 lIED 01 :20 PM c\.,,;h COl1tlUNITY SVCS ,~)>6ftf~s P. 08 ~l ,o!l~$4tto ~\ \ __., ^ 2Q/lI ,,;I _ y{;\ LlOCS ~l /!--j peTITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PU~9;.ttEARING . A' CARMeL/CLA Y BOARD OF ZONING APPE'A~I~n--'~:.0 'y I (WE) Insight Engineering, Inc. 00 HfREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/ClAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING Docket Number V-92-0l, V-93-0l, V-94~01, V-109-Ol. V-pO-Ol, WElS registered and mailed at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER ADDRESS See Attached STATE OF INDIANA S5: The undersigned. having been duly sworn u on oath says that the above information Is true and correct and he is informed and believes. County of Hamilton (County In Which notarization takes place) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for HaIl!i11!:on (Notary Public's county of residence) County, State of Indiana, personally appeared David C. George and acknOWledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this (Property Owner ~.A\'9mey, or Power of Attorney) ""'SCHEI.."'D,, 11th ....~~~.AA~..11< October ~ ~~ 0<<-.. 00:, ... . ~. #/fi!J : : re.r"'": -. ..... e .. - -.z .... .- i~...o (SEAI~.' i 0:,.., . ~ ~... ~'~'..t9y PU~~"~$ Herschel W. Roll ""t oF: 'I'NO\i"-~"'" Notary Publio..Please Print ""II...""" My commission e~pires: July 01. 2006 , 20 01 ~~(IJ,~ N a Public-Signature h;e 8 or 8 - Ow V{tt\8tlCII Appll=iClIl J ~ HAMIATON COUNTY AUDrU ... . Q Ifo/ I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: CJ1~~ 61{-(O"O] Tuesday, Apd110, 2001 Psg. 1 ", 1 HAMliD" COUNTY NOTIFICADONT PRfpARED BY 111 HAMlTON CDTY AlDTDRS DFRCE.IVISJON Of TAX MAPPING lI1BJ IIlOW ARE SUILBT PRDPERlB [SUBJECT MARKED IN YBlIIWl o iBUBJECT 16 14-07-04-08-010-000 EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC PROP TX DEPT PO BOX 4369 HOUSTON TX 77210 MMU:'o~ COUNIY-.NOmCAnO,.Q, PREPARED BY 111 ~TDN COUNTY AIDJDRS OffICE, DlVlSlDN OF TAX MAPPING o !PLEASE NODFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17 14-07-04-06-014-000 TOM WOOD REAL ESTATE TRUST SUITE 201 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-04-06-014-001 WOOD LEXUS R E LLC 3003 98TH ST E INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 16 14-07-04-08-001-002 T W INVESTMENTS LLC 3003 98TH ST E #201 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 16 14-07-04-08-002-001 YOUNG REALTY COMPANY L P 7399 SHADELAND AVE #166 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46250 16 14-07-04-08-002-002 YOUNG REALTY COMPANY L P 7399 SHADE LAND AVE #166 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46250 16 14-07-04-08-009-000 YOUNG REALTY COMPANY L P 7399 SHADELAND AVE #166 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46250 16 14-07-04-08-009-000 YOUNG REALTY COMPANY L P 7399 SHADELAND AVE #166 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46250 007 .... 8 (105) q >- . < 012 == 6) 009 . e (119) - ~.3 At:. ~ 001.001 -- 5.0~ At:. ..... 001 3.04 At:. ~ S.12 k. 7L2 006 i (116) 007 (1\7) 1OS.O 240.' moO 015 il I1l 0.41 At:. II "'.G iI 016 (2) 0.41At:. il 017 (3) 0.42 At:. @ 9.4~ At: .. 018 0 ii )> (4) -< ---------------- 0 @ ::tl III 0.82 At:. 7.31At:. ::tl (51 002 -I>- ~ 1.80 At:. ; 019 .(6) 0.42 At:. ...., ..... 1.2065 At:. ..... 020 006 ..... (71 ---------------- @ 008 1.7727 At:. ; 010 0.89 At:. 1.16 N:. 1.416 At:. (81 ~ JOO.. ~~ .. ,/ " , ,J '. ." o o \ <; / <'( ~-' i EXlUBIT "A" HAMILTON COUNTY, Tract 1. - 3202 E 96thSt. Cannel. HAMILTON. WIC 213';l2"~t4iS03 Tax Parcel # 14-07-04-08-01'0.000 ' 't;:'f\'l: :::,;~:(~~' ',~. Part of the East Half of the Southeast Qu '. :'P;:"iof Section . , ". I, .', .~' . 7, Township 17 North.' Range 4 East inJj; '~~ County. Indiana. morepanicularly described as~., '< s:: .L:,i'i, :. < Beginning 237.00 feet South 89 degrees ~'#iilutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) of the sq~~est corner ot the East ,Half of the Southeast Quarter~~~et;ion 7. Township 17 North" Range 4 East, and 0 ,'iSOUth line thereof, thence continuing South 89' de " ~:pninutes 00 seconds tast on and along aforesaid &.Qi{ -":~e 200.00 feeti thence:North 00 degrees 03 minut~~{;{#;Onds East 240.00 feetithence NQrth 89 degrees 57'.tes 00 seconds West paralleJ. with the South line of saidma~f.lI:ilf 263.38 feet to the East Right-of-Way line of St~t~~~d #431i thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds52l's~p., and along said Right-?f-Wayline 152.95 feeti the~~~'~fl153 degrees 08 minutes''OO seconds East on and along:~~~rS.ight-of- Way line 78~.86 feeti thence South 00 de ..';' ' minutes 00 seconds West 40.00 feet to the place" , ing, con- taining 1.4.~~ ~cres, more or l~ss, sub) Illegal highways, iights of way. easements;anct ~lons of record, '"," , ",.. ;';;":{:'>.l' together with all eaUm~nts. rlghts, privileges ~~rtenances thereto. all buildings. land itnprovementsand personal proper~;J:.lj.~reon. and all of Grantor's right, title aud interj~t (if any) in all public way~{~b.~?~ the premises. , 'J '" ,;;~~~~:..t ..::.... A-I ro,') '., .\, '. ' ; \~~~~t; " ,'=61, \11l'! ~:~l- ''''';T. ':'>;(\;r I , ~~, '" :',:,,',:. \ i:~;:' , , '{_~c: , ;..;.rl~~~ ' ;; ~:.~j~-.,!~~ t : to .-