HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence OCT.23.2001 08:11 3178489080~ '9\ ~~/?))';--.... ('\ ... -- "Adl/""- ....", ~ ... /,;~ . "J:' ~"i/ ~~ DE-CENEO \~, ~ rf)/, 9m 'a 100\ t~ ~ ~ llQCS ,t-"" FAX TRANSMITTAL LErt~ #3219 p.001/002 TO: Mr. Lawrence LiDlg INSIGHT ENGINEERINGt INC. COMPANY: City or Carmel FROM: David C. Cco~ P.L Suite 310 650 E. Carmel Drive Carme1.lN 46032 DATE: 10/23/01 TIME: 8:19 AM FAX#: 571-%426 TEL. #: 571-2400 (317) 848-9040 Tel. (317) 848-9080 Fax d~eom NO. PAGES (COYI3R INCLUDED); 2 IEI PROJ. #; PROJECT OESClUPTION: SheD (jiJ 9~ & 'KeYStOne ORIGINAL '1'0 fOLLOW: 0 YES ~ NO ViA: 'RF.MARKS: Lawtellte. 1 apoIoe1ze for the confusion last nl2bt. aD my rftum to the oftlce this IDOI"DIDRt I found that we were lDf'ormed of what to brill2 by your stall. What I did Dot do wa... to bring those mate". for each variaaee. IIlDclerstand now and wtll be DreDared for m..! Bm ,roleet. III the IDCIIltlm~ would y~ please Dresent the attached letter to the mcmben of.he board olmn'lII 8P>>eaIs. Thank you NOTICE: The e4closcd facsimile tran.~is.~on is Cl)rtfidential and is the property of lDsight EnginceTing. Inc. The privileged information contained herein is intended oJ1l.)' for the use of the individuals or entities named above. If yOu ate not the intended recipient., any unaut.hori~ disclosure.. c:opying, distn'bution or taking of action based on this information is prohlbil.od. If you have received lhis facsimile transmissiQn in error please inllncdiatcly nodi)' Insight Engineering, Inc. by telepbone. OCT.23.2001 08:11 317848908~ October 23,2001 Mr. Charles WeUUcaut: President Board of Zoning Appeals City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Shell SctYice Station 96th &. Keystone Mr. Weinkauf: o \\~). ~ \ )..-'----_13':/ ,\ l.'2.-".l~ .r.;z:.~~ .a\. "v-:.>. T "'''' RECEIVED .,'[/ PeT 23 2001 DOCS I want to apologize for not having enough ballots at the zoning heariDg last evening. I was informed by the city staff to bring ballots. My mistake was to not bring enough for each variance. I take full responsibility and will be prepared for my next appearance before the zoning board. Please ~ my apology and extend it to the other board members. Sincerely, UotL t1. ~ David C, George. P.E. Director of Engineering #3219 P.002/002 - Insight Engineering, Inc. Suite 310 650 E. Carmel DrIve Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 848.9040 (317) 848.9080 fax www.insightenginllsring.com t ~tCt\'Jt.\l . \ am \, '!a~\ \i:Y~\ . noCS Transmittal .....;. ..:- -, :;~'" To: '<';./.!J.T~ City of Carmel Carmel Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Attn: Sue Ellen Johnson Via: Courier Re: Shell Station 3202 E. 96th Street Carmel, IN IZI Plans o Diskette D Shop Drawings D Chan e Order u October 11,2001 From: ~ Phone: Fax: D Applications D Other: Stacey A. Fouts 'I.ilbl EIIlileerill, Inc. 650 E Carmel Drive, Suite 310 Carmel IN 46032 (317) 848-9040 (317) 848-9080 D Specifications 1 Affidavit 10 BZA Packets Remarks: D For Approval [gJ For your Use [gJ As Requested D Approved as Submitted o Approved as Noted o For Bids due o For Review and Comment o Returned for Corrections ~ Other (see below) Ice: nn __n. ____J____ 9801 - u I Transmittal - u September 28, 2001 To: City of Carmel Carmel Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Attn: Sue Ellen Johnson Via: Courier Phone: Fax: From: ~ Re: Shell Station 3202 E. 96th Street Carmel, IN Stacey A. Fouts IOlig'" EBg.leri., InC. 650 E Carmel Drive, Suite 310 Carmel IN 46032 (317) 848-9040 (317) 848-9080 ~ Plans D Diskette D Shop Drawings D Chan e Order D Applications D Other: D Specifications 1 Check for $140.00 for additional BZA fees Remarks: D For Approval ~ For your Use ~ As Requested D Approved as Submitted D Approved as Noted D For Bids due D For Review and Comment D Returned for Corrections [gI Other (see below) Ice: 9801 ~. ;'-~~~;i Jo . " \, Johnson, Sue E u - U From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Tuesday, September 25, 2001 2:44 PM Johnson, Sue E; Morrissey, Phyllis G; pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S Hollibaugh, Mike P; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Hahn, Kelli A Shell Station - 3202 East 96th Street (V-92-01; V-93-01; V-94-01; V-1 09-01; V-11 0-01) The following Docket Nos. have been assigned and fees assessed for Developmental Standards Variances filed by David George of Insight Engineering on behalf of Equilon Enterprises for the Shell Station located at 3202 East 96th Street: V-92-01 V-93-01 V-94-01 V-109-01 V-11 0-01 amended to three (3) Special Use identificatiojn signs amended to 43.34-square-foot identification sign amended to 6' 10.75" tall ground sign no additional fee no additional fee no additional fee 43.34-square-foot identification sign 6' 10.75" tall ground sign $70.00 $70.00 Total: $140.00 These Items will not appear on a TAC agenda. These Items will appear on the Monday, Octobelj)ef22, 2001, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. The petitioner is responsible for bringing seven (7) collated copies of the Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheet for the Board's use the night of the Public Hearing. Ten (10) informational packets will need to be delivered to BZA Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, October 12, 2001. Mailed and published Public Notice will need to be accomplished no later than Thursday, September 27, 2001. Sue Ellen, please contact David George (or Stacey) of Insight Engineering at (317) 848-9040 [fax: 848-9080] with this information. ~ ~ -'dS-~\ ~'. a..-~ ~t~ Laurence M. Lillig,Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ~ ~<1'd-'6.u1 ~ ~ f(s Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 llillig@ci.carmel.in.us 1 -1 ~~ . u o - ;\~~ ~/ CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Seavices One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax To: ~, ~~~ ~4B- ~D~D From: a~ ~ Pages: ~ Date: 9 ~ ~~ -al u"t ~ Fax: Phone: Re: 9lo on\. ~ ~€"1-'- cc: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle u I Transmittal o Septennber14,2001 To: City of Carnnel Dept. of Connnnunity Services One Civic Square Carnnel, IN 46032 From: ~ ~ Via: Courier Phone: Fax: Re: Shell Station 3202 E. 96th Street Carmel, IN [gI Plans o Diskette o Shop Drawings o Chan e Order o Applications o Other: E o Specifications Qty Description 2 Copies of revised BZA application and required infornnation 2 Copies of revised sign plans Remar*s: o For Approval [gI For your Use [gI As Requested o Approved as Subnnitted o Approved as Noted . o For Bids due '0 For Review and Connnnent ' o Returned for Corrections [gI Other (see below' Ice: 9801